The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, October 19, 1889, Image 1

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" i WORK -»ery Description NEATLY HD PWIPTLY niaill) AT IE C4RC JOB OFFICE. TH K "FOUNffl'.Y t MACHINE WORKS, ATHENS, GEORGIA. Manufactures Iron and Bras Caatinga, Mill and Gin Gearing .gUjp\ 1 WV *® d Machinery, Shafting, Pulley*, * Hangers, Ac., s a» Mills, H* od » nU Eower , ’ re «* c *’ C * oe ' Mtllaand Evaporator*. Belting. Packing of all kinds. In •pit a tore, Injectors. Valve*. Piping. Fittings, ***•«» *“ d WaUr Gung". *«■ We are now waking Furtable Stesm Engine*, which we sell with an absolute gsaraatee aa loquaHty and workmanship, and at prices that defy c»»pMHio«. We also ell Alla* and Ames Engines. Turbine Water Wheel*, Mill Stones, Bolling Cloth, and everything needed about a nil! or gin. Call and see us nr write to us before baying. THE MOST COMPLETE LINK OF BOOTS & SHOES IN ATHENS, IK AT THE ONE PRICE SHOE STORE, OF IB IttOU © SO g*Uef*eUoa gsarwatewd with every pair. PARR BROS, House and Sign Painters • DECORATORS and Deutero in Wall Paper PainU Oils Varnish •a, Brushos.EU' 11. Uam MM am»». nm mm tw unn enm THE ATHENS (JAS LIGHT CO.. —r« ■»«»••< ear eight. IIKAT and I’owEit. MAMM M COAL, COKE AND TAR, CABKM LLT SCMKMKD A SHIRA* ITK>.I MTUMINUCS COAL AT LOWEST MARKET RATEB. COKK a the rib-r-y—* »*d beet ftota Aw Coehleg «Msraw sad Rang* <- •»- r«-A*Btafli*. SMwwaraw. $20,000.00 tv LEND (m CLARKE AND AD JOINING COUNTIES Umnm MfaHa •••(-♦••••Uy at nix rut CKXT. (■«•■«*»« W. D. GriflfcUJ. (Mfev mi* O Farrwi. * Aab. A. 8 MANDEVILLE Jtw <w fcai lit rt »i Ml 5 liIMl < -*'i -e-i* Witrm et«xt iww | i MAmmat'Ml't'M * * M-» •-♦ DETECTIVE AGENCY. n*» Wif** o •* >■* •* **•-««*. jsjz* jjizzz* - m -- w* ■ ia« »w* x«m*. ** ♦ ®lje 2Vtljcn*3 tttahlg ffljwmdc . ix - • . VOL. XII. W.G. Lowry A’Co. AT (IIRfORBS 81.1) HIM). (lajtaa NtrraS. klAe*. taa.. Wholesale and Krtail ——*•***•• M DRUGS, M i:i CHEMICALS, ; HXK DHI.KT BOAFN. BRI >ND lOMßife Fancy Articles GREAT VARIETY PURE WINES LIQU OHS ru* bbxmcal vbk. nr FBT WCtaNW FBI Mwno«» to** Oa** Oee a*~w»i a*a * te* Sta*i tarasS, A* S*m I Q* traera ***** Bnflfle *U*A Cb» ‘Me dtas* , Fta rarate* >■**« «• «s*M «rara« I Ute kra* art *1 • W*»* tarau* »-**•»•> A ATHENS. GEORGIA. SATURDAY OCT. 19, 1889. itecas. itm* Frrwu aw* Tfctwg* Here aw* Tkere Mrir*< Newttowa*. I Mr. Mark Chesibam to agam io the city with his fife ads. We are glad to note that hi* health i» greatly improved. Let all who have relics worthy of ex- I bibit contribute to the socceas of the Northeast Georgia Fair. Everyone can > do •ometbicg toward* making the Fair a ■uccceea. and if all puli together, the re ran will be gratifying, and the Fair will be , wxuetbing of which Athena can point to with pride. The aucceM of the uoJrrUk -1 tag rests not with the directors, but wnb Ibe ciuaeoa of Athena. From Mr. J. D.‘B-i<smy,we learn of the r death of Mr. J. M. While at the home of b* sister, Mrs L K Harr* near Ntcbotaoc * on Tuesday, the Bte. He was lorty-fire yean of age, and waa a good soldier la tbs ■ate war, and had t-<-en in Texas for the I past twenty-live year*. He returned home Io die three w<»aa ago, being a victim to that drrad draeaae, coosaoipiia*. la hie f boy-bood deya, Mr. While WM wtU known aad quite a favorite « the neighborhood 1 WUer* be lived near Ntahuiao*. Be sis ami go to the eburch to-morrow. The preacher may touch upon the very •object yon wiah to bear The prvparsti .ns for tbs Hebrew Ball Nov. »<h, are pr«<rre»ing floaty and Ibe occaataa prumwea lo be one of the mual delightful ia lbs history of our city. Oaduway. Lambert sad Co are having their Mare-ratMß pat in order. sad will opa* up a stuck <4 goods Bell weak. Tbe •ns is a etroag owe, e»d wUI proper Baser* Lowe A Elder have had a naw tateptaMM ptaCad in thaw atare. It in No. n. The friends of Mr. Wilde McDowell will args bin ft election frtaa the secund ward, and be wul. •*> ifawirt make the rate. Hr | baa made a good taflewr end aa yet we ' have beard Bo upptwiuua lo him Ha w in tavur al pnasary •teutons The thou w«d wul bee. a r»-l rvprr ■reiaiivv m Mr. J M. Ractatf. The a*l>- meet lor bun to s»uk« las race » so etroag