The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, May 18, 1889, Image 1

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" ( WORK -rery Description NEATLY AND PBOIFTLV EXECIIED AT IN- CH RC JOB OFFICE. THE ATHENS FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, GEORGIA. Manufactures Iron and Brae _ _ ZF’T’W Caatinga. Mill and Gin Gearing IJF W* ■ n ‘* Machinery, KLafting. Polleya, 'fc:‘s Hanger*, 4c , Circular >aw Milla, Hand and Power Presses, Cane 9 M i Ilsa'Jd E vsp- iralora. *T"- *' ’ “*■ ICd-ixr ■** " X Beiling. Packing of all kinds. In- spirator*. Injector*. Vai vs*. Piping, Fittings. Steam and Waler Ganges, Ac. We are now making Portable Steam Engines, which we sell with an absolute guarantee as to quality and workmanship, and at prices that defy competition. We also sell Atlas and Ames Engines. Turbine Waler Wheels, Mill Hvmes, Bolling Cloth, and eror) thing needed about a mill or gia. Call and see us or writs to us before buying. THE .MOST COMPLETE LINK OF BOOTS & SHOES IN ATHENS, IM AT THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE, OF a I eam-tf a ao JgF“ Hatisfeclioa guaranteed with *vvry pair. I r’T.TJIVIBETI.S. | I KKKT ALWAYS ON HAND A 0000 Rt'PFLT OF STEAM and GAS FITTINGS GARDEN HOSE. and specialties in electrio goocs JULIUS DQRNBLATT LAYTON aTMRKt. A TURN*. OAI MAGNOLIA ACID! The bw»l Arid in Am*rira. For use either with or without compont. Never ha* bknn *»«’ n*v«n tiu »a BbaTKM. “him (iinm (Mini.” 11m too srnwrW ton • coito« or gram Frrttiiaer. F«*«h the plant throughout thw aeaw»*n but dorw r»<>t Burn it in «l»"? weather Itecaune it cmtlAin* Au>u»«<t»ia, l*b»*ph«»ne Acid and Put m>h i a |»r»»|»er |Nre»po<tu»n< ‘ 0. K. DISSOLVED BONES.” K*|»e«*iaHy adapted U» Graia. and k»r Cotton lands that do toot rvMiuire* much An»m«»ma. t heaprr, safer and I* tier than the hearilt A turnout at**! <ruan«»a» Ftwiddrby ORR & HUNTER, Athens Oa A tod by reliable dealer* at mi In mi I stat ton*. THE ATHENS GAS LIGHT CO., r« •««!•»• mr EltniT. iiisjvt waaa amaw aw COAL, COKE AND TAR, CAIFJTILY !* BMtNKIt ANTHBACITK aM MITVMtNuV* COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. COKK te tbs C*-—?— * *** Cm«hts< Skwrew and Baagwa Am<ttod**4m «. •*- ra.awa«mw. •**«• sM>a A. S MANDEVILLE Tb* «*• Item Mk. Bm**— IH» B*m* « V t*vr\ **m*t I «ma *n* m» tMT»» • m I *•* ta»**W | ®lje tttaMg Cljrmridc VOL. XII. r>^lw( ’W. *W « *td n I tM<a *■—•«* *• kk—in* •— _ *>*> <—• ** *>* urn e * h* l .**** ; _**_—■» w to *"■-? I few M«tMB *M MM •~* •* £r crz-'~— I ■— • «<m<* «***• F— —» •—• * I wwa mlm »—• 1 C. A. SNOW A CO. ATHENS. GEORGIA, SA'£li£lUY_ JtfAY 18, 18.8& THE ONE THING NEEDFUL. Tb* cry guns up from b-aria Uuu Uni. Gura up in enry satire; la UU* hair Eurupa UUer read. In tbai half stoeee warvaOxi f Ol« ran and tasru peso full aora Upuci the pooff lqao • aboukltw*; Bui ore lhb>< ***** am and inura, Tba matured* oT aoMlara And daM in era a < raat a. nd To pay for warlike trifle* Fowler and eanooo. abut aad efceU. 10l new repealing rille* SUU l»('- U»e aovemmaoc— for ITAI To (M tbma guns aad ralmrot; Tba poor for nay an> bo*«*< aad seid. The rich kick al tbe panurwi. —Tombs 1 I froot Usoeg Hwwagh. A FEARFUL ORDEAL Occupying a seal In the reading room of a down Urw-n hotel one day last week, says a writer in The Alta California, there might hare been observed a saem inglj aged gvnUeaaaa. wiwwe hair eras gray and whom cheeks werw shriveled. A pallor aa of daath was 00 hie face, and frequently the muaefcw of hie features would twitch ccmvuWvciy. Hi» name was iUchard J. Allen, and he regtotervd himesif aa hailing from Toronto. Canada. Five years ago Richard Allen, or Uck Alien, aa ba was familiarly known by hie tnenf latea. owned, or at least claimed and occupied, a aba k range <jf cnnaiiieraiJe area In aoutheeu Anaona. the MesicaA bmMwiary Uns being dietant but a few nnka He owned a larcr num ber of beef cattle and was rw mail tend well <0 do. A, wmg the rough pojiulalion <>t thw tewd-r Al ten waa a power. He wae nwwt gwtwmmaiy gifted by nature, having a wvti knit, athtetic frame, and a mind well Moved with knowledge. But It wm Alte.i a Mf’r which arcund fur him rec nritkc ami afHurnce amid th. cartue •ached plalna of Arieona and New Maa ieo-a nerve which knew no teaching. *vm in the f*c* of death. The greaaevs and Indiana sumi teamed to dread the tall sturktaan. fur tn mure than one