The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, October 19, 1889, Image 2

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The Athens Chronicle. C«bl>»! - evary Aaiuntay Motaiup. •»• Dollar ttf Tom-, iMarteMy tai U«w». TUB LA AH. £**r CfTY Cl MCI LA IOM. l.AHl.tjrr cot'MTV CIBCC ATIO.W AMD THF I.ARGEMT <.ES. •SOAL CIfeCVLfaTTON. Th* beat Adrerttamg Bedias ta Jfort'.Etet ••OTgte. Ctrewfaore la nearly m. h*adrret eoontireis O»«’gta . and in ***** <it«*rent Stale*. farivortlaeMewt* a* BmmuH* Rate*. NaOaeribeto th* Chrome te. Jtea<llbe Chromel* B. r>. arox*. j. h. aroHB. w. • nunm sj.°? E J Christy publishers. filtered *1 th* post offer at Alban*, G» , for t rnuMrirtdaw foroagh Um moil* M***o*d-claw *l2fertff all toamrtreiv*. ta Twr hmm nißAMiar THK<J<<IVB BILL. Wednesday tb* Olive bill came op for final ooaaideratioo io the H«>uw of HepreoMtalivva. and on tbe final TOU It roreived 77 votes, joat 11 •tenrt at a eosittluUooal majority There were 71 vou. againnt tbs bill ai»d alxHit « mem for* of tbe Hoorn wvrsabeeal. It U fair to preanm> that if tbe Hosea bad had a foil BUeatlaaee tbe bill would have passed by tbe eoaatttatiooal vote o< WL However/ tbeee twenty-five *•**• ehaaßsd tbe outcome of tbe day, and tbe HU west tbe way of a •rent aiaay prwdecoMoea on accooet of a inch of votes. Aatde from any iadieidnal opinions which may have been hold by tbe Cfeßfißfirt ■ on tbe m»b>ct of tbs (Jiivw bill, we regret that It baa been defoaled. We re fret It bamaase H fa* a Mil looking to tbe r«d <‘f the peopm. Laying aside any preHHice. fesiiag « otber BJotiveo or ciimm which may have lafoteeead tbe organs which have eoppuf ted this bill, we believe that Ibey will a«nw with us that ifo Oliva bill wm one wbiota «■ Ito •erila deserved | was ago. There is bo dwabt tbai railroad MmeotadaUim eompMlt iae ( there la a<> doubt that competition la any bus iaeoa is beacficiaJ to Mm buyer er oemMmar. and eoeoetrwoaUy that the Oliva biU, which opposes cos auhdeUoa la raiiramia, moot laeviu biy he eaeuedod to benefit tbe people who eoaotiiato ibo petreee of ouch Hrnda. (Jfeammotbe dlmwnoton of Uta qaoeUee al U>ia Mags at pro MhdiM eaawot rsealt la any good, It la aorae than n*ri**a io do eo now when the l*wt*i*iui* which la sup poesd to represent tbe people baa jael defoatod what was empbaticallv a popular fiwaewra Th* winter, fail 1 dlaappoiolatefti to the p*.>pte wk ,» felled OS tee Imfiohtor. u» do iu duty, baa earns; the harvest for the orvaae «< mamoptafo bee ended and w» at* e»< mood ft la tMMMii) to fomerii that Um prtortpta'o u|«t* vhlbh th* OfrtMh to txedod did Bet did with its defeat yoMerdnv yid ae< Mee and grow. aa*i bop* doforvM, to tbiaanse to bop* tat mn IBs it Wo see a year boors, la '» efwir ey*. a Imgmieterv so wamMlsg la Atlanta plodgel m the perfoemsers dthe duty wbtoh they #•* tbe people Os Georgia. Without feur wad above repowacb they will, vw twdevs. follow the Hee at aetfoe fetal am ta th* preeeei Lagieletar* by nttov, ftoroor ud Hand, and we j WAS eertuae Ihut with tbe eeoiUaeni which will eaiM la Geswgia by that Um*, they writ bo suable to rwMM the prwsewrw bmugat to hear spwa tbeas by