The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, November 08, 1976, Image 2

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uj ) rs ax 1 —THE Macn CLUSTER. NOVEMBER 8. H7» EDITORIALS I mriN |., The K.ililor ,_Ouini..n l , olk- !<•«'»•£ Ke|.»ner From The President’s Desk _ .. . nouibls future tWraloptnonu bm allows to occur- The college chnnzi the nature of By BUlMarett fall, the Uniwfty'* Deao Search Committee hee been herd at wort attempting to find a replacement far Garland F. Tayfar aa Dean of the CnOege of Liberal Arte. Thia committee haa . deliberated earneatly. all be it quietly. la provide Mercer with a apadfic criteria far chooanv a new dean. After mretlu of affart. they may be nearing the rnsnptetrm of their taaha: yet. we have been afant to what we. the Wndent body. of iaaoea which affect the entire ,.e.p... It fa important that eienneea lee can taka place eerily between the different lion ka vital between tXa faculty and the Admmiatration. Only when the faculty ie able to have a voice in the eatahhahment of University policy, will we truly need to be able to talk to both the faculty and the adminie- tratioo to azpraee our viowa and optnioaa. Hueavar, our voice afana la vaamingiy inaufficteot to aocornplfah many of our goala. We aomatbnee need the here at Mercer There ahould be pne person wbo can act aa an arbitrator bstwean the faculty and the Administration The dean, wbo ia a part of both groups, ia in the position to help express faculty pose inns to the uatm. ter tbs new dean to here. We have, aa yet. not addressed the miaatinn of what kind of dstei we n sal Now ie the time for oa to ate ourselves, what q—Has should the ttudant body look far Ml the Dean of tbs' Collage of Liberal Arte? Because of the large number folly, ami who can reach eara that we caanot That pereoe JrneM and could bs the Dean of the Collage He ahould be able to act as an intermediary between those amWf opinion and the tscufty^ ■ml administration He should be willing to help axpraea and amplify tbs student viewpc mt. In bke manner, communics- Letter To The Editor Conampiently. w« should look far a dean wbo will facilitate communication between tbs atadent body, the faruky. ard the Administration With tha present yearly increase in the coat of living, we must expect the budget of the college to increase each year, just to keep from falling behind the coneequeocee of money being diverted to the MAical School are tragic. Wa stead to loos faculty members, and nimaaa the deterfaration of our physical This must not ing to remain affactiva. TTiara- fare. wa moat uka action to prevent the college from losing any of its suture. Wa mua m—1 firm to maintain the tTyrma of the college. The dean, we win soon choose mu*' be willing to fight to maintain the status enjoyed by the Ltfiaral Arte College Finally, the dean serves aa head of the faculty, and he exhibits cooaiderable influence upon the direction taken by the faculty. In our time, the constantly in flux concerning Its objectives The instability of the job market, combined with the latest advances in technology, have made awareness on the part of college officials regard ing these charging objectives mandatory. Furaaigbl baa be come a neceasity to predict future educational trends. The dean should exhibit tha leader ship necessary to lead tbs faculty in pursuit of tbs i e levant education; while at the same time, keeping an eye out for its might change the nature of the education being offered. Wo should expect our new dean to have the foreeight and leader ship ability to lead the college in , pursuit of a relevant and meaningful education. Within the next several weeks, sre could see important developments being made con cerning the hiring of a new dean. While we have e chance, we should make our wishes known to thoae who will * interview and recommend the candidates. We know about the problems of University-wide , communication, the fiscal pro blems with the medical school, and tha foreaight necessary to prepare for future graduating classes. Tha student body should look far a dean with the ability to facilitate communica- » tion between students, faculty, and Administration; the willing ness to fight to maintain the ( persent status of the Liberal Arts College: and the farsight to lead this college in the pursuit of s relevant and meaningful • education of all its students. Coach’s Corner faei as though they have tha tmd to ap«*l a <fay —chmg on 2 cafetens the irek Thou. they would see £faa and to thorn who nmpty how much tood Manor wudoute ngata aun in wtMe „ u* --~*- By Intry E. Each day of our Bvas brings questions far which we oeed answers. Often ttinea we don't ‘rr-STTrefarance. 1 » myewnb^oT^rL^Zgh the * n *»a/* 0 ^ d r * a-d f ^ j own wtuaram by gang u s behmd this policy ' ' ' " to the' fa se t With this ie mod, I hope that i. Only Marcar doubts before our friends. yet the queer inn a still axial. At other times those around us may eveu appear hard to reach or too huey to approach Then are those of os who are rT--***T~rr~— t ‘~ wl 1 fa fact make ft our point to be available, yet you may will foal a oncers need to do soma inward searching. Allow me to share with you e Reed Psalms 23. 42. 43 Depressed? - Read Psalm 34,71: Isaiah 40 Too Busy? - _ Read Ecclesiastes 8:1-16 Lonely or Fearful? - Read Psalms 27.91; Luke 8; 1 Pater 4 Editorial Policy Anxious far Loved Ones? - Reed Psalm 121; Luke 7 Angry with someone? - Read Matthew 18: Ephesians policy sod i Thank you. Joe D'AduDe queel mol you may have. Coupled with a ful relationship of an individual you can Bust lobel Jr. Pood Service Dtoriafau The Mercer ('luster the Bible can be a helpful guide jrou will wane lo consult often Many Madwti here found that approaching the Bible with a fneod can be a really meaning- ful atpanaaca or you may Tempted to do wrong? - Reed Psalms IS. 19. 139; r 4; James 1 Week in faith? - ^ Raad Psalma 136. i46; Hebrew* 11 Doee God aeem far away? - Reed Psalms 2S. 126. 138; Luke 10 TheW are but a few of the references to be found. I have a few copies of this pamphlet and if you would like to have ope I’D be happy to share it with you. Just write me a note giving me your name and box number end l'Q see to it that you receive a copy Please do keep in mind that received several’ unsigned Let ters to the Editor, and editor ials. it ia important that sre state our editorial policies concerning publishing. U ia important that when students submit aa editorial or a letter that it be signed by the author or the organisation, fraternity, or sorority, he or ahe represents. If the author would like hia or bar name withheld, we will gladly do so upon written or verbal requeA. Signatures oo the Vetters/ ed itorials verify the authenticity of the information and It also indicates that the opinions are of the author and not The ^ - The Editors . I Ceneermiag jeer pa In 17- Read P seism 91; J SeT-U to you Jo be of service 1 can. Don't i to call wheoaver you have a aeed or to allow me to rejoice wMh you. whan some thing good happens in your Ufa. Cluster Meetings Friday Morning 10:00 am 324 CSC 1