The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, February 03, 1922, Image 4

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Page Four THE MERCER CLUSTER February 3, 1922 V, NASH’S MEAT MARKETS 12 of Them All in Rogers Stores The best in meats at the lowest possible prices —but quality is never sacrificed to price. SEE— ' —what you get —where it comes from —how it is weighed CONVENIENT TO MERCER NASH’S MARKET 739. College St. MEAT MARKETS UNIVERSITIES NOW GIVE JOURNALISM tttUMUMWtIOTLk IlM. IT’S A PLEASURE TO SERVE MERCER MEN We want you to feel at home, fellows, in our store. Drop around any old time, whether you trade or not. Tattnall Square , . Pharmacy 1%' of our gross receipts go to promoting Mercer , athletics. Phones 2691 and 2226 umaucMvf.. PHI DELTA SOCIETY HOLDS HOT DEBATE REAL ESTATE, LOANS INSURANCE We build homes and sell them on the most reasonable term3. We place your funds oh in vestments secured beyond'possi bility of loss. i . ■ We give your Rent Accounts our personal attention. Our service is the result of -twenty years’ experience. CITY REALTY COMPANY , 566 Mulberry St- Phone 4213 Macon, Georgia Hotel Lanier CATERS ESPECIALLY r . TO MERCER STUDENTS ;* THEIR FAMILIES: AND FRIENDS ’ CHAS. A. H1LBUN ■r OPTOMETRIST ' and Manufacturing Optician Ffcoine 575. 620 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. R. H. Smalling’s Sons GENERAL CONTRACTORS ' AND BUILDERS .Phones 1102-J and 40M-J Macon,Ga. Miss Garner Speaks to Students at Chapel Tuesday. There are 170 universities and Col leges having courses in journalism, and 276 journalism teachers in these schools in the United States, ac cording to Miss Virginia Garner, who addressed the student body Tuesday norning. Miss Garner’s talk was in the nature of a report of the pro ceedings of t the convention of the American Association of Teachers of Journalism held at Madison, Wia., recently. ' F The speaker stated that of the ten women journalism teachers five were :n attendance at the convention this year, Miss Garner being the only woman present .until last year when >ne other woman journalistic in structor joined her for the meeting. "Most of the topics discussed,” said Miss Garher, “were on methods of .eaching journalism. Four’ questions were asked and discussed. They were, How can a college avoid unpleasant publicity? H6w secure space in the .ocal newspapers? How secure the ■e-operation of the college president ind faculty ? Should a college paper tend .to humor in writing news about the faculty? Wc here at Mercer have no difficulty with these prob lems.’’.' >. Mercer University was ranked as an “A”-college ' in journalism by one ■if the leading teachers in journalism', according to the speaker. Some of the larger universities were ranked as “B” and some as low as; “C.” The supreme thought of the convention she saiil, was to secure a proper ethical attitude on the part of stu dents of journalism. The speaker stated that the' stu dent should not be content, to get a piece of news by a city editor, but should strive’ to write in a manner to get news by the BEST city editor. PILOT CLUB HITS SYNCOPATED SNAG Freshman Pharr Brings Relaxa tion to “Tired Business Women.” Publicity Cojmmittee for Society Day Program is Chosen. Debating the question, “Resolved, that the modern tendency in govern ment towards direct action by the people is not advisable,” the affirma tive believers, C. E. Bryson, W. A. Bootle and R. L. Brantley, took the measure of the negative expounders, J. A. Ruffian, O. R. Harding and D. T. Buice, in a hotly contested af- air on Monday evening, in the Phi Delta Society halk Several of the debaters proved themselves to be well reud historians and promulgated all sorts of ancient dogma concern ing the lives of great men and not able happenings, and strange to say, it nil had a moic or less bearing on the subject under discussion. Some grew noticeably eloquent, while others soared . to acroplanic heights and brought the house down with them in the descent. The coming society day program was discussed and several new com mittees were appointed .to function P preparation of’ the great day, Among these committees was one whieh bids' fair to promote the so eicty : to a great extent along the publicity line. In f.ct, the commit tee was named , the Publicity Com jiittee.' O. K. Webb was chosen to head this new organization, while Ruffian and ' Jetks Were named his assistants. By R. L. B. AA1LEY TO SPEAK AT S. B. C. IN JUNE Speaking of “long-faced” preachers, read the following ami see if preacher can’t really be a human be ing. A,s an entertainer Marvin Pharr, new ministerial student, is one of the best. The last episode of Pharr was Tuesday night when the Pilot Club, composed of young women of this city, gave a banquet at the Dempsey Hotel. Pharr was invited.’ Just a little history here will ex- pluin., Pharr had ’ been invited on previous occasions to attend the bam quets given, by this club and had ac cepted their invitations. Last Tues day he was called upon to entertain the, club at the piano. Well, all Mer cer boys know what Pharr can do with a musical instrument of this de scription'. . He surpassed himself, holding the attention of the club members for forty-five minutes. Be fore the musical notes had died away Pharr was extended another invita tion to attend the next banquet. He accepted, of course. senior McMillan CHECKER CHAMPION To Make Commencement Ad dress at Alma Mater. 1 Planning to Buy a Suit? Hart Schaff ner & Marx and Alco Clothes will give you satisfaction, (or they are stylish and distinctive, combining value with reasonableness in price B. H. Jones Clothing Co. Next to Hotel Dempsey Cherry Street MMMIIIHMMMIMMIMIMIIIttH We are soliciting your account on the basis of SERVICE that has builded the largest National Bank in Central Georgia. •' • " '. . - s .' •. *' • ’ - 0 y .. ; , .. . Fourth National Bank MACON, UA. ifllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll j Clothes and Colleges Prof. James L. Railey, professor'of Economics an.d Sociology at Mercer, will deliver an address at Louisiana Baptist College of Pineville, La., next June. H-is subject will be Christian ity's Power in Social Progress. Dr. Railey is a graduate of Louis iana Baptist College and also taught there for several years. He is prom inent in church and educational 1 cir cles in the State of Louisiana, having held at different times the pastorates of sevebal strong Baptist churches of that section. Since coming to Mercer Dr. Railey has been, given the chair of Sociology and is recognized as an authority on sociological and economic subjects His Alma Mater has now aBked him to come to Louisiana and address the Baptist .College on Christianity's function in world progress. THE PREMIERE > Adam stared at his wife in amaze ment. “For. Chap’s sakes, Eve, what’s the matter?” he demanded. “I don’t know,” she gasped. “My head—how funny it feels!” There Were- tears in her eyes; her breath came irregularly. “Ah—ah—ah—” Eve groaned. Adam became desperate. “Eve, what—what is it? 'Are you. in pain? Speak to me!” “Ah—’’ was all she coul say, then: “Ah—ah—ah—chew!” The first sneeze was achieved. The educational value . of good clothes is so obvious that the proposition needs no defense. And the superiority of Neel’s Clothes—their special adapta bility to college life—cpmbined with their moderate cost, make an insistent appeal to college men. We invite Mercer Boy* to our store. Their youth, their en thusiasm is pleasing to us, while our raiment will satisfy every instinct of the well-groomed collegian., ,■ Jos. N. Neel Co. One Price to Everybody Defeats F. R. Nalls, Jr., Former Champion, in 1 Hr. 10 Min. Waites C. McMillan,, Senior law v student, became champion checker player of Mercer when he defeated F. R. Nalls, Jr., former, titleholder, three out of four games Wednesday afternoon at the Checker Club. 1 The games were’ close and hard fought. Before the winner could be picked, eight games were played, foUr of them draws. The new champion won three, While Nalls was able to annex only one. Time required, one hour, ten minotes.' '•' The results of the recent tourna ment held ft Mercer are as follows: McMillan, first place and champion; Nalls, second place; Charlie Wasden, third, >’ / -. V : * - ■ - Ninety young men make up the circle of the Senior class for 1922. The law course has. been raised to a full four years - of work,—Wake Forest Old Gold and Black. Brantley: “It takes me fifteen min utes to-dress.” , Nalls: “It only takes me .ten.” Brantley; “But I wash!” Loh's Cafe Exclusive Dining Room For Club Dinners ’Welcome, Mercer Men! Phone 122; ’ 514 Mulberry Luther Williams Banking Co. 4 Yt% ON SAVINGS Open, All Day from 9 to 6 More convenient for Mercer Boys SWEET SHOP THE HOUSE OF ORIGINALITY Delicious Ices and Creams Excellent Candies. Dainty Lunches SOUTHERN SHOE AND UMBRELLA REPAIR SHOP Work Galled For and Delivered We don’t fix shoes—we build them. All work first class. W. D. MORRIS, Proprietor • _ 638 Cotton Avenue Mercer Men Should suport men that sup- port Mercer. v R. 8. THORPE A SONS are supporting Mercer until the last whistle blows. Help your school by helping yourself in buying from. R. S. Thorpe it Sons 1 A. S. JOHNSON ‘ Mercer Representative- Your Printing will receive prompt atten tion when your orders an placed with us.. Good Printing Conservative Prices American Printing 1 Company . Reliable Printers 666 Cherry St Macon, Ga.