Paulding County record. (Dallas, Ga.) 1875-1???, March 19, 1875, Image 4

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Essay on Woman. Women are like everything else in this world—a very mixed np affair. According to onr own observation, there are Women good and women bad, Women gay and women sad. Women big and women small. Women short and women tall, Women fat and women lean. Women sweet and women mean, Women young and women old. Women bought and women sold, Women poor and women rich. And a good many more women Rich. The first woman in this world was Eve. Eve was a bad girl. She didn’t belong to the good templars. Eve liked apple cider too well—she wanted hers dry. We never saw Eve, but they say she was a pretty girl. Her fellow was a chap by the name of Adam. Wo never went to school with him. Eve was like tho rest of her sisters—just tell her not to do ; a thing and she would be snre to do it. Eve must have been a country girl. She didn’t care much for fashion, aud she mado her own clothes without a sewing machine. She wonld be rather behind the times should she visit us now. Some women are very pretty. Wo don’t like pretly women—there are always so many fellows around them. They remind us of a lot of flies on a molasses stick. We like the molas ses, but—bother the flies. Good women are plenty in this coun try, but they will never tell you of it ;' you have gob to trail ’em - out yourself Bad women are everywhere. They are like rotten apples in a barrel of good ones—apt to throw their decayed influence around them. They will always try to make you believe they are good. Don’t take a bad woman. She is counterfeit treasure. Look out for trade mark. Gay women are jolty fellows; always on a laugh. They make you feel good clear to your sleeve buttons. A sad woman ought to wear spectacles with pink-colored glasses in them. That would make her look at the world in a different light. We don’t know that we like a big woman better than a little one. If she is so big that a step-ladder is required to kiss her, we most respectfully de cline in favor of the small one. As we reflect further on this subject, we come to the conclusion that the small ones are always preferable. They have a tendency to hang themselves—around a fellow—and we want to furnish the ma terial for a hanging-post. We hate a mean woman. We feel like saying “deliver us from evil,” whenever we see one. But give us a sweet woman—one of nature’s own children—with rosy cheeks and loving eyes ; with a noble heart, a high-toned mind, a pure soul and a healthy body, refined in taste, developed in intellect ; be she poor or rich, young or old, large or small—to such a one we could say, “ fly unto our arms, darling ; we love you.” Death of the Irish Giant James Murphy, Jr., known as the Irish giant, died at Baltimore last week of consumption. Mr, Murphy was bom in Waterford, Ireland, was thirty three years of age, and unmarried. He measured nearly eight feet in height. The Baltimore Sun says of him: “ Some months ago, when he was in comparatively good health, he weighed 351 pounds. He had weighed more when his health was better. He had been in this country twenty-four years, having been brought here by his father and mother, who still live at the house on Chester street. The giant traveled three years with Barnum, as one of the great living curiosities of the world. In his professional career, he visited every part of this country from Maine to California and the extreme south. After terminating his engagement with Barnum, the giant traveled with a cir, cue, where he contracted the bronchial disease which finally ended his life. When in good health he had a fresh, pleasant face, aud, like all large men, aud particularly all giants, except those of story books and nursery tales, was as amiable as he was great in stature. He had a very youthful expression of countenance, coal-blaok hair, and his hands were so large that one oi them could cover the head of a large man, just as an ordinary hand would cover an orange nia feet were not so largo proportionately as the hands, bnt be side an ordinary shoe, one of Iris shoes would seem to be a sufficient habitation for ‘the old woman’ of the story book, who ‘ had so many children she did not know what to do.’ Wheii the under taker came to measure the dead giant for his coffin, it was found that the de ceased was full eight feet long. Surely the measure of a man is correctly known when he is dead. The coffin will be nearly 8A feet long. The body was vis ited by hundreds of people yesterday, the giant being well known on Fell’s Point, where he was justly esteemed for his amiability, especially by the chil dren, who, after the first shrinkage, generally liked to be taken in his arms aud elevated as far above the heads of their parents as he could conveniently hold them. —A correspondent of the New York Tribune gives an exceedingly simple precaution in the use of kerosene or any Other cheap oil. His plan is to fill the lamp lightly with jeweler’s cot ton before pouring in the oil. The cot ton absorbs a great deal of the oil, and in case of accident the latter does not flow about, and can thus be extin guished. On one occasion his kerosene lamp burst, and a mass of flame jnmped out; bnt, being in a compact body, he covered it instantly with a bucket, and with the help of a water-pitcher ami {a few wet towels extinguished it bfjjgrfe the slightest damage was done. Haait not been for the cotton the flaming oil wonld have flowed in all directions. Etagebe Cabinet* Organs. —The eta gere, as the French call that elegant article of furniture, furnished with a number of small shelves, designed for various small ornamental articles, has become a necessity in every fashionable drawing-room. The Mason & Hamlin Orgm Cos. are now mannfaetnring a combination of r.tagere and cabinet organ, very rich and beautiful, which they furnish for the prig© of an organ tvilhbbt' the etagere , * Magna Loa.—The volcano of Manna Loa, in Hawaii, made a brilliant display on tire morning of the 10th of January before daylight. The action began in the summit crater of Moknaweoweo. “The heavens are aglow at night, and a grand pillar of cumulous clouds coronate the mountain by day,” writes an eye wit ness. The summit chimney or crater of Moknaweoweo had been closed for about eight weeks, during the latter part of which time the earthquake shocks had been increasing in strength and frequency. This new opening of the volcano will serve as a safety-valve, and as long as it lasts there will not probably be any more severe shocks nor any other eruptions on Hawaii. Medicai, Advertising.— The medical profession are out-spoken in tneir de nunciation of the system of medical advertising, and declare that any medi cine that is advertised is a fraud. How thoroughly inconsistent and unfair is such an argument. The men who are eo lond in their critioisms, are those who advertise themselves as medical savaus by ostentations display ; splendid resi dences with massive door plates; fast horses and costly carriages. Dr. J. Walker, of California, an old practition er, respeoted alike for his skill and conscientious independence, dares to differ; aud having discovered in his Vinegar Bitters a purely herbalistic medicine, free from all spirituous pois ons —a wonderful specific for numerous disorders, advertises the same for the relief of his fellow-man, and is borne out in his declaration of its many vir tues by thousands of invalids, who are being cured of disease by its use. Blood Diseases. The blood being the source from which our systems are built up &Dd from which we derive onr mental as well aa physical capabilities, how important that it should be kept pure. If it contains vile festering poisons all organic functions are weakened thereby. Settling upon important organs, as the lungs, liver or kidneys, the effect is most disastrous. Hence it behooves every one to keep their blood ip a perfectly healthy condition and more especial ly does tliis apply at this particular season of the year than at any other. No matter what the exciting cause may be, the real cause of a large proportion of all diseases is bad blood. Now, Dr. Fierce does not wish to place his Golden Medical Discovery in the catalogue of quack patent nostrums by recommending it to cure every disease, nor does he so reoommend it, on the contrary there are hundreds of dis eases that he acknowledges it will not cure ; but what he does claim is this this, that there is but one form of blood disease that it will not cure, and that disease is cancer. He does not recommend his Discovery for that disease, yet he knows it to be tho most searching blood cleanser yet discovered, and that it will free the blood aud system of all other known bloed poisons, be they animal, vegetable or mineral. The Golden Discovery is warranted by him to cm e the worst forms of skin diseases, as all forms of blotches, pimples and eruptions, also all glandular swellings, and the worst form of scrofulous and ulcerated sores of neck, legs* or other parts, and all scrofulous diseases of the bones, as white swellings, fever sores, hip joint and spinal diseases, all of which belongs to scrofulous diseases. CONFIRMED —HIP JOINT DISEASE CURED. W. Grove Station, la., July 14. 