The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, May 04, 1889, Image 1

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/work ...ery Description neatlt AID FBMPTLY EXECLTED AT IE - CHRC JOB OFFICE. | THE ATHENS FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, GEOHOIA. Manufacture* Iron an«l Bras r -Th Cantings. Mill and Gio Gearing end Machinery, bbefliog. PuHeye, * ** ,n^*r *’ 4c -' * ' r<uißr >aw jLwW Hand and Power Presses. Caoe ?jy Millsand Evaporator*. f UMh-! Belling. Packing of all kinds, In •plralora. Injectors. Vaivae, Piping, Fittlaga, Steam and Water Ganges, Ac. We are now Making Portable Steam Engines, which we sell with an absolute guarantee as to quality and workmanship, and at prices that deft CompetlUoa. We also noil Allan and Anns Eagines. Tar bi no. Water Wheels, Mill blows. Bolting Clolb, and eserything needed about a mill wrgim Call and see us or write to os before buying. THE MOST COMPLETE BOOTS & SHOES IN ATHENS, H AT ■ THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE, OF la 3 sarjiwa a no HF“ BaUafhelkm guaranteed with every pair. PLUMBERS. | .< • • • • ■■ .• I I KIEF ALWAYS ON HAND A GOOD BITFLY OF STEAM and GAS FITTINGS GARDEN HOME, and specialties in electric goods JULIUS DORNBLATT LAYTON WTMBKT. ATHBNAOI MAGNOLIA ACID! TW b*l Arid PboapliAl* Iff Admtica. F«w either with «MT without cuebpoet, NnvKM MA* MURN AND NMVMB WILL MR Baa TBM. “lITtHBJ (OTTM KWB.” lUa BO aupenoe tea a rottne « grain FwrUliaer. Faodff the pltuit thro«ffbo<at th* aertwon bat do*a no* bam it in dry weather Iwnuee itcoataina Ataßwaia, Pbriapboric Acid and INrtarth ia proper pm>purlb*e* 0. K. DISSOLVED BONES.’’ Especially adapu4 U» Groin, aod bur Cotton lan-I* that do Out r**|uirv much Amw»«»ma. Chrsqwr, aofwr and bmtt*r lhaa the Warth Amatateiialed Guateoa. Furol, by ORR & HUNTER, Athena Oa Aw*l by rial table deolera at roilmad atatHwia. THE ATHENS GAS LIGHT CO, r« M«at%«b«« *r irtioirr, hka r -**:>» i»owi*:i<. **<».«*• «N COAIm] COKE ‘ AND TAR, CABKFVLLY MftKKNKD AWAOTB aad Bl Tl* Ml No VS COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. COBB te tbe t'bewpert aad boat IM Bw < eodtiag a«o*ws a»d Knegra Awdetekwawt C- mk rt.awaasav <•«•* *b*a Waaam**. | A. 8 MANDEVILLE n»«w bexikllMf »*• •MW « WaWWtX cmrmk jmBAV MUrt*» «&Mk »*♦•» ***** *M* **■ H»Wj ®lje Sltljew lUcckln Cljmuck. ■ ■ """ " 11 '■■■'■' ."L"'."LLJ J .LJ] . - - ■ I !*L2.!J-!L. ll| i" 1 , 1 . "J ~!L 1””- .'. -P-* L. —L _ . ~ 2 2 VOL. MIT A2£*®SN’S. GEORGIA, SATU-»DA.Y MAY 4, 1889. NUMBER 18 ' 1 "' "" !RTS3iSm7a I By A « ■ M| kl ■ o ■ !■* «w •■«» *7^' T**- *“ ***** **!~ r ♦» Mj»m ?***>*■*. »t >«*i* I tMIMM «* MMMM *MMM IMMM • Ml . j— .-l, ■ « . * *■’■■■* j. £■*«■•** *sSi*.J** <■■•• | C.ISNOW& CO. i *"■ HOW HE PROPOSED. I tort tar Uul* tart te tan. It eotasMd Uta a ant. SaSaaltei UaMMfeStataa “ T 1 AuemMfagstgaltama. f] InwoaUa.' etatrt* Ipr n ewr '<3 I tkiMna vkituue; ”rS? as I MtaaM mr tnniaa Bam < Mt tar Mr car. par I \f I ttaortt oT Byrn. fart art Mosre; » Ah etuMlMraodi T» a b* <4 Urtr port? tursT u I oom tad kaowaSal. * “O vamaaia oar bonoTanas'* I M mtartarir aaM. AM ums I teoaeta my taagaa wos** betas Art *ta»l IMS I eea dsn*. ■y taw* **a tart* ate s art. Art pa* ■* *** eon Saab . Tto teas teat bung upon a aS TlrtM tartrate* .dram I <nuM Ml a. for. auorofo Io M* Ttart .a.l rrt *T smote Ttaa toe <ay tautw tea rattan tsS, Art Man -aad teas I mote *1 ton jwa Saar"* I aoM la tata AW ten I cSsapM bar talaQ wota Aad Start bar Meat ret Ttos snow a Aurt <4 yvasey. I auortad yaeia or rkywa Aad at* la gcdwg u> nsny ata i* wppto UnaaMßi U»d —A M Fes to narpar*. ttaaar CAUGHT TIIE~BCRGLAR. *1 am very sorry to leave you. boys, but Mitre Aunt Hamit needs mo ao faulty I think it to my duty to go." said tny souther, an fatlier wm preparing to trtp bar in tbs earring*. “Oh. we want mind It la the least.* rnWML Th* carriage was warn log from view around the curve to the rand, and we ware roanteev of the pteoa. We bod in a country village of New ■naland. in a torga. <4d fnai>xs>.*l. nun Minx Immmo. Mrtber lied rsrWved word that bar Mater waa very stok. and aa It waa only a few inilao. father tree going I IO drive ever with bee. aad thee cwote ■ tasrk the nest day We were all to take CHIP OMMlia Ibt B twUMK. abogathae. we especaad bo bare a fine ttaoe by osruaivea Dy ■‘we** I mean Fred, my brothae. aad myself, ualem you oounted the dug. Fnu. la that eaae there were three of ue We tatoled otwurivaa at Brut owe thing aad then aaother until it bagnn to grow dark After <m|qaw we tried to read, tart amaebow we could not gat latereated to Say hook or paper that we eo«M Aad. ** What if a burglar abouid cuaae around bene to-night- what would you iter in quired Fred -OuT replied ! to moewfui tones, foe I rstlwv prided myweif cat my murage, “why, us eourms we* would do the hot we rnutal If toe wee etneupw than both of ue I then wo ahtwM have to give hi. tart if he to not then be had bet toe burp away fneu barer “Itet tbees might be two of theca.