Newspaper Page Text
'V I ’Z ■ 1
•piralora. Injartnr*. Valves, Piping Fhlin«n. Steam and Water Gu*f ea, Ac.
We are now making Portable Steals Engine*. which we tell with ao '
abaolele | earantec aa lo quality and workmanship, sad at prices that defy
enmpetlUoß. Weal* sell Atlas and A me. Engines. Turbine Water
Wheels, Mill Htewes, Bolting < loth, and everything needed about a mill
or fin.
(Mil aad aee us er write te as before baying.
_ ■ 111 '- . 1
I*4 AT
* or-
ffT 1 •attarfactiou guaranteed with every pair.
garden hose.
r» wt n»««
rental e
COKE Mi the < Asapwat aad beet ftawi te* CewAteg Mmhto aad Baagua
kmltetata “ rtOMiM. *«-•• ewd «•••«-».
parrbros, , t
House and Sign Painters
and Dealer* tn Wall Paper. Paints Oils Varn isb
•a, Brusbtw.Elc
w.n.«wara uawtmm.miMM re »mn •-»<•»»» emu
fte ‘*4 BaatoA*, MtonkreaM IMA
Bnmaa a* »tWM\ «taaa?*.«
MA ntt.9 4» a*a FLAW* « a*K
Frew** ******* <*• tn eto Hare* »•••
•*» •••«** _
■>!■! Wil
4 • •“•• •*» *“* *" • •“*•
*l>M •MB*S***H*M**
_* l—fc * B«w .» *»W K-** ’ ** M>
CrTSwS? << mSmL *'"* *** *"* — * *
C. A. SNOW <& CO.
Cl1)c 2Wjmg WeeMg ffljwmclc
Manti facto rr* Iron and Braa
Caatinga. Mill and Gin Gearing
and Machinery, Shafting, Pulkya,
j® Hunger,, Ac., Circular Saw Milla,
Hand aad Power Prcaaea, Cane
Mill.and Evaporator*.
We sell Iheaton'a Hawa, Rubber
Belting. Packing of ail klnda, In-
|»tMM •*
W D.OnffHn
<Mta» o » - A AMk
“7 ■••*«* »**•
w •» * ***■• *"* r ■**■
CMME MwWM •*•. MB i
«■*»> • *•* mm* «*« >*MM
VIM. ar »*r
CeataderaMe Talk as Cbauaiaa The
t’wuree et Vlillertxe Avenue.
There bsa of late been considerable talk
of changing the coarse of Mi. .edge A ve
When the origin*! »ur»ey for this street
wm made,’4 ww intended for it to tan a ,
b-e line from Prince Avenue to where it
would toktarl Lumpkin »treet,<lirvctly in i
tbe rear of Prof. Ratberf >r<i's place. Bat
for tome tte pnip-ucj line wm
atenloned, and tbe Av. uue was earned
around io • curve io Blsirseiile.
This morning a Cbkoxiclk reporter
vu Informed by a renteman who know*,
that a p-rty of Athenian* are endrav'Xtog
to purchase a rigbi of way from aome of |
tbe ci'nt roe in the vicinity, sod cut it at'
Ute curve al Col. CbarlMiona.-r**, ami
a direct hoe to Lumpkin rr»d, after the ■
plan of tbe original survey. This would'
be a g«aa! thing lor tbe cty ts tb* change
should be made, it wruld creole romi I
atom deairabie place, for building kM»,
wbreb ora now aMtaMM wortbleea, owing to I
Ibe fact that they have no outlet. Tue!
ground oat >m tbe proptaw! route <a rloewt
ptrfertiy krve', end would make u»*l nd- :
a»ir»bie bod ting tote.
Wr tears that M'. V«mb say* if this !
enet atoutM be npetwd. be would at one> :
extend tbe «»*et Car boa out title street Io j
; L<in>pkir>.
U (te* clange abouid be made, wo mp-
I pane tbe rii prong would be known aa
| upper Mnledge A room, and tbe taw oo*
, tower Milwdga Avet.O..
i There ia ao Ooult if the Lilly land b !
i ad >|brd aa tbe place for tbe park, bat that >
' lbw &• W *U»«I aouH ba cAleeuod directly
tbrotM** ibe perk.
MCA savaiM urwtiß
I aeveMM In Bak* a Mdrtbew of at
iba beta 9»tr.
Atnwiwnau. Ala., B ptember 10.—
MottcMuf Ban bio* today r»w i»»d * Mier |
1 from W A Autpwm. of B>. Lmta, aaUog ‘
‘ if be e»«Ud uMaio tbe pnvttav, of ehht- i
■ tatiog Deh liawe*, who murdered ha* wife I
I a»d ebi dr n tat»f wtntar, at the Buda tau
Io be bead la tbia city neat aeeiib. thtap-1
wtvm that b» wwrtd harp llawm Weil ,
; gumdeil, aad Mara him to iba ooeatv joti
' aha tbe lair wm ova*. Ht pe>tp**a to
i make Haem * aM’,'—»w at ibe fair, char, ■
! tag ada*«a* io eee bun. Be aayw *I >
talwv, taorv w bv »nwey la H. and it you ,
' wlii let a** b*a» lb* o-Had prboaer. 1 Will i
| IlVafa With you." s 4Wll*V Uawk'm ba* (
, wr>u*a uu Mi. Ampaira deciiatug b a pro- ,
a >•••« «ma» aaMa** ruMawM*
l.aa A* he* Tew Wweb.
A Cbwrdrw Ml rajavter w«* «a CWfM*
atom ibt. mwata*. whea nwe of Atb- J
a«a' mm* bmatllul yourg iadem I
peiiwd. oeaiiy da>aerd in eMtt.u. A g**-
UKanaa mew*d b«*. aad *•■<■> "My ablet ■
a*. paMvhaaed a drma very meeb like ibol j
' .-* oaiy it wm T cant ualkm, but *b* !
