The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, May 25, 1889, Image 3

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JNO. tKAWFoRIi&CO VMOTJMAI lUAJtn UTAH. DRUGSAND Si EDS, Keep a! way* on hand a complete line of Drug*, Pat ent Medicines, Hand kerchief Extracts in all the popular I odor*, Colognes and Toilet; Waters in endlew* variety. Beat and cheajiest line of Toilet Soap* in the city. All kinds of Fancy Goods and Toilet Article*. Ke'hl’s Flower Heeds. Special attention given to Rescript ions. Prompt and courteous at tention given all customers. Cigars and Tobacco. 12 College Avenue. Athens, • Georgia: ATHENS. GA.. MAY IS. »MW> i .Local Dot.-4. Mr « 0 Jobeero r.p-wta • spurt M tl*e Bl to Bap*** erovatato*. Mr* A L Bell *rt fatol'y »• •p*’* 4 ’"* Mtt* tftte • * State*'. Wart Rav D C Oil*** rowivrt a IdW lortav frr«n Eaetart. *•*'»’< •*'”»< «*r p»->bi-4- tfa* Hue. Tba «M onuairy ta r*“M Urol <-f wbkaey. UtltaOwp Star*. WW ta Mr Bezcb.« cplM .Ha Mr w* MiacAH WKS a* ta*** Wrote* «• B**4ey ■»*»»- leg llp’Mto* w»rty P*rort •••». •*» MHKt will «*• te ton fl to to te teprt d wttl to a rtM «aa. U»1 tUI IH IbwwmiTlTT writ ktep teta Om Atsm m»m» ***** 4 ■ ■•Birtos f'»<* jiitoi **» I* o®® 0 ®® <• Mdmttaa Wa Mv. a p»*i<y Ite* art •< Tm K«to mml Obwstorf Xto I s varltty Fro* uuplittrtiaay ettie* to sm*t nf tbs tarttag us 'te M’tt*. M Wi* bswwi ibat tbe ertta* fi»*rt» greatly <feMfib«rt •* ton tftonwl rertvrt bare wbtto to «*• > —wsto Art ton w.nb into •" to orgauta-ag to AtawtelUlteL -'V.refty ta U~»«to Altontt tob«» tof rtaM to law. m 4 to *»- taggeMww*- *”• >to ro.ry.rt pwll tag. I ter for to gfte* M*-ate-e art tea art M u min wwo, art »übu U to gfMto.tortoto* toibsbtotorj to ton I**, taww. Mt 1 * T«*a» rrortvrt *ewa tote, totontonto tobannto to Mrota **ro*e*. i bbn M**r *•“ ?••*• "* 4 - *•••*•• baton it apart rt»My-a»a. •*< w *» ton ! arty to i At* <’«*•• uetteart Fto ttrorert iMtnto*. tott'b to Cbton gtowwaueart totof*. •> A M. Mau’ 1 -* ft* Bpctag tort* •* to* p*ta* Yw« to tbn stow «.to*n4 aw * tb. •By are hewab-g a wa*to*y to ftrt A toe-, to tot Ww eagta townaa •*• ta mt ttfafe* Ttey are grttort to • bto at to to • wwrebta* *taa* wto» ta».« btbaae art aba *ew* *tok at peg lava TbwlMto to be preerofert to ton putare twee. art toe •*•*•*»» ran tol tbey are •aaarto • a pa *w *bf *to •**< art rtt* ****** toe •*•**• to toe eaa* ■MMf. la *-tor‘» Fto* b» *•*< a an* *tbt*e abeettotweat Ira* t» W Ito Oeaga* * *:•* Tb* ere toMbg eat MMtora batgewe la btotow gatoe Im Bun, gee •* toto a >ar«e ban batts v**to>to Were* lb*, Ftovw toanaj Fa-n Uaogn. ISto to>e* Ob ItoiUaa. aa* SMtoAhn Mto Tagater; Va*% to tone* •m* a«4 Ito Maw Ctoe «>to at Btoßtoo' I Mr Wai Mr raertto. toeUbe to Mr batto I •■awfbb. to to* «O«. to* )*« g*n* aaa l*aa*i salt Ito to a* a ««*a * rater it* i wtotote *• In* to. av F« art** abbtob be toe Lea betas el **><«*. fa. Mt ban ta«>a*f «**at bto te*by * Aa g*ea rga* ■ • toll a-a »<* tone g*nt tat e**a »aae>. e*4 •* tag* at b* Ntem * Ore tote, be *a t enaa e* *to MwCßOanne **« WS aMe*«ae. M C. tfttea* la tto *<f a tea rte*a wpk e* 4 a*bn *imb* ibtol to tes* mm* T**? ate *■*» M Wb M’ M M* to* bto i i- Meto jaeeCtW tM b*aeee at «*** ******* «a**Mbe* tbs tab at Fto bast SMb. tote*, blteto. to* to* toato*. eat.. a* to***M gaba* aaA a* Lg*. towtobMtorattaatto o atone a* Ito gtaei MatoNaea to **awk e* *»•«*- Maag to Mb ba ■< Mn*. tteeaf mm l< S. g W Mabte ear tetoe ****■» » •arnntoj e*gM Into e»4 baa baa* aaa- W* Itiß fhMMB RMMW MeeC * Maia* was to* bMte a*.bC to* bn— MS *b«te Fbtee to gag a vb» to toe te*»*r at Me* C • Dena* Mt M M teatoto ? • <■*&«* •**-. |«* te toe*. - ttetry. areg eg a toe* Na* Qi *— F*ta*.at Aar***, to **•* tegtotototete totobbl Tbn ItoaMgte bte* bto* ear** to an tob* toe* fetea* ttoeaa ueebte a* tbe ante j aa* An** Utoga*. a*4 M*. Mr e nieii at Sboaeae*. aeann* 1b <to •>** fi ****** - to* •* ***** an*to Mae «*b Mr F*w M c Wbteb<* M'btoe* aaa***. •» M Ctear**s*»«* tor mm *4br>eea ' tee*tuna to B*t A>b>«e ***** eeb**k gave libtteet agee w— nr to bb e ebb i n e» Tsebteg totbt TMt * a taaga aaS ■ teim.iar m etesb *b*b Ms*? aggeMMMM I «b* bteteiiw *t toe teaabl* aaetbnt Mr Abesw* • bang • r* 4 • Mt to***** tetototetoart fbete **to* to be a a <, **** Hte* *eto to as area toe FaateOMS* baa Vnbe* anee* *bb aS teat • eegaeetel *4 a. to* ban* toe* a* *ae**tog ***** **• bntS to te* Mig Ito ***** bet ****». ae* «f ab* bbetete |M* Mto at etot etatete • Mb I ban I fbte*. Ag*9 at toe tob** Art tee A»ab Alan* la M ******* a# gr»-«MK atbbA «M A teas* bebte tee I AtettoteM At tgebeeb toes **•*. A« •****«• *•» SM to a*ab* tort Or tb* Mtearte be >*** tat. bto be *•**« »rt** A IJfcfc bte A B Btebwb te* SMMbte te te* «l CM X Artrt TW I tone * tert* ***■■« * eng* ****** to A**« Abe* kA toe* *' *mb «** to . a*4*a>*itaA Balbi ata A Cte | Wednredav'* Llril? RAILROAD NEWS. THK to.,C. Ar I*., «B. Tte HK CteNNBCTbto ATAVMKNa. Tb» tmUral aa* boar* nt ntrreinr* •f ikt Ce.r*B<na 4k War.. Mailrnn* <’n*e*aay I* U*City. Today at 1:10, Prreident J. E. Joot*. and lArrctrnt Machen, Broughton, Baxter, Rom, and otben, came on a *p>ciai car.