* “Well, tot's lalb al met aciMShlag staa It to ma acvtaMe that anything of ths bta.l will hb|ipsa.* aael I. quite willing to tot tbs subywt drop, tones Fred was bound to hate rwwe lhaa eew et them. ** U» Andrews.“wMrtlawad Fred, “told me today atamb*eem*»ed his that MU bto braise witared at night by suer own aad they Incan 1 and gagg*d him, and then me to Mm glee up veavythiag that they wasted." "Oh. ihM'e nubhtagr I rvptond. aad proceeded te give an aMMuirt of aawtbae sue issue dnaadfsl than that We teM «d fine one tevrUde thing and thus asuthee until it grew Into. “We< tot’s go to bed.’ ami tebtag the lamp. I suited to toed the wgy- "Pd jwrt an osas you wcssM go Ans. Fled sue liarwuaw I am aftaM.* I l*cily add «L f>w r«sr be wouM tteab that I was a coward, “tart beraans --teamMo” “hidat yes tauw wealth tug thenF aabed Fred, as he drew etaear to to -TheFs aSI Mm Ms tbe wtad rntttbm the 'toss •* ths rtoMp." aaewutod L We Anally gut to bed. tbasegh out wttb aa tba rtuetos that we had toon tofiteg swob uthae had the lies of si thing na amber-wail • Uette earsftot FMbse w«e the poaßemne <d a targe eM any mtarh that migto be matte u|his> inf "Are yas ears that you toebsd ths F'fnrJ b/Wmf ww Imml gRI “IN rmsres 1 ta*s<* I rep A ad, wttb sawn. eharpMm, he I aJway. wasted M dmuareiy umtanubnud that I AM matambe I Itosi M wua ataert II eVterb whan Ftad pelted me by ths arsa ami w n bn mi “WhaTb tee I s.ta.l “Urtsn ■usßetaety** to lb* kadi" The rose owe y.rfausiv dark, tart ws OseM tost StesMtatoty gtong up to the , tart Me end of tbs runea. wtecb waa vney | large, asd tto« ww heard the chart daur errnb lag cm ha htag i Feed Meontoed. aad ao did I. wtadtj | tergrtsmg ito resetose whteb wan cart tag toeewtoflv smtar my piltow. "Re's r w to Urn etouat,* aatd Ftad. Aad than start dM that hoy An tent abas ty essart awt us tod. go sataetaaty qp to Ito <tase es the chart aad tout Ml , h wan a bw*k misles deuces rtmang htagm. wttb a targe tadt as the ooMhta. SHbteh be taStaaod. t l : . - .... - tie li am rd herb to the tad and bsah boMef mwittea we task res to bh. IMBnMF irf ttMF tNhlB WNENMB I Ws tea A ail tee deaw thto teas, ysaepud MmA BnMMI frw •to tastosg st san taearta. wtoto read btetato to Cbte «ery day that be beard. Tba rSant was barge and eoaMMaad a SnaM tone aampad usd « sot base an Mgk truss the gesecwA “Fms to toarktag ngbimtohertart win dsn.* sand Fled. “Yea I wooden why be dM ant tank tebna he ww senatag tat De yoe sop pwettaoo e gsso Ua* saw of thamF* 1 “Fi stage ihrno'e a tatos. and « Chny art tto tease os Are. Osa start •asM no taT te entonsesA “If I only had Abe an alia, t*— “Nev ysm sseahtaiX* yert te FtasA “Yus had « stow and anew tad a ttaag was ta eeeai wten yen teed Ate stamen.* | Fue kto Ana anm. I btenk. I adtonsd Ftod to tanas me n«h ta«ag a ernwH. *e taaaed the cfato Awns steen saeCte •netofc nba no vws aase a wot smrty “ Aeee nw gm •• m*y teen a* shgtau teqatoed FtaA. •» te eanrb bto bund cab “ftaa 1 teas utart tor no cm Aa* I rttatedl -wtatom see dna» aad go near to Nto M taini tom' I "Bat there's probably a whole lot or » them waiting in ths vard to siaoot ua down, or do something eue to uu. LT they I only get the chance.* I was not at all averse to remaining ' where 1 was. as 1 don't think there waaa I tingle thing tlurt I wanted ever so much —noteven a new joir of skalwi—tlurt would hare tempted me to crawl out from under Uxjse 1.-dclothcs for the brief space of Are minutes. Ftaaliy the night did wear array, some how. but sre thuugbt each minute was an hour. Aa soon aa it waa fairly daylight, we dressed and harried over to Mr. An drews’. never once Hupping to even look at the door of the room in which our ' visitor waa oonftned. We told our story, and 1 am sorry to my that sre made it a trifle larger than j it should bare Iwen. Al first Mr. Andrews would not believe us. but at length be took bit hired man ; and started for the bouse. We followed, n< < caring to be the first ones there, i They took nothing u> defend tlismsshMi , . with, deupite our proteste that wo were ' sun. ths rubber eras armed. We were anxious to keep up our good reoord, and so boldly stood by while they i opeeed tlie door to the ciueeC. Tbe door flew open aad there stood— Frits, our dog! Aim for our bravery! It did not amount