m»- counter they hadcumeoff badly woratml. and more than <m* unmarked grave <m the Meatean fnmtter twars aitent .llaa, to Uhm • unerring aim. for he uevv* heMiainl to kill whan ba thought blm tait jnutfwl Very Bute Io conetdered juattecathm among the cfawa with which Alien waa aawMiated. &> gvially wme be frared and reef wiled by Um wtidoum yaaione aad amghtews that nothing iaaring Ute brand wawevar mniwMid. aad the meat dartug <4 the eowta>ye aad out laws a-Mum tempted death by a too pro kwiged argumcsMl wub him Aa aa iUnaUMh<n of hte touu nerve. M may he related that at one U» in IMM be waegiven wanung to keep aarny trem B revtate amal) ertUasnmrt. sum* ten tnitea fnan hie reach, hwhavtag im-nrrad the ifleplremivw of a gang «* «eA»<u«ua rwttlweato there. A item aaili il grimly ae he rand the warmag. ihmi atmppad on hie reeuirar aad «m forth (or ttas In utils hamhd. Ue Ued hie tewse la th. erar of a «ahiua aaJ started ta enter, wham a|>Md shoe «ewe hmwd aad a bed toe W Matted aeer hie tead Alton kunwd Jk4 mesw than twmty last away eteud "ISa.'t half twre.l ukUm, wmE are vdraw te Em hand. A. Alton turned threw tewra bulla paaewd to dune praa baity to hte toned He knew the Indian hadMkeetodtete. WAh a orewwf ul andie haanM. "Dre again, you—,and ten toww.* The Indtaa did on. and th* treat to atone M» apt rit had tori the artel piatea of Artmaa f.wwvae Tben Alton rtrntte tote tba aehwt*. where at towel a doaea d Mo ekresnreo was* gatbrewd. and <te uuMMtod to Iso* wta> aoeM him the ware to* Xwmmo aaewwsd, and after round ly ravMitg U* gang for U»*ir cmrertere, to* left amt w*M hen For two awskthe Ire teMttod hard with iteaih. (<w th. tad bate* Bred by the Indtea towl k-igwd to Me vtgM tore erne, atoemm paeretag the tang Il wae tnmn three aumbtoo after thia amrarraMw that Aites tool with amte toap that butted Mm hwm Urn hreghto d • wtwrtM * (• mi bvl imto Mimwiid fn«e tewrtt. It ww to th. rammiks d IflMk A» day ton* Alba bad baa* hard at week Iwandiag a Id d ***b* i -f\< At A BKMBA <•<•0 entire ftoau Mo dtoprat. and at Mgtel toe wee rampteaety ware wt. h wee a wwnrtii km 1 gnitep freao Urn bowarfteg ptare be tote thuwrlme hetetottem. Am Ute ate wen ouAry and th. bebad gsvamd gare f«wth an toeoMw treat It wee nrarty II tertaeb whoa the Mwll MKB VMfflNMt Utß dl*MtißßtMtel (W wee toe atee tea Many vw anfaiy muMml far the tMgbt end toe st likirty to reams H* wen ateael bo sowop tote bad when Mo qntrb war deoeeSed a >MgM ni tes At th. dtereOtem d Ma stnldr. aad be toaww at mere that pree toon ween atereA. Adtdteg has raeoteoe, tee tonrerd Aw lbw ton bto an MohmetteaMl buran, tee he toaradsd to MU and ted te» storm, tearing tee germoM an «atewr ttena Ma tanterntart. Ttee atom a» Uaa raaMeew*- tMaakte Ha gt«w way. and we*. • Mean to ewwtoy !»• fart. Tta »wH Intel baa* dry tar y— aa»d tta tawed*. wtaeb. gtetag way ■•tar AMtaate >T X a anaanand AAm wwTawwnnd sJklMi <®oj BmMi SbmJjf IMb4 Wmnb AJwwbSß*4 w«b tta f.www ta ta* Mwteanm ■ wta ahanad > ■ nrwtatanii* wtth mga, tar • la Uta tenctetem to •» w tetawtaf ewteta—d tertparwa aard k**w Uae tteeew, W any ttoaw am. waaM ata ten«a aa mmm I ■Mata la feta to tta lata dtawM aa at tar* to awtav «gn* Maa. Aa to torata * aaatay Atrkwuaa a ga» at aairt. toady ' epm wta gMt A ton « tawrt atatat akaad I gMH* ttaf A wIWHB 4Mn| twUA» ImM aMtamarA* Tta tapade ratoted nngniy. to bnww to bad twvrapuhw to aapn w«h I tatarta Artak. vi'Av* Bhs » ■ * -afeAn•■i ABte* rtata aa M ytaHAta. Ba knew ata Uta Mart to Ma acta* natal la Aaatab Ami each a 4n*db * tta range** taw>s» A*n***nd a bat**, w*** . veins filled with burning poison, wikliy grappling with the scaly, venomous rep tiles, and striving with the desperation of the awful fever to mount the bard sidea of the well and die on tlie plain above Ixmeath God's smiling stars. Die sweat poured from the poor man’s body in streams. The snakes gave forth that musky odor peculiar to them, and this, reken with the cbatenere and warmth of of tlie air, produced a sensation as of sufliw-ation. In a moment, still biasing angrily, one of the snakes began to move, and Allen raw its glistening eyes at hie feet. The clammy thing crawled over Ills bare feet and circled around hie naked legs. The creature eeetued to like the warmth of Allen's body, and stopped for a moment. Then it slowly began to aaeend hie lgnt« to hu budy. and ewm the tumble eyes were looking