Mat knew It.*
•* Why any <ma can tell cal wo from mt-d
uma * r»«a.«k-d »b- t*g a»,a of the r* ow«l |
“Xu they *M*L I*4 uti y-m bow tkh j
'wm My amtbe* aad ****** want to a <•»■ I
> Vda aw« to pntrhaa awn* <i«aae g«»fa Lv '
: any mabr Th. oark mowed b** aom» j
j ,*—• *tat h oatdh lib. htohad nl I —m, ban
, m*v hhO wanted b*«U» goaatb iSJa'l
: nmlmnimß
■ -W.u, aw. tbay dida’t bappee to have
my to* w *vode «a boaJ Jna* lb*a. bat
tb.etMkd*datmy an. Jm U tka Im
a hhaad «4 my etoia* cwaa in. »aJ they to-
. name ■ ag*j~! to a—aoaamibm. Mmta*
■ wafhiid dawo tarhea la th* **•*». aad tb- >
i<t th k4towaJ. whaa *ba to*d to* to atova |
•ba** * ME*«eat pun* of gmaK prtoa j
l it at • aah
. “Mali, ibe a*art wm magic I. Me toed
, am* a *W’p»d paca and eabl to my awan
( Mem a a *m> aaa. pmre of dtea* gmato
i_ Um I **•!«» de *■< »to«k the d erne H •
| the yam* a |m» Ail.*' 'W hoi a•» p*m I
- ,rs that r ethal awtot- 'Wad. Bt'm. Iba
M v.«tb * win, tart west amb* rt to ywa '
|at *k' T=m eaeOtJf aeawd ba*, bed ata i
. md*aed Ltoaa yarda as M cat «C Maker ,
I pudad «m a tea A -Mr Mtt to yay •«* *b> \
! eawdh aad tb* eboam* l*wi lb. <O. th r» }
; taaaad la tnatal that aaJy t wet* pa* yard
. am ra*4 t«< tb* 4mm
I “Mm W ee'-tod tor |m* m wed mis b hai!
' baa* *>wt * Ah. amJn a* * emy mm .
Aiwa *f to. c-wk*. had ahem it V •aa
’ mwa «m Mat up to iba* data aba dam j
I*d baaw toot ah* am wearing T mat I
Tba way Ml a ’puaaar* to amae as oar ’
, meecbmt* wba ca»A ydaam thaw «wm»
, «aae wbh tb. w -wa «a bead
Warn Mb. lew a* a OWli.i m T—
t -a—O • »—• v—*
Lea* AmAw mwainag. a Urge aawad '
> aar. to • maty amfag la Gaaegaa. A I
aarvbaa*, eahmaaa wan paambtag \
, •!**» tee I*AL "Ba* tbay aoh l<bt as I
- A.* itarwto Ibe aa**m. Iba atoabw m i
land tw-» yvavg aam ta tbe * either. wta> I
iiiiiniml ibASmrwl ta tb* a»rw aaa war* ‘
II Igbtay aad atatong He a mby rartod ,
i . ta* anauta* »• «bta awd mgomeuif M i
; itay dm w Tb. eaaoma* M> b* taw tbe I
’ bmaed rthak Yaov ma ly u .aaai to be
taatg W» *taag *«■» «ta wwd* nt tb*
wat tadtautod. M--» «e eeirana tbea my- j
lam* tom. b* m ao •wfto tai
! «ea am. 18 a* p*ww*. bw wtm* tahar..
• “VEw ba wm may mam rnrrni am* | -
' am. ta Ch. a*taaai awe hwag wwaatl
I ta* tta tart *W Tb. anal «* adtar- ‘
a todh aaad tab taaPagl ww* aMbagaty am ,
i e*UB aad **tah atamag tta tatmey as hta
I aeauag*. aad be auMU **« awehy uhek*
tbaee *df Wtarwa-A* Tb* irn. paua* awe
totaled w mem war* pmaeaai Stack* J
; aad tad ta*a m pwbap* bi «ta*r htaa j
Mu* «a Yu e tag tart Stay taM *M aad 4ta*> ‘
—wet ataw* mam tavuaa aauar. and *• * .
airtrnm et pmrtub. aaa ftaw a pdta ord ’
taat aa «ha maar, wbfeb yowMd «* ta a <
> tata, earn tta«» e* me yaw »g amu a aww
* * tagtae*. ata u* tatay at bbeutirtr » la I
• w.
Mz Ata* WJtamtaa bm ta ba pm
mtaaaa uo Mt taailiml «*taf eewt,
i pwr> D *a* mad* * tb* pme MM
Large rem**re*nti.aa nl ibe <’be»eb*«.
Sunday wee * typical fall day." It
•*> jnaf 'warm enough to entice many out, i
nod )um coni enough to make many who I
ventured out w iab they bad abandoned i
their summer attire fee one more sutwian
tial. The beautifnl day iaduced a yxri
attendwe. at m<wt of th* c'larcheb A a
uaoal tbe Cneoutcui went to cunrcb.ond
we prewnt for tbe con»iderati<>n of our
read»-ra tbr t'«»ira of d acoarac treated of
by tbe diflermt pwfor*.
at Tire niwr mkthodwt.
Rev. W- D. Amlerwm pre*cl>ed here
from Ibe tex : “when Jeans Ctalea, will Be
fln<t faith upon the earths
Tl>« deg union of faith moot acceptab’e
to tbe cbnrtian thinker ta "th* aubstance
of tbiuga hoped fur and tbe evidence of
I things not **o>.." It ia thought by a gnat
many that tai'h ia wuMtUiag *X»r uA, ia-,,
aabelaMi*!. aad ind«kr !»»>te. Ttiia i*. g
inirtak*. for faitb often atoumm a aa» • '
slan'iaJ shape. The mao win- keep* God
in bi* heart, wale* circumepectly, love*
! lira fellow man, sod trim to do the will
■ of tta Tartar, ba* faitb.
