The Tribune-of-Rome. (Rome, GA.) 188?-1???, February 28, 1891, Image 5

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W.A.RHUDY’S SPRING BARGAINS I N F urnitur E Just received —a large shipment of ele gant Bedroom Suits in Antique Oak, Old English, 16th Centurv —AND— Natural Che ry. FROM $25 TO SIOO. READ THESE QUOTATIONS: Parlor suits, plush and tapestry beautiful designs S3O 00f/SIOO 00 Blcgant bed lounges, walnut and oak 8 00@ 25 00 v 25 patterns handsome hat racks.. 6 60® 50 00 20 patterns handsome sideboards. 15 20 patterns wardrobes in all the woods 6 00/6 60 00 The largest assortment of Baby Car riages ever shipped to Rome. Forty different styles to select from, ranging in price from $7 to $25. Also a nice line of carpets, matting, rugs, window shades and curtain poles at prices as low as can be found anywhere in the state. My stock is complete. A.l new fresh goods of the very latest styles and fin ishes. Call and get prices. W. A. BUDDY. 404 Broad Street. A Planters Experience. •‘My plantation 1. In a malarial dla« trict, wticre fever and ague prevafiled. I employ ISO bands] frequently half of thorn wore sick. 1 wan nearly di*. conraged when I began the use of T utfs Pilis The result was marvellous. My men became strong and hearty, and I bave bad no furthur trouble. With those pills, I would not fear to live in any lump.” E. ItIVAL, Bayou Sara, La. Sold Everywhere, Office, 39 & 41 Park Place, New York. ALLSKINano blood DISEASES. The Best Household Medicine, Once or twice each year the sys tem needs purging- of the impuri ties which clog the blood. From childhood to old age, no remedy meets ajl cases with the same cer tainty of good results as BOTANIC BLOOD BALM. W. C. McGauhey, Webb City, Ark., writes. •‘ B. B. B. has done me more good and for less money than any other blood purifier I ever used. I owe the comfort of my life to it.” P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August io, 1888, writes: “ I depend on B. B. B. for the preservation ®f my health. I have had it in my family now nearly two years, and in all that time have not had to have a doctor.’* GF- Write for illustrated "Book of Wonders," BLOOD BALM CO. e Atlanta, Ga. Sent free. TTWWFop LOST or FAILING MANHOODj UfiSWGensral and NERVOUS DEBILITY; I M I J iWeaknecs of Body and Mind, Effects AiS-SUof Erroraor Exce&ses in Old or Young, lie MANHOOD folly Ilcßtorcd. How to enlarge and WKAK,L’NDKVKLOPEDOROANBAPAHT3OKBODY. unfailing HOME TREATMENT—BenefIta In a day. from 60 States and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and proofs nailed (aealeil) free. dwiirtw eric Medical co., buffalo* n. y. «hg G is acknowledged he leading remedy for JonorrSioea dt Gleet, 'he only safe remedy foi euc orrlHex or Whites. I prescribe it and feel safe in recommending it to all sufferers. A. J. STONER, M. D., Decatur, 111. iold by PRICE SI.OO. El For sale by D. W. Curry, Rome. Hthe best known remedy “H.G.C.” Cures Gonorhaja and Gleet in ItosDays, without Fain. Prevents Stricture. Contains no ■ RgP acrid or poisonous substances, and is guaranteed absolutely harmless. C prescribed by physicians. Best Sy ringe free with each bottle. Pricesl Sold by druggists. Beware of Sub stitutes. Acme Cheni.Cp.lAd.,N.O.La For sale by D. W. Curry. STUART'S Gin and Buchu. The Great Kidney and Blad der Remedy. It purifies the blood. Relieves pain in the back and sides. Gives tone to the bladder. Stimulates the kidneys, Cures brick dust deposit. Aids digestion and increas es the appetite, and does all that is claimed for it as a kiu ney and bladder remedy. If you have urinary trouble of any kind try GIN AND BUCHU. It never fails to relieve. Sold by all druggists. RAILROAD MBK Freight Blockade on