The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, January 20, 1922, Image 1

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FOURTEEN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Vol. 2 MERCER UNIVERSITY, MACONrGA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1922 No. 13 HARMON, SMITH STAR IN LOCAL FIVE’S VICTORY Coach Cody’s Men Display Fine Form Against Visitors. SCORE OF FIRST HALF 16-4 Auburn Gets Two Field Goals; Hahn Puts Up Good Game. ( YEAR’S SEVENTH SUCCESS Manner Crowd Sees Alabama ({uintet Bow Before Baptists. TOM) IN FIGURES Mercer (31) Wilkes (4) Smith (10) Gamble Harper R.F. L.F. C. L.G. Auburn (7) Hahn (f) » Dudley Harrison (e) . Duke (2) Harmon (15) R.G. Thigpen Summary: Wear for Wilkes; McWilliams for Harper; Simmons (2) for Gamble; for Auburn, Hill for Harrison. , “ Score end of first half, Mercer 111, Auburn 4. Field goals, Mer cer 14, Auburn 2. Fouls, Harmon 3 out of 6. Officials, I’ound (U. uf G.) referee. Timers, Turner (Mercer) and Kendall (Auburn). Scorers, Hiitsell and Baker. Time of halves,. 20 minutes. Ily ( . E. Baker .Exhibiting a fur superior brand of basketball than that- shown in any previous name on the home floor this Mason, Mercer University easily out classed the Auburn Tigers in the new City Auditorium, and the- invaders making their first trip to this city in seven years, were defeated by the lop-sided score of 31 to -7. George Harmon, sensational run ning guard,' and “Cofisuello” Smith were the outstanding stars- of the game, though they had able assist ance in Captain Harper, Gamble and Wilkes'. Harmon racked up a total of six field goals, plus three fouls oil! of eight attempt's for fifteen, tal lies which made him high point man of. the evening. Every one of. the baskets negotiated by the former. l>a rper high school star were from dif ficult angles, strictly of the 1 sensa tin,ml variety. On the other hand Smith, for Mercer, put up the best floor game he has yet shown ami succeeded in. tallying five goals from the field. Two Goals for Auburn Auburn was able .to negotiate- but two field goals in' the' entire game their, other three points being made by the foul route. They were out classed in every . department of the indoor game and at no time, threat ened the Orange and Black standard bearers. F,red Hahn, • brother of . the 'celebrated "Hub" Hahn, offered the sol- consolation of the Tigers in. their unexpected large marginal de feat. The game was an exceptionally clean one, there being no one ban ished from the . struggle on - account of personal fouls, though two men, Wilkes of Mercer and Hahn of Au burn; were assessed three such pen alties in the: entire course of the battle. “Red” Pound, former Uni versity of Georgia luminary, refereed the-contest and there were few ob jections to any !of hjs rulings. Six fouls were called against Mercer, Whjl-i eight-were assessed the Tiger?. First Half is 16-4 , The score at the end of the first half was 16 to 4, in the locals’ favor, with Hahn making one field goal and two fouls for the visitors’ tally ih the initial period. Soon after the second period opened, Coach Cody substituted Filed” Simmons ’ f<# Gamble, Wear for, Wilkes apd Mc Williams for Harper, and the Bap- h*ts continued to meet with just as much success as formerly. The victory marked the seventh'-of the season for the Orange and piack out of eight games played, and the t«cond intercollegiate acalp on the home floor. CAULDRON ALMOST READY FOR PRESS Sta(T Hopes to Get Books Back in May. The Cauldron is almost ready to be sent to the printers. The staff | lias been working hard since early fall getting the Njwtterial collected 1 and with practically all the material ip hand, what is hoped will be the best Cauldron .ever gotten out is ill- j most complete. .