Newspaper Page Text
• Manufacture* Iron and Bra*
*"*' Caatinga, Mill atul Gin Gearing
and Machinery, ShafUng, Pulleys.
Hangers, Ac.. Circular Saw Milla,
f Xh Hand aad Power Pereses, Cane
MI apor
Z, We sell h;x*b.i. * "ret. Rublx-r
'■*•-—-■' Belling. Packing of all kind*. In-
gplrrtors, Injectors, Velvet, Piping. Fitting*. Su*« and Water Gung-. *'
We are sow making Portable Steam Bngiuw. which we sell with an
Bbeolnte gtaraetae M to quality and workmanship, and at pnees that defy
cmnpetltion. Weahoeeß Atlas and A«es Engiora, Turbine Water
Wheel*. Mill Stooea, Boiung CloU, and everything headed aixxrt a mill
Call ea or write to ua before buying-.
Ihf AT
w 3 QM3tt3i & <OO
t4F* MaUefaattoa guaranteed with every pair.
nwm*MOawswMrtrtmwre*meowmerewwwre Mtem*
r C :--~-
j !»♦•••••*♦••****•** »••••♦
cur^mm. ATimtAQA
ugi i r r.;iiicjK r r ikhvkh.
•CtlMte HI
COW* M to* CBM'S* ml tot fto te <-Mtovw. an I Bsagw
parr bros,
Hoose and Sign Painters
and Dealers in Wall Paper PalnU. Olla Varnish
ea, Bru«hos.Etc
W ", Him mW «« »*«"«• r« « I
«w MmsMs . hm
HteStofa »*«m rt*«U!
tea ini > *>■■<■■ rw •» •* kurus '•«■’♦
ggpgmmgnSMtoßßMlMßto«um*‘'®-'- | «*B , muumiuuMmuw*eu** wia T*-*-*'-* M uM"*v' -a»wwM.~aß»
"o* «*
ii>«i «*•—-*«■m gy* „ .
~vm w * »*— <■ * »**•*
W *> «F*MMW—
ga*|U a SeTZT•— «*■» » —*—
*»XLk ■ «M» to OK* womans
E aThmow & co.
She sWli« WeeMg (Cljvontclc,
CLarke and ad
joining COUNTIES
UtPMi porutes smb* ■♦ natally a*
tix m o»r. cm hi*—
■ a "* *'
w. D. GriflKa.
1 Qfltaw n»te OFwrrwl* • AbK
A » • •miiiiiiw *•
| Fin-rm eta •**•* W* *■**•*► *•
Ob, merchant in thine hour of e e e,
If on tub paper you shou'd c c c.
And look for wimething to ap p p p
Your yearning for greenback v v v,
Take our advice and now ta y y y,
Oj stnughl ahead aud advert i i i.
You’ll find th« project of some u u n,
Negkct can offer no ex q q q.
Hr wine at ono, prolong your d a a a,
A bleat e on de k k k.
The ae« ami li»i«l«ome roudneeot Mr
Philip Stern b about completed.
Mr. W. D. Griffetu b bedding a baud
rou» itsulctMx oa ilill street
Brest*. Gann A Murray bare bad the
miafoiiane to l>ee two flae tor** la the
laat week.
Ttoe weekly press n**vcr weary of print
>ng Ito account of General Andrew Jack-
One's tnmua* deal with LMckmau*. It tea*
acquired ortodtniy iueg ago, aad to
given al kab once a week in aume wcek ! y
1a tto ouaouy.
Tue preae b calUag for gubcTM'orb*
raadtdeiee. now teat Kort tor a to* *i
Bounced toMUeeif an a candidate Come oa
geullrmea Ttoe people of Georgia Will
peck om tto beat u>aa lor tto mace.
We are gted to tee Mr. J .ul Aab out
ua tto etreete agau. He Uu toe* Ooegu
ed to tew toom*- by • eeveve ateknem boce
ttee firet of Jone
Tto W A A. d ecveton in the Lntbb
tare baa jab commenced to get utMfcr lull
baadway li will cutourae a great deal of
time yet. and wiHebd 'B I eating tto
M» «tea good part of tto motoy ctomed
by Ito 11aeree.
Mn. Lhevid Hmwertck ton jub retarnod
(rum a pMaaawt VMI te rvteUrm aad
ntetob ta Ftoaytu cu«aty.
Cbpt. K. A- Fteototl. Ito geWMj rooduc
tor ow Ito Atoeae braacb. to <4 oa i
vteii te rotoliv.a te Abbinoa
We toad a piemawt call Ibb alrerwoua
from M-eura. Jato Wdhama and Toxa lai
Meaduwa, .d Danteteviite. Timm gewUr>
ana report itol tto MuaMwr ban cwaaged
Inada, ito luewMW propnatar eelliag h K>
Mr Kiaaeteew bad a gaeibmea from
<tea of ito keel editwre of ttoe Cano*'
<x*. armrptod a banter fame aaaaa of »to
lyp*«. and did ttoe w.wte of ’ Happy Joan.