their eaautltwewr y t* pose by aa evorwhelmUf vole fegfo. latiea, the spirit as which Io cm*- taiaed la th* Oils* HU. wbtob west deva is defeat yesterday Hl* K&VKIXKM.T. «M»V. MIX Tbe (toaewKia aalleo with the vb.4* *f the Mate i* wobmmiag fol mw fotalat the boaared geattoMas •’*’* wbeae piweewow Atiaata to bo prwud aad eetbaeiaiic Owe Mill to a demi**M of wbM may be sailed th* *M eefoml. bo dews a*M ' believe la any of th* idea* ««atai»- i ml ta what to ba**a a* the •Ort* ®* r|l fe | ’ bysfoto." be bemevwa that 1 "to tbe virseen betoag tbe epsfiie.“ ' aad b* doos aet homtato id set ’ apsm ihfo priactpi* wbeaew* tbe I wpmwtaaHy prveeute itoaif to him ' I* bto cspuMiy as f<»v*<eo« at th* «»wel Mat* wer which he piwsOsa <!«•*rase HUi to a popular moa ; ta th* fee* at asprwcvXeted sypmtoiin Worn th* Bepufoics* parts, b* bus *•*<• W»* eetatissi Governor of Xsw 1 Tert j aad uh** th* baaa** of *** i Meaal tfewMueacy seat Xwh ** mew ! fmrary defeat iaM folk ibe *** fact Wbtob served as a enl*M tetbe iw •"••■feu tfofon-rmy. was tbe tact that tbe Kmpttv Stau *** otm 4*m wrralM la htaM* la psitum Who** j Vtoewiaad os. defewtod by K«ue mtosfa Mill was rm. efo rasd by tally that amoutb Q*w. HiH to awm a* avaUahto man. sad to to pochape tbtofeM whteh wdl gtvwbtoeaad.-j Amy fe<Ue P*watafo«uai seai. mna 5 a faMNb is th* eout aaUeeal dear* **wM* esNvwuo* J*4gv*« ft** km | aaoa iwaorfi. he to aMe Verb i* ail eteaunas, aad **u th* M eheHMm ***** of that SAM* a* as i»dw«wm*ui a* hfo asaaiaaaa** by !■ tbe n— IIMJ ta I Utt. H to pwtto >"—***> Ufot be sffi be ornr w*ai fees a bsubrt the de****** y he led , by Kiii or by Cwsuam 1 Umm yu*t* ; bowofatma* wMSdsoud*. Mees,*** ( V* cßtoal *e «mr iteefagwi tsi rfo i fita* a hearty veto*** u **t 1 Th* laacb ehrtag «f *•< m ! *■ •*♦« *e th* «>*ss*4e to swe* ** b* •fed •* may mm w* t* p*** «g amm i a few weeks hence the Northeast Georgia Fair will ojien its gste*. We believe that Gov. Hill could speed a few daye very pleasantly and profitably io our midst on that occasion. If be will consent to come, we assure him in advance a hearty welcome and a pleasant time. NATIONAL CAPITOL. WASHINGTON LETTER. Prom our reruisr correspmdent. Wahuiwtcm, 0. C-, Oct. 14, IWO Seoator Ksi.sum, of North Varolius, i» Meepuig up tbe reputation be has hud for many years of kwping “solid” with the aduonwlrsUon. He believes that it pay* U> I*, ujcuiled atxxit the Federal • ffic-al, to be appoioled in bi* State, even if they have to be taken from tbe ranks of lb» opposition. If be Cannot name tbe met., m Can al least prevent an aausua iy b*., I mao's bring appointed. It was just after a v*it of Si uator RaLSom’s that Mr Hat ilsoo appointed Cbsriua A Cook to be L’ S. At’ .rney tot the Kaatern district of North Carohna. Secretary Hlsine has beard from ba frietuis io tbe South, sod no* ano-Kioc>» that tbe members of tb« Tnree Auterica'a Coagrtss will Visit the principal cliea of tbs* oectioo roily io tbe new year. Mr. Biuin* sayarfbal sueb has bees tbe In Ive tta* of Uhl ttaats dey»artme<>t all 'be lion. t»et aorna other piopie, probably on ac <»i*at of pri Jedica, aay that tbe vi<arou* Usklag of Southern mMubero of Cvngiea. is wbet paved tbe way for tow tardily as nouurwd trip tbrvugb tbe fault. Ho* J V T Flodlay.of Butitaors, bs* burn a* I, rtt»l by tbs two Ommastoum appotatatf by Vcoeaaeta and toe Unilec Stair* fa* «be eMilemeet of c'oims a*a*«.»