The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, April 27, 1889, Image 2

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The Athens Chronicle. rtoWW *»erj Morning. >*• Artis r Par Tsar, lararlaW; la Utm« thk Luurnrrn' cibclla lOW. LAK<;nrr COVRTY CIMCf’- ATMM ARD THE I.ABGEMT GEM EKAL CIMCLLATION. Th* Im*i Adranwag Mediate’ is Jortb-Ewt 9* tgn. Clrretotoe Is warty aw hatarsd coanttea fa Gsergia., sad in *k»« ditersnt States. Ad**rttaeas*tsta at RsaennaM* Matra. BshamtatettaCkrosicl*. Rradtte Chronicle *. t*. viuaK. d. *. rtott w. i <mu*rv STONE & CHRISTY PUBLISHERS Ketorad al tba peat erttos at A thana. On., for I renialtaix ttroagh themalls aaaneaadeteaa ■attar. Addrsaa all eeaneaieetiiae to TBK ITWm motICLK A tear •• Adrmaca. Tte w*»k’y Chrouicte te pot to preaa a Any ta advaacs thia w*ek in order that All th* office h*ads may taka part la (be •sramomaa of Memorial day. We print the paper o* Thursday. hatred of Friday OW waaf p**t*tlre»ir* day. mbm oßimn* Win Uattoe Arevad Her ■•»• Afsta. Tte AHhml Ra-eaioa to goteg lo te th* ffrawtag card of Comrereersreat, **d errmad fte atd Uatearrtty wll ba drawn • bret of Ms aunt Io bright** and to btaee it* sama. If Iter* la nay power that win teip as toatitsUr* along. It it tbe enaewnvatad w orgy of Ha ataantl ia years past. Ute grndnataa of thte iwtHniK* bow not iw ■atwd w etow to tteir Ahn* Matar w they atowid tev* doo*. Bow, to thte yaw. ttey awgndog to trek* a grate rally, a»! abowwttert tbayaoa d» Tbotoanleww BMtw baa tee* bard nt work far aam* tMte.asd an now reteiag oat eirrwlwa u> all porta of tbo fteaw. Tte hop* to ■*• totood that *U tbrw who r»aaiMy cm eoate. window. Tbo dismal Awnttotlnw which an now b*to< famed *tew tbo dwrettao ate mtigaif of Ctaarelta B»rgs. ■owe to tba right dtoeeUm They win Mirogite* tba toatfcadto*. At tbo Mtartiag <liaai*iaa mt ■ b poopooad to gis. a great baai|W. and haw tbo baart apeak, log talent m the beat* to itotonperw bc<*» gem* as the mite. anoeg tba grosser wo toftetoef tboMMowk Tbaaaaattag to aaannd, and eaery stow ana ah acid adeem H m lets' to awewaws bo wMb the real *bmo are no I boy Asya wav* apMt WMbte the walla of the Va»wr The Awartwa eapartoaetot of prndaatag aaaawaainno in a day. laatcod «f •Nates* them to Shealy grew hto eatotoew. la bang triad on th* fargart aorta yet st tempsta tot Olhtass. it toto't tba »«e»e way, bet tbo tafaw «d the turn mA a* vbirMb as retet** efeUlßetotaß la * paw owetovy, whore times la yat ** *» Ibwa to deal dtoaatoy enb Mtarel wtet tto**. The remit m Uhtoboaw to aw* to bo the! a Mtoto, fnpofaw and rtoto, w»M be pewdwnd to a towwfawafy abort agow rt t a. » « ■4 n . s . . * . awaton fa a awgta day. aa ww faaw to CMabaeaa fawadiy The anaarry enoal woa ai the aaaw Uwe fatod a* w*h fawnefpfaafaag a eon* boato abort be paid. Tba toaeaaatow awMgeea, gaibawd farta eowy goanw «f fa aa ardW'baotag, poaaatot mawanty Two* ww tea a g-oi deal at htotow. bet Un Ml into i wife Mabitoaa fa an What Mt- a tow mi toe by the wwMtorfa> w»i<y AaaMtam Bfaaaaa fa «*fa fad face a AffUaiOeet* M erm* fao eearty keV eomCwp Ay*» a Oarry Pw fa the eertk fb* eaartaorty wwny 0» aanad faSMaaotoofa peewaMtoke to* «eay faaa w rtfator nrtfa aoegfa awd ad dtoaoeet at kto tberoa end tonga _ Yaarrwu. <h. Agru M—r«fay a* a boM rttotopi a* hawk toMnty *a» ■nd* fa a aoaa aenaad Mtonhy. wto* woa monnrty dtoafawgad toxa* tbo eeeoto mi CMimmi 4b Smb Inmli • CBmMbi CMMbwi *m jsbb fawa, hawnag Jwa Mintoee ataeo- IhCMrtky maned cad re ■patent of am Im4 ih4MI fc* kb«* as aafaaba* Be toM a poofagw «• Isa taaitw. wane to art ww gyeiwa . fafaed fan aaaibtot and mo oad of tfa batoh tot To* tobtoe faae ewwd a trey ootoaoMag a»MM Skiaaa aod w wbod tea* tbmea*, ■oOttoea getn Ufa anna, aart fayb gtobw«d an the naan, hot an «w ' woa eart fb* tbtof toad a tana* baatoed anmi fa ah. and aw nabaig toe tbw Tba toarat faggoeod fa fa ww. ba* we* Wtobaet bawama, M* angfa** fa** • tbo aebkw awbbMHy earned *»d. Tfa ■naag *aa a* aaaeeeaed ewnga twenty drttoeK Mbfab ww goadMfy tart *• to* VdMe art* a aiaa—a. fa. tape* »ii* Mrt artta* otoeMMrt Mnd ■ i boaaiia on aewoen m it, faa toa ea» ow pee ■waad ti aanb ngitow oenan* pi ig irttoa a* to owaaea too tooaodtooa**** * wane a, a* ' tony *** aimM naawfa oadn • ye*, pnomean to to Pkww'* Stafam fart . ■niton***'* IttoiWrtlemtw grt too aonaey tank wfato pee gag to* fa M to aoaaoMnoadM to oaw ad ebaoen bn*. Mwd to at de ***** (a* anm . _ _ Tba fag* aa* baatodag tba '“Tbbd Ao anas Etoad Bag* fared*** «t»w*rtfa- Tb* enßMNtoan «• *•**»••*»■ b*w bn* aa «fa «aam* *• to* w setog ■**■*■ ■g geoaaa, and Sfa tonal an* «t «b* «*•* bam awgMafad noy to*aifa A warp ae taomag pngeaawa* tee too* eneagnA andeowyktotog w< to daawaa wabe •* dfag tang ha to faaaatotaned fa AMean A drtagMaea «t gpart towtog ge*gto w< •oßw fanfa ddtototo fa wtoaea awewammk ftofa Chp *o**«M to to a tom eaaam Tfa dJUadtokamae tanatoaMM to badag atony dfaWMif aCaad «dt *wb taadto*» a* torn* aw dkg Taatuk riiEuatm. or Cekoaw* <.