The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, July 13, 1889, Image 1

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' < WORK -fory Description NEATLY hd pioirrn executed at IB CHRC JOB OFFICE. THE jVTHKJST S FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS, jv'tiikinm, Georgia. Manufacture* Iron and Bras f Caatinga, Mill and Gid* Gearing ■y' and Machinery, Shafting, Polleys, ’jp" *** Hangars, Ac., Circular Saw Mills. .. 'W ■ -flg Hand *“'* , ’ rvl “ c *’ C,M Evaporators. We *< tl l»i»»'or. * "naw K .’■••' Belting. Packing of all kinds, In spirators. Injectors, Vai vne, Piping, Fitting*, Steam and Waler Guagea, Ac. Wa arc now making Portable Steam Eogloea. which we cell with an absolute guarantee aa to quality and workasanakip, and at prices that def) competition. Wealeosall Atlas and Arne* Engine*. Turbine Waler Wheels, Mill Bboeee, Bolling Cloth, and everything needed about a mill or gin. Call and nee ue or write tn ne before buying. THE MOST COMPLETE LINK OF BOOTS & SHOES IN ATHENS. If* AT THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE, OF 3 3 0333233 & C© MaUafaclte* guaranteed with every pair. plumbers. I map* alway* on hand a oood sithy or RTF.AM and GAS FITTINGS garden HOSE, AND SPECIALTIES IN ELECTRIC QOOCB JULIUS DORNBLATT < LAYTON FYIMUET. A TUBUS. UA THE ATHENS GAS LIGHT CO., re n»ne«a sir LIGHT. lIICA/r A.INIF I»<> WICK, metes sma a.w COAL, COKE AND TAR, CAKKFt'LLY M BKKNKD ANTHKAiTTKJaad IMTVMINuVN COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. COKK to the Ctoewpeet and brat ftori fee rocking Atarrwa aw-I Baegw ' A«a»d*wkm C. fife VMMMBI, A««wt mA «•••«•*. PARR BROS, House and Sign Painters DECO U A'l O RS and Dealer* in Wall Paper. Palnta, Oils Varnish ea, Brushes. Etc Dwna i.tHO •»»:. » « A. 8. MANDEVILLE rw nw »■! wtK ■» t mb MUKmm run" IM «■«-'•*• *•** cz s s* stsl— can M» *■>• Maa aaaMi •>• &* «•*»•• fc«* £•“ <■»'—■ _ *V~< c. aTsnow a co. MM* «■» * < ®lje SUljeiw Week In. Cljronidc. A VOL. XII. ATHENS. GEORGIA. SATURDAY JULY 13, 1889. NUMBER 28 DD.000.011 TO LEND mt I CLARKE AND AD JOINING COUNTIES tktoaen* pnrab** araai-aasaal-v a* BIX FKM <<3TT. I.■«»■**(ton W. D.QrtSMa. i • Oflra **b O FnrrwU 4b AaA C*w> wsaad bawd a* < ta g*M raa >j a* j**« Ctes *• »wfeb» «e*e by aaA. i gtoaOEt.rtoi'ir A l»t*»t at ’» MsMfe»AgMJ I TILE ULI VA BILL I The opponent* of legislation in I the direction of the Olive bill are ' urging that it will check railroad | building. Does the cry come from those ‘ who are seeking to build new roads, ; or from those who are now in praae* ; sion of railroads and who want no ' competition? We believe that Geor gia is about to see more railnmd de . • vciopmeol than her history hereto i fore aa* known, and but one thing can prevent it. If one company is allowed so com i pletely to monopolise existing roads a* to crush out new enterprises, then ■ the new rued* will not be built. The coneliluiMHi of the slate for -1 bide such a monopoly. AU that is utnltil is for the legislature to pro vide a wsy to enforce the cuusutu- Uon. —Atlanta Journal. The above ie aa editorial from the i Atlanta Journal ol yesterday. We tag to impress two facte on the ■uiude of our people. The Brat is that Hua. Hoke Nmilh is the pres ident of the Atlanta Journal Pub lishing Company, the eecoud is that I he le also attorney for the G., C. A N. road. There ie a third idea that io worthy of coeetderelioa. He ie a gentlemen of flnf mind, capable of profound study, and speak* to the point. Let us bave competition and no seoeupoiy. AOuhPAKteON Coaceruing the Olive bill and the •ado al watch lie alma, it w»«ld no* tie amiM U> pul la compariooa th < -matituuos of U»e Mate and Sec - Uon let nf tbe Olive bill. Here ie Um Olive bill, lot Section. "hoc. I. He it eascled'by ihegva oral aeeembly of the State of Geor gia, and It i* hereby enacted by the authority of the sama. that from and after the passage cf this act it aball be unlawful for aay railroad com corporation, partaorabip or perwe, either natural ar artificial, to huy or bo'.l aay share* or stack le any railroad company or corporation la this Stale or •laawbrre. ur inak< aay contract or agreement whatever I with aay roilrood company, oorpor - elioo. partnership or pernon, either I artificial or aalurai touching or eou | earning aay corporate propvrty nt I franchisee which Jbf *** lh « rlfeci i or be laleadrd Io effect to j defeat a lerser competiUoo ie their I respective baelneaa. or Io eacourag* i neoeMpoly, and that it shall be un lawful far the parUee lo aay ouch ruetract at agrwwMOt or purcha«e heretofore made eiace the flfth day of Itarember. 