to much now, since most any- i bodv could get up courage enough to ' ■ shut a dog up in a eioaec. Mr. Andrews wm at first surprised, and then. When he fully reallied what j we had done, be lauglied until be could laugh no uxei. "WML, never mind, boy*," be mid; "yco really thought that he sraa a burg tar. and it took aa much courage to do , what you did as though be bad been one." I think see could have stood it very | sreil if Mr. Andrews’ idred man had tag bold everybody that be met about it The boys at school made our lives utterly smrtched. It waa soon forgotten, however, bv all exorja Fred and myself; and I don’t ' think that sre will soon forget the night that we kept pour Frits shut iu a dome, undvr tbe deliMiun that we srere doing MMnrthing couraguuua.—Clifford Term MytnuXko Haya. Tto Mwa l..|»m. la tesani u> tb, R Ctogrsee that to itewtly to be beta ta Aii.ata, a cum— •paMHteut wude ae a aumrwbal eiUicd ato omptaiaUs isurr He asya Ibat be tee wen fun tto papers that seek an snwtoM) sill suet in Artaata is May U< says ta Jura eol know ttat there u a prsrvdent for .1 ta lh< blMoey of tbe tod IB Ibla toe to coriect Tte prwat of sort lac loatb cask loir* vwgwe afuw ibe revu ulna, sac ■ter. Mrs teM few ctoaagse la tl si. «r. It Is tee aanw oM oe*-taMa« Tk« tacbes e* eeev aide of tbe road ar« p ee vd <m<, a>ul th» surples dut, m >d uul beali. u U.tvWe iaiurtir mi idle of tbe rued, wbeev the ma<' msrettee hmaa a m-Mtote rttfL ibe Ar* >aia fada. W* bars save soeie of rtww wotahrful G or.ta ruaia. sod the ooly good total tbe* to tbe feel tba* ebai uMs one pert>oa of a road taromea preestoady mpaamUr. fame a ars tor* «ai, red a e»u r tad a mad* oe etakl gruukd Tata, ia uwa, « rete»d by uw i.tad who cMoas with tas<r pluwe and tbetr bom, awl I sear spe-iva, to d<g up aad Char coer-sponteat, wboss letler to aa. «<d tbe vptaioa IMI the pt. mH rued asa, if tbry an laobfeiiy cartwd net, are mpli teeeeae tte wtede groead That taey do »>vw ibe w*ute gruend end rata t’ nc rtaia. teal a ae« system. Withams* ■adieu foMar*%c*« *t deviwd « eqaa-iy i eattaMk To go back only fifty yeata. eteto M a vesy taief parted ta Urn Ide *4 a omo'y «* a S-ete, m may be said iksi to putotoc remto >4 Am *»*. N tbs fm prvveawwt epea tbe* ted Mea of a per eenea.t cteerartor, w-mle have CMUitartssl oMsety i«e«4 IM pragma end c<vum<- um of lbs ban. If, tarteg Ikta pert if, tbe amewy thaa to toe* tMwwa away to ibe baptoeeard eurbtag of tto reaatot find teen spe->t to i*rw leant tteee w«ald to very tee bad radde to ibe Rate today Ortatoty ttoorv warned to *e bad taato oboe* gaud oom see aeewMary. it M to I tto* Itaa evU of toefifimrwey Umi tfig Road Ciringrsei an* toe* a*lto4 to mesa to At- * mat*. Tbs potato fWiM «f tea Beata bear toee wtatefi ted a gtoat »*a*tae «d ywua tel d t groat curt to lb* fitete. aad ttey I ar* ee teste* today tbaa wtea tbe lew | a*srt Wetfit. N tb>y e*» aegtaA A* a amuse of tart, <be (tow bm »mb . etoa p*aanaa*el Mpri>v»sa*ei stataki lake : toe past* ad tee pasH «tep-otata aat be * j A kaadtad yards s* psvsaeaeat toip»w». I weat a ywer to msa aeasMf. are aunb to* j . etehM ad tmb »ark as m waa oarrwd cm. ; so! «mr aii I rsleedi ig a that ibe esod es I mate abet aaa proani-e-J ita esS»-g of : I tee R-tod C i mpm to awet to Aileata I Tsase a aoi a a»a*iy is tbe baser tea I ' psM* to StMte*. to «war easeß eseeaerv, l«e i I • aeaapte «t Fetaee eu*My. ebtrb we p*e« I ' < reed as Mfsweg* • pesosesrot abapbto j I tte seamiy msu Tto Bead OsertMm b WMbea< gearwteet. i pi id stay, be* k «dl »erk aa era mi tte I a» qim at tear Mats—Atiwata <*■ *etae« I tee Ai a rvas*« pea a sear Leary U* late I tewteg * area Mg secktaat amarmd - A ' qawtatto avoe am ea tbs ptaed. wtea I ttatatagb retort «if tee testa Mama to Ap | aw* at as atorseiag rwo. la tb» teds | I **M ev« a y esf lady aad g»*t -eseaa, Wb« tetag very tabs*, Vtai V*keep iteta I - to Mere wCtaawt toafltabng sac* eater. Ba* tbr m«ee Stay Asataad lbs a*ww toe boot I fißed, Stetei toe *ty. bi wiwug pi str - , *r rteto. erwdoat ■ *La*d. aeas* * thate- ' fat ter wted we are ataeet to oMaeaa.* aad I tte* they cteag to each cdte* to aa aM ' , fobita bag. eaart toe teag**e< eteorto at, > lb* apite™— «■ tbe tee*. Tte. teas ues ' fiuaSy gat |» toad. tatbsjMHt tody ead giMiMec daameMtef asy muav peens aa* qeart. To to*.** ***** rvem A ■***< I Hr A * tteamy. «f Osrts «»o*ty *yv tea mtetag tecgs fi «•* «f pert sad •am tn** vwy pßifihebte to tart, tbs* |to awes. *te-7 lb gm* »*» «*T «** tortL Mr »*syetoat«fyeto»«**w «g tor tap* ar a gwste' teste aa* «umm« . er*e. aad * a* saadq caeAead as • abmb ,52-““““' 1 local dots. r 1 Mr. M. M. Maddrey, the popu’ar tinner ' and ctovier of Albeus, arrived in tbe city ! Monday with a force of bands, and is en ’ gaged in rooting teverd bouses. A flue , tin roof on the Herald Journal office wih j be one of hie beat Jobs, and that is saying ; a great deal, for there ia no superior ' w. reman in hi* business.