The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, November 09, 1970, Image 1

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* 'JP'-T VOlum* LI I MERCER UNIVERSITY. MACON. GEORGIA. NOV. l.ttW NO » Solid South era dying slow death -‘We can My now.! think, that the idee of a party system has at last arrived in the politics of the Soul! " declared Lamar Lecturer George B. Tindall in the last of his series of lectures on •“the Distruption of the Solid South" Dr Tindall gave three lec tures over a 2 day period. November 1*3. These lectures were titled. "Variations on a Theme by Hayes.” "The Disruption of Southern Democracy." and. "Southern Strategy and the Volatile South." In the last lecture. Dr. Tindall observed that "the South has moved a long way since 1902 when a leading Democratic paper referred to a Southern Republican convention as "the semi-annual gathering of the Federal p»e brigade." and the delegates as “moasbacks." "revenue doodles." and "bung smellers". In earlier lectures, he offered the parallel between Nixon's Southern Strategy and the Southern Policy of Rutherford B Hayes 'The Southern like the Southern of the It foretokens, therefore, a cycle of reaction and repression. It foretokens, moreover, a new Solid South, this time Republican inatead of Democratic." ‘The persistent gains of the Republican party after 1948. however, owe less to any' deliberate Southern Strategy of the party than to the persistent disruption of the Democratic party," Tindall Mid in another ‘The surprising thing ip recent changes is perhaps not so much the Solid South as the survival of the Democratic party, the tenacity of the Democratic loyalties, thei avoidance of another dramatic sectional split like that which shattered the party in 1880 and opened the way to the election of Lincoln. What began as disruption in the late 1940‘s therefore, just might end as transformation and revival in the early 1970‘s " Photo by Wayne Johnson Pep rally Tuesday to bolster spirit and meet the Bears A "lleet the Bears" rally will be held Tuesday. November 10 at 10 will be the students' first opportunity to meet Mercer's new coach, basketball team Coach Morrison. Coach Niderford. and the Bears, will be present to get to know the students and for the students to get to know them. It is hoped that thta will faster a strong spirit of student enthusiasm for school athletic contests, which has been lacking in the past The active vocal support of the student body at basketball games can be a truly significant factor in the outcome of the game Speaking on fan support. Coach Momabn says. "We've 00a.m. in the Co-op. This rally his assistant, and the 1970-71 got to have the students " As part of the new program to ncrease school spirit, a booster club has been formed. Paul Howell will discus this new club at the rally Another part of the program is the chartering of buses to cairy fan! to 'distant games A group of male cheerleaders has volunteered to help the regular cheerleaders inspire the fans All of this season's ganffea will be played n the Coliseum Patty Sikes reviews Che Mercer Battalion. Other sponsors aanonneed today were Sharon Robb. Cathy Mc.Sabb. Marry Hobbs. Mary Banna McCorvey and Pat Kelly Photo by Johnny Turner Mercer debators victorious, win seven at Valdosta State Mercer debaters took the second overall award at Valdosta Stole College the weekend of October M in a tournament which included such schools as the University of North Carolina, the University of Florida, and Florida State University. The team, which included Barbara Riaaefl and Vivian Davis. negative, and Robert Surrency and Lynn Davit, affirmative, brought back a total of seven awards, including second bent affirmative and Surd beat negative Ail four of the Merrer debaters received speakers awards Barbara Russell and Vivan Davis received a superior rating while Lynn Dnvts and Robert Surrency were rated .excellent The subject of debate for the year is. "Resolved that the Federal Government should adopt a program of Compulsory wage and pnee control " Last weekend. November 8-8. learn members were scheduled to travel to SpnngfeU College in Alabama to participate in the regional DSR-TKA tournemeot Thta was to be a switch-side tournament in which team members debated both sides Three Dog Night The Student Union Activity Board has announced the procedure for obtaining student tickets for the Three Dog Night concert to be held Saturday. November Hat 8:30p m Students should go to the Trustees Duung Room on November 13 between 1 00 and 5 00 p m Students with 1.D cards will receive ocv* ticket plus the option of purchasing one date ticket for non Mercerians at a reduced price of 83.50 for a 85.50 ticket Each student must pick up his or her own ticket There is a limit of one date ticket per student. Student I D. cards must be presented with tickets at the Coliseum and seating will be on a "first come-first serve" by Pervatx Peter Bos l«7t Q: Wby doesn't Ike infirmary supply birth control pith to toe Mercer Co-eds? C.C. A: (This question is in continuation to the one sent in last week • Dr Lewis. Mid. ‘Why should they (referring to the infirmary)'* It's a personal' problem between^tbe individual and her doctor If we supply birth control pills we'd be ad vocating free sex 1 am amazed that such a question would even be asked Q: Is It true that John Hlrch west to Mercer? D M A Yes. He graduated on June 5. 1939 with a Magna-Cum 1.4 ode