The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, April 06, 1889, Image 4

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FUGITIVE THOUGHTS. muiiETMnnninsmnm: Has ** wad HraoeeSf. I'to-netooe aaya: “Tree booor te to aaty wta* Uracosrt of chancery te to com-, ■aoe few.” Uwe •erefo tbto comperieoD, ■id feci iv* aa correct Biackriorra'a aa**r- Cfea, that “Equity a tbe eoncekra erf that wb«eio tbe taw. by fea»>n erf lt» tsnivere •aJtty, to detecwt,” and to tbe “reawo and •pint of tbe taw," we moat r»e to honor a higher rank amot>< tbe more admirable aitrtbaimof humanity than we allow to howeaty; sad yet, aa M ok baa ever retto fartorily expiatoed. «V*a to bimaeif, whereto equity and law really differ in perpoee or prfoctpfe. to K to weil-nfeb, K ■o* altogether, impotable to draw a rea»>n abie end tanp-rtant d redact io* between “Honor and Hooeaty " Ixxleorfreptenfay that the word “hon or," in the arnae it to need here, ennreyt the idea arf Mghmindedneae and integrity; to alas do they drdoe “teowrety" t mean ing a cooataat adhere ce to trwb and reeti tade, aod to be probity. inugmy. aqalty aau JasUca! Beemia<ty, so mnihty <hffcret*o! A toner and aaoresabtte dfetincttoo than that taxtwwud by Htocariowe, to drawn by away. who ran “Dtotiagnwh and diride A hair *1 wi« aoatb and tooth went ride, between the larara how and honeety, aa kppto d to btureoa earedaci. and acfaberirt* natoptaa mwbt to cried w Hlortraie th. iatoortoea effort qnbLrara here espeaded * In the v*to attempt to make a ’daueetl« where there In an farilrren.' Tbe abeardity of tbe ar foetal dwertmi aattoa bet wean men «rs honor and now of boaeoty. to worthy «< ■ bmw* **tearirei emnoMet than the lunHe at ibtosrttete will allow, atone many «*• oetto tprthg er mw coasted by e*cb a diner sour .*<>.» bat tbe fatty of the toßfafovd fata* aace referred to to an patoat to every thinking fated. that the as** pterteg of the w< rfa baaor and teawariy to Jer'epw* fare. assy onggott tbe tbowcbw that eaarei* be wnpidtod beta. A few remark* will ■MN rettemiy not be mes n preya*. aad BaMMieawrtotodelgHMe tor tbe ■cet of ttooMtrvaatooe be mey rtfcr. It atetn* that the gemrrel ratatat of man kind te* oereteraoed tbe truth of Ptarf* dtefanttoo that “Aa tarara* teaa'a tbe ■abtatt work of ttod* and yet. anay fa* farther tbaa Monotone, and not i»fy sore tMeoihat honor toe higher quality tbaa taraariy. bM alto taMgtoe that toe two are Mtiraiy mparaie and dtotmet It woaM j be tin hi It to apprehend bow a mao of < honor could be M the tamo time tetrea 1 and eqwailr bard weald Nbe to peremv» bow a Mrwtly booMt laaa «noM be other than om of the aaoet eobtemiohod toon* . tSebape. It • greater prepariJera of itote wbepme ter boa ret awn weeo touttot seres prtoerpto nod end frtm priwy. and •mm trbo fatere to pant ter teas of batnw, ***** boatto fMM erittear p*toe*pto or pa* toy. tbe ate* faMtariMra teriwre* taaww aari bnatNiy wuwM esto* no longer ■ llowoee*. tMMifaMMM bee not yet boon «*•»tod in. and wa one BSfacsty **p»ct tbatattw* eaUed buatwi awe. who are wttiteg to ed •ah that “tootaly w tbe teat p-tefa? •« agree wMb ArehMabop WbaUey, taat “to who onto on that prtno pte w awl an >rm tri tnaa ;* nor naa we tope that ad men of bewaeChwMMtow that a aua *aa( be fa that day aad gaoeratiM ue baa beta tbe «mo tteMgtaMM an Matoete u*mX pm _ r " JI wwdMan*. wMb warda of entan aam- - rwaee aad whb toattidt im pmw tan. at do f MrtMflad bMM* keen pntatoe the rate* | and taut Mpiwtag art at “tbearmg to tbe ; way of trade.* aoyoed peewd«wtewr«. hmO «m at teMtofn end famto*>»’|are «|wa»y I w.ti prtwamtad ,rs too Waib of bettor'» Meo ~ Otoßto to ftoto* • «* Os taw itnlA a»«*«tov . ■<•>. .• ■ . . *> • - toftto toft* IB ato *aj to to tarn*® «■*■<* it to to It tow. , totoA atort *to to*. «to ■» wtoi • *«mb at toW to ts ■ •** to tot to *to atom to torn *to. •to aaWtol to Mto ton Btoto total* wato to «tato Ttoa »to toto*» to BBtoAl mbmbt to “toMBto" •*• ••*» * *• **to»to ■towtoraT «to to toM tor aawt IStoT* *to h to MBtototo B» tom Ctotaraaa sto* aM *% wtof? tof •*» «to Bato* 4 *- atotawF *A «bbb to IrttoK.