<*r<i* Mer«e*. Athena ba* done her part well in tbe movement lo get op a Confederate Home in Georgia, and if all people in Georgia would gm from their mean* a« Athens haa gireo, tbe fund would go into tbe hundred tboaaaud*. We would like for Atben* to gire moreA' d no doubt ate will give more to thia worthy undertaking But the appeal come* from old Virginia, and u<H an appeal after all, but a request to Georgians that a small amount be raised to pat beadrtooea to the grave* of oar un known beroe* who are steeping the war, riors bletaed aterp beneath her noil, it will <x«t bet litUe, aod yet it pay* a tribale which merits notice. Tbe living beroe* wili be cared for; thank* lo the generooa spirit of a grateful people, that to awured But it to bat m>et and proper that we »bould remember those who fell at the cannon’s moult, as well a* thaw wbo carry in our midst tbe battered old cratch and empty aleeve. While worthy sons of noble Boutbern etn breathe the pure air of the Empire brat* of toe ftoalh, it abaii not fa awd that Georgia’* twioea are afeepog under tbe aod of a dirtant tkate, unknown »od onnauud. It ww arranged on Memona! day to gite ail tbe privilege to drop in a mtte, and uelp to rstee tbe small sum neceatary to pet derabk nawbi* bead M»a*a over tbe «ra»*a of O*or fc 'ia'a sow. Then Ute duty to both living and dead. •> <w w w* ar* enamraad, wdl fa diwnwged. And not only ■b a dety, bet a tnoruegb pleaeere We are pw a**d lo UoOor Ite d.-wl. aod to teip tab* car* of tbe living Let w help l< lead bark to Virginis a r»*p nee lo tbe tetter whK'b recently necked w ; and with teat rvepowe, money lo aecompliab »»* perpoer. “The teem bl i* wrwtlad with tbe weeds, Vpo* thw taatev anoend. Tk* aimpte bead-board rudely wni, Had rotted to ite grownd. a raw'd H wwb a nvervat band, fna deal I'a w<*«te to Clear, Bet uea* bad bl rtted ail bet Item. A Georgia voiarte*'. • **•••• That bo foegbt weil and bc*v» y mo, Ar d w»o Mt a few We h*e* , efal be bad wwr tee* A famagta 'Vetaatrw Bob I Bb*M*daah toll I Adwwe tby rocky gto* Above lbw Han toe gssva of 000 Os Btaaerwall daefane'a awe, Brwetb tba e*dw aad tbe ptae Vkbawwa. •eMtwd. f<*g»tte* liefa A Oeergto votantart ' Ve IM >• • Ster Tbe Law Ctaas of the (Tatwretoy of Georgia iteteri tamely ate*, aed ttaw agpwtog yonag dieetptoa *f Bieckatow ba v* drtemtoed to ba afaaMted to Ite bw to a tarty They wart to get to wtwh a* their tmeeaem prwflne at «•*■. sad tbe wUI aaweasthte aa tawaadiete adwtaxoe to the tar. Cwe*gw*t>y H baa far a ateet detemtoed to g* to the QrteCrtyl* a body, aad to edmMtrtl ta Fwtu* Hapettar thaw* e* Jew fata, tte wai d«y after th* CaivaeaMy Oa*Mwe**WMrtt. Tte taw ctaae eadaa tfa *M* «rtwg*ete*t of Frafa Cobb, Tteeaw aad Bam dirt, be* made a* see ta bla r*e*i*tta*, aad ted* taw to fae*ese tbo tesrtfart fa* ash mil fa>*tb. A •* w V(>**** Tte WestMk esse tatae n* • aew *p poaraac* taday it ssommi to te th* Itae of tbe dsfv*** today, that ea »A-rt will te ■mA* to tea*** tbe geilt ee Gt*** Lnrfatt a sags*, wbe lived saw lb* Wwrtto k «*•- Mam. Il is aakl ibat **ktoerte M to tfa pemseßta* of Mm fate*** wbhr* wM ge te •tew toe* a Weak ta* tea* tawed to Ito peeaeMMt of tbe eagre, aed thw M «w fated wwa tfa etectao N*o Pearl W«ml fafa. tfa IMate * aartmei part ea teak to MM* ttawty. end regarfad d a* a ***** eva ehm <4 tte gesrtta*. *r* a■ • sea* a *•. Aed •** V*«* te maw tee. Attasw is a yeobfarttae tow*, aad K te ealvaraaUy aart by *»■ prebfaataarttart lbw fa ad *e*b ta***, ta*** g» •*» »p ate prapertty daaye w*y dean eettl Mie wbeta ayeiawi teaaem eetaoreta* T» «t*p lb* cfartsaetag of meh paste* wte» talk *• taw •taaawatva* ta* m*e* Sba* a»ylb*M «** •• pete* ea* toe esatae of tfa aamecil )•*• MgM. A srtFyw they tmy any M srwata tew face aaese,»lb* «•«* ted teas ww. mm* tte* toe »*•* la pMageefag te s*Mo of ywtebiMMß. W* A* eea pregve* te Ateses •fast teastar, fart tte tact spoaba far MseW. end sportte ww* tar th* ««r of Attaea he**toe*eMMß**t**peefa Wtatoaafa* eawm **«*■*■«• to* woa* a** teodeeaw wttoAafa. aed eeabte to ywil ****** faMMtofty. tte *Bv fettee* tew l*rt*d ■ tote pseafM* *M as eateaw asport* er *» to sartiMs tbe ta* tease pot aaert far tte sawew yaw it »or eel te toeeb a* a wmß Marts, tart ws toe ebeb B ■ a mro*v miteg toon owe eeatM tmagSea Tfa oAtaossaf tte silly ; tumai sr» tote