- I All that’s new in the building line at Mercer will la- reproduced. .Two 1 full pages are- given to the pictures | pf the Fresh-Soph Rush, giving the ; Rush, in detail from' the time the! Sophs' met the Fresh contestants, the march through "the bathtub", to Wesleyan, and on downtown until the Inst mellifluous strains of Pharr’s j "Ain’t We (lot .Fun” onee more re | duced Cherry street to a humdrum thoroughfare of a busy city. There is a picture of the dedieu'- I lion of Alumni Field, and an action I picture. showing George Harmon’s | touchdown ip the Birmingham- Southern game, the' first touchdown.| made on Alumni Field. Then there I -s a good picture of much beloved Battle making-one of his earnest j and ,eloquent speeches, in front.of the grandstand betwe-n halves, W. “Kelly” • Wynne has charge of the humor of the book, and all know what Wynne enn do. He lifts a . new section called "Cauldron Bubbles,” which is, .one of the- best tilings he ever did, and that’s saying a lot Littlefield has- an. article entitled “Ruminations of a Rat” that is guaranteed to • produce several laughs to the square incji. The Ren- : or.s huv-e. two full pages of sponsors and George Washington Harrisrin .Stanley was one of the first Seniors, tii turn in a- picture for sponsor. N,ow you wouldn't have thjiught that (If George Washington,-would you? But it is true. And these are'just a f -w of tin- many new and interest ing things that are to .be found, in this year’s Cauldron. FRESHMAN WRITES OF NEW DISCOVERY Believes He Vamps Girls in T-Hound Style. “jan. Id, 1'922, ’dear pAw:— • “eye- havun't rit you sins j gol’.yere frum the t'rism'use hoii'daze, so ey thot i wqod rite u another epistul e's tha proechurz bear sez. paw tha have, got anuther kine of Bawl'gaim hear now. it is BuSkitbawl it uint like futbawl. u uze.a rdun bawl and thro it' ut a sort ov glorielidc barrell hup whitch haz sum tattin hanging under it. . we PlAyed juWgur TEk' a fu nites ago( ( tha pla ft at nite, in a barn beggern dok jOanzes at hOm.( wi- shore did bed Hie tek too, it wuz such a doas-gaim thet we wuz tide up to the las minnit, thin 1 of our men shot a goal an l-.the gaim-. “paW,- ime getiin to bee a reglar ile vamp eye am. on the tha Wus a hOie lilts uv wE.deett gurls on the tiane an i shore' did. have a good time. 1 uv thim title, me -i wuz gri-in but i tide her i wuznt .the oanlie painted' 1' in tha buntch, onli'e she wuz a iliffurnt cullur. eye a ole t lipun tho? Tha aint nun v tha girls espurdy as sAllie is' tho, evun if i do sa it miself. , “WE plade auburn thu other nite too an it wuznt a eIdas gaiili at tall. weJis beet them aWI to peeees tha bOyS R goifi on a trip nek fri. ,i (hot tha wuz goin 2 ask me, hut tha ain) perlite a tall, so 1 am Vjis-t goiii 2 sta rite - hear. we PI>ft/a -kolljg naimd KI>amaUn nex thpr. nite- Wcll, itr suppur time so i will leev. i aint askin fur munny this time, aint i ekeriommukul i aint got but 3 c tho, an. the wash woman will want sum. i ,dont no Vhut i will do. "rite sune 2 yore sun, tell ma hello, an kiss mi pup fer me. ’ “brhKenly, yorze, “BILL.” HARD ROAD TRIP FOR CODY’S TEAM I’lay Tech, Chattanooga, Bryson ( ollege, V andy and Georgia. GEORGE HARMON I < dmmencing. their second road trip of the season, the Mercer basketball I *'l ui *d left Friduy dmorning for At lanta, where they, do buttle With the fast "Golden Tornado" tean The squail- left with the determination to I lay an even superior game than that demonstrated against the ( lem- , son aggregation, which invaded this j'ity Thursday night. To date the team has scored 281) points in com- ' Paris.,n to 1(>7 registered for their opponents. This is exclusive of the 1 li-nison game. . ' ’. ■ . After the Fech battle, Friday night another melee will he waged in ( hat- tanoogu when .Mert-cr meets the Uni versity of Chattanooga