teat We era aura Mr Hacker wul be Aider mao tor the thud. <r ao doo ctai of the court. Mr C. D Vleeeei. trite bs teat a great deal rd bos toaea wife be waoaectod naxi w«eh. The 1 ovi. duchat m leU. A gaat amen from Khodv Idaad arrived in the city Uro as eai-g. and wdi acmpt a |Ma*l<Me to the machine flbupe <d the AibMO Fweadry. The Vuaußfefe* retarae thanks for a Mho* to the FbM. to be hrid ia UhMraeviUe Nov. b, •. Lead A We Bove eu doubt bet that the F«w wul he quite a raenem. aad that ▲tbeae wtd awed ep a aeaaiw at vaMssa tante at aaeneoc.meai at ite» merrtegv of Mr Magh Downing »•* Mina Mranda tettew*. of Newnan, ere eat. Mrs ». I Talwradge, n to wlvmaily | ■——ted, baa itea baadeuoMe* odtecte* I «d teat hoane S«wera to Athena. Mae ia a leag»i fl vm and aetuvewa many •*- qaMte vatu Was *ee -Ctoy Tn«- MMrw la oatWheOdamn Mr George Hedge* baa Mamed *e Ute alty atw *a eiteeebJ imiaiaani inp. Tea AtiaaM Juorwel <d tMurday baa th* . fidtowtaa - Tbr«e at AiMea yuaag ladies Mm toe Ute and S>eate Uuhee. sad Kate > Ihawy era the «•**• at Stea Clto fl ml th. to Wee Maher St Taaf wdl stay only a tww days e«<ag to ibe acteoad Jaime at Laacy Ototo.'* t It to MOW Han* to pay tea* taMaHmaa* as atoy ia*. and m*to*i» M Watt Ora* at Ornnh Opera Cteaayi ay wriwd to *lbeate today He oetotiaay wtt! twevrat rww at »te»W eow epavaa'- V»- geam* end The Srteoada” an tbto tety BOO* M-mdar and faraday rights The Athens poMtat w® lara mho the arse*‘a •any td tba tee iteel «e**poay hem m* r** The two fritowtag fvoto the A Mala pnprav w*d be td ie«**vot b» htbrae penptai ! Sea Imwte bva oftee vuMed here sad to a I great fheaaate to set city. Mee Bagto* Mkwhm and Mtee 1 M«vt»e two at Atb***' uset temeiifri ami i hrMtoaet praag todteo •*» have bee* the reram at Men J-m WySa. toft *>w tbwe bran* (hto *w« moea to the ngrvt at at ibrat a*aay Atensa* »lm ton. Moe ClMtota Lew*, at N-«hr«h*ry. AMmara to, Man SHte Beawett. and atoo rash* • vert to Meo M* 1 H ghtewate a* bte bratdy S *gaw a d bento i ’ totovte rvtwaetohg to Aisha*** •• Lew* • seen a outed b*ba and beMMv ***** | and math the* ateerat awry oae*e*«wtae | Mio | i rami bra ham* **M a* bra tew Irat ! hot d ate* ca*eM b>*r at * iimpiiMiet a* I ae* to set tec* sad ***** ** •*». «** } a raid base ba want at angiaaMy to ' tram, .van «<• feel pet at ibe reymmt <4 y*ar «»> ’ ten l*»y •» mtete end MBte Mraday • thnfly Ttee Vtev tea** *«ehs Lto* *®M abMOI «br•** v'gtae*. th* tearaoe eateStotel to <b* bmato baaaagteg to , ■r W C ha* era panafeay hate rived b. I ■ pm O* *« *e tb> aflbneacy to ib* hOera Fw» toprawneet m» Sra era raungw* I e- . . e. kA* fttotoaAJsQlMl ■PMMW WWW»;- : -WW*y eram uu * The terara - tetoto ■ f by **«>r*J a* . gn>M**a>i MaeMwe to tea Ara te enAaotea. ; Tte. taaai Into Wtol »a* ****** flli* aaaaa. i ( to W to**e-m. w«b to. to—hraa Mate*. « berate tesaeaeetam. The teraaM* sew <*e~* to Faraper. I « JaateMto e-rarty. haa bteraa braa sera- | ■ pete I atot toe aetoeaneo WMe l •* *» | j am* a* toe bran** Aoeday to i*o rarato. the wwrate ** be paaosteto by Mm A B Btoflaa. to fcraram Oto Fte tpara toe totoeu obento, sad hra hml ae raraaCve* era* to toe meai dweeaa* Olrta teai m ta* flteMte Btohwp Feara tort tobar dtea**. yemato |Wv .rerae teew tmpera-Jy ymmes to bora, *to «Mbo graari atiwraaiß have eg. oersto m to* btetery Two wri I ebtomi ’ te * nape nmtoSWfto «to to to* «MK •ranarnriMteheruteete; Yto OtoMt* to J «Mto ehfibltotoe ***** Atom* ato to « toe Atseaa tote**, nadter to* pn*. ; teetorae* to Sr S. B Bran I The S^Aly^trtoraMikr~to **M Bra T. BaWto Tterae «> to ye teat, era torn*? , »Atovayto to flra •**•*»■ Munday'* Daily. Death of Miw Faaate Stryhea*. Tbia estimable young lady, who has been eick for two years or more, died at the rasideocc nt her mother on Mucbell etreet, thia afternoon al one o’clock. She was about twenty-four y»-*ni of nee, and ; waa much beloved by a large circle of | friends She was a member of St. Mary's I Episcopal church, and we learn waa a faithful teacher in the Sunday School of that church. Her lovable ebarketer made her many friends We suppoee the funeral wilt take place to-morrow atterDoon. ■i. Cebh Laapkia. Aa will be seen from the announcement in another column, Mr