iioiio a»il te Mte ***** •< pmtat fa «*» •amerne fa* Ute*r wwk. WtaA Aam • dtaetaß as ta* asm* * ti ****** toM aftae peltate omeyteteg to Baa* ataw Mifar. tte omaartß BsA* toad ■ to art eesoeaery te *rtl epa* toe pesfato toe aa toeeb •*■* y s* *M*L It tosote ttos* lb* arty to to * faster oetoMtaa toa* e*a* taPae*. Tte yrtte* ****** eyvaaae ta* teem pea fa Mt* wary tee* Stagrt, to* ******* b**e tees wamsy *B«***art. tert ■*• fapiartasniK pad** taaw. owl ***** ***** tern taw* toapfa peweartrtl tar aed te cep *• **■**. tte ana tee been sadewML X•* wte te* to* afabl teaap toa* b'b am * ant y *■■*** Wag* Net psarteai creta, tae tebemma. bat teMteadfa tat p**y«e*M rafaMsrt. te fart meeytbaeg baere to* aaattoa -■ f p**- •'FmiMMWm tortvesat wemT ffa toe* gtemfaw. wto ptae at tart aeern toy ■ana , ewswresnsiii Tte taiifa sj «t Cfatatartm fa ta tart • emk. rttwMrtg tartag It it a* tan fa* «e paff**. tart Is * reeky Tte reek arrea* tto teetas Itae tale fas psreeswt taert waa ■eeetfiMM ratatafare tl was are wfag. MMbi RBNb *** BN |> Ires faa* fares fate* after «*aeta« fa* ■Mfaii'j ttaet «mw eta faaseesd *■***» re tte «*y «0 fatatesa A sreay eagta g»ww-a to fasss tastes Ore • «*■ vaesst ■** ewasMteNto Y ******* aftrertssse «kre* area • faafa Mt, «te tart faba rteere ware tasfay SMSrtaswfi fa ttess faagaMfa tte trerere at to* SMSswrees mate ea* te team A aeiMter«Mae«t fa* srererea Ttay art resek «to eaespsta** «< fas revert « *at«M Tte HMkasp *f tMtaterea keto fa* as te> saae* farttaW tom teeMfa •****■» tar | Letter From Mr. Culp. Deak Cbaoxici-b: —Tae Apostle Paul says “lo not forsake the assem bling of yourselves together, and tte more and more as ye see tbe day approaching.” That was a very good injunction of Paul, for I am sure trom personal experience that tbe aasembling ourselves together io the capacity of worshippers, is one of oar greatest helps in the Christian life. To meet In a prayer meeting and sing praise* to our blessed Father, aod then bow at the feet of our Saviour and supplicate a throne of Grace, and then let each person, in old fashioned class meet ing style, relate something of hie experience, and the workings of God’s spirit with him, and also the seductive influences of the enemy of souia in hie iociinetioM to lira* us out of tbe straight and narrow way. AH those ex|>erieoces related to each other in prayer meeting laika, we great help lo ue. lam therefoi e greatly in favor of keeping up our meetings while 1 remain io tbia life. W* draw many away from tbe baunta of vice, aod if they do not embrace religion right away, it may culminate in tbe true conversion, and regeneration of many. We don't ko<te tai l * God works always. We du know that He often “works in a mysterious way, Uia wonders to perform.” So lei us “not be weary la well doiag, fur iu due time we shall reap if we fatal nut.” 1 must bulb Lbink and do something, and i fimt nothing better adapted u> my wants than a good, weii-cun ducted prayer meetiug. While 1 don’t think i am a tauaUc. for 1 never severely censure others fur entertaining opinion* adverse to taiee, yet 1 am trank to admit that 1 am always aa ealbuMaat for any cause or opinions I may espouse I never s»|MMta« say cause toowevM, unless 1 cas give a saUafackory rea •ua lor ito A person can aa c**ily work himself up to tove to attend •eaembiy’a where they wurahip God. aa to attend tbeatera, bail*, race tourace, drinking eafooea, gambling belie or any pi*c* where carnal mlndedaeee wuiy, la enjoyed, aad 1 say Il from practical experience, with a clear eederaiaading of it, that pies*aies which on'y eatiefy tbe carnal mind, ar* dangerous u» tbe aoel. 1 bav* often, when young, attended bafta where they danced the enure day and argin, a* well aa gambilng bell*, and spent my time, my aaoney, aad rulaed my cUarscter, and a* 1 would return bome, re- Meet lag apo* what 1 bad enjoyed or what 1 had lust, and wiuar* mm, right ta my heart, “there was aa aching void, the world can never •11" Tm>ughl* of ib'* sort eon hl enter my mind. Have 1 gainwi any thing valuable for Ute* or eternity? Nothing, noth lug. What I reaiiaed only pleased lb* caraal mind for liana, aad ibe rwealia were never aal lafactory. 