The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, May 24, 1968, Image 5

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Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner ’68 by Gary L. Johnson ' Next school term, the campus population will include 40+ Negroes in the Freshman Class ’68. These Negroes are now, and will be disillusioned — that is receiving fraternity and ac tivity mail yet when they get here, they find it different. Of course. their tint week will be gnat Everybody will at least ittempt friends. Then when te fraternities move in, the freshman relationships will change considerably. There is hardly any talking of friendship, and the re lationship that existed before this point has been completely termi- lated. Then there are the week- nds where the Poor Souls will face the ever lonesome hour. As the eeks go by, they will begin to take their so-called places and form their own colony. They will ime hardened and embittered use of the hypocritical white fiends that speak in the dorm and can’t see you in public. These same Negro freshman come forth to the Cafeteria and find a gold, blue, and green rug and brown-beige * tiles. Then they will be met with * the excuses, Tm sorry, but I was raised up the wey I am and I can’t !" Then about the second quarter the Negro students are tired and disappointed at Mercer ? What is their des tiny? Their alternatives? At home I have several friends coming to Mercer next year. They ash, “How is school? Tell me about it!” Usually I say two or three sen tences of non-encouragement but not encouragement What else can I say? Oh yes, of course you the white Mercerians have a problem, and it’s true that your parents might be responsible for the prejudices you preach, but at this stage of the game—College—, one should be mature enough to make his own decisions and guidelines to follow. But many white students have the attitude, "My father was a segre gationist, I’m a segregationist and my children will be segregation ists." Hal Now what do I do in the meantime? Where does the ’68 Negro freshman go from this point? —To Hell? Sorry, but we will take no more back seats. Oh yes, you white Mercerians with the white only attitude are going to be in a bind next term. There will be more than 100 Neg roes on campus—6% total, popu lation. Bluntly, it will be a mass, and we the Negroes will not tol erate what we did in *64, ‘86, *66, ’67. Thoee days are over and gone. Now, what are you, the White, going to do—Nothing? I don’t think so. We, the Negroes, are not going to let you do nothing. We are going to act. How? guess! What right do I have to say this: 1) I am a Mercerian in name, 2) I am a Negro and an impatient man, 3) and I am Gary Johnson VACATION WEAR Bermuda! by— Jefferson Puritan Coosa Casuals Solid 1 Potfsm Pants I Varsity Town Frstz Joffsrson Knltthirts by— Ixod Puritan Wrsn Manhattan Our Curriculum is appnvsd by Stats Boards of Education of status such as: Now York, California, Pennsylvania. |. CUP AND MAIL TODAY 1 ATLANTA COLLEGE of MEDICAL A DENTAL ASSISTANTS : 1280 WEST PIACHTREE, N.W., ATLANTA, GEORGIA PHONE 873-1701 Please Seed free Brochure On: { □ MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY (2W Mot.) □ MEDICAL ASST. (7 Mot.) □ DENTAL ASST. (4 Mot.) who has thus begun to act Other Negroes who have been silent and afraid in the past to speak out are coming to the spotlight. A threat? By no means. But it is a prediction, and if you ware I, Gary Johnson, a Negro at Mercer in Macon, Geor gia, of the deep South, you would know why this prediction cannot fail. Let’s get right with God you Baptist? Let’s get our House in order Mercer!? Guess who’s com ing to dinner in ’68. PA—Leave Mercer? Ha! You say you feel trouble coming? Ha! Re gardless of where you go, (Guess Who’s coming te dinner)’* will be there. At any University in UAA.! You can no longer avoid us. It’s going to te be a Long Hot Sum mer *68 U S.A--style, and it’s go ing te be a Long Hot Term Mer cer-style in *88! Any Questions asked? P.O. Bos 788, Roberts Hall Rul 33. Afraid to try me? Don’t be. I am not a beast contrary to beliefs. I am not afraid. ..... “For 1 have seen the promised land.” Alpha Tau Omega Perhaps the biggest surprise of the weekend was the announce ment of