The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, October 21, 1983, Image 7

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— THE MERCER CLU3TER-0CT0BER21.1983-PAGE 7 •LETTERS •LETTERS ^LETTERS •LETTERS Apology SAE’s early hour football game ruined Dear Editor: Please accept this apology to all SAE's who participated In the frlsbee football game during the early morning hours of Wednesday. October 12. I was out of line to request a little quiet; besides, who am I to question tradition? What better time to hold a game? 3 a m. Is perfect! Certainly no one was awake to Interrupt the game. I also hope to be forgiven for my poor attitude and rudeness. 1 had no right to be upset.. (Even though my five and seven-year-old children were repeatedly awakened and still had to attend school the following day.) A special apology to the pledges. I now know that because of my unreasonable request for a couple of hours sleep, you were not able to completely fulfill that lifelong ambition of participating in the "Annual SAE Frlsbee Football game at 3:00 a m. on-the intramural Held" If there is any way I can make it up to you. please don't hesitate to ask. Perhaps l could obtain a couple dozen little cotton allgators and have them sewn onto your socks. In any case. Forgive me! Richard E. Hill Liddy lecture no more a waste than SUAB dance Dear Editor. Many people have voiced concern that the 34.000 spent by the Insight lecture Series tor G. Gordon Liddy was a waste. 1 personally feel that the money spent on Liddy was well spent, considering that 650 or so people gained something from what he said by coming to the lecture I he money Is well spent when one also considers that $1.200twere spent for the band. “Music Makers." who played for the SUAB sponsored dance Saturday night. October 15. In I dollars per person considering 650 people wenl ' to see Mr. Liddy. the school spent six dollars and sixteen cents per person. Consider that approximately 30 people went to thr jnce with the band. SUAB spent forty dollars per person. The point that I think Is important is tltat Mercer University or any college In general offers much for the benefit of the student at no direct charge to the students. It is In our best interest to take advantage of these opportuni ties. . Hunter Hall Halloween Contest ..... Op J> Explain This Cartoon And Send It To The Cluster. We'll Print The Best Response. Cluster ignores Law School news Dear Editor: I am shocked and appalled (anyone tor outraged?) at your Incredible sloth and lack of any sense of priority. Your total ignorance ol the size of Mercer University Is apparent In every issue. You even failed to include coverage ol the Capital Punishment Symposium at the Law School; the nerve ol you. All of us would like to know how to handle last minute appeals to the - Supreme Court. You must think the Cluster is just the newspaper ol the College of Liberal Arts (see fine print at the bottom of the staff box.) Why. the Cluster seldom carries anything on Law School events, even though the Law School Is just a few blocks away. With a staff as large as yours and all that money you suck off of our tuition, you should at least carry one Item per week horn the Atlanta campus. I am particularly interested in hearing about guest speakers at the School off harm^cy. Really. Dusty, you need to get your act together You ol all people should realize that Mercer has more than one school. It is six now, or seven’ Stop wasting so much money and paper on dull little things here on the main campus and gel those guys out there where it counts—Penfield. Sincerely, A! Hackle KA’s now know their numbers Dear Editor: Uh.. One? Uh...Two? Uh . Three? I had always suspected that the members of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity could count. Last Thursday r.ight {Friday morning) KA was kind enough to prove my suspicion correct. However. I had turned in early Thursday evening and to be awakeneu at 12:30 a m to hear KA count was not the ultimate learning experience at Mercer. Perhaps you could try it earlier next time? V In all seriousness. Gentlemen, after midnight is not an appropriate time for chanting and singing in front of the fraternity house. Fraternity life is an important part of the Mercer Community, and it's sad to see Greeks and Independents bad mouthing each other on the pages of the Cluster and elsewhere around Mercer's campus. Yet actions like those of last Thursday night do nothing but fuel the fires of animosity. I know that the KA yell is a symbol of the strong feeling of pride you feel for your fraternity but if you'd stop and think about others on campus and the effect your actions have on their lives I think you'd have to agree with me that late nights are not the time to voice that pride. The only effect is to create bad blood between KA and the residents of Shorter Hall I know there are some people who go around looking for reasons to hate fraternities, but I honestly don't think that most people are that unreasonable. Treat us with respect for our rights as "citizens" of the-Mercer community and you'll find that you receive the same respect Irom ust Sincerely. Lee Fitzpatrick Senator attacks Cluster's credibility Dear Editor: The freshman class run-off election was held on Tuesday. October 4th; and the results were said to have been put up at 9:00 p m. Karyn Langhorne, the associate editor of the Cluster, asked the question in a previous editorial "Does anyone really care?" due to the fact that none of the candidates were on hand to witness the posting of the results. It's amazing that upperclassmen get mixed up with time. The results were not posted at nine because I was there at 9:00 p.m. As a matter of fact. I cared so much about the results that I stayed in the vicinity of the Student Center site from 8:00 to 9:40. checking constantly to see if the results were up. After-9:40. I left the area When I came back, the results were finally up ■ Karyn Langhorne came to the conclusion that no one cared. I have come to the conclusion that until all the facts are known, nothing should be printed. The entire editorial written by Karyn Langhorne gave the freshman class as well as the rest of the student body the idea that no one really does care. This letter was written to clear up any misconceptions about myself, as well as the other freshman class officers. Thank you. Herman Stevens Freshman Class President Editor's response: I affirm the accuracy of the statement in Karyn Langhorne's editorial of two weeks ago that no candidates were present when the results were posted at 9 o'clock of the night of the election. Representing the CLUSTER, I personally witnessed the posting of the results. Three people were present: Todd Blonshine- Election Marshall: Drew Grahm. CLUSTER photographer; and myself. Mr. Stevens may have stepped away only momentarily, but he was NOT in the area when the results were posted. Dusty Kornegay, Editor-in-Chfftf