1 knew tbe heel people regarded as* a* a vagabond, aad 1 could atrt geiaaay it I was only la pursuit of amuacetvnts ehtcb c«Mild do me no good, and which »o hs*- lag a Aeietenoea iaflaeac* on all wbocwnflded ia as*. My wbol* aia fel career aever foiled to bring to me la lb* end, eabapptnsaa, that for inrpaaasrt any tenmeei’e pJeaaere ti alf wded- My cortdeel did sol meet *» dear toutbor'a approbation. Bor say of my boot frtoada. aad hi»( o* 1 otal algb broke my dear toifoa te*rt aad it*n*l my poor cbU* 4r»a. aad I ata aatiadod that liw lapwMi'* doty ite tooled •« me. aa a baabaad aad tatter. «aa aa* of GmTa laacraubia prvrtdaacao la rwlaimlag too. I bar* aoror r*- graltod Ite dart aad dam a lag pr<t •e» *bteb <»«d pmoeatod to ma tbruagb teat aaraaa. Mo*, wtea I attaad ptecaa of *oe teip, tear* « aavar aay remora* for aa <h*ag. bat bapp«aaoa rrtgaa •tibia ma. aad tea roaoita ar* all I cooid «ui 1 foal teat 1 bar* amt aad aafayod tea a» way a< ary teat fcwab-Un eiaaprd teatr baada aad bar* draaa team etomr to m* Ob! tear «« <fo }>*«« ba bo torod by good pmgii*. It Site oar aani* with pay. aad to aaato teem aad mag pcatao to oar common Fatear. aad (fortty Him, aad rwwra a aptr. ilnta btoaatag from Him to apartlaai food for my eoai to traat oa. a alii I mar* team agate. bkoyUaa tail «a tern ia all dtiaatam bapyeat it to. la H doing aa aay barm* My pfeya tea! batata m taatar by it. for it ate tafom my mind, aad teat ta oMwto fcra to b«a»to. aad I am oarw m< aptritota baanb «a batear. -for teara to bo poaca to tea attend, ba to tdte tea U -temd too. eboae aato-a coat ap miro aad <Mt mmUaoally • bo teiuag a rwa of tea atom tetag. from a commo* aaaaa ala*4*p«iai. I am 4o*or* iaad to poramt to tea da taatao talu domte acta* my ayam for I baa* temad oat king yat, oat ad abate I baao r*a uad a* amooat *f bagfaaaam May food baipoa to do ngbL Ya<ar* Trtay. < »« - ~ C'O O ■ ■ - CMbmm ' toodh If .pm bom eata. a may aoto^i' •mt *o omo «M t*m taron ttama*. «m» ma abrnmi woman io t. mote «mr*w ommt' to bate otema* tatom ate atom pop , Otaoamtoaf Pa anpr • Chaote aonmr «4m. ! Mb fgHlNt JmM A pmHMNMI JBmi M 4MMM Ms dNAWtb to ammMo «* mfo at mom | THE lUCSURRECTION. SYNOPSIS OE A SERMON DELIVERED BY REV. H. M. QUILT.IAN, ON SUNDAY MORNING. The preacher took his text from Matthew 27:6; and from 1 Cor. 15 12-19. He began his discourse by saying that the doctrine of the resurrection was so grand and glorjfrng that he trembled to that if i* was eliminated tbe whole plan of sal nation would be as a myth. Tbe birth of Christ and the sayings of the angels as listened to by the shepherds, from tbe east. And the angels said unto them, “Fear not, for behold 1 bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be unto ail people; unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Not only the cir cumstance* of bis birth prove his divinity, but many instances in bis life. Tbe raising of tbe dead. A beautiful description of the raising of Jaiius’ daughter, Lazarus and the widows’ son. And al bi* own death, when tbe earth shook and trembled, when the rocks burst asunder, tbe grave* ofmsny sainted were opened, and their bodies which slept arose aod came out ot tbe grave after his leeurrection, went into tbe city and aupcared to many, and even the cenuiroin and thoee of hie company and thoee wbo were with him said, “Truly thia ia tbe Soo of God,” So we *ay today, truly this is tbe Son of God. But we must know be was dead, lo know be was resu.-Tsvtcd. He ex plained that Christ was surely dead, a* the process <»( embalming iu those day* would indicate beyond all doubt. BIS KEMBI gtWOB. Did be rise? If he did not we are miserable creature*, bring beat about by the wave* of lime like a ehip without cumpaa* or rudder, eur religion i* vale and we have no aal vatioo. The proof of the absolute certain ly of lb* fact of tbe Leath and res urrection was mo*t eoncluaiv*, and could not are bo* anyone could doubt tbe truth of the fact. “1 am th* resurrection aad the life, he that behevelb io me, though be were dead, yet shall he hr*,” “and be that livetb ami believ*lb in me abaft never die.” Ho* could we beer lo bury our loved owes but for tbia glo rious thought, death ia swallowed up in victory, la Christ, with bless Ing of bis resurrection, can we defy death. Jobe, wbo waa with Jean* con tin ualiy, after bia baaiahtueal to Pat mos, said ia Ibe midst of the seven gulden candle atkka, on* hjpr iwito ibe eon of man clothed ln a garmvnt down to bi* feel and girl about tbe bape with a guiden girdle. He aaid: “Fear not, lam tbe flrat and lb* i**L I am be that livetb and dead, aad bebuld I live forever mure, aod bars tbe keys of bell and of death. If it were aeceaaart be coaid oelock the grave* and buret aauuder lb* bouds of deatu aa be did • ben the seal on bia owe sepulchre was broken aad tbe etooe relied away, and be cam* forth la all bia glory lb* bavionr of mankind. W hat a beau u I*l thought II ia, that my Seviuar haa ia hie bands ibe hey* of death and bell, aad that a* long as I walk la bl* precepta aod do his bidding a* harm caa come to me frem the aubUe