1*77. lo proreed fur. I ibrr la the eaecwtioe of the aaase” Here io th* N**tk»a of the t ua*t.« latioa of the "vtate' HecUoe MW7, Paragraph IV. Ooa oUiuUue of the Stalo of Georgia Buying atoeh. etc., io other corpo 1 raueme; ewmpoUUue. The General I Aeeembly of thto •late ehall have no power to aeiboriae any corpora* | ttaw to tasy shares, or stock, la any I wx|koammi tai Hi w eloewbeva, or u> mat* aay eoaUetL. lor agreement whatevve, with nny i each eorpovattae. which easy bare ! the oAert, at be lawoded to teW the I efnt, le defeat or ieeaee cwmpetrUua la Utatr rretire beeiMraa, er to i eacoorage mrofly. and all each I evatracw end agreemoeta snail he I illegal and vefeL New let rera» elag most draw the i reeriweiea Lsa them study eel the d**rreo«ut aed one what Um > Uiire Bit* to trying to eeferaa. Wnatbigber aaibeeuy need we ■ than UNO? The only d.Soreere le > ihal in the Olive Bdi the word*. ; • paeUMfukip w pereca." aecar. and lin use t aaaUtataue they de not 1 cease. > Moth Um Otivw B*U aad the Cea-1 oUusUms el G«»vyta donate railroad , reunlrt net knee vmaeful. aad nimoei I in Um same tevede deciare Ibnt “any ' coatrarte er agreevrecle ebalerev., a«A aay nock voryaraUea which : may bare the rdbcl. ar be iateedsu to bare the edou*. le defeat «r tocore compeUtMe la their reepreetre bae iMML or lo oarearagv measpriy. sad all sack aad agree areata ebail be diogel aad eaM " wea meectare Omaa . WearegW ha are «W taoreh e«*re , iwaefe m sere «f ••**« Are < iriT-1 reewere The Fvui| . Ml •*•»! Mt I part*. D» Lam. *» fee a neaiere ««*«*. he* to iheegto • a>adssy to *a*y - ore* et p- - i~*. act w •** B* 1 ito »raiO* rd N iinarei l Umeipß. B,* B< do Si ram, at tto Fo*t Motto feu, a* •** • *■* v'—to « ILwsa Uwe gas, namang res «■*■*«•* —w» ■at tot ag • stoonaaae re Daw .oa. Aary T— Furey Krearea, ww w m rahaad fee toe er an of *eeder t aeiw« retarewt bp are TreS aaomy greed }uvy «a me am fek ween, aw re credy omwbi e ie Ftanka and bro etM to •saeaa Mam* Ttoeewa co Ft*dip ; ■re fen <* ■ red me*wa**d » core bo ngu the Ninunh r asm of the Suprrav ,«rert 4XOTMEB NSW ENEJinraiSf. The Farr Slretlwr* Stare a toeac* Paiwt ■aaeteeeery. Om of the solid institutions of the city is the paint and wall paprr house of the Psrr Brothers. For years they h-ve been gradually branching nut, and sow have a complete stock at wall p«prr aad paints at their r rums on darke n street. TbM morning a Ckkoniclb reporter call'd on tbe firm and iu a talk with Mr. C. W. Parr, learned Ural they bad just pul up a first-r-lass French Burr Paint Mill. Witn thi» mil they can erely make three hundred and six'* of paint io a day. Thu mul win be of great worth to Alters and ita sumnind:ng country, for tbe rcreo that tbe paint tbal tney manu facture will be far ropenor to ihuee bow on tbe market, and tor tbe n-aron tbal a pcAy can get <mi abort notice, paint of aey quantity chaired, and you can buy frum them as cheap as in New York city. A viret to the M*»>od story gave ns a view of the mill te> uperstiuu. Ttore uro caw here of vanous s<s<u, manufactured by A O. Lyedoa, and Mr. Parr told ua be could grt there as ebsap here aa New York aty. Thea* cane will ail be hand somely I .bele.l, and will be in oze from uer-bal plot to fifty gallons. Tbe reputation of these gentlere-n I*' such that we feel safe io utyiag tbal they will readily sell all that they can manu acturo. it is jtuU each enter,,n»es as this that le amdcd lo build up Athena, and we nerd jure such c< ollcmen as tbe Parr Brothel* to own and emtref them. Buc reas to Um Parr Brothers end tbeu factory. MWCATMSN THS NWVB. VSeee ■III* latvwCsseeS las* IB* Yseterday three very l*p>wtaal tatts ■a tto irewnei of edccethic were iau>- daewd into the L"*t*latorr. Dr. W. H Fdtoc’o rdumthuml bill ■ welLhaowa to »w reader.. It to a rutan tic setons* at tawr of higber educatioe. by dtvUret th* retsrv pr<«rcda ot the rental n( the W. h A. r*i’ro*d Letworo tbe va mtos edacaiHasai laicrneta