i«r wtoml laruet K»-<tey
Cbwtteter.bte totareb tea been wwared
near Ibe pi'iJirtoJ rrlraatna of Ito Geor
gia MMlaad ratt.-ood from MelteNMmgb te
A’toewa. wteto toM toe* miaMenod la them
wbama* tefarv Tto Hue would be bity
redan ta*f, and w*mld make ttoe Georg*
Idito a pay<*g bwv. ««» •*
tta*. ttemwgb tto Gmegte. thawiaa A, wnb ttoe N nh and >wm. am’
rbiM aw ae a gmmf trente Itor tewerd
J»ew <toteUM ami ttoe GoaK b-FF Tbwb
MP MM*M ■miter* »w »*• iwd totebe,
•wd M wSf rnndve metered «<iamwre«MbMt
Hwwagb Ule eoaoly W «ltoa Mr we
Dr. ll«b»>r tteeiter, of Altoew*. and bb
Mwampbatod tebe*. Mae NefUa. btemto’
Ito Hart abb <***p rsareTiag Hr fbettfel
paat oar egkre • ptenoant wall a* Tneaday
Ito to > M«awl greJaeie of tto ltotlrw>«*
-ir-b- 1 curt if. **d * • cteeer. gearai
gawnenwae Me rvabrmplalea tee»Un< la
Amenta to bb prafeWMM. —Mnrt-
•Wai ttalto.
Mta Herta* Muwtosha. at W.yamtawo,
wdl «WM Mrs James White east m«mth
M>* J W llrowa reterwd oe fimantay
(tarn a aary pi»**sa‘ sad > aiewdad •»* *
revel *«* end frw a to to Ita Morts.
Xom Kota tow*** Deßooe aod LmWte
nerwae WIN v«*M tto taandy e< Ur. J •aero
Uamek *»*« week
M> Myw MyarswfMwwie tone* bto stork
«< geateto I* tto tows wwaj*n ta B K.
Jtaoaa Tto f**oa «• sw* M tto teas to si
tik* WBW
Jed«r Bstetaws OtaStewM tto amtoae
ta* a eew mat to tto Matray R*e«*e asm
Bod Fteb«e* to trytaa *■ redone M* sa*
pt* toate «* o» te» b* reedy tore*** teto ae
tacuo*. Mr H ■ Wastes. » tto |Wtas
asst, wares Jwtor* J<*M*«g boJ tnwr ’
tas Uw* tareawn yregwto*
W* are owvy to toore of to* dvpart*»
of Mu* Lrewe Haoe. wto to* tows aw
MM teat see’. Mr* F Jh Took ow Ltetep
are rare** Mtos Gee* soofi* omsy frare-to
wbto re «* arty. M* wan eon reynaiM
to Mr* Tw*a end rhd one, wbu w«l meta
on •aatoteed rem to tto temwa «rs teas ya
r*oto M taeyrws
Tta mintiag at AtotaM Cboreh ten*
atnssd We *wm tea* twain* pi ream* woe
tod was tow Ctoesob. and ts*« »te* eotootae
•top w«a arente j roatend. U> Hnae tnws
aw*«ad s preateated onrosre at bit ary
teey** MwMtar. end t»< wdwntores an
pen «to toon «•*••! tonn*M«
Stere* has toarty earota reuse! awe
and waSaoSre steen**
! Un om* liiiiaim— »* •*■* ■» •*
la* *«* a *nP* wmuAimw titan seas. -
Fi rm toms wewta A«rtatn new
«u fa tta* au* huataiai Ml taw*
nlw >« —M4 «• <<«*, Ml
Tta OnMMI ** taw «WM Ml
• Huwta M «M»1» »«•*». M tew •
«.itawte» es State* *■• ■’ <**.
M toil— —a’v. •Ms R** Tta
<*M Owwimwit totebtam «m taua
««««*<. W 4 tte> •»• SMB » Wteto •**
<ta «M Cl iup tei nines* tateta* * tea
VMM lota wau> • •*, •*•
itaM taste Marte
ah* W—i nta tosgtam. «< *«m
* •» •mas* Mt teter (.tap*to ata
Imm, Mh m>W»teß kieasWto
tl!W». M 4 teta • Uta MM MM Itay
tew Mb* Mt ywea
Tb»f «w » wrj <MMI tom«M « UM
itawwm F«—ry *wte». eta rw- |wmw
emete • u tte ktabtaui MM— TV*
smmf fes* • At
,te> *tate ata VMM M» taw a IWW to
ta— am fa* ww<m ta»« i—« I
uuoata tepi am HMMtata, ite— ate
«fcrttw ta tow Stop te ttowta *ate
B—*»eu«& tefcww.
«• wt tote M- C B Bta, «te yte. *
I MgMeBM. tea w I—l MB «**n •*** la Ml aramwiiiaiiiiii
. tea<v*l tete MMte ItaMMM l-MBMB
I•» wtataMMM •? Mian,, tawajta taw
I te>BMte*ate— taMßteßtatew ta tei
‘ *WM * Mt immw ta •*• tel Ww
- OBM eta* te <«»*• * *• *«*• * *•
Ittaute Bl UK Mtateta AMtata taftate
SicktMwMi <Ja. FaciMry.
In a talk with Mr. Jap. R. White, Areat
of Ga. Facvny this morning, a Chbomiclk
repirter wm told 'here was more eukniM
there at tab time than probably ever be
fore known, though there m nothing eeri
oua or fatal connected with Ute eicknem.
