The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, May 25, 1956, Image 3

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BEVERLY IRVIN caa u v £peak HC Cl US lei gocietxj May 25, 1956 THE MERCER CLUSTER Page Three The President cleared hiB throat to brine to attention the scholarly looking group seated around hi» desk. Ever since Dr. Sid Johnson had been inaugurated aa President of Mercer University, this had been hia usual way of bringing a meeting to order. He had asked his group of faculty members to meet in his office to discuss plans for the coming graduation exercises for the class of ’88. President Johnson asked the group if there were any . changes that they would like to make in the exercises for this year. Professor Gene Bowman of the Christianity Department was the first to speak. Professor Bowman: “Sir, l have been talking with some of my colleagues and . . . well we believe. Sir. that the Processional music should be changed . . . er an '. . . well to something more spiritual. President Johnson: “Just what do you propose, Professor Bowman?" Professor Bowman: "Well 1 hadn’t thought too much about that part of it . but maybe something like “Bringing in the Sheaves”. In a voice that quite expressed what he thought of the change Dr. Arthur Rich, Jr. said: Dr. Rich: ‘T nm head of the music department in this school and I will not hear of such a thing! Why it would he . . . and further more . . .” President Johnson: You are quite right, Dr. Rich! We have used “Dixie” for many years and J don’t see any sense in changing now. Now that we have that settled 1 would like to hear some suggestions for a speaker for the graduation exercises." Coach Jimmy Carnes: “I think that Dr. C. C. Lynch, pastor of the First Raptist Church in Atlanta, would he able to bring a very stirring message,” It was now time for Dr. Spencer Ludlow. Philosophy teacher, to contribute to the discussion: Dr. Ludlow: “1 think. Coach Carnes, that if you kept up on rurrent affairs you would know that Dr. Lynch will be on the Moon at that time for the Universal Baptist Alliance Convention.” Dean Jerry Walker: (Dean of Men) "I would like to suggest that we ask Rabbi Ben Whitaker, President of the Georgia Baptist Convention, to speak to the graduates.” Mrs. Diane Owen Jordan: (head of the newly added Home Economic Dept.) "Oh, dear me, yes! That is a splendid idea!” President Johnson: “I’ll ask my secretary MiBS J. C. Adams, to write to Rabbn Whitaker immediately. 1 would now like to know the grad uates who will be receiving the top honors.” Dean Sammy Childs: (dean of the liberal arts school) “I have that list. Sir. There are 15 girls on the list and 1 boy.” President Johnson: “Who may I ask is that brilliant boy?” Dean Childa: The boy is Neil Evans. Jr. He is the son of Neil Evane, the furniture tycoon, and the former Miss Nan Fagan. Mr. John Dunn: (University Treasurer) “I have already taken the liberty of writing this boy's father and suggested that he contribute to the new student renter that we plan to build next year.” (At that time the president’s secretary came in und informed the president that there was a lady in the outer office who demsutded to see the president at once. President at once. President Johnson excused himself and followed his secretary out of the room. When Mrs. Connie Adams Holland saw the president she began:) Mr*. Holland: “This is the most outrageous thing I have ever heard of! I will not tolerate it! I'll have you know that my husband and I grad uated from this institution and we ought to have a little influence here!” President Johnson: “Now, Mrs. Holland, just calm down and tell me what is bothering you.” Mrs. Holland: "The air-conditioning unit in my son’s room has l>een in ■ need of repair for three days now and no one has even bothered to do anything about it!” After the president had assured Mrs. Holland that everything would be taken care of, she finally left with a vow to never give another cent to Mercer and to send her other 8 children to the University of Georgia. When the president rejoined the group Miss Hilda Bell. Dean of Women, was telling the grrhip that she had a fine crop of girls lined up for next yaar. Dean Bell: I have already received applications from daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Bill Burgamy, Senator and Mrs. Dean Johnson, and the Mr. and Mrs. Bill Young, is ristina Moore will replace next year. ing here this afternoon Dean Bell, would you President Johnson the group his office in the old Chapel to other well known land 11, Dean Bell, that the board has bring airplanes to sahool They will have to be satisfied with their jet vehicles until the stigma of a woman driving an airplane is ofcaolete. Thank you, De*n Bell, that is alL” daughter of t(j planning to ei Dean Bell Miss Nancy President I l>elieve remain for ju With the ■ dissolved and Building ... to the marks on the Mercer ( President Johnson: “I not seen fit to allow Mercer CLOTHES DIRTY? IN A HURRY? Don't fret, lot us worry. Just bring 'em in and toll us when. Than forgot It—Thoy'W bo roady thon. . "No Extra Charga" TATNALL SQUARE ' CLEANERS 1325 Undon Avo. sorving Mercer for over 25 yrs Phillips Heads Pan-Hellenic (MNB) — New officers of Pan- Hellen ic Council have assumed their responsibilities for the coming year. Rosemary Phillips is the new president of the group. Serving with her are Jewell Shadbum, vice-president and Shirley Harden see retary -1 reasu re r i‘an-llellenic Council is the gov erning body of Mercer’s three sor orities. The girls hold regular meet ings ami decide inter-sorority