* tort ttoi toato to I toimMk to <to» *e>to CMto to Futoh toto Ctoa I to**tototohßß to Mtotot to tatot *to Btoß «MMI *Btob IM *Mto IB W*to>ittoßiM BBWB't BMtoM WBNBtto** 1to«BtMBBto«BtoOir BMB. m «* to® w I to* to VtoM Bto to toBMMMI to toMy Ctoß toto. totoßßtowto —toWa tom tor BtotofM** Ctortowltoto to toto < Mtototo «bM mt atoHto «• to*to mtoto «t «b atoraBMBMM to to Ctototototo* <to toato* to aalto w|M *to p* pto tot ton tomte W«t*. •to tototo at to totoC Vtor «m« to to tot ato to BtotMMar to to toto to *w< to torn tout* totoa to toaa, to tototolMto toA Os mama ma to* at Ito Wtottottoatowto to tor Bba totoa® at Attotoa Ito to toato faooaatoto «e to totoftoat tor |to» IW r*eeO of Ageertfeing Theee beautiful daye tbe fanner* are hard hard work, and very few perrons from the country are to be tern on our atreets. Some of otu merchant* are complaining of dull times, with tbe fe«r of worse a-com to<; but ft should be remembered that there » alwayt a lull in trade at this sea' ton. In a little while tbe spring trade will open, and then doubtless the IxHimva will be as good if not better, than at tbe seme season in previous yean. Meantime rhe best remedy we know of for tbe doll* owe of tbe times is per»i»tent and contin uous advertising We would commend the remark of a former Athenian, who • Mtel * “To make adverU*ing pay, you mint keep at II persistently—literally bathe in I Il Tbe reason tome busineat men do not find their advertising to pay, is because they are only pariial alveritaers Tbe dull season should flod the newspapers as well filled *• the busiest of tbe year. This" be said, “to tbe only true way of advertis ing." The above *• the tubstaoce of bit n marks on tbe subject, and his words are w.irihj of the attention of our businem men. Aw WM>Ttase .Hegre Old Tom Dootey. the ancient looking negro who drives one of tbe city earts, to a true spociateti of the negro before the war. Tom is a piece of property of tbe rtty aa it were, and would oof seem at home uolw be was on top of that cart with has old battered bat. end shouting at tbe boys as be passed by. He wa* put off the service ones and moped around town for neeriy a year enrii he wa* pet bock asaio. Ue drive* a trained mute, and can tears him a btoeb od. sad then cna-k hi* floww at Mas sad say, "Come ben J*cb,' and be omms Oul Tom to tbe delight of all our mssrhaiita who cwk taueueaf j-toas eu lum, and «wj *y them hugely. And so Man be. ***«Mod.“aSMS STows* Sogto Arqmlnted The fedhiwtng llltte mtaetve was picked up by a ffaaew reporter s —— Gn March M. T» Mm*—>r Hl to with ptosum that I me you a stew l>uea tu Ist you tw»w that I *m w»l st this time, bopsug tbto wHI fin* yu* the mm*. M•* I did not gM sc quaMMSMS* with you as good aa I wanted tawa But I like yew tawhaw. Ma t will trts to some to ese you whin I come •e agta i ■» whin I n 111 git U>«r agin sow I go* so sees to rile bat I like you why good bops you like mo a ten lo ‘ Ma nud She tbwut that i bod fell to toe* I wish ys« beume I bed too* my sppiUgb' ! sad wamid um oto as uraeb m i did far* I laeanfM, Fab* cant gh see tu* work to myd tbs* I w«* st oh am that thar party i gwl that tee seed me with. lam stak na you MM top you wool gM ma l whh me far tt fur I east hop but to* you. I waste I Cbm* tee lbw tyme By asiag writ soeo •torn seww Bud band rtMssA you* fryewd ——- F. B Mta* - pluse duet torg* io rite 1 sun* as yuu gt* tbto tolygnmi Tbe Mew Taefc WoeM has been oMutn* teg optotaM f*wm nrveeui Ovorson mtn •ho me erf money is etos**ma Qweesuu* lie* bin to Mooted an asytegt “I have a very dsuhbd nptetou to regard to tb* use erf maney to euwtratttng eteeftoeo My prsteued e*mvtettao w that tto* osoe try * in mw tones* tram tbe effort* that bow gywwn aemmra to tb* tern tow y*w*s to purvbna* auto* to euMrattieg «testlm tbaa from any other ***■*• I de eaa as* • ramedy, hot ail tb* power* <rf tb* G«e» sramrat-foato and Faateeol. togmteuve. jedtotai ami skseuti** ought to be emd ' to teenk tow* rtas vtto and grewhw prar* Us*. The tonrge that tbs ***** to • aurpiwumi at tb* fourth, 4 H were tree, omgbt to give tbe poinefta ttoahiag man | st the kJ noisy ter tom «*•*■** fa* tbe tetus* of tb* ItepaM« then tbto bebk nf ! depending neon nranrantetod money to dmhfa lb* qweattem «f wbe *•*■ I meh* ee* tewa, and obet Mara* laws «b*M to," AwaaSwe ■**« to toatoosoo Thursday eftaraoea. ahis* tee* e'ete**, fas* nltor Th* Hur bed g«u*» tn pram, tb* Ito batt oaihjsd aa atortn. and nm* to* wfaate town we* basteatog to tb* seen* erf «mßagrati m. wbteh *e* at tb* Btestan towodry, neo* tto Itoput Toe Bev eangb* fawo a spark tram tb* ragtag, the* equipped a awwjt frees* MrtM> Mg. to tstotab patmra* w*s« stomal In aw teetasrt tbe hmm* wo* i* domra, sod B wa* anew a* a gtemw that they* wm i | an ritoees a* an** ■ u* tbe enwtaom. That* pewoat at oews ma to week to ', aae* tb* edfasswt bartMto*. and a* tb* : kwrateg toram wm ewrawsated by w nudes straerame nod pete* of werarf and lemtes tbto wm nw eagp teak. | forasral pteateg martteaae wee* mowed , tern a bMHtag Aseamal to deorraettam j and an efowt and* to tone dew * tbe tows* |, Bat totes* tbtewtoM to annwnptatod tto | awry fowaan tod tehee pomarahra as to ' Al bawd* ttow tornad torts *******w to! usawteff a tenge pF* ad draamd teantoe eat ' • •*» *»«M Mr MwOeO ptato fate Tto tees toobaast std een haetodtam ffimw woosh Ors pastsem totawgmg to Ba Om ham.