1872. Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dear Sir —My wife first beoame lame nine years ago. Swellings would appear aDd dis appear on her hip, and she was gradually be coming reduced, and her whole system rotten with disease. In 1871 a swelling broke on her hip discharging large quantities, and since that time there are several openings. Have had five doctors at an expense of $126, who say nothing will do any good but a surgical iperation. July 16, 1873, he writes thus • My wife has certainly received a great benefit from the use of your Discovery, for she was not able to get off the bed and was not expected to live a week when she commenced using it, a year ago. She has been doing moßt of her work for over six months. Has used twenty bottles and still using it. Her recovery is considered as almost a miracle, and we attribute it all to the use of your valuable medicine. I can cheerfully recommend it as a blood purifier and strength restorer. J. M. ROBINSON. Discovery is sold by druggists. The test of time and experience is the only snre guide in selecting an insru ment. It is of little consequence that a man makes one or two fine pianos or organs for a fair and intognes success fully for a prize. It is the quality .oj everyday manufacture that concerns the buyer—not what exceptional and oostly instruments have been specially made for exhibition. The Smith Amer ican Organs are of high and uniform excellence, and are the best for aotnal use, having been tried and proved for twenty-five years. * Burnett’s Floral Hand Book. See ado't. Important Invention,—“ln less than ten years there will not be a metal truss in use,” was the prediction of one of our most eminent physicians on examining the Elastic Truss of the Elastic Truss Cos., 683 Broadway, N. Y. The extensive adoption of these unequal ed instruments, which certainly cure rupture without torture, will make them the only t russ es used in much less than ten years. We ad vise all sufferers to send to the above oompany for descriptive circulars, as these trusses are sent to all parts of the country by mail.— Com. Allen’s Long Balsam causes the lungs to throw off the matter that is collected over the air-cells, and makes the patient breathe more freely and purifies the blood, gives strength to the body and tone to the digestive organs, and heals the irritated parts and give life and health to the system. Asthma is soon relieved by its nse. For sale by dealers in family medicines generally. Diamond Cotton Chopper, Cultivator and Planter, and Com Planter are guaranteed to give satisfaction by a southern company whose character and responsibility are vouch ed for by the leading bank officers of North Carolina, The Cold Medal was awarded it at the Georgia State Fair. See advertisement elsewhere. Send for circular to J. W. Hins dale, Secretary, Fayetteville, N. C. It is a rare thing that physicians give any countenance to a medicine, the manufac ture of which is a secret. About the only ex ception we know of is Johnson’s Anodyne Lin iment. This, we believe, all endorse, and many of them nse jt in their practice with great success. Persons requiring purgatives or pills should be careful what they buy. Some pills not only cause griping pains, but leave the bowels in a torpid, costive state. Parsons’ Purgative Pills will relieve the bowels and cleanse the blood without iD jury to the sj stem. Burnett’s Floral Hand Book. See aav’l. Go to Biverside Water Cure. Hamilton, IP. ’ Yon need not go to Florida to cure your cough. Take Tntt’s Ex pectoral t and enjoy the comforts of home. This is good advice. Agents. Chang Chang sells at sight. Necessary as soap. Goods free, Chang Chang M’f’g