of the SsaO-. Hoe. W. Y. Aiklrew's toll fur aa to- Jewnei seaMwi tar <lrto, to star familiar, tee <tot of to having been published to onr paper when he rent a totter to the Osorgia Trector*' OwveBUOB b. M to this etiy tost May Tto. luirtl bdl ia oshi of Creator Boyd which nV'Vkto* lor co- -ducat»«o to Ito totoe I'nivesnliy *ed to.ach We arv hrertdy to favor of the fir*’ two bdto, and have < xprrared reirselves edito rially on tauh s*t.jaci* They ar* b ll* which, if pererd will Mpply a much nend.4 cUe* of edtscattoe la thmrgta. Tbe Mil of Breatov Boyd to one oe ( which much arg'Mtont to L> b* load- Ii <hreae<*uA*ocr miad with e* as«ci> freeeaa the two hwurev. Infect, w* are >t>punsd Ij tto c-uducalioe of the aeae* to th* tka'e Valvwrtoty. ft wnell be *to* astrvtot to tto reuse which it seeks to pe. - toote. We wish to keep our Ueiveswiy as It hs* bare t>< the l*at bnedrod year*, to lb* rrwtwct ot rdataling nutoe only.— tn prourvaa. w« wtoh Hto arilpre ail pre We sWk <w orta to bee* high •denature, ard aey eusMiMent asraaa kwh tag to Ums ead w* are ready to capgurt As f*r as roedurettog tbs eeM tai Ibe bfßacb <«4Skib<ni 1b c-mkwvhrl, w* ban uwty to say that it prweto rdqroibreabtai fae teros, bat act astoh as tbe eedtost tat refer •esc to tbe Mate Varewrety Ansa We •red good lady teachers I* «CV srte-4*. sad if itoro be nc athev moth mt ekared, tbea tot there go to breech curtus** Lrt ibe work bar sdecMMre go tv wttiy aa II to a gvatol wark. aad wtii aswuly •*•( Ms rework Wanted oa Jane IMh W ■ Mrebckct eOrete. H*g*r*s»re* Merytaad. by Bev C A F»*ecr. Re* K. U kurv.b, «f ths N«etb (tausgto Cue ferae ei, to Met Lore Lmam Hr ■ <reh is a w.h-krears refeirt r end a store tor «4 th* N-wih Gswgia Gre t«s*ece, B« ban arrvvd a sombre cf «te rerts mi tbto wet tea, and to areea tan* re i bp a Mcg* reete e* teredo. We wtob Bra kurrab ead bto t*» talks hsaMb. prenp*v*ty ead bappmem A *ee*f Itocw. If* e*cy ssrtkre rack a eight to area so wre wxnaaaed «a Mr cd rtraat tbe aftos aware < M ftob bad jen hresaae «• bap i pp preuran as a ester rertoc. ead ■ to sttotagb to rey taro tae heart igitoaf I Ammmnl Wmb Im Imi4 Are Mate I hastetoe aad green eera a pre*. Al were ■wag *w «bs sertafcraw, the seres M tbe ' tattto derktoe rose reweatatod breed a gisae ■** rata rtod. and UM Yeb was i j Ptagtag " *wrot Bt* tad Bp» ’ Bet the 1 I cent pan «4 the a**• was. thss <Md Tab ' > ■MAet g*« sei as fee eres-atatae rati swwphßws W cratore*at tto* araeohi <m> Jehu huswu The eamaa of fee Mgre wte* mmetesd sere Lana, TtawMtov afe**. w«r* WC Jtorhana ead Berea S relies. Tbs CtaeP IM Ftams »■ pt end as w wtakMd ttatr ■ scare mad tbs pertare ware ewpsereA— | ' Tmw re we era s**e ad a Ito toe after << ' 1 aval ah yaacadap efeirun an Ctaaf CMfeer ttato secy ware fee getoy | rea. aad «M fem aasry n ns era eg fee I •A** I 1 Al ttave as fee sar-rra bed tare to fee < Pre C.areta, ratatastMng the Ptooefe cf Atfy. aad bad reerewsd m Obe taro M i Aram S eetor*. aeA tore fee «re Wtak to aftotoi Aararo as etoy a rare of cards. - ' Ttos Area a tret tod*. aaA emrod tach | to Ota Cawmgs— •** >■«»* *»TO* • ••• L remr They fa»torel Maa. tad jam be yecA Mat ata >wd tames tbsp tart taro., i ead sreto aread Mm to ptap earto wdb L lbs* Be reltatod ageta. aad they «bbsMad I MB. taetahg Mm toto tassaaMMy Tbry lore sacraA. aeA dtafepeA tarn tore de ‘ rah, toaveg tare tar Arad AfWwerdt rey retotrosd rod taead MB r— Tbe ■era as fee pet* to rmreeg th—i d»WK 5 arse qtShk aad sfebtuva. I fe* DOTS. j Mr. W C- Ors Whs bren contemplating I for some time taking a trip to Mountain ! Beene, Towns eouaty. It is hie intention I to leave Tue*d«y. Mr. Orr has been re- i ported as making tbe trip twice before, but j be is Mill in the city. Mr. J. S. Mi ner, the clever artist who hss been with us for quite a wbil-, left tbto evening for Macon. He understands - tbe art of and has many j friends here who wish him success. Tbe military encampment which was to have taken place here early in July has j been petponed to August the second. Tbe : Clarke Rilles will be in good trim by that i lime, and the military wdl make an im pctag display. . I Mim Pionuie Collins left on Friday last ' for a v»it to nUlives and friend* in Car- ! tamvife. Aa lutevasiing tn ret log was inaugurated at Peperviih ou