< tbs 'ormer country, a. tbe third cornu,a ekmcr. Mr Kluduiy wso able lawyer nod a r<M»l iK-oiocrat for mor a Rp,»»rr sod Meed, non. It* *«id, have “rv.d tbs riot ace" to Prvoadae' Borneo* becauao be remu veil Tenser br • fore bavmr toby arreogi<l mailer* ea to who should succeed him .as Uosnmwemutr of I**ern*i Near y all tbe Koigbta Templar* bave goat oom* Tbvy IkM oedbpoiiat pa*M SMi*a( Wtetdegln* a l le* Weak, and dm voted every b-wr to basing a g««d urn*. Tbe t»li term of 'be I ailed ifaate* (far. prems Omrl nos crowded 10-tay. Tto only vacnal cbair war tbai of tbe at* Ju*, nee Mnitbews Imsosdieteiy after tb< Court asst H arfjrwrwed, to pay tbe usual start IO Ibe I*l,lolllll**l. I’, wea geavmtay aupprwd tbst Uh Howry «* tbe beuex *i«ud base leva fated tehee lb* term te. , «aa. bet Fresita*t Marna>w sessaa to lace lb* i»rv* to sppoiai Attorury U **eei • >ller 1* tbs face of tbe '-pp*>lK-o to bia> amoag tbe iewfate of bfa party, and so far, lb* i.i*g‘wiiii m caanut agree o* a ma* fas , tbe plows. Tbe Wsebiosto* dudea, wbe dote *< •se*ylbto< Koulwo. er* )u*l auw aejoylaa all lb* drttebl* of 'ba ll'teolaT* ariau bauso*. Bw Jallaa l*a*a<vfo«te. tea Hritisb mteunv, ba* arrived at tbe tagaUoe budding l* in* erty. *-*urap*nted by are , siugl* deagbisre, ata aM eto-agb te be mar. nml There wifi to s gnsi acrembo **>-*< ibeav d*d>e ’• *•< t bamm ls«* pn **e»*d io Uss *.<*lt*b las*,* t bsd Jeetree FeUsr bo* *r**l rHflHcnh > te g*u*a* * bill— arrang*! to suit btan, Mie taaedy are aow ta taesr a—ml beasw smee ifiby c*e»*. Il * geobubio that ba • i>i base a bourn bwdl n> si y«ar stter b owe d**ig*s. Tbe lateruatMMal Berilirae Qmf* rsnos as*— m Ums tety day altos t.-*»«n>* Naeriy *sv*y ram»rry m tbe weeld wdl te rvy*—and A* attempt will ba mate te base a eerie rd manno eigoata, roeerta* ■ vary e**ii*ge*cy, ad y I l«e a-tevreai a*e. Tbe samfcraac* w *ap —d te *»■ that fame moaiha lb eeatery Ifabto baa bars*, w> airs, i **» he may leak, fie baa dreaded tool lb* is-swung rd Benatar Moote—a* • pewebm bg Taaueg was dwgsi, end erdsesd lb« |te»el-« to I— the Money —ana** tbao » pa>d bun « aeteuge a* in* n r—•* tope— a tarts* M*wa. a**l*a, .4 Artoto ••a, aaf* tool «* tat •* Ibe d*—areata aba Weed a teeter «* me fimue rd tee M»a*. »a.i*|— so Cfetato *<M a—me teat teoc Men- Th* Kntahte <4 Lute'S ars teytag te «*' Bae BoytUstaadial «4 the tbamta te ta wrwm tan ****** m unmm ah* •—*—> date tat us* y**wm«*< <M • MM*. ata»* tag What pens*n*M« *4 aaf p yutartoe i awaa Ibe hew— te»y bs* te. end weal | mner—gu I N» st eorii tbe Xitu***' heard es yr ’ masta** at th* Wj*br* Bspa* stew. »o b i I beta te lbw stay te ÜBB. «M «Bte« bee* u , I to toe* itongmas at th* big***U*g *4 Ito ' | vane Tbe te—rnu wdi fas «*«wy w . tea tad by mgMtamUeSrva at** tnea ah' 1 ' a—a *4 too raw *try An* fatal o IJ. Aaedwr. wb* bus foe* I I i>em*d *e ta***g veev •of Me l*»*eyts*. I ate tarn—, ban arrived ute W lagew I tanas* B* aa*ab. «tate *m g«**d. • ma* , I ttaM he rm* ms- Jut new** pari a urn *»m I tag sensei* *4 Ch*«s*** fa e oUp* 0 to A—. ! feefidb farvoMMa ead Ttar* teaugM two 1 . sh-ee eg ine tew tM* *w* *-4*s. and ' tatoyed them la Jta. The t*» lifei a late me ' N«teaa foahegwat*. ebo aee* a— Tar**- s ta*. te 'tan a maty. <f>er**d •■»«% W* ’ h**M*fa bed Ifoevge N iee*fy freaa ' f'rbury*. ebae—t wub b*i— *te i l The I !