Cobb Lampkin baa cuoaenled to ruu fur alderman in the 4lb ward. Mr. Lampkin ia 100 well known in A then* to need a word of commendation from hie friend* One of our beet buaineto i men, alive to all the question* that aflect . tbo public ink real*, and to-ing a td ‘ undoubted integrity, be is a very .tillable person to be placed among the City Fn- Iber* Wwraaw** miniewarr Soviety. The annual dwtrict meet mg ol tb« Wo man's Mmuonary Cxrty. of Ibe Atben* Dstrict. will be beid at Athens, October Ifl-fll. Let each AaxJmry and Juvenile auciety be represented. Delegate* are re quevted lo bring written reporta- Delegates will send Iber naaMatuMi** Maine ore ly. Athena, o*., 00 that homes may be provided. Mas J. W BAN DEES. D*<rici Secretary. Fr.en the above from Urn CbrteUao Ad eonat*. it wUI ba sees that th* eocwty wfll meal in Atbeua aeon. W* te*l rare that ibe Jekgatea wiU be tawpnably eourto' - to, end that a large number will be pr»- «il. Tbi* urgsaiaatton baa dotte .nd * doing a good work, and deserve* much eu ixHiragemeat. Artie* to th* kiUaam Arana*. Oct 10 —AI th* mevtiog of the Allman** to Clark,. Madinoo, Jatoaoc, Ooupee and Ogietburpo cuuntraa. the fol lowing ranolulioa wm unsauaouriy adopt ed, Tba w hereto tafunaattoa baa come tu a* that there ar* certain bMtcbaau ia oaf midat that ar* **<Lng cow jote. There fore ba It raeuivto. that we ar* determined ia felure not to deal with Bay atercbaute w>» paratot is dealing ia new jate. All p*iwr» Is Um above and adj<4atag aiuaUe*. are rvqeeated to copy lb* above Uhl, T. Mt BBMt-L, U K. Hkabd, Frvetdeot. ttecr.tary A tosaato* tpiraUra A few d*y* ago aa Atlanta lady c«a*e to oar erty to to* trratto by Dr. SC tteae dtet fur a raae to ebrubta p>v«n*y or what * mramonlySeowa aa dmpoy to the cheat Ab* had (MMOltad vartou* phyweiab* la ddhvesl c>Ue* of tba evontry la order lu obtria rattef. tail no** dM be* nay good. Üba fleetly decidto lu rataait ber caw to Dr. Itewedlct to thto eiy. *bd aa apsr*tina waa pwrturated th* aeoraiag at Ibe Osb aerartel tatoL By aa inject aa. Dr. Bv»>- tiM atKKwedtd ia drawing off two quart* and a bblf to flak! from her cbaet, giving bar lb* raMt aba baa **<it la vain f« •twites Tria to •■** to the larpral quantum* to fleid ever vatrwead fra* a hnanau body la a itho ceae is Ute btotory to madiclbe tb*a aba rmel am ran at to foratg* metier hog tatbily dapiecod her heart, lurcaag baa test hug >»*•' • vary *ma l kwwtay *nd mobiag raepiraiitea ddflewlt and awSaea iteo prabaMe The patieat aiept tbo •MMbg * • *y»M f«» Ute Atetimwtei aerate*. Dr Baondart has aawaMtefai rarteuea* to Uue dafltewte yaena to aorgwoi work. Batardvy'a Dtoiy A aw a rata PwaotMy. Tbte mrweiag th* mate tadoogta* in a Mr Matt*, to Jwrbana <o«My. wan htoctad era te front to lb* prate* bapdqwnrtera A littlte *«• to Mrs Bota N*tra. to <hM*av eeartrty. waa te lb* cWy aau be brragbt wna baa a flt’te flew dag to wbteb be was an drawee* that ae «*m>d H aA-rai Mi ho arms Yraeg ■«w b«ppro«d te para ia law *irte»tjr to kbv rate*, and te so oanag Ibe matte dag ra ad aawtae *® do wuenteeo •Ay—al k«a»*. rratorag Ma ha* b ap*o the . Aqi Mi tba tuite buy a area*. riUmg Km •caoUy and rptetti ttag <* !».wg and braraa | *.l oewr lb* panara to Me bi-te uwrar tba M Bteg* port to the a*a»r te Ura! the boy we* *** at hart. Ba. booraw. Cboerag «*e waa to a btete pat _ Para* in Ibt Virra Na* Boa*. Oat. It— Aa an etna Im* aaaa aara •*» a ban’tew grata at the net aa* to Caartra abd Claateri auras* *i I o'ewc* item ravnrag from ramtact wu* aa »tee-rw ww» B. »w raaph.yed by the •o-rrt V sow ate! yrrarawd a terr tea Mght aa tee tfwd on tte* .*t weak at tee wwta * raait ear nta* the tee fy floM ‘ acta*dy a**te tee taaaly araate and tee hirate pamr ate ** the o*4»w».