the West ern and Atlantic Raised. WHAT THE “LDHTED" MEANS. The Richmond and Danville—The Elberton Air-line Depot—A Summer Sleeper on the Central—Savannah as a Seaboard Outlet—The Railway Freight Claim Association. The Western and Atlantic officials re port the freight bockade raised so far as their road is concerned. There are many people who do not know why the term “limited” is applied to certain fast passengers trains. The term is only applied to those tiains that are limited as to the number of cars they carry. The gross earnings of the Richmond and Danville railroad for the first week in February were $274,800, a decrease from the corresponding period of 1889 of $16,125. It is said that arrangements have about been completed to move the depot of the Elberton air line road to Eloerton, and allow the track of the Georgia, Carolina and Northern road to run parallel with and close to that of the Elberton road. The latest improvements in schedules on the Central road will be the running of a through sleeper from Savannah to Hot Springs, N. C., via Augusta, which will be commenced in March. This schedule is for the convenience of the summer travelers going to the mountains About all the roads which are now being built in Georgia, and those which are projected, bave Savannah in view as their seaboard outlet, says the Savannah News. Io the very near future, therefore, the volume of ihe commerce of Savannah will be very much greater than at present, though it now excites the envy of all the other south Atlantic ports. The fifth annual meeting of the Railway Freight Claim Association of the eastern, western and.southern states will be held in Atlanta, March 5. The subjects of special importance to be considered are proposed changes in loss, danger and overcharge rules. The secretary, Mr. F. B. Goodall, has issued a general call for the meeting, and hopes that a full repre sentation of the members will be present. The headquarters of the members will be at the Kimball house. Go see those genuine imported, trained singing canaries received by Lloyd yes terday. I off er my entire stock of boots and shoes at cost. This is hard to do but I am forced to sell. My entire stock was bought before the advance. Now is your time for bargains. I mean what I say. R. T. Connally. 216 Broad St., Rome, Ga. 2-20-lm. COMMERCIAL WORLD. ROMS PRODUCE MARKET. Reported by Hamilton & Co. Rome, Ga., February 27, 1891. Butter 15 @ 25 Eggs 12 @ 15 Cnickens—hens 18 @ 25 Chickens—frying 15 @ 22 Cabbage 2 @ 3 Tur ips—per bushel 60 Co} 70 Onions 80 ®1 00 Table peas 100 fel 60 Stock peas 60 ® 75 Sweetpotatoes 50 @ 75 Irish potatoes, per barrel 2 75 (al 00 Meats-dry salt 6 @ 6*/ 4 shoulders none in market long cleai 7%® 8 hams 10 @ 13 Lard 7%@ 9 Oats 60 @ 75 Wheat . 80 @1 00 Corn 75 (g> 80 Flour 425 @6 20 Meal 75 (al KO Bran 1 30 @1 35 Rome Cotton Market. Rome Cotton Exchange. Rome, Ga., February 27, 1891. w. a. McGHEK, Manager. Strict good middll g 10 Good middling 9% Strict middling ... 9% Middling 9% Strict low middling 9 Low middling 8% Strict good ordinary 8% Tinges Stains Our market steady. NEW YOKE COTTON MARKET. Opening. Closing. February 8 69 .... March 8 71 8 70 April 8 79 8 80 May 8 89 8 89 June ,8 97 8 97 oiL orrv, pa. Petroleum— March 76% 75% CHICAGO MABKBT. Wkhat:— Open- High- Clos ing. est. Ing. May 97% 97% 97% July 93 93% 93 Con October .... May 56% 66% 65% Mass POBKI January .... .... May 9 80 9 87 9 85 Labd:— January .... .... May 6 85 5 87 5 85 Bhobt Ribs:— January .... May 4 85 4 90 4 90 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. The following are the closing prices of the mast important stocks quoted In the New York stock exchange: Union Pacific 45% Missouri Pacific 67% Western Union 81% Pacific n ail 38% Lake Shore , 111% THE TRIBUNE-OF-ROME, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 28.1891 Louisville and Nasnville 76% Texas Pacific 14% Delaware and Lackawanna 137 w * Northwestern 10/% t. Paul 65% Burlington and Qnincy 80% Richmond and West Point Terminal .. . . 