*»•* asp »ya tbe 4Mat— of taevuta *• | fouMat m enue* at r**rv mmso* tee *o*e yeum bnnfa Amu *4 the Perm* •*» ta* j ta"*ta »e i*o neenw es tee wand Jaty. , and te r— ww* taita t wmt mwen iu* , . pars— *ba>V wd be «*tad ap*w *• nestr ' to ton tUtayn to **— nr *i *•«* ■ *m J ArvwSte, •—of Übe mow ! effa—at err* Sun at Mtae omes. • b**ww ISO eg fate art wngw** a* Th* tandf *•« . W*m—“ A* *a— wme **4 Am a A**** *~*d^*m i***—. | to tafeemta* be tee (tee* rd yew—Stag* pWMtabtd to m mtn r * wm*. a **■ be ; « tea*the eWy fteunnw y irirfaj **. ertvad and ema s »*d tu* nungii s>* «g B - J 0 • p te><** aod *bou*d te Me ,-aaev B-■ J W Arttertk Ufa* tate tea* fa*g I'nartsia aawg*— tdy ber*g tee aaaemm «t Mr M«* «a team We eamgvuewtast tee «*W sw ta*eo*g mstatad ten yuemmaan* me» **— *4 * tab a and s—'teiiwuiilai 1 u* a p— tfasbae JNwe* Mi swextae wtub tee ugy »a* ferae sup*—y B • Ifemaei na* rnp*v*d Start anta eed *Ua»<| te ta* wvefa pm and tee epps—e erm al the ««y an fenttau*. tt«tfaamm a*. •- - t - to tee eM* we** *ta wWssb M tarn pee t «b* taw— of b* uAmm darmg >** pert Sam te—* had teas• waste*r**d. er we a rt* tan* to— auwueuo— a«b Otar *l*o an Ulis t <4 the * sag <bma*| ten p— I s— unwwto •* •*>. Special to the Athens Chronicle. WCBOEN DFATH,' A Fenner Athenian Dies io Wa.bla«- rttv. Waihisgtow, D. C., Oct. 15, 1889. Mr. Jas. E Frost, who was a few years ago well known in newspaper circles in Georgie, hot for some time a resident of Wsshington City, was found dead in bed yesterday morning. When his little girl went into bw nx.m to call him to breakfast 'be light was burning, and a paper was in tiia hand. Mr. Frost was born and raiaed In Athena. Be wu a g<od ci'izen and an earnest advocate of temperance. B. M.C Our older readers will remember Mr. Fro»t. Hi* father owned tbe lot wnere Maj. Pruitt now lives. We think Mr. Fnol has relatives now living in Athens. Eu. Chjujs. Loral <iptl*a Narvlvea. The elrctirms in the eevrral northerr •telco that have voted upon tbe qneslior of elate prohibition lbw yvgr have al! gone one w«y, resul'lng in ibe defeat of pro bid it ion by large major itbv. Tbe iaat election of this kind was in tbe stale ol Cobneclimi last *nt Tbe full return* show 23,045 vote* for tbe probibittoi ammi'mint, and 50.271 age-mu it—an anti prohibition maj oily of 27 i< But tb> towne voted al the same l>me fur krta profaibitkic under tbe “local opium" ptoi and 'wcn'y-'bree town* were thus carm for Similar revolt* wer ■ SblMted io Ma—CbtwelU. In t»><b *< tl> ( wbila tbe prouibtitonieta Would have tost ' everywhere by thr result of tbe v.»te cm *iMe probibitKiu, they a, cooipliabe<J muct, by koi optiou. Il W ibua sbown crmcloaivriy that tbe latter p an w the ob* promising tbe twat rwuiia fur th* pcubibittoowt*.