into those of Alton, and they U'em d to bam thnmgh to hie brain. L'p orer his fare the creature moved Ito heed, aad then enctsMitered Alton’s crisp and curly hair. With aa angry rattle the snake drew back hie bead, and Alton, know mg it would strike, raised hte bands as quick aa Lightning and gripped the creature by the threat. With the other hand tee grasped the ratites, aad then he slowly, surely straagted the creature to death, though the fearful effluvium which it emitted alm<wt careed him to faint. For l»alf an hour he held Hie snake firmly, he saw the malignant light bi Its eyre grow dim and finally dresje pear, and then he knew one enemy al teaM was rived. But he darvd not drop th. dead make, for the other Itad become uneasy at the duMppearaoce of Ue mate, aad seemed on the pint of starting cut la search. The fiercr, glaring eyre moved from sid. to sMe. the ruitte was eeMotn still. amPAlien never for a mo ment took hto eyre from tbuee hostile ertau For hours bo stood thus, eoneumed with a feverish Hurst, Lie nerves at a terrilJe teresitai, and hie eyse strained and almret bursting. Then the sky above Uni legan to light “P. and a little rev «4 sunliglit danced on the wsetern wafl of hte uti-b-rground prison Ln a few mo ments lie- w»U was quit* light, and tten AUen and hte remaining eu*my raw each other at the same instant. The snake cuifod and sprang, but Alton was too ao tive. Ue rtepped to one side and tot the snake go by him. aad then, with a small dub, ernatewi out the venumuue life for ever. Then It was that Alton’s great nerve gave way He yelled and shrieked and cursed and lore in a mad delirium; and whan neigtebora. attracted by hte ertee, reeriwd Mm aa hour later, he was frothing at the mouth, bbwdiag al the bum* aad th. antekee were Vwn to ahreda For weeha tee lay in hie eaten on the outer edge of death, tert Ma sturdy cue autution stood by him. and he recov aawd. though bo wee but a wreck of teto freutar Mtf. His Mighbore "ruuteded up" whet iutfo atock tee hod toft—fcar the thteviag reaManta of the frontier wore qukrb to take advantage of teUhrlplaoe naan aad Alton toft for New England. It* IWQQTWr If |BoMi||kk bi® ftWVMV iMMltli. But the eteork wae too revere *ad Alton will resrar tie a uum* agnta. At the vgn of BB ten to aa to Arm as a man <*f *ll, and Mo life to dereM of pl aner. Heaanae* reawsin long ta one piaoe. tor h» nevi re MMNM« ftttd hua death will cnan. tohte relief, aad then, rerteapa, Alton will team why thte drandrul ptegae wae rtaited upon turn.— Breton Trias Has «• < MAUUrta Jt'sr aaw, ■art ta. * snaaws ■ «a>«* to A ■ grate •sag fee TtoeaaS « th - mil Baca*. Qa . May M —-It haa here gre arsHy repurted 1 Lai certala chaagva euald b* tooAv to pmKteee oa tte l »-v iagtea A Msreae r-<a.l a’ler the eterttoa «C the m« teraed of < aed teßtres, tart, the ten l««M>>te* to today givio out teuaa toa.l - tket Ute to ell te K ctesagoe he tee preaeart. Ttorte to aa jraprimiui . teee- : near, that curiam enaagre will be mode at • near day. M««><uat*rea are see pmvMm teal wdl gtre th- Vnetagloe • B«e»n tend lAnraab CMMraatona (rem Maceo to tbe Nenb Ma Atteseto ehrh Ml tb* ateottoto end bool mete ftoaa Mam* to New Twfi. tr*n*wa eaattad **i V.da**day tea** dm ctaMri tto pmgmd tai—ag to Ito Cu*« ata MaaHtoln aa the O*etagtew A Man* naGrttt*. I'ta** rrnaia ertata<nea,Sta Itoiwrtra ata to tam. N**to»g waa mH x mi tin • scit •' t a Jib Mwtoo A Dwtoto. Ta a aataryrtoa etui baa aa auata tit M !• tin tato aaw at «to aaay. Capra* Ate«■*» •tar •?--*» tto wrtotoy taator «f Bahr weta *M tor A* B C Maatiaa la tto <te*» ♦*•“•' b ■ Snr Imi* vSnini JU B* bOwml tin BhNslilfe artotag. He »ewta*aaM* la l»te *ta a* •MMaaaarA to tar <r»wi tatek to Um tawaaatlto rta. ata totaaaa Mei tto ■ew ta.»*rawW *4 *■*> M a Jaw gar* Mg «a»totaata Ba a*> tea grata tea* tar ta«a tawa»»lte»*italte*; la pawta • —Atator OraaUMMta* tto •.’*♦«• «t ite ***. way*»to. Tw» anra la tow Aar'**— *—* • <•— •» **• r .Wta* U «aa at «w A ata* MA a gw»et M —•• •—»**. tto «•* aaryr rwa»T to »*rw Macaw. Vaaa at tae aMaaial teaaawry aaton • tags, tto w aa* n«w w r— ■— taw fc UnaMaX to «* tear* Mae it to *m* at rte tarawta ■»«■ ■— at Ito grata at ,eafw* Tto*t*K *Mta *• era ** - *cUy wtatat <ta 4* ItataAAtee arcta. Mtwatargai aM mr** ••• •■» •waata tto tatar at rte wwiSMta ttato w Mwa Aataa tatav.aagb* to tar to M*t paw** tat Mto. *a an *M —tag to tar** waat to Wage to *fca atoeatu* at ttftatotol wta - *«*— ***— Tto ■*■■«« Tta— 'tc* TH Itaawi tti —** »!