* aod oev« tba cfeghra to tee tearnbad ip* r-ten ra. Tte* orator a* rawwrrteg m th* •«Mte te - tba day, te *•* to te* teaoy pan* to tea rrty. *ea wnawmed by a *»<* crawd The - man * totoy my heap and •**»•*• **** ' ibe maw to e «wa nttera ol telb* rar* •rwn to the pane* Fw'ameai. baaragM -art a Mdga* sod wn* ap •Mb th* vs aa* w rat tan w** Tha aa* was t*l te ba •*& la ffte* **nara •We tend terawnf ,< tba b*< tbe mo* • ten. wtarA *ra iev*4 urarate ’be atom**. Ha tot are* on. ahaa te*re ap and vevry fa* weste® a te* I traqwwi raw tram *«<-«■* pan* to f am tardy. BaMdrad* to peapte ahwte ttts ‘ nrag ante terw. at «tay vaeat Mb* **r te steta oraewaaA Fto a Utee no «* i •rad rage nans Aawmteara taapb . Br Yete* Mara** ett tew dapwtw* tn terwad te Athame v~4oy *fwv • rarremfW rwd »» Mota* m iary On te* rsr*- ww* i nay a preen 1 twn «tdb* bbd liepgtel f b*A te As** fl* te iiamibmra*. ibe ran grate* re* Mtoßmey and raaahav retene nmn and W* a nape* Weep teraaad ibe past* weu******** a* ter a beep to Iras* Ttey *w nearw* »*. tef by ■’ Bw-ay h, Cteamaedfla flay wml Monday’s Daily. AT THE CHURCHES. FINB aEHnONM OM SVNDAY. Large Congregntio* at ibe Churches. Yvtterday waa a typical Sunday. Not a cloud obscured tbe besuty of the sky, and all nature seemed to be in harmony with tbe prsiae which ascended from the varmoa bouses of worship in our city. A large portion of our imputation waa out at the churcbea, and all seemed to enter into the worship of the day with tbe feel ing of thanksgiving, to appropriate at thia a.-«aun, when tbe bounteous hand of Prov. idence is rewarding the >atx>rs ol our peo ple with plentiful return*. Tbe CiuaMi cl* reporter* were present at tbe various churches. We submit fur cotuideration, the synop** of ibe various d scouree* AT THK Finer BAPTIST CUCBCH. Bav. C. D. Campbell, the pastor preach- and holy uxuiauuKMi wan •dmintetervd Jltor lira sermon. Dr. Campbell took bi* text from the fifth verse of the 37 Psalm: "Commit thy way unto tbe Lord; trust alao tn Him and He shall bring it to pam." One o< the hsrdeet thing* lo do is tuat in dicated by tbe text We are not only to commit our eoul sad body, property and pitomainns, but wbat we do—our work, whether tt be done by hand or purse, or what ever way. We are to wait. Some too eager to reap results. Great patrance and fortitude u required to await result* It le eaahr to work fur results than wait ft* tbtin "He shall bring kt to paa*” There are force* that we do not understand at work in ten thousand time* ten thou sand diff real way* tn tba world, but God baa ksAsd upon a man that has begun a work, and '•He will bring it to paa*” We •bouki work aa commanded, if we would expect tbe beet result* AT TMB rtn»T MKTHomeT CHVai’H. KeV. W. D. Andersou preached. 11* took hi* text from Bl Mstiraw x>H, 83: "Another parable put Be forth ualo them . The Kiugdom of H.aven is like unto ieareu which a womaa took and hid in three mraHirew of meal, lid tbe whole ws* leavened." This m one to tbe several beautiful coai|>an*>M mads betwern th* Kingdom to <Ld, aad earthly tbrnga with which we are famutar. We all know Ibat “a ItlM raaven ieaveirath tbe whole lump? and so H b with the Grapel to Christ! Title pearl to great pAm post mar d by any oou, » eure to bars its vslira *b*r<rd by any who oouw wubla the circle of Its lu. fiocaor From year tu year, trowi century tu century, tbs haven to tu* truth left <>n earth by Christ, be* tacrera d eoaUuuall), aad lodar millions to *rals adbei* to tbe creed which wa have adopted. It is tbruegh a* Ibe deci pis* at CUM, Ural Him tea** m enabled to extend Ita tafiu ee* through the whole World. Lei u* out be rverrant* in tbe service wludi ebould engage <rar beet eudauvur* at th* artecor al extent h. Rev. J. C. Davie prvectard from Luk* xlv. 11l Thia wr*> tracba* butuldtj. Hamdity. tn the aaoeal tune* wb<a Ura cuarag* to Bps tn wan cuaatMrsd the rtsadard to lira wurld, was dm *i sn-xher name fur ouWsrdico Th* humility to tbe present day M aa flttiag MAM veraottel to a Christian Ilf*. Wv atarald tw bumble io wbate»sr Matron ta life wa dud ixiwirw, rvwetntraru.g that th* *•■» hand wteeb Ut Mi IBcS# puBtUOM of bußUf sad trust, tan also dasplaos a* Jest a* tee Bartrar w*ahad the fset to bte d*c:- ptea. *u al* •« atara.d entram oe eravww us lowly a* 100 bluatM* lo vagag* w, lu* tee glory to God ar nut rnanarnuu *n otcacs. A*e. C- W. ’ tri* Juka Uk, IA-tTi "Bu wtara lira? ba* Jura*. J*o* asiui » tfeaeuu Feu*. 'B*o«. ' •»« to Juese, bKVsM Mo* ura *** tbaa ' Uwsto'ra* O-tertteara, ate* asked ta *IMM *Wait< | BFy 43ntMlKA*tl a MUkd ** A***.