— Ibe object of tbt-ir tiip vm to tee and arrange fur tbe immediate baiidiac of a bridge Klim »trwt, »t io buy, ley out and conalruct a new ttreet Tbe BCfliletuen wrf* met at tbe d. pot ana taken ia baud by 0 o. C. Thoma*, local coonari fut n*d. and M.wan. A. H. Ho.'g« •on aad R. K Rearra, director*. After coneuiiaUon, it wae »«reed by toe Buatd io proceed al uocr an I prepaie a itood croMtog on Cemetery street, either by bndgtnf the cot. «w by making a new •ireel tn tbe righi ot the pr< erut one, aad tbcreh) eroa* >b* railroad al grad* We li-aro fr>*n tbeee genlh-mca ibe rood from Machen io Orltßn « a errtaio'y, and fill b* built and I qupped ia a abort while, aleu that tbe O.C.A Ji H R. wilt b. puabed through al •*>€•■ and connect with Ibe <X A M X R at tbe piece, thereby making .<oe of ibe beet liee* io Umi Souib and tjoomiag A'b<-t>* m re than we cau now waU ima«M>«. Th* detrnguiauad tiailor* were warmly welcirtad lo tb« any, aad after * pleaaant dnr* of au b-aar. «xpeanrid ib.t**ei*A d. ligbtwl with bulb Ibe city, and toe c-o --diim* and <*ri ouk for the r»l. A Fstoleeet ctitano te aetbotity for tte •Uleturtt that Beuwa Bru*, who beid •eel e< to* U. A M. teste*, bare boegbt all tbe b> of to* 0.. CAR. rnrlrted, aad >bai a toeef leg will to b» td te N>*ir w to* day to teak* ptapermiuM lu extead toe t*»d at uee* to A m«. M M Mi (*n*«r<aa< Dne'l fail lo attend ibe grrtd *al* now <n>»< IM> *1 Unto lit'. ■ Moral* *lt rttog al one bait tkot »alnn- Crowd, ar* •ir*>dia< fan MU*, ami nnwryunn tea*** «et«Ato ebb ttetr b ■><**** I— " ♦to ■ ■ "■■■■■ Tbe •> oate te twenty St. per rant te tbr antwslpUrt ’■ tbe teriktin* te lb* Young N«u • Cbratiae A*ertWbm to aww >lne, and payabw to Joan I T*u **tg*. Trwaem te tbe toerMArg Omo- te. R L M.rt, Cbe* ***». R * 4mm*. Bee rwiary. KBModgwni.U 0 FteMgee, ft C Bartow, B X Roaetn, < «>wr*M*a. "rtrt* MM •» Mb* Btotote. Tbe atone* to the Utte tea new aed pop. .hr i««* It te tertUrt by «ae te Al 'ie*e*t m*«t grt wd awt ebaraiag jtmmm 'tgirt Mt* ln*r Fatot, daarhte* te M.j ft M Far* h tee bob tb*t *bo*M to rate by ail (tertrtoM, Aw ir I* a taurt welb wrtlb t**dlwg and l* wrrtie* by • OwMgaa lady. three who been tote tbe work apeak te Mto Ibe bi'wet teraa Call at tot hotel «M*e te P W Met I .*gw A Q», ate bey a *py te “O* tbn H,«k " Jal iii * Cohen A 00. W ill ctart out I heir entire etrirk of .Molt* Utoirrwetor nnxt week constating of many novelties. Among some of the Imw gain* utfrfwl arc 100 dog Men’s I’nlaundried Shirts al Bort*, worth || (Mt. |<M) dos Mm's Unlauudrird Sbtrte al flirts, worth T&. 100 dos Mru'e Tniauntlned blurts al lih-ts, worth **o 1 50 dos Gause Tndervhirts al 40 eta, worth 75. 50 dos Bslbrigan Vndtr shirts at likt*. worth 75. 100 d«w Mm's Unen Hand kerrhtif*, embroidered and Irurdered bakdkervbiefs at grwatly reiiuced prwtoa Men's j bosr, tn all newest al I»ner* below man ufikrttirvr s (mcea. Flannel and Demit Over shirts st pnres l*riow any ever offered in this market Irefore. t'otue early and get first choice. fteto M» A T. Bsto*. ww e* * a »tes to tort Jamas M Aseis. y****rtay, w** Ihn **** *t * Stn at >• pto*. Il *■*• tbM th* »Ar* bh*A*n whwa a ewwt ton bn**i ******* at atewt I *'•*■*. Vh* ssetort * *tU «e rt •*•*>«a* *••* •Msammed. mte a ***** SspanM* rbet Uat •nwslStSSa Ito* ******* to *■» •** •A* »•»,. aad the* ww *m* *«aa*« ***M a* tow one te Mb* be***ag te tbe ****** AtortAwto Nn «a* has any hto* **** a pto to* MbSwrt Mtrt Sat* estothtArtr *S *wrt» tort awe* art* *** to Chads Xstou*sn* A IM Ttop Ssrt totod Mb* m*te tto pte ** *rt* *ad ****** mured *<tt I a, toe towy w-JI mart ton** to ewte «b * •rt— s* Tto*. «** ** tout AimX «**• to be as «*ry store, bst Met •* gt*w«*« s*>a 1 ****** «ww y* tores km ■n m a*« «*. e*rt* to IS •• c* te mawrtana* * to to* i Snr***** to jto gvrtbna- * lbw* egk SAMI (*e ft emo. te saw te «Ae mas to* Atot mhs to to ••er’, kmt arm te tto grtwrtg ••* to* aewry tody rtg*< to p**m» •*. .Ml IlltoSto mill UMgM— w— WIIO.WH.. i U • lbs Art* rtrthat tort WM* wdl to t*s*rairti i« wm m SAS ft to wad wem* ar St* a. * T»r» w«i |*<*a g*A* bs*> Acto a* art bMSSMe •rttoWa* s*«* S** ms* *•■• s< MR Mm* ba* tow* cwtotos a* H atom*. BmTßßCWbnad Rs* Lftteamd Pistep. te Atoxem Ms Mate* Jhrte a.