artvetaary. Airaid to d»«! No! lie ha* lb* key* aad will lead me safely through, aad when lb* last tramp shall sound ail that are ia tfatr gratae shall bear bia voice aad come forth, aad if we bare deveted o*r life i* Him. what a giortoua lias* it will te? W* shall see *«r fathers. *ur waaihere, owr Utile chudre*. whoa* fcaste bav* laid la lh* grave W bat a aaartiag that will te? Msy *• si; ases* to part ** tom* | lo Us* teawtiftsi hw* of the seal,! stere Iter* will tat so store sieft- ■ **«*, d**Ub. er troabl* **d te to- . geteef wttb ter loved ,oe*« Mngtag < prats** to hire that was dead, tail wte with aa. iirech forever towfa** A sears <TK*T«Ts"t**aata*. Tte krtSaey es X<«*tb Csrtaea tos re*- tff'sssantert ss tawlter a ertaa as es* te> | day tsgnreta tte* Macs* aaesty. W. H . Wata • aa ta f iiswiitsii eta swaiy fane*, eta teta te tto mreary- •* tas* ••• sstres ' trere aay esfaktaeta Hw teawly oaseeasrt i es 'tea* saa* ata tvre tosgtarra. taatfa* . h* wte Ttee* <* tte toil tree sr» re grows.' ate tte «m*s* row ww* eeta 1* *ta >4 j Vsert. fa fat ttafa eart wrtsepste, tea*** as snag • re* part ta* ttaa t sad »vt*.kta «»*ta •»*■» sseea tesrfsta A dtafa ata Ms taee* was • rested as • n satrj fas* brem I*4 Bsataf W*te ww esJted aafa j tat* taaa* fa* * few Asts «re taass-w. esrt • see to awwwta to • w hsvrfasd to bed Ms toss*** kasen to WM Wataart te to tba Assam, fa st seat were aa-«« fad takes stabs* sawag fares A' w •saaertseakte assert ■<. ate a* ttOftg* *f ' Ms forefa. Wwst. ss • *a*y taa ream, *dtad fate to tastes atare Mstaere ted Mead to hare fa* aaert. A to rt Wataire fra* fa* store a gtasrty State ms* towss. • was there Useta ta* hereto tetraa to hearer sexiata wrth faead. Ttaa.. • etast dtatasre ea»y, sna tte «M trsta fa atate ta tad siwsyv taps ti ww taatart afw* res* Mbs easrteea «w*«ate taaa fassataa.fassre watte » stare «ta» tte esees tarefa tad kata rear hm ff eta dwa She beats brta •a*rto-d regsCtav. Tteretos* tatf«a paaftrti • fas h rexsy srtesp fares, ste items*, eessewto far ■■**■■* (Ot’NUIl. PRIM EEDIVGH. Council Chamber, 1 Athens Ga., April 22, > 4 o’clock p. m ) Council Hiet this evening pursuant to adjournment. Present His Honor Mayor Hunnicutt and Aldermen McKinnon, Booth, McDowell, Bar row. Mr. Richard Eberhart appeared before Council, and made a com- ! plaint in regard to dirt banked up against his fence on Hickory street, he desired to know whether the city ; or C. & M. railroad were the proper parlies lo remedy the matter. The ! | Council deeming it the duty of the ’ ; C. <fc M. road to remedy the matter ■ complained of, the Mayor was re- ' j quested to confer with them, and have them do such work as may be necessary to abate tbe trouble. The Finance C ommittee reported ’ that after a careful investigation of I the expenses and revenues to the city, they were glad to be able lo recommend that the tax fur the present year be reduceil to one per cent, the assessment for the difler ent purjioses to oe a* follows: ! For grnerel expei.*.* 45-100 To p-y interest and principal of railroad Imnds 14 100 ' To pay interest and principnl of college bond* 4-100 To pay interest and principal of : school bonds . 2 100 i For improvement of street*.... 16-100 Fut publie schoda 2S-100 j Tbe street lax to be pans* d to tbe credit lof str>et ac'L Ibe levenue ncHved from j tax aod other snare • for general* j to be sppropt taud «a follows: For police g 1.350 00 For salaries of officers 4,330 00 : For printing.... 43000 ! Fur pauper ac’t 600 00 For fire department >,330.00 ' Fur Water rental including acct. ! doc Water Work* Co. Jan- uary 1at..,. 9,130 00 j Fur aurct light*.. 4.N50 00 ' Tut public projc-rty lUO.uO : Fur mMXbaueoua pur|mM*(rei>te Ac) .*2 800 00 I Total IS.'OMXI i All aetnuota in exersn of above appro* i priatioua to te paaeed lo credit us sarplua i fund. It ta estimated that the amount to te j rv*lta- d inm tte levy of one per cent tbe ‘ prvamt year, lugvthcr with lb* caab on j baud to the credit «f the different act’* ‘talow named, on January lat. I»"S and I back lax**, due al that lime, will te as ! F«4L >w• : I F<* stree’a, including rtrert taxea.ll 70S 00 I Ei« lat an I pe’cip’. us R H bond* 71)01 00 I “ “ “ “.4 college “ 2 'll 00 " • • “of school “ 1.030 00 < Fur public Mtamls Bfa.faßO 00 Th* Cum tui I lee think that the above will be ample to pay Ibe bal ance of interest due January Ist’ND and meet the interest and priacipwl accruing during the year INN 9, and te pay regular, and extraordinary ex|>*n*« on sirerts and provide for public school*. The r«|K>rl of the committee was I received, and lb* following resolution i adopted. Resolved. Thai th* recommend* lion of lb* finance committee be adopted and that the lax ordinance of I itAH, except *o far as it relate* to the per centum, and appnrpriation i far the different ac’la, be re-enacted i and declared in full force for lb* year , lite®. Reeolvrd, further that th* (MT ccn ; turn of levy for th* present year !