Cos., Boston. UTTegetaWe and Flower Heeds. Send 3o stamp for V catalogues. Kob’t. Veitch ASon.New Haven.ct. m C “ ® Ofl per day at borne. Terms free. Address 9us9aU Geo. Stinson A Cos.. Portland Maine. a week to agents. Cncolars free. Sample 25c. O. Chadwick A CO., St. Louts, Mo. ORGANS For Home Use, and for Churches and Halls. NEW AND IMPROVED STYLES. Unepaled in Tone, and in Beauty of Exterior, Tie Si! imerlean Orp Cos. OF BOSTON, MASS., | Call attention to their New List, with engravings and descriptions, and assure the public that in these Instruments are to be found combined the best effects which they have made in their twonty ; five years of experience. No other instrument so exactly imitates the PipeOrean Tone. PRICKS TO SUIT THE TIfIKS. Lists sent free on application. ; Smith fc Reynolds, Norvnichi. Ct. , say:— ” We have sold and [>■■ ■ ■ used jour Sea Foam tor several r years and unhesitatingly re- commend it as the best baking powder in the market ” Smith. Gage <fc Cos., Grocers, r Lj/L # Portland. Me., say ;V W it I I wteirwi i our own and believe \ \ xflCßy I I j it to be decidedly the J>est A powder.” Its economy is wonderful; it I makes 40 lbs. more bread to a barrel of flour. Millions ot cans ii 1 JT Hold and not a single complaint. w*— 1 ———• send for circular to Geo. F. Gantz <fc Cos., 176 Duane st.N.Y. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! Jit ll PRINTING PRESS. For Professional and Amateur lal Printers, School**, Societies, iMuii* 123 iliac turer*, Mere hunt*, and other* it is VSjBHH tlx BEST over invented. 1 .'I.OOO in use. sMfiWßaHwTen styles, Prices from $5.00 to $160.00 BEN J. G. WOODS dt CO. Momifrs ami dealers in all kinds of Printing Material, fcamd stamp for Catalogue.) 49 Federal St. Boston. * PORTABLE Soda Fountains. S4O, SSO, $75, & SIOO. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP. Shipped Ready for Use. Manufactured by CH APMaN <fcCO., Madisou. Ind. ®”Send for a Catalogue. DR. C. A. BOHAHNAS, NO. 619 North Fifth Street, St. Louis, Mo., ESTAB LISHED 1837. Cures all sufferers without the use of Mercury. Charges reasonable fees. C3?“Dr. B.’s ‘ Treatise on Special Diseases,” which fully explains the nature, causes, symptoms, and means to cure all forms of Nervous Debility, all Diseases caused by the “ Errors of Youth,” and valuable information on other delicate subjects, sent free in plain sealed envelope. SENT FREE A Book exposing the mysteries of WAT T flffl and how any one may operate she- if Hub U 1 • cessfully with a capital of SSO or $ lOUu. Com plete instinctions and illustrations io any address. TURIUiIIDUK & CO. Bankers and Brokers, 2 Wall street. New York. ' /Smote THE FAVORITES. FA MIL YFA VORITK. ) The 1 itles MANUFACTURERS' FA VORITE. - Indicate GENERAL FAVORITE. J the Uses. For full information respecting our Goods or Agencies for same, address WEED SEWING MA CHINE COMPANY at Hartford, Connecticut, or our Branch Offices in leaning cities. BOOK AGENTS WANTED. For new and popular books, just issedu by the American publishing Cos . among which are ” The Great South.” “ History of nomocracy,”* People from the Other World ” '* Wit and Humor,” <fe \ Anew book by Mark Twain, and one by Bret Harte, nearly ready. Send for circular for ternii, etc., to P. D. RANoaLL <fc CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. W,RE R, NCS. not Rust or make the Hog’s Nose Sore. Hardware Dealers sell them. JrA lWtesagy , A-ofr 100. 60c.; Coppered Bings, f £ illZZZZ&km 6oc.; Tongs. $1.25; by mail, lIENHS? Bt P ai< L Circulars free. .ii ' Mill & Cos. Decatur,ill. imn AND ARMS. Highest award 111 A wherever exhibited. Satisfaction guar- I f|l\anteed. Latest Improved LEGS to LLy |1 on Gov’t order. Apply for blanks to (‘HAS. M. EVANS. M&nuf Ter, 152 W. Fourth Street, CINCINNATI, 0., or S.W. Cor.4th and Market Sts., LOUISVILLE, KY COTTON!COTTON! TH R earliest and most Prolific Cotton in the world Makes from l to*3 bales per acre; four weeks earlier than any other cotton. Send for cir culars. Address W. B. McUARLtY, Carrollton, Carroll county, Miss. MABRIAGEGUIDEiSs-iS valuable Information for those who are married or contemplate marriage. Price fifty cents hy mail. Andrew ill BUTTS’ DISPENSARY. 12 North Eighth street. Ht. Louis. Mo. mABKNTS Wanted Evkbywb ebe.