•• and Mt* M»Ae Ss*4 A, Mm P* Jrteeaau Mm U ii Aiie* M* and B«« R* t—a. a* tew*. M *» *«• W*ms*« Vtocmss A Q.rnyi* sNfbMte tto Sk Stenwm'b Irtted •m tetieei ■• * • *tort* ir.awm Awse HOAD COWGRBSW .WKKTS. •■erm Elerte*. and Impnrtaal Qwen. On*. OiM Unaed. Tbe Georgia R *<J Co- grem met in At. Unit ye»iCTd.ty, and w* vrrv large aod I of fine quality. Three bund rad delegate* 1 were pr-tent, repreeeDting every section of tbe Siate «rt* H e W J Xortbern, of SpnrU, w* an.oimriMly elected Freaident, and on ' taking bia A*t, made* rpeech full of cound ' mum- and witdotn. Mr J G Orlrtby, Pre»iden« of IheCba*. i ber <4 C /tuin-ro Own welcomed tbe Coo-j ’ I yentton in a nearly «ud eloquent ®»>ner I Hon John G.eoo, mayor of Atl«ni«, i wrlowned them lo tbe Gale City tn a tew ( ! wrll-ctMwen remark*. , i G-metnor Jobu B GeAm w** next in ! , induced, and * be came f. «u re | ; ceived with entbuMMlic «|>piau»e. Ilia r> mark* wire daleoeri to wttb rapt aUee* two Co'. L F LtviagaUm rerp-mdeti to tb [ aditremeaof Wetownc in behalf of the far* II nor* ' Col J W Robettfoo, of Haberabam, then adUnacd the C.JUTentr<>n. Tbe Converrthm then r«< down to bo j aiMas The report «f tbe buair.e»a com mllter w*a a. fotlowa: 1 Should tbe preaeni tyteeni »f crealisa ( BO'! w.xking public rumla be ehauged, and ' . if *., b.w f r 3 Should the convict* be worked ot> tbe , pr-amt road* au.l brdgea’ S We reo an lucre! tb.- apporatruent of a _ I oummlnre of <>*« frooi ouch Coe*r«rtr<>onl IdMimt, wrtb tba Preasirtt te thia Om* VeniruH—H.*ru ia number—wlenc dot, B ebali be lo <imfi ao.| *ubt*it b> tbe Hext ( rtwwu te lh< L*ate*arur>, a tell lut tue , ot te ibe poUrc toad law* ut ( tbe Stale, and pnnieot tbn *ru»« fut tbe ; rttrun of Ibra teety. 4 We reoanmeod tbe a.!«<ptl >o ot tbe prraer.l puteaMr d proataurroe. 4 We roe-*.uead U»< the k*l« meet al j * a to *ud I pa a: *d|ou>* at I aud 4 p m d*> y. ’ ■ DtaCrt*b-B UF-* tbr fi/M OrCtl'* of lb* ' j rvpoTl tegus. Il w* participated In * ' by M.-aa-a G W Ado*, of Fait.**, Barton. > te Noc*<tale, Butevy. *1 Fu rt. J- oa>*», te Potoam, Lrvwufrtm. <4 N.wtoa. Wnrdby. lot L* K*ib CnlTie, te Ra b-reatd, Mdner, | >4 Bartow, ae-t Weranr te BruuSa. N<> drfiuH. aethsr ** lake*. All us ' i tbn tectnrar* war* alMeol w-. <•«! aS ■ 1 < come, art Jadgr W F Xee.of AaamMa, ' | deovartd ha rtdre* Th* work pr -pawed lo to Aorta by Ibe ’ I Saud Ouagrt* m a g.«ad own, asd we bupa I t»at • grant 4**i ot *uug wtd ba aeco*- ’ '■ piraheai. been. ITHNW H*v* you srtte ywer Oty Tas B tnroaf j Tbe ******* of <mr eby w>tl tone* wttb , | *ntr<>W te tbe dr*rh te Ur* Iftlte daughter te Dr Bun. at A*«r>e*. a Jay w *r> a«n . Alter June las. N etrnte Rroa. wftl *r>w I ' theW M.«* neat tert to Child*, Nkcteanna , tUi . I Fr.rt a letter to a Inert la tbe city, w. i | lee** tbe* Mary FranbHe, Abe *•♦» 11 • abort white ata* for Ear gw. b* atn«rt I I *fety •< Am*** Het to’*y Irani A* • , ■ Athena wtU be glnd to ba** ut tor sat* I MS»al al to* drwtio.thm. art wdl wtah | ber a happy ifas* dnrted ta« May In tte ' ! <rt wutid ■ f Mw Mary Tornote Hacteman. M Wmfe. m*toa. w apartioa • <«w day* al the •«■*- | Ahmw te Mi* J W brwarby m ibte arty. Part e* at a dwtarte .to a>re*dy we wtsg I reima* tar ite Cl<U*w»eeeemwl aeoa <*. If yr* want meek to tb* Attorn B«M* ; tag. Lane art Impair*owol Aaovnli -*, i end a* Bev W W U*pa m. a* Mr K T | Brum*. I D« Lrttee H Dm.t hMt Mw atty for a : I tow day* B* te • ateerw* te ibe ate* tart”*i •* AoartMn, art tew aaaay frwada 1 tert m Altona art Aerrt* la today'* Owwwwto o il kw frtrt *e« ■ -rh*. ans* fro* th B*Saciw»a <m the ! Iqart gwaa**M>. It w-« tan* that be i i ‘aaw. a ma—* tovoMrt proa*ano «e tbte 1 •whfart ib*a e*a* te4«W». art ataaawa grwa. benoeto *as>WM 'be ntomm B* afc.wt that Lew. Fnrtw* art IM* appats. karting to * aroateooean are r«*a*rd H<n»b*r • U*v Bn*, art ’bat rtek anna* to rwmtrwifed tbe tor* thor rsae tee*, a* air arty past. I ' l.wa mebtetg Sraaha** m a art**, to tar 1 pwetebad ae e**w* vteo>«am* «f tow M pwotobrt Tbe art tote toHi Ai mbtlam be maw toy e* nt *A VtotoAAWa* BASSU*. Cntawa. Wa ■ ACT— A. Ha. M —l4 to tetoweg on . e* taewhto awttorty tool ttart au a •rurt r«to to ywatorJay • enbtoM aSfeUng art laws Ibto* te Ibe aah«M* «48. n ‘ ii11*if ia*g tea tba pe toSrut tbaar r*agaw>a* ’ * tab» .fib*» * «**. tt ***ato <**<*• m artim *rt*a «ar*n* rm* ******* * < by Aahw»«tao pa**' te**A a* me i**n ilaat ' •• tohMMMaa* to «to eg st >taM at be mwig 1 : aw* to pto«aa*rt to bo*v aama tol nag • * I Ibe **•»• tafto’toa t to sum prtMrtiy ' tort* a to rnrt»«o <* bo pritoet pwaa«tam aay temgw Aaavrtnry |*h«» « ’ ' itoirt>Alaa»'y aodteewMl at M' Btatw* brt ‘ toad, art AMfiarrt ’brt ta* narai n* IMS MM OMMftlht f* t* lIMMt * tete*to to *!