■* j owe per cent, upon all property, grass receipt* Ac. subject to taxation aa : pro*, ided ia lb* lax ordinance of lafat—now re-enacted—and that th* street lav remain tbe same a* last y**r. Resolved further. That tbe recorn : wreadalio* of the Finance Onnmitie* aa to lb* levy for different purptwe*, and appropnatinea to different ac cvHibta be adopted. Ai>l*rmaa Mt-Kiano* submitted ! complaint of Mr*. N J. Vo*«lcrleilb : la regard to drain ia the etrrel froat i lag bar resident*. Referred to sue*' I commit e* wttb power to net. The foll owing bill* were orderrel (mid Xtaudard Automatic Ga* ; Light Cfa«tl4J; Jacob G Minor, » • < Council then adjourned W A Gim rtA«n, Clerk ■Wv SSeS * aseSi : Tfat «*•"«< •■•* y«*t Mee* MB sf Ta | nW-. ‘ re** *■>■* i • use year a***t<va pear | Uteeya eta taw taepML ata wtta* ayrtm i «**• ••*• ereauartrt Sy faa— tai g* ' yaereta wSe seta «e*atrtes. eta ratay <-» 5 «te «e«a*«*g ata *enew •tae, by lakteg > Basra farare—lfa ** rtasA* **s*eaiata tar faartfatag Mks bleak, grtveg aa ste l * l *- | ter a gmasel •*•*•* rtsAte>e*. The Old Doctors Item btoart. easfawe tewtoro rlsaaiei st: taaee tea ssKSeaata dsaaeta Aw Alteaw Bros, ft to as* sreM tawree ttes mart Aoesssaa as* da*, ass to rrss etastaew. tat to taspanty, «4 tte Stand. ate a to ***a»y wte retsaste that s* *-*«d atow k so afaoecSMa re Aya's * <taa to e*dffMbia tafia teas area fare* aat sa tto fag Vs aptesd teili rssearttau fa* * srfahsu CtaaMeg toe ware w’toif state j tasrt fas w grow •ms. Wn snagM ateaate ta-atr-.. saad *m seM rtaas aa atseswuro • ww li.'iirj. Apsara Sa r. roar-4a tarev Recommended Store *fi art sea. ww aate a ate ma*- •stare waelfaL Tto «sn> tasted eml * start •»« ssswsirtt eeftdly rrtaresrt* J-X Afterisg. Wwauw. T-xa. *> Ate Ayse's famteOs w te ta sikaSraMe tsirenSy tar tto aaas <* Stood ■rttou seme | pesnretta M. ate a taro tta* <Mmrr ttw*. “* • t L Verier. M Dl. •Wa tee* *44 AjraTs Aar's* siiHßa tea* Are •*«* terqr rears ata afwnre * reais I « «taa sakte s* •*» tto tare tin nd pettea. ** —W. T. Ifatasm. UstafaC Aawsset, Otea * 'V* r * totataare seeNtoe* to te tte StaefaM swmrttos te tato fa eU sows- »• *r Ayer's Sarsaparilla, saswaaea er O»- A C. Apw A Ca, LeaA MUsa. FWMS *», aa eaufaa •*. VseapseM**. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY EXAMINING STOCK OF FURIWITURS. BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. IF YOU ARE NOT PREPAREB TO PAY CASH, We offer you the advantages of Our Installment Plan, where yon can arrange for tbe goods on the most TERMS. O’F-A-XtXCZBXLaXa <fc J.a.NXC.O'WJESJR. _ __ W7, 39 AND 41 CLAYTON STREET One of our subscribers got mad because we asked him for what be justly owed us, and paid up, for which we return thanks. We don’t like to trust any man who gets mad because he is asked to settle his just debts. W e don’t wish to trust such crea tures for a nickle much less a dol lar. Business is buisiuess. Let those get mad who will. Pay up and we will not make you angry.—Ex. Ou Saturday night, immediately after the performance by Mordell & Co-’s circus, al Birmingham, Ala., Frank Duuuavanl and Miss Belle Eatmao, two of the trapeze perfoi— tners, were married under the circus lent, in their performing costumes. Judge Haley conducted the marriage ceremony. There was a distinguished visitor at the war department in Washings ton last Saturday, in the person of Red Cloud, the famous Sioux War Chief. Red Cloud is said to be 64 years old, but looks much younger, as his hair ha* only a slight sprink ling of gray, and bia step is firm, his form erect and his eyes bright. A New York messenger boy, aged sixteen, on Wednesday last dropped a package in tbe lobby of the post office in that city conlaing <12,000 in currency and a certified check for <19,000. The package waa kicked about by passers fora few mioutes, when it was picked np by a man, who, seeing the name of the bank on it, promptly returned it. A» a re ward fur his honesty he was given <5! KPrufeaaor C. S. Malleiie, an ac complished musician, fell auddeolv ill while rehearsing tn Birmingham, on Saturday last, for the cantata of Esther, and died yesterday morning. He was well known in Georgia, hav ing |wr for med in several of its ci lire, and having lived io Macon and Savannah. He was aliout 60 years of age. Grace Smallwood hns been een tenced to hang at Washington for the murder <rt her child. Tbls’will be the flrat hanging al lhe capitol since the execution us Mrs. Snrrall. *•*»»!