The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, October 07, 1969, Image 1

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i»: mi to Ototort Cental remain opm at eight t* wttk the urw houn o( mkfcst women's. 8. Accordtac to Mr. Stone this matter h« been under attention during the aunmer. Aa of now the anawer le i if teudedte would tet Mr. Stone know that we waM nter, toaa aelon wonM be taken to keep it open (tor Menu Cluster New Feature You Said It See Page 2 Volume LI MERCER UNIVERSITY, MACON, GEORGIA; OCT 7, 1969 Numbei 2 < Senate Endorses War Moratorium Mandate Passes By 3 Votes -Photo by Bob Johnson Bobby Potter, President of SG A, counts a show of hands at a recent SGA Senate Meeting, which endorsed the “Work for Peace" Movement. The Student Government Association Monday, Sept. 29 endorsed the Vietnam Mora torium “Call" by the close margin of 12 to 9. The mora torium, which Is a non-violent protest against the war in Viet nam, is being sponsored by concerned students, The call for a vote had been preceded by a heated debate over whe ther SGA had the authority to vote on such an issue when it Involves the name of Mercer University. Another point of opposition came from fresh man spectators in the gallery who voiced their support as to the U. S. involvement in Viet nam. Now that the SGA endorse ment has been accomplished. Utters to Editor 5 leaders of the movement on You Said It 2 campus plan to solicit faculty Waveriy Resolutions 2 and administrative support of Basketball Schedule 8 lhe moratorium. Moreover, a Ron Childs 4 P o11 was uken Monday to give Inside Cluster Cal Gough 4 Gary Johnson 4 chanct ‘ lo vo,ce their °PP os ' Joseph Hobbs 4 llon to the war m 8 eneral and Johnny Turner 4 em P ha size the moratorium. Re sults will be printed in this Thursday’s paper. Tentative plans for the October 15 Moratorium call for a speaker, a “sing-out" rally, films, and an information booth. The information booth will be set up in the lobby of the Connell Student Center. Questions should lx- referred to the Cluster office, which is being used as campaign head quarters. NOW SEE CLUSTER TWICE WEEKLY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY State Grants Considered Officials of Mercer and >ther private colleges in this irea met with a Georgia Senate •ommittee Tuesday, Sept. 30, o discuss the possibility of late grants lo students in pri ate colleges The plan is sponsored by lens. Oliver Bateman of dacon, Umar Plunkett of low den and Hugh Gillis of ioperton. It would provide 1600 annually to students ittending private colleges in leorgia. Dr. John R Bertrand of lerry College, president of the Vssociation of Private College md Universities in Georgia, irged consideration of the pro >osal. Sen. Bateman pointed out hat the slate annually spends >1,200 on every student en- olled in state colleges. Ber- rand said this amount covers >nly operating expenses and toes not take into consider*- ion the amount spent for ruildings and other facilities. President Harris emphasized hat a grant to students in pri vate colleges would represent a elief to taxpayers of the state vho do not have lo pay the cost of educating students in private colleges Those favoring subsidies to private college students feel it could offer immediate relief to crowded state-supported cam puses. They also argue that with subsidies to students by the state, the private colleges could begin concentrating their funds on expansion, thus providing more relief to state campuses. There are 29 private colleges and universities in Georgia with an enrollment of some 24,000 students, or approximately 22 per cent of the total enroll ment in Georgia’s colleges and universities. The committee plans to schedule a meeting with the State Board of Regents to dis cuss the proposal The committee, headed by- Sen. Paul Broun of Athens, is considering a proposal which calls for a constitutional amendment to “provide by law for grants or scholarships to citizens of Georgia who are stu dents attending colleges or uni versities in this state which are not branches of the University System of Georgia.” A point well taken Dr. Harris Gives Statement Dr Harris expresses no opinion regarding the wisdom of the October 12 Moratorium Call. He thinks it is a matter presently for appropriate discussion and appropriate dis semination of information by college students on a public issue, if they wish to do so. LA I L ANNOUNCEMENT Concerned Mercer students, Wednesday, October 1, 1969 met and began to finalize plans and activities for the October Moratorium Call. Gary Johnson was elected the official chairman of the local student movement. The group has sought and received a statement from the President of the University. It was a statement expressing complete trust of the local movement. Leaders of the local movement seek the support of the faculty today at their meeting. We will keep you posted on any developments. WATCH FOR THE MERCER CLUSTER NEWS NEXT THURSDAY, OCTO BER 9 Harris Announces Assistant Librarian The Appointment of Adepu Bikshapathi. native of India, as assistant librarian of Mercer University’s Walter K. George School of Law has been announced by President Rufus C. Harris. Bikshapathi is a former Bikshapathi received the Spe administrative assistant and library assistant to the Ameri can Studies Research Center. Hyderabad. India. He was conferred the Bache lor of Commerce degree by Osmania University in Hvdera bad in 1959 and earned the Master of Library Science degree from North Texas State University in 1969. While at North Texas State. cial Libraries Association scho larship in the amount of $2,000. for graduate study in librarianship He is a member of the Special Libraries Asso ciation of New York and of the Texas chapter of the associa tion. . . . Bikshapathis wife, txala vathi, and three children I,,e with' him at 1329 Adams Street Freshmen meet Dr. and Mrs. Huns at annual reception.