It matter* litUe ab.>at creeita. Then
ar** but one creed given to man by the
i bring God O*« Mt final. 11* banded in.o
the baud* of Moam tbe erred I<* owe’*
! faith.
i Chrwt never band'-d to bin aw rant* but
! .«e craad, ami that wm tbe L«of» prayer.
Player will always du gmal It would be
i tiwier te* men to open all buamm* with
I prayer. It i* teat to <>p«a eerva *a 'a tbe
church aiili prayer. &« ll *k>a'J be with
tbe merchant and hl* cte-ta before the
d«»*a »r. opetwd in tbe m.irulug. B**>-
new will te mnrv proapwoo* witu II loan
Ottarwam Yuk when Jmu* coiaw, te
will find faith on th. earth.
at tux raaaamaiAH.
Rev. Q W. Uae iota m th. topic of
di.caaaita the <i« Ftohn, aad uia whole
I laotarm wa* a nutmeg • mawet upon
I this teant fui and touching prayur of th*
i iwetarti. Tbta pmlm wm writtea ala
| mu* a ten D«od was lu IM wiUwne**, a
■ ftatthre Hum hi* «>n Attadom. It l« th*
' ,p>«iaiMio<M outbwel of baaii-frll Itrayee,
•nd was uuerta with that care atum*
ateds tatatened an expectation of th
- fUiutcaL L> ■ Lane then wwtl on to d>
( am pmyw ia a geaere! way B. Mid up
- a* hu example ’o o> lege t*>ya, Ute atory of
Tina Br <wa *l Bagby,who. to th*praeeuce
;of a wtHti. h*4 fan of boya, w« not
’ asteUMid to pray to God fur guhlaac* te
• bi* dally life. To appranale fuUy Um aig-
■ uilcalMta of the Bask to whash David nt
, t«* in tbta ftaio*. It is nmtonary to vieii
the belliy in wuieb be then wa*. We (fl
twvd Um ah* 'ow of the R <ck te mauy «4
life** »<.,» ••****. end David** life ta a
tomui Whita w* will d-t well to otwmve.
It.. Lmw'* aetm at was cbaraeterieml a*
e*U*l by Mramtrnm and depth of tteraght,
aad rvtdawtry u**4e a deep Uupraeetoi.
u|wo ha* hmrar,
at rtia w*i*<xw*al.
R*v J. C- D»v»a, the ivct-a, oflr>at**l al
th, rbarcb, Um *rtut<« teteg ft am Um
leap "But wtemunto abali I >lkee Un*
gveeraibwif it 1* tar onto rai«irm art
uag te th* cauk.ta aad cviiag their teb
«ar«, ata aa***. " "*• *»»»• P*P*i onto
i ywa and you have not <Mae»d; we bavr
mauw* J unto you aad y<a have aut to
um.tta “ la Ibis world aber, faa*ma
a» ’ amtattei bar, oteatuta aaa* a mw
tary ovw maay. it It bw oftae tbe caec
Uta tbaee have p»pta «to tbe rnn «d aana
wart be tea iotabed to ttet» cad aad ba*
arewart hie tahbaOk* with tteew tadwt
aad to*ter thtnpe wbteb abouM te Um
cbtof waon "f mea. We ttedd ta oam-
Pat that Mrthtag etatad c<rtw talwern a*
I and God W aaa«w< aayiedag **
i ttatart to m we eboete taet K by tb*
i i*m “wte tbta tend am towar4 HtaeeatT
-If M .‘Si aaal. •' rtnw'4 ah ah It Hernan
' i fe te tan tang lor * to make hay trade «<r
’ taugnic whte* wouM tweed ia oar etarba
I |M»
at vam aarrter can: am
Tb* awm« wm t<**.aetod by B*v. C
i IK tampt-H. tbe paeo.w, hwm th* tex
' « -ar « he tta teb CMpacr of MaUww 11.
I a**d Ila v*«wn. Tbw tea part of ttarte***
i wnaa« oa the a«ta aad tea enetrw
; 4r*wa teiwwe Uyteg Op Ueueerm I*
' tewa tbd earth. The dupaarttasa ears
i na*mey ratorrvd ht ta tta teat ■ tta
| tewrttaam M w««mmv Ttaee ia a ptemiibi*
<wwa tat the eMartad UMrt tarty *p
■ imamem M iwateea am* to tetter wmm th.
; .taypuant* te tote fata*. **»■ *rtd to aaav
' cnarn anta *aa Ml mcntapi rti tag th* wed*
' wbWU G-d ta* Jartr>"L Tbe UMM p«w
wfnl remra «by a <aea atatad aart toy up
, iraaam* apat awrui » toaearf * tte tin
me**- “Where ymr trmewe. te. ’beta w«
ywar heart te ab*“ D» Cteeqtaa tern
rttol* taeprvertvrly «pM tte Ute «rt eurtta .
mesa B. tbru awiftaert tte tart, pid
Stary «f bow total M 'nmtaarm to Maw,
- wtae* mutteade art ww afM. rad tbtovm
'de am taenh Gur ta aa* ebta II ww* a
Ifi owata md tagata pMtamtaahm as tte
' rteapto ptoa ad m'v**»« m tab! tewa a
’ tte* tarty word ertGta
at ru« caWMAcc.
tert Fatbe* G. te bnuame fiinwartead at j
‘ m Vith ■*■ cbeeete a* tb* *t'uhe*diag art
‘ the <*<***» *< ***** TW, ew a tatar
n*ata««WteMi pneewt. wte ewa tategMed
wtab tte ttamgbto teeaagM amt by tern
egneram agin aart ewewu.