• •• *>•*••* A knees sod lot In Ite town nf Cfastae vilte Is offered f«w ssle oa very resroasble trrm*. The location is very dreireble, te lag <>ely a •b et dietaaos from ibe Court H*>esrt Will sell, orviekau** f°r proper Altons or Clark* ouuaty Apply st tbb offlre- Btastatas Bette*. Tte firm of Comer A Cstr, oa fir»t day January. I S<«. dtanlvrd by Mutual rem. •**», Cmarr A Carr bavin < aotj out t« J»* T Coewr. Tto boaiares will te conduct'd under tte name of J T Comer. Tte »'d firm aaramrs all lt»b»btto and ail ac rosau de- firm of Coteer A Carr mnat te txM lotted. W J. Covmm, T J Cams. Th* foote nt tte firm o' C-wnee A Carr •ill te fnung at More of J T. C-uner From ibr tt will te -res that I bare tement net CmMV A Oarr. aad will om- Uow tte IxHiws st old suad. J- T. CoMMfc fVfatbOtk. CIARKtCOrNTY. Ofaiaary • <> Otto. X-nl»ro. ivu p W, Chasey ‘ fa ita ->t«w o 4 Chroey, to' _ enaas 4, r-w-w-t* ** to has fsNy 4*starasd uw 4mm* fa b* sofa tress. saS prays tae im- < Sera fa tasasMe** Ttae ta to-tatoe ta tatof y on psraew seto , eerwtel te stare sens*, d say ttey saa. «« «e Ssfaes tto Srst Aretoy ta Aagwst aext, why i ees4 sssswtee atawfa sat to *>Mtom* frats snfalrort A M. HMtRIVUTOX, aptttwx*. Ortosary * sWMIt. CLtRKKCorMrr, *» Ortre. ted. iwa-r W CLnlr i Otataetor fa rs* -mm fa M u Ctonre. ti swrefa. rrprrorolo Uta* tai tae SeUy a -f -j- ' , ike deu • fa Ms ssml tr*M, ata preys for i tars fa 4>assi*wns. Thte *• therfawe to asSify tat prrsnse eata ' ?'?"* ta ««•- * “J they saa. es ar A 4 ™-’- ’** S'* M-taoy ta A**te asst, why sasdssasnaae staeafa sat ta dwetarpd tea ■fa <rte A ffi. BUUUAutoN. «r»’ < »fa* Ortoaary. Grant 4* M illcox, GENERAL INSURANCE —AND— REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Merchandise Brokers B LSI ij'.ll 1 ATHENS G A POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A tnareeioeo nty, streuftth aod wholssoinaneM. Mors eas eomical th»v the ordinary kind, and cannot • sold in competition with the multitude of low tret, short weight, alum or phosphate powders .Tto/j ott/f ia Maa. Borax Baxixs Powdsu Uo. It* Wsffak.X. Y COVINGTON & MACON Mi Time table No 2, to take effect at 7 o'clock, a. tn , Sunday, April 14ib, 1889 I'iaius run on Crutral (UOlb) Meridian Time. vihut class. 2’d cl’s „ I 8 5 Northbound y-,t n)Bi | Acoom Lo. FrL Dally. Dally. _____ Lv M»con ... 7 (Sa in K OOp m 9 ooa m MM**-y*t Mill 7 10a tn 8 16p m 9 23a m Van Buren.. 7 16< m 8 28pm 9 40atn B»bviU. ... 7220 m 8 40p n> 9 37am Morton .... 7 Roa tn 9 00pm 10 2<iam Gray* 7 4fa m 9 12p m 10 43a m Bradley ... 7 481 tn 9 28pm II Otam Barron* .... 7 34a m 9 30n tn 11 17a m Way'ide..,. I 37a m 9 4op m 1122 am Mound Oak 8 03* m 9 52p in 11 891 m Hillslh>io .. 8 19a m 10 Itip in IS INp m tirasstleld... 8 27a n> 10 82p n> IS 41p tn Miiimta .... 8 41a m 10 32p n> 110 pm Monticello .. 8 48« tn II 04pm 133 pm Machvu .... 9 19. tn 5 00a m 2 29pm Marco .... 8 3>l in'3 Ifla m 2 38pm G xliny .... 1> 4j< m 5 28a n. 3 3t»|.tn Lv Auaou (Ga. R R, 8 00a 2 43p m gv Augusta (Ga. R K.) 7 4.5a m 10 45a m M-disoa.. j 10 33pm 0 12am 4 50pm Florence.... 11 91 ani 0 48anr 5 35pm Farmington 1141<m 7 !Wa nr 610 pm Gould II 3u.« n> 7as a m 0 95p m Watkinsvibsl 11 39a m 7 30* m 6 lop in Whitehall . lit 17pm 8 team 710 pm Ar 14 6 •AocTtiiKd XD Fst mall Accom La F L Daily. D*ilv. Lv Aiimtiis... 100 pm AOOptn Tita m Wbdeb.l l .. 118 pm 8 94:>in 8 sO«m Watkinsville 186 pm 8 48pm V 10* m Gould I 45p m 9 oopur 9 31a m Farmington. 1 top m 9tepm 882 am Florence... 2 27pm 8 4opm 9 37am M dte>n..| 3 00ptn 10 16t mll 00am Ar Aus lists (Ga. R. R ) 6 13p m 8 85p m ar Atlanta JGa. Il R ) 5 45p m 1 Pop m Galfrvy.... 3 Usp mfl 55a tu Marco 3 »Sp n. II tn 1J lop m Machen.... 8 48p or 11 40p tt> IS 80p m Monticello .. 4 16pm 5 98a tn 115 pm Minuet*.... 4 94pm 3 4lam 135 pm Grasefl. ld ~ 4 88p m 6 Ola tn 3 00p tn tid'sboro... 4 46pm 6l7ani 2 20pm Rond Oak. 4 Ssp m 6 41am 150 pm Wayside ... 5 Osp m 6 33* m 8 <Ap tn Barroea .... 5 IKp m 6 57s m 8 !0p m Bitill'-y .... 5 llpm 7O9*m 8 tOp m Grays...... 5 Slum 718 am 3 4Opm Mixtoa .... Step tn 783 am 3 56pm faterta ... 5 84pm 7 toa m 4 20pm Vso Buren.. 3 44p m 8 o'* n. 4 85p nt Ms—cy's M*tl 6 31pm a 18am 4 30pm Ar Macon ... n uup a 8 35a m 5 lO|> n> •— A< COMMOOATIOS, M'NOAV ONLY. L-av* Madtson 4 50pm Arrive A'tona..., 780 pm 7— ACYOMMODATIOS. SUNDAY ONLY. LaaVr Altona 8 80 a tn Arrive Mtatanu ...1040am .No. 4 ruM Monday. Wmloosdoy soil Friiar. Ku. • him Tuesday, Thursday •nd ba'urday. A. J. McEVOY, fftip’L Georgia Bail road Co Stone Mountain Route. Orrtre Uuuu Msssaas, | Avai-ero, <»*., April rtta, IMpt J raotawsriag Taretoy, ttod. tart., Iha foij laame scbtaals w i it I* is -S-at: FANT UXA siirr An STlteTirtiy.' Ustegmto.'