18% Reading 32% Tennessee Coal and Iron 36% <’<»tt<»n < )il trusts 23% Atchison 20% rtugar Trust New Jersey Central 116% New York and New England 3 X % Rock Island 67% Lead Trust IS Chicago Gas 42%, Manhattan Consolidated U 4 Canada Southern 60% Northern Pacific pfd 71% North American 18% Northern Pacific 27% Hocking Valley 26 Rig 4 62% American Sugar Refinery •. 71% •‘Angel of Night” is what Dr. Bull’s Cough Svrup ha« been termed by parents, who-e wor rying and coughing children have been soothed and cured, and have secur'd sw»et slumber by using tlii excellent remedy. Price only 25 cents a bottle. Frosted feet may be cured in one or two days by the use of Salvation Oil, the great pain-de stroyer. Send 15 cents to Lloyd for a sample pound of pure stick candy—best in town. Also fresh horehound, extra strong. Fine blankets for sale at cost by R. H. West & Son. LADIES Needing atonic, or children who want build ing up, should take BROWN’S IRON BITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indi gestion, Biliousness and Liver Complaints. * N EVIN * H&OPERA~HOUSEffI® Tuesday Eveiing, March 3. The Nightingale of Song and Queen of Portean Stars, KATIE PI’TNAM, _4*_ ffe IN HER AMERICAN COMEDY DRAMA BY CHYS. T. DAZEY, ——— o — ( o )__ 0 _ o 2 -“LOVE FINDS A WAY.”- Supported by a comp my of unusual ex cellence. Full of intense heart interest; a comedy element of natural; mirth. Very funny comedians. Catchy Songs, Banjo Solos, Duetts, Medleys, Merry Dances, and grand special scenic effects. admission: Reserved Seats $1 00 Genera) Admission 75 Gallery 25 Sale of Seats Now Open at Yeiser’s. A NEW LOT Wall Paper Just arrived at J. VFAI.’S. Picture Frames made |to order [any size wanted. ON iPMONTH’S TIME. All Watches p. epared by ns are guaranteed to keep TIME For one vear. Send yours to us VEAL’S JEWELRY STORE. Disposing of an Office Seeker. “The art of putting the right men in the right places,” Talleyrand once said, “is first in the science of government; but that of finding places for the discon tented is the most difficult.” It would seem from this that the dis tinguished French statesman was as much a prey to office seekers as are the public men of our own time. His man ner of disclosing of them is amusingly illustrated in the following anecdote: One day one of these troublesome per sons presented himself to M. de Talley rand and reminded him that he had been promised a place. “Very well,” said Talleyrand, “but tell something that suits and which can be given. You don’t know of anything? Well, find something. You must admit that I haven't the time to search for you. ” The applicant was thus disposed of for the time being, but a day or two later he again presented himself, his face radiant with hope, and said: ‘ “Sir, such and such a place is vacant.” “Vacant,” replied Talleyrand. “Well, what do you wish me to do? You ought to know that when a place is vacant it has already been promised.”—Boston Transcript. 4- ■ ■ When Opera Goers Ought to Kat. A musical director now in the city has another idea besides music. “Complaint is made,” says he, “that people who come to the opera are nerv ous and fidgety and do not respond to the efforts to please. Is it any wonder? The 6 and 7 o’clock dinners are the cause. Our best people who go to make up the coloring of the audience dine'late, and as a rule they fill in regardless of the laws governing health, and come to the opera—shall I speak plainly?