—Allan' a J<marai. a .. «*•»« «.ur So table* Tw» AllMoe* teeo are Milled Aod • **e write*** wee te *e*ii*. I DervuMP, At-c., Oct. Is<b, 2*. m —N<> "•», ewiil w* r» ached itotben, knew any ■ pariw-utar* of lias tragedy, wheta baa pul ibe ivwa i* num's lag. We were awt by bw bo*o». Bayu* A. G Crawford, who m*h*a tb* tubuwtag statemeni at ibe ter rsbie tragedy enacted <a bw town at fust uCtoCk yeaietday evening Uaorge B Bineger, proprietor of tbe dilutee werctaOM*, an.) Jeff Walhse, an albaace moe. war* kilhrd. J. L Dumtegne, tow* marabal, w* murially w,*c.ted. Parker Powell, deputy nwtoil, wa* to-*- tally wimoded, Peter Few, so alltanc* maa, Ur*a IMregee aad B N>rtag*r, w*r* evruMitay wuwmled W U. Cvatetock. a i»w a maa, was srigßUy wiwtaded ta tte Tuw not grew out of Ibe Town Cuouct pa—eg ao urd>o*a<* 'mpoiag tales ■* dreys te im tow* (Ju tb* l»biau,G jB. tor lager, faww <taeo««od. p*op»i*<,w : j tha aUiaace a ar*bo—. which i* jaal m*t , *uta ad ibe cvtpawaltaa. who bad a dray- i . m*a baaltug rtrtta* Io said wantouua* i from wttbio tbe i—opawatiu*. afa>a b*l> g ; wolifiari Ibel H *u again*' lb* uedlauno, i rrt—d to haul far'Ue*, aad IbrvW ap bb | M* Tbervupcae, U. B Nulagw curt that be Wvuld MUVU VWB BUST UIM•*!.». ■**—•. **! at the t. wv aaib>«>ti** H* tte* uadethwA te ditve tbe dray, aad . MarauaJ Dnming,* uwd bim Io rametder i bis— if under are* s*. end ta* w<u*M help b-m aataod la* coioa* • b*c« b* did Aft*• i I— faula**r rv»i** d art***. **d jumped i OwJ'ta* mat*** wih tab he t* A iwa* \ • aowri, tte aerabal nottug a rtlgbl ; w»«ed •—we tte rgk! run* aod lafi-ct. tog a «Agbt *o—4 an Mrt*g*Fa head *nb , I a club. Tb* merabad aad deputy mat- 1 ■ staal aabwqmaUy at,*—d Mrtbgrr, —■ , i ttad him telotv Ma b**ace, *ad be wa* , . tv**W*e*l aad appeatad Ml IM Ctrl el , i rtwci at Ufttji r>m*iy. U* ibea toub j j mH a weneat he D—ug** aad ite dtp*- ' : ty fa* *— a. i *»b »«•*! to a*nrd*r. Wbtea > la m art sass toartog l «4*y. Vpte lb* ' ih* cot'lag es th* am* tewday, it w«e so*. I itemd tedl io-a***»*i l*na**dul«ly as- I 1 i«r ward Uris dtotewMy —wsad Nr. feßtaff, ,* tteedt** ggtewameaii j •«**< * *M owtawtat taentawy, my* Ite , psupta pmpardg fee a triutar ! “Art along ibe taawta* «4 la* Arttoate— : rtwsv >M mmrtr*t >a— bga. r >b<* | ■ year ih*a I lav* aw* <hrm tat ta* yrars. | I aad atmrty iwmrwtagb M l t-m «e itay i I• U*» y»*r The efoa a**«* f*fa," Wb*-1 Urt Th* Ne**y f Jtawv Taliirv (in IB—fa fopaarh ttwta Basta t te tbff llahrryetat *ay* I Th* hsm Jteb Wdlte at tb* rvmaty dmd | a Mrtota* wwb *-• tvhatfw* <a lb* c*—*y «w Mywbta* *tae ttata wvv* haowa es. - •I* h*4 tap, a**,Uy toll Ms tott*** frw*Ja i 'hat M toteaded be yo**p» tty— —*tb ei j 'te •>•*— ■»e irw—t* te fe—4 a h*e agfanri f«* m* •Mta steidS** *4 r**haadto dhrtr et asatr | Ms taarte, end be a- p ** far «* *e bo*M * ' ivtowf to o al i >*w»r» eh web Bat | drttayUkfa fr*us *—* taw as a* **r*y 4 b > alto* teak*** b* wfa. te **u*d wetff a | ■ y*r*«d pa—a *—l Stan tai Maw fta I i .ta ta— m* wiwehf *m** ta *4 *o end. fas «w— ao Bteta* to Mo* Ma 1 draw*, tart feAuag s» wwaey. sc.. 1 iw—d bi—*, o***g ff—mtaaa sass tb* M**-w ba