. Ts.ta-tv L»s WoaS’uza.lUA-'wm A' Afoaw... Taupe* Lra Wtah'toa. I .ma aL» Ataroe .. t.SOp * Ar Ataoas ..Il ans* Ar WittorriUo 4 aa Lve A'aeas «.** •Ar Lsxtagtaa. 4.3*p * Ar Wtstervtito * 4te*Ulr Anttoeb 4np * A' Los.ogtaa. ».fas * Ar Messrs . , A4Ap m Ar Aatiaeh.. B.2mm Ar WoadvtUa. A<4p a Ar Mossy* . tttssitrl'uM Pt. Lisp * Ar* » Ms M.Ar Wte'taa. f .Mba ArCsteaPt I AAa a<Lr Wish'tae. 4 tap a Ar Ateata loop a Ar Asgsata . Alto a ~ belly, j fio l, last ftatly. C* AsfaMto •- ♦-«•£»"'Atlaeta. . »A*s a L» WMta'ta*..i'. *• • Le Us ea Pl. USp a Lt AWres I.f t.'. t o L« W .otarHlte Bns a.Lv Mstrys- •■*** » Lv | L« AaSrash . IS.4M a* Le tai sgta* 4 'txp * L» Messy* !! luajs »>»«mll»i' ;m Lv Ws*4 site. 11 Alate Ar AUs so . 1 tOp a Ar UmwsPt..llA*a at Ar Wash'toa. 2»0p» Ar Attests.-. t4Ap *Ar Aegssta >tApa Wte >, West OatlyT* I Be. 4. Crt ltafa, * Ce Aeg»*So It Oto te 1 La tlteete TTf-'ltp < Ar Metre .. TA*s » Lv Maeae ... • JOp a Ar Alianta. 4AOs te Ar Aegsais. 4 State Treta~te 0 wdl'stop st aad rseervs passes e-re to ata foe* tto ffatowieg ststtaae aely Grrevtowa, H«> v*. Itronsg. Thaaaaaa, Ner w—4. Mere Ki. CrswtardsUle. Cases F-iat Oravasaheea, Martite*. teUtaga, toataCueto <to-i -»<•*. Caayara, Ntoa* Mews •*• ata DaeatK Trfaa la. tt will atop at ata rausve | injbiigm to sta frees tta M toatag erastaw ealy; tsresetowa, llaelsa, i Drer-- f, Ttaaspses, Nsewata, Aarwrt, Crew fords.ito, Uassa Pa*et.Oraa*tatora, Nadwo*. Ratto ig* . teetal Urate, Caviagtos. Ceeyars, UthrtMa, Aaaw Maafaare ata Deeaser. Tree* Me M w Athrea ilraash g*vsa p*s eawgim for te-1* ea Man tusedl ntawtaa for WMRrt* M Trares to ate trsn Attest eesMtewt *Hh trans I ata X. C. A DWfc«KT. G. P. A. J * GR£UI. Gea Meager. KMC W. WBJTK. O- T. P A, Aegwta.Ga. Fancy Poultry, turn »iA>txxrnaL-k«cs ' 7ttel>* DCCKA-Rsp re* D W. McURWQR. Alta*, Ga. You are Invited To Call and inspect our new and COMPLETE STOCK 0 F DRUGS, MEDICINES, ESSENCES, PERFUMER Y. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET POWDERS, CHEMICALS, SPONGES, BRUSHES, COM BS, SOAPS, And other articles too numerous to mention. Everything Fresh ! Every article GUARANTEED. Spectial attention paid to Prescription Work. We use only the best and purest Drugs and Chemicals, and adopt the Intent and most improved methods of compounding. Remember the Place. 72 Clayton Street, next door to Talmadge Bros. Wade & Sledge, Telephone No. 15. , M, B, VcGlntr. J. A. Huneleutt. M'SINTY A HUNICUTT, Contractors AND BUILDERS. PBOFBIBTOaa OF YHB ATHBWB STEAM PLANING MILLS, [Near Northsastara Railroad Depot'] Lumbar, Laths. Hhinglns. Lima, Cement, PlMter of Paris, Moulding, Brsnketa and Ihl usters, ami Brick always on hand. DOORS, BAHH AND BLIND* a specialty. A l*rg» 1"t of No. 1 Mnobanios smnlovcd, under U>«i «up«rrision ot Mr. J. M. CO LI, (N 8, wbo is ackuowladgad to ba ons ol tba best workmen is ’h-orgia. Redaction in Prices! I’rleae greatly rt lnoed on Moulding, Brack •ta, Balustare More, Nash and Blinds, and on Dressing all kinds of Lumber All goods ■Bl bs doh r-rsd within the sore porete limits ot the citr FREE OF CtIARBK. ' Tbsnkfnt for Ito liberal patronage hereto fore extended, a , ontinuanoe of the sama is reepaetfuilr solicits*, mebll-ly McGHfTY A HUNNICUTT. THE Summer Season! Its Pleasures and Pastimes. ■ AMMOCKS jfW“Wo have a fine „A MMriffito f MF“aa*oi tmeot of IIA.MMOi Ks.gar*tbee* goods, lAMMOt KS.fSrwbich w« of || AM.MO: Kb gSF*fcr at lowest Base-Ball Goods. Bat* al five rents each. Bata at ten cent* each. Bata al fiiteeu cent* ench.J Hats at tweoty cent* each. Hats at twenty-five cents each. Bate al thirty-five cents each. Bute al fifty cent* each. Bste at sixty cento each. Base Balls at five cents each. Base Balls at ten cents each. Base Bails stall prices Base Balia, S|>*ldiDg* Ix-ague. CROQUET S&M SETS, fe,"* Lawn. Tennis SETS) From <l2 00 to <25 00 in EETS> slock, and will order out SETS) seta at any price made up to <2W) <X). SEPARATE) Main with Cork RACKETS, f Handles. Lawn Tennis Nela, Poles, Guy Rope*. Etc. M’GBRLOR & ROBERTSON, THE BOOK STORE. ATfrns, oa. S'lKKrtSN’* TfafafaKAfaßW Take— rttere ate* »S eta I*. On tte 15’h occur* tte grand parade, ite ctaatptoe race tad grab no~. etems . pw« race, prize <975 f», gnbb twopg prlai /• •» On tte Isak, fates Fly ne*. prttc <96,00; foot race. <25.00; teed coeiesl, prize <30.90; (jrj Oa ttos* day* Attaes wdl te filled with vtstWM* li wffi te th« bfagmt toarnaasnrt ve teH m ’to Stat*, aad ivery viettox fa gcuantare! a good tiert.