Newspaper Page Text
If You Have
No appetite. Indi treat I on, Flatulence,
Nick ( j “all run down," los-
ing fk»b, yon will find
Tutt’s Pills
the remedy yon lived.. They lone up
iho weak etomarh and build up the
iM| i eneririeo. Sufferer* from
mentol orphitlful ov rv.ook m ill I hid
relief I ron* them. Nicely wu^urrouted.
nr hv D.VV. (’(JRIIY. Rome Ga
mt MEN Y1 1
IV? ■ :< TjmFor LOST or FADJS ZANHOODj |
, * MYHOeneralandNl UVOUS DhiJILITY; I
\ . <<| I HWeaknesa of Body niidZKind, Effects |
xjliki. .11 JUUUof Erroraor Exceraeain Older Younft. ;
!' : . , ' V *Mh»OD fully lO.t'>. <l. Hw to mlarve an-l
•.. *:,,i\i».n.iM'!i''i , i.i\.*.ni i .(,» hour.
4bv. • u ■•Hint IIOJIK 'IKKAI :>. I lUnefln In a .tty.
Br . ' ■ n 60 Mtttft and Farrltn ( ounlrlr*. Vfrl'n lh«;n.
«P >k, rii'lanatloo and proofa nallr.* xenla'r fr»e,
Executor's Notice.
(IE i ItGIA Floyd County.
NAU having demand* against the estate
of V E. tinlate of said county, deceased, are |
hereby notified to render in their demand* to
the und*«rvign»d according to law, and all per
sons indebt -I to «ai i estate are required to ;
immediate pavinent.
■ This <1 »v of Sej.toinb t, 18'10.
■ V F. ROSS,
H 9-12 »>od Exccii. >r <>f-ai 1 I>• ceased.
H Vll If • i mi’s U>- .i— ho original,
H OStMOlllblc. I,
frt m the effects of youthful errors, early !
wi t..,.’akiv’*., ’ ■( ;;■ <l. •>.!. etc., I will
a'• ibH treat m<> I bcaledi coi.t.i“ ing full
m * •• li<4:n» curr, FREE'f charge. A
I w >rk ; ehould be read by every
a. o h< nervous and drb.litated. Addrew,
h*. C. FOWfER. .Ifoodiin. Corn,
FA Pure, j V egeta ble Kennedy,
exempt of mineral poisons, bad odors and
taste, acting on the li .er, kidneys and
system, curing Headache, Rheumatism,
kllla.ider and Liver troubles, W. W. c,
r 4
Awrw-r; grr.-. .' v ~grx.AV;j
■ ■ Jb By ZU B B I Bw-V
M . B . B'BUk B Baß ■
/ Aim W W L -11. ■ «bm«
I W>'l I ■
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is ;■. harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing yrtipa, and Custor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee i thirty years’ use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria proven.: vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea ami Wind <.' Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures coir.'Tuition and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea—the Mother’s Friend.
“ Castoria Is an excellent medicine I 4 chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told rue t'f its
fe.<N)deffect ujmiu their children.”
Dh. G. C. Osgood,
l/owcll, Mass.
Castoria is the bast remedy for children of
which lam acquainted. 1 hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of the various quack nostrums vhieh are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves.”
Dr. ,i. F. Ktnchklok,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur pany, 77 Murray Street, New York City.
Ta. alien. ~
Real Estate,
Stocks and Bonds
<?. ojX j° s^ EA£> r,
•* L x
I•|. , ll<|! IL. SATUKDAY MORNINO. NOVEMBER 8.- »'" <•
What is
| Castoria.
Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I nHnuimend it as superior to any prescription
know n to me.”
11. A. Archkh, M. D.,
2ii So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
' 'ur physicians in the children's depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical sujiplies what is regular
fr--e |
1 : “ ~;" k s f
I .■ > : il' ' I '' - ('. Smith, /
Application forCharitu
i rPO THE tuperior court ol raid county; The
L petition of Walter B. Pattillo, E F. Smith
and E. F. Bswsell. and »-uch other persons as
may become associated with them and their
mcceSMUM and assigns, respectfully sho «s that
they det-ire to become incorporated as a body
pontic under the corporate name and of
the I’attillo Printing company, iuwMch n me
they»had sue and be sued. Thev to be
incoriioraTd for the peiiod of twenty jears,
with the right ol r» ncwal at the end of term and
to have their prir c'. al otHce at Rome, in said
coun v. The purpose of rhe company is to tu-
i gage in the job printing. Hthographti g. stereo
typing, electrotyping, < ng.-avit’g, book b nding,
; rulin'/and publishing business, inducing tin*
I publication of a newspaper, and to ihat end
they desire to have the right and ptivi'ege ot
buying aud selling printing nutiriai. bvoks.
‘ stationery, paper, ink, etc., and real estate for
the purpose ol erecting o-establishing a house
for such business; co make notes for the pur
chase of thr san o and to execute a n ortg ».■.»• or
i mortgages for ihe security of the ratne, ; ;.d to
do all other th'ngs and co make all con rnets
necewary for the successful conduct of the
buMness contemp ated.
The capital stock of the company is flxtd for
tie present at >i< thousand dollars, li ty per
vent nf which ha* already been paid in, and is
divided Intof-b *;- «of one hundred dollars’ ach,
and they n have the privilege ot increa? -
ing hit • capital stock to the sum of tvt nty-flv <
thousand dollars, and .authority to adopt such
rul -s. regulations and by-laws as are neciMsary
tor their business, and not inconsistant wbh the
laws<d the land. Petitioners pra\ that an order
may be passed granting ti e charter and al the
rights and privileges asked tor. October • n. 1890.