■*■ to te .taa era aaanwM tong to •* Mat **rt taMtoAitaa* Tto to at ata*— -to aa— wtaMtat ttotr utairr** .to •** itoriw* a * tatga aa*a-4 ■ etearSy toraa taw *a ng -T" * * liar— *-4 Mv*C want—aatrt toa Ata* M»** to «• W*te C—■ —* • **•* •—*to *"*• ■to total»« » *••«•«• • •*»«—*aMto rwr * ym*r» *«• to»« Bte»T **• «*» local dots. Mrs H Key Milner, of Binntnghsm, is riailing her mother, Mrs B P Bebop, at her borne on Jackson street. The Good Tt-nip'ars last night, elected Mr. J. H. Dorsey, and Mr. Hansfi-ld as deli-gatee to the Grand Lodge wliicu|tne<-t» in Atlanta in Joly. The Lodge has good representative* in three gentlemen. Quae an amuo<ng occurrence happened io one of tbe h-ading dry good* stores In tbe city yesterday. Two clerks Lad a customer each la the rear of tbe afore, and were eehing them One of tbe clrrk* found that the panu be was telling was too short and be informed the buyer that after be had worn them a day or so. th-y j would lengthen out and be a perfvct tit; tbe other found thst the good* be wanted 1 to sell ware too tong, ai d It* said that in a I day or *0 tbay would shrink up and fil Io I perfection Now tbe cuatomer* heard the I argutnaarta from both aid**, and the clerk, ' f« uod It bard to etplain msitera. Mrs. L. J. Orabam, of Dsnudanlia is is I tbe atty, veiling relaiivet and fnenda. Weave sorry to learn that Callie Wilkerson it quite tick. There wm a lively tacn on Clayton rtreet Bainrday aturniag. Mt- Mas-ey, an East Athena merchant wt* in pursuit of t j thief, who, tbe nignt b. b*v toft his store WNh a pound of tobaro. Tbe thief was | tbe fieriest of (out, and Mr Maseey vriil I hart to uy the race again. Mr* Andrew Jackson, an aged a*J high- ! ly r> sperinl tody of <>C‘<n--* county died : Sunday. Bm wm Marly twenty fear* of I M* Tbe Board of Visitor* were highly pleased With lb* moot court held lb the Phi Ktpps Hall Siturd«y afternoon. The cate **• BMUMWteI by Nrears Taoma* and Benurtl lor tbe defendant, and Munn Turner and Crane for ibt plaintiff Hou H C Tisrii *e r»p>diy developing mtn a Brat-ret* muaawso Thia wundet. lal traasfotmttiu* •» being skillfully m in aged by out (<<M frtend Mr W A Jester, •too know* fully aa much about do-*-te ani aa tea d>«* abmt bore* swapping, and this la mying a good deal. Toe Bia lay ectoool children of the First : Baptlai ctea eb will p<cnte at O<>*'d, this i fiitmday. Great preparerem* are tn tag tasde.aad ranc < pbarare * aaitetpsted. I On Bei«>day aigtej tort Mr. aad Mre tlanT. H<*igto>m gave a lea te» Mr. Erl Naaficd. h was a detigtottel antertelnment I • Wbl 1> a few of Iteeir tnuius friends were Melted We ere sorry to tear* that • Mr ttoa«o*d will make Oreeanbrno hl* boow alter Jnaa the ffrtrt. Ha bat many y ends ta Athens wtou wtoto him pe,*perity a Mt ww Isoms. M. BABswkta*. of Amerena. will ■rrtvv 1* tbee ty |o-*ortow. Abe will be the goret trf Mr and Mr* Fied MctSreky, at ttetar rna «M Norite Gsltega aarane. ’• dhh* siytau ■ «••* •** -■ M " r ' ih* Chratte'-<« • *«*g*e«ta* *f a few day • era* ta regard tbe nvgaamaiioe of a Cou* r is* tteirtsd Are S is*** * g« tag re to' mrrted <"»t Ou* of our n»ie»- rere <«vM a* ytatorvtay itart in lbw respect Cs tv t rail) «»far twho.d tor sw'er •MMHtonut lb» »•»•. and that tbs teles teigg> tted by Ito Caron** was a good on* (taps will be tato-e nt once towards p-riretltot tto* arinaniaritoa. Al a dniv •extebto to ail tto tta-Uy eetouoto. ttor* •41 be a »re*d taa«* as«vi>** *f uw cau .irra. end taratoere. w d Ito Aaer*i.Uu* •bl te loaad* . W* •<«' I* ctod l« sn wrawe 'toe aagauiaauv cd teto A**<*etiuu at a* eeriy d*te. A ■**•■»■» *••«. Vtoe AM at • gteetotere ■•» •« toebnet O* total Friday. Bute CMtewd Btod. at.ed etabiytort*. toad bto note brabeu. and b« fare b-A» ret red bream! He tom raf tered a grata d»sl tore* ‘to ocrererere tart ••tonpattort tots tafartre way •« preve •wre aettats tba* bit emMtnta* a* pirare' He w***tosdt*g*rer* tewx*i mtato f«* ib* Mptag «f * «•• ptfte Frtetay rn.iml.