The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, February 03, 1922, Image 1

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ia 27-18 IB* HIBCGR UNIVERSITY SYSTEM FOURTEEN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES Vol- 2 MERCER UNIVERSITY, MACON, (LA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1922 No. 15 MERGER PULLS EFFECTIVE RALLY DOWNS GEORGIA By \\. <'. MI'NDAY, JIL of (ieorgin Student VI'IIENS.-e-As our ancient friend, i, nel Aesop, said: “You can't tell wl ,!'s gonna happen within'a sjie’ci-. li, . T time until said specified time expired." And Colom'l Aesop's il,, ry certainly was clearly ilemon- i ired in the Georgia-Mercer name i,i ihe . Moss, auditorium; Friday I Yu i i, when the Baptists w.ith eleven j mil i|cs . to tro and the score stand | IS to Id apailist them staged a n , spectacular come hack, shot live ! m',.. | from the Held in succession and. | ; M . IchtaUy downed the Bulldogs, 27 to. H. ■ _’|: was the first home gahie for the i:> and Blackers and >vas witnessed t.\ - .j it exceptionally lame crowd, in- , lading » number of fans from neigh' . Ii'm’inn towns. The visitors jumped to. an early le d and scored five 1 . i ts'before the homeliligs had rung tlHloops a single time, h rankly, at il, . stnine of the seemed' 'tlf,it; tile Stcgcmites Would hi * 1 downed la a large score. ! However, that old, jic\i r say ilie spirit . of eGorgia’* ■,\ a -null ill evidence and iit the ter-. • mil of the first half the ,Ythen- as were, trailing their''opponents by wo points, the count being 111 m favor, of. Mercer, Georgia lin k with a vim in the soconu li-alf atnlvin short order overtook the king the iead by three Georgia's hopes were at'the ia la-t point . aC this juncture of the -i t t j and it appeared that a Bed and Black victory wasU-imminent. But tl . n. like a bolt from, a clear ky, niita Mercer’s .great conhpbayk. Five .tiiii* s In rapid-fire order dm the vis- ttoi . ring that basket,” and when the Inals finally repained their biMancu tin score was 2t> to Hi against them: Tin n they shot a . basket hut the* iiita y .two points didn’t pain a thmp. as the game ended soon .after, .follow mp the shooting of a foul poal hv Mi rcer. Mercer entereil the value under a hip handicap. "Smoky'' Har per the Baptists’ star guard, was out f the pame, havinp been. strieken early Friday morning with' an attack of influenza. I iambic and llarmon Star It never, he,:•wasn’t missed so min li after all, since the defensive •%ork of .the' winners was wonderful. TV' heat Georgia with the same mu' 1 no . with which Georgia tivcr- f,anm jliem in Macon last year',, a poii• fu! five-man defense. Georpia Usee ner live-man defense in the em niuMef but it failed to pet Will is did .Mercer's. The Mercer bo;- tiVcred the floor in an excep tion My fln<? style, rendering it ex-, .m-dmgly difficult fpr the Georgians to -v 'i;k the ball near their oppo nent ■ •’ poal where they -could take easy tries for goats. To Robert Gan. - .e and "George Harmon, ,, center anil 'upht guard for’ Mercer respec tively must be handed the laurels for Mercer's victory, although » on- sue!. . Smith, one of' the forwards, should- be given a portion of the honm-. Smith with six field goals, was ijie high scorer of the pame. Gamble and .Smith shot a little, too; blit their best work was done in cov ering the floor and in keeping' the Bulldogs from - shootinp. They, ex hibit!- rare passing and side step ping ability, and were two thorns in , the Georgia scoripg machine which Pierced to the bone.' • . >.• The Lineup and summary: Mercer (27) Wilkes (2)7 , SmiUni2).... Gamhi,i(,6) McWilliams Harm o n(7 ) Georgia (18) Boney(4) Boney(4V .P. Bennett(4) . Clark (2) Murray(2) Referee, Hotchkiss. .Substitutions: Georgia,. Murray for Boney, J.' BeP- ne tt for Murray, Boney for Murray. Mercer, none.' Summary; Field goals Smith fi, Gamble 3, Hurmort 2, Wilkes M Kawson 2, Boney'2, R. Bennett 2, Glark 1, Muprayl. Foul goals, Har mon 3 out of 6, Rawson 2 out of 8. THIS BASKETBAI.I. SQUAD TOOK GEORGIA IN TOW AT ATHENS, 27-IS PULITZER PRAISED BASEBALL DIAMOND FACULTY MEMBERS BY OLIVER HART RAPIDLY IMPROVES GIVEN ONCE OVER Episcopal Rectors, Emphasize Candidates . for Orange and Dr. Accuracy in All Work. Black to, Work Oul Soon. talking to the‘students* at chapci XercisVs Wednesday morning. Oliver .1. Hart, 'n-ctnr of Ghrist's Church', advised thatNlhey: secure aii tact urate knowledge, of YvTiat they read. lie dlus.tra.ted. ins. |>Nnt.hy giving a brief