Suoday- A large tniwber ’ at penitents were at the altar Sunday : aigbL O'Parrel A Ash are doing a tremendous i bueiaeas. Thio to a live Arm, and they are i gaining ground every day. There to aa ordinance ag*<nat I> roons 1 walking oo tbe traatle al the omelery, and ' ii should be enforced. We learn that ' •avs-ial boy* a* ye*letday were running | uver tbe tnotle aa if in a tool race. The firm us Johnson A Moure w«s dto- . »4ved Seiurday, Mr. Weimer Heuky buy- j tag out tbe internal <4 Mr M <cou Johoeuti. I Mr Johnson will go into other busun ss in j the IslL We wish for tbe new firm mocl. i •uccras. They are bulb g“O I busineas f Ute* and understand the grocery bust ones > Mr J. W. B>n>ett, wbo to acting as | street omsmtoaiuncr during tbe absence ot \ Mr. Boas, to giving umvreal sal »t action. ' It*lo surprising to know haw many ot I .rar cine, ns toa*« Attons during tbe i summer nsoatb*. Wby not make Atben* j ■ summer ree.rt. Sue has .xceltent el - I mate. r»«i water, aad many altrsctivv tseterws. ’ Kreci a new boivl, fit ap • Bre*- dsra erty park, and beautify our own city • . ••*d inete*d of > ■caihg to summer resort, o-ir p <<pie wi i rvasaia tore lo reoviv. : iMac Who crane to Alteer s fur tto suum r I Our people rey not know it, hut | Athens has more banking capital than I any city In the state, prwpraitmste to tto I MB. Tbe bon* which has a:rock Athens to I a snita ossa Those who think II to GT,! on paper re mnteken Behind it is the unbnd aoergy of a pe.^ l ' who have slum bered over their opportunittas as I mg a* u>ey intend tat and oat of tbto bourn much *ooj to our city to lo onua Let tt>« work go oa. We wish It ail ito succraa p*<eMbl<. it will make our cdy a great and gran! uwr, and that Will be all wc can wish. Monday’s Daily WKtoB THHOUIto THS PawTß- easMO, STS res tto Faliramra Inlsefeeto to Bto* •to s.araa A very quiet little game of cards was Very sk.cta.ily Mopped yewerday aftet a>a«, end eight dt-aene ul Clarke count, Will have to arowav fra the okraos Caps. tHinr sad i*l«»r Uoodram re ortvad totormaihra that s eruwd ,4 ,■»■ • era gamteiug out near Carr's fouJ sod ttoy sm of too* if Ibe reprat was trar.— Two woes us ibe force aceraapentod theui. Wbaa they cam* up arar Ura puad. la •a open opera, oouM be aero las penna vary iste*t near stinging the poMe-‘arete Aa spew apaea «4 over aa hundred ,ante toare i aid tetweee tba pullrere* aad tbs erusrd, tart they date nstoad to a * whai was gwag us. aad acooediagly walked area* too held. Bu totaat was tbe whale crowd, tool the frf tW* pKli *«K tuM oswd, a»d Chief IM.ver gut brbuad a tree are by to wateb pn saeiliapa Ha row tbe oßi*vy ge*L round, as lack aaaaami to ba •ret an ana aide aad eaatber Tbryeraussai mrt to apprebsei aey impreMliag danger, when the < apiata sp> <• -mu "Xaa Aaedsy w»ek, teoye” Tba arnunl srf to* sere tall Ska a ttasa darbart to torts mates. Bros <rae tanked •p to see wbiaoa n care, end at tba aare trass saw btat cuato aad tare tarttems A safe of larva* Msppfted tb* of geieCy, end •MB a daepasre ptaadr. they oered Uta arawry nod pat ft to ib»w praaats Tbe laeiweat aa L’tta iaaaha Ttary cone row tea* tbto wraMa’t Ao, mml Ct--••£**! <•, lo m4i Umi Ctegrea am to r«pre tbe* Naw by the srtbsv crowd want staaAl y •a at Ito work, pat re* having tahea i aasree es wre wee ••>•< aw to ektos to | dwflk Tib* n* Umfbm, ; AMb** tertf rwr— inet «f MMery and mwAs faitaref Bat «ba grow bed bean aiappaA. aaA ibe fratree Bea toy ptagre bad toaa retgteL Ttere were asgbt *a«ncad to tbe gaaro. and mvavai torero an. awA M b etraage taro svaryroe 1 aw tahaw to sssvvrs. They Ware era . liroad uwAer ervre. bet ttato eamra war* - ’•ben. aaA ttoy vrik be lertoroartng a» tto* trtsAs fee vttansre es tba few. * *<■■■ «*ew<ototoiar«. a r«ro ■«■*• ro toasrero. are • •m a •«*« <**• e («•••*• *• sera* c ■■■*,. Yrobiday Mow. C M Ctrodtar. at De- K«ib a wwty. tore Aotofi a MU to tbe tagto iansro. Tbs MB ww * geaMtat reck Agtetlag •a*a*i far re •»*•. It to tato a fart Uwe erak kgtertsM earns • pngadtor Apart to DeKalb and afjsiatag asaatoaa—tone tare sb re wens fee a tong •testa and bro abtoMrt Ased re, Tbe AgMa *saa tana tew aad tar bntwaaa of ’ re days Det a to atoa • taro— Ttato ass jßtoOreSay seam v* tbe biggre rtewtons AgM. jam are tbe Are. res •re aarerrog Ml to Kalb carery. bto tba Aral of say are thro to* saremd there to . •raraal aaawre, and tba taggre one they are ML b wen aroaad'y ge*g a* «Me re ctavk sf fee ba** »* rredme re bMI to pre Mtae are Agbtrag er bartag tbaauna, sad to psenerre apa . n ■ u fra the asae.