Al tta* atewMb tee, M ■ Q**aae |t>ib* >-
. <d n* tam«Mrta ata eaurrwe-me mem
■ hto awMta tateht jwvrw Me fwaaaart tta
paaart Uta anew rtuaaM pm* ww ftwytoM*
.-y. aad 'bey atomibi ewartaMW Mage* a* tte*W
•wpCMtwtMm ■* etea* eaacrteMaef tta •
■ fart Uta Wert ew tea** Vshtog tea* m |
, wrt.> pen** ta mm* nr taw prftetaae as a |
lataM as Oak. <*b*e tea* pmyw wm tar tta
' tear* rite tew D. C Oten* gwe* m ’
anrwn* «el angmtoVu* itea* im to *• I
Meataatert ctatote. WWe wn bad aa ft-
, part.* a* lad tengraat utaec* we pueaam.
toat Be*. B F. Mtaae, ta* p*m«*. gma «**
■ *4 bto aarwart aart yewreum d'h * grace
A Tuatew t«<ta at taua* • Jt org*«
onaeW- *«- l' mt that • vtea* ** Mac**
i Ttaagng* ba* ■* aay Be tram n ******
tarn awdtaatoto tta* te wrt eaew a*yta»«
wtewttegrtebtm turn* fi» to fib*
■ WtarmfM
M ■n.iay’a Duly.
Mr Ilrary P. t'hrt.ty Suddenly P.m
Mr. Henry I’. Christy is deal!
Ou Sunday night at about ha’Lpaat nine
o'clock the dread summons came. lie hi-a
been in a declining state for many month-',
and all bis friends aa* tbut tbe sad change
was inevitable, bat when it ca-ne at '-it,
it was unexpected. During the day be
hag been io hi* usual feeble lied’, ~ and
had sal on the door-.tepe on Sunday morn
ing, and seemed to enjoy the p easant sri
anine. and spoke of it to a mem'ier of tbe
family. He continued about in this state
during tbe day. Alter supper be went
into tbe aitUug r>«iu«, and his mother en
quired if be would like to take a smokt
He replied that be would, and sat and
smoked for awhile, aad was quite cheerful,
and tbe family congratulated tbeiuaelvi«
that he wa* better. S-ain after thia be
tegaa to uudres* for bed. when one of the
•inking apUte wueb uu tad of late been
anb)' ? to, seised him. H- remarked to
bto wife, “I'm going." She said, "are
you treating to the Saviour." He tain
“ yea. I’m going to J ans,” and in a fiw
brief motneato, qmitly, gently and p -aci
' telly yieldi-d up bia spirit to G >l.
Such is the tines record ol tbe death
•Oeoc. Fu» a long time be ba* been in bad
health, aad uuaide to attend to bteintve,
•nd thto of itarll was aomewbat Uyiug.
He was however pwUent, geti’le and aul
tu-Ksive in it all, and no murmer or com
plaint wm board to tail from bla up*.
Mr. Christy wu a young m*n of floe
tah-nU, x» bi* occasional coolr.button* tn
the fiapera indicated, and if he had given
btmerlf entirely to th* hue of work, mueld
nmfoubledly have tern aocceeaful.
With Mr. J. E Gardner, he waa one of
the fimedem of the Breomg GtupHc,
which w-a afierwsrd* mo god Into tbe
Evgpreu ut Our reader* well
remember bow twigbt and sparkling that
paper waa, a part of which waa due to
hie breta and pen.
For eeveraJ year* be waa a type setter oo
tbe Bsniter. Watchman, and it wu perl.ap*
hi* ear*milling tail la Una reapect (bat laid
tbe foundatiou tor tbe dwam that Anally
ended bto ill*.
Hs »J <■»• of tbe now' kind hearted
aad obhicing of men. and w. true ami
eutafml ta bw fncudahipa. ted ao tabor
waa 100 bard or smiiAo* too g««*t ti* him
to bmtow ia behalf of a friend
He waa retiring in hr* diepudiir*, and It
wm a Utile dUBi-uU to understand him »e
--■vm well acquainted. Tn-wc that knew
him wvH ecaid appreciate bto atariuig
For two or three ymra hi* health be,
baa a curb m to annual unfit firm tor buar-
IMU*, and tew have ta«u called up>* *“
l>a*» Uinnigh aucn dark aad Utala,
but to atated Sixva, be bore It ail paUr-ul
ly Swi f**«g*edly.
But abore *1 . Imi wm a cnrtotian. F<«
ar VO al mouth* be bM r»-a;ta -d bto OXI
- and knew that he outod live uwly a
Utile wuU>. A tew uMxi-na ag ■ be laiktrt
With tta Writer, and staled that be frit
tab-tied a* to bi* couvMwxMi, an! wre
trying to live to actMr'lance with th*
rtculup of the tiavav, and wu no doubt
ready wb«« Um awansoo* ovoa, and br«
miwrvd into the n* for tta p<- -
pi* «rs God.
To. .Mvly bctvnvrd wff* aad dtotrvr>*d
murnea, awi.r* aad brurhvre, bare tta eu»-
ccr* ay*p*ihtoa of a targv c rri. <rt tnetota.
Tbe leuvrel too* pta«- ftu» ibe r»»i
d**K* t*M allatauou al 4 v cirm*. Ke*. W
0. A ata** m rualecuuf tb* *»rv<».
Mo-Jay’» Mabry.
We are giad to note ita tact that work
wm nwaoeed al tte larviry tbto morula--.
At brer o’cauea. tta day tari< wm taeru
•» past tarU* <a He taadsar lu**l aad la a
v«*y start ataab' ligbtoouuld te *>«a break
ing tarth in ah IM to !»*'■• artread th*
m>L. At fire u cmk*. tea Idi aga-i rang,
aad many urtgM iso* were at tteM *c
reu i sand (mere of tots*—<S r*Juartag
ttat they bad 'to* prritagv of go-»J to
•wah, aria* Ute iuaqi etaat Juwu.
