The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, February 25, 1969, Image 6

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MERCER CLUSTER FEBRUARY 25. 1MI Jim Graham Pulls In On* Of HU IB Rabounds In Monday Nights Bi ll Win Orar Florida Southern EAGLES— (Continued from Page 5) Gordy was followed by Robert Bellior with 18, Jud Roberts hit on 16 and Jim Graham cashed in 13. The Bears stayed close in the first few minutes of the game, but by halftime, the Eagles had pulled away and went into the dressing room with a 43-37 lead. Southern led by as much as 12 points after intermission, but the Bears refused to die and came roaring back. With the score knotted at 72-72, Roberts hit a bucket that put the Bears on top for good. The Bears came out of the dress ing room in the second half and employed a full-court press that was instrumental in the come-back win. Marvin Bailey, a product of Appling High in Macon, held Southern’s big Roger Moore to 12 points, less than half Moore’s sea son average of 26 points per game. The win puts Mercer’s record at 10-9 for the year, and gave Southern a 13-5 slate. The Bears had defeated Southern earlier in the year in the finals of Mercer’s Invitational Tourney. Baseball Moves Inside Gym Jack Frost is playing havoc with coach Claude Smith’s efforts to get a jump on the busy baseball schedule he has for this year. The Bears mentor, who sat up his pitching machine about three weeks ago, was all smiles last week as four of his practice days was blessed with sunshine. However, that smile was on its way as those blue skies turned to grey, and his chargers were forced to work out indoors on Friday. Coach Smith said the Bears will continue to run and throw inside while waiting for the weather to break. Bean Ride Rollins For 85-71 Victory Junior Robert Bellior scorched the nets for 22 points in the second half to lead the Bears to a 85-71 win over the Rollins College Tars on the Tars home court Bellior shot 31 points in the game, but got plenty of scoring help from Little All-America hopeful Jud Roberts with 20, Bruoe Gordy with 14 and Jim Graham with 12. The Bears used a full court press that completely unnerved the Tars and caused a large number of turn overs. The Rollins squad also had a hard time finding the basket, and their only lead was 3-2 in the opening minutes of the game. Jim Graham was the leading re bounder for the Bears with 16, while freshman Marvin Bailey grabbed 14 errant shots. .The Bears outrebounded the Tars 40-34, and hit on 34-79 shots from the field while Rollins hit on 30-78. The win was the fourth straight for the Bears and leaves them with a 12-9 record for the year. Rollins is now 14-8. Bears In Contract With Tarheels Mercer University has signed a contract with the University of North Carolina for a basketball game next season. The game will be played on Dec. 3 in Chapel Hill, NS., and will be SOCIALLY SPEAKING— (Continued from Page 4) - stop the snow from falling as Sam (R.P.i Giles broke the ice around Karen Stack’s heart with a lavaller. Brother Jim Cheshire has been enjoying his newly-won privileges of brotherhood, at least that's what his ex-pledge brothers are saying. Wonder why he carries a dozen eggs around all the time. A small gathering of Southern Gentlemen celebrated “At least We Are Not At Mercer This Week-end 1 ’ Day at the home of the renowned host and hostess, Fred and Joy. As usual the hit of the party was James Campbell and his wild women tales. Gossip flourished as to the cause of James' early departure, but later investigations revealed that he suffered from an acutt case of shock when his date did not end the plans for the evening because she felt sick—or for any other ex cuse. Kappa Chapter welcomed Meg Gokee who was visiting the AD Pis a few weekends ago. Meg was es corted around the Bond Street Party Palace by Len Whatley. Pledge Marty Keller has had his hands full lately with building the barbecue pit and all. Could he be James Campbell’s little brother? Think about it. Brother R. B. Curley proved him self first class by getting a polic* escort for he and his wife-to-be after car trouble developed in a secluded area. Bryant was really - amazed when he discovered that to fix the trouble he had only to turn on the ignition. The nice policeman wasn’t! KAPPA SIGMA Several brothers and “friends” found out what it’s like to spend a weekend in Highlands, N.C. with- the second game of the season for the Bears. It is a one year contract and the Tarheels won’t be coming to the Bears Den. It will mark the first game bet- vfeen the two schools on the hard wood, although the Bears play the Tarheels practically every year in baseball. North Carolina, who was upaet last week by a young South Caro lina team, finished second to the Bruins of UCLA last year and are expected to be in the running again this year. Charlie Scott, North Carolina’s sensational junior, is regarded as one' of the beet in the nation and will be around for the game with the Bears next year. Jud Roberts and Tom Mitchell are the only Bears who’ll miss the encounter, with both being loss by graduation. Friday Nit© 'Til 9! 'South's Finest Cancellation Shoe Store" DAVID’S SHOES 4M CHERRY ST. Shane's* STEAK HOUSE "Banquet Room Araflable" mg Rbrsnlde Mn Hal TO-WT SIZZLING SIRLOIN $1.39 ALL STEAD wf qm (Rm out rupning water and heat What’s the name of the pune? S.A. Is Ait A cook-out was held at the lodge in honor of the new Alumnus Ad visor, Mr. Craig Linlowe. The re tiring A-A., Skip Leftwitch has been named Assistant District Grand Master. National has voted to pay ex penses for Alpha Beta to entertain and take part in the model Initia tion at the Biennial Conclave this summer in Richmond. This Con clave will mark the 100th anniver sary of Kappa Sigma’s founding in this country. Congratulations to new pledge Mike Scannon! It’s about time. The love bug has really hit several KS’s. Groovy is pinned to Co-op and Twig is pinned to Boom. Gerald Hudson is lavaliered to Bea Cowling; Chris Borders to Pat Gro gan; and Larry Jackson to Gina Roberta. Congratulations and AEKDB to new brothers Bob Curtis, Rip Mer- hoff, Mike Shinall, John Sturgis, Windy Beddingfield, and Jim Murray. Jim Smith is new Grand Trea surer and Tom Payne is Grand Scribe. Disaster struck recently with a flood in the "suite” and a raid on the lodge by the ADPi viper*. Brother Tom Butler (Zeus) sur vived the flood in his rain coat and umbrella. There will be a round robin tournament between OS., The Crew, and The Group soon. Every one is invited. Please faring ■ friend. MERCER INDEPENDENT MEN Association Initiation of new Brother* was held on the Silent Weekend of January 17, 18, and 19. Congratu lations tq new brothers John Hill, MUce Hutcherson, Chuck Jackson, John Kidd, Ron Middleton, Don Nottingham, Tim Spencer, Alan Stanton, David Thompoon, and Johnny Turner. Chuck Jackson Is applying fora job with the Harlem Globetrotters and Jim Spencer is soon going on TV in a program on Sex Education. Congratulation# to Paul Tucker who was tapped into Scabbard and Blade at the annual ROTC Military Ball. MIMA held a Mod-Dreoa at Slocum's Lake on February I with Alan Stanton (Tiny Tim) taking top honors and Danny Garcia aa the most Impressively dressed. Every one still cannot figure why Hopper lost out. Although old news now, Gary L. Abbott is engaged to Billie Uselton More recently Dennis Sanders be came engaged to Kay O’Neal. It is rumored that Steve 01ey*i ring has been misplaced, and Don Not tingham has given away a brother's pin??? • DOWNTOWN INGLESIDE WESTGATE RIVERSIDE THE MERCER CLUSTER Marcar Univanity