The Mercer Cluster. (Macon, Ga.) 1920-current, May 01, 1990, Image 6

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PACE (-THE CLUSTER, MAY J, 19M Features Maranatha God Doesn’t Waste His Breath By JASON CARDWELL In Acts chapter 20. we find the apostle Paul hurrying through Chios. Samos. Trogy Ilium. and Miletus on his way to Jerusalem. In Miletus, he stops long enough to send for the leaders from the church at Ephesus, maybe fifty miles to the north. When they ar rive. Paul delivers sort of a farewell address; God has let him know that “bonds and afflictions" await him in the city of David, and this will be his last opportunity to speak to these men who mean so much to him. After reminding the Ephesian elders of the times he has served them in the past. Paul gives them a warning: Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God. which he hath pur chased with his own blood. For l know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you. not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. Therefore watch...(Acts20:28-31] God through Paul is warning the Ephesian leaders against false teachers of false doctrine. But was this really necessary? Did the Ephesians ever have to deal with this problem? Did this warning prepare them for such an occurrence? The answer to each of these questions is yes. In Revelation chapter 2. God is speaking to the Ephesians again, this time through Jesus and through John. In verse 2. Jesus says “thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not. and hast found them liars." It seems clear that these were the false teachers of whom Paul 'yarn ed them. They heeded his advice, and now the Lord is commending them for their faithfulness. God doesn't waste His breath. When He gives us a warning, it is for a good .reason, and we ought to listen and act accordingly. The Bi ble contains many warnings, but something else in this letter from Jesus to the Ephesians reminds me of ooc in particular that is especial ly important for us today. In verse 4. Jesus criticizes the church because she has left her first love. Have you? In Matthew 24:12, Jesus says to His disciples concerning the last days, "because iniquity shall abound, the love of many will wax cold.” As we apparently draw near to the return of the Lord, look around you. You may find iniqui ty abounding in any of three places: the world, the Church, and your own life. The warning here is not to let any of these discourage you. God will judge the world, so although He is patient and His judgement long in coming, you con learn with David (Psalm 73) that the way of the wicked will not be profitable. God will weed the Church, so remember Matthew 13:24-30, and don't Let the hypocrisy of others be an excuse for your own failure to obey. Final ly. God will forgive, cleanse, and change your own life if you will just ask Him sincerely to do so. I John says He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins if we confess them. I want to go a link deeper into that next week, but for now —Dr. Heller climate of moral dugust and frustration which is eating away at faculty, staff, and students. How can people invest their energies, or their huth. in an uuututson led by individuals who have demonstrated ty. and failure to accept respon sibility for actions taken? From a thousand miles away. Mercer is an embarrassment and a laughing stock. from the midst of the hank, it is a heartbreak, and worse, a dram cn energies that should be go- are my thanks for letting me share the field for a link whik. And. since I am an English professor, and obliged to end with a literary quote, I win leave you with this, from that stalwart Victorian poet. Alfred Lord Tennyson: We tee not now dim strength which in old days -Mpvie Review ■ the development of a strong future. Thoae of us who can are ggtmg out whik we re abk; and what kind of people would be willing to replace I don't want to end dus on a note at despair; I dunk that Mercer sand faculty have much in > lake pride, even in nocneats. And I ccs tamly do believe thm when Mercer traduction of the film. The main characters are called Phil Moskowiti and Tent Yaki. Lovin' Spoonful provides the rank. The original Japanese film was titled Key of Keys. Sleeper: Set in 2173. Alien pkys a man who is awakened after be ing "frozen” 200 yean earlier. Sight gags about with Woody fran tically trying lo adjust»the fooire gags include Woody describing a tape of Howard Cosdl die Umverany wiB he abk to return In the important work of refusing ms. sum to pro- forced'' to watch. The d^asmstroo is abo worth mennoo- iag. but definitely wrath seeing ( as otaofy what a rounds like). I is one of Woody's few . My bean is wah you all as you fight dns good fight, as hire; and that is what makes a so New York Stories: A great film mining of three mnu-fiinie all just realize that if sin in your life has deadened your love for God or His children. He can and will revive your heart by His Spirit. Examine your own love level. You can use I Corinthians 13 as a checklist of sorts, whenever the word love appears, replace it with your own name. How well do you measure up? No matter what your answer, God can take you all the way. —Maranatha' Moved earth and heaven, that which we arc. we are— One equal temper of heroic hearts. Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. Wannest wishes. Lee E. Helkr Whole Lava Love By Lava Love Review by RICH BENSON . Whole Lava Love, by Atlanta band. Lava Love, sounded pretty promising on the first track of the album. The song is “Perfect Gurl", and it sounds a lot like the Go-Go's. Esta Hill, the lead singer for Lava Love sounds a lot like Belinda Carlisle (used-to-be-bead Go-Go and now pseudo-success fill solo artist). “Perfect Gurl" is a bouncy tune with a beat to match that hearkens back to the Go-Go’s debqt album. Beauty and the Beat. After this first song, however. Whole Lava Love plummets u to nothingness; all aspects of the album deteriorate rapidly. The mostc obvious difference between Lava Love and the Go-Go’s is the lack of energy conveyed on Lava Love’s album. After the third song. “Love Rock”, Hill’s vocals being to sound like a cross between Carli sle, Cyndi Lauper, and Betty Boop (with a speech impediment!). The song which heralds the demise of Ms. Hill’s performance is “Juke Jubilee", a catchy tune about “hot pink totem poles”—but even this, however, is not enough to save it from Esta Hill and cohorts The album gets progressively worse, finally reaching a low point with "Caveman”. The lyrics to this song are actually pretty funny, but by the time the song is over (and I could only make it through once) all I wanted to do was cry. In short, if your hunger for good, alternate c pop dance music hasn't been satisfied by the B-52’s, Lava Love is not what you are looking for- wait for the Go-Go’s reunion album/tour—it’, supposedly com ing up. centered around the Big Apple. Martin Scorsese, Francis Coppola, and. of course. Woody Allen are three New Yorkers who direct their own slice of life for dus compila tion. Allen’s unquestionably the best. He chose to star in his mini film about a man who becomes tormented by hts mother after she disappears in a magic show, and reappears hovering over New York. While she has her son's, as wed as the city ^attention, she decides to question why be chang ed his name (from Miilstem to Mills), why be doesn’t eat. and why he is going to marry the wrong woman. Allen's life becomes a nightmare as people try to question hun about this phenomena His mom. played by the irrepressible Mae QuesieJ (the voice of Olive Oyi). is uproarious. The mini-film u aptly tried: Oedipus Wrecks. COLLEGE STUDENTS MAJORING IN Allied Health Professions Discover a challenging, rewarding future that puts you in touch with your skills. Today’s Air Force offers ongoing opportunities for professional development with great pay and benefits, normal working hours, complete medical and dental care, and 30 days vacation with pay per year. Learn how to qualify as an Air Force health professional. Call USAF HEALTH PROFESSIONS 205-279-3301 Station-To-Station Collect