sketch of tile Hfyuf. Kdit lit/.ei, 'selected from 1-iYJa.nd' ventures’W ith a Genin' He stated that Pulitzer «: Believer in .accuracy; that in even the iitinor details and Tcm.env- bered them-as'well us filii imp'jititnt phases.' Ire,land; in his hook., tills'of several exjierivnoos that Pulitzer lupl with lii-s secretaries. . Pulitzer I" caiiie blind - twenty- live years before his death. During this: ployed live' private, secretaries., 'Knelt secretary 'took - his'pin tat sweretl his queriep-. ■ for •ach <|ay.' The see return—- sefevted- By Ptl-llt- zer 'were all ollcgc graduates'. All' to speak in., several:.differ ent tongues.' In'dand teils'of The test Pulitzer held for choosing his set re- tar ies. Pulitzer- , was t.iice, ;o.i ■ an island with, one of his :TfipIic:Vnt-. 1Ie asked 'that ■ the apldioaiit describe everything that • he could see. - The man :wns to t.el-l even ’the' denseness of the atmosphere, the wrinkles in the faces of the people , he .could see, the’ hills liriij trees, every By J...P. Leggett . Work Bn. thi; basebu.ll ’iliainl.nd .at Alumni I n Id has BeCii'essiiig lapnlly for tin* past' nnm.tli. Fla ilk Hunt, w.liu was ground-keeper at t entrirl <'11y. l'ui'k for. fifteen .years. r is in charge-o f till \Vurk . lit' s t'atcs "AM-. that sixty |oai s’ of. i* ill* U* •s havA* been - placed on t-lic lie l,i and u'\ fl’VtJ >iith i firm enough ’ dirt ti raisi tlu* .surfat »• seX - ■ i al• inches. Thi: "infield has been cleaned off and’ is now' iii/thf process of Be in'g rolled'. .The out’fit i'i i as'Bi'eh -ntlili t| and i.< S i./g ,K ■■'.G.■■ i V. . 'The diamond .showpi'ospi . ts Gf Being I Be fastest iti l,hc South li..-.tTc end of the j ..Batfery pra | t>t'l-r. am]’ nuBip iUr ‘ l * .""-'[Be ten- |iip"lit.r- 1 . hours | f ()r , | 1U |i| S t se i t ice begins February tins it "thatytheru u ill and live catchers out ssitfn. , Captain ,"Tige" Stone. A Hit* Thompson; flay, Kyals, U Kr .Wallace, Stapleton; Haimnatk, Siiii-moiis . f lardematv, and several otlnT.s. wiir constitute, the list*of con tenders for pitching staff. “Hop’.' Morgan* Sid' Kllison, t lcgg, Morris a ini Tciinillc will tight dt out Tor i atc-hcr.' t., " . '• • ■ Wilkes, . Si ■ars and Henderson had better look out for themselves on thy infield. .Harmim, • Wasden, Purvis, Bolton, Prentjss,, DashC'r, Me Rue and Wear are.goiijg to furnish plenty of opposition. .Smith, Simmons and Irvin .will tiave ii Battle.oven first bast'. ■ox N ieknunied “Mabel’ His Fellow Students. by By F. IL Sails, Jr. "W by , ye.-. I have had apgond 'many nickname- in my life," stu'.l Hr. Fox, Mi leer* Biology instruct'or,' '-'but tile only ope which J kept for any length of time was .'Foxy.! They gave ine' ■that when' 1 was still a Buy, and it Inis stayed w .Tli, me ever since. I have Bad several other names, how- •ever. It <ias. customary at. the prep' school w h if lx* I attended' for the''boys' JO ■ gave the ' hoys . the names of atiy ."f Hjc girls- who sho'' a marked preference fur them. 1 , reifi'ember I took- inut girl; to ’ several' commence-' incuts'', aiuf they started 'calling me .M.aBc!.’ 1 didn't, mind it vi-ry much, tijougii,» v "1 was Born at Gcriiiantown, which 1 11)ink ,.'s now a part of Philadelphia. 1 dpn't. fememBcr. evactly 1io\v'I made Illy tii-si : dollar. - But 1 think it must h.aye been-By'selling newspapers. 1 know 1 didTthat for. a pretty 1'ong while When I Was a- boy..”'- l*n. Fox's '. htihfiy has since' child-, hood been IVioTogy,',,r some other line' of nature study. He has a t+ior- oiigh .study erf the natural sciences; .and is known throughout the scion : title World' for. the research work He .is tile, author rtf. tnorc- than tyvvtit'y artfclcs ,-puldishcd by. tin Cn'tcd States government in their, scientific magazine.. • ! I|1 his early .chil'dhpiid I)r. Fox. hail a Tliilihy for cidlecUng. railroaii ndips. Before he startetl tti College he knew the'nanus of all the railroads''of any importance in the. country, and had acquired ii fairly accurtite knowledge of the -geography of, the Country by studying his failroad maps. 'If I hail kept up- that’ intV'rest’ in WHISKER-PULLING ETC. AT ATHENS Mercer Student Has Bis Time, (iuesl of (ieorgians.