—with enough rich food in them to make them stupid and unappreciative. My advice would be to eat sparingly just before the opera. The good effects from the music would assist in the digestion of a good dinner taken as late as midnight. My notion will probably not agree with that of your physician. Be it so. lam talking from a point which interests me. Gormandizing and music don't go to gether.”—Chicago Tribune. »GRAND« SALE OF Wmfcrits-Li® parks# co We gave an order 90 days ago there by saving 20 per cent on our spring purchases. These goods are now in stock and ready for your inspection. Beautiful edges, flounces and in sertions in the Swiss nainsook and cambric, in the daintiest patterns and newest designs. EMBROIDER IBS — A. NT D— -4. L* A* C * E*S-+- A 45-INCH SWISS FLOUNCE . AT 30 CENTS A YARD- What do you think of that? Ask to see this bargain. Nothing like it ever seen in Rome. Our 35c, 40c, 45c and 500 Swiss flounces won’t bo matched in the city. THE NEW THING IN EMBROID ERY SUITS Is the new fast black embroidered Swiss flounces. We have them now on exhi bition in lovely designs and much cheap er than they will be bought later in the season. 1,800 YARDS OF JOB EM BROIDERIES. All widths from 1 inch to 45 inches wide, will be seen on our bargain counter at less than half price. Y’ou never saw such bargains in your life as this counter con tains. LACES. Torchon laees especially, we have re ceived a new lot and they are extremely low, no high tariff on them, but bed rock prices on every piece and assort ment unlimited. Now is the time to buy these goods before spring costumes de mand your attention. We ask you to see these goods and hear our prices. To buy them of us is to save yourself money. Try it. H B.Parks & Co A poor man as well as a rich man can make money by buying a building lot in Ogden’s Addition. This addition is located in the Fourth ward of the city of Rome and contains 64 level, beautiful building lots. It is within ten min utes waik Os tne business center of the city and within one square of the West Rome Dummy line railroad. Lots for sale at low prices, upon small monthly payments, with out interest. Do not wait for a “boom” and then buy at high prices. Call on or address Hill and Flowers, 230 Broad Street. A. S. Ogden, Rome. Hotel. 2-1-30 days R. D. VAN DYKE HUGH T. INMAN. J. H. HENLEY. Special $50,000. Van Dyke & Henley NO. 11 BHOAD STREET. Wholesale Grocers and Cotton Factors. Headquarters for Guanos and Phosphates. Heavy Farm Supplies a Specialty. Country orders will receive prompt at tention. Correspondence solicited. Feb l-l-yr * * _ I MERCHANT tailorincTmerits reward, j *1 -MERCHANT tailoring still on top.- IG. RIKHOFF, 202 BROAD STREET. Has just received ti e most complete line of THE LATEST DESIGNS —THE FINEST FABRICS THE NEWEST STYLES— WHICH HE IS OFFERING AT Popular - Prices. Beautiful Pants Goods, Elegant Vestings, Handsome Suitings. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO EARLY PURCHASERS OF SPRING SUITS: We will give you special low prices on every garment you may wish to order by ordering them now. Your careful inspection is cordiallv invited. J. G. RIKHOFF - - . . 202 BROAD STREET * : . J. H ALLEN, REAL ESTATE, | STOCKS & BONDS.7 ?V\ * HX; ■ \ '* Zz"X* \'\ fuaSyf'/ be* * & X?\ ffln A *x W «/ VA - •'A/Y-.-A Y\ rw \ ■ L / \ 11 tgn J\ zfiHKz 7 j \ M eyvsfi'hLjfi!J J. ■\.VoMEy^/®wwiraH® t Vrt-‘ ' / -A 'VHBI a Tkn L -' ;,_Sj4 'i Wl ; ®frl if®] \\ ' “i^ T ' // i irfWWgyggr. ?-'■i r <-~-<* <* CITY AND SUBURBAN PROPERTY Iron, Marble and Slate lu a i <lr. No. 20 Armstrong Building Borno ® . - --- - ---- - -- -- f I* MERCHANT TAILORING GAINS THE DAY. I ,% _• _