* l^l •f'* IMte, setra* I" <» ata* hraa te J rasa a* Uaa flrw. »<ki*4 aa* t*M* faqsaetta* to Gudh ■** Tbe »4te*it>ea to twd tbe eb asp to U * to I eraii sjoe tbe fsmlbar ln»a<rry i ta tee Kara. **«c* «sa •«**tt*By s *••- I try to rtnpbrarto. Tba sd*rali*ne appiraa •art ra y te preackem, bra to sb servants ta Go*. "Ya are tee <**! at tbsaartb." !•> pMWaa refer* to Ib tels taieg r»* da*oy nil petone*) Cknatraa* R,lGme ft kNottDflk-Übfl*W U> be takas ‘ «■ ao* <4 al i tanrarat'e Mtw*-, n to a beta*. l*>ate>a* **. a Sautter vbir* | ekaufei r»*r e*fa«a oa* mUuaaawas. sod [ »eb« MW *«rvic». Dr Laoebi aer*ra wee ta tee ataar* ta * pnar-«**•«■» • *;4m* *•* see vary »ravre«tr *H>vef«*. exosea •rsxurr cwrar* Hr* H ■ !>*:.** eave as •orkrat skd toitevraiiaa wr** *ra "Tto* Wit era of tke Spsru." Tbe text «a* ent. i-r s*d I*k erara "Tbe Bpani itaeil bera r«b •■’*«* wate oat apertto tea* •» era 'be ebiMr* ta G«*." Tbe epmakra ta tearbtel *m. tba* tbe 4«ctrtee nt tee **t aoi to tba kp«r»t raw a* at te* eaediasl p»ate te ibe M-tta-ri* rrratl ebicb «•* susawiy le*rart oa bv Er Watery. H« feflbm* ta tke terse »<*ka la tkc Serai jartiArertoa. rt*raer*tana o»4 **<** »*— a tar* 'taraatb dtoeraat aad rapratae . tevre eis **li - ■ eiiij- parfarteod, s>*d test •Ite Ike*, nwra tee o-rae-rararaa <4 tke *i»SMM at Ibe Star*. Be teed if *a brad tea* a Arata* *e teraoM k*>« rt fart oar • «*. e*4 «*ete bav* te* Ursa taker ersMk—'«>«*. Jey *•* Jrttae —•• Wto«*rita ta < Tbe yerarabra <a*c*a*sd tbe •**« by peraara* to*, ape* array b-art. tee raprvtaat reetert ee to erbakfera «ae* ana } Irad Ser birae** aa hurana tee Staora at te* Btay «*■*« •*»»*** srtob tba* epar* teal ttay *rv»« te* <*A •*W Ge*. Etf B**B 18 nu UFtTWL. h fto teiie*te I Kites Era* Tbrtr WMA? BaMy. IAVXAWV*Oe» tX-Tto» tatataatoe* bra ***** t*e crtncta* at ***■■* veery b*4y. b*t »e tart Ar*vi"p**rt wbw* •ararat •» be-flse 1* P>*to** tea **». Tao sera rn*te*l to *•** be* tee boewtae prarta* at tee «*y seed ■ bas MM ba*** teraoy* ******** »se **kae* st te* | k*tairra to fu *e*s tar testa ***** * mr **s * carrvo* eras-*"*** tta *"*••* t*to* M bae* roe te rae* ;13 tee »• ***** at te* *»*■ *** Fl* martra toe* tee* raa * <**-?y teta .im taßcrato ***** teertara tarara ba*v I finally kicked and to-day presented tbe m itter to Adjutant-General Kell, keeper of the public buddings, it is understood that he will issue an order closing up tbe place. Monday’s Daily. CUEKF. SIPEEIOB COIET. It Caarraes te-day—4 Fall Derket—Sewe *f the Mast laipertaat Cases. Clarke Superior court meets to-day and the lawyers who have been loading up for tbe past six months upon the esses which come up tor trurl at this term of the court will now have sn opportunity to unload to their owu satisfaction and to the die- Comfiture of tbe inucb-sbused, yet indis peosible jury. The court upon convening find* its bands lull. A number of suits have been fiimi and a number to criminal case* are alao reported as coming up for consideration during the next two weeks. Among the criminal eases to be tried are the following: Charlie Lester and Henry BulLck for the murder to Bill McWhorter. Col. E. T. Brown represent* tbe defendants in Ibu case. Then Lou Henderson, charged with tbe burning of ber child, will be tried. She ba* retained Col. B. 11. Noble a* ber attorney, and a* this will be the maiden eflort of thia young attorney bia friend* are expecting something great from him. Tbe following are the other important criminal caae* : Will Jackam and Evan Bander*, assault with intent to murder. Lumpkin & Btrnetl attorney*. Will Jackson, assault with intent to rape. B. H. Noble attorney. Henry Thoma*, charged with kidnap ping. B 11. Noble for defendant. Alonso Foster, charged with burglary. Cbaa Smith, burglary. Thomas A Btrickl*nd attorney*. Larkin A Rodgers, charged with re ceiving Stolen good* In the Civil docket, K 8. Jaffray & Co. sue J. A. Mnllaoe A Co. on bill, etc. Bar row A Thomae fur plaintiff, T. W. Rucker for defendant. Gann A Reave* v* Northeastern R. R. Company oa petition. Lumpkin A Bur nett, J. H Lumpkin, and T. W. Rucker for plaintiff; Barrow A Tbotna* for de fendant. R Niekereon cues T. C Hampton, J. W. Haiuptoo and C. D. McKie. Attorneys, A. L Mttcirail, A. th Krwtas, and Barrow A Thoma* The number of damage suite on hand is a* grsat