■* via to lb* |*mii> it toot innlmmmi cmn* Ini In>4mlb *1 ifei* ‘ ’ Arpantoeots, wwtart st wrt a* to atort ' B* mrt bn«wd *rt aftrti *o renanae t > to a wart cSMar aa, Prtftrtt Tb* <M*a te tow ii a' Sato* won tte toAto ynmrtrrt te tb* pawtort *» artbn awraam AS ** | tore*i tootoa* by IkartAarta* Basto*. Aartwtoort FtaAvWf. The, tea** «p>M » tooeb baaw sryuag to baa* eraeawi •*>•*■ I r am 11 Siitiswa *** r rtn<. art yaatocSay tto i ; rwawteto* wee* an la* at to eaaa*ptaSe a* tort (an* aartd <af toe *n ***** ■ art , < anwamweaat tort to we* gaaog tar Ae She I osagl •** oa* in Na* taw hwat SrtM ban t .Sstod bM* ta* aarwato d*y« tart Staaan a I any* • ta* uaSuee* ween MBtotorao*. art e te sew mawm <ba* «to ***** fe am*.- Vbaa auutoee* Town toato tte enerwaa. «• ttoa an aM tmAamwd * ***** a* Name So* ba ptoped at Star Fw» * gym > tadtod rm»a<rt» te r» »•• t■ Sw-rm 1 Same. te agutortad by tto toatortart aad | teamana* mam Th* warn ■ia*»iui te tto I gome rwaawf as wM bad. *ed aaaay yeaae > ' aur* • •*- A*Agbt*el *mm* to smaw «* tto am-tor* Twrwrt »* I *a4 tom tee toeey ’ part* to •-*» BtawtoA to toe BA* te BaStameSfb toaw. Tto tel* be «wn ! to MW -Ste* te ter • C Baaftrt As ter Sfeartbacs MO to b- 4. art a* Mr Bcfcaetel Sneed e» MAg abated obanon *rte and > Ante* py stoBMBA i THE xVATIONAL CAPITOL WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our Regular Corres oudent) Washinotow. D. C , I May 2Vtl>, ISB9. f Corporal Tanner is getting along »wim mintily in bi* arowed purpoae of turning the T t-a ury aurplus imo toe pckits of tbeex**<>ldi«r*of tbe country. So well ia he proarrenaing that tbe pension appropriation for fiacal year ending June 30, i* alrtady exbauttard, norw.tbranding its itumenae amount, gr! 1.750000 Tue payments made ,by tbe Tnasury depuriment for p naions ■ fi-r one week ending lait Satur say, amounted to the enorm<ms »>.m of gll,- :MOOOO Wlu-re tbit thing will en 1 *<’ man can gay, but unleaa lam very much mistaken tin* (lenaiou question wiil raise a big rumpua in thia cueafry before long ; it may b- *ieri<d in the House al the next •emioii of Conarma, or it may be puatprmed : fur a while kmger, but it’a got to sum ; • vrutually. Tbe tax-pay. r» are tamud lo draw tue Ln* *omewb<-re. Senator Han jut Teun.rte, dues not I think Mr Hamun overbutdeaed wi>b ox.Mdetatiou h« ”8-satori J (Juurteay.” i He e me fa re laal week for tte *pccial f purpuar ol prutasueg mtaiuel the appmtil ' n> nl ■>! L G ilia., * diu<cral of ifaia en, aa oue us lire C-Mumtmiotler*, us the Dia- Uici ol Coiurabii. and tbe day aft® bw •rtieal Mr H*ri*>o appointed Mr Hme in th* face us Ulr Senator ’• protrut. So it can be eel down tor a oitaiuty that tier* i* at i Iwaai utmt demucralic Seuai<* ready lo Join th* ‘combiH*'* of repu’dfcau Srnabirs i* Itiey abuttld c-Hie ude to m«k- war on Mr ilari ■»><■, as many pr -pi. tuiuk they aie certain t» d«« n- x< winter. Tb. e. I m.d bruiber w feeling very tuucb ctatoted. Mr H.rnaoa ta* appotated Ml*4ber one ot them to ■ good pnai'fe*. i The lucky “ brut bei" te ex-c«agreaaman ' Lynch, ot M miaaippi, who |* to aucc.ed Hbal genial A abamiai.. General Shelly, a* I Fifth Audi'ur of tbe Treasury. 1 abogld bee to hear S'telly describe bte far ling, oa orning bi. uv.r t* a lotared man. There wet- sever* AGbima repub . leu*, white irtn. after tbw John J .r.cti, the labur agitate* h»* tt«* ba reward for arll.o« out the Workteg m»n during the i*.t campaign. He baa hu -n appointed V S Cunaul to Birmingham , E gland. Jism, R aise ba* captured on* of the fem paymg te nb* under tbe Guvetesneei tor bi* povat* tocreiary, Tboea <* H Sher man It te ibe U 8 Coeeu e*'p at Lifer. p«i. !• te aaid to to wortt. 113 000 * year. The Ohio men wbu have t><H gone town in dagirt are beginning to talk out loud ■ abuu> lb-- adstinteiratio*. **d their lae g»ag« In aeefa that Mr Harr Mam would har.liy enjoy II abun dbe happen wiUi* bearing. Rs A cr»t*ry Bayard, wtewn rumor baa ' m*r< tole. m*ay lea. a daring the la»t two <S Urte fteta*. teal le*l ready <<hb< I* ; tat** tb* oer.aaowy p>tfoem<d by aa or tbn > ‘to* luurtrf Toe ft tana te tady I* Miw May Cl<m«r, d*agbt>r us a naval idbcer. Mwdmg m tbte mty. Tue aa. ag.uu at baa tows tar tart i, aaaouwd. but art lb. dwi. ut ib* marnqp. but lb* trwadauf tbr lady **> U AUi take plaee wry auna. Tb* adwmwr* me a** tak.* *cti«m in to mati.r >rf tbe alleged traute by ibe I" S Marshal, aad tbelr depot -at m Ok a temuk Tn. ye •«• iw<> M.rtote toew, <•*• a 'l'® wrath; ►•i l-iiio lad tbe other a newly appdulrd rrpute <aas. Tbe deto . rai baa tew a rewurTed aad to lepobie can vaetetebtaA. Mow'a that lue pertain abrpf Jmiw* Mitfer of to V S SepreMto Court : te i-dog to Mtw* tbte wiator. if be can Ar Marrtetm is appuiM aa hie rue* I * •«. bte Inert u.wge W BcCbary, ui ; IwAA. Th. efeeha ta the «flto of to Firai A* i *••*• t F’rt-maeiT* G'lura haw taam *>> qasrt •iee. to 4'h «f*. to work I'bw* boor* ei’ya nwry day, la order to harry *P 'be ch .ay* a m >b. beret h c -am , pw.l-.4Bcr*, They haw a**J* awe* pro* errgß !