cxw* s* m* a -m* ar ***** fa I I fas* ta hart tf'Oa a m*> taasu «ta «a*t < I tamsa M* » rtw *m tan*.. *te*b*e te | taw m«hr ra*»»< away naff throw tg tarn ■ oM *4 bw taargv *e b* paerwtvaM wfa ****** to htaMta. M* wdl wws temto, aad b* gw* tea cvgBMS ta a tart— pswt *4 | ibe er— •tasewve fihTtem " Mi* MasgW Ttagua, *4 a erairta. who ba* - hwo vwaruag Mn L ts Cbnrki me lev, bmt I rat-*—rd ba—. Mm* Mary Lw fag*, at WasUtagte* j •to w*» wM to *mu mtwvmt as hevmg t rm*? Attorn* a aw*tar *4 ttaM*, *«* ■ ‘ marrsri «u Teastay ffteg aa J«u> . M< Tte gomg *mbty at u*g—awe btaaria i te <— fftey taßeer teeb perma « Vtow ■ Juurwey ttaaaagb bfa. Mr J W. Mar**et. «*w rife-taM for— a vwrt te Axteaka fafartßU ommsy *w « tte part wwfa te* mm—i by v**rfe aad te yowpseg fair I My sumtehaSMteoto g* kb* Mar ftewv w , um rtto'vaady swygb*. Tte eery part •* to« autt wrtfa b—w. a«— m* teamas* e* emu p*g* *r Ata pm**** e ate tte fotaN* tetetaas esS j «m— *w otewmags rtrtrtri *4 ***** Br. J. fa N*ma meante te <te «sty te* Mgte • foam*, efaa«* M W*M te to. tote tea tearttor* to tee «am*r. Maa Ida ——- ► Sy* forwmvyra sg* tw* —ta viun Jh i h • tew K «ta « tea—r (gsiii J • sub gfey Lritar From Mr. (alp. Dear Chronicle: —Unbelief is tbe damning sin of the world. “He that believetb not is already con demned.” “He that believetb not : shall not see life, but tbe wrath of God abideth on bim.” So you see our eternal destiny depends upon our belief or unbelief. If men could actually realize the certainty of this they would strive harder to . believe. You remember one said, ! “Ixird help thou mine unbelief.” 1; believe conscientiously “that Jesus Christ is the sou of God, that He came to seek and to save that which was lost”—that He is willing and able to save all that are lost, if tbe lost are willing to accept His terms, and the terms are easy. I “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for my yoke is easy and my j burden is light” Did Jesus tell the truth ? Would He tell them to do what they can't do ? No. for that would be uiseetnbhog ou His P»rt —it would be practicing a pious fraud on eiooers to tell them to do* what they could not du, aud what He knew they could not, do. Jesus makes io unreasonable exaction of •innera. He tell* them to do the best thing for themselves, and if they refuse they are the loser He ' dont aay you can’t take my yoke on you, but 1 will put it uu, but mere!) eaye lake it on. 1 know there is an idea extant (bat sinners can't do anything—that God dues it ail, and | llien rewards the sinner for what Gud himself does. If there ever was such a thing as unqualified' bosh and nonsense tbst in the thing ' divested of anything like ambiguity. For me to tell a vine one to do what I know he could not du would be deception on my part, and with all my weakness and itn|ierleclion, I woujd not do It, aod yet some accuse Chnat of IL No sir, Christ don’t tell sinners, to do anything which they are powerless to do, for it would be an unteaaunable injunc tion. Tbe 'lnner is the one who “will not com*- unto Christ that be might have life.” Cun a sinntr keep from etea hog, lying, munlvr tog, a wean ng. com in nil ng edul'ery, getting drunk, lr**m all other altro clous sins T If not, be should nol be punished l« their commission If men arc idiota we don't puuisti them for violation of law, but we •!