—Mtosrti i raw. Fte toe cq me tain toe* Ashuoa* toms. Tto to—'"** rtasusii ■ nt pee rat totohag teabed * gsud Ato in a q*t way L The seen paepte see •** fat* waned «w eey or* ptam. hm tbqy af* soar y seed , mate** tto antes*. a te wtso* *rmaea tnsr* w« ».*** foam Pattern to forasesrato. | Mas Ufa toeassy fato**am and vtstooe* » ~ : tb* te*m toaster OrawsMte*, wmm |ttoetetbl«a*ew«k. Mar fob. Itom*4«tei , totem w« teeatd at me end a bsMtomw pre Steta swan w*y. and pamd fa* fonty ’ top* Tb*toW*aain tefosCmsws a I yetßMtfa Among fa* *p*eh»g •* earn • fa* aasno* erf forasuwe* Ama k tawfam. tofan A A team is tfa* Wn Boy . mate, of Btomn. and Bra A P fawra tewmwirt pnemssra the dategehm a rnywi tampmnfay Tto tomia erf tto baasday wfam aaaam smut «m tb* Cmemuew erf I « •« ftossgta ■**< to Atentn, fa Tfo IrftefabtotoSLw JL—w toe w edMtngnbad dtotne ors tto Mm ! y!!» end teg swrapy m* Pte** atom* bate*. : Tto Bra. tto. Itoeton Mtosy ***** tuam Bsaaokkto * T.t* a IHT- a n fal \ Ito Bauehiipnai Be urstaad to* msto. *rf • w»w nt foa Kwata*. A naanafa *• I | temnfat rhnsra earn fa* wa msiat gsmtto ; foam m eto ***** dbp * *■* ■font «nt ‘ pew tan a mnffal wwwune ; tte fafaup wdl pmmA m foe Ptow B*. i rat eswawe wmusMsew moewhfo end tmsu— . nOSKK «;OKW FOR I.ISB. The A*rv Brio* io a Verdict OS .If order And R*coaoeodataoo 11. SuHivsn Moore, Jr.,—young, well connected and with, apparently, every , thing that could be reasonably wished for —will speed the remainder of hie life io tbe Georgia penitentiary. Tbe Jury in the case against him »o de cided yesterday. The case went to tbe jury at a few min utuee before six o’clock tost evening. It wa* out about three hours when the so- I nvuncemcnt came from tbe jury room ' that so agreement bsd been reached aud . Judge Ctarke was sent for. Moore wss brought into court to bear the verdict which meant so much for him. He was hopeful, very, and when tbe Jury's decision. “Guilty, with a recommenda tion of mercy," wss received, ne was well nigh prostrated. Tbe srgumeuts in tbe ca»e were resumed yesterday. Colonel Glen a continuing bis very tireug speech for ibe prtMCutiun. He spoke about an boor and a half and was firflowid by General Gartreli fur tbe defense * a speech at two hours sod a half. Tbe speech was one of G neral Gartrvb** strongest mJ was listened to in« tartly. Then came tbe masterly address of Judge Jobs L. H pktns f<« ike defense, who w»s ciiwriy listened to for u><*t than two boom Solicitor Hi i closed tbe ar> *aa>e*»ts la a forcibte artsiguaaeet of tbe IWtaoee* ot lbs bar. Judge Clarke s charge was a clear state ment of tto* law ta th* oana It was fit use minutes before six o'clock when the Jury retired. A* Fated above, th* verdict was render <d ala f«w miautes before ata* o’clock tart Bight. Judge Clarke did mA d. liver the sen tence <rf tb* court, but will do so on Bstur day. L’nutr tb* taw, b»-cau only *au uc* tbs prtasra** to conffoemaat in the pent tenitary tor life. Tb* cess will duubttaa* go to the so pnm mrart Coertilotiow. TUB nimptora * W«PLAIWT. A h****sh tow* Ag**attat Vtofas * lit* UweSer *.••• Cwcmmi. March M—B*v. G*vg* B titsrr. boperluieodeui ot lb* Central thbl. sShraal for bran* aad for- iga mrataes mmptaras to Ito assoctatvd p**m ttoel Ito hrvvntb Usy Adventist* ar* bring fa*tib| treated tu tom* p«n* ot Itos Boetb. H I ta* mwiv*d from Aid.r M Hu.rf.uaa. so that seas, ter ir.aemM*MMi to tbe greet* euaferewe* «rs BstU* Orak, Mieh, toe fol Uwfag tetter, writte* at Alpharetta. Mitin oooaty, Georgia • Brother Cueblin, of H ehigaa, who, will hie family, has fairly mtrtad iaio tht ertghbMVfamd, ban tarn tejavted ta tbs greed Jury sad a tail f mad aseitart Ma | to worktag on Buaday. aad ail to 4« was to cct A rsw vrsca* up wouw to bafld a rfrv. Jam what I bav* ssee maay I ether* fasag ***** I rasa* to tto foal* ' Tbe paaarty to vtUaimg any portoa ot the law ta ihte k ats ta very *ever>. Ttori teve wba’. b kaoww m this Mute as tta "chain gang." where Uasra who vtaiete <hs law are taken, sad a ball aed ctai l aslsard ta na* tag. aad ttey are made i wrak «m putew read* eto ratauafa. aed I tb«*w wta are pul Uso** ar* maay «f Itow I Wrated w.vne tbaa Mute*. M«*y hav tesw wbMvto to .tooth, end dratoto* rs to should tee lata* Use** to wnsktag <m faraday to wwaM to c-mprlted to work ueßuadey o» whipped Wta* to y-mr adv*** f IfowuM we to beam* m ttoewewi* oswtt wwuM you lata foe eaas toitattu- Wtrass omtrt * ato rs *0 caa you help usf We are ail pmw he**. forturtfay‘a Ifawv foCrfßmgJ* PRStB. A Bwvy *ffb«»foemM*yuMm A*«w*s MMe Tto trtal erf Ctatkm H. Bttete of Opp.’ tagte*. to urasfav baa uummatoad tto ■tseatam arf tto Mtete far aeveral day* Wteaa Jedgv Biery aaitod use ewurt to «ede*. Mr. J P Houses. «*f Cteviagto*. task tk* Bra* to tto defesra* aad syota ato qa*»Uyla*aa fora*. Hoa. F U F wst. nf MadSH*. faitarwmi * a *a*w»tfel *r<w meat to tto faf*i ra. Whew Bi P«wa*t tetakwi. tto toys* at Beteub aad km frtaafa ainmiil tame Jefav B P foiaards Msesd fas foe foam, aad Ms wgemral was a very abte MS*. Vterf M FataawdJmigv A M Bpawr. tarttag WMseem to tb* fata***, fatowed to vwy «M* anrwmew w ami •* to an Mi crastama tßerts ware rtime teed, tto latent GTfaß W-raarh <raa>d to tto fata*, wad tto fammb was urn kang te to nattmi erad In Cwtagina. Rs epeaub ww* ma arf rtfc etoe end pawstfaj tens n ■!