*•• as «wda* w*a taxed A*iurday, j h warn ng to wwr tfake to cm* h«mr toile, i Th. prwrher* nf ota*»a*li tos't arem 1 to haw m*e* i»taawew With Mr B •**<*•. I they wrwt * <l«fe*«wm tow to wpftwe Ib* ; apputosubi «f *s-May<«. Aim.<r Am th W i*rt <4>y, ea aerwyer «f to p«*L «e to gertrt that white Mayor, he bwd teew rrtrrotoi t»y to *hMam4i*epaa* art th- I taw b*v*kta« nirmmii of tbe CrtMrtMty. IF toy Mr Merrtom *p*i Anted Brwtek. Mr Marrtem Armevea ibaske «f rt4ww( paap-r for rv«w*<*g to aepeiait Baw <«*. mtow «f to M--r.«rtpote Tribune , Brntotm te Beam irk. H***** t* to toy *•** >wr k*»m* to her* art a Ato *••>•«•*>«* as Mr* Ctewtert B* priwtod I • baa *w*m a* udtoutel tbe* xarwrt to* to MMumpa «4 ewreytaady ibm knew ba. ; C S Cterv. *4 UtoAk **a tbe a** xatmr id : Hatord naked for. **• tosrt te e**rta* baw to yevnab tewp fwr tor lW'-> ertw, M. A ..ever Aanir ta raattaa* ***** •• te to ****** e, nwm. Tte A*mm* as wayaaa Mart aarw** aa pa , owarey avav to r**rtMartaa •• rto tee**. a* dreg aaaaaaaa *a Mr* pre** A gurt. rr haute J «a wua etaa* te art *4 aaa’a art, totaa to Saapaeateawamy teem to to*., art toteaa ' pawaa art teAry team* Aw wm*y y*ae* Try BY U»l IN 88., Fto-Btapelrb •re Isham w amw aw 1-eoe.rtanlty ’ a>r*t. ay.ert ert-mg. <>*ta* marrwi'ag •• i -saw w-rt tote beteaa aprt itamr tart* | la ter*. Stey topwaWy g* to bey tarfaae I art afta« and rtbrtA, wuh tom tTkrii. ! art to •*•* Tb*w* num ii* nervate* • tbte ««to *•**<!* art p» mm as **to : haw by aahag a w*rt team *r<rt* • uwrt ‘ wwwuy. a* *f wk<* a •rtteto w ww toaag art*, art tew* ba to tonga ua*, ! ertwr to amto IXDIAX WRBB <F»- ' m«as Hosts* nt ’ INIHAX * RED (fftteU Bnennivt hue prexMte * M veto* aa to wrrt totweto. aew-whte •*•»-* as «• erne* tar A • ***l ibbl rt Ata* übr < tews • tarn* «rt tart»*y ** JeAßt CAawwmtt A ; Uh has* 4* •hatowatau * aehaa. Th. Arm rt Ctaaam A C mt. an Art day Jnawaw. tAto enmiaid by totem to— • e»J IMbn* 4k I art amvteg arts «AI te> Jaa T ChMMA. Tto >'•«» m w«. tell us to Are to tn All ad J T C Wirt Tte »4 firm on emm rt teibarm a art M aw ewnmew* Bme as Ctowr A Ca«r stea* be part ter ton* • J. t wMA, T 4. t'Uh. Ttee tesato ad to Arm as Chirt* A Cad. | wrt to Mart *4 ataw as J t. C Fxm to •biiiw A wNI to aaa* net I tarn* b WM*a «• C*Ato A Owv. art toft ma ttoa to taeaabto a* art acart 1 Y Own. - m to Fabi a aetoaato es Ctaeß* eawefy art mmt to eatomafipert • to exert tema. to Atos**, a* • uXfe «• A to Mar fifth, tor .aamwam-am «Nu igylraa a to MBA. M. R. Msnuto C. A Onto THE TRUTH OF HISTORY NOT TO BE FOUND IN MR. DE PEWS SPEECH. OEM. D. H. HILL ON THE RECENT NEW TURK CENTENNIAL—THE SOUTH DISREGARDED IN ARRANGE MENTS FOR THE EVENT. In the last issue of the 'fill edge fijile Union and Recorder appeared an article entitled, ‘Snubbing the Builders of the Nation"’ signed “Old South.” It is understood that D. U. Hill, oresideut of the Middle Georgia Agricultural and Mechan ical College is the author. The concluding portion of the article is as follows: “Mr. C'hanncey Depew cannot make history out of whole cloth There is not one single distinctive feature of the constitution of the United Stales which had Hamilton for iu amber. From first to lust, be was a friend to a strong govern ment, op ( >osed u> the rul* of the people and distiustful of putting jaower into the Laud* of tbe people. He believed that tbe government would be wrecked by democracy uuleam checked by an aristocracy, and therefore be favored a privileged class, an American nobility made up of the aenaUirs chosen for life, tusking a body iu our piaiu Amer icas congress to correspond lo the English House of Lords Sup|M>ee lor a moment that Hamillou’* seberne had been carried out aud that the bribe-taker* and bribe givers were now iutrenched fur life iu tbe Senate chamber? Suppom that we of the south bed no hope ut deiiverauce from the foui inuulh us logs'la, the venom us Chandler, the lolly of Blair, Ute trickary of Sber man nod he slanders of tbe other Noulh-batera, who bad a lease for life aud not for six years to wrong or vilify our secliun. Would we not fuel our eonditiem lo be desperate? Just think us the credit mobiiier gentry having a whole lifetime in which to rob the treasury ? Had llstuiitou's plan of a privileged Senate been carried out, the United Slate* guverniMeul Would Dxiay b< the »<mt corrupt on earth. We ar* thankful that not one of the idea* of tb* ‘incarnation of tbe con ell tn- Uua,' are incarnated in the cunati* lutkin of the United State*. Mr. Mail i eon ba* been called the Ta lb er of tbo coastilulioo.