A* many aa forty operative* were out yet -
terday fnxn atekneaa. The factory ba*
shut down for tour or five days, in order
that soma repair* may to made, aod new
machinery placed to the factory. It b
not Mr. W hlte’e toteaiion U> build a brick
bnre-fMMM al Wh.tatoll, ttooaab be may
build one b the Factory Hr* pnnc.p.l
olrpxtt to making brick b the old yaide at
ttew Um , waa to give unemployed laborers
The Qetotea to to NettM TMi Meath
The quHUion wt»«tor or not A’bena H
to have rtecuic ligbta bto be aettlrd tbb
Thb quebioe baa been rliweraed both
ways, and bee teen drawn to a Moe polot. covocil Ireowr what will be the coat
cituer rrey.
There can be but one od«r, ami that
wdf to from tto Athena Gaa Light Co -
lt ha* a ovmract to light tto city with
gaa for five yenra tooger, this* wIU bo the
only tedder.
Mr. Flan gen baa a plan which ba will
rebuilt re writing v» the council some
tlq>c duotsg ’.be meath. If acMpwd
Hgbta will be placed in ibe central potGua
o< the city.
The CwteerUtr Wilt.
M'. liowell’a bill to provide a setkmd
tar the ctetoe of trebeto of ibe State I’al
vervHy, waa read the third lime As ibe
bill toeladote aa approprtattoe, tba Hoe*e
went lain a crenaditee nf the wbote Arter
being reed, the committee reported favora
bly opr,a tbe tell.
The tell provtdea that the Awrd of Tnm.
taos tbe t’aiverbiy ebaH euabb of cm
meuater from each oegarsntooa! dibrtci
and two fr»m AtbM*. all appuinted by Ibe
GoearrKV. am) cuefiruMb by tbe Hrwato
Tta term of o®c« will be eigbl yaare
Three are to be appointed for two years
■tereto for four years, ibrea fur aix and three
for cigh’ Tta spiM-inlmenls are to be
made evwy two ycare. a* tbe vacoactea
Mr Howell explained tbe mrerwra amt
urged He ouoptte*. Tta board now Oca
beta, be eahl. of aheal «• meaiber*. tedf of
whom are els«tod by Ibe board Ttatauud
IMlf recuaNaeadad tba paanga of aome
Ua tbe tote tbe ayra were 118 ead th.
eaya A—Atteata Jnaranl.
I-... towVfitaMtas •
Urga qoaaHUee of ptaT'fabrW.*
ta wad as emtwa taggtag. are now te tot
shipped from Wdmiagtaa, M. C, where
a b amaa'actarad. aad it b mams acta
that arreagaMOta are being atede to grw
ty eektfF Me maaatactar*.
La GeurgtotoMl the oHtaa bates* went of
4 tbe AUereta* bane giv«a tbeb favor b>
carina etoteb fur tuttrff. «ml M will doebr.
mbs be ettawaHtoly need m Ibb seel tow tar
isi earlag Ito <*»p of ibb year Ncvertta
tom we are gted to era ibb a ta>r Utel »
beu to to gteaa ta a*tor metease to tto
pane atrew bagging Tto eipsrtrace* of
<bb year w® eaabte tto Almacaa awd th*
cwlbm ptaetsr* at all Ito elates to drrete
Wtriab b tto O..aprer and tael fgbrtn, and
ibb tanportte"’ qnwttne tori.tad tto »*•
teey over jwte bagging <**l ba w>m tea *h
un, Tto wtop »«• «f ertteea Ibe ptoe
mrewaroutkna ta<<*ag wtl to a great
.ammr tar urn euusn. revive mOtoMoC
taitar* es expeaa* aanaelty -AiUet*
» MUMM Mtm
tad aa Airiniw to Metaß to tta Mortb
Ca.suwT* N C, Aacest b-Tta*.
wo* as •txtereq aawoa at Ito**t II Gy few
stweoda i bto erreromre. Fre Jama* W K
Itavy. tea *■ Steeled oarMaoet rd tto
korestSM Itaiteaae oMßftooy. wm Is reek*
to* resratexa* toar to tto earth after re
roodiaw to • brneto st teree-qeertes* st a
•Mto, taaonedtoe tey tto an) as a perm
At tea rrttosto. rrevytaW tevtaq to
roatemm. tee tosstoM test was attempted
.a the paereere «d ffAnao as*fired puapti
Tto ««••• wtarted fto ami tenabreg re
«* tto aw. wtte based tenet*
Wtaw to* bstosto bed 'reretod apwwrda
taum ***** baetoud tort tto erewd de
ewoared ItaS W area tasw*taw. r*» scald to
aod smm tee SM*ea
■BuaJt V* MNF.
At Fllt 888 i*wn ••• —*»«*« •• ••-
ter te. |-ta>»* ta •• m* awm-fe*
WVtete Mtataw. Tta <*<’•4 'tar
HmmmwMb •*<—■«» _Ta* •*« ap
tewtateta* •• •* ■» •**
***' *—***•*£?* *Z. •**•**
—taac aa« •***« ataaußta M
WW4 hw.MUtara t» Rte
testa Bmb tta wwahM ta»—a. ta* *»
«WM b— a «w aM—tel y wateata.
te Tta ntete •—< te. pama-w *
ate—ta-. »B ratal **•S •>* •
name* csmi te «» *•*»*
Tta MW** rate*! •**•**• *— tetel
*•*.«— IB—J MtaßCtai VW rtei
Mte taß tar '-awn tell Uta ta «■*
StaWte tea* «■■*«> *b
TV. tte B —*—fT -«»—ta at Mate
«to tata fcMtata to* r* «—* f*B*
rj aw tMMM ten taataM —4 • *•**
wiwta ay taa mm Miiitmi m t tatea w
Mm, it ktohwai a* hta Rpte
Maw teta* • * I ■■ghite tat tate ta wawi-1
« lit w— An MBpaaate.