— t Asatota UsHtosnabs* RAN ISOM Tnei'QRTS. 1 Thraara Together ■• The, Occar ta tbe Reparser. WORK AND STUDY. In this »ge of activity, there are few persons tbst are not busily engaged. ; Tboec wbo bsve reached tbe age of man ' hood, and the middle -aged, and even tbe old, are urged by necessity to engage in tbe great battle for bread. Fortune is I capricious and sometimes d<x» not bestow ! her favors upon those who are tbe m<et | iodustiious and eneruet-c, but while this is true, if one would bavv good health as : w. II as a good conscience, with all tbe pleasures of success, tbe chances are in , favor of the earnest winker. Sometimes boys, and not unfn quently tbe same may be said of men. delude tbem i selves with tbe idea that they have geniu.-. : and therefore need not give that assiduous j attention to work or study that falh to tbe i 10l of cuininuo mortals. Nucb characters i are more apt lo fail tloui the industrious plodder, wbo hid a more modest opinion j of his powafk . In tbe good old deys “Lang Byu.” when Dr. Church was Preaidral of Fraukliu College, the old chapel b« II rang lor inran. 1 •“# prayer* «l sunrise, and doubt lata most of tbe students, and pcfba|>a a>me <>f tbe I learned Pretesaraa looked upon the custom ot such eally rising * s relic of babansm. ' But tbe rule was maxofablr; regardless of ; raiu or storm, rv. ry one connected with tba in.liiulion was required to be prompl | ly at tbe chapel at the appointed hour. ; W« du not know that it to fair to present this *an argument iu favor us early rte- I tag, but certain it to that many of the ‘ greatest names on the roll of Uie alumni ' went out irran the cnUega under thia rate. ' Tbe boys Lad a good start lor the duties ot the day. a a a a a a a ) It to related of a French author of 1 ammei ce tbal being a slave to tbe djoway j gud, ba altpul.led with bto seivaat to bsve - the latter awake him eveiy mrat.iug at ■ four o’clock. The first morning the on 1 fortunate servant received such a voltey ol ' curxa and bfoas that Ira teal a bsaty re i treat Uie rwm, and tba m»»ter did j nut artos trod bto omeb till lais lo lb* ' day The servant was urged to try it . kgsm, and pay ou attonttau lo curses or I ratnattes, ran übCrtrmooicualy drag the j ateeptr hom the bed. Tbe servant obeyed | aad every morning altar tbte,iuiud a storm ol carers aad btaws. tba alaepar was forced frran bto oraicu. Tur servant was lovana bly rewarded dunag the day • with kind Words and aomc aubeiautial gUI. Tbto author attribuied several votumaa and a gnat deal of bto surxem as aa author to tbv f'Mced baint us sarly iiauig. But tlrore can be ao Aaed rate in this le apact. Tba Mteal hours at night have brio the lavodla Ums tor Mudy and work wi>b arms us uro greatest men wbo have brand tbe World with tbeir lataro. Them bar* ara tat Ibrtt temps grow dim till long after tuiOotgiit, aad m-at of their woih has tern done wiluia tbrae h -ors Ou tba other head, many great m.u have fol low.d Ibe rule of r»itai«g roily and rtamg •omrliwa • great whoa before day. tn or drt tbal th, quiet uurfuing hour* might ta •Uimad m wark aad study. • • • • • As wa Lav* remarked, however,*• fixed rote era ba adopted What Would MH <ma ms, would ta aaltrely uapracltcal.l. wHb aaottoev. unrated m.n overdo tba thing. We wma quite tota mate with a gasUsasra soma y<are ago. wbo arena at tow </d’«h every maralng, ( aaA aor had coatloaoualy anti! 11 each eight His baMas* era a aptemlid see ress, but bto bsaltb broke does uadar the ■rma Tha hmi plra » act ta vvardo tbe tbsag srthar way. _ ■sui uaa vivuii’s tin. < tor*, tonraraaf ■•*«» raaaeaaSsn toe* I Wai bee tar feardae. Kmtmaji. July A—At the regular Au- ' gas« term of Dodg* Bapsrtra court there •rill tat a ansa toted, iavoiviag tba life or Itarty of a maa. which tads fair to stirset , a great data at attaattaa. Nr. Joab* Cu*ro will ba tba ttaf.adrol. and tba name as bto Aaugbtov, Mta. Bryaat. spfwaro <• tba tadktmrat * the preaaoa<or. Sroural yean *p> Nr. Mardork Hryaat •• waddad ta Mr Co«ras daughter, after