* He haa no claim* lo the title beyond the fact that la 17M, be introduced in the Virginin legislature a resolution that profiosed lb* tall of a cuuvvn. lion of a'i the state* lo adopt a coo - •litulHiu. Virgiaia tbu* Ini ail ibe •late* la preparing the way for th* trMwation of tbe eotiatiiuliou, and Mr. Madison stood al the front of the leading elate, lo that way aluas i* be the “Father of the f'ooaliiutiiMi.'' In tbe "oiiveo linn be was a consolidation!.t with Hamilton, Gouveraeur Morri* I James Wilsoa, etc. But al th* ■ lime of hia election to the prvsuleucy he was a stale* right* man aad lo ttume who, calling tlicio iag fcderahal*. were the aaUonaiiat* of 1741 aad atill al heart deaired a •trong cramliaed government. Mr. Madtaon wrote the Virginia reeolu- j Uoae of 1?*» 99, which exprrae clearly and powerfully th* view* of all strict cosstrucuu* democrala Dues that day to lAia. So Mr. Msdia<»a did live to outgrow hia early ee*lr*itsiag opt aha*. Mr. Hamilton lived aad died a nauoa* - iaL Tbe T»cM»rtiua of the < on •Ululloe'* bad nothing ia com*v* with th* eoatoiletirt. He did no* >ike it» be bad no confidence In it, be feared that the country would go to w«ck under 4L The “eatoteaary of oar aalioaalit y** aad g»a* Rome |* tbe meridian of It* power wbeu giting <■* tHntop** lo an** eonqaeriag hero, sever saw eo tailllaal a pufraal aa that ia New Ysrk on April RO, ISRR. I ProteaMy th* world h** never brt i befiutw eo georgeooe a aperlhdm Rut I tbe errnth hart no “jrifiM ia tbe pu i iw*.’ Tb* governor* of tb* **vrra f Srtibeen ntales, with their escort* Ut tb* prerowem*. But no **prve**taUr*o< U»e South brt a aa ttemal poailna neaignrrt him. Did I il occur to any ot tboee who the* ' eaebhed lb* tooth that tbr* ceto beatio* we* ia booor at the taaaga ' . ralta* at aw toutbera Waabisgloe : <m»* bnadrrt year* ago? Did any I I one raw member tbal oar *«* Jetferwoa I wrote tbe th**iaral*n« es ladrpead- ( . *•*• *b«c* made lb* iaaaguratioe > jiwaaibie tbirtee* year* after? Did i | aay aa* rwtoct tbal tb* federal »ye i tots as wrparale alate gnveraemata ia fee to Ute asm* J.derwna? Did say an* raw* a tear tbai oar oaa toutber* Virgiar* •»• tbe first to cal! t<* s «t*av*»ltea to fraase tbe coaaUlaUo* uadev w*M-b «** bare lived a cwata ry ? DM it occur to say oae that oar tosthwra Piacbaey wrote oat ■ tb* snot* aaeapaabto draft art tb* eoa •ftaiMto aad tbal bia draft is star*- i ip ibe enaatitaUM of today? Ideaufied M tbe,tout* •*• aith ibe Dertemuoa of ladepeadeaca, with tb* CaMAHalma as lb* Untied , Saale* **d with tbe F vsrdeat who** raaacaratioe **• eroaane»or*ted, ab* aaa eauUrt to aaaa* recngsiuoa ia New Teat aa that MX* day of Aprr* IM9 Sa* ceaM have a steed a Ibeaasrt as her an«e, aayoa* of atom wwaM haw made* better I Sparc b tbaa tbe aactetj rta-ie witb his misrepresentations of historv— Garland, Lamar, Breckinridge, Dan ial, Colquitt, Gordon, Morgan, Vance, etc., etc. It was proper that President Har rison should be one of the speakers. His exalted rank gave him a right to be heard aud through his Vir ginia ancestor, moreover, be was connected back with the Declaration of lodc|iendence. But among the two mill o>s of citizens and visitors in New York on the 30th of April, there was one nearer to Washington than ary of them, nearer than all the world out side of his own family. Consideiing that this celebration was in houor of Washington, Gen. W. 11. F. Lee, the next of kin, might have bad some little altentioc shown him. A I platform could have been erected in ; some of the alleys or small parks, I and he could have been listeued lo | on the second day by those that re.nemliereii who tbe “Builders of the Nation" *vere. Gen. Lee wculd have made a plain, practical speech, I without ornaineuvation—a speech • full of patriotism and grand and noble thoughts, without the most distant allusion lo old rags and a sinking ship Mr. Dejiew cast around him to find some one of his own section toconnect with them the Declaration of Indepeudeuoe and the constitu tion of the Uuiled Stales, whom he might plate, with the Virginian Washington. The result of bia search was uot a Northern man, but the naturalized citizen, Alexander Hamilton, born in the West Indies ot Scotch parentage. The orator might have paid a glowing eulogy to Alexander Hamilton, for he wa* • giand man, brave, eloquent gifted, a true patriot and a lover of lilierty. But he was * strong gov ernment man and thought that the coaatiiuiioa a* adopted was a mere rope of sand, which could not hold the State* together. Had his spirit stood by the orator of the day on Uie Will nf April, he would have replied with deep diagMt: “What, I the incarnation of the coustituliou, the weak democratic, niobocralic ducumeuL No! 1 always contemned anti despised iL Depew' you sn oot making an after dinner *|*eech, but a a|)eecb that will be read as history. Do not belie my record aod make me the iucarnalion of a ■OMtrualty.” Old South. Mr Georm b*. tpeciairM nl irse aa.! c .