—The choicest to the world—lmporters’ prices— largest company io & raerica—staple article —pleases everybody—trade increasing— best i.n dncemeriM—don’t waste time—send for circular to Robert Wells, 4) Vesey St , ,N. Y.; p. o. 80x.12157. THIS paper Is printed with luk furnished by Charles Enen Johnson * Cos,, 609 80. loth St. Philadelphia, aud 59 Gold Street, New TVn k. For sale in 10 and 25 lb cans by SOUTHERN NE *VB PAPER UNION, Nasbvltie, Tenn. - WON D ‘•i ß pul: tVonly for the BAI IONAL W ENCYCLOPKDU. Agents may coin tDonyat this; t"o commissions LA RG K. W-rite to TANARUS, ELWOUD ZELL, Philadelphia, Ta. A MONTH.—AjGENT’iv wanted every where. Business honorable and flrst clxss. Particulars sent free. Address WORTH A CO,, St. Louis. Mo. Wotlfoil] The People’s dollar paper, Thb Contki- II duluu] Bl ' TOB ’ enlarged to ill column* rcligtOos 6000 NE vv|and secular. Takes everywhere. Five agents^*” 1 AGENTS WANTED jver published. Send for circulars and our extra term* to agents NATION ALPUBLISHING COMPANY, Cincinnati, Ohio, or Memphis, Tenn. Til If Pnurri on ! one package makes 1 quart finest lllJl rUnllul i black ink. By mail per doz., $2. Mingle pack 2c. J. C. Harris,Druggist,Venango.Pa. Constant Employment.— At home, male or female, S3O a week warranted. No capital required. Par ticulars and valuable sample sent ffee: Address, with 6c. return stamp, C. Ross, vVHllamsburgh,N. Yi PKR DAY commission or S3O a week salary, and expenses. We Offer It and will PAY It Applv now CJ Wdhhfr A(7o. Marlon O W*. (t> n H A WVeek and expenses to all. Articles -m A°BRO.!N^ enJt!hi^J AGENTS WaNTED—Men and women, $34 a week or SIOO forfeited. The seen el free. Write at once to (lOWEN fc CO., Bth -street. New York. hj The American Patron is the moat popular grange §. and larm paper— f 1.25 a year. Specimen free. Ad (Xj dress J. K. BARND. Publisher. Findlay. Ohio. yj*OA Dally to Agent*- 85 new articles aud the best Family Paper iu America, witn two $5 chrorpes. free. Am. tfWgCoM) Broadway, N.Y * reet, St. Louis. Mo ÜBO Calling Cards 7 ttniteOe. by mail; send Pc. i stamp to W. P. Bacon*-fit. Johnsv! le, N. Y. d*n A Day. Terms to agents free. Address H. L. (p f Shepard & Co.Bost’n,N,York,Chic’goor St. Louis. A WEEK. Agents wanted everywhere. For. Jp|f| outtU2sc._FlnTon te Wai.kkr, Dayton, Ohio tftQAfl a month to agents everywhere. Address ipj&UU KxcKLBiOR M’f’o Cos.. Buchanan, Mich 1 to $25 PER D AY-Send for “Cbromo” catalogue. J.H.Bcfford’sSons,Boston. C A Oil IAN G V Smith’s Illustrated Pattern Bazaar | A9ni*/ltiw* The only Magazine that IMPORTS STYLES and SELLS Patterns of them. Only Sl.tO a year, with Premium. See Below 11 gyilM A&3IZ3 m [ 250^1 Z t.n* with Cbsk IM- Pmtt.rn with --ithClo<*l-. r n witb cuk i r "[,™7jnL 25 ceoU. iifaM.iß cntt. afafcl, 35 centt. |Md, 85 ct. [Zfafel, 50 wntix W give . perfect CLOTH MODEL with every P*”""! O ,JfIinUL W *° PU ‘ =JSUSft.E with serin.nt together, etter being cut by the prttern. They ere PERFECT 81111*1 c/oOi Mudet, 50 cent-. Any Pattem on thlg pagejnalled on receipt of marked price. Smith’s “Instant Dress Elevator." ftpriT AEECD I bnt A U r rtn loK" > /fralft W*u£m “youcertiffcat/Mfh will entitle you to eelect yourpre- MHH while peering e mud- mluin St spy time. ilSßmm yjfe and “sis gcbt -a. ox.ub s mSSSHI '.VFiHh' nm n rnitll W© shall give away $2,135.00 JHHHH il Loops the etiri In uULU uUlil ■ln COLD COlhTto 102 Persong who.get e Tasteful od Fa- the largest Clubs for the • BALAJkR ’ between NGW andi First shi on able Manner. II dr ell AUGUST. The person who getsnn the LARCEST CLUB wui the fullness to the leuA. m.ltlng the p-et 8250.00. Next largest. 8200.00, . Hew* largest. JfjMMHI. ■•straight front.” it Saves mure 6ex“. fIOO.OO, etc. We gave <1,350 00 m Gold <x\ last. BAZAAR Dresa3o-another! Z&SSWSS or. Secrets foISS^ Address, very plain, BURDETTE SMITH, P. 0. Box 5053. 914 Broadway, New York City, BIBLE LOOKING-GLASS. REFLECTOR, Companion T aiid Guide GREAT TRUTHS of the SAUREfI SCRIPTURES. SIX BOOKS IN ONK. Illustrated by nearly aUo iCngravinftt, showing every variety or human character, aud every quality ot the numan heart Thoroughly Kvangelical and Orthodox, but not sectarian ; neither Drv, Sanctimonious nor Sensational, but full of old fashioned honesty aud piety. Sound to the core, its graphic pictures and reading strike home. Being a Quarto, it is a companion in shape and character to the Family Biole, which it reflects and explains. Probably no W ork In our Language isro well adapted to teach the great vital truths of cor rect living. It ib Hwikg a Great Sale. Many Ageuteare making from SSO to SIOO per week. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE -Great inducements offered Send stor Complete Out fit, andbegtn at once. Address. BRADLEY, GAKRETSON <fc CO., 60 North Fourth Bt,, Philadelphia, Pa. My annual catalogue of Vegetable and Flower Seed ior 1875, will be sent free to all who apply. Customers of last season need not write for it. In It will be found several valuable varieties ot new vegetables introduced for the first time this season, having made new vegetables a specialty for many years. Growing over a hundred and fifty varieties on my several tarms, I would particularly invite the patronage of market gardeners and all others who are especially desirous to have their seed pure and fresli. and of the very best strain. All seed sent out from my establishment are covered by three warrants given in my catalogue. JAMES J. H.GREGORY Marblehead, Mass. HOTELS, GROCERS, HOUSEKEEPERS, AJjJj BOARDING HOUSES, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. I have an IMPROVED RECEIPT for making a PUREtBAKING or YEAST POWDER equal to the best in the market, with which I will >end a book giving 40 new and EXCELLENT METH ODS tor using it in cooking. My Baking Powder can be made for 16 cents a pound. Why pay 50 or 60 oents per pound when you can easily make your own for 16 cents? Price of my receipt $1.25 It will, however, be sent upon receipt of *I.OO by mail with directions (in English and German) for MAKfNfi and ÜBIKG it the name of the nkwspa pkr is given in which this advertisement is seen. The cost of this receipt is saved in every pounds of the powder made. Ingrediems kept by . rocersand di uggists everywhere. Address D. W. BBIGGS, Practical Druggist, Chicago, 111. A FORTUNE FOR sl7 Wyoming Monthly LOTTERY. Legalised by A utherity e/an act ef the Legislature . Tickets $1 each, Six for $5- One Chance in every 9. Fifth Extraordinary Drawing, 1 Cash Prize of SIOO,OOO 1 Cash Prize of 50,000 1 Cash Prize of 25,000 I Cash Prize of 20.000 51,025 Cash Prizes amounting to $350,000 The flnt Extraordinary DrawlM nil presided orer by Col. Patrick, Pres’t of Board of Trade. The aecond hy Govern** James- Third by Ticket Holders- The fourth by Judge Has kell, Pres’t of tha Senate. Draws every 30 Day*. Agents wanted. Liberal pay- For ftxll particulars send for Circulars. Address tha Managar, J. M. PATTEE, Laramie City, Wyoming- N- B —Laramie City Is o the Union Pacific Railroad, bo twoaa Chisago and Oirdaa- s* ■■■. ■ — >i. No. 617 St. 'ontlnuea to treat all cases of ohiiaclefrto marriage, blood im|iiiritieM, C7etj ailm n at or Klckaeßs which results fron iCHliscrctlou or imprudence, with unparalleled success. Dr. \V . s establishment in chartered by the State of Mi souri, wan founded and has been established to stcurt safe, oertain and reliable relief. Being a graduate of several medical colleges, and having the experience ot a long and successful life in hia specialties he has pertected remedies that are effectual iu all these cases. His patients arc being treated by mail or express everywhere. JN matter who failed, call or write. From the great num ber of applications be is enabled to beep his chargoi low, 36 pages, giving full symptoms, for two stamps MARRIAGE GUIDE, 2W pages, apepula'r took which should be read by every. • body. No married pair, or persons contemplating mar. cap afford to do without it. It contains the cream if -“dical literature on this subject, tho results of Dr. W.'e ioog experience; also be beat'thoughts from late workc 'n Furop; and America, Went sealed, post-paid forsoeta. rj&L t : t ’ _ ■ ■ ■■ * —- W VILBOa'B OOMPOUHI) OT PURE COD LIVER L OIL AND LIME. J Wflbkr’a ‘ Off Oil and Dlme.-Th^ great n puiarily of th s -afe and efficacious prepar ation m aloon Attributable to its intrinsic worth In the cure of coughs colds asthma, bronchitis. whoopißg con?h.scrofulous huruOrs. and all con sumptive symptoms. It has no superior, if equal. Let no one mgiect the early symptoms ot disease, When an agent Is tbuiat hand which will’alleviate ail complaints of thp chest, lungs or throat. Man ufactured only by A. R WILBUR, Chemist Bos too. Hold by all oruggists. RIFLES, SIIOT UUXS, BEVOLYFBS. Of *uy and every lfUfi. Ser.d for Catafogiis. Address treat Weaters Css Mil ristol W*#k*. FITTRBUfieH, fA.