U p w-Mtea Baar te. teniaraa Mr
Pi,ln aw* rwi, * iwwr, »r» a— Baat
Mate * B ta—J juitetai MMa
to cwi raeawr
Bn J. M Taitetca uta w»fc
BaMmcaa MtaaMMMßtiaa »a Ombb
afee arrt*tai atStaa Fr»*tia» T*ar»
May. r»f«**ta UM t krteuaaii, ta*
- -a- •«« tarta paa—rva* ta <«*>*■
fetal Ua* a<UM« Ur p—tefi ta A«
Vteaaaa aarimaa ac* By Ua L’astta
Iwte Mm«wwmb ate tataly tfratta.
Ttaty ant ta*M< ateanl aa4 ataaata
Mta U* itataMif Mtti BattetarttK
A TKtl.y KVteMNG
Ts tbe Kxeareiea an abe'C. *r W.
Saturday night when tbe Covington and
Macon train wm approacuiug Madtan,
heavily loaded with excurvionb'*, three
shuts rang out in quick enccctsion in one
of the car*, and a man reeled to a seat
near by.
Tb»t gentle nun W W Mr Weldon Price,
of Forminctun, and be bad teen shut by
Mr. Sam Ihirn, of Watkinevulo.
Mrinia. Price and U«vi* were among the
nomter going to Mscon, nod on tbe return
tacame involved in a q tarrel which ter
miireud. in tbe n«e of pwtob. Tbe car
•M deowiv pecked, tend Mr. Price wit*
eating on a *mall to*, white Mr Uarih
was stMudtag m the car dour. Mr. Ptice
anew *hc« the find shut »»* fired, and
tbea waa shot the mcond time. Bepofs
are eon fl ieUng a* to whether be bad a pis
tol or not.
Aaaouo a* the firing ceaaed, it iccurred
to evcryiHMr that the m»u who did Ibe
shooting had gtioe. lie tad jumped oil
tb« Uain white g>>mg at full tut.
Mi- Price waa cared for with all tbe tec
deraes* potoilile, and wten tie arrived at
Famiagtoo, walked with the aid of two
men, to ba u xne
Dr*, lltsier and U .jrgood were »um
muned, and ma le an exaimtiaiiun of the
Ou* teillrt horn a9k calibre pimol had
puand IhruutU the right abouLter, sinking
ibe aboul let te*de, and lodging liabiml It
la all prob tehty Another struck tba body
•bout U.e aevcuib rib on the telt side,
ranging downward aod outward. It
fauwrd around tbe rib for about four
•■nebea, and than curved inward. Thi*
wound may or may nut be dangerous.
The tadtet passed |uet under tbe »ku> until
about four inctes from where it Mitered,
and itet, it waat»li*tilly inward Neither
bullet was found, althuugb Carefully
pr -bed fur. Tbe ilcuri say that with
careful naming and atleuttou to dial, Mr.
Price will get wall. He waa remiag easily
tta* movateg, and bt* nmny friends wtab
U ta a speedy rectmny.
Mr Horns la in Watkissvilte. svd to oat
under a bond fiom Morgan county.
A genCemita from Wsiktoaviflo to-day
say* Mr Harris WM sto.l in tbe arm, but
•aa ban more by tto fall from the train
than to tto tatltec
Tto eondwue on the C. AH. train ar
riving ai 1 o'tbck Mumlay report* Mr.
Pneato ooadJtM* aa being very reach im-
IB*. Awe W*h«e steal* WeasnWed Near
A taA entuaig eciape oocarrad Satantey
Mwtai*, MM eigM «r
Mr Ate Hytaw. taring Mar there, teen'
ibnt •gewilrWMe aewted Pmr bad sea!
► matte tog wrong aboui hla wifi*, and N*'-
tattey alter*»m ta met Ferry along wi'b
a frwwd of Ms, a Mr. DaaxL !te at oar*
•euhd b» d.atauhy wttb Perry by knock,
lag tarn dow*. Althispidal Mr. Boat* I
• tritari a keife wry eueerenltaiv, and
awatte twe e*iy woeata. aaweral incises ta
tebgth. ta ibe tack. Tto wownde of Mr.
to toe are wmslitored da Agar xt*
■*wren e* wrr
*•* Is *• taesterea b* Ita Wsg.msr* •*
Ib-wa. Oa . Aegosi Itt After argenseaii
toxtay. ttedtaary Jobaeue tarttad that to
teed m* jastaetetam I* tto anal terr of nun
regarding Ua* prubiltUaxt aietttau.—
Ils ttanriure Sens 1 iaied tto returns, and
■teatafvd ito reeel to to tb*l Ftayd bad
eoead agaUMte pradriMMnw by a a*q>ority of
W. T Tarobel! sad Atoxasdas aod
WrigM roymresasiid tto (wna.tmwotoa*. a»<i
tto sob preaihitWtoWta
Cneasi I tar tto p*wbMU>***** will row
•Haws Ito ototom. »»J will go tef ov tbr
atopertar swart. They wW out. tow*m.
wk far a iw**roiateg «*tav *
CWy CVemsti saasre Monday etgtei.
'aad *M fin tta saamret of liqeiw Hr ires*,
•ad a to pawtehta that by Ta relay rent*.