|.prr <mv t.k>-a fr<xn fata mine in OAhlborpe county, un vxbibiUun at bb auee. A certain yuea< zmtfem.n from a srizh b >rt ■•< roexty wm In tbe city yetterday, an ! wm *r*«tiy m-nifi.d by to totniu ikhi ul ertam pari;** th* be wm tx>Chria> llan t» cause be occuetosally tr»<W buran. W« Law fa Ait>eua tbe cbampte-n hone trader at ite S’*t». art y.t, iter* ia not a man ia Alaeu* who baa ma to nftrxat coefldeaer ta Lta> Ox, yre, a mao can trade bom* an-t ta- aa boaeel man, Imt it i* a big node flaking. mT- taVkfe. W* offer onv liuuufto tolar* Reward for aay caw o* Q«taw* tol ran.<<4 l« enrol by takenz Halt** Catarro Cm* F. C. CHANEY ACU, Pops. Tutado. Oate We, to und. raignud, have known F 4. Cc'vney few tte laM 15 yvrt*. »n-l tn-lhrvr bun p.-llr<rtly b»tuw.ta< in all l-urttrw iratexeinu* art e duascxllv ahte In carry out a»y oMiftlkn u*i- by toir film. W terr A I RCA*, Wb Imb Brmteieta. Totadu.O. *am«m Kiva** A Manvia, Wbota •afe tot*,tat* Tufeto, O EH Vaa Ucaaa*. turtwr, T>ded< Natoaal Bart, Tocm'o. O. Ito** taiarrb Csrv « Ukve talernaJly. CUeg dutdly epna to Idnud and mw-o. ur< m«s .4 to ertu Fno 73e. pef but ta. BuM by *1- Dratefe** 4M| t.i Hrtorw* te* *UW*. Th* City Tax Dcgrt * »OW opr* for R-’aras nt Tasnbi* Pr.cpery for to year ISHfi. Esiizas are rrqaired lo Le made by tb* fire* day at Jnee, al wt» c < tint* to tanka will be ehued art ctosbfe las *e •ruMd a».ainM defaetten. Gome *1 rwee, •aka yuer reuira* a- d av 44 -be- re»b. W. A. Guxrlaxb. Clerk ut CuanciL Atbeaa, Gta May. 1 Ifififi. CtertkAat* far Fraetoeot. 8- wtal tw e<ws o.vd by ite mows I toe aaa w<H te etarroi by to |>®pte, b*c*e*e te wtd Mew* to aearert V- fi uog 'brt Mrt n< a lk» ! Ma reirrte E-clrte Ihi trt ba* teen give* to teghvat ptarv, be caawe ae otter urtfetfite b*» an wHI Itilrt th* xtaai of a purfw’. taele art allerslive. Tte prop** beee mdorart Etatarte Etter* art rafy epos lbw grvst rewedy ta *ll trowtara uT L ver. fauenarb art X Miwrya For ail Mataml Fvv-re art d e' ***• mated by Ma’arrt Kmo-a, E*rtrw ftetre* ran •at te tea Mgbly MtewMbeaMlrt Art cute* Bartacb* art Coeeopaiin*. ftaiw faertoe gueraatavd. er au-swy rtesdrt prw» bur. art fit at J-Aa Craw.urd A Co s. Dreg Sue*. BinUSMILU. tTDfik I ftoeart* Reptewr om* to Lataal Mep ta *asete <*e*ty. Th* Oort Ttoatar'* pwwtc Baa la every peeiew'er a grart eaceeea. Tbe *pr*eta* art teaaye wen* eacri**i, art w.B *p> B w H C Tec* rtilfktrt fata •any fttetato by bia tetey apewf-. Tbe Warsaw tert dtapveete »wen me*< As rter to day. art wrrteJ wab ite* to !■*»** art ertewsto* es tbe prop* tare Me Berta Barta* M h Macro tte* Wxr* Fnrf T C Crtowuy b* roareed io *B ta*u • W araaw Me Ljbm Bietor. a totei ebaraatag yuan* tarty of Vtourvide, vrtted Ma* L.sra Owaawy <• Saterdar art Aaedq. Mr art Mra Barta*. uor aa*rt< toir f rorta tave f-w acevraf <tay» Mr * O Hearne • tak eg ia to es **•*•**< • Man* I*4l veto. *,* (•teurt* Ataaw. Ytare are waey btaad aMtoeaea udwriwd. batrtiy «• «ta» ta tetod up by n* aawta ' kwwawvtt a rtt *euu algaareeare »•* tkte —u— tte* too, 4* -> A— MttJtawrt i gNBMY Rft uMr • MPwrtF w w**rt*w Ww-**** , •mm *wwtaub « ta riittwm rail*. *r ■**•* pax* tars *• teyrMarty rteaedad. ft ana a* ate*, *ttip *4 aawtttart afireros*. nwe ataa*ttte*.a**w*eeet,tato art kttdoad It Makes You Hungry have used Paine’s Celery compound and It -BM, has had a salutary £ effect. Itlnvlgorat- k JLjV*s ed the system andl h feel a new Jf man. It improves I'-t lappetitelappetite and ' • ts* ~* ** , tacUltates dlges- « \tlou.” J.T. Cors- LAXD, Primus, S.C. Paine’s Celery Compound Is a unique tonic and appetizer. Plea»ant to the taste, quick In Its action, and without any injurious effect, It gives that rugged health which makes everything taste good. It cures dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians prescribe It. Sl.oe. Six for js.OO. Druggists. Wills. Rich ardson A Co.. Burlington, Vt OUMKO DYES MM. MADDREY. (SUCCESSOR |TO MAODREV RA-gJONES.) Offers to the Trade the Best Line of Cook Stoves Ever Put on the Market. Among them May Be Found the CHARTER OAK « STOVES AND Which with tej lastly Celebrated WIRE GAU’SdI v . -NTOCR Defies the World itoVr-uacetU* equal. A OH ARI EH OAK is TOE BJRIS'I? JPJEUESJaNaL' You can make your wife. In sc carry u (uj.kuiof TIMES " COOK STOVE. rtSOft the im tm mt swi Havlnc handled them for tbe pant fifie n yean, I can refer with pride to thou* >d« ut tb*f" u»w in u«e, working and talking for UMMMlvek In addition to th« hove, I carry a large line ot low priced Siovea, which 1 mu telling a* LOW AS THE LOWEST. •Ymcmov siirlte h-iv a GvA Htive before • tamlnlng my Una of Stove w ilc’i I* tbe Largest In Northeast Georgia. 