Newspaper Page Text
Day ’89 preparation under way
By SHARON COLLEY to experience Teacher Placement
Staff Writer Day and Career Day. The events
On April IS and 19, Mercer will be a bit different from last
students aril) have the opportunity year's Career Day because Jcannie
Scholarships being offered by
Ralph McGill Scholarship Fund
Atlanta, GA. — The Ralph
McGill Scholarship Fund is offer
ing scholarships for the 1989-90
school year of up to $2,000 each
to students with southern
backgrounds who have completed
at least two years of college accor
ding to Jack Tarver, chairman of
the scholarship fund.
May 1st is the deadline for sub
mitting applications. Tarver said
that a number of scholarships are
awarded each year to students who
have demonstrated a long-time in
terest in the news and editorial
phase of newspapenng.
Scholarships, he said, are limited
to those young men and women
whose roots lie in the south. Ap
plicants must also convince the
Awards Committee that they firm
ly intend to pursue a career in dai
ly or weekly newspapenng. Tarver
said the Awards Committee wants
to give scholarships to those who
are likely to become leaders in the
newspaper field.
Successful applicants will be re
quired to maintain a “B“ average
in order to keep the scholarship.
A letter of not more than 500
words telling why the applicant
want a scholarship, an official
transcript together with a
photograph of the applicant, must
accompany each application. Ap
plicants also must have a letter of
recommendation from a college
Application blanks may be ob
tained from: The Ralph McGill
Scholarship Fund: Box 4689;
AManta: Georgia 30302.
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Orientation Assistant
We are currently in the process of organizing Orientation 1989
and are looking for 26 new editions to our team. For those of you
that are not familiar with the OA position - it is one designed for
upperclassmen to help new freshmen in their transition to college
life. Some of the OA responsibilities indude:
1. Lead a group of incoming students
2. Implement orientation activities
3. Explain academic opportunities & procedures
4. Aquaint new stude^tswith campus services, activities, and
building locations /
5. Aid in the development of class schedules and assist in the
registration process
6. Participate in an evaluation process
it is very bard to express in written word the fun. excitement
and learning involved in an OA position - so 1 suggest that you
talk to someone already serving as an OA. 1 am sure that all of
them would encourage you to get involved in tbe program. There
are only 2 qualifications this year
1. 2.3 cumulative CPA
2. Involvement in 2 campus activities
Applications are open to all classes and may be picked up in the
Student Development Office, or at the Informational meeting on
MONDAY. APRIL 10 at 1:30 in the Trustees Dining Room.
Here ate some important dates for all mtereamd to keep in mind:
. Monday. April 10-1:30 Trustee Dining Room-Mandatory In
formational Meeting for all applicants
Friday. ApM 21 - Applications due into Student Development
Office (3rd Hoot of Connell Student Center)
Saotrdny. April 29 - OA Selection!
McDowell, career placement
counselor, has taken another posi
tion. as some are already aware.
This will put some added respon
sibility on thorn students, especially
seniors, who have depended on
her. The Student Devclopement
Services office is. however, work
ing hint to help the students sod
provide career resources. These
resources include Dr. Laurie
I anlrin and Debra Rene Sigman,
Peer Advocate and Student Coor
dinator of Career Day.
Teacher placement interviews
with representatives from verioua
school systems will be conducted
on Tuesday. April IS, while inter
viewers from different companies
will occur on Wednesday. April
19. in the Student Center, accor
ding 10 Ms. Sigman. Some inter
view situations may be "drop in,"
she said, while others will require
signing up ahead of time in the
Career Library in Student Develop
ment Services. Ms. Sigman em
phasized dial students of all majors
and classifications are invited to
participate in Career Day to gain
interview experience, contacts, and
a chance at a job.
Is there any way to prepare for
career day? This is certainly tbe
question of many people. The
answer is "Yea!” The following
steps, from information provided
by Jcannie McDowell, should be
helpful to those preparing to par
ticipate in Teacher Placement or
Career Days.
• Prepare your resume.
• Watch for notices about which
organizations will be attending.
^ • Mark your calendar!
April 18th - Education Majors
April 19th - Majors
• Complete required forms for
your placement file if you are a
• As participants are announced,
begin research in those employers in
which you are interested. Our
Career Library in Student Develop
ment Services is a great place to
• Take the time to watch at least
one, preferably two. video tapes
concerning job interviews. These
are available in the Career Library.
Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM
- 3:00 PM.
• Decide what you are going lo
wear on Career Day and try it on
to be sure tbe fit is correct. Stay
conservative in your selection,
limiting jewelry to a minimum.