Worthy Master for next year, John Winkle. Serving with him will be: Kyle Carter—Worthy Chaplain, Ben Mitcham—Worthy Keeper of Exchequer, Mike Camp —Worthy Scribe, Rock Ross—Wor thy Keeper of Annals, G. L. Eckles —Worthy Sentinel, Fred Bishop— Worthy Usher, Gray King—Pledge Trainer, Greg Stephens—Social Chairman, Mike Johnson—Scho larship Chairman, Bill Lachenmy- er—Lodge Chairman. G. L. Eckles and Gray King—Rush Chairmen, and Mark Steinbeck—I.F.C. Re presentative. • SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS • LEASING on Typewriters and Victor Add ing Machine*) Bohn Mimeo graph, Duplicating, and Elec trostatic Copy Machines. PHONE 746-2777 Wilson TYPEWRITER & ADDING MACHINE CO. Hfljtq—T«i iutjm. w- we carry HAA/fi-TMl surfwear JUST ARRIVED ... Big Shipment 323 Third Stmt STUDENT CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED May 24. 1868 • THE MERCER CLUSTER O 8 Dear Fnitnioua, Yesterday a Mead of mine asked me what 1 thought of the world’s situation. My reply was, “I’m not certain, but it could be. Anything can be done I think, maybe, but I wouldn’t want to say for ntre. You see, I really don’t know all the tacts because I’ve never tried thinking before. In conclusion. If it is possible one could maybe, but I wouldn’t bet my money on It” Wasn’t I correct? Unquestionably youra, Susie Cream cheese Dear Susie (you wonderful amoe ba), Yes, you are absolutely right! You will lead a fantastic life if you retain that grand quality of not thinking. Only fools think and it’* the id iots who commit themselves to what they believe. Those guys who say what they mean are really stupid. I guess they are just look ing for trouble. On the local level look at Dean Trimble, because he said what he believed at the social organization discussion ... he “fired up” some emotions and even went as far as to wake up twenty-five students who were peacefully asleep in their chairs. Boy, what a fool! He made people question their beliefs and worst of all THINK! Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr., was another fool. He was just ask ing for it (if he hadn't interfered we could have had these neat riots ten years ago). Dr. King's prob lem began when he started to think about what was going on around him. He then made the fatal mis take of speaking up when he saw something wrong. Look at him now, shot just like Mahatma Gand hi. Those non-violence guys are troublemakers. Stokely Carmichael is another -one. Because of him, we the people have to think. We have to think of a way to justify ourselves be cause he has said we haven’t been fair to all (what a crazy idea, and here in America!). Stokely has made some of us think while George Wallace is making the oth er part react. These guys just don’t know what they are doing. Although I don't agree with any of these men because it'* eaaier to think about it, rumor ha* it that some of my friends are thinking . . . poor fellows. Next thing you know they will be reinforcing their thoughts with action. Susie baby, you have got it made! If you continue to merely exist no one will ever ask you for your opinion, judgment ofr any of that other crap. Your life will be like that of the Vegetable Peo ples': completely perfect because no problems exist to think about. Just let someone else do the think ing, then if anything goes wrong, you can always blame them. Re member, those jerks who stick their necks out usually make decision*, influence people and are leaders. Who wants that!? Yours in love and peace, Frumious P.S. Due to lack of interest, to morrow has been cancelled. Danes, Show on Saturday The Grimm Brother* (3) present a satirical review of American so ciety. Through the use of songs, scenes, and blackouts this unique trio (3) aptly satirizes many of America’s institutions: presidents, vice-presidents, suburbs, and war. Their parodies range from movies and television to politics and mu sic.) Second Street Charlie Wood inc. SPORTING GOODS Tennis and Golf Equipment Macon, Georgia ICE CREAM STORKS AillHM.MMMOwSISMlCMMM 2326 Ingleside Avenue 742-912L 7Voo*& Pkatmacy Wm. McKinley Woo, Registered Pharmacist Delivery, Notary Public, Money Orders, Fountain Service Complete Prescription Service STORE HOURS #-9 1904 Montpelier Avenue—2 blocks from Mercer—743-1541