—Greenesboro ' Joutnal. Tuerc to a great deal of complaint among • a large portion of ourcihzen* because tax> payers do not give in true return* There ! are people worth from twenty-five U> one ■ hundred thousand dollars, who give in ; their property al from three to ten tbou- ' j sand. Tto* to wrong and should tie inves tigated. , [ Tbe spneb of Dr. W. E. B >ggs last evening befoie Ibe University alumni was I a pithy, practical aod r aging addrvt*. He | laid before the alumni aod fnenda <>f tbe U L'«i vet city w a ouaviuciag w the claims ,of tbe eoliegv, and showed a masterly grasp of tbe best points of higher educa- ' u»o. Dr. li <ggs ba* rone to work wilb j emiyy and gr>*af enthusiasm. He to ; euiialrd in a noble cause, and to proving hnnaeif equ d to the great req'iirement of I id place.—August* Chronicle. i Tbe Rev. W. B. Burke, am of Rev. J. • W. Butke, of Macon, Ga., «bu lately went i to Chia* a* a missionary, Was married at ’ lu* rttadei ce ut Re*. A. P. Parker, at Buebow, rveratly, to Mito Addie F. Gate* I don, wbo m ate> a missionary at Ibal place. ! General J. D. Kennedy, United Blates con ! tad, and other notables. Were present.— , After tbe c.rvmony, tbe n.wiy wedded | paU left tor ttaagkiang. where R v. Mr ■ Butba is stationed. Tua groom to a noble, \ manly Cbrtoftan mimsttr, and tbe bride I* W*U fitted U* al.arv b>* arduous labor* in i c»e«y emergency. i Auyooe having tn tbrtr ponsmaito an i Allans Gnarda gun, will pl<*ae leave tbe earn- at ( Ta>madgv Mro.'. store Anyone kSKI*Ing where any of these guns are, will pl< are give enen Ibformathto to Cap! C G Taimadg* Turns will be tar > military cutnpaaiea urgaaoml ia Atbvna at once Col. JAn U Botberford. of Macon. •pent a fe* days of last week te our city Prot W B Crawford, of LnColnton, 1* paying a vlsil to bto brother, Mr T K. tn Craw toed, of Ibe Uoivera ty. Tbv Uuiverstiy Kepoter la on Ila feet «g*iu- Tbe auetettaa in j 4nl meeting laal vsiatday. resolved to continue Ita public,- iten. The Wi-d Cai* mod have * branch or, gautetalon tn A'hens, it to said that a great tuasy signa on the aineu have bem moved and interchanged ta CobbUm*! raw thing should te stopfwd at once. Mrs Mucbeil end family, us 'Flotidn. b*vs tak<« cua'gv us the bvlei al 1 arnei* vile. Tto* hotel will te run In good style, aa Mrs Mitcb«U baa run very soo-.ssfuilj I.* quite while a *v->d bMel in Fl.ulda Ttoo many trwwAa «rs M*. Tuhver P. R wrbart, wbo graduated from tbe Univev* Aly taw acboul l«st year, wtb be psined to ■.car us bw destb fro* couaumptato taat weak in Kltarto*. Cbaooaihw W. K Boggs to la lb* city fur a day ur two. Mr H C. P.dklll, of tbe Hester rise* ba* tern oatopsibd logo bowse un sen-nut of weak eye* H. will reiuru before Cu, aiasd fats fissia, and grad sata wits *•■ Tters tea good tady living on North LsMspkte airwl who m soci. a firm Iwltevcr I* "Variety taiag tte spice of tlfe,’ she ha* bad vrgeiatrito of vu too* kind* planted Wkfi ter fl >waa* It wUi te gnu.tying Io bto many frinnd* ia Aibesa, to i**re tbat Mr Lwciae 1. K eta bl bto tee* admitlsd to Iha bar. ll* liesird a Very cr«ditabto esamtwaiwo. aad *A mab* bto snark. Tteee ars few if any ywnog nsaa w Macon pt«sM**d <4 now* nepttal Mi tte way of brew and amrrt, ’ten Nr K»*g A W* trmt tent te will SMta wnb iba gr*vt sweevse be *s ’ktely tee* nas, to bto ctameo pnatemu*. tbs Is*. A atewoto toapoatatao Ws bv* Ml a day «4 pageant* and ah -wa * Tte ertahssisto of tbecewtesstal of Wm- ItaWa'i isatarartdta*. wbeb wt I tegte te Naw Tart today. l wUi te. paraape. tbe gras* nM evewt st tte* kted svs* n»l os tbM smrtetart. A* esoe m lbw I* ovsr potee att< niton wte te am** to tte pre parsteoa f«* a ebow «f a ddLraat and »«a pmrUrat <b mrter 11 tea lor ■**- re* years bee* datertwta.d 'bat tbs to»h •waiv.nsry a* tbe dor -vary of Asserw* A-wld be <»»te*ted a a toasoer worthy ■at We remto merit ins o< as aeokiUta ao epoKA to luatory aM i dartr attw of tbe < progress wwmA ba* tea* toede Mi tte *•* . MV* temwpbe** atone tte itgtei <4 Ke- : | mpvsa rtvte ante, daw aad as tterae et «em I Tbe m«eeal ptam to* a grsss* step *•!«• j I try tte OMtolrto* <4 Mwlb Aaeersca. C*»to»I ’ , Aowstea aart »«l Aawrttak. to be MM to i ! Wmtetagta* Mi !