.Mt aswasto aatw *a» w*: to er**«d.
mssrswAvws* we a. aas s am*
t Stary ftafi tto <M» sfi Ha*troei to IMW
la btasAa
Orr»w*. Ort-. Aug. II.—A dtopwiea
rrem VaaasMs Brwssh Gtotaattas say* 'Ba*
rrodama* Wdtaeghby. wta> toe vwwifi
th* AiaSkee SMnrt tar aeaay yvere, a ateret
tinea age vwfiand Mote * Giorrer aad tech a
teMMMwWbbtommm*. N* wm start
lad by a mass twaatrtartee raswn It wm
tgp ps*ssM*Nß «T a grew* e*ty. w«u rem* «f
sfigb wreetaMrtr*. laMnsta* *<«* toMctass-
VtMB ••• Un aaMmnww m to tte
th* «Wm* ttor w ooA
BBpA. BBAbßtlß* BB
Uta awpiuatatote Al taM a Fiaar* Chf
Aaaw at an am OMta>*tr eMteteat aaw
teatatawiaß* Mmm Dmm ate M>mm
Miyta *e ter fltamirr Tte mjw rii m
aap *w tta Rwttai atteUMMte BMrt,
AMBtatea aamp T»«W»’w>< Ata a
• tataa BMatar at tai iMmmb tetekta
toM MM ter Wta^-r-<U T
A V«m* **•»•
ChnrC— * itatea M FatterM.
■tote* cmm*jl Ba. m aaawa tei «Uw
aww ta tea Vtaaw* tana Hs *m tawa
Bteraar, *. ata te auateMsaaUv.
MM— MM pMM. ata. Hr Aahac—y w
kaNUpwm MF at t T-*
uta ah* ta tea hatawk Ha **•
tow M BWawtowa. MA Ma *a* taw
totoftet tem tMMte *a ta taa »»wr tateg
wta Bi •«*■* talMt Mp—a ap*.
■Mg M ArtMaaat M ÜBA ata fcwa Asm
to B.— » ywM* apa Ma B tata ata
Mtety. *ta te par Mte ter taM flllirw i
tote tata papteta, ata aiaunfey. « ter
Ma*- •• *ta.« yawry at pw* wtaatty
atoi tewar M* H. f*r* h w • ta
toarMterrwtaltat SrtaMWteßlat
I towty BBBMWi-s caaateiw A* piitaata
tear ta *■*■* Mb te—anl y *L Lmb»
In Listraiag *• Gssi Nermena and
Hsaad Adrice.
The average Athecian citixen was at
church Sunday, however warm and un
comfortable it rosy have been, and the
churches were well filled with the excep
-1 on ut the Presbyterian, where no service*
were held ou account of tbe absence of the
Rev. W. D. Andeisou preached here ton
very large congregation, taking as his text
the 19. ii, kOJt. 21st and 22ud verses of tbe
2nd chapter of Kphesiaua. The Apostle
dLcoam* tbe conferring upon the Geulites
of tbe world all the rights, privilege* and
blessings of the Church of God. In tbe
declaration of tbe endowment, he combat
ted the mieoonception us the Jews, He
declar. s tbe Church to be "the household
of God.” The gen io* of the thought and
expresaxMi declares that uoibint like pri
vation* and distiuciion* extol in tbe family,
and that as all are united to Christ, *o all
are vitally connected with each other. It
guarantees precious and stalwart doctrine
of tbe brotherhood. TUe Cuurcb to God's
reply to the heart-hungering us our race.
It give* us tbe cotnlurt and power of sym
pathy, built upon the doctrine of tbe apos
tles and the ptoptala, lo wiv supreme love
to God, and luva l<k« the love of self to
our fellow-man. It become* "the habita
tion of God.” No man needs a better
home tluui that Church in which God
dwell*. The cbtet object of a Church to to
glorify God, but tta glory ot God to not •
tnysuctam. Tto beat of it, r- used in this
connection, ta aolf.-scrilkw lor others.
H » H. M. Qullltan preached at Oconee
Street Church l;om the 9tb veree of the
lltte chapter of Isaiah t ‘'They shall not
tort nor destroy tn al! ot my b<dy moun
tain, fur tta earth atall be full of tta
knowledge of tbe Lord a* tbe waler*
cover 'be »ea.”
Propbectas of tbe Bible bare been I*l
- are being fulfilled and remain to be
fulfilled. Tta*ubj>ct us tba prophecy of
tta lltb chapter of Isaiah to tbe kingdom
of our Lord Johw Christ. If we compare
tta vbuich la Ila work to-day, with tta
day* us our father*, we must feel that tin
prophecy is being coutptelcd, a<>d that we
are standing la tta morning of tbe miltec
ntai day ; but wtaa we luok around at the
progres* of the age tn ita commercial in
tor* ta, wi>b oUrer interests in corn par tone,
and took a* tto cities of tbe weal. <nd find
tto <te»ecrat»ac of the Ssbbalh, with aa
rtowa tel ata of amuwm> nt, we queotsv.
wiMUlier religion roues wish the sam<
powet now aa tn tbe day* of our father*
ljui It** IM MSarta wa find Urnte ita
ekareii to detag a greateer work tc-day than
ever, airce she began her work oa earth
Tb » proi'toeey was mad* 1300 year* before
Ortob Lrt a* took a mor-cut st the gov
erammi <4 Canal, sad lu order to so, It to
esnwi*ary ta look al the King. Ctatet 1* a
great K ag. Wbcr> He came totolbe world
gorernmrnta were dif!treat from tb<we of
tbe |re***®< day, and it »u a tow thing to
recqyawe Hun a* a coming Ritter. Th*,
prewetar »«ftt ou to latrerducv ranoa* In
exi* nt* which forcibly ’H**'ratal bto *ub
j-ct. aud cowelmted l»y p-*v«Mog an earnret
•x'torisituo apon bi* be*rev*
mcoMbi cavacn.