in the first gaiue between the fw<i schools this season. This wijj he Saturday night. ’ 1 attatioogu, by the way, is boast ing of a better team ’ than last year and a squad equal to‘any in the his tory of. tin- college. • .. I" loin t liattanooga the team will journey to Fayetteville, Tenn., where they' play' N Bryson’College. Bryson ':is the former J institution of learning wliere^RejF’ Simmons, Harbin, Rhea aiid^Snuth formerly perched' us dig , lulled Seniors. The scrub team will play this team, as couch announces t that he wants to save his varsity five . for the game against Vanderbilt [ Tuesday night. After the Vanderbilt 1 - game . the | squad will return to the campus, ar- ROBERT M. GAMBLE MASTER MERCERIAN Senior While Working Way Through Works lo Top. By F. R. Nulls, Jr.- Robert M. Gamble was given the greatest honor which' Mercer can be- <iw on any of her sons when he wus ectcd Master. Mercerian Friday at chapel. He was elected by an over whelming majority, seeming to be the unanimous choice of the whole student -body.. In all former.-elec-. 1 win's .of the Master .Mercerian two or three 'ballot’s have been . required, but this; time when the first ballot w-as counted it was found -that' Bob had'11)2 vote's-and that all his oppo nents combined had only 172. Amid .the, enthusiastic applause of the stu- . riving here sometime Wednesday. Sensational running, guard of Mi'r- * * M ’ y immediately, begin to prime ,rcFs sjuicessful 'basketball team. He f " r lht ' Georgia game, to he ! mail, the first touchdown on the new plity-ed in Athens Saturday night. Alumni. Field and also, made tile first i lLU " 1 W1 ** Dave only two days ‘ ■’ • "> which to prepare for the game, w hich in the -estimation of the ktu .uclidovVii on the new Alumni Fiel.. and also made the first goal f„ r - this season’s basketball team.' dents lent body Dean. McGinty announced that 1 Boh, had wiip. "Boh," as lie is best known by the student body of Mercer University and the .sporting’.funs of Macon, has made' his own way in the world since quite a lad by means of his ability as an expert stenographer and later as' u. newspaper reporter. He is at present an' associate editor of the'- Mercer (.'luster, and."the college cor- resppndent of the Macon Telegraph and Atlanta Journal. His college and Macon friends de clare that he has well lived up to a quotation in this year’s college an nual: "To W-hlit Mercer called him he has yet to answer ‘No.’.” - The following is the sketch given PROF. ROBINSON IS MACON ART PATRON him in the Mercer Cauldron, the col lege. annual: " • ■Robert M. Gamble,. B. S. (’,, “Bob,” __ Macon, Ga.. April ti, 1900; S; A. E. is one of the most important Fraternity, Ppi Delta Society, char- on the schedule. ter. member Quill (Tub. ( each Cody announces that he. will 191K-19: Sergeant. MerceY S: A. T. take ten men on the trip. The men j C.; president School of Commerce; arc to be selected from the follow-|'class- basketball; Glee Club; S. I. 'A. ing: Gamble, Wilkes, Wear, Smith, I A. tennis tournament; 11 ’ ■ Ily F. R. Nalls. Jr. ’ ^ "The of the' Macon Art •Ass>« latum .s to bring exhibitions of .America's In st -paintings to" Ma- *qn, and to buy each year some •painting by some American painter of note which is ■ to- remain perma nently in Macon." 'said Pryf. Joseph Robinson, Mercer English instructor, w.lii-n about his recent talk to the' M aeon patrons. "Last year they bought the paint ing Gray Twilight,’ by Ben Foster, one of America’s foremost painters, of the few Wlyi have' a painting nr tin- .Luxemburg Art Gal-- Icry. This year tncy expect to write to several g.uid painters and have th.iin send so'nie .of llipir' woik fu the exhibition, apd. • then , pick out what (In \ -thiiik is tin- best painting anil By* doing this, they save not . 