<•*. went toade J yams ag*. sad ttee was k «*f wiaal pr- par** I ■*** wto ansa tegm Tbe e laatnrt tour- 7 ! rated have g**e tuto tte* srterws* wtib a* tteaaaaan. Tte lUdsiaf om are tbst it wd' ' te cvrrwnf oe* a* a ae*«* i tea ares la* imi | ' at any tasawv espoWtam. No* wary a astafndKawl dtetey rd the ’ ■ wanmssn aad prwdwta a* the w «wrn w««M tert the weak tahto«*t star of amaa . a-wdae- fetal mm tot wee* the eastern* ■ 1 Aassatoas la jearsomto era mw* «Mab j te te*an**Wy eipwaed Into* tbto garrt aotoryrtMU Italy. wk«b gnev Cte- ’ eantom to the «*r< mA fipw*. wtacb | aatotaad tarn tetatewvs bto dafto* aaete- I tom. *M jam to «te mli tern tan M WMbtogte* ba* teas hi* mid by b*mg i Mass m tbe ***** tar tba rapwrtta* aod ttototoabe taramart of aM ihs amsm* Iwte-c* hove tr»w» ap te tte* e*v*r» woaid A«a*v*ved by Odewboa. k * sapor «ed «h*< war toss******* wiM casvAms ktevel'y i tottesspwftta*. bto nwu imi «*«»*m I *«i te -tad to g*a«*ata* a* wprwdrtnm >of k*B**e*a te Uta waste. Tbe aap*s «to* to Mwrty item ymm started, bat to h*a I tea* m'Trtrd a* aortk a g gent< m*m item « *»* te ini try t*teegto very nwto tee prm’sn* prapaaukw** far a— Meme Tstepapb. LaAm. yaa wd* find n te-gn No* ftwte | ’ Vtawk.Marte W*w» teat. Ftearer Baade | Ferry Imp. Puff Hmm*, O Bnrttaa. esd i Martastam sad Tspeatry Veers, te Maatat ■Art* Ota* Drsnamg Case Artka* Hngxma’. * Tuesday’s Daily CENTENNIAL EXERCISES, r ’ AM CEI.EBRITED TODll’ It* ATH- Kttrs. I’elew Meellwg al The Piral iHethodist t'h*rch. , j One hundred years ago the American Re , public witn.ssed the inauguration of its I fiisl President, and in acci>rdai>ce with a proclamation of his excellency the Presi dent, the exercises cointneminorarive of that event were held today. Union exer cises were conducted in tbe First Metho dist church, nnd a large crowd was present i to witness them. Old ami young, rich and poor, mattered together to give praise to God for His mercies. Tbe v Uran of several wars was then ; tbe matron, who at home helped tbe cause of !>■ r country aa much as be at the can non's mouth, was there; and be.utlful and UusUiug youag womanhood wm there. It was th.- out-puiring of the feelings of the lieart for tbe blessing* which Gud has seen fit to shower ap« us as a nanon all along tba decades of the century which has gone. At nine o’clock tbe exercises were open ed with a kuug; after which a fervent prayer was offciod up by Rev W D An derson. Tbe congregation then asng “I will guide thee with mine eye," ami Dr Lane read a abort lea«>a from the Bible. R-v C D Camptiell owd* a short talk upon the one gra d principle of ibe Amer* icaa Government, via, religious freedoms It was tbai principle which first broom J Ibe emigrants from E ilopean sbidt*^,J J which aU »wn the century has provyr shilling light of American Wais and pestilence ami dislmb mcea have fa led to »h A• fL We are allowed to wor ship God M we see fit, and we should see to it that through tue grace of G-d this principle * not liampied upon or taken away from u*. Another song followed, and Rev J C potu ar.oe and made a ah >rt talk. He started out by asymg that during the meeting of th* convention that !tamed tbe CooMttu'lou, Benjonia Franklin antae, and Mud that It was beat to Invoke tbe UM-fcie* of God, and that he was convinced that "God directed tbe »Ifuiis of men " Fieyer was beid aod this waa tbe first prayer cwr ui»>!e for the succ a, of the yottug n-pubuc. When General Waab lagiou waa iuaugur.ted at New York on tbe UMwning of April tank 1759, at nine o'clock prayers and spritual exercises were be 4 In B>. Paul's chapel, after winch U.ncrai Washington del lined bto Inaugin ralioe a idre** Hera Mr. D*v* read the piayer* wbtOU Were made exactly one hundred years ego, and their brevity, simp'kity, yet devirtamal and spiritual , Couraetu snuck eech and every person ptuaenL They iuViAcd tbe b)e*»i >ge ut U.jd on tae young K- |>ubl<c In ail its ways, 1 and no mnilrt ia Uud s way pray er*, which fall I rum lue lips of a mtntour lung 1 since guue to bi* eternal houta, hsva been ' tulfiikd. The congregathto then tang “J-eua, 1 Live* of my bom," and Rev 11 M Q u.lian, 1 us ttoooaa Btrvwl eto*< ad ireaeed Ibe 1 cuogrega'ioo ia a lew l<milks He 1 tuaohed God lust lur-ugh Ui« mercy the ' Atari Kan JUputdK Uau pr<*privd to ' ■ueb in every eay. Ha oxoraeted the ‘* us WsaitiagUhr to the presort day, • to show the wonderful advene* mads by out R-pubric te every line wuich pro* 1 Ctaum a prosperous oauue. I li bad advsaoed in a rci gtowa way, < *{wvadieg lb* Guspel to I's utmost limua, I and baipia* •* m> other aaUutt helped, to ‘ Sand it to ttavaga taoda. « It bed edsencad commercially, giving tn * the wurid muse mveaihMi* and unprtrve- | aaerts ibaa say other Mita oe lbs glebe. « It bad adseomd m ea educatamai way, • lanwtaciag la ovr own fkete Ibe higher ' edecatara of wemsa, and pacing tbe i daughter* of tte urttun e* aa <quality « wuh war sows < Ws have reeama to ibauk God for hi* I cor. ova* ur ia tbe part. We sUuoid l<»A ' forward to Um future caretally, amt try 1 and artlto ta away Kx.pui>* to God I MMrtt qtaauowe as iatesuperancu, capital, Uta.