-g. •tore a tonr* buy appraartoad bi*, and •tesrad total mtu ttes tretoeb wKb ito re *«n gta«n ab»v*. Brats Mckte* ptayteg ! •s lbs aboe* ragtot te to* rt -pred. red ) •teita *• toy arey ret to**a tatended toae*. to* tewM nra bai teaww. ttest <ta- art badly brat tote Mtto «*>• Mts ftagee wa* A M«m ««*»• as«r taareg b» finger thto maarang *• Furetetey sweet. At Mr ! Ctebsrt tare stoop tto*** w*» a pre at; rttoera ta aa «*re wtedrer, aad a aegre _m.Msmraniterei.tora. A pre-I rbrttami ImN* *•• bt* aad psdtad «•’ • kaita total part A right •**• Urtttererredy tospHtotas dba riteaaprad to tab* Ibt*. Tbe aw** rasetrtta «•* teto toewß a«4 rsdted tetovrera Me **• <b* »***• *■<■•*■«. aad t—ta lrd th* be w*M4 get ta* bead am <4 Me *ra» H* Il —I. bat Ctato* wry are* teatag M* •*«*». tM«rrm aa* ate*. TMU* etetatolter Va*—rtoy a wratoW SaMtoay atato to *— rtapa to atok*t M Mr**W<Ml.t to"—, to tortka* (MB—«a eraaM tMa toga A* wtate la *—•«*». —4 *«»*•*• W* AtorbtataW— Mltete.yw •wtiavaalM to ten*..—4 are tba awtataM to«* total Mwato. tat tartea atote tea* «r teraaa. <*M «<* tor i Tto tara* war* atatota* eat tat r - -1 ««w *!*at UM tobva teoMto leaMMra** »te —* tto* tto tew Matarra. MM*mg taJtal «—* g— by Maj WIfWCtoBH State. Mr W J «Untato.«*d Mr Itatog Banto Oa toa,«*Hiirwtolte arwwd . tata* *r re Itetctat* rat ai-r* ttau « aetarto— aa—eatota* >'■■■■ Tto Me taaeto tto Attartt tou—i wwktalaw toB-BtowAiy. *»t •* Mta*. ttateußy ***■*•— it a— to tto t*n* to gw» <•w r»«te* —• to *» to ywaca * tatatoto. tat * ttaba-ey | gwrk Ag*W tatatotatanaetae ata ba Wnat A •-•* tatatac* * ta**T •* A> | wwa, act to tar aarw —ltar** h • g«a -to** *taa Uta -®ta Os • Aa a*. Mkt ba* —a * ta*ta—eg by <*MJ gwtainng rßart. to aS ' towtan «. >M*n A.«• «> to wb*toMb OIERWHEi nED BY FI.OOD. Begin* Walers Destroy Aifc snd Prep* erty i* Peaasylvania PITTiBVBO, May 11. —R- ports of the damage by last night's terrible storm are • coming in today from ail parte of Alle gheny coun y; in fact, from nearly every place in Eastern Ohio and Western Penn, tylvanta. Tbe loss, however, cannot be approximated at this time. Farms were •aaued out, and trees along the bank* of streams swept away, aud landslides occurred on nearly every road hading out ot Pittsburg. So far but two deaths from drowning have been repotted. Two children of Con rad Bchaefi-r, aged 3 and 7 year* respect ively, ot Spring Garden, north of Alle gb< ny, were swept away by the flood and Mr. aud Nr*. Schaefer narrowly es ca|«d fi<.m meet lug the same fate. Tbeir house is located near the bank of Butch rn'teo, the seen* of the I rightful disaster ot fit teen year* ago, wtou 2UO persons were swept to death by tbe angry waters. When tbe banks ove.flowed last uigbl, Ito Schaefer** Lome was moved from its found*.ion, aud the family left the bouse aud sought she llt r under tome tree*. lu running out ot the bouse the children, both gula, were catigbl by the current and earned away. Mrs. Ncbaefer to came re frenlrc ou seeing her children in tbe ruu that abe gut bi the water too and was a.u<o,i druwued. Tbe bodies of the chil dren were recovered. A puyaician was called to see Mrs. Schaefer, but it 1* n<q thought she will recover. Two other children U> the family were saved. One boy. 17 years of age, who had a broke n leg, was compelled to remain in tbe boa* . AnuUnr boy e*c*;>ed from the Louse and Ws* raved by h riding to a fence. Tbia mornmg E<*t street ai d Madiarm avenue, io tbe Hutcher<!a Kun district, are Corn* wrecks wnloto uuiMberlca* croaa im ta are cuurp..l. ly filled with debris. Cai* are lying on the track* unable to be moved aud cum|letely tom med in by planking and rubbish. Tbe water in tbe ran rora su last tbat tbe revideiite feared a rvpttiium <>l th* uismter of 1574 and a* *<au as tbe fir-t shock prau d away ami tbe terrified mb .biiauts catigbl their breath they immediitely made preparations to vacate the premise*. Every vtlort was made to save tto furniture on lb« fir»t fl <or* while tbe Water washed and alaatod tn the cellar below. Rivulcla, brown enl. ored and dirty daaiiod into the cellar dove tn miuia'ure torrent*. Tbe Hebtnmg played havra *ll ni<kt. A lor.g atab e belonging to Fred liampke on Mount •** struck and cun*um>d Fourier* b.-rart aud two cow* were cremated. Tbe bra to f 10.0UQ A South •ide street car esugLl a ttalL The passen ger* were elre nfiid, but not seriously burl. Telegraph and iele|ib«M wires wee* derailed Ihroagbout a large sect <-n of erasauy Tto |maa*l wires were all down *«rt and tbe Western Uoh>e was bad ly crippled This tunraing* were tat* on a’l tbe rowte, but *H were open and running except tbe Washington (Pa.) breach <>f tbe IHiba<>r* and Guin. Tbe raiufaL «u nearly I ree Lour- and the Utehi rivet rose tbra* fata 1* a* many Tbe bodies of two tarn, virtim’a of laat •igtet’a fi ral. were f»«*d thia asornltg. Wiaklug lour dratLs on f*T r> piried. Ti e r-■>.