a* ever, and H b probable that ere tbe court adjourn*, several verdict* for large amounts will have been rendered againat th* oxporatbxia centering in Athene To begin with. Wash Howi.a Bratou Field, Dsania Maddox and bamuel V«rgll each sue Martin A Porter for • 1.000. Lumpkin A Bnreett rwpraeent the plainpffn and Ttiona* A Btncktand Ura def* ndsnl* Fannie Mucklva etraa ths Northeastern H R. for JA.OoO f«w personal Injurie* Bbe is r»prraenied by Lumpkin A Burnett. Harrow A Tuvma* nqirrasatiiig the rail ro*l. J. H Rockra aje* lbs C. A M. R R tor t;>» tot tajury to hta property. He is fopewHited by Mr T W. Ruck*. Tbom-a A tarickiaad reptraaoung Ura railroad. W. A Carltoa mm* tbe C. A M. R. R. for damage* to propraty. Hw attoraey* are B»rrow A Thomae. CbarM* Wais* m>v* lb* N. E R R ft* fl-Nov tor prreooal lujultra. Mt. Tranis Araker rsprawrai* b.m. W O. Pric . umnMb bi* altorasva. RuaasU A Hugta*. eora tbe oty for >3.000 damage* to bi* property. tr. Juba F. Nttcbaii eoe* tbe Athens Nanefactartag Cmajrany f« >3.K». Ik* Haya* **■ Mr. Myra Stern for >B.OOO for personal d-magna. it * alleged by lbs piatoHf that Ura defraeJant struck him i wnb a beae tadl bat tafiwttng seriow m l I pramanent tajwrtra, and ftw thia raaran be wistaw >3.000 damagsa fr<* Ura coart* A *aw**tkraal suit wbteb w <ra tea docket ft* tnal te one for >lo.ol® against Mr Merit Oraper P«pe- Th* piateuff <a Mr. R. H. Elrod aad ura charge >* libel. Tira earn area Ota to *a arttcls which ap. parnrrd in Lira Btetrar-WasrhmM while Mr draper Pop* was uwara to tbai p*p-», Ma'iug that Elrod h*l riote* "Uh bia •lace II rt • Xpert«d that eotn* aeara t- —»' rssieo* wdi ba bruogbt wot to the tnra. what Waa pnms To-tiAT. Tbe ItapraK* Court of Crarkc county <*ravrawd tew morning al 10 u cluck, Joigr NL If praeedrag fltatcltor Geocra Brarafl wZs oa band, aad a iatg* anmber to membera to tee bn* were pranrot Tira ; anceclM waa ap*t la arraog’ng for b*t aaea. tee ttotowmg Grand Jary being anarad i C W Taioradgv. frwwanrti . Wm R Trak Jaa*wr N Tte*p*m, Wm L Woo*. E k cosnry Aadnrw J W*ga* Wm J H*n il W R T«rt»y. A H H R M BcAlpto L Bcaevawrti. Henry B»*ra, T 11 D anag. J F<J Kriley, J H Bra.--*, W P H Epp*. A A MrDuflte. W V Brack. J E Bradterry, j JU* El ward*. G T MarrU aad T H Doster. T*x *•.•.'• Ver*. Wa arv teftwmad by Mr. Trak teal tbe Bo*e wA tbm week pa* a Ml hmglbei- , •g tea term to o*m to May* fro* oa* *i> two year* Thu w a fact • bleb probe toy bra rwoaped tea aouce to Ura ossa* to oar dW*. aad ebmdd b* borne to m»ad : tn tbe «aaM*g eaaastera tor Mayor. Mr. Twea •<«***• •* tea* tee LnrMatore wd > ; ora.aMMy tefjrrara by Nov. UK. The Hu<* te auw ia Ura ba*w to *d- JMT*. as* «l t* ** y * fl **>ra to a lew *ya wbaß the "waste wi*l ba wdlmg to 1 cuccat la a tenriam to adjuor* Mr. Tac* I rayateM tee P—*« Eapomtran M. •mom aa* be ndvmra tee ptaxic gamermly te tabs M at- Ttereo*; axfe.twis arv ■ternstUeort setter Bsp-raten* Kraran-ly • foH to a"* ■*»- Tbe «taf Wrta •ter* bra ewegbt tee ayv at tbe G-arw , irrmar-v. a»d Mr. Tart nays that be le ( tefonra* bv te*» <* ** «»*<» who bare rate K that *te •<****•* grata. j •* ♦ 1 Brartelee*'* Armlem Brtlve. Twa Hoot Safer* m the w«*M fart C*G Drarara bur* l <«r* Ba-i Btraom* Fevwr rXTrrtte* < feapr s ' Crei.* aad alt Bk« Enyr*a, ata p*4 ( owy rww Fite*. «r * pay raapeWed. U I* reesais* to «>vw rartata rat aJert**, or *»«y Momd-d. Fr« I, Fur** >» Jtota C»w*rt* *G* j 1 NUMBER 45 THE INDUSTRIAL HOME. The Chronicle had the pleasure yesterday of presenting to our peo ple the 3<i quarterlj 7 report of the Athens Industrial Home. It met ited the attentive and careful per usal which it no doubt received. It shows that the ladies iu charge have utilized with all care and economy the means at their disposal, and that dozens of beneficiaries of their char ity are to be found in our city. In addition to the business portion of the communication, however, there is another part of the report which demands the attention of the public. It is an appeal for aid in prosecution of the good work, in which these good ladies are engaged- This onb sentence in that report contains a world of meaning and appeal to the people of our city: “If we only had more money, the good