.ttaree ure mu. Mm t»-ra ct-wad, wa ieuro
.tat inert wm *e nerd of aay ofwaLre
enfierw*. tor Nr I'teney teadiy advaatoeJ
ttosan aU tta gw4» Wasted cbrerieUy.
Thto n UMtaad to*mmiaoii»Mr ta to* »a»-
ta»y _
genemal mewb
M.«4»y's Barty.
Freane •*• uwn ap from ureter to <*»-
rtsuriaaea y-wardsy wpoe aa etortWa to
wtaeb tte B yreMSroa a»l BreiaagM p*r.
tw* war* lawagta Mato daavc* eppuattaire.—
Ttaa resell * aotad apu* maa redea of
MireiiiM"''* •tre®C , k *t*b U* to'T** «d
Franew Tte I lire* reiars* tedxaee a
vwteey f«ar Ita H»p*tai maa, aifitau*b a
areure atrewgie • eapenod wte® iter are.
and tote • laAea Fraae- » ku*< a
tear* as taa fee wtaca Aaaerwa rs;amreer*
rrery b«*» yoajr re «* fWitostal ricc-
tb* fas-rei of 19 v«*mm of th* nexot
tjartec Jutatee ■•craovd ysatorday A
<***» cwswaMU* foAatoad tte rema ns re
Uwar grew*. Tbr Ae4*w use’ by ’te
aaibidi are auk to •< ta*■**«*'»J •*> «*
« •xpetaai that a«w *trt-ma w».. moo te
A e tawvd Chnrto**** pevuche*. Re-*
GaaCßowe. auto JMhaga* to* law
totauaa ftetroad tor reakag tern rate aa
ttaw “J m Crow* ca*. H- « to hrtog
ato cae» cp tatert tte lawrrtna** tum
uirq Ci'saam ■*■**.
Tsw Pam tail and tamrty Were Dea*
*** tar Waabtagtaa rey-swwr Btoto Tte
! pMa < Wtrt to sa4orea*sd to aoare ttat
i tahy Hc&re arri tr safer tte aeeaa of Ma
I wan to Wam Mgr* atawt •tocamta* I*.
Atorea Want, te prura of ggp, wm
matei'Wii ay wak**w* psrtea* to Memta
Ctorohta.** F’May aagM- Me wm as a
i room **A *a attar part** m th* tana as
I Ms Mail, ata tte mjseery • tta* nona «rt
’ ri too oregvsarem ktaw wan tea mw*-
rtanar aaa.
Idtota Maote Tte**. aged K bar
aware Stea wta a revxvre ywtontay re
Pmwdrtptore Tta ianre was stay aax
year* of •*•-
Brete aaaun baa sxtorid tar a pMMte aetata
apMtoen. Ttaa'e ate Mari es p*wpw* that
Monday’s Daily.
11 A Richie and M J Humbert, both
drunk, took in the town of Brunswick
Siturday night. Yesterday morning it
came to light that Humbert had, to all ap
p arancea, beaten and robbed his boou
coiupwion, and there was music in the
ear tor awhile. At last account both pa -
ties bad disappeared.
A cigarette did the work! Judge J. I.
Youngblood, of Sandersville, lost bis barn
yesterday by lire. A genera l C nidagraliou
was narrowly avoided.
There was a number of railroad acc : -
denls m Georgia yesterday. A negro
n-med T >u Caluouo «rn killed on the C
R K below Macon; another, A inn Nq|son
bad one hand cut off on tbe same railroad;
and train <m the same road ran <>tl 'be
track inti cling cousideialdc daaaage, al
though nor serious ia it* nature.
In Brunswick, J U Menbii'ti, white,
shot and probably fatally wounded Frank
Golden, colored. A riot * -med im ja-nent
lor a tune, but at last lepoita ell was
Judge J J Greahsm, president of tbe
University boa r d of tntolee*, bus returned
to Mscuu toi the winter.
They »ay in certain quarters th«t B*H
!’)• iiger will •uccee-d J K Dart m code c'-»r
of port at Brunswick.
18 pentde died IU Ma&m l*«t Week. Os
Utoie S w re white.
Brunswick again. Beier Roy, second 1
engineer on the Bnttoh ste imer Blue Star,
al Htunewick, wm accidentally k'Uod by a
pistol sb it tired by Henry Sut-atb of tue
*u-amauip B lingtou. There ta a good
deal of pathos lo tbe rimpie tact Ural of uule* away in New Castle,
Eug , live tb* wife aod five children ot
Ooe negro was killed and wverff
wouuded <>u a Gaunt** negro excursion at '
Umou Springs, Abu, yeyterday.
llanoc-k county to to give a fate from '
Septemta r 13 to Fi. Henry Grady will
adureea the aaaewbied boat* and th'* fact '
Ugpatteer with tbe fine hue of exhibit*
invures a big attendance.
Aod now oxnea county, and ,
aay* *t»e to going to bare a county fair next (
fall. The more of UP * kind ibe belter. (
Tbe trouble with a heap of oxi nt tea in the (
Biate to that they keep a back mat and ,
don't let tbe people know <hc spirit ag writ
m the wortea ibal * ta them
The Georgia S'ate Fair op»na tn Mac*
aru -nIL hence. From al! accounts tbe
•xb btt Una yeat will be more complete
then ever. Two new counties, J-tep-r end
Wilkes wN nave esniblti. The Macou {
TiLgrapb cone’udea *ll comment* oa "w |
tnatier by asymg. “Tb® Fa** of '•# proru
tora to ta tbe grandest veer held under lb*
autptet-s of tbe county." Bo mole II ta.
AteMM " Thea—e* Stall are Malt u
Mr Thraa.