4 M. WB*T*BMLT. w - B WAN* WEATHERLY & WARE, DEALERS |’N FANCY and FAMILY GROCERIES And General Merchandise. Higheal price paid for BUTTER,^CHICK* ENB AND EGGS. Call and see us. THOMAS ST.. NEAR HOLMAN’S STABLE NEW BOOK STORE DAVIS & GAREBOLD, WHGIJtaALB *»D RKTAIL BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS, AND DIULUS Musical IMcrchandiso ' ’ #W BXOADMT., XTHMM, (U- TB> ATHItM* JKr**KMW. twaoretew Witte Mow. ■ • M. Bweoell Netting Mr- It B Rosaeil, th* Prraidnat | of the Aibnne A J«Smue railroad, oa the street today. we rolled bim a law q«eMM<e» •Ub rrfermce to Ibe prospects of Ibe . Albcae A Jefereon taiiroad. Hotaors bad oeen current that there was no doubt of I ■-he building of ibia road at an early dale, ao we Brat inquired of Mr. Hurocil wbal ' •ere IM proapec’a of the rated being built “We tte.nte now.” eaid Mr. Hassell, “Urol item* to tea doubt of the early cumpleuoo of Ibe Athena * Jcderww, If the people of A<trona will eubeenbe the tandasl moi of MAM. of Which. 1 bare ao doubt.’ - W bat la being done at praw-atf* "Well, of course. there are a good many ihiagr Iteiag dote* la the way of asthtenter. o«r>afr*leMM aad bide. wb«te it would | •o' be eij>-dro.l f-r me to tril, ro'ttea in* furtesaiwm • strwtiy Uro property of the | Director* of the road. JTe rubl-of-way,' terorcew. I will roy. to betag rapidly ae cared. aad bee neariy al broa obUMrod." “Why do yo« ibiak the road wii be tensii** “Wail I can aey that tbosn psrtwn or anamciKie ootMpaeiro ire ail ng to tain aeid and teudd the road if Aibesw by her •tereat and tabeerpt rone giro* any tadi eaUoa that her people will Üba an »te»- *wt >•. s-d Anl tairiy by ttee new road This. ro a erUaste, I bare no r»aao* io doubt, aad hence I aey ttee road wD! be Wertl rad g» on to aid tn ttee greet growth j wtefcn to on our etty in ttee eery 1 •ear feter* * We pa' eeecrei other qoetoiono la Mr Kaawl bet Ibero foe bteataeea reason* be | bri bed to larotr. bat we left bi« wrtb tte* onaaietiea that the Atteeae a J«-ff<re>ie radrrod will be a cmaiaiy. eed ia a abort ttee at that •btete Eirort et Dr beqpr't t aMrrte trorody for a roro ef' nderrte whrob they atetet rare It to euid. | Iwtoaaaee aad away tuber eeropNaetMae as that I < *~* 4 *“ «Wby<rw j - Spring medicine means more now-a-days than tt ' did ten years ago. The winter of 1888-8# hasleft ■ the nerves all out. The nerves must ba ' strengthened, the blood purified, liver and bowels regulated. Paine’s Celery Compound— -1 IA« Spring medirino of to-day- —iloes all thia, 1 as nothing else can. Proaeribtd *y Phyoiciant, ’ RmmnuHiM by DruggMa, JJndorrt by Minidtrt, ■ Guaranteed by the Manufacturers to be -- The Best Spring Medicine. ’ “In the spring ot 18811 was all run down. I ’ would get up lu the morning with so tired a i feeling, and was so weak that I could hardly get i around. I bought a bottle of Paine's Celery Com s pound, and before I had taken 1c a week I felt . very much better. I can cheefully recommend It to all who need a building up and strengthen ing medicine.” Mrs. B. A. Dow, Burlington. Vt. ;| LACTATED FOOD It UmetllH lerertUe » ' Brod tbe foliowing: Mr. C. H. Morria, Newark, Ark., eaya: “Waa down with Ab «craa of Lunga. and friewto and phytodane urononnerd me an JernrabieC.De’itnptire. began laklag Dr. Ktng’a New Dtocovery l<>r Omeumptioo, an now oa my third 1 tMdtle, «t><! able to orrraer Ibe work on tny fam. It to Ibe g neat medicine erer made. ■ Jme Mxldiewart, Dtce'or, Oblo.aays “Had it fw t brom for Dr. Ktng'e New Iris covary tnr Omi'imptwm.l would bare dtod: »f Lvot Troubter. War girao op l>y doc tor*. Am now ia beet of health. Try IL Sunpto bottles free, at John Cnwford A Co.’s drag itore. a We are te receipt of a oommonicetiote giriag street, between Jackson sod Lnmphite. a ratber bard mow. Complaint to made of the stench from drc»yed cab bage, the way its walk to blocked up, aad tiro geoMary loapecu* to also lifted Dyspepsia earoee deputed blood, vbieb, ia * time, ageeta retry argan and ftinetion as the body. As a renrody for thane trvntelee. Bette teg «n appreeeh Ayer's Marsepnriiia. Itntal- IWMB tAtet bUteod, •tFMmtbfMfl tbw •orrwte aH den < Um» liver aod MMyt. STHATFIGHT K' The Original Wins. rs c P. lUrtn-K. SL Luata, fl M A.tewx.UwXUtlM.lW’i I I !*•% •» <te V. * aavaar* j. j rt H LQ T M can 4 IxtHhavrauw. BsLiceaaaaa. 1 Jffk DrarawtaJUca tar Amrirt, Seva Srowaca. Ktc. < FA Bev. T B. Zcxa, ftarok. B. \ *4Ctau*k. A4m*,T.mi., arta* "1 to , Jl*>~* I abaaM taw* kma tea* tag * for yaar Cateaaa M. A. taa tb la tert Lro» Ma4kfaa. 1 taxa SerMMtififibS* Jks4 t& ••hstttslß BUteSn ~Za<ta>-a«rtrfo> yaw Mrt- I rtWry.' te*,* tea’ auawar tte JgStel Orrna, B4Btar Zta -A t i/lae, Maaayfea. Tcuu. Myas 111 iwairta yacluan o< yaavLfett 1 4 k-hdM. aa4 fc«»« aaa/tettaC*. te V Itwottatea a etaaaaa. I wau> ae ■ | bnv* Ltaw Itav latae end aate Hl \ taaaly au ataaa a7Zctaal*» aivtart