*, aod all such ertefa nae up befute u* to lephl aa * T»« o*><r*ga lMi ssog l'niwe G-d fn>o> j whom ted ItnwMiiga flow,* and wetv do I onowd by Dr Laa*. We bav. ewuiwd aa * a wattow «* Um second century of nor ex - I totaart*. May it te te every rmpret a* ' pr aterttaMMite test, ami may wa ao ' c mfiirti <*taairtv*« m * Gov«*sa*«t a* to < carry «mm ibe p*>uctpu* aad fa All tbe * watas of term. *bo paaorfully *!«*pa be 1 a*a<a tbe attota of Mt Vsrtsna, besM* tbe 1 luiliag water* of tb* bnasd Puiowac. ’ r mi- < Tb* pastor of *■ Last tMd«cb*p*l i b*a b*en laboring faithfully to per- 1 •aad* lb* par* ute of bis co ng regs- 1 lion to train lbwir eona is U»a way ( they aboaki go. and Oring litem up J, to be r«*|**iaote member* of society, 11 Recon Uy be bad • itoltfmm a hard- I worktng mother of • family of boy*, ‘ wbo catoMt Vo coafida bar Uibuialioaa ’ to him. Her boy* were ao wtM;L they wowld Bv* ia ibe aireeta aad , aowA* cigarette*, aad aae bad laa i guag*. aad ah* dlda'l kaow what to ’ do with them. “Hav* you tried U> tomb tbetn at ' Ikmm, Mr*. Juoaa," aakid Urn |<r» , J aoa. i “I»d*od ! hav*, Mr. SurpHm," < abe answered. I "I bav* doo* everything a nsotber could do «HUi them boy*. I stand over them every sight with tba I boeerwhtp, b*t He all 1 caa do top gv. tb«a to *uy their pray er*.” Thia applicaUoe <4 tb« boraewhtp '' aa a mean* of grace was a new one to tbe parwoa, aad ba foe ad it aome. i what diflkaU to reconciie with i tbe rehgioa of lore.— New York ' So a. prof B**y Bowed trtarwotf Buoa jtmcrwm «ta*Mr te wen- a few ' day* a ago 1* me bw fwbar who wa* very to*. H* ftabta te mproviAC »• ta* gitai to wqt. • ' AT THE CHURCHES. THE WORD OF GOD AS EXPOVND* kD SC.IDAI I* the Pwlpil of the Various Churches es the City. AT THE TRESBY fERUN. Dr. C. W. Lane preached a very note worthy sermon Sunday. ‘lt wss eloquent in substance and delivery. He took for his t- Xt: “We love Him, because He first loved ua” He d.fined love to be that, in virtue of which we do everylbing in our power to conduce to tbe comfort of the one loved. Commencing with the lower manifestation of God's love, Dr Lane very beautifully described the works of crea tion. Tbe light which we may see tumor* row is today 198,000,000 miles away from us in the bosom of the sun ; the water which we may drink next week may now be on tbe crest us the waves of tbe broad Pacific ; tbe fresh air we now breathe may tomorrow be in the frigid tone; the tood we eat next year may now be growing iu lhe valley ut the Miasissipi or in tbe West ludie*. The many uianifrttaiions of love are noticeable tn bavin* no other objtcl but to please human beings Tue light of the suu could be bestowed without tbe bright tints of sunset; the earth could be inhabited without the beauties us earth •nd sky. There is.* wonderful adapta tion to ends as shown in the eye, tbe ear, the taste, the smell, the touch, and the power to love. The higher inanilestation* of love are to be found in the fact that “God ao loved the world that He gave III* only begotUn Bon, that we should not periab but have everlasting lite.'* Tbe many ways in übich He firat l »v« d us is the reason why we should love Him, and as we cannot do every thing and al) things, every day and all days to promote HL pleasure, w* ou*ht to do everything we do with the *>>le 01-Jvct to please Gud, and to ptomole H>s glory. Dr. Lane closed with an exhortation for those who bad given only 1 per cent of their lime to give tlidr whole lime to the service of God, while those who have not rnhated st all in Hi« service, should do so, after knowing the great love of their C'r.