Petitioners Attorneys.
A true copy from book No 1 of Charters,
i Fb»yd superior court. Thi** L7tb day of <ictober.
' 1890. A. F. KOSS.
Clerk 8. C. F. C. Ga.
Drowsiness,’Distress after
BaWgrTaln in tho Sido, Ac. While their most
rcinaxluolu success has lx>en shown 'n curing
Headache, yot Cartcr'n Llttlo Liver Pi?j anj
equally valuable in Constipation, curing and pre
venting this annoying complaint,while they also
correct all disorders of tho
liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only
Ache they would bo almost priceless to those who
Buffer from this distressing complaint; butfortu
inately their "oodness docs notend hero,and those
i who once lx; them will find theselittlopillsvalu
able in so many ways that they will not bo wil
ling to do without thorn. But after allaick head
Is the bane of bo many lives that boro Is where
we make our great boost. Our pills euro it whils
Others do not.
Carter’s Little Liver Pills arc very small and
very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
PJjrge, but by their gea Je action please all who
ÜB|hsm. In vials at® ants; five for sl. Sold
hWruggists ©verywhßp, or sent by.nudL
To he Veto aof ij’ioyd County.
Beiti<4 boliciU'd by tmtny fiiunds, and
after consulting witi, oiiieis, ! have dr
cidcd to ask the suffrage for .he office of
clerk of Floyd County supeci..,- court.
Having been associated with Mr. A K.
Ross, i.ur lamented ch ik, tor s. v. nteeu
years, and, request was that his
friends should give n>e the . ilicc, I feel
uo hesitancy in asking this favor.
My recoid for a t.iitlifnl (iiseharge of
my duty is kiioivn by most,., .hocitizens
<d tbe comity and by all the court and
■ nr. If elected 1 will endeavor todo.v ,
tiie example set by my honored tutor, ■
who did light, tan J,- ru;hf. :md, rvhile
i dead, yet lives in tli.- mil ■ s nd hearts 01
all this country. Rvsp. vinlly,
"M. E Ueysu.oi. i„
For Clerk Superior Court.
I Ci.ei.k s Office, SiTEiuoit Cot'irr, (
Rome, Georgia, Aug 4 n, 18IK). i
I To the < itizeus ol Floyd County :
i Having been api'o i.l, .1 ch ,! > ■ . < u . !
perior court to fill ib oinx; ... ,f I
my father, A. E. It .-..-, July I
25 li. Ib’tM), and as/.,.*■ duties < 1 .lie office
require my clme attention, it will he ini- I
possible for me to eauva s 1.. <■ . tv aud I
see the voteis in person a~ i ... do. I
bo I take tins opportunity i.. inloiin the
citizens of Fu yd county, that 1 am a can
didate for clerk for n -election in January
I am acquainted with the office, and if
elected 1 will endeavor to walk in the
footsteps of my father. Very respect
fully. A. F. Ross
Kor Clerk of Superior Court •
I am a candidate for the office of clerk
of Superior court of Floyd county, aud
solicit the support aud votes of the citi-1
zens of the county of every class, calling, i
color, denomina'i.-n and order. Election ;
tho first Wednesday in January next.
Robeht Habvey.
To the Voters of Floyd County.
clerk of the I
For Tax Collector.
lu answer to many inquiries, and in
compliance with many solicitations from
different sections of the e iio'y, I hereby
announce myself a candidate for the
office of Tax Colkctor of Floyd county..
Election first Tuesday in January, 1891.
Fosteb Hakpek.
For Babff
W. W. Tolbert is a candidate for baliff
in the 919 militia district. Election first
Saturday in January.
For Bai iff.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for bailin' of the 919th district, G. M.
Having served for six years, I am thor
ougly familiar with the duties of the of
fice, and ask the support of the people. .
Election first Saturday in January, 1891. i
F. M. Carwii.e. I
“In the spring-time” comes W, W» (>■ '
as a tonic and a boon.
a Big G acknowledged
thy leading 1 remedy for
iinN Gonorrhoea A Gleet.
Mvlt<)6l>AYS.w The only safe remedy for
o«w»nu«d »«io f leneorrtiws or Whites.
Em 9 < ““** ' I prescribe it and feel
ut douii-by safe in iwmmendingll
KaITHEEvANSCcfVicuCo to all sntlbrers.
v. 5.... JO| Decatur, 111.
'/w Sold by J>: tigaists.
PRICE Sl.oo.
For sale by D. W. Curry, Rome.
Hthe best known remedy
“H.G.C.” Cures Gonorhrea and
Gleet in 1 tos Days, without Pain.
Prevents Stricture. Contains no
U "8° acrl<l or poisonous substances, and
is guaranteed absolutely harmless,
prescribed by physicians and
// >1 recomcnded by druggists. Price tM.
" a Sold bv druggists. BewnroofSub
For sale by D. W. Curry.
For sale by D. W. Curry,
'ira - '
The best Bread.
Die best Cake.
Ai d the best lunches for schoo
children in Rome
Wholesale orders filled on an
hours’ notice.
Fancy bread of every kind
and fancy cukes ot every kind
made to on the shortest
p ib’e notice.