Newspaper Page Text
Number 1
MMU I K 1 MWK>in MUON. UFORGIA. <>ti »
with a seiics oi cntounier
Ktiium termed "The College
Decision" and designed to
make the transition to college
liCc easier.
Itrshrocn met with their ad-
vikon to begin mapping out
a college career.
Orietmtion c o n t i n
tied th'<iughout the week
Some -150 Ireshmen arrived
at Mercer (or the Tint time
on Sept 20 lor a weeks orien
tation prior to the start of
classes n the 25th.
Greet Illy the (reshmen vras
a stall ol about 150 orienta
tion assistants. under the di
rection ol Paul Howell, fresh
man advisor. w hose job it was
to help the new students make
an eas> transition from their
regular life into the college
Dr. Smith Killed
In Auto Accident
A good helping of South
OH hospitality was on hand
lor the new arrivals as the
orientation assistants did ev
erything f-assiblc to settle the
frehmen in their dorms and
get them acquainted with the
lint rigots of college life, dor
mitory Using
The new students hailed
(ram all parts of the nation
and all seemed equally im
pressed with the helpfulness
of the orientation assistants
and the general friendliness
of all Metcenans
Mr. Charlie Smith of West
Virginia, whose daughter San
dy is attending Mercer this
year, said Mercer ready im-
pacased him when they stop
ped by ooce before and Se
certainly saw evidence of
warm Southern hospitality.
* “li t a feeling I can't ex
plain it." exclaimed Mary
rroaie. about coming to Mer
cer. Mary and her roommate
Debbie Got wait are both oom
West Palm Beach and knew
each other in high school,
Finally settled alter Sa
aaurning m moving in 00 s
■Sri* lirsy day. the new stu
dents ■cr feted to lunch in
the IfcraT cafeteria wderr
they began to get to know
Dr. Inez Runyan Smith.
60. associate professor of edu
ction was killed September
15. in an automobile acci
dent near Bessemer. Ala. Her
utter also died in the crash.
A second car rammed into
the rear of Dr. Smith's vehi
cle at a high rate of speed,
according to/ the Alabama
State Patrol. The five occu
pant* of the second car fled
the scene, including the driv
er. •
between quarters.
She was awarded the doc
tor of education degree from
Auburn University in 1958.
she received her M.A and
B.A. degrees from «he Univer
sity of Alabama.
By Tyler Hammett
nd another bust, he found However, alter apprrnu-
himvlf with the option of 12 maiely 28 days, he came to
mote years in the Trenton the realization that it w»
Penitentiary or two yean in boring to lay in a 'imating
Svnjnon. a rehabilitation cen- bed all day and applied to
tec m California He decided a job ... as Assistant three -
to go west tor of Daytime, a drug reha
To hit surprise, instead of bilitation center there,
psychiatrists and college stu- To ouke a long story short,
dents doing research papers. Jid not get the job. but
he found there a number of finallv decided that it waa
his fellow “research asso- to'rehabilitate himself
i utes" who had already cum- than to wash down latrines,
pleted the course Finding Later he did get the job of
travesty among veterans vir- Actant Director and even
tually impossible, he actually rua Uy moved to Rhode bland
found it convenient to rform ^ lo tetahlish Maratlion House,
himself . at '.*ast to a err- * a clinic of his own.
tain extent. But after a year Marathon House has been
or to the demands on his per- in existence S yean and af-
wmality Itecame so great that ter surviving problems with
he decided to jump out the dissatisfied neighbors, and. an
window (because it was more unfriendly state medical so-
dramatic than walking out the ciety. has hreome the leading
door) and tqake his way back center of its kind m the
to Massachusetts. country. r
kx-drug addict James Get-
niano. speaking in the fir
of the Insight' lectures series
lau Tuesday, told a rather
large audience that he wav
opposed to the legalization of
marijuana on r el i g i o u s
According to Germane,
currently die director ol one
of the nation's best rehabili
tation centers foe dru| ad-
diets, to legalise marijuana
would not solve any problems
and it would be ars example
of typical American avoid
ance of the real issues.
Asked why he did not prrv
•ently use drugs, he said be
could ooiy give his personal
reasons, citing the threat of
jail and the lack of a qeed to
escape from real life or to he
accepted by certain friends.
In other comments. Ger
ms no said that the worst way
to use drugs is pills He also
said that in his opinion, her-
ji i is one of the easier hab
its to kick because most of
tire bags of heroin available
to the average “junkie" con
tain .only 5 percent heroin.
For the greater part of the
hour allotted for chapel
tweak. Gertnano told of his
9 1-2 years of drug addiction.
Embarking on his “researtlU-
proyeti" at the age of 15, be
suited with pot and moved
to heroin and a host of other
Funeral services
Smith were held
IT in Guntersvllle.
She is survived by two
sunt. James Augustus Smith
of Guntenvilk and Gary
smith of Memphis. Tenn.
and a daughter. Mrs. James
Pinkerton of Blythsville. Ark.
Dr. Smith had been living
at her home in Guntersvillc.
Ala during the summer break
Phelps Leaves
For Dallas Post
While lbiu parents wexe
introduced so the University
officers at a general assembly
in Willingham Chapel, the
Dr Ralph; Phelps. vice departure of Dr Pliclpo to
pert idem l«>r • levriopinrnt ji Dallas Hr will be i line ad-
\lcrter , dim*i there. He has ctubUeftF •
icsigned his posilmn diet rd a superior reputation Tor
use August I. 1970 to become administrative ability *nd^
executive vue president *1 certainly Mercer will miss
Dallas Baptist College in Tex him.
"In the nine moatht that
However. a» Phelps has been at Mer-
reliable souice. during Dr tcr ^ ^ mstituted Roe
Phelps one year stay at Mer- |am ^ uroedurta that
err. he produced ven limited WJ „ lheir H fett- Ht h*
visual lajMUl m his role as J<cn c,w«ially effective in cfos
sice jwesiilmt lor develop n , win national aod public re-
n * cnl - / latiom. and we hope his paai-
He wa. instrumental in ev |wc « <oro pluhmen*s in this
tJtilisliing a publication board m W {1| ^ be k*
li provide lot more effective
student publications v "The Uwvtrity wishes
rrmny l>r Pheija. ir* ' him well f/» W» rtf'* (Xiaittol
Ignaiiun. Dr. Rufus C. Flax and expresses Ipnriristioci for
rw wid I deeply regret the his w*k while he waa here.
In order to “asse** tMe val
or" of America's rehabilita
tion (enters, be “allowed
himv if to be arretted M
•es and in the course of his
“research'' visited.27 institu
tions Most of the arrests
were for petty theft, burglary,
armed robberv. and other as
pect! of his fund raising cam
paign io raise money for “re-
After one particularly long
tom at Trenton State Prison
Ji years, ten months) follow-
(son may do so anytime be
fore October 8th. in the
CAL'LDRJN office. ALL stu
dents mute have their por
traits taken tha vou Flo