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VWI A VWA'.IHflT-* 11'\ 4HT * 3DA«?
need truth
Dear Editor,
Granted, the Office of Admis
sions is not the most beautiful
building on campus, but it is func
tional and serves its purpose well
enough. However, it seems that the
new director of Admissions, Bill
Miller, has a different idea. He
fedrthat it is necessary to move the
office to the Alumni House. Not
only is this impractical, it is taking
a valuable resource away from
Mercer Students. The Alumni
House is one of the only buildings
on campus that can be used for for
mal functions by any group or
organization. Does he propose to
remove all of the beautiful furniture
and replace it with desks? What an
I have heard that his purpose is
to provide an inviting and attractive
place for all prospective Mercer
students. Great, now they will have
one more truth to learn about
Mercer when they become full-time
students. What a rude awakening
to discover that the majority of the
Mercer campus is filled with old
furniture and less than beautiful art
This technique might "nab” a
few students, but what is going to
happen when they discover the
truth behind this beautiful facade?
They, like hundreds before them,
will drop out after the first quarter
leaving Mercer in the hole another
$1,000,000. Mercer has so much
to offer, that it need not resort to
architecture to sell itself. There are
a nultitude of excellent scholastic
programs, renowned faculty, and
important extra-curricular activities
here. It is about time that Mercer
concentrated on selling this school
on what it has to offer in the way
of an education rather than whether
the parents are impressed by the
shade of carpet in the Admissions
Shelle Wilson
Manhood proven
by beaten signs
There are many things here, in
our little subculture, we ball
Mercer that 1 often wonder about.
One of these little wonderments is
why a certain group beats up an in
nocent road sign. I sit in my apart
ment night after night reading, stu
dying, or hanging out (after all you
have to put your social time
School spirit
Continued from page 8
the Bears" night where fans could meet and get autographs
from Mercer atheltes.
Besides cheerleaders. Mercer also needs a pep squad to
bring energy and enthusiasm to the crowd. This squad could
really make a difference in promoting school spirit and would
help increase attendance at Mercer athletic events. In addi
tion, more people would become involved and as a result,
they would achieve a personal satisfaction, knowing that they
were an important part of something.
The Mercer band could also perform during Mercer
athletic events. Lewis Singer plays the piano at Mercer games
now: this generates spirit and rhythm into the crowd. The
band could publicize itself this way and be a big uplift to
the fans and the Mercer players. This would also be beneficial
to increasing school spirit and enthusiasm. Haven t you seen
the radical band members on television cheering for their
favorite team with a painted face?
Last, but not least, Mercer needs more pep rallies to pro
duce excitement among the fans. The Bears and Teddy Bears
could be honored at these rallies and a different coach and
player could speak to the crowd each week. Also, spirit sticks
full of candy, posters, etc. could be given to the fraternity,
sorority, or non-Greek organizaion with the most spisst
Until Mercer fans realize that their attendance at athletic
events does make a difference, Mercer will continue to be
mediocre in intercollegiate atheletics. In fact, fans are viul
to the well-being of any athletic program, including
Robbie Tumley is Sports Editor for the Cluster.
Don’t Walk
Call For
An Escort
Sponsored By SGA
somewhere). On some nights I get
a special treat by hearing the
BANG! of some small group
viciously attacking a stop sign. The .
last time this wonderous event hap
pened I watched to see just why it
does occur. I have figured it out.
It is all a matter of proof of
manhood. I do not know how many
times I have looked at my fnend
Dano and said, “I wish 1 was man
enough! to beat up a street sign.**
His usual reply is, ‘‘Yea, Yea! Me
too. Me too!”
Some men beat up on women,
some push their friends around, but
nothing can compete with this
display of manhood. I have watch
ed men jump out of planes, climb
mountains, wrestle tigers and
alligators but none of these men
would tangle with a D.O.T. sign.
Even those that do attack it do so
in a group. They dafe not attempt
this feat of manhood alone.
Well, beat up on those signs,
keep them in their place or they
may revolt and cause terror, maybe
even gain some rights. And by all
means, prove your manhood to
yourself and the rest of us. For me
I will just keep wearing shorts and
a T-shirt on cold days and maybe
every once in a while I will think
of buying a solo-flex machine.
Steve On
Professor offers
Dear Editor.
Just a brief correction to your
story concerning the Southern
Humanities Conference (Cluster.
February 13, 1989).
I was not the chair of the con
ference. That honor was jointly
held by Professors Peter Brown
and Adrienne Bond. I was the chair
for the program committee and
ovedtaw the selection of papers for
the program. The majority of
work, however, was actually done
by several of my colleagues. I
would like to take this opportunity
to correct the impression that I
wo.iud alone. Indeed, without the
aid of Kay J. Carr, Lee E. Heller,'
Walter B. Kalaidjian, Mary Alice
Morgan, and Edward J. Weiiuraut,
the program would never have seen
the light of day. Mercer Universi
ty and Macon College have been
fortunate to have these individuals
on their faculties.
Sincerely yours,
Gary A. Richardson
Teddy Bears
ing the earlier meeting between us.
saying that our win over them was
a fluke and that there were other
reasons why they lost." said
Mercer Head Coach Ed Nixon.
"The key to this win was shut
ting down (Southern's Phylette)
Blake in the second half. Our
defense did a great job in holding
her to only 2 points in the second
half.” added Nixon.
Southern made a couple or runs
Continued from page 8
at the lead in tire second half, pull
ing to within two and three points,
but the Teddies were able to make
several free throws and win.
Other performances were a 16
point effort by Chrissy Hargis, and
Kali Bogdan added 14 points.
Stephany Raines had 13 assists.
In other action last week, the
Teddies lost by only two to the
University of Florida Lady Gators.
70-68. Wednesday.
8 pm - 12 pm
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