Rrr T M Harrs jxv«ciw*t an eloquent
sad powerful» rmon al ibis church, on the
swttJ U o< tta “IGourrecli a.” ta a targe
aad lulriiig' ot atotescc Mr. Hsrrto show-
B,| b>* wbal we Cal! death rc*Jijf mem>t
life to >“>*■ chresitaa. And a* J<ea* died,
was betted, aod rvae f-<M the dead, so
«n 4 a I of Gud's people at tbe judgment
day to weeurreewd fate stvrwal Ma. Thia
life is teal Ibe preparatwe for a grander,
eutebr, hotter lue tayon 1 tto rreve, at tbe
rtgtel Mod of God. sad death to only a
trues timer earthly thing*, amt
tta mwrecuoa is tta tone when Gad
ctan w <h>m our «**T- U> ta ante par
tom ta l>ti rwrtr«ti»« ter»m«h our
U«4 J«hm Utatat- Mr- Harm waa ißte*.
M U> « nk wrapt altauitaa. wad M »u euly
lo te wgiMlta ww*. wttk a autawi barn
ta tataw- ata iMawce. te ctaata k*
at th a rta«r a*m»T.
Hot C- l> Catopta- fwaoclMd tew frost
ite taw, ta Mary ata Martb*. Hr itewta
toby a «r»a> teal ta Mante'i im|Mr ata
•prrt «M k> ta Mcwrta M« apoke ta
Mta, « iittUaal ctawoc. ata Um quality
»Ma b—U >< *ai etaunta. Hr «*-
ptetota t*» d F rwoci tat ww» rte dtrlot
tod Ito WtaMß taBMCB. Manta rtaM to
total aHrf Ite UMporri. tat Mary ctaaa a
bIgMT ata tanar pa:
Bra J. C. rwtaor. tefap atarnt
«ta *.rtor artßtoß bm danaata wttk.
ataitemtaimw rrad
Be Bttr—B«ta a.IUB-
Gatma. Oa, Aa<u« H —AltartHtr-
Pur—. a r«M ■*•" Unt twwuty ywn
ted. attempted Mrttei to fte «W m tar
of Bparkteas A
Tta •An te taka tea itfa ww Mate wtU a
pockrt kwte
TW> BCM. TO BO ito oauaa*.
teBCB te oat, ate»«t l«w w 'krw «<»y
wrairtw irrtwterjurta*
Fr-w a tnota w tta tar wtUt Mto. yow»
<w*r—f» twraed ttaa tta ymac ums
ted teas ta twapteta. pteytte a terp far
w. taM. ata ta<Btota« twta te tad
Ite tarp o*te. atal
■nt amtMrra to w PBtns.
to ts te 11 1 f ha«e« tn pwr is-
MBta, tetawr. te rrw tta kate. ata te
ten totortamaM ewta te eaaw
MM atate< Ml JU F«to a pwlteaw
«te si Mb after IM etKumaw. I tars
ta toe uwtai OBB&uoa OM*ta M-rwaw
Jte cuaar B waMgsta fat tte act. ata tai
tent y ata fnasfa an ala taw te owißit
far tai rateßiar
Msuw arfta* Barata
Atwwta. Gw. *•••* It-tte Anp—u
Oytea uptate. • MBfßtfawta kurtaoy
tekta- wa* aMMta MMBtaf fasroyta by
A” te-tay
Tta Art dtoß* , *tata‘ —**l ** *
»• tetawppta b, tai d -ate Tta
tonrtmo—aiw r—m b ww M
A> tte ctatawa wm f<mb out m»ty
TuoMu wtfwteßMib» fattak «»•
h r**d t» Settle the Dfflrslty Between Messrs
C*lli*aa and WHUsasea.
Tbe difficulty between Mr John D.
Williamson, of Rome, and Mr. Patrick
Calhoun, of Atlanta, was settled honorably
Saturday a la code duello. Mr. Calboon,
at a meeting of tbe Olive bill con -
mittee, said that Mi. Williamson had
tried to unload bis road on tbe cen
tral. This Mr. Williamson declared to be
unqualifiedly false. And tbe end was a
duel in Alalmma.
Mr. Calhoun bad as bls second, Capt.
Henry Jackson, of Atlanta, aud Mr. Wil
liamson took Mr. Jack King, of Rome, as
bis. They left Atlanta very quietly, and
soon reached Alabama, where they found
things a little warmer tbau in Georgia.
Telegrams had been sent to tbe Governors
of Tennessee and Alabama, to stop Ute duel
and the police were ou the lookout for the
Al Anniston they came near being run
io, and several times were putsued by
Sheriff* aud their posses. Abotl dark,
however, they found a duelling ground
near the Georgia line, and here they meas
ured off twelve paces, and placed tbe men
in position.
"Are you ready, gentlemen f” said Mr.