we could do is incalculable.” We are certain that it ia necessary only to cad the attention of our people to the needs of ibis worthy charity to enable it to receive the assistance which it deserves. Athens has never been backward when any work of this kind has demanded its aliens lion, and we arc sure that we risk nothing in saying that'.he people of this oily will support the ladies who are conducting ibis home, in their efforts to do good lo the worthy poor of our city. Tbe report stales that tbe Home has recently lost eight of it* honorary members by resignation, and that tbe prospects for increased work this winter are not very flat tering. We can but urge the public generally with the greatest earuest neaa to throw into tbe hands of this Home all work which they posaibly can; the work ia not a private one, but one In which the whole public are interested. The rigors of winter are fast approaching when, in addi tion to the expense of food, there will be the additional one* of fuel and heavier clothing to be sustained by our poor. And when the suffering and needy people of our city appeal to thia Home for aid, we trust that it will be said to tbe honor of our city that they did not go away empty handed. Such demands upon tbe charity of the Home will he frequent during the next few months. We submit lo our people, with the ut most confidence that it will be sat isfactorily answered, the query of these worthy 1 silica. “How can we meet thia demand. F* TRAGEDY IN WARRENTON. At nine o’clock on Saturday rooming, a bloody tragedy took place io the town of Warrenton. Ma jor Charles K. McGregor shot three pistol bails into the body and bead of Mr. James M. W. Cody, any one of which would bava icillrd him. There ha* been trouble be tween these gentlemen for a long lime. On the night of December S 3, 1887, while entering bis front yard, MHiregnr waa fired upon by eome uukoown parly, who was concealed iu ambush in tbe shrubbery in the yard. The bullet struck him on the right side, and McGregor was in a critical condition. For •ome lime thia deed waa shrouded In mystery, but finally it waa developed that (Jody did the shoot iug. For some reason there was a delay in tbe matter, but fifteen months af terwards Cody was indicted by tbe grand jury of Warren county for the crime. Tbe trial was lo have taken place last week, when Warren Su perior court was in sesalon, but ' Cody failed to put in an appearance, and tbe officers could not find him io the county. Cody's friends give whet they consider gocej reasons for aon-sj.jx-srsnce at court- When court adjourned hr came into War renton on Saturday morning, and was killed, as above elated. No words prase*i between the paniee at all. and McGregor <ommenced firing ** be advanced toward tbe deceased. There raema to be eome mystery in cowbection with tbe affair, which wtii doubtleae be brought to light ia tbe cruroe of the trial. Mc- Gregor al once surrendered to tbe officers of the law. St. Jobs, N. B . Oct 5 —The po lice and poeial auihonties have oo for found ao clew lo the person who mailed poisoned confectionery here to the families of Protestant degi maa Troop and eon. A leading ship ping firm here offer >!<*) towards rsialag a feed for obtaining the beet detective ability ialtoe United States to ferret oat the perpecratora of the dtklanlir act. *1 be rosamoo Cooa cil yeaterday decided to offer 11.000 for tbe capture of the guilty parties, and today's papers contain a pro c'amatioe published by tbe author, tty of Sir Leonard Hlly. Lieutesant G*>ver»<w. offering more for their convmuo*. J H. Beggsas tea t*» c««* tec.