u Lrraf Shortly sfiarvrarl aa aapfeamat fatoiag sprang ap tartwems tbe twa *ra. which ta time Aevefopsd te<o a tatlae hatred. Ya rteMS dfektoittas occurred browara tbs*. bat H appraro «*> •«* **<• attotated wHb aay arty sertaMi rewrite. ( As the Stary gra threats ta taka tba fife ( ot each a«bar ware made aad as a enaae. qwrora tauk, ■ nfe. waa» pretty aril armed. Both sera ware g*ro. and o«ro ( qtteMfy tba tevribto result w* BO sarprwa , ta tbi-aa wbo ktosfe tbs*. Tba fats! dey arrived etawt two year. sgCL Gukro aad Bryaat *M by *reUaat ar a petert to Fuad Towe dtoariro. Tea ( qaami •« rraowsd. cateafasauag to tb* death as Bryaat. • bad bsstag braa are’ , tMsragb ba body by a rAte to tb* baade of , CaM*. At tba sakt term of Dofere Rapa raw eaart C-4h* a* mAtetad fro arordev by tba greed HFf. aed, * before stated, tba was* afbtaAsagtota*. B*yaal s wife. ( appmos «a tba bfe to tba prerowatow Cakm mcsprtl aad ail ska* lo eeptara bdto wars fetota- T andy, bowerot. lo tba great aerprtto at aroriy rreryte*!,. be cam* to Bararoa atamt twa asratbe aro pad gsre heraeaif up to tM storoX Oa apggvatora Jadga Dtotaros greeted bwa tareA trtrag tbs surreal al BY 'fed. wtaeb ea yrumpt ty gfvaa. tto*. L A. HaH taa taro ssapsoywi by IM Asfrwsa, white Mrasre DrLroy * Bwh «p K Hatotosa «ad B A Bwatb wtoi aa a* Wcrtor-Gsaara. Brew to tba p-ror- Mfeaa. A daagbtar pr-m-evt-ag bro fatter tar realtor are ibiag ret at taa aaad ea afiTO preerataaga to tba cTMsteal osar*, wad tba eras wdi aa Arata aurset a great deal of altteaiwa fro* tbto fset i tosae. Visa Caltabaa. •bo ■ to charge of tba | sakrarey itepart**: of Mfewtai Bras yassroAtfe tar bar borne to New Y<wK j Fm* ta—• eba srffi ga to larsp.. Mondiv’s Daily. DIAMONDTHIEVES. WHO srSCLIIIIZEDTHE HOtSE OF PROF WHITE I.ABT MAV. Two Neg rar* Cnnght who are Supposed ta be tbe Guilt, Oar*—The, Dea, the Crime, On the night of May 23rd, a daring burg lary took place in Athens, tbe account of which has never been made public, lie ettnse It was asked that the news lie sup pt eased in order that the burglars be cans ht. An entertainment complimentary to Prof. H. A. Howell was given on tbst night at tbe opera house, and Prof, and Mrs. H. C. White were among those wbo attended. They returned from the entertainment to find that tbeir house BAD BEEN BROKEN INTO, and five hundred dollars' worth of fine jewelry and diamonds had tieen removed. They had suspicions ar to the guilty par ties, and the matter was kept dark, white the police went busily to work to find out the burglars and safely cage them. Tbe matter conies to light to-day in the arrest of two negro men, who are suspected of betug connected with the burglary.— They are Lon Foster and Larkin Rogers. About a month ago, four or five pieces of tbe jewelry were recovered through tbe aid of a negro professed to be A VOHTCNE TELLER. He shuffled tbe cards, and told where part ot tbe jewelry could be found. Ou search, the jewelry was found where the negro said it was. How Uie jewelry found ito way back to tbe bouse, ia the question which is puuung tbe officers. For some time, they have been on tbe track of several negroes. Tbe reason for being on their track, cannot tiuw be told. Suffice it lo say that three negroes arv now tn custody who are thought to Lteooa uected with tbeburnlary. About one o'clock to-day. Chief Oliver and officers Goodrum and Ki lly pnt the “nippera" on luukin lL>ger», al tbe negro, club room* on Hull street, and a abort while after, succeeded in catching Lou Foster, on a wagon, near the cemetery. Bogura ta a carpenter, and Foster slajs at the store us Mr. 0. D. McKie. Both stoutly DKXIKD TBB CHIBA and said they knew nothing wbatevir •latut It. Afterwards, Lon Foster acknowledged that the jewelry bad been bamled him by •ane one, wbnee name be would not give, to be carried to Larkin R igera He ear ned Ite m to Kogi r», and Roger* paid him ttnrty-fiva cento for them. Rigere said that he took the jewelry, •nd paid Foster the money for It. After wards when be learned that it belonged to Mr* White, be carried It track to Footer, and Foster gave him back hta thltiy-fire cents Further than that, be knew noth ing about tba affair. The question now to ta rlwd is, where did the jewriry go after II left R.igere hands! Foster bad