The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, November 18, 1969, Image 8

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Evaluation Committee Open Letter Martin and Sally, brother and sister singing team from Canada, are appearing nightly Tuesday through Saturday at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. in room 314 of the Student Center, November 18-23. Sally and Martin have been performing together for almost three years and perform at universities, concerts and in night clubs. “We sing songs we care about” said Sally. Many are Cana dian songs because they seem to express the loneliness of the country. They express the acuteness of the countryside.” “We also do a few of our own sonfp,” said Martin. “We sing all kinds of songs, though, just whatever we like.” UPPERCLASSMEN WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS UNAFFILIATES PHI MU CHI O A D PI ALPHA GAM MICA WON 3 2 1 1 0 0 LOST 0 0 1 2 1 3 L* " WILLINGHAM ^ \S/)c fi/H/ Qoucft J Fraternity and Sorority Jerseys 461 Third St. Next to Bibb Thai tar The Faculty-Course Evalua tion Committee for this fall la now in the process of finalizing the new questionnaire for uae this December. As we are all well aware by now, Mercer’s first evaluation conducted this summer by mail has suffered criticism because of the low re turn of questionnaires. Plans have been underway to remedy this problem for some time, but its success depends upon mutual cooperation of both faculty and students. Tenta tively, evaluation forms will be distributed in class (by the pro fessor or a committee designee) the Tuesday of the week pre ceding Fall exams and col lected in sealed envelopes the following Thursday, again in the classroom, returned to the committee, and results tabu lated. The seriousness * with which both faculty and stu dents view this program cannot be overly stressed. Underlying this evaluation is our belief that the Mercer fa culty desires to make their courses of the greatest possible value, and that responsible stu dent commentary Is an impor tant aid in realizing this goal. Students possess only the power of their opinions; it is this resource that a program of Faculty-Course EvahtpUons seeks to employ for the pur pose of improvement in teach ing and learning, and for the purpose of general reform in effectiveness of higher educa tion. The evaluation is not an end in itself, it is not a course description and is therefore not aimed directly at the Mercer student to assist in the selec tion of teachers and courses. It is not intended to intimidate or coerce. It is not to be pub lished but is to be placed on closed reserve in the library for anyone interested in consulting it. Although we recognize the importance public pressure School Supplies Stationery Greeting Cards Magaslnes Posters Umbrellas * Cookies This is the place f° r all your collegiate needs Records Special Order Books Printing Service Mercer Sweatshirts Health A Beauty Aids Gift Hems Mener^^ university bookstore Mrs. Vora Grim**, Manager could have in bringing con structive change In Mercer aca demic life, we believe that in the initial states of our evalua tion program we lack the nec essary sophistication, personal resources, and atmosphere to undertake such a demanding task. Withoug t responsible and perceptive evaluators, this method could too easily be come a vehicle for Identifying only what appealed superfic ially to students. This, we do not want. Further, we might add that on a campus of this size such information if often transferred by word of mouth. Nevertheless, in conjunction with our official evaluation, we are attempting experimental, written critiques of tbe various departments by qualified stu dent observers. These will be baaed on evaluation results and several majors’ collective assess ment of their departments and are Intended only as a begin ning to reflect a much broader perspective on the curriculum. These will be available for re view on the same bads as the questionnaire results. Once individual faculty members have received the evaluation of their classes; the effectiveness of the evaluation depends upon the seriousness with which each member re gards his student critique. However to aid in the “effec tiveness” we now plan to pro vide the faculty at the time that they receive their results with a formalized way of re sponding to their evaluation in general and specific by means of a return form. We must recognize the vicious circle to which we are so easily susceptible. We are not all mature; we are not all responsible, we are not all con cerned about getting whatever it is we call education; but that cannot justify our refusal to confront these problems in teaching and learning. The Tar more productive re sult is our commitment to changing all issues that bar im provements in learning. This our evaluation seeks to en courage. Reed Banks Chairman I Around Campus You Said It! What do you think of a faculty-course evaluation on the Mer cer Campus? John Collier (Law Junior) — “I don’t believe it would be a good idea. Students are not I able to judge the qualities of a teacher. If made public, it might effect the classroom In struction. A majority of stu- J dents are not qualified to Cottar TE judge. It would put undue pruasuies on teh teachers and he might not be able to change his teaching methods as a re sult” ★ I John Pafford (Student) - The main Idea of It I yea. In practi cality you are I taking for grant-1 ed that the stu- dents care* enough about their courses to render a signifi cant opinion. S h a r o Griffith (Stu-| dent) — I think! that it would bel good to evaluate I both teacbaral and courses be-1 cause I think I some teachers( don’t realize the- diffkulty they Griffith and their courses cause the stu dents. By having a faculty- course evaluation the students have the chance to tell them what problems they have and the faculty can help to elimi nate these pro blems. t Pafford Bob Stanton I (Student) — 1 definitely think the results | should be made Stanton public because the Mercer students will pro bably take more interest in it if results are shown in Cluster. Gail Sturm (Student) — I support it. I know my tea- Stitrai chars are serious about what the students have to say and would try to change a- ii c- i. r. _ . their courses ac- Fall Faculty-Course Evaluation Fickle Finkle Fingler Suppository Award This week the Fickle Finkle Fingler Suppository Award goes to the Univer sity Cafeteria for their out standing job of genociding the entire Mercer University student body. Without them where would be the incom parable Mercer Infirmary and the hospitals of this fair city of Macon, Georgia. Keep up the faith and wear this award proudly. USE THE Cluster Classified Ads Special Student Rat* SEE OR CALL Jam*s Boykins Advertising Manager teem 326 Ext. 221 Mary Alicel Buckner (Stu-I dent) — “I think T* 1 that it is quite valid. Every tea cher should know bow he Bucfcnas stands with the students. Whether he is getting his sub ject across. It should be used in order to see if their methods * are good. It is important that students do it honestly and re sponsively. James Boy kin (Student) — I think that it’s a good thing if the information that is compiled by the commit tee is made pub lic to the stu- dents and faculty and that the recommendations and eva luations made by this commit tee is thoroughly considered by the administration in the hiring of new profeaaors and deter mining new courses. Boykin Why Am I An Unaffiliate? (Continued from Page 3) affiliated and at peace with myself. That I fail in living up to what I seek is obvious. Yet, as I attempt to understand and accept individuals for what they are and not the rotes which they play, 1 too ask for the same from others. Cut Red Tape Use Action Line 5— or Call Actionman T*d Kandlwr Box 29 Ext. 221 THE MERCER CLUSTER Mmti University Macon. Georgia New Profit OegaMHaa LIZ'S TYPING SERVICE BeoeMtr-aiMMeeriet Tyoma Term Oaeen, Tunes, Dim nation* MAS. ELIZABETH COOK CeN 7SI-&SSS between S P.M. end 7 PJM, THE MERCER CLUSTER • November 18, 1969 • 8