■**, aad tern CMMSWW* parared te terid Setom He | •pmte rfaaterarty aed toeteasged Ms forty , WML Jmig* H»w«y fairn w.*d a toast bbl* » •ad tfopsrtto eteMp*. aadai••* p. m. tto )e»y ressred ta mate ap tbotr eerfort the ; tea* st Chita* H Bahi te hatag m tto | totemw, it wm wtfo ■ toy *< has enure I wywMm *• bull tea mum am* at hwgwfa j VW* VBMSWV. Tbto muswmw *t abrat aa afatawk. Mr M L Maa*, «d th<* etty, Mtmeart a tato rwtatfc Fnrak Np,«te w to C'.dtsagtam which saw seared tbe verrffcA It wm, *at gwfoy I And Cbastay Bctad* * wsw foam Tto tapptoami mt* sast tea to ta* frisefa wag uterine te M «t »matt fafohm Tews rad* <me at fa* MaaAum rttepa ** ta tto brat «rs ratm is wsmuatond te tto rfhMU at Gtrwsm MfkP* •« a utaatess*. ■•waiaaea Were* Pvase tfae Inasss te le ado. Lawnren. Mere» Bh —Arfwwii torebmw j rsamrad foam Beforti to tor sdtart foal to a l wsvkßr beenmma thaw* Aaansam wad teas . ttanasa wm.rf.ew ware wrectad, wad that aaay pemas* *•** >is *—< «n Stamm* wwanctm Ascwkanas, Bare* ML—F ipi**k**f.inw | Btm a wane torn tto Amraana* maa-orf- 1 attt Treat im, VaaAato aarf Mtoate. aed ttofaartteta mmerf .mu* Alfa*, Ufaa serf fibre was* brtoee am a seat dwto* a vto temt uMssaaarf traarty mitrf. Mrs ranrem. rmmmn tWttaAmreraarevntararrrftartemM totfatot torn wreedtowsrat. ams arf for ‘ ttaraea *rew* mm .&*** aad u*My- i eras* anew taw Mart* tern* Bte» t**as»ra m»a~~ Buwmnarf BMtaa. a refaared mea *rf fam | . «*y. wta we* wm tmaaiii anil Am Bates * a* toe aaramd tente of Nmaaamn. wrare a i , rep ware font to tom mre* earn ataan. Be ’ •eytto wan atom m«• Mart wttt a tape gsagas team aad tawfo rfdammjta* ww* M . toil awtag <* tit* tost mm ato atom uwwfo tea anal B* say* * rft tod aaarart ham • j any earns* part «f ttobafa.A eaarfes- j ifofofa bam* tafore tarn. F.xeeruien Train*. The season for tbe running of excursion trains is rapidly approaching, and for some time these trains will be loaded with pass engers. We have naught to say against tbe excursion train, but would suggest one idea, and that is that tbe thing should not be altogether one-sided—trains should be run into Athens as well as out of Athens. Let a train be run from Macon into Athens and from Tallutab Fall* into Athens on Saturday evenings. It is isn't exactly fair tbat tbe trips should all be made from our city to these points. The Ferrarr*’ Clete •( Ctarke CtaMMf Meet* first Saturday of each month, at Mayor** Hall, J*ck*on »tre*t, 1030 a, m Next Saturday, Aptii rftb, will be a meet ing of vital importance to Clarke county. Tbe future of toe Experiment Station wiil be dtecumed All of tbe citireoa, a* well m fanners, of Clarite county are inviti d, and are expected, to be prevent. Let al ( Clarke county turn out, and let us look after onr local interest* and tbeemseof agrculturel education throughout tbe Bute. re ■♦■** Twvwtr Wtoee* o< Rem*. My little neice, left me by ber mother, bad one ot tbe worst ca*«w of white •well ing I ever raw. More than twenty (Acre of b- we came out ot ber teg, one pH c ■ liv ing about tbe »)ie of tbe mail end of a walking cent, and nearly three teehee long. Tbe bote tef* by taking these pwccs out wm m large m a good steed walnut, fate wa* not abe to walk S4B«p tor ret bl moo-ba, and wm after wards eempelkrl to n»e erntebe* for nearly a year. The doc tore raid there wa* no cure, and adv red •mpuiatioe of tbe limb. This 1 would not coasent to. but pot ber to taking Swiff* S. Hl leaving ett sii other treeiment It ore cured fa r wuod and well, and I abaft ocver grow weary of •praking It* prate*. Mas. Annnt Gusuno G lumbua. Ga, Feta 11, Ito# Tte* WerM Wa*** ta Mere *L Tb* world ought to know what 8 8 8 b m don* form« tn th* rare of * mvlignant Cancer, wteicb wa* *o bau s* to be ®ue ahU red .wureble by tbe pbiMcrana te Chicago, where I writ t» to treat rd The b wprtel Mrg«o«* gave me up. ta| teg th>y craid «to nothing fur m*. Oee el my eei*bhore rant m* a copy of an advertise - meet cut from • paper Io regard to Bwift * Bpeciffe, and 1 began uXmg H. 1 got r«« lief from »h< firet few dost*; tte pom* was grednalty tontd rat «rs my syatm, and Iwm era* cured aaiond and well. It te now ten mratb* stnmr 1 quit taking 8. A A and 1 kata bad no sign of return of tire dreedtnl draratr. Me* in Bonrvtu Au fobte. M eb . toe. H. TM. Mod for b.» k» on Biuod D>*aeea and Cenora' mailed free. the bwift rfpsciric ca Drawer B. Atlanta, Ga. In this tone apprara in* new sdwrtw*- ment M Mrs. T. A Adma. Bb* taw a beMtitnl Im* at miltterry good*, and th* ladle* are cordially invited tocell and *x em>M IM *•***. ■mart* wrrßßmK rfNßMßrfrf. AU tte* RrpekUeeo Faettawe laHr Ml Mie SotereM. Tb* Oeeritnttae fra today taw tte f<4- tewleg WaaMegtne telegram: W 4em*oT<4t. H neb IB.