It, and somehow ur other it got from him into tbe pl«ce where tbe fortune loiter rerouted it. Wbeo tbto to eetUed, the robbery will probably be settled. awonraa one caord. Shortly slier the arrest ot theoe two ne groes, the Chief discovered that a negro now in J.ff. raon jail wu nan plicated In tbaaffvr. Hi* tianre tatUepuey Ntrmd.aud be to held there so. breaking Into lbs store •>f GiiSeth, Wblteb<rei tt Co., a few days •fix*. Ant this do* not enl the matter. A mdtor day may bring forth greater rvv- UUunr upm tbe sub|-ct ■ ATtITST tlv fTBAlap A aieedr Ittfair Neer Birmlagtoa** BiHMiNanAN, Ala, July 7—A bloody •tray among negro gamblers mxtirred st Gat* City, an mites from tbto city, this <n>*ruiag. Henry Nicbui.s. Jack Hsnders and Bob Dickson were killed and three other partfot wouadaJ, two us ttern ecri •tarty. A crowd of aagro gamblers were shoot ing "craps" lo tbe wood*. Henry Neb oils ead Joh neon White quarrel led over the game aad Nicboito shot Whits through the teg. inflicting a dangerous woead. Nicboito fl«d and tha other gamUm or gas mad a pursuit party to cspture him. Tn* purty boarded a train for ibis city, all of them wail erased. At tbe aext atauou NwtadSs got etorard lb* train sed as be ru tted tbs dm* be caugtefegbt of hta black poreaera. His ptota wee ta bto bead sad ta <iprt>od flra st oaor, creating a panic oe the train Nicboito shot Jack Bunders brvugh lbs bead and Bob liKhaoo through tba lungs, hiding them baton they could rsm tram Umw seaia WJI Smith, of Ibe parsaiag party bad a finger abot off aod Jadt Chaaay. a white break mu oa tbe tram, wm start to tea body aod diegw»*s ly woead.d. Hto ptotoi was emptied by tbto tuns aod Ntetadte Imped from tbe movtog treta. At this tbe other negroes aretnad to ra gs* tbirr amt u 4 opening firs they rid dtad NrttaAis with balls and buckstart. Hs taß dead ia hto trucks, owe side of hie bend being lore off by a heavy charge of bock start. All the argreco who bad been ea g«ged ia tta sbooemg and art* not kffted ro woaadnd teepvd fr<rae Um train aod cacaprd. One us itos* robbed the dead toudy of N«ta>Usof a watch and a cnaL Jrostra* W Bite, tbe first mu start by Nictas ia. It to reported to-night will d* of Ms woaud. He OUM n»nr blew Hag to death before a phyamraa rsacand bwa. Jack Chaney, th* •art* br<ah*«a wba w* hit dunag lb* fight ea tbe train w* taken to ba bueas * tba eouaty tbto a ternoc* aod ba ooc dtboacaaani be taaracd. H« w* smA tbraagh the body, aad may die. boat Baaa. a eagre wbo waa « psroro gsr tbe irate, mytotbe eoaductar fired ta* st Nletadto after the latter bad killed Asaadrosaad DicAaoe, bat oshro attacas* aey that aa one fired a start except tbe •xgraea Jack Saaaders wu armed with s Arabi*-Wrrewed eMrt-<a«, aad after ba er* start tbrragh tbe head be wrageted to Ms feet aad triad to staxrt JCicboOe. bat fell dred wMb th* gua to Sts baadta. Cea were l«ok*d against a cnapie of ra<tau> tat mavof (« tbe ssdewnik on Broad rtrmi baUMdaj. ATHENS CHRONICLE to: SUBSCRIPTION SI.OO PER Y ADVANCE ADVERTISING RATES i REASONABLE AT THE CHURCHES." TBE VARIOCB SANCTVARIEh PRETTY WILL FILLED, Cammaaiaa rterviee-Wards as Advlee and Kxliflrl ties. Another Sunday is past, and we are glad to report the different sermons at the various churches, where the attendance wns very good for tbe season, and tbe ser mons were fine. FIRST METHODIST. At this church, Rev W. D. Anderson Ailed tbe pulpit. It was communion day, and a large number of church members were present The text chosen was: “This do in remembrance of Me." The key note of the text is to be found in the word re membrance Tbe memory is a powerful faculty of tbe mind, and tbe sayings and doings of the Saviour were engraved on tbe minds of bis disciples. It is to be re marked that this is tbe only request ever made by the Saviour, personal to himself. When we take tbe bread and the wine a thousand memories should sweep over us. We should remember Christ, and the fact that be died for us. “Tbto do in remim brauce of Me.” AT TBE rRBBBTTBRIAN. Rev. C. W. Lane filled tbe pulpit of this church Il day, and quite a large number was present. He preached on the second coming of Christ, and applied it to the oommunioo.