MixxKaruM*. September 21.—A ajwci-1 .
from liuikry, W i*.,eeyr: Kv« ry m mlh about
I'.-S time, the kthiaod aim G- rm .nia J "on
Mining Corn panic* pay .41 thru large loros
ot employ vs, and tor I fit* |«itpo»e Gaebler ’
Wuey, of toe Aanlaed National bsek *hl(
ped au iwuituae Hu. of mouey to Hurley ‘
(•at night Via. tta United Bielas JUprraa |
Lpu* th* arrival of tta mooey at Hur. .
toy, toe Express company eeat it to tta |
Iron Exchtege back in a wnrel-'jmruw.— ;
ihuaat i. the hour* 10 JU aod 11. JO Im'
•i*h>, the wm enured, nod Um co-
Urt ut Ibr pmfnl
cabmiboawav bt tumiiMv
Only tta in I our c--la left twbmd
Accordtag to Wttoy'e •talcin.nt, Atl.TO"
wm efaqqael tr<«n Aeetaod U> Hurley. O
Hie, fXt.iao wm Ht bank txrtto *lkMo
la goto ata fUrtO ta ail ver.
Tim ntatev* had tta*r laid *><*
perfectly. Like *reriy evtrv butk. tta ;
Uertey drpiMtory ta a vauk and a aafv j 1
Inatoe of It, with a UtaM tor*. A* th* |
money antvwl at *l3p- m a'ter the eta*. !
h>< «rt tta taM u could not te pat la tta
ant*. K w*» ptaced
ta a mu* vault,
taswvwr. aw CeVtiwr Krya
I* tb* b<ea lAtang oar* of tbe tremure j
«aiH 10-14 o'etack, wta® a frwn-t cam* ,
tear asd b* w*«t out ta tta theatre With .
tom- (
When UMCsahteT reteroed at li *» be
■ottad Utai the Vault door Had Imim ope* '
•St Laxtaag ianote be WM thaortn.
etrerit te am that th* aeoawy wm goa«
A iargv eamtw* of «m I euver cute* srere
mtttteeed «**♦ th* yh«* m»d
all was cuanrv-aow.
Ntta rtf Met-son was hurtted’y tote. |
tad te. b*t did tart receive any aotw ? ■
ert toe robtevy eatJ too tala '» e»teb 'ta
trris for Hvriey M«* evre tbe fmatw
c *< wa. tori by 'tee barrier* Tb* dta»r I f
ri Um vaalt ta.’ to* ta»e ms’rsrf. and it!,
sre* oprewd by .cnae mm wh» ba.l teaiwd (
lb* totaMtatbrn. Ttart w*re <*ty tw« |
rare mppnard to te * p-***»Mow <4 if I
CW-w Mqn***a »« Am«t*at CeshMt (
j Ire♦*ni Prfrin.
Tte r*a« aatortet "'*• »»• F’-WI. '
Tta rotamr* were rvwten 'y ie ten mwrb a<
I * huiiy to ttete ’be MM»B edeer, aod * IMO : <
i w.< teri tartaod-
Tta* VM*»d state* Bxjwea® cnanpevy to I
tte sw«r c< th* **«f Ttey did tart
j Mia Ibe bank, bet aaeiriy toft it 1
j there f« «J» fcwpeag «arr Vtgtel. Wba* It •
I snreid ta rtriivaxsd to the omwreta. ‘
; Maoagvr M M tycs.oltha Aaboad and, '
' G«r*«*f Buaa* U »!*•’> tbal th* <a- 1
pre** rnwapaey ws4 **»_•-*« a twaay ’
I wwd for Um aprevtaKama «< tbe torrgrtre. '
re i <
Aa ateeuoa <• tea peootoUM* qaeatfc* (
j to u> tea** ia Cnautovtirw ta t«m tbaa (
three «-**•. ttet. rtreage to *ay. there baa ,
tee* ep to th** tM** ao campetga ortftey t
er evadrteaa cd mtcreet. Nte * speaker ow i
rnUn* *4* tea ttoba* * ’ta n'amp. aod ike (
*eweapon devote MU* <* Ito ifnot to th* i
f rebtosL Tta* m a •****»*** tawtamata. ,
' eaptewaaw- Th* eetaaste-m e< iko q**e- i
- uo* b« te*«udore etatotf mvamtey t
nirr- ' tea brtw rtregg*. tearing ,
v-MOde teed to care. c
AhreX every tay to «*»re ■ ovre t
twenty-m* year* rid- Tbw *m wrt to- '
j haml aata the tagtertta bad *m made a *
I taw »•
Pay* re be a Gentleman.
No mitter what your avocation in life
may be —a merchant, a tailor, a black
smith, a printer, a painter, a lawyer, a
doctor, a prejciier, or a Skill, the jewelei—
it pays to te n gentleman.
A Stroke of Paraly. ia.
Mr. Mordecai Edwards, of Oglethorpe
was stricken with a light stroke of paraly
sis yesterday. Mr. Edwards has teen in
ill h- altb for some time, and at this writ
ing it is not known what the result will
be. He is an uncle of Mr. J. G. M. Ed
ward*. of this city, and has many friends
in Athens who wish for him a speedy re
1 Marriages.
On the 81st of October, Mr. John A.
Coates of this city, will be married to Miss
Mamie Coates, of Baltimore. A large party
from Athens will attend the ceremonies in
cident thereto.
Alsiut the middle ot October, Mr. Hugh
V. Downing, of Columbus, a member of
the class of will be married to Mias
Bunds Gibson, of Newnan. Mr. Downing
is well known to tte people of Athens, and
was to bare returned to the University for
law this year, but married life presented
’oo many charms for him, end bis many
friemla wifi have tbe opportunity of seeing
him on bis return from his wedding trip.—
Mr. A. C. Willcoxoti,of Newnan, who tea
member of the University law school, will
te Mr. Downing's best man.
Saturday'* Eailv.
Tbta h the M use es the new i'llmea Ledge.
