The Mercer Cluster.
May 01, 1990
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The Mercer Cluster., May 01, 1990, Image 1
About The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1990)
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Tuition Increases 12% For ’90-’91
Trustees Hammer Out Budget At April Meeting
Professors Granted Tenure At
April Board Of Trustees Meeting
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Alpha Phi Alpha recently moved into the fraternity lodge on the corner of Edgewood and Adams.
At the Spring Trustee's Meeting,
the Board approved the proposed
operating budget for the fiscal year
1990-91. Among the highlights
tudined in the Report of the Presi-
10% average tuition in
crease for Mercer University
schools. The College of Liberal
Arts will incur a 12% tuition in
crease for the 1990-'91 academic
year Tuition was increased just 7%
in 1989-'90.
Also included in next year's
budget will be a salary increase for
Mercer faculty. Salaries among
faculty members will increase an
average of 5.3%. This increase will
still not bring Mercer faculty
salaries up to the state average. Ac
cording to Robert McKinnon, Vice
President in charge of Finances,
between $ 100,000 and $125,000
have been earmarked to purchase
much needed library materials.
Also. $25.000-$50.000 will go
towards purchasing new dining hall
A broad overview of the '90- '91
budget shows an expected
operating budget deficit of $3.2
million. This money will be bor
rowed from Mercer’s endowment
Once Mercer is operating on a
balanced budget, this money will
be returned to the endowment.
Mercer’s 1989-'90 fiscal year will
end June 30 with a $5 million
deficit. This year’s deficit will
bring the total debt to $35.2
million. Although the Board initial
ly proposed that the budget would
be balanced in 5 years, both
McKinnon and A1 Williams, Board
of Trustees Finance Committee
Chair, asree that the budget could
■ in 3 years or
dcKinnon and
that this feat
ihed through
udgetmg and
, bids are he
ld at both the
Atlanta and Tift locations. Mercer
recently sold some land in Indiana
for $95,000.
The Athletic Committee of the
Board of Trustees made no decision
regarding the recently announced
proposal to suspend Women s
Basketball at Mercer. David Jones.
Chair of the Athletic Committee,
said that this proposal was being
considered because of all Mercer's
athletic programs. Women's
basketball would cost the most to
upgrade and make competitive. He
also mentioned that since all but
four of the Women’s team arc on
scholarships. Mercer would not
loose a significant amount of
money by suspending the Women's
Basketball program. Jones said that
studcnt/Trustec committee reported
student concern about the need of
a chair-lift in Connell Student
Center and a desire to reinstate
traditions at Mercer.
The Educational Policy Commit
tee moved to grant tenure to all pro
fessors recommended by President
Godscy and to accept the Mission
Statement of the Medical School.
The motion passed.
The Executive Committee an-
notfheed that outside council for
Mercer University had been
authorized to proceed with an ap
peal to the verdict of the Cecil B.
Day College of Arts and Sciences
vs. Mercer University law suit.
The Executive Council also
authorized President Godscy to in
vite the Chair of the Faculty House
of Delegates to any meeting of the
a decision would be made within
two weeks. He concluded his
report by stressing the need for a
comprehensive athletic facility on
th£*Macon campus.
The Audit Committee announc
ed that a bid had been accepted
from the accounting firm of Peat
Marwick. Peat Marwick did this
year's audit as well. The Student
Life Committee, a newly formed
Alpha Phi Alpha Moves
Four CLA faculty members were
granted tenure at the April 20
meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Those receiving tenure were
Thomas Huber; Biology. Catherine
Meeks; A fro-American Studies,
Gary Richardson; English, and
Marian Zeienski. Speech and
Dramatic Aits. Several promotions
were announced at Friday's
meeting as well. Joseph Hendncks;
Christianity, and Gene Price; SDA
were promoted to Professor from
Associate Professor. Thomas
Huber, Biology. Richard Nelson;
Music. Gary Richardson; English.
Diana Siege; English, and Edward
Wcintraut; Modern Foreign
Language were promoted to
Associate Professorships Beth
Stewart of the An Department was
promoted to Assistant Professor
Faculty members in the Stetson
School of Business receiving tenure
were Russell Barber (reinstated)
and Andrew Deils. William
Mounts was promoted to the posi
tion of Professor.
J eng-Nan Juang and Phillip Metz
of the School of Engineering were
tenured. Kyra Osmus of Universi
ty College received tenure and a
promotion from Assistant to
Associate Professor.
A black fraternity will have a
house for the first time in five
years. In March. Alpha Ptu Alpha
acquired a rental agreement with
the University for the former Sigma
Alpha Epsilon house, which was
vacated last September when the
SAE National suspended recogni
tion of the Mercer colony.
As the mortgage to the house was
paid off by Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
when the SAE National decides to
reinstate a colony here at Mercer.
that new colony will be entitled to
the house on the corner of Adams
and Edge wood. however, accor
ding to a letter written to the
University from the SAE National,
they "arc seeking to return to
Mercer in three to four years.'' In
order to reacquire the house. SAE
must give Mercer and Alpha Phi
Alpha at least a one year notice.
Furthermore, if after five years
SAE has not shown intent to
reestablish its colony. Alpha Phi
Into Lodge
Alpha will be eligible to apply for
a permanent rental agreement.
The members of A-Phi-A have
said that they will use their new
house for the usual rituals and
social functions, activities for
which the fraternity had to use
rooms in the Student Center since
the all-black fraternity house was
tom down in 1986. In addition, the
fraternity has expressed a desire to
utilize the house as a tutorial center
for high school students.