poli cies Membership is composed of representatives from Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, and Phi Mu sorori ties. Cardinal. . . (Continued from page 1) Student Union, Pan-Hellenic Coun cil, Y.W.A., Mercer Choir. Chi Omega sorority. The freshman winner, Sara Cor dell, is secretary-treasurer of next year's Sophomore Class, sponsor of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, Y.W.A. social chairman, assistant pledge trainer of Phi Mu sorority, and a member of the Freshman Beauty Court, Religious Flducation Vssociation, Spanish Club, Cauldron staff. Women’s Student Govern ment. Membership in Cardinal Key is based on leadership in extra-curri cular activities and excellence in scholarship. It is one of the highest honors that can come to a Mercer co-ed. Pi Mercer Co-ed Receives AAUP Scholarship Grant The Mercer University Chapter of the American Association of University Professors has announced that it will award a scholarship for next year to an outstanding Mercer student. The recipient Is Mrs. Betsy Smith Chandler of Macon, a Mercer sophomore. Mrs. Chandler was chosen by the Mercer AAUP Chapter from num erous applicants for the scholar ship. At the same meeting the AAUP chose now officers for the coming year. They are: president. Dr. J. C. Hendricks, head of the physics de partment; and secretary-treasurer, Dr. Willis B. Glover professor of history. The recipient of the AAUP ! scholarship is the daughter of Col. and Mrs. William D. Smith Jr. Col. Smith is professor of military science and tactics at Mercer. Mrs. Chandler, a native of Mont gomery, Ala., has made an extreme ly good academic record during her two years at Mercer. Her scores on the Sophomore Achievement Tests, taken recently, were among the highest recorded. She has also serv ed as secretary to Mercer President Emeritus Spright Dowell. The AAUP scholarship will be awarded in the spring for use dur ing the recipient's junior year. The recipient must have attended Mer cer for at least two quarters, and must have at least a B-plus average in studies. IFC Names '57 Officers The new officers of the Inter fraternity Council were recently announced. In-going officers are Billy Williams, president; Mil Cly- bum, vice-president; Julian Fh-ank- lin, secretary; and Sid Wood, treas urer. Sunday afternoon the IFC and Panhellenic councils held a joint meeting in the SAE lodge. The two groups are planning for a Greek Week and making May Day a big ger event with fraternities and sor orities having a dance. Phi Delts to Have "Wild West" Dan And Stag Party Mercer Student Receives Danfort Foundation Award (MNB)—A Mercer University freshman is the recipient of a Dan- forth Foundation award for two weeks this summer, all expenses paid, at Camp Minnewanca on Lake Michigan. She is Miss Fonda Jay Freeman of Newport, Tenn., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Freeman. The two-week session at the American Youth Foundation camp will begin July 30. Emphasis will be placed on leadership training as well as recreational activities. Mass Freeman was nominated for the award by Dr. G. McLeod Bryan, professor of philosophy and Christ ian ethics on the Mercer campus and also a Danforth Associate. Miss Freeman is a graduate of Washington College Academy in Tennessee, where she was valedic torian of her class, recipient of the Phi Mu's Hold Picnic Phi Mu sorority held a picnic at Indian Springs Saturday, May 19. The Phi Mu’s and their dates made an all day affair of the event. THE FILM SHOP 640 Chorry St. Ono-Day Sorvico Developing - Priatiag-EUUrgtag Phi Delta Theta has scheduled a big week-end featuring a stag party, a dance, and a church service. The graduating Seniors of Phi Delta Theta are giving the brothers Scores on the Sophomore Achie- j und pledges a fish fry and stag vement Tests are a major consid- party tonight at Jonesco. eration in the selection of the re- J Tomorrow night the Phi’s are cipient, and the selection committee having a “Wild West” dance at also considers financial need and j Ingleside Community House. Every- personal qualifications. | one will wear western drees and the Clubhouse will be decorated like a frontier saloon. Entertainment will be in the form of a boxing skit featuring “Punch” McClain and another skit featuring Carswell Turner. The "Shieks” will furnish the music for the dance and refreshments will be served. The I’hi’s plan to attend Church in a body Sunday morning. Bible award, alternate delegate to Girls State, and a member of the Beta Club. At Mercer she is deputations chairman of the Wesley Founda tion, an officer in Mercer Independ ent Co-eds Association, reporter for the Cluster, and a Dean’s List stud ent , Miss F'reentan is the third Mercer co-ed in three successive years to receive the two-weeks scholarship. Previous winners were Miss Nancy Bruner of Cedartown in 1954 and Miss Emily Hughes of Adel in 1955. Kappa Alpha Initiates Two boys were recently initiated into Kappa Alpha. The new initiates are Don Clark and Monroe Hill. Three out of four traffic acci dents happen in clear weather on dry roads. COLLEGE STUDENTS Bijoy your vacation with a growing bank account. For in terview, call Mr. Swint at 5-0629 after 7:00 p.m. or before 9:00 A.M. THE COLLEGE SHOP SODA FOUNTAIN AND GRILL Where College People Meet Co-Op tuilding o Dial 5 2043 -NOW OPEN- Th* Cool Air Conditionod RIALTO THEATRE MACON’S ONLY DOWNTOWN THEATRE Showing the Best Picture on Their Return Popular Prices Adults 40c anytime CRESCENT SNO-WHITE LAUNDRY "Around the Corner** Comer Montpelier and Johnson "■Vi Hour Sorvico"