—AB tto hied tog rvpetrtKrtae of Garagta sow I* Wesb tegtew, boryiag ail tacuewni dapaiw*. eai'ed today to* tb* pnipnse <rf pwreia* to tb* Pmudeet lb* r am* arf tb* Mera. Kaeury Hp-er fur tto puenaM apo* tto •oprvea* reran brack reedmvd vacant by tb* death of tte tel* Jerttee Matthew* Tte tavasrefel «ms asl that Ja4<« rfpea* to <nm «rs ite tocst feUiMi t*wy»re te tte oasairy. sad a Jrai** srf pn4u«»d atiraa ■Mifsatal fawprtarereiL Farther U>a* to baa nritlivwil s* terran retae paowMwvwas mi rvrey p«Hk« te Irft wteteto to tea* a*WM|.u«i-«s s Uwyo*. *• * rmtrfviiswiate, as F*raM«wta*g ottorevy fa* Ite fa*** saret. ** Jmlfaßtal aa O» aw lb-<: ttast to to s-raori rtgMrt tte fav* faf**tefas «d otefartfatateßf few sari not **al Jwrtraa. w»*rii aafarrta tto foaadan «rs r> fastate* rfMWtMieM. Funtae* <MM to rt era * attain ton* te. tte.t te p*> areta* 'lt* "irasn*. wittaM salterftaiMrti « B**“ ■faataß fete* torts, ttary fori M»*»d ttasl to «M saifervitad B m Be asjwreo-ra tt tte tatawte te wire* te » Bote toy tte* tofaabtaMMi «rs G**«ta sari arf Usrir A rire ttori te awy ta taawareri by *• grttateraas wterab *UI vwsbto Mae to rarea test araarttry te tteas bqrfbas qfaeere fa* wb kte bat fartrertto* t*ri teretfaM tartrate •> am teaartly fa bra*. w»»■««•»« it* Tte* fae.vtaS. fess* *m «rare«**l We HMB4B SB ErftofoM v SB rib 4 BBte *** Sitortl flB • * Pwitnwwrtart. Ate.. Betrab BL—-Tfa, I •ta* •to *«•*'• brerf off aad Td ria to Ttoas we* fte raatahfar arf fartrawa atrate to J«a* StaMrt«*ta • a fata Wrrta tea, ate* «to «aa wn«tai te BkMrtrt rosuny «• fay Tte vrero bast «a* <ril ite teswri at a aew* •aaeta Dtew tewfe*. • *Bta*. wttk *» «•. Tte CTtari Wta «e«Bfart*vd teas Mglrt at Ore**, a MMrfs ta*te «• tte Btorttfagtarti feff a. T * vfafaWtota ■arte as MM* eta? Jore fosMtaaa* wa* Lw**»y tte asto tTO* erf Itarre foenffii, ortea wirkrat te tea assaae farar Orenas* B faafayr Dara gnat Matrf at A«b* aari •a* Rayteg *a***ilna * ■amtori w*»»* trial «faM Atm* Msg aa <xa«4 «a tte «A* Wto-ta Br»te* W«**!•***<. Rfa F—temi fa*** ’to A*v rate** to «* »»< orv.teoM taßtabrag rta iteif*. *q» •a* **a droata«l btart ate ateaaa* •*•*- I ptaterfy revered tto teeßfw’a totari taw* Me b«dy tbaa. wrtb tea terrafaaartterf at «te faarav te«e» twrtwteteri rta* Vte *•> tertfartd to state tort, ararf •*< to* ** anreaad arfreei ta* rfofatok tearia*, s tew fata* hate fa* *•*••«< fa* retort fefarfy ata* ter a i*v>tai fate Bb* *«* lata* ta Ite Btaaa* * Jte «to ««•» ta**** tom* aaawaritete ta faai —w ririßteßPfeMß CCTN». aiisraio**iry «ta terarata rt •****. **M*Me rraeta* M tee y*g rarf serei «** rt *********** and i.rare teßarifoteuiStert iraaarea ata rerie* oreelra * Triiji* RiSBl eteaßtereare Cu Biliiriri*, afore taraa* ora art as silted* eraiwn ***** re Stoearead* ri aa***. te.»• a tore *»■ rearfb. * rerewa ter tore mritevreq teerara aataaaad tan, —- rare- ore* -A— re otara Urarer " tel rare* tee erfstafaK re Ml wta fort sraape. te i raws fori A re »*<*•. •wa ate awsieare* w prepare— ate r-- ~ •ore toy sera’ ay atarerate •«• —» e« State yea* 0t A. teevaa, » R-T’T’ tatetaw*. JL I. rtsarer* For the Chronicle. A RESURRECTION. Tbe Street Car* Live Agate. hi 0, Muse descend and grace this song; Thro’ rhyming measures bear along; Help me to sing the gleeful joy— A gladness, sure, without alloy— Which filled the heads and hearts of men, Upon beholding once again A tbrice-bless’d street car rolling down The busy streets of this fair town ! The day was quite like other day*— A day for poet or priest to praise— But still no wendrous portent showed The blessing kindly Fate bad stored With other bounties in her lap. And naught rerealed to mortal eyes Tbat corporations dead—may rise ' • * * * * The never-tiring “Bill Collector,” The energvtie "Health Inspector," Wealthy “insurance Co Direetor," Th* languid clerks and tear porters, lawyers, Doctors and "Exhoiters;” AU going about with earvlesa mien. Not thinking of what will soon be seen, Nor dreaming of this great surprise That corporations dead—may n«e! The man *t bills, was ceaseless dunning; The "Health Inspector," almost running; Aad neh “Director*" account* were shunning; Tbe clerk* were tryirg to look busy ; Porters, from doing naught, were diaay ; The Lawyers all, wishing for client*. Thinking us "plaiauCa" and "afiaata,” And framing lies of wondrous euumng To ward ofl eerer-eeaanug dunning; Tte Doctors,gaily tiding round Aud tending lu all pan* of town Imaginary patients’ ilia— Meanwhile, aroidiag ureaoara bill*; Tbe Preachers, arguing aad eaplaiaiag Points of doctrine, sou disdaining AU other "doxies" bat their owe. And handling creed* -coaienuoe's bone— . Sore tiring rat both saint and sinner. With "talks" which threat's to last ’till dinner, Wbe* *n a sadden ail is changed. And buataem greatly disarranged, Far m the iwtnkliig of an eye— Ire • abeep’s tail back aad torth could rfy— A joy vua about proclaims around That some eaeitemeul has been toned ! AU urea rash madly forth to ace WMI can tM mighty matter be. Each eye la Used, each tonga* is hushed, Aud te I from every Side have rushed Fast taaleaieg mas—witboat a paaao— Soeaiug to Bad tM secret cause Os all lbw lamult aad anplsuae. Behold ' errand the corner cotaeo, UaMraMed by trumps or drums, A trradrea* sight, a woMroo* thing, lit which each e. uuag age should slag; For to t ib* dead baa cooie to life. Aad startled tear aad aw* are rile— Tbat corporattoaa dead, should n**, it ailghly mailer fur surprise I te * t«vs tM *Uv*s the rad ear eoaura, * Each tying wheel, i* laming, Lama, Aud mad and madder grew* Ibe shout Wh>ch traws from the happy rral; For so* faepclted is avevy doubt That ne'er again will the car* come out, Aad coaaltoaa words of praise abound Fee those wbe dag tram neatb IM g»oaud Tb* barend, rusting iron track. And u* Il placed the alreet cars back. O, Mas*, aeeead I* Mavs* again, Fa* taw* aboil **d Una l-sty etraia! Na****. Atfa-M te ciimbing up bill now. Don’t let tor retr<f»de any bkw*. Beware as •totaeMa far tatarrh ttat M*l*t* Brevary, i a* M< reury will »ur< .y iteotroy tb* cram us amr I and cocnpteivly decane* the atm e vystrm when eatarinc H ihr>ra*b th* mu eu-raa aurforea. teoch aitsctea alxrald revet ta ttoedexerpi t» pre•criplirara Irixn repu table pkyaeiata, m ita damage Uray will d« are ire fold to the (nd you can prasiMy itetivv from theta. Helfs Ca tan h Care, manufactured by F J. Ctarary A Co., T>>l*do. O, Csratciu* Iwo tron-ury, end te takea inlrrually, i aad net* directly upon the blood *b< isil-ro of lite ayctren. In buying Bail’s Catonb Cure, te cu>* you get the gekuin* It kUetan Inf- really, and made ta To|. dr., Ohio, by F. J. Cb. ney A Ctt * Asjd to Driggi ta. Frto* 78 casta per S.lllc. aterflv Mart. Tvreday Bbmit brif part I* o’ttark, Mr I Charley Bml><>p White swtnslwg ou a ring ‘ *wi*g, tto tops broke throwtßg bia* to tk* | grtmod ukd tnjttrtag Mat quit* severely. , and to bad to tat carry- d ten* tte* bora** I Tto ptej metaa was *r*C for al race, «ta> J eaid bra iwjoren* although qttn* parasol. ' were tart wrrira*, a* there Were M» boteas terukvß A Trwe T*wle. Wten vow deal feet wefl aed hardly tea* | wbe* aste y«*. gte* M L <Hetatac Bleu* j keM* ■ a trial. It w a fat* I sate I T O Crttabe*, Ctarorat*. S. C, write*. “B iy I »t Bae taate, eart ha* do** me grew I L» W. Tketeysee. Dwmawreo. Oa.. wrtta* I “I take vs A B B. te tte teat btaerf panßar j read* It tea yrs oily Uwpreeed my geaerai MBMte." Ab <M reailrwiee wrt se “B. B B. glee* me eew Mb aed aew eireogtb if there te eeytb-eg ibat sill asaLa aa tod me* yewag. It to A B. B.“ F. A. Mcphere. Wrafatß. ▼*, Aocwa* iota, tsaw. Write* “I depend n* A A rs. far tte praanevatara trf *y tertth. I here bed a i* my feartfy **w twwrtr tar* year*, ead t* all the* Mm* tee* **• bed to tere a farter" Tteraa !’*•», Atopatea, Ua, eroec *| earfveed tarrihh Brees ey**i muse Tb* nee «g BAB tee* eeete *< tert Me a *ew *ae I | werasd ******* aUh trace i dMhare tar tte* ano* | k bee fans use " U* H Cteoatarv, Alfaata, <4*. weSes “I . had a tong <p*B erf typte—4 fevor, wbseh l ewrttar a* •a»im»*e*y A* sleet alee ap p—M wtack fa*ee«r Jrtl • «*p *eß *g m ether a 1 fo* 9 **** A A A a tried aad a RICHMOND A DANVLU LI. NortbcAßton DiriMion, CtatetaMto actarfe « te eff-ct J**e M*b, Ufa Tritaw riMJky "Mb B.retiaa um Btreux anuun aww atlawt* ~xo bi- daily . mo M-cT tecg' A v Ansrwa. 