— We should rejoice that Christ remembered us, when be said that he would come again. His second coming Is assured by the only utterance be made when arraign ed before tbe Snnhedrtan, on trial for his life. He said: "you shall see the Son ot man coming iu tbe d->uda in Hta glory.' AT THE FIHsT BAFTIST. R ’V. C. D. Campbell preached here on the text*: “He that is faithful io the least of things to faibful also in mticb," and “Be thou faithful unto death aud 1 will give tbe a crown of lite." Faithfulness te sn attubute of divine character, imparling reliability and truat -4 worthlniw. In tire day of judgment, not lli« number ol talents used will oislinguteh tbe tervsot, but the faithfulness with which he usr that which ta given him. It deeetves to be closely studied. What to failbtulneaal it ta tbe fell consecration of alt met give and talents. It 1s the cesatle* s< ttvity In employing these tale a Is. It ta that persevering tn tbto employment even unto death; I. e. until death overtakes us, or until we bring death upon ourselves in executing work. Death to tbe ultimate test of all fidelity. <NNRM STREET CHVUCB. Rev. H. M. Quillian, gave an eloquent and impreaaive sermon on Sunday, bin subject being "Home,” and stressing es pecially tbe duttaa of parents. Several pa*ag* of rcripture were read, bearing • n ibe points discussed, and tbediscourse wi a a-Jdrteeod mainly to mothers. The prune I . or showed that tbe greet men of tbe woild were moulded and trained by their Both er* This was true, whether reference we« made to those who were notoriously wicked and bed bad a great Influence for evil, or those wbo bad bran eminent for philanthropy and piety. A number of iilusireUone were given showing this lo be true. Tba tremendous responsibility resting upon intrtbero was earnestly presented, and some of the pictures given by the preacher were very beautiful Tba dls orarsa w* impreaaive and ehiquenl, aud was much enjoyed by the ooogragriioo. After the setmoo, tbe sacrament of the Holy Supper wm sdmtuiitered, many communicants taking port iu the solemn service. AT TBB BFISOOPAL CHUBCH. Our reporter al the KptacupJ church was (leant, bring sick, benos nu report from that eburcb. A A aka •■ Iba ■aya. Once upon s time • crowd of young men aod taya determined to forage tbe orchard of a gmtamsn wbo llv* not a tbo—od tnU* from Bast Athens. After thrir de part ora to engage io tbe lark, three of tbeir comrades wbo bad beard tbe plot, procured a shot gun and followed afterc— When tbe crowd bad got into tbe orchard, sod some of them were op In the trees •ad others wore gathering frail under the •re*, the shot gnu party began firing.— Bang! tang! was beard, and Just then some awful roostog was wita«—sd, and owe felfow scramb ed oo tbe fence, but fell back wards, screaming, “Ob, Lord) I I’m shot r Another got tangled up ta a barbed wire fence, and taken altogether ft WMB panic auickea crowd. They did oo* find out that tbe gun belonged to tbeir own friends, until they were a mite on tbe way boma. They were a more aad. If not s wiser crowd of boyn N Oo Hnaday before last, • crasy negro wn-at-ra, tn tbe neighborboad ot Mr. Dave Goan's piantatiou, went to a negro church ta that vicinity, and baraogned tbe con gregation for some time, and at tbe c >o cluewn of bar incoherent talk, told her bearers that sbe would bid them good-bye, m sb« would die oo the foßowtag Tuesday. Bbe tbae Weal into a kind of trance, and remained ta that condition for several boom. Her predicfeM ta regard to her oeatb feted Tbe negroes ta that oeigb horbood broke iato tbe bouse of a negro man tort nigbt, mylng be aad anrrtber ne gro bad been ta tbe woods gathering ma tertai for conjuring other negro* la the settteuMDl. He bitterly dented tbe charge. There is «ocb excitement among Ute ne gro* lo that settlement to regard to tbe OMblltf. BprcUi to Brwioff Cbrooide. Harmoay Grove, July A. Mr. Louis Nine, a young man Lving near tbi» piare. di d y*ier i«y evening of bydrnpbobto. He wm biiten by an m kaowa dog a mratb ago. Tbe wraad wm slitfbt. sad as it sooa beefed, but little attoein* wm givart «L Oo Teeaday e»a vo>«a*a set ta. aad Dr. fl «>d wm tata ■MMMd W«da*dey asorateg and later. Dm W. A L G. Hardman. Bet tbe po throt rapidly grew wosns, aed died before Dm- Hardman reached him Tbe pbysL ones agr<* tbto «v«vy eymptn* indicated hydrophobia, aad an tav*Ugst*a •* Ik flMklc*