“ • | lu; basketball team -had just fin ished bearding' the Athenian "Bulf- M"c . in- -Iii.s- ow n '.backyard anil we, ' having Been present at .this whisker pulling, felt as 'if wc were called - .ujnoi to do sfime parallel* feat, if sucl.i . .wijre, possible.' ... Af.tcr .the. auditoriuni! cleared, we, 'ill-company with ,a couple of GcBrgia'. .men. were' isitndling' thi- streets ,,f' At Bens. Il'pip we received news iff grunt doi; at .the Ag.' bpild'irig, out ' oil Ag Hill. -Wy were promised, ' ph'id-v nf cuts , arid a good time in - g.i'ticral of wi■ would go. There is no '.'bod tu .ask us whiit, we did under ■ these - particular 'Circumstances.'* .lire first assault 'was delivered upon, a line of ice. crekm churns .'"tinned by. several ambidexterous -i pons. These boys slung a wicked' com and wc consumed said article in -D'c .-'iiiri'. manner'it was sjung.. Here we iingeryii f r a few minutes much .to the diminution of the cream sup ply; Acute internal strife finally dr-vc us away When we .climbed to tin third floor.where a song-fest was in progress. .Just as we arrived the orchestra' swung into “Glory to Old Georgia. .Now' it is quity natural [for a Mercer man to agree with- j (leotgia in . everything in this ditty save one word. Of.course, we were, expected to -sing. We weren't .hang-' ing-anybody to sour apple trees and so agreed nicely, until we .reached, the fourth' wiiril pf the chorus. We just couldn’t say it, but it -isn’t on record that w< tried. So,. While,the rest of the assemblage was allotihg ghiry to old.Georgia, We entered Mercer’s requisition for the .same .article. ; Scarcely had the - name, ’of our Alma Mater clipped from .our Bps when we - .received . a crushing biow upon the left shoulder.- fasting a fearful glance in that direction to deterininc the origin of the. cuff, we Beheld a co-ed. It was' the- first- 'turn*-' wc had Bien-facc tu face with one of tin species,- especially one With'mur der'm her eyes. .This vvas the termi nation Of our activities.' Wc. couldn't sing w hat. they wanted, \ im undcr- stl'tnif vvhy, and. wc ■ couldn't . sing what we wanted, we trust you 'will, understand that alsu. ' I'nder' these' circUhistanee.- w'i" had to subside. Fverythiing taken, into .considera tion. that is. aside from •'the. incident "f tlic fistic co'-A'd., we 'had a fi'ne time./ ' Georgia student® individuai' ■ ar if colliVtively put themselves out to show us a'gum! time. The fine, .old tradition*,of- Southern hosj itality 'arc well observed at thi- I’nivi riity. By One of tlu ’Bunch" PSYCHOLOGY TEST IS BIG SUCCESS living, stationary arid 'moving object. , Hiiiriniack, Harper-anil Sbcppanl, Ireland says that Pulitzer .uld'tell; last year's oiitfiejd, are- in i|ni* Gt although blind, when the liian- ndide some: hard \gork before they have' a mistake, lie said thm lie eould i their i.ldhplaees, cinehed; ,A'. few- of have-a .mail quoting a play or .slory | the prospective outtii'Iders are-Toore,' arid- when, the man nuule ii mistake. I’ettevvay, tiain/'s, O Quinii, Lovett, he could correct him. I 1 * * ecil and Rice. , . “this,” said the speaker, „'">hows , _ R'gUlaW pract iee w ill begin within,.}, ’be- a"railroad , plx-si- earnest applicatiim: study of. the. thrl'e weeks and .the t.rst ganre .ci.mes | (|( , ht fl - d (| mi j., iotlair - q, V . now, I Closest type. ' A .thing, winch every- the 21st of March. AB , I.“^ A. A;, sai , f :p r ; FoV . w ithi a , la ggh one should fry tg do. ' More espe-; aspirants will please-fake notice, that ' • ; ciajly should the college hoy apply Stone .& ( o.. are rathpr Desirous ’ of- t .■■■;■. . 7' 7 himself and-, try to remember thy ex- finishing first pn tin list <>f lit22. and She: ‘‘Dp unto -others as you w'ould act details. \and not have ■ a.A'ague: i'titend 'to’ give, somcbmly a .fight be- have ..them do uiito you.”' idea ,of ’things..’*" " i fore the; season i.s over; . ; \ He .kissed. her.—Purple and White. I’rof. Jacob’s Efforts Recognized .With Columbia and Brown. That Prof, Peyton . Jacob'- eff ' rt'- tfi establish a'suitable Psychol- giral test at- Mercer have, been crowned with success was -shown when the . chairman of the college -section of the Pennsylvania Educational Ahsogitt- tio'n classed Mercer' among . the .four best prepared schools'; psychbi'ogU cally, in The country. ;! -The chairman, of .this a'ssiiciatiun has been touring' the United States inspecting the psychological depart ments gf the various schools, and his report was that the four best were Brow,'n, Columbia, (iouchur and Mer cer: . ’ : •, . : This report sh6,ws the. result of $he ■Hard work of Prof: Jacob, for in'the short spaeC of three years- he has not only installed : a, Psychological course at Mercer,, blit has done his work so thoroughly that .Mercer has been ranked among the best* "• ' ■