7 -fa* a*. L* Alter*a, < top a* ' Ar AtrawsaU <9 **wti Ar. A Ural*. » «Bp an MO «—LX MX NO M-OAU.Y7 L*. Alrant*. • rfto »HLv Attoafa. M«* * Ar Afteßta IWrfrf -Jar A’takK IAJB _ Mtrwvant anHura *jb» ibb bmt i ' »>“-'i>AiLY~~Ao Li-lX nV■ i ;L* Alteram "toe amiL* a-m** ta XeTif re itel X P«IU«MB Fader B*Art asevp m care from . Lute te Veeterawtra «*4 Mrw Trata BMad Irenes Irate t» W wMm«*>rar •rrwtani t reut ana ixl* «BCnMK9'». j MrarretocTte I » " | * i * | l »1 | « | »• igTQw *ajlpjPa M*LV ahfm am’pm IT tort •» 5* totofa f? tor tote « '7 *d Mibß M*Ota*vffto <7 to • ten BB ! * tote Utt 7 SV® so : • tote fa it »Har to rafo W? u ’ B to* be II toMwW tera I* J4f7 tn • to ,to«tt toCsirata* 4 Mtq to? bb I WNfaMMW BMAfaSto M CRT «■<■ ra A.rtiFrtF MiAB |fM|aM ;P M Traato to aa-S SI • .1 ra* dady. Jte Bt ißamrf XJ w«S rto rttoy. exorpr •*»- TwMrw* bp TM» MraMra* *ta*n *■* tawr ta*M« «••■ tofo MkrirftaM ttams Ak. rtctewteUT /*• L Taaufo Dra. Pbto Agt tea*. Faws A«t. girtrtorn. DR, C. R, GILES, GENERAL PRACTITIONER, Office and Residence No. 15 E. Strong St- House formerly occupied by Dr. Hale HP* Special attention to Diseases of Wo met, and Children. •Dr R M WADE, OFFICE, CLAYTON STREET Over Talmadgv i Brightwell. . OFFICE OURS—II to 13 and 4tosp. m. JJENRY C. TUCK, ATTORNEY Al LAW, OFFICE DEUPREE BUILDING.j | J. COBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ontce over store of Simon Marks. B. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offier, Room No. 1, over store of 8. Marks | JJH w7g . LomerF, ~ Office Moore A Elder, corner Broad and Jaekson streetj Office hours from ;'o 11 and 1 to*. DR. B 8188 DAVIS, DENI IST Office, 115t<, 117 X »•»<« n»X. Clayton ! street. Office hours, »to 1:30, a. m.. 8 to 6, i p. m. K. K. I H AMPTON DEATISI. Office over Jackson A Vincent's at.ire, comer I Clayton aad Lumpkin street*. Office hours from k, a. m„ to 8, p. m. _____________ JJ £. WADE, * ATTOENETAILAW. Office up-stairs, over Talmage A Bright well'* store, Ciayloo Mreet, Athens, o*. Übo C Thoma*. JJno. J. Strickland THOMAS & STRICKLAND. ATTORNEYS, Atbkx*, Gkoroia. THE PAPER ON WHICH THIS S PRINTED WAS MADE BY THE fiout ii firm Manufacturing Comp’y ArUENM.CA. Bent -dA y. RUE KIIMiE 4 ATLWTIt’ K. R. To take effect Monday, Jeu. Mb, Eastern Time, i iiO i ri h A Irf'p Mi |?v*. a*a.f I I «Si « Ml{ M»>o Tall'b Fal« *i.»|t(4o'|o 87 • Ao‘« 48’ ITwmerville 1».» IMS 10 48 tue.Jtai il«.» anamtale !<>.« 18 v'to « • »»17 18 MO 1 IMX’larkeviU*i T.alirfto.tO 17 • 4817 Ml Mb Su.klCoreeta. I 0 lIU>I 887 ♦ TIiOMAN, free idee l aad General Manager. F. •. CMBMML a. R Mt'lWN Imbi ii & mvl Carrin ire Shop, PRINOB AVENUE, [*KAB COURT HOVAK.] We will always keep ra h-od *ll kind* of new and s*r*w<d band bnggiea end wacrew, and will make utiy kind of Ve tewfa to order Cnrrtege, Buggy and Wagon REPAIRING • opccfalty. W* aiao make HORSE-SHOEING A *prciahy, andnd will give *ll work oar Pern nai attention. iinmcncs gi\»\meed. ATHKBN OA The Lee Range. ■J I Im 1 \ toI _■ , THK LAUfafotiT. UAKDBOMEBT • I and Beal, Creobttirf Apparatus *v*r ; aold I* Atbvn* (or tbe Price. Bato [ ' »»f rv(*reu« re and Broad Guarantee. 1 , fare Un* Bang* and tte* Famoua Iron King i A* well a* many ottor ana km of *x | tolfeol COOK BTOVKfe. My good* . w» all w» ttd w*n refected. My Prices Speak for lb*tnaelr««. Rrarflng aad Tin > Wf> rk of all Itibda. don* by workmen of known reputation. E.E. JONES, . Be**d fame* Cevwar Wad. Atteewa, Ga tetoAtariw Fattffie <«a*ra*e*rt. Tbto*amd w»ru rairotaro-d >m* t>,j* t rerawiry at tte N. O Extararera. tb* gv* totakß wte* hatrodwetrf tte-ai teto Atebarea p*rf right doifare for fore iraadrwf arerf Tte *s«nwd rear to* prodoeerf a* an* acre I rs awry Idrfteiy fartaread fetal Um* and •to qwßar te**vy botera B- has a no* o;*rfy at tb* wrad amd b«* *at pwt item Bp»a tto ■rertat. Ma refuand «ree bß>-dred fa»‘area tasabrt By acteteM atawtatack : •* tbaa* ***** wdfarey awed were tatradac «rs rate Jetaao* erraary two yrere ago TtogratacM* la Jaekaoc aretoy.wataß tte fofoswtag Btateteent Trees fan,, hfa. «ra fetal <rf tte- mm* qwwl ty aurafe na* ■ rete raraoi erttoa m tto* ordawy •rad, m 4 Mart twri«« tewndred powed* *f wwd riritcra a«te a twtt ire tearedrto tote , rfrattaißto tetter reapfa d.vrag > pweLrerd a* »****** i* three ,xtroredl 11 aary *rarf, *ad tarrrag *o daqararto* u> foiaaoprtto. fa* a(*d CM b* Lad at tart •fore a* Ml by atari foroara daatar per pee*, ar f*M fartrar* pre teartri. TM* w® grew tte grttae a fair etere* »«m* wsppty nit tte atari ttey may iraraj fatal fe pare orfare *■ a.