-wlor. AT THK FIRST MKTHODUT. RrV. B. P. RicnardWMi tilled the pulpit at tlata church Sunday, and preached an exorllent s tnwn on a portion of tbe Lotd's prayer: “fby kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it ts in heaven." He started out by saying that there was no different kind of morality for h -aten from (bat on earth If we would conform to toe purity of heaven, we must be pur* on earth Where waa tbe first evil started ! It might be traced back to the origin of man, Ut the fall us lite first angel, and tbe same evil which caused the first angel to fall will cause ua a.I to fail If wu are not careful. Ou tbe Mine battle ground of sin upon which tue fiirt angel tell vanquished, wdl you and 1 tall vaoqalabed If we are not ddtgeeL Wiieirwe piay “Thy king dom coaw," we abouid act “Tby kingdom come.” We should try to make tbe world b«tiw aod brighter. We boast a great civ* lltaattaa; andyvt It te doubtful If Wash* lugton cbuld be picked up and set down io Pekin, wbetuer tbe clvilimAou Os Pekin would bv bellersd. At ibis stage, tbe «ertn >a branched on tbe docuins of pie itestinalloa, and the MvtoodUt side of that duOUMM waa laid dowu Vvry clearly raking the little child, we place an orange before him, and tell him not to touch It. He {HCks tl up. He la a free agvut If tte nature of man te depraved, aod ov. r one bail us tbe Dalton are defiravwd today, and they are not permuted to work out their aaivation, then ibe ou'look te dark Indewd. "I OUOJ taud a preacher say," md Dr Ricuartac*, ‘ that every baby wa* born elected " I went to my church aod preach ed a sermon, and asked everyone Io the audience wbo had nut bee* • baby oace in bte life. Io • land u , Nu om stood Up aod hence I couclntod that all had beeu Let us ail work for Ibe upbuild, tug of tbe kingdom of God. I assert most wopbaticajiy that *1) cbddr** are boro MrlteralwlS if they do get oat off tb* Rack and go Into other track* oco*K* rrwicrr ravteCM. Rev D C Oliver pleached to a large cnwgrvgatio*. Hi* text wa*. 'Work out your o»n salvation with fear and tretn b-tag" He explained aalvaUoo as U re» . (erred Io God and u> man. Man fell from bte original state of purity, aod wa* driva* owl of K4»*. brcaoM of th* vtoialloo of God’* cnaßßAftd Tb* world ba* b**n c>*npared to a great bosprtai, fl led with burwan bv<a«a außcneg froos all kinds of rtwaasa, but 'be gieo’tM of diaaaaaa wan tbe dim*** of sin, teuugbi on by our owe rstdliow. There te *o human power that can prescribe tor Ibis disease, and w» bu mao band that can altevtet* such Buffering. If a *»an was eufleria« from snow aerious end A«dly rnaiady, and a friend should convince ta* Ibrt ta a dartart dry a stilted pHymcta* lived who bad di*eov*r*d a mo* edy for Jna« *mA dtewwa*, bow quickly tbe seff.nng man woald go to conselt ibal pbysecsa* Weteavccoow Io you fro* day to day, bars convinced yoa that you are diseased, aod have awured yoo that there tea grew pbyaicta* al bud, wbo baa tented all taanwe* of d*r*M*. and «vew rated Use dead, and yet y<* Lave farted to eo*e forward end te boated Ba then exb-rted Ate tasters to aw every me.* to work om ttair <>w* atavtatas, to *itewd all tbe errVKre <rf tbs cbarcb, to keep up family prayer*, aad to »e*d m <ra ft** qwteUy tte Bitte-ita ehnatma’i chart **d Crttpsos—end IU ttrwaiy pnf<mn all their drrtte* to laid duw* te tte leaebtogn us that great borta. ruurr aarrwr. ftev. C. D CaapteH being absent at tb* Bspitel cnwvewiioo, tba paipM w* fl. Jed by Rev. B F. K>Art, of Kte A’.teoa. He psvadted a* ctataatewt sermoa, tataoq a* b* the**, tb* parabM of ita ErtMicaa and Ibe Pbattee. and a* bi* tert “Except your faMb evted th si of tbe PbariOta*. ye ataul tai *» was eater tbe kingdom of God." He wert ea to litaMnM the Pbar rnae aad lu* belief, bow be piayed to ibe LneLanl recaorted wbal be Oooe. Infect asartoftber qnwte* of a rhntataa were te btea, a»d yrt be wan ia the na*M fix aa lb* yweag aun* to wbo* J«oa arid: "Ort ib*g tbu* taekeat." Me iaeksd om ttaag. Tb* haw* was for «acb on* te look Milo ba taarl, aad a* A bte tailb waa a« ngbt, f<* if te dM no* ptart* greater ATHENS CHRONICLE to: SUBSCRIPTION SI.OO PER YEAR ADVANCE ADVERTISING RATES $ REASONABLE fxith than the Pharisee, be could in do wise enter tbe kingdom of God. EAST ATHENS METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. H. M, Quillian preached a strong spiritual sermon from tbe text: “Biesaed , «re the pure iu heart, for they shall see God." He showed tbe necessity of a pure heart, how it may be secured, and tbe gracious results of reaching this high state - in tbe Christian life. The sermon waa I tnach enjoyed by those present. APHII. SOlh THE ANNITBBSART Os Waahinglau'a laaagaratiaa. It has been forcibly said, every man has two immortalities ; one he carries with him when be leaves the world, tbe other he leaves bebiud him. Few men have bequeathed to the world such an immortality as Washington. At bis death he was eulogized, by the most distinguished writers and speakers of this c rnntry, as the greatest, wisest and purest of the patriots, statesmen and citizens of America. Tue ablest men in every pro fession concurred in the opinion that be was the great ceutrai figure in that illus trious group, that “noble army" of chief tains and sages by whom the independence of the colonies was