The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, October 16, 1968, Image 2

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OCTOBER 16, 1688 • THE MERCER CLUSTER • 8 WHY DO$T WE BURY THE EDITORIAL PAGE ? This is the time of the year when many people run up to me and think that because I am editor of the Cluster that I can write an editorial on anything and everything. This isn’t the case. There was one fellow who thought the food in die cafeteria was absolutely unbear able and that something ought to be done about it I told him that the Cluster had done its great battle against the establishment about the cafeteria and if the . . . Student Govern ment could not stay on its toes about that matter then there was little or nothing that could be done about it As they are skying in this election year, “See your Congressman.” There was also the girl who did not think the RWGA Handbook exam was rational. My answer to her was that the entire RWGA is irrational and so are those that at- By Tom Cau thorn tempt to defend it, no matter upon what grounds. That is another battle that has been fought and if the Mercer women cannot stay on the administration’s back about that little number then the result will be as ex pected. Apathy breeds dictatorship or should I say “tongue in cheek democracy.” About the end of last week a small fresh man girl ran up wkh a thin gleam in her eye and asked me if I could not possibly attack required Chapel as an obsolete notion. I had to answer Bo because I was told in so many words last Spring that if I took re quired chapel to task that I would be prose cuted by the Disciplinary Committee for my chapel cuts and get the book thrown at me. Alas my hands were tied from pointing out some of the more obvious flaws in chapel. The most prominent flaw being that the system does not credit the student with enough critical judgment that he might be able to attend chapel if it’s worth attending. Of course I did not tell the girl chapel was not worth attending I merely said mat the administration had a pretty sue bet going because they would never really know wheth er chapel Is relevant or not until it ie not required. ' Then there are those fools who think Mercer students should be allowed to drink. But I have nimbly pointed out to all those that if the students were allowed to drink it would evolve like chapel and become re quired. And everyone knows Baptists do not If there are any of you who think that I would give any of these suggestions a seri ous thought do not bother about it Bat then if that is ths case you could ask, “Why don’t we bpry the scHtorial ppr Hying lessons. Apply here: Thoi's right. You, too. con be o pilot. Join the United States Air Force and quolify for pilot training. Become a leader with executive responsibility. Well, whot else? A pilot is the officer In charge of o million dollars worth of high flying, sophisti cated supersonic equipment, isn't he? Yes, ond you'll wear a snappy blue officer's uni form, enjoy officer's pay ond privileges. You'll probably travel to exotic foreign lands, ond hove a secure future in the biggest scientific and research organization. World's biggest. You'll be where all the exciting Spoce Age break throughs are. Where It's happening. Now. Today. Right now. This minute. The Air Force is the "now" place to be. If you yearn to fly ond don't try the AsrotpOCS Teom, you'll miss your big chonce. let fhol be a lesson I UNHID STATtS AM FOSCt Bo. A. Dept. SCP-BtO (ondolpti Air force Base. Texos 71141 ! NAMf AC* ! 1 tncAsc niNii | 1 COUWf ClAJJ J 1 C«*OUATION OATf ' oecitt 1 1 " 1 1 XOOtfSS 1 1 1 OTV TTATt ! « 1 <AdvettUet6 Out Patronize Georgia State Fair Opens Here Monday Continues to Sat. The Georgia State Fair apon- eored by the Macon Exchange Chib opens Monday, October 21 at Ma con’s Central City Park. The fair will continue through Saturday, October 26. Features of the fair include car nival rides, midway shows, and ex hibits. Many new well -constructed ridee, as well as the older tradition al rides will be a part of the carni val. Every night the free Grand stand Show at 6:30 and 8:IB will indude an exciting cannon act Especially interesting to students may be the pechedelic show and the sea aquarium with a live octo pus. Among the many exhibits at the fair will be livestock and poul try, a model of Vietnamese village, flower show and art exhibit The fair opens every day except Monday at 10:00 am. and stays open until the crowd leaves; Mon day the fair starts at llKM noon. Admission price is 81.00 for adults and 25 cents for children. Fellowships... Continued From Page 1 Frank Ned BWwartfc dreaming about your future? then stop! Hera's a once In a lifetime opportunity for adventure end challenge. A civil ion cataar with the Army Recreation or Ubrary * " the Far