** bead two tartse •qnw fur aafc tw '-.AN ATHENS CHRONIC*- SUBSCRIPTION Sl.oo PFR Y ADVANCE ADVERTISING RATES REASONABLE COLONIZATION. We referred in the Chronicle a few days ago to the fact that some cf tbe colored people had suggested that a petition be presented to the congress, asking that one of the territories be set apart for the use of the colored people exclusively, and that the negroes be allowed, like the Indians, to have a State which they may call their own. There seems to be a state of un rest among the colored people in various Southern States at this time. We notice that thousands of them have left North Carolina and have gone to Louisiana and Arkansas. So far as we know, there is little feeling of this sort in this section. Tit Marietta not long since, a meet ing was held, in which action was taken favoring colonization. • A friend tells us that he had a talk a few days ago with a worthy colored minister in this county who was highly in favor of the coloniza tion scheme. He was asked if he would emigrate if a territory could be secured for the colored people The reply was that he would cer tainly do ao, and thought hia people in tbe main would be in favor of it. Thia waa a white man’a country, he •aid, and be did not believe that the colored man could ever develop his highest powers here. Ina stale of hia own, with no antagonism from other races, be thought the negro would thrive the beat, and therefore he waa in favor of the scheme for colonizing the race in a state to themselves. The view* given above came from a very inleligent colored minister in thia county, and we judge from hia remarks that others of hia race in thia section have been considering tbe subject. There ia evidently a stele of agitation among them on this subject, but whether it will amount to anything remains to be seen. JEFF DAVIS’ LAND FOR BALK Jackson, Mias., Oct. 12.—Tbe Davis Land Company, which is a regularly chartered institution un der tbe laws of M ississippi,today per fected plans for the issuance of stock at >lO per share Tbe object of the company is lo sell about 6,000 scree of land owned by Jefferson Davison While River, Arkansas. This land is said to be very valuable there being an estimate already made of the value of timber per acre. Tbe figures are placed as high >30,- 000. Tbe state treasurer, Heming way, is president of the company, and boots for subscriptions are open. Two men have been selected to can* vsm tbe stele in behalf of the com pany, and il is predicted they will soon raise tbe >IOO,OOO necessary to buy tbe land from the ex-President of the Confederacy. A Chinese banking house Is soon to be opened in New York city, and it will be the first of Ils kind in the United States. A small rale of intereet ia to be paid to each regular depositor, and the money ia to be let out on a larger interest to legit imate business bouses in Molt street, where the present rate of Interest is between 10 and 15 per cent, for email loans on good security. Thia banking scheme Indicates that the Chinese popula tion io increasing rapily. Tke Fire* kervtoee. Tbe first to tbe Bunday sf trrmxm servl ca* which Dr. Boggs will hold from this lime every Bunday al 4 o'clock, occurred yrtaeeday. A large number of atudeuts sod member* of tbs Faculty was lo al tendaoce. With the >IOO appropriated by the Hoard of Tru»Ura», an organ and bymn b>xA* bail been purchased, and the tnuric wa* excellent Uwoogbout. Prof. J. P. Campbell presided st tbe organ, and a choir ooMMSting to Prof. Blrsban, Messrs. B.aMogsme, Newell. Howeil, Trible and other* led tbe ringing. Dr. Boggs con ducted tee services, bis addram being an catllMto tbs coorse which be would adopt in future lecture* He Mid that in hia capaAty ae preaeber, there were many teloga to ba aald which might appear bard. Tbs purpose <4 tbe exercteas would be tbe remedy ta any speriai evil which might btcosae prevsJent in tbe University, as well »s the grvnd geoeral purpowe of bring ing souls to Cbtist. Dr. Boggs Mid that is bis •ddrreeea, b- would know no de aosnmaUnn, no aecL Tbe dtocrasioo to doeuieai quraxkraa, toe woald leave lo the purtors of ibe several ebareno* Tbe ex ercraea yesterday were well attended, end were leterssting, and much good is prutn wed for the tutor* There to a story circulating tbroagh tbs city to tee eff « that s y rang cotor** wo man baa be* crazed broeoes ta swrvqwft *! tew. Six i»aa form-d an overpower ing attoeburant, «'it S said, for Ike peaior of her cbufcb. who w already engaged lo another member ta bis flock. Tbs prerato ra. toowevsr, te ata eognttaat of tbe wo •n'l tasMrty, •>* of ber mad paamra for torn. Ittobriev** teal tbs young wo •u will evrotsrily Aad aa oppnrtentty sod comesn MMdde. M >be is fully aware ta tbe boprismeea* ta rar cser—Aagnata tbcairi*