King. ’'Yes,” came tbe answer. “Then
Fire." Six shots rang out in rapid suc
cession, five from Mr. Wtlli*m*ous pistol,
and one from Mr. Cxlhouu'*.
Then Mi. Calhoun, having foty balls
remaining in bto pistol, demanded a re
traction of Mr. Wiihamton.
Mr. Williamson replied that when Mr.
Calhoun said be had no per* >nai reference
to biot, then be would a r«trac>. Mr. Cal
houn repeated hi* demand lor an apology,
and ** many lime* did Mt. Wiiliamauu
ref um.
“Will you withdraw!" again asked Mr.
Calhoun. “I bold four ball*."
Mr. WtUiamaon replied with firmness:
”1 am ready for yuu to fire. Tuuu we will
load and fire again.”
An intomip'iou came in here, and the
seconds juggled with each other.
Then Mr. Calhoun said:
"Io my remarks before tbe legtolatire
committee, Mr. Williamson, personally,
did not enter my mind.”
And that ended tbe matter. Mr. Cal
houn fired the remaining *teo<a into tbe
elr, aitook hand* with Mr. Williamson, and
the firet duel fight between Georgians ta
the test eighteen year* was ended.
Alalmma'* chief executive used every
exertion to prevent the duel la bis slate.
He telegraphed tu every county ta tbe
state, and yesterday morning when bo as
certained that bto officer* bod been eluded,
*ad that tta fight t<x»k place near the
•tale line be was angry-
Gmikmet. abo were vj Mordgomery
«mMsr a<»d *Mr> ftaStori Jk«-
lanta U*l night, say that Governor tfeay
Mjr« be Will have ■■fficrv* erul for ell par
ties interested m tto affair, aud ass that
the law is vindMaled.
Just wbat wIU be doos remains to be
Mr. Calhoun (Nwoed the day at bto bom*-,
aud will rema n in Atlanta foe some lime.
Capt. Jackson ha* ao idea of going away,
and if Governor they want* them be Wil
bare no trouble tn arcnrlng them.
PvwMvttow r*e* f.lgliißlaa
Tbe fatal lightning stroke to ao fnqumt
‘bto •**••» that person* much exposed tn
thunder storm* »bouhl take ell known pr*~
< *uttaea against It In a *c«c<itlfic paper
reerwtiy rood before tto Royal Meteorolog
ical teetery, Mr G J. ttymon*. F. R M.
tto Engluli metsorotogta, presented a
large in a** of lmp><tanf data on tbe pbe
uomenaof tbandee *triema
< >rdin<Fily i ipotd to a thunder
.tacm five to tta hrarcst •hi ltrr to escape
wetting Mr. Symons show* that “M a
otaa to tteoroogkly wet ft W ImpoesiMe for
lightning to kilt bus.” He refer* to a re
taerkabte proof of tbi* fact Tbe groat
«ctentlfic torturer. Faraday, once demon
•iratad to bn mtdteece at the R -yal tasU
te’toe that with ail th* powerful etoctica!
.pparatp* st bto dtepoaai tt W*v Impotalbte
for bte* to kill a rat whose met had tern
•atersted with water. It would be well,
tte***«a*v for say person la a sever* Ikue
der norm and liata* to a tigtelntag etrota
to allow biseeelf to to drveetad with rale
al tea earheel momret poedbte. aud ta
•to absence of euffictem ramfsll to sear
btmerif of any mtae m«*a« al bend io wet
toe OUMT apparel —New York Herald.
Ttektoatte* m wAiwtn.
atarwee MrtooWrM. M AUeaae, Cel M
H-t-boo Boßarttod vm cal lo doatb
ifatMtep ta a Bitotdioß des la Man*.—
Tte bmm «ta> dtd tte cwtitag *ai Im*
Lowatottai, aaotter pamUar. Ttey te
cbmm aagry al each otter to a cameo/
puter. ata Hobßtfatd cai**4 Lowesttal
Tkß aatofa Lowoßtkto aaad. ata J* weat
out ata trwd to borrow a pwot to kill Ma
wMA. HedidaToßMMßd MttaKata easM
■w with aa open te>»*e ia ba p>iefce<.—
BAetfaM agon coned tea. ata threw t
ptooa of fwratter. al teat Tte two ttas
cliaoted. ata Loveettai g«* te wmm
fatay *>«k w tb taa kaife, drtrtap M <h
foetly tbrnufti tte tear of iJocarfaid'i
twit, kifaaf taaa tawtaatly.
MVBBBBar* av a traaa
Kmoomv. Ga.. kec««t 11—A trrrlMe
-iijpitj Mpprrta tatwwra ata* ata taa
<> ctara taM at Omeai, a aotal Ma
ttoo fa WBtai ttaw taw
Edward Harm, of ttai piaea, a yowag
bm twwty-m yaam of agr- want'd
atakdtedky Wdi M»n. • Th*
csaer *f tte tnwbte raianiiluUMil
<*c tart WWW ,-AUto Hanw »ta tta oegrv.
A pauM of aM* art out tenona* tte
wood! the wwvtag to march of tte mar-'
<fc*w. He to tteeght to te tta ew a
amstato oewtooku- KmgMoa.
Tte enroear tetag tora tte >aq«Mßl wrn
Mta ttea aftentooe by Ewpiir* Letoy
Boroegh. U wwi «« teta WJJ Mays
if te to caught.