<** of John fkiogbritr »«• tHacos er*d at th* wsnwtb us a culveri «t W<«j* R*b, wedged ia between aoma k<V. lie taft bis bme shortly after m<dutgbt Io aea bow bieh tbe water waa. are! bad <oos but a stwt dteiiscr ah«* the Lanka of tbe •ante* Strrawi wbvn b* was struck and carried away by a bndg • whtcii bad burn ewepk trues it* fuutMia'*<«. lie was fit years of a** and married Tbe ra*<J firtafiiy occutred ta tbe Butcher*’ Run Usrtrct. Juba CuchM* went d< wa to tto reliar tew n«**r durtrg tbe s'wm and did rert raswre When tba water «üb*id«d M» tatay was fnsad I)l»« to tbe coal vaait. Wblie no drfirit* figars* caa to giv. n on tb* |u» a* this ftaw. It i* safe to say Umm H will rwrah sM>onom thia «Mta<ty -Ear LM SAW-* WWNRT. Uehhhra bra ■••* at «•**«*•. WlUr.i, Artta*. May la Parurvlart to tto ftabary to U.j « J W Wewn. gey taaate* I’t. *a! State* terwy. at a prtat tea if •ay b>t**>* Fwt* Oraal **4 Ttemaa. ate-et *»>a yaatetday, tor* jta Im** ra o*r«4 at ’tea gtecv A larga bowlder teerl tear* rutted I* ibe naJdte to tta road. Bad m tta anbelaaer beartag tt>« peyraaatar aad cAra n-pnartto 11 ttoy baited a*d ■tewt bes to th* eemrt teti lhete ama ta I* 'ta war>* eed grtanetad to tta froet ■artalaae . WfeMe ta tta »<ry act to r»B --ta< U *«toe. a vultey ww tnd al ttarr. be* a wctotad «f»to alwoM dU*««iy o*t* tad w.tJMa gfty let to tba* Baaeyteady entog 'be *■*:•**« de«grt rwatad *> am* aed a towty f ta—te b-gaa. tba gwerd Mrtag lawebed a pteCr to par tial aafaty bebrad *•** erygbb »«ta > Tbat.tateatadfw tally thirty tame IM Whteg ta the wondta* ta right to Ito ta* gear da. at beat me at •■** will g*>*e fetal Taro to th* am* were wmad rd Tto Scbttagta tbaeedaree * reported by M«j « Vaeat e* betag the ** eta ata «ta reee eaw. The cterfc. W. T Oteten. wwabot tbrmgh ttactabtag. tat aerwtad —y Tto *u«*g boa 1 wlk<ii tb.Mß<»Mnd •A*** MKttaur. Tb* w» beta* opr* e*d tba ***ay Rmnawt. Ta. Bay 11—A tora*4n ••ape tow tto hnrer poetM* to tba ewy lb* ewewtag aad bb* <b>wa a targe . •wMte* toitotag betaegMM to tta Rata weed Cbiiaatmi Varta. Free boy* tad tahea nrfage * tba bwaaa. a*e to *baa. da** Qmgtey. war tested a*d Ma breator F*mA a* ta-Ty tefwad tbei b* ta* te ting in trul to Tb* wring W **« ate* tagtato. bw tew aanautoy. »!■ M Betet**. BaiwmlN C, May »t-ttm Ftotor J J. Boy*. Carbite gr*W to tto e arete at Um Sacred Heart, to th* off, • ■»- m *d hwe w-togM ** tan all a* a yo—C taty vb* te • wrwbw to b* cheat*. a*d ata* tawgwaa*. Tb* attau hw cwtaad a u ** i * low a—um. NUMBER 20 AT THE CHURCHES. TBE HOT WEATHER DOE* NOT KEEP IN TUECKOWO. Seeaaeas Full of Whdsa aad Truth as Munday. The hot weather was certainly here Sun day, tor it Jwas pre-eminently the warin st day of tbe year. But the churches were well filled, and very interesting ser mons were preached. We ate unable to give as full a report of the sermons in to day’s issue as we would like. AT THE FIRST METHODIST. Rev. W. J. Scott, of Atlanta, filled the pulpit at this church, aud preached a good sermon. Mr. Scott is here as a member of the Board of Visitors to tbe State University, and is well known in Athens, having been stationed here as a preacher some lime since. The following synopsis of sermon is en tirely inadequate to express what was in It He took a* bis text: “1 am the vine, ye are the branches, aud my Father is the buss baodinan.” He went on to say how the branches of a vine must draw their very life from the main vine, and how we draw ourspiritual life from ChrisL There are various kind of branches, two of which might be well considered, vix: unfruitful aud fruitful. These classes existed in the world, and men were fruitful or unfruitful in religion, as they obeyed or disobeyed lhe precepts of Christ Tbe Father was the husbandmao, the Judge of the great harvest, who shall •ay whether lhe branches are fruitful ot unfruitful, aud shall Judge everyone ac- G irding to that Baying of lhe Scrip urea: “By tbeir fruit*, je shall know them.” aTthb prk«bt ferian. Dr. C. W. Lane took lor his text the latter part of the 3rd verse of L C.