The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, October 13, 1922, Image 2

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Page Two THE MERCER CLUSTER The fiercer Cluster Published weekly by the students of tbe fourteen schools and colleges hi the Mercer University System. George M. Sparks. ..Managing Editor Rabun L. Brantley . Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors: . John L. Hackney Milton K. Wallace Frank R. Nalls Julian S. Legget Giddens Wilkes A1 Jennings Julian P. Legget. Circulation Mgr. Benton Evens Asst Circulation Mgr. A1 Jennings Advertising Mgr. Max Lhssiter... Asst Advertising Mgr. Subscription Rates, one year, $1.50. Advertising rates on request. FIND YOUR PLACE Finding one's place is a task every man comes up against when entering college. Every man has a definite place to fill in the life of the. Univer sity and should endeavor to fill that place for his own welfare as well as that of the university which <ho at tends. , No one can find this place but the individual, himself and. it is n«J easy task. -. You must work diligently at what ever you begin with and stick to this particular thing until you have either ■convinced yourself that you are in .your proper place or. whether it Vould be advisable to try something Don't try to take an active part in every activity on the campus. This is impossible. In attemptihg this you would accomplish nothing. Select your hobby, or something that you might not be familiar with and stick' by your selection yititil you win. If you are athletically inclined, go out for one of the teams and don’t quit when you are placed in the scrub column, for Without scrubs there would be no varsity.' , If you- are oratorically inclined, join ^ literary society and make one of the debating teams. Whatever you go into, go into it with the determi nation to win. Do something worth While! V THE PASSING OF THE . GAUNTLET SQUIRREL FOOD By Milton! K. Wallace According to history, the phrase, “running the gauntlet,” has been in use at'least since the middle of the fifteenth century. In fact this term is believed'to have been used origi nally during the reign of Louis V, which was during the fifteenth cen tury. The gauntlet was used to punish the ignorant and unruly Bohe mian vassals who had emigrated into France in great numbers about that time. The stern use of the lash seemed .to be the only meaM whereby these nomads could be controlled. Therefore, many haughty Bohemians were humbled by the fury of the lash. Of course everyone has heard the term, “running the gauntlet.” Most people know little concerning the nature of this harrowing ordeal. .To college men this phrase can have but one meaning, a lane of Sophomores, poised with raised rator straps, wait ing with revengeful expectation the . coming of the verdant collegian. But sentiment among college ad ministrations has grown steadily against this form, of initiation. Col lege men feel that the word “gaunt let” is slipping from their vocabu lary. There are some, especially those students who have passed the initiatory stage who weep to see this hilarious sport go. However, the con census of opinion among college offi cials and the daily press is that a distinct step of progress has been taken when public sentiment causes the gauntlet to pass into oblivion. Picked Up at Persons 1st Rat: “Ooo! You jolly old bean! I saw you yesterday at the Sweet Shop and you wouldn’t speak to me! Proudy! I’ve a mind to strike you with my chamois skin!” 2nd Rat: “Wactha say we have a drink ? Waiter, bring us two choco late milks with just gobs and gobs of whipped cream.” 1st Ditto: “Wasn't that the eel’s wrist-watch the way those vulgar Sophomores treated us in that rush?” 2nd Ditto: “Darn know it!- When I get to be a Sophomore I’m going to see that we participate in a tiddledy- winks tournament and the defeated side has to set up the others to a marshmallow toast—that is, if they will agree not to throw marshmal lows.’’- 1 1st Ditto: “Well, gotta be goin’— here comes th’ BellevUe.” 2nd Ditto: “Well, s’lohg, Oswald.