Aa tte Faß ummUM .pprmrl , tte petal
of toeaMMaa beta atmeger. Tte bright
crap proepeeii tea cWMoragad al’, ata a
■towM raeccMM to tetotaeaa CMclaa to
■ mfi tßßtly apeui •«•
Preeeaa er .Ua»»i»ci«rr Explained.
A new industry, or an old one newly
revived, is being carried ou in Cherokee
county. Nothing more or less than a snake
Mr. H. H. McKntyre gave impetus to the
industry by re-introducing the modus op
erand! in tbe presence of a Cherokee Ad
vance reporter.
Tbe newspaper man told in his paper
bow to make snakes, and aa tbe paper to
read in every family in tbe county, there
is snake manufacturing going on on every
farm iu Cherokee.
Some day* ago Mr. McEntyre's children
threw several horse hairs in au eddy place
in the branch, and afterwards put them in
cons partially filled wnth water, where they
remained a few days.
On pouring them out, it was found that
the horse hairs ot a few day* before were
perfectly formed, wriggling makes.
They would squirm around on the
ground, anxious, it would appear, to got
away from ’.heir captors, but seemed con
fined by some invisible power to the spot
where they were thrown.
Tbe snakes were ugly creatures. They
had a keen, tapering tail, were larger
around the body than elsewhere and a
kind of a knot supplied tbo head.
There to even the suggestion of a mouth
and eyre iu the knot that forms the head,
and every action of the snake to posMMted
by the luauufseturod article.
They are about as large around the body
as a pencil and when epread out ppon a
table will wriggle around and »lide off.
The story seem* incredolou*, but it la
vouched for by tbe paper quoted.
Al the bret, you will find on exam
ination, that tbe horse hair resembles a
tny tnake, both in form and action. Be
ing steeped in water, It becouis* swollen
in the middle, t*|MTiog at tbe ends, aud
become* apparently aalumU-d.
You cau Bud tIM-ee raakes everywhere
in Cherokee county now. One gentle
man baa a big braueb full of them—in all
stage* of growth. They are slimy, ugly
and horrible suggestive affair*.
A Chwrcte Argan**** Wtelah Mart • Pa*
tai *•*!•*-
MriJuctOKViu.g, Ga. August ».—Tb*
report today tram tto bailie of Welker
chapel, seems to Indicate that the report*
nf yesterday were a little suppressed.
Thoen reported showed that there bad
been a fisticuff, terminating iu tbe shoot
ing of one deacon by another, while to
day's investigation shows that tbe entire
membership of lb* church Ware engaged
in U>* row, that several negroes ware
beat up exmnderabty. Henry Samples,
tba negro tballwaa shot, died last aUht.
*Sre tavcutigaWoa of tba cornoer** jury rev
•ultad in a verdict of voluntary man
slaughter sgataet Uus Beed.
Tto imptomewis wf war were prodnoad
before the coroner's jury this morning, and
d*»gerou*-!uuklng wea|x»n« they were.—
They consisted of everything that would
raise a knot on a negro'* head—fence rails,
wagon *pokas, tracc-cbalne, buggy whips,
etc.,—and tbe evidence showed that they
were handled by tbe congregation with
wonderful effect. Bite-iff Ennis arreated
sight more nf tbe belligerents tbi* evening,
and lodged them In jail here, Tbe res
cause of the uproar to yet a mystery. Home
say that a woman to at tbe bottom of M,
while othara claim that it grew oat of a
cuurcb argument over regeneration.
a littli’komanck.
That was a pretty little romance
at Oaraberland Island tbi* summer.
It read* like the exquisite little “iu
ternalional episode," which created
such a sensation a few years ago in
the literary world.
About the middle of July, a young
lady quite well known in Georgia,
•pent two weeks at Buckley's hotel.
She was of graceful form, beautiful
countenance, aod bad hair and eyea
m black m night- She wm a fare
write with all who knew her, except*
log, possibly, one gentleman. This
possible exception wm a young pby
sician, rich intellectual aud hand
some. Ils didn't dislike tbe young
lady, but he thought her “too you ng
aud frivolous." He Mid ao to a
A few <iaya after lbw coo vena lion
with iiii friend, be waa in the aurf.
Inaume way unknown to him, the
llUle finger of bla right hand re
ceived a palofal wound, cauaiog the
blood to flow copiooely. He left the
aurf and alerted toward the bath
house intending to give his finger
the necessary attention. On the
beach, be net the young indy with
some friends.
“Why, doctor,” she said, “you
bare hurt your finger! Let me see
it" He held up the wounded mean*
tier. Before be could discover what
abe was going to do, she tore a strip
from her handkerchief, caught the
finger in ber delicate bands, and, in
a fitfy, bad it skilfnliy dressed. The
young physician was astonished.
“Where did yon learn to do tbatF*
be naked. “Oh," she replied, “when
1 was in school I studied physiology
aad learned bow to treat wounds
and braise*." Then aba atniied,
bowed aad walked away.
It goes without saying that the
. young physician fell io love with the
girl whom he hta thought “too
young and frivolou*.” Seizing a
favorable opportunity one night, be
told her of bis love and asked her to
marry him.
bid she consent?
Weil, bardly. “I thank you, doc
tor," ibe replied, “but I barn al
ready agreed to form a partnersblp
with aa Atlanta physician, whose
opinion of women that bare studied
ph viioiagy te a* high ns yownt"—>
Augusta Chronicle.