Shoes must be polished and
spotless. Guys, this would be a
great time to wear a starched shirt!
• Interview sign-up sheets will be
available beginning Mooday, April
3, in the Career Library. Mark
your calendar now so you won't be
closed out of any interviews!
“The most important thing is to
take care of these steps to prepare
for Career Day,” said Ms. Sigman
Anyone who wishes to sign up for
an interview or has questions can
go to Student Development
PA applications due,
sign up for Career Day
The application deadline is April
12 for Mercer students interested
in becoming Peer Advocates for the
1989-90 school year.
Six Peer Advocates will be
selected to provide workshops,
seminars and support for fellow
students. PAs work 10 hours per
week and are paid $3.50 per hour.
They are housed in the Department
of Student Development Services.
“Next year we will especially
focus on learning skills assistance,
career development and
freshmen/* said Dr. Laurie
Lankin, assistant director of Stu
dent Development. PAs will
receive more than 50 hours of
training this spring and during fall
quarter to prepare them for their
tasks. They will also be exposed to
ongoing supervision and training
throughout tbe year.
“This year all the PAs are
seniors, so we’U have a totally new
group to select,*' Lankin said.
“.The position of PA is a highly
responsible one, but also a fun one
as they present events such as last
quarter's Heartland Fair.”
Mercer students can pick up an
application in the SDS office on the
third floor of Connell Student
Center. They will need to fill out
the application in foil and secure a
recommendation from a student
and two from faculty and/or staff
by April 12. Interviews will be held
later in April.
Students who wish to be involv
ed in Career Days *89 can sign up
from April 3 to 14 in the Placement
Office of Student Development
Teacher Placement Day will be
Tuesday. April 18. while other
employees will be on campus
Wednesday. April 19. This year it
is especially important that students
looking for jobs participate in the
event since the Placement Coor
dinator has left Mercer and the
position is not yet filled. Therefore,
students will need to take more in
itiative until foil service is restored.
Resume-writing and interviewing
workshops will be held before
Career Days *89 to prepare
Cover letters and resumes will be
the focus of seminars from 2 to
3:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 5, and
from 6 to 7:30 p.m, Thursday.
April 6, in Room 324.
The focus will be on interview
ing techniques and how to dress
professionally will be covered from
6 to7:30p.m., Monday, April 10.
in Room 337 and from 3:30 to 5
p.m.. Wednesday. April 12, in the
Presidents Dining Room.
Cluster Calendar
Mm., April 10: Forum oa food program, co-op, ? p.m.
Wad-, April U: Deadliae for Peer Advocate application,
fit, April 14; Deadline foe pablication edaonhip application*
Saa., Apr* 13: PM Alpha Delta Legal Fratenuty'i thud annual "Race
Judicata" 3-K ram. Potter Stadium, 9 a.m. Entry forma available a (por
ting goods stores ia Macon Mall and from tbe circulation desk at Lass
Libraiy. Fee: S8 before Apr. 10; SlOafter Cali Nick Cammt (243-3874)
or Ciaajr Traiaa (742-3210) for more informaooe
Moss.. April 15: Amneoy lascramional Meeting, Duncan Lounge. 7 p.m.
Mon., April 17: Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity Rush Piny.
Trustees' Dining Room. 7 p.m.
Tuan., April 18 h Wad., April Ik Career Days '89. sign up by Apr
14 ia Ihc Placement Office
rrt., April 22: Alpha Phi Alpha Black A gold Pageant, Trustees Din
ing Room
Mon., May 1: Amnesty laternatinnai Meeting. Duncan Lounge. 7 p.m
Tuan., May 2: Catherine R. Sampson, "How I Sea America" lectures.
Ware Recital Hall. 7:30 p.m.
Wad.. May 19: Phi Alpha Delta and SGA present Sarah Weddingmn.
lawyw for lane Roe in Roe vs. Wads. Med. School Auditorium. 8 p m
Mam, May 13: Amnesty Imrrnatioaal Mewing. Duncan Lounge. 7 p m.
Mom, Jana 5: Amnesty tucnutiooal Meeting. Duncan Lanage. 7 p.m.
CM ^agm parrot's Weekend. April 13-16 ...Mixer with Pi Kappa
PM at Georgia CoUept, April 19 ... Kidnap party. April 21
A*fea Ddat PI: Apnl 9. Btgia adtmg rickets for for play " An Imrrtude
<* Deadly Silence" that win he performed ■ Macon Lank Theater
FM Mm Parent’s Woekend. Apnl 13-16