Tbe tirsl Fa .mrs' Alliance founded in
Aluens, was ur>,aiiise>l yesterday after
nor* with the following ufflih.r: Pre*i
dent, W. H. Jaurmoui); Vice-President,
W. G. Woodfin; Secretary, Geo. E H- ard,
Jr; Treasurer, A. M. Bcadder; Door
keeper, (J. B. Vcronei; A-*i»tant Dooi
keeper, A. 8 Turner. Tbe President iu
furiM us tbst tbe Lodge starts out
with the most brilliant prospects, and that
a number of A’l anc-.-men who live ’n
town will soon transfer their membership
to thi* Lodge. Mr. Geo. T. Murrell or
ganised tbe new Lodge. There will ta
ano her meeting next Wcdueaday moruing
to perfect the organiaatioo.
What Mr. Tack H*« la Nay as lo tbe
Hon. Henry Tuck of the House of Rcj--
reaenlativea I* lu Uie city. He arrived <>a
the Northeastern railroad at mid-day, Mr.
Tuck bring* gi>>d new* to the people of
All>en< and to the frirnds of th* U ntversity.
With face teaming with en'hualsaai, be
Informs! a CHttoKtctJi man that Ibe Uni
vcralty to certain to get an appropriation
ot tMttreeo 13.W , >snd#0,(tao—<rt this there
to no longer any doubt. Tbe friend* of
the Unlre"»uy have ta'lied to it* support
• i<d tta bill will receive a hundred voir*
which in,ute* it* final pMaagv. Mr. Tuck
inform* u* that tte b>U appropriating a
'*rge sum for tte founding ot a Girls' In
dustrial Behind in Georgia will pass. It
licked only a few vote* of a constitutional
majority when voted oo a few dsya ago,
•nd it is certain that a eufUctent number
iof v<4«« will te arcurad lo inaare the paaa
ij* "f tte bill. Mr. Tock is very entbusl
»ii over the |>r>«|iec!* of these two bill*
' •»<! to loioc ell io hla power for them.
Tn. Lolvvraliy «pi>rq>riatom bII will
.a* up atentt next Wertnreday. Mr. Tuck
return* to the Oat* Cttv on Monday.
Far Hs Beelbs.
Miny of oar readers Willie, tte
Idled negro. Willto gm Into trouble !mi
i wr-rk. He attempted lo break Into tb*
, Ixm*- ot a negro woman in Greeneboro,
*nrt wm arteetad for tbe ofltatov, He was
i earned before county Judge Weaver, aad
i found guilty. On account of bto Infirmity
! be twniirmced to serve *ll month* ia
ibe ct.Aingnn* <w pay a tne of twenty dol
lar* end exasta. —Greensboro J< urnal
■Sana** •• Oa-hert*.
Mo ntMiexD, Mi'in.. Beptemter 90.
Tta** Brown wm hanged tare this moti i
tag tor Use murder of pottcegtan Povll, on
tte awiil ot October 17. IKM. Tta drop
i fr!l as- w mmutm before 4. Brown faced
iteatk bravely and died without aaliuggle.
Th>• ess ib» ercood tars! execution ut
drr th- new b««ta law, wt.lcb prescribe*
that the oHotrmmd aball te banged el
n>gbt, that no oewspepar reporters abail te
p rtrsl, aod tbai newspapera shall not
pot><M • tbe d*ta le of banging*. AU Iba
Twin City paorre publtated aroouala of
lirow ’« < xecUUnn.
Brown ma-lea ante of bto body *r>oM
lime ago to a <*•«*< of ttaa erty. th* pur
chew prig* teMsg lib. to te give* to *
rert«>» yosmg tody wb>*n ba erewie to
bare b-M to btg*» regard.
Brown wm >4 years old sod a very bald
chai seter.
a*SM ■»•*»»•» Hit to A owSkrr Sa s*e <*nee
Tartare* G« , tepreanter 19— A fatal
MXldrat ■re ported trews CtoVerdato. Mr.
Tta*M Harutoe's two auoa, tbe aldeat
A .-«»*«>. agol sta*t 17. aad Um yunager
mm . Tb- oxa*, wbo as about 14 years old,
ucwrd Itarr dug talking ia the w aode neM
th* bo***, and the king Ural ta bad "treed"
a tqvimi, th* otoeet boy procured a
dreata -tareatied brreriU-wdinr ebot-gow
Mto west to tbe ptaca. H« fouart tte
sqaiml aad fired two abr** at it, then
cs reeled tb* empty stall* and replaced
these with a loaded osse. 1* tbe mrsnUUM
tbe «Mber boy, Twwss, who bad f<Bowed,
pacted ap a stone aod wm tot lb* act of
itaowiag *1 the Kjwrrei. jeet as Aodaeaoa.
Who was »'*ndog behind bun. *lt>mptod
to grng tbe be/rri* of tta gun heck to
th»>r penpre piaer- By aosa* mean* tte
eartridgr area exptodad aod Use teavy
charge as ahot took eff-cl jort tabled j
Tamm's ear. ossktag a fngblfm wound j
aad krtiwg bsvs ateiM ine'anlJy. Tte |
rirto* trotter to aa aberted end grieved i
ovaa tte acodcai that te bM tacuree .
. . ■»
Local Dots.
The time of holding the Fair has been
changed so as not to conflict with dates of
Gainesville Fair.. The Fair will com
mence Tuesday, November 12th, and con
tinue for four days.
Miss Hollis, one of the most beautifu
young ladies of Americus, will enter Lucy
Cobb Institute next week.
Tbe O. B. German Club of the Univer
sity will meet in a few davs, elect mem
bers, and arrange for a series of entertain
ments to be given this Winter. Mr. Pres
ton 8. Arkwright, of Savannah, is Presi
dent of this Club, and is expected to arrive
in this city to-day.
Mi. Herbert Fleming came in last night
from an extended tour in the interert of
his firm. He tells us that the White Pla'ma
railroad is now ready for business, and tbe
first train will rnn over the road Monday.