'illy tliv war tax which -would be -in- . lived' by the painting . passing through tlu- ,art gallery, hut also, the c-ommission. which the art gallery takes for- selling it.” Prof. RoliiMsirir. is-, now. -giving' a' our-e In.'"Modern ..American Paint ing," Ile lias made a thorough study of- paintings, and is trying haril to wake Macon up to her possibilities! The'proceed? from his course will go to. buy another painting for the Art Association. By.joining this class ne automatically becomes an art patron', and is entitled to admission jo nil the art shows which are brought to Macon this year. ‘RED" WELCH, MERCER’S GRID STAR, IS FATHER E; R. “Red” Welch, the red-headed two-fisted fighting fullback-preacher on the : Orange and Hlack. eleven at Mercer last fall, proudly announced yesterday -morning that he W pn the happy father of Florence Montague Welch, the child having been born early Tuesday-morning. ‘"Why, that’s the prettiest baby I, ever saw. She is the very image of her father,” he said. — .Harmon. Harper. McWilliams,' Sim- inoris, Bennett, Hanson, Cadenhead, and Cecil. chairman STUDENTS PREPARE TREAT FOR GIRLS commerce years. iocial committee, four )0Ml-20: Varsity basketball;' Glee (!luh; circulation manager. Orange and Black; .Commerce representative students’ advisory council; president ! Spanish (Tub; vice, president School f Commerce;, alternate, Spring. term, debate:, class baseball; manager ten- I’ictures Include All Clubs and nis tournament Two Societies W0.2J; President School of°Com- - manager Glee ( lub; associate -. .*• i nierce; ... i j . .. | editor Mercer Cluster; varsitv has-. Look pleasant, please,” were the L. , K '.. ■ - , , ; kethall; assistant manager basket- words heard numberless times on-the ( ,„,.. <i ; u . llt j„ ul ,, lllKm ,, ass; <ampus last Friday morning and af- j liuit , das , basehall; Mercer ternoon.. The’ occasion of the well-1 n , k . Mt , M# ,, m . T ,t,., known phrase being used was the ^ ,. 1VM , )( . nt School ..f H-om- of -pictures ■ the Cauldron, i ni . riv; associate’editor’MerCer Clus. Every class and dub posed and. re- u : r; chairmai, V.,»,nf,t'(.-.- on',, ustitu- posed biMore the camera to have it*. liw by laws for ^ tuilvn4 Tribu- ' i i“ f W . Utk m ' ,nU : r th “ mil; general, chairman .c. nipaign. girs.of Wesleyan, Bessie Tift, G. -N- f (sucee.ssfu, i foV 500 enroll,,,-nt at '• •' • anil the other feminine- institu- m .. _ tin ,,,'ji’. ' i , ‘ Mercer, fall 1921;. president JournaL lions bf learning a treat( ?) According to a well known post grad and two or threet qironiinen Seniors', the Caul.lrun will be a eom- I'k'te sui-ees's this year, for. their pic * turns appear in every' organization at Mi-rccr. i-vcn to the Classical Club, comphsed of the' students digging for Latin and Greek.. But our regret is that all the Seniors except one for-1 got to-wear their derbies und sport their canes. All had to the photographer, boys ' for the sk.iU and -patience wh'ich en able him .to keep all- two hundred ! Freshmeni still foe two minute? at a time. . has- lass;- vice-, president class and student body; -yar«ijy kethall; historian Quill Clutv; Mj-rc’e corri spoident Macon Telegraph an Atlanta Journal. , MAJOR A. B. CONGER . Hon, A. B. Conner, former whirl-1 wind student orator and football Ijnc-.i man of .several years ago, has just | been elected mayor of Bainbridge! Ga. This is "Abe’s” second election as" mayor of his adopted city. For J several years after leaving Mercer .University, he gained state-wide rep,-1 utation as a member of the. Georgia' legislature. ■ I • While on the Mercer campus am) while* attending the institution “Abe” was one of the most popular" students and it is npt a surprise. that he is •Iso a leader in Bainbridge. ROBERT M. GAMBLE Elected by Mercer student body Master Mercerian 1922. I.-' % , ,1