^ Mailed Free on Receipt of Postage Stamp. VOL. V. BURNETT’S \ TABLE OF CONTENTS. 'f [IN PART.] Calkkdar, 1875. Changes op thk Moon and Morning and Evening Planets, 1875. Eclipses, 1875. Language op Flowbbs. Poetical Sentiments. Cultivation of Bpbino Flowers. Caution to Housekeepers. Care op Plants in the Parlor. United States Postal Regulations. Language of Flowers ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. JOSEPH BURNETT & CO., Bosm Thk ELABTIOTRUBB " supporter is ELASTIcRSt^ rs . 8 K edl a n ( fop^ ■L TRUSS, where by the lead ing physicians, stir geons. druggists, army and navy, hospitals, \ Jr gymnasium, etc. W J The success and univer satisfact'on they have given, as well as the great numoer of radical cures they have effected, has demonstrated the fact that rupture can be surely cured without suffering or annoyances, and without the danger of Incut ring Spinal ditease or paralysis, often caused by the se vere pressure of Metal Trusses and Supporters. It is the only *ure cme for Hernia, as it Is the only i russ in use that will bold the rupture eecu ely in all positions in which the body can be placed. It will perform radical cures when all others fail It can be worn with ease and comfoit when no spring trusses can be used. When once adjusted no mo tion of the body or accident can displace it. These Instruments have the unqualified approval of the most eminent practitioners in the i rofesslon. From the numerous testimonials In our posses sion we append the following: ‘ After the experience of months patients testify strongly to ns efficacy, as well as to the ease and freedom from inconvenience with which the in strument is worn. With superior advantage*, the Elastic Truss possesses in a high degree ALL re quisites and qualifications claimed for other in ven tious. I have no nesbation in regarding It as an important means for the relief and cure of Hernia. J M. CARNOCHAN, M. D , Ex-Health Officer ef the Port of New York, Sur geon-in-C hief of wpw vorir Mate Hospital, e c. Geo. V. House, M. u.. tsup’i elastic Truss Cos. Dear Sir— After suffering for thirty years in my own person, from the use of every form of Metalic Truss procurable in this country and in Europe, I. two years ago, applied your Elastic Truss, and since th t time 1 nave experienced comfort and satisfaction, and been taught the truth, that tbe Elastic Ti usb is the <s)ly instrument that should be used for the relief aDd cure of Hernia; and now more than thirty years’ continuous practice, and bavinn adjusted many hundreds of Trusses (and for the last twenty months yours exclusive ly), I gratefully declare it to be my deliberate opin ion. that your Elastic Truss is theonly one entitled to the confidence of the public; that elasticity is the only power at all adapted to the requirements of a Truss or supporter, and am convinced that your Elastic Truss actually cures a large propor tion ol all cases to which It is applied, not only among children, but in numerous cases within my own knowledge of patients from 5 ■ to 75 years of age. H. BURNHAM, M. D.. Prof, of Anatomy and Burgery, N. Y. E. Medical College. Beware of cheap and worthless imitation Elastic Trusses, which some partes advertise arid sell, fraudulently representiog that they are manufac tured by the b lastic '! russ ( ompany. These Trusses are sent by mail to all parts of the country. Satisfaction guaranteed In all oases Before purchasing any other, write for Descriptive Circular (free) to the ELASTIC TRUSS COMPANY, ©S3 Broadway, New York* SASH , DOORS msT Faints, Oils, Olass, finishes, ARTISTS’ COOPS, r BLINDS VARNISH TRY ELAINE LAMP OIL. Safe, Brilliant, and Cheap. PIUM Habit Cured A certain and sure cure, without inconvenience and at home. An antidote that stands purely.on its own merits. Send for my quarterly magazine (it costs you nothing ), containing certificates of hundreds that have been permanently cured. I claim to have discovered and produced the first, original ant ONLY BURE CURB FOB OPIUM RATING. DR. S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, Ind. B. M.WOOLEY, Sole Agt. Southern States, Atlanta* Ga, $a fk■ ■ ■ rnm HABITaOUBED at Home. No B SZ 111 Hlsl Publicity. Terms mode rata iB ® m ill Kfl Til no short. Four years of an ■ ■ VrlYB paralleled suceess. Describe case, 400 testimonial*. AddVese,Quincy ; Mlch, s2ooa."