<rintb lan* < X> a. Itu rerltil Jesuit tbe Lord, but by the Roly Gli.wL" Dr. Lane spoke of lhe life of doerste* a* com. pared with that of Christ He said that Pliny had given heathen evidence of tbe truth of tto text, wtoti he said that tbe Chrtotiana oi lua day were a peculiar peo ple, who roee early, and called upm tbe oamr of tbe Lord, they called Jesua CbrtoL He said that tbe Christian worship required tbe Holy Ghost; that tbe pre* uce of the Holy Glawt should be prayed for; and that we should do everylblng through lhe 11.fluence of lhe Spirit of Ood. Lei crab one, then, go out to tbe dutlee of aa other week with the presence of Divine gutdauce; bleach one who la la buaincM, work w iih a view to tbe glory of Christ; let each one In instltutiooe ot learning, and preparing for the closing axerctoee, put forth bis whole strength; and let it be according to the language ot Paul when he called himself a MrvauL Thia implies a Ixird by the Holy Gbost. OCOKEk aruurr cuvucit. Tbe asrvions at lbw church was con ducted by Rev- Geo. Loehr, who delivered a very entertaining and instruetive hclure. An acc-iuiit us Lie kciure appears m •hottor column. The reporter who always furnish** us tbe repott from tbe Baptist church, w** out of town yesterday. A REMARK ABLE FREAK. A HOVak VFLirTKD AND KI'IMED. Macon, G a,, May 11*—The moat retuatkabi* treak us a cloud over known in thia county was reported in lhe city today, Tbe occurrence was in lb* nature of a cloud burst, i’be cloud unexpectedly aud rapidly gathered above the bouse of Mr. and Mr*. Buckner, in Lhe Searcy aelllc tueni, abut* twelve mile* from Ma- OM. Th* cloud suddenly *w*pt down with terrible velocity and violence upon lhe Buckner hone*, anil lore il front it* foundations, and hurled il away and dashed Hto piece*, a* though il wa* a piece of paper loo** in a storm. Th* bouae wa* totally wrecked. Nothing «m left alaudiuf *xu*pt the ctetßßcy. Mr. Buckner •*• in the yard at work at lb* tin* of the dreadful oo eurreace. which bapp«O*d ia the twiokiiag of aa aye, and aooa a* Lie aeaaea cam* to bitn, Via Aral thought w*a of Lie wile, wbo wan ia lb* house al the time of lb* cloud * riettauoa. He expected to tod her masgled and iifelea* Grant •** bio aurpria* to behold her Billing calmly by Ibe fireplace to ibe loae and a trip pad chimney, peacefully amokiag her pipe, a* though nothing had happened. Sb«r«c*ired noi the engtoteta injury, ******* *••»■*•*». ••**•»•*•! Fee. —••Mill** Fool.' I* ■ CtoeM Faw Mie* Md . M*y 10-A ■«*» cyctawe * r»p-*teO from Ite* Potanec rel ley. orer the Ptoat to ft>«tea, 70 mite r ateiee Wata'og'oa. TweWy ta* me* who : •<«* *i wuek on a rettand trrette u*«r tta i neer to that pokal. were ewept <to lato tta ■ «ter, eit'y feet beh—, »t-d tto wrtcA ta lb* bridge fell apr* wme ta tbcm and anerai ware k-ited. Olton aacrwded i* Wnlng aab<**. Tto wire* era dowa » ail dtaetiow ia weetera Maryland, aad H te h*g**.t>te. ap to mMeigtet, Io obtain I detalte to tta dwtaar. ii atoraan puieriraiiA. PuuKtirm*. May 10 A terrific •arm ta a led aad rtoa *—p< owr eaatera Penney rto» today, dtoag covatdarebte ilaaim* *° p—prety- O— rteild tn* kilted ' aad a targe a*n»ta» to people igjarad. Bar***'* c tew *m extetatiac at W> tiauipart. Il •<• parOady wrecked. A panic < a rata among tta apedaton. and half a A*e* perform*— and twm w r I many tpectator* ware tnjarad. bat nobody ' ta'taL Wwww* badly Jewcrtotoed wd ' drtatte teckiad bnl th* damar* to crop* f end oeta* property ww tea* Try a Muk Stak* at C. Bode'*, and grt . wmrttaag am- ATHENS CHRONICLE SUBSCRIPTION #I.OO PER Y ADVANCE ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE For the Chronicle. DR. S. P. RICHARDSON WRITE* A BI.A*HIN» LETTER Tbe Tbirrt Party a Pare Whisky Party. I see in the B inner-Watchman that At lanta is about to compromise the discussion on the Whisky question; that Dr. Talmage thinks the disturbance and strife on tbe Whisky issue all grows out of too bad whisky. I have no doubt that all the makers and sellers and whisky-drinking church mem bers, and preachers, will go into the Third Party. I am of tbe opinion that if a man will sell whisky, the raore water be puts in, tbe better both for the seller and buyer. Th* less whisky a man buys, tbe better for him. As to the poison, tbe whisky in its purest state will counteract snake bite, and there are but few things that can beat venom in the way of poison. The more poison mixed in with the whisky poison, the better. Only a very few habitual drunkards ever reform, but die