- Me.'t cha here tomorrow.” " * * * We didn’t know that we were a musician until we heard the pipe or ganist in a local theater. .Lady, hide your daughter! Jack Holt’s in town. P. Si—Luke Arhold is rapidly re covering. *. * *• * Tom Sims says: “There’s no use of ,n ugly girl being independent.”' * * V _ , It takes, all sorts . - ■ Of folks to make Up the alleged human Race and student ... • Bodiate of Merceriensis ■ Universitas, in- (’lulling the talented (?) Soloist who disturbs , Our placid slumbers With a midnight solo. ' In the hall. • • * - To Her ’Twas on Cherry street I spied you, And your face has haunted me! I sleep’ and my troubled slumbers Are filled with visions of thee. I awake in the gray of the morning When the world is covered in dew, And the picture that greets ■ my memory 'Is ever of you—of you. Dear girl, if you’d save me madness, And give me the joy that I lack, I .would ask of you this favor: Go hide, your face in a sack! * ' « * ■ Hossifer, You Wouldn't Strike a De fenseless Man, Would’ja? We reckon that the reason they call this fever den-gay is because when you get up den is when you are gay. ■ * *■ ♦ Well, take keer yourself and don’t forget to tip your hat to the Fresh man. STEPPING OUT By L Gosalp Knot The only reason why wo can’t en dorse 'the candidacy of Andy Gump for Congress is because of the fact that he is not a graduate of Mercer. Andy must have forgotten, when he announced, that it was now a custom for men seeking high office to at least have been at some time a student of Mercer.. ■. * * * We’ve read a bit of challenging repartee from Miss Nina Wilcox Put nam concerning the dress of men in ye olde days. She declares that men not only wote dresses but actual gowns. She names Julius Caesar's flowing robe as an extreme example. Anyway there’s a redeeming feature about men’s styles—finally they did reach a stage of normalcy, whereas women’s fancies concerning dress are still as fickle as the summer showers, eop.. Going down and going up! We mean the dresses are going down) but when we say “going up,” we refer to the major portion of an ostrich, adorning the hat of a female, that got directly between us and the preacher Sunday. It seems logical to us that when one end goes down the other end should go down and when one ■end rises the other end should rjse through sympathy. Anyway, we don’t believe in being greedy and ex panding both ways at the same time. •' i And bobbed hair is still stylish, we presume! It is said that William Jennings Bryan recently went in a Nebraska barber shop and had . his flowing locks bobbed and came out declaring that “he never felt better in years,” which, by the way, is a typical expression of the flapper who has just been sheared. So, girls, leave Poiret in his own little French vil lage and take your fashion hints from our own William. ’ * • • Some guy claims that he has found a new star and that - it is exactly 52,000,000,000 (flfty-two billion) miles away. We don’t know but we are a litt|e curious to see fhe kind of yard stick he used to measure this dis tance. Anyway, those sponsoring the 'greater Mercer program will have ho cause for alarm on account of the lack of space to expand. That is, as long as skyscrapers are in vogue. Marvin Pharr, songster, preacher, comedian, flivver chaperon, and a post graduate of the Freshman class, has put in his appearance on the campus. Some wept because of his late return. We’re kind to have him back and a tip to the Freshmen— lookout! “That makes me feel sheepish,” said the young man as the vamp tried to pull the. wool over his eyes. —Lemon Punch. PARKS-CHAMBERS-JACOB CO. MACON’S MODEL STORE Hart Schaffner fit Marx Clothes < Manhattan Shirts . J. fit M. Shoes Mercer Representative—“Colonel Red” Simmons 515-17 Cherry St. Macon, Ga. -A t uetoMf estsst t **j ) h | fl^JlblPMUMOMOMO>OK)MDtOMIOtC$DtOIO<0(0)DlOtOI8>OWIOI010BPIOI8IOIOwi)10l( W. H. SCOTT PHONE 1087 Scott-Parker Company, Inc. ROYAL AND CORONA TYPEWRITERS . REPAIRS REBUILTS r >03 Cherry Street Macon, Ga. fc1**JMiajMOgVJMbMUMOMOMOMOIWMO<OI8IOIOIi Mercer Belt Buckles and Belts IN BRONZE, SILVER AND GOLD ’ $1.50 INCLUDING BELTS - ;;. V AT . MAX LAZARUS Macon’s Reliable Jeweler and Diamond Merchant 35S Third Street Macon, Georgia -A We Welcome “Mercer” The “Orange and Black” Mercer Boys, you aie cordially invited to make, our store your headquarters. We welcome you. We Feature “COLLEGE CLOTHES R. S. THORPE t SONS $1,0I0.M TRAVEL ACCIDENT INSURANCE POLICY For Only 75c a Year Provided you are a regular subscriber to The Macon Daily Telegraph “Ask far Full Particulars” Tattnall Square Pressing Club Geo. R. Harvey, Proprietor MERCERIANS, ATTENTION! READY TO DRESS SUITS NOT PRESSED CALL Ml ’ ALL READY TO GO IN 15 MINUTES ***x»oWMowiaoio^^ srurMeiototososoiososoiososoej