achieved. Nor has his fame been confined to hla compatriots, or ciicumsc ’bed by tbe geo graphical bouudarl.s of hte own country. "It is tbe glory of America," Mid Bour daloue, “in the very dawn of her national existence, to have given to the world many names tbe lustre of which will never fade; and, especially, one name of which tbe whole of Christendom is willing to ac knowledge the pre emince,—a name of which neither Greece, nor Rome, uor re publ cau Italy, Switzerland nor Holland, nor constitutional Rugland, can boast tbe rival.” Notwithstanding tbe agency of Wash ington tn wresting from Great Britain a vast colonial empire, even E tgliahmen expraued their unqualified admiration of the gramicur of bte cliaiacter, “a character of virtues so happily tempered by one an other," aald OUarlea James Fox, “and so wholly unalloyed by any vices, te hardly to be found ou lite pages of history • "Tute,” said Lord Brougham, “h the consummate glory of tbe great American— a triumphant warrior where the moat sanguine bad a right to despair; a tuccuaa ful ruler in all the difficulties of a course wholly untried; but a warrior whose sword only left Its sheath when the diet taw of our nature commanded it to be drawn; and a ruler wuo having tuted of auprenio power, desired that tbe cup might p*«* from him, nor would suffer more to wet but bps than the moat solemn and sacred duty to bi* country and hte God required." To commemorate the inauguration of such a Chief magistrate, la a high social duty—a patriotic privilege. It I* a duly specially Incumbent on the Bout hern peo ple. We may say with more emphasis than Webster aald,“ Washington te all oar own." He waa born in W< sltnoreland eonirty, Virginia. Hi* borne wm at Mt. Vernon, Fairfax county. There balived, when not engaged in the public service, In noble ■impliclty; tber* he died io glory and peace; and to that mode*t mansion over- Loking tbe broad Potomac, th* grateful children of America, and stranger* Innu merable from far distant lands, will make pilgrimage* to a h*llow*d shrine. 'Buch staves a* hte, are pilgrim-slirinea, Hbriurs lo no creed or code coufiuod,— Toe Delphian vales, tbe Palestine*, The Mecca* of the mlsd." o.a —. . .oai e Mta— Caste al the liatvsrvity. Thera tea strange and mistaken idea prevailing in ao** a cl ions of G.oegta that the Stale UnlvarMly te Ita bom* of a car ism sort of caste, and that a-’oe but rich men's arms esn go there. The history and present condition of tbe collage prove tb* alamrdity of this view. Tnare wa* a young Alex. Stephens who went there a* a charity student, educated by Iba ladiea of a Piesbyterlsn church. No man took higher stand or fcrsduatsd with more in fluence. There was tb* boy, Ben Hill, wbo went to Athena from tbe plow-haadlaa of Jaaper county, and who proved very soon a giant among bte feltnwa. Aa lai* a* 1875 we have seen boy* at Athens who wore Jeans doth* and cotton string* In their shoes. These men were student* of tbe Sgricullaral college, silting side by side wltb tbe students of tbe classical school tn certain daawaa. We kava worn the* men not only carry off tbe honors and th* me<!st* tn their s'taltes, but also secure tta ptaoe* in th* literary aoeiettas which were awarded by vote of Ibe members. Tbe truth te, Um asoal dansocraUc thing in the world te aoeb a school. Tber* la ton one sort of casta toieratod, and that may be termed >bs artetocr <cy of intellect. Toe State Univerdty has been unjustly criUetaad ia 'bte regard - Augoata Curoo ide. Ar lev Five Artsoswts Frwnhlla (tawsea e* be veartib *atoMrt Bavamwah, Apnl 28 —Franklin Lawton, a young wb te man, committed suicide at hte boarding boos* on Brysa street tbia aownlng by taking twenty grain* of mor phine. Lawton wa* a boaom companion of Cbarfaa Naajedt, wbo bto* bte braina out with a ta>ra« prtd at the Savannah tatspHd Isat moath. H» friends' death upset Lawton's *ind, aod after five at tempts at suidd* te varioo* ways be finally L-wtoo wa* a spiritoaliat like Naujack, but w* aot vary strong minded. He wm for a Icog lima batter al tb* Ssvaoaab ixapMai, and it wa* there that be Vrt un iter ta* iofiueacr of Nsojack. Oa Sunday aigbl a male in tb* stabte of Mr M L Dunaway exaositted aaidd*— Perhaps ta dtd art intend it, bat never* thatees tbe work wm effectual. A rop* waa ttad around th* aatasaFs r>eck>od te iymg drtra, tbe rap* w* too abort, aad ba bung faußmU Th* orate bad been deed for some time, wb-o Mr Dunaway went to tbe stable oa Mmadsy mnreia*. From oae wbo is tea podt ton to know, we tears that work wifi be eomaaenesd <m the G-. CAI. railroad te one month, aod tbs road wifi b* pasted forward rapidly to