*, ** f h«*«pp.y Mtatt tod Wrftttoarilrtfto* AT HASELTON & MUSIC HOUSE 57 CLAYTON STREET, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Can be found Pianos, Organs, Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Sheet Music, and all kinds of Musical Instruments, at the LOWEST PRICES. Picture specialty. A large lot of frames now on hand at 10? < ? astonishingly ™ Low Prices, PARR BROS, 1 House and Sign Painters, DECORATORS I and Dealers in Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnish es, Brushes,Etc. SO. 17, SORTH JICKSOY BTBKKT, NEXT DOOB T > SI IXEB-W,TC«KAY OFFICE, TALMAGE & BRIGHTWELL AGENTS FOR . ***»**«✓ Brooks’ Cotton Planters, Clark’s Harrow’s, Wood Mowing Machines, Josh Berry Grain Cradles. WMI the Farrtcr skuald Lacw Wk*« lie Bays Fertllliera First. It is just as neces sary tbat fertiliser should be in good mechanical con ditioii and thoroughly »s similaled in order to obs lain the beat result from its use as it is necessi-ry that tbe soil be prepared thoroughly before planting, if one would make a good crop. Second. When one buy* a fertilizer the first question should be not how much ammonia the manufacturer guarantees, but whether the ammonia I* thoroughly assimilated and ready to act immediately on the plank This he will know by examining a complete and nlreolutely ammoniated fertilixer. like the ASHE POO or the EUTAW,where the component parts are so united as to form * perfect whole. The field te*t of such goods will bring about the tn<>*t profitable result*. Third. As one is largely dependent upon the Integri ty of the manufacturer he ■bould buy fertilizer* from a houae known to be abso lutely reliable and who would only handle good* made by alrsolulely first class mar ofaclurera. Thu* one will avoid paying out money for inferior goo<ta that would ptobably yield no practical returns Fourth. Menan. ROB ERT. TAYLOR A WIL LIAMS, of Charleston, 8. <\ are the aole general agent* of the Aahepoo Phosphate Co., of Charles ton. The mechanical con dition of the ASH EPOO, El TAW and f?AROLINA FERTI L I Z E R 8. their strong assimilation and their complete availability probably cannot be sur paaoed by the product of any factory in America.— They use only tbe very turret and Im-«1 aratnoniales n the msnnfscUire of their good*, a* their object I* not to make the CHEAPEST but to make the BEST AND MOST PBOIMJCTIVB FERTILIZER FOR COT TOW AND GRAIN. Fifth He is not the man they are looking for who ex)*cta to boy the superior brand*, the ABHEPOO, EUTAW AND CARO LINA at the same price for WIIKX ANT COrtrtfaMMAL MA- Wt KKCSN BE rCHCHASKO, Sixth. Mrears. J. Y. CA KITH ERS A Co .of Athens. Ga. will bare on band a large IM of FERTILIZERS the present season as they have had heretofore, and everyone *lll find it to bis Interest to ere them before making porchaar*. MADC WITH BOIUNG WATER, EPPS’S GRATXFUL-COkrfFORTIMG, COCOA _ MADC WITH BOiUNC MILK. HOUSES and MULES We VwreO». b*taf fa «. sad ai t te* emwrtas'lv «f*oo# tte orearra. s fere* woek ot HORDES *tal MULES. <rf all kinds aad to sort *F C *<*ra «rs ertotoßM***. KUU & hlimiEi, ferewnn to W. & Hr,toa* Attama. Ge. iHtau SSO GIVEN AWAY I To nil customers using my GUANOS, I offer the following PRIZES FOR COTTON delivered in payment of same: For best Balo of Cotton. $25.00, For second bent Bale, sls 00. For third best Bale. SIO.OO. The above amounts will be given away NEXT FALL! ' Don’t fail to see mo before purxeliasiug S. C. DOBBS, New Li very and Feed WTA. OU IS, "I * - Porter & Wilson, Props. At Holmeo A DeadwylePa, Thomas street I’rompt sttenUon gvrra to want* of all patrons HIKDIRCORNB. f r.w4t. ■SEEDS?Z| a «xi FkiwcrH khMU,OtrwJ sSi Hpsnlei > few UaMrag B“ PARKER’S ( HAIR BALSAM I OrtMi**** and brtautifcMAhe hair.] a luxuriant growth. I Watiors Grsyl itototoiteVovAfal Celnr. J Prw-Mrti IbtMroff and Wr taMMi —t*krafr- •■-■■rf-.c f Mtrfwri ' Aa “OSGOOD »■ 4aiffzrtar f <yr<BA v. i (usuh ulm, Sent ra trial. Frel*ht ■so" -rt 7u»rW»r»*otefa 3 TON $35. CS3OQ2 A TSOMPKX, Slagfaistaa, X. I. febl«l4w. SSPP Cash Isotterad u, ire |«rwn wboshall eund In th* IsuRM muster of ysarip sutAcriber* to tto Ladies’Home Journal tart worn now and Jwlv let, IBW, at SS eeato pr' rtMiCM. rtAr tM Mt, mxiMjor lot tMtjl.oofactor. •«••-«**• rt oforel rerertUvelv £r next larreot Hate A rood crate aaaatefan paid far •ver, sutacritee wm aired, if deelrad, instead rt sewaUaraa Hurelr-fa of dallase can 1* auwi* dur: <>« tte next sis moalta, Vy men, vxoes or S M to L AS£2r 1- ‘ »»pl* eoptaa, prate CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. PWILAOCLPHIA, PA. WCOUGHSOOWS iBF v—.l rase, trarov a*d tJoida, Was* Iraofs. Back acte. Kiduer Fum, K..-_,ra*t.em aad end all mawaler paras retnrved is on* n, u ebvr;,. <I TH I HA ANTI-PAIN PLAN IEK The Qrri and nsiy loetrirta oeras peia ktlbag v'.rer.<U>>Bi*( plaster. 25 eta.; * for rfi Al drwopota. «r of Forres Dara are Corneil. Co., Boars*. PI W Fraip.ra, UecstHrafa, chap- T>LEN i.W pe* sirt o>ly rfkia oarod by 1 I.KM trnau Boar. let/,aiv. SEU mil no FIMiL tR«II.KI_STORh! At Lafferty’s Old tand, Prince Avenue. Ararawrawrerasrest rarfT P Oliver Atmr>S, Ga., Fet**B*ry 1» —{SpeetaL] Havre* op-ired op a fine set <rf Fotcy and Family Groet-ncß, I respceifttUy ask 1 ttesi my friend* give nw a atere of their ■ jcstrocMMfe. ReapectfaDy, ra9 T. P OLIVER' ME