from drink. Why keep a man from year to year lingering under the fearful disease of drunkenness, when be might be killed out of his miseryjn a week, or the same day he gets drunk, like the man over in Madison who died the other day soon after drinking tbe poisont Tbe more poison in the whisky, tbe better. What do tbe people want to keep so many drunkards on hand for al ouoef The fewer, tbe better. The sooner a drunkard dies, the better for bis wife, children and country—for be is only iu tbe way, and a curse to all while be livea. Suppose all the drunkards for the last twenty years were still living, and specially in JAtlanla, no one could live in the city. Let Atlanta, and all other citie*, keep on hand plenty ot bad whisky. It la their hope. It will keep tbe more thought ful from drinking the poison, and kill off tbe drunkards out of tbe way. Mqln keep on band a little pure whisky lor these chuich members and preacher* who are sobjrot to frequent attack* of colic. 1 never knew am in who advocated whisky who did not diiuk. Tbe pure Pro hibition cause is here to stay. Good, pur* whisky, High License—none of those flank moVetneuia, either from press or pulpit, can move tbe true probiblttoniata from tbeir purpose. Whisky in tbia country has a*a* Its day of death and ruin, and th* totter classi* are not lu be switched off by tto bowl that Probildtion don’t prohibit, or good, or bad whisky. It to all poison— only some ha* mure poison than others. 8. P. Hichammon. EELIUIUII IN VSIINA, « R«v Usrargc R. later tells at tto tarlsw uit Owatraw*. Yetrterday afternoon at five o’clock, and last night at La If-past sight, Rev. Georg* R. Loehr entertained large congregation* at tto Fuat Methodist church of thia city Mr. Loehr to a returned missionary from Uutna, and In bls talk bad much of Interest to tell our people. The lecture at flv* o'clock yesterday afternoon was to tbe Ju venile Mlaeionary Society, and that laat night was to th* Woman’s Foreign M *- •tawaty flcMtaty. They were full of inter* est ant! instruction, and will have their weight opou many a mind. In dararibtng tbe gods of the Chloe** Mr. Loehr told of tbe rain god; bow they would take him <sut and expose him to th* •an nntll he would send rain, and If b* did not do this, they would whip him. Tbe crowd was * large one last night at tbe church, and tbe singing waa exceed ingly fine. Mis* Eilen Mell deserves much credit tot the tosuliful music. Tto reports of tba Juveail* Hoclety aad th* Woman's Foreign Mteelonary Hoclety were read, aud showed good work totng .tone. Mr. Loehr than delivered an excel lent lecture on China, lie will lecture at Ocons* on Tuesday night. OR!FFi M«» IF SHE DOESN'T RAISE IT SHE MAT LOSS THE EXfERIMEWT FARM. Griffin, May IL—For some day* it waa thought that no satisfactory agreement could b* arrived at be tween Mr. M. L. Bataa, lb* owner of th* site selected by tbe state sot the Experimental Farm, and tbe com mittee of cltixen* appointed to make the offer of lb* property. Even up to y«*terday il looked a* If Griffin might lose all of ll* good luck and tbe (arm be located elsewhere. At lb* mewling thia morning It waa Agreed to pay Bate* 111,000 leaa 11,000, donated by him and ibal an additional canvas* of lb* county lie made at once, a* lhe amount must he paid to Bates by th* Ist of June, oiberwiae the agreement does not bold. Th* gentlemen comprising th* committee are among the very best in lhe county and seem determined to leave nothing undone to secure the station. It ia thought by m*ny that Mr. Bate* bad no idea. wb*o be consent, ed to sell, that Griffin had any chance al si!, and, now that it ia seated, be ia aorry and would like to back out. That bia farm ia a beauty goes without question. Certainly no more desirable location could prmaibly bar* been chosen by th* authorities. • The committee have about $4,000 to raioe above th* SIO,OOO for the place, making <14.000 in all. and eo far Urey have oaly about SO,OOO la readr money. By next Naturday it will be definitely known whether 1 Spalding county t* abl* to bold oa to that which has fallen into bar lap evan without a desperate effort oa ber part to obtain it. Prabra ■*•* Ares. Oa tbe DaatetovUi* read, oa Bsadsy between Phillips’ liras and Atb***, a UmSml* prw*ifiH book VfltWC** • 'tees and thirty dollars Tie fiodar will ba Pberafly rewarded by taavtag th* raws* at thisedk*.'