Mrs. 8. B. Wingfield is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Short, in Madiaon. She
will remain some time.
In the past few years »he prescription
business in Athens has increased four-fold.
It was only a few years ago that each
physician compounded his own prescrip
tions. But now that Athena is taking on
city airs, they are sent to the drug store,
ami right here we will take occasion to aay
that the firm of L. D. Sledge & Co., are
doing an immense amount of this business,
Mr. Sledge, who ia experienced and careful,
has charge of thto feature of Ihe bnaiucss,
and gives bi* general attention to the pre
paring of prescriptions. It is not often
that be is able to be absent for even a few
minutes, from tire prescription countet.
The tace for Atmiveiaarian of the Dem
ostlienian Society, waxetb warm, but a
close vote is expected. The candidates an.
nounced are Messrs. F. E. Calloway and
J. R. L. Smith, either of whom will be a
credit u> the society. Others are spoken
us. who may come out aa candiditea at auy
lime, aod thus increase the warmth tor all
Mr. Arkwright, Preaident of the O B.
German Club having arrived, a meeting
will te held a; an early date. About fifteen
of last year's members have returned, and
about a* many more men will be Initiated
Tbia clnb added a great deal to the social*
pleasure* of Im; year, aud it look* m If it
will do even more this year.
M>m Georgia Slusaer, of Cleveland, Ohio,
ia in tbe city viaiting Mr*. M. A. JLipa
cmah. She to accompanied by a elater
wbo will enter tbe Lucy Cobb Inatitule.
Already people are talking about going
to the Piedmont Exposition. Mr. J. W.
Barnett, tbe efficient Athena Street Uom
uitoaioiiet, aay* be will be there at the
very first to ace tbe wild Indian show.
Mia* Minnie Cabiotoa, one of brightest
greouato* of the L. C. L last year, will take
a poet graduate course at that inatitntion
tbto year. Mias Holcomb, of Atlanta, wit f
also attend Lucy Cobb thto Mtoiun.
Miss M. E. Noble, wbu h M teen visiting
in the North and Kxxt during tue past
Summer, to expected home thia week.
Mr. F. G. Goran, of Rotnb, ia expected
back al the Univeraity after CbrtoimM.
Mtoa Lamar Rutherford left Saturday
for New Yotk, whence ah* will nil with
Mr. and Nil Hugh Hogan for Europe,
Mtoa Rutherford will thus be absent from
A Ciena society for some month* at the
least, aod 'tta even whispered that—but
we will let the future tell tta own tale.
Two Atlanta marriage* booked” fox
thto Fall are of internal lo Athena people,
from the fact that both of the gentlemen
interested have attended the Univcralty
aad are writ and favorably known to the
p*opl« of our city. Before Winter Mr.
Harvey JubMoa will wed Mtoa Maud
Clarke, and Mr. Will Speer will te unit- d
io m.rrtage to Mb*Silvey. Misses Clarke
and Silvey ar* both jiopular belli.* of
Atlanta, and tbe latter to m wealthy aa she
to aocotnp! labed aad popular.
Mr. 1. V. Murray bM add hi* inter t
in tta livery buainea* to Mr. Tboa. Bailey.
Mr. Murray will gtve hie entire lime aud
attctilMHi lo hl* revenue office.
Mr- Bud Fellow* to now with the store
bouse of A. O. Lyodon.
Mr. J. E Smith of last year** Sophomore
<Jam will arrive in tta city io a few day*
aod will take law.
Mrs Jww Herlag Heart.
A telegram received io the eUy to-day
announce* tte death of Mrs. Jearo Boring,
formerly Mr* Waller T. Colquitt, at Ox
ford. Alstama. Her death occurred st 9
o'clock tbto morning. Tbi* announcement
will carry sorrow to many heart* in Geor
gia, for Nr*. Boring wm widely known aod
greatly lo* d. She waa a great worker in
tbecsoaeof the Meibodtot church, aud
wm preaidcat of tte Woman's Miaaionary
aochrtf until ill health caused ter to give
up tte work. She wm about elx'y-flva
years of age at tta ttaw of tar death. Her
maiden name wm Hemet M. Itoaa, and
ate wa* a m*mter of Georgia'* Widely
ksown family of that name aad ia tbe lart
of thirteen ehdi’reo. Sb* graduated in
tte first clam that graduated from th*
Wniieyaa female college. She wa* Cap
tun Hugh C4qultf* mother. Bb* died at
iteb<>meof her eon, Mr. Wellborn CoL
qaitL Tte arrsagementa for tte funeral
have act teen mad* yet—Atlanta Journal
A WttaiGi BkK-BOO»
Woe Arveetr* aatwrrtar .Vlglsi Otter
rettee Rlewe.
A negro by tte name of Start Clem
ons earn* into tta city Bsturday night,
loaded with a heavy esliae. He wm no
ticed by tte poiteecaea, and aa eye waa
kept oo him. He aaemed to locate him
self oear Diet H*rrta* barter abop, aad
oOcrra Krily aod Gulp a'epped np to find
■*>< br truatoeaa. Hi* aalctai wav found
to cootaia four quarts ot ddf jrest kind*
of wtetotey, aod a coopte of cupa
Ttay arrraled him, aod ta confess**
tta’ te wm a aightM titer, aod WMdtob
hag rwt tte su-ff at 10 cent* per drtnk
Clem'O* wi;l bsv« a t>e«r>t>g before Mayor
Heanicntt to-m<>m/w afternoon.
Ouk Btrdsc 8-mih, entored, noted in tte
pU®e c»>an wm eoptanoaod to attend
Mayor's court Isat Tuesday but failed to
do ao. Bor u«d to “aktp tte city" tbto
•aorniar, tret Chert CNrear aad <4BtMT
Moon were too abarp so tar, aad ate wm
arrested al tte C. A M depot. Tte Mayor
will give ter a taaanag, atao.