^K2gg^gSii > % i g” WPONT -^* ajPXUNFZ) A. DOliliAn For advertising in any newspaper before seeing my new < atalogue of over ONE IWftUSAND Papers. S. P. •‘PSY C UOMANCY, or Soul Charmirig.4 ’■ Vt‘*w p-i ttihy fa*, inrit find #fu th* IdvtiGiiii - *ff, ctiou <if any : lUKS*W,IV**, l.y vnTti: tdgixtivr wlfh Egyptian Oi-tfctri**, D.-eaniH, Ifliitn tc> LihUpk,fio. I.OOO.flW)hoUI. i took. AUdies* T. Wn.UiaMS * UO., Pub’i.Pliilariolpbia Dr. J. Walker’s California Vin egar liitters are a purely Vegetable preparju ion, made chiefly from the na tive lierbrt found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, the medicinal properties of which arc extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, “What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit ters ?” Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re covers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life'giviug principle, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the history of the world has a medicine been coinpotftided possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick of eve -t disease man is heir to. They are a gentli Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation ol the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Disease^. The properties of Dr. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive. and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim vin egar Bitters the most wonderful In vigorant that ever sustained tho sinking system. No Person can take these hitters according to directions, aud remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or othei means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent ami Inter* mittent Fevers, Which are so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea* sons of'unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker’s Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepi sia or Indigestion, TTead ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, CoughS; Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita •tation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful *ymp torus, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise ment. Scrofula, or King’s Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Nick, Goitro, Scr.fulous Inflammations, lndolas? Inflammations, Mercurial Afl'cotioirs, 016 Soros, Eruptions of tbo Skill, Sore Eyes, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional bis? eases, Walker’s Vinegar Betters have shown tlqeir great eurativo powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inlianunatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases ot the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused hy Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. -Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, Rye sabject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walker’s Vin egar Bitters Occasionally. -~V For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pi unite) Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-head, ’Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Seurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and remo'ved. Kb system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelminitics will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when ik is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, aud the health of the System will follow. r. h. McDonald & co„ Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, California and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., N S. Sold , -11 Druggists and Dealers’. Th ao D 4 a r , sa nd CHOPPER IMPROVED “cotton M Planter and Guano Distil butor. Cultivator. Planter Distributor and Cultivatoi combined. Com Plantex attachment. All v/arrauied. Agenta wanted. fit ami I for IHust fWteW.WliLfpMFiufl yajgßntee and ©f7C. A C. CO., Fayetteville N. 0., or to Local Agent. WHEN writing to advertisera please metrtlo’i toe name oi this paper, fto, 11 S, Nt t. A DVE&TISKIUSt aeud cus. to n©. r. iiCW xL ax.L * Cos., 41 Par It Row, St. Y., for their Fem* phtat of 100 pages, containing llsU of KXft new* **p<?re, s*timatM fifetwtmg cost of airtrtMgc.