•> put them la confinement to pre“val them from doing harm, n<>t as a punishment, but simply for the safety of those among whom they j Ihe. W ickcd permme are not good company for < bristiane, but Wc; must not Urtaily avoid them, but try lo reclaim them, but nut asso ciate with them so a* t*> l<e partaker* of their evil deeds, tt e <mm piead with, “pray tot-m in Christ's stead I to be reconciled to God." A greet many peieone think they ■ can sin till one hour twlurv death, aad by repentance, can totally eu cape puaiahtteul. Them i» no such docuiav between tbe lid* of my Hi bte. Ou tbu contrary. It legchew U*ut he that doeth wrong, shall rvcwiw , for the wrong be hath done, that God will render unto every maa m* I curding to hie deeds, “that we must all elaod taint» the judgiaeut ***' '■ at Christ, that every one receive tbe ' things <4om la bin body, whetbut ' ttaey te guuil or tadthat “though . U*e wicked joia hau-l Ih hand, be j stall not go unpunished;' “that j there mi no peace for the wickied. ” j <fe*d prtMßiae* tte forgive »ur Mae il | we repent, L tear l<«— frout item;' bet la to* i ßalance, has He pcouneed ta* rvmil d—*rved paaiehteeaL 1 am . felly satiated that God will pasiah j toe for every sin 1 ever have, or ever 1 will cnmmiv I undereiuoJ forgive- I neM of eta aa fovliag *• kind lo ws'de itaieff who hate sinned, aa II i they bad sever Maned. L <* after jetotc** bee te*wa sei >efaed. eftec they have taee pealataed ecmediag u» their deede. Then mercy rea tees teu<*ed U* Item, thee <*od reel* a* kind taeerda IMrta e* if they bad •os eiaaffd at elk lours truly. pBTBte Crt-r. f®. jLxDf POWDER Absolutely Pure, Y*a» w XXii, A M«r«*l <* !“• *4 ,t iimwia—i, ««*• •<* J »»•» «*•' *• <■*!-« ir» »aJ »4 •• *••* » a 11— ma *O *» I— > *t lv» •* a* ix ■ a*M> aar al >»•*«" •*~r ■***•*»•«•« F» ■ « *» Wt «■/*. 1 t R»r Dr bu m ifftt v» Uw rmim of bit m»<w * mnaien u> »»1 ki« it rrbatiklisg bn l*kar£»c> it BrsofcJyt, tb.cb •*t daaW-ytd by trw «e $«» Uv. Tw boo* »• xut»n4 At i pMtiafty e«*ww4 by <•• sr»» «. Dr. | TWttaf* ttys t»« bt wm it U> i-amm ! i« M..UM !• tb» i*rar- > »«*». b» b«t*i > *F» lobertor be. S Thursday’s Daily. Thnataagiving Merrier*, The Christian people of our city unite this t vening in a service of praise aud at the Methodist church.— Rev. J. C. Davis leads tbe service, and tbe | various pastors of the city will take part iin tbe exercised Tbe past year has been one full of blessings to tbe people of our I city, and it rs eminently proper that all sect* wad classes, without distinction, j should join in this service. Death es aa IsfeaL Mr and Mr*. A. D LipoCuinb bave tbe sincere sympathies ui a targe circle ol ; ftkuds in tue death ot tlie.r intent son, which event occurred iu Opelika, Aia., tat night. A* rt« CK .' ttawreh. We bad tbe pl<a*ure of meeting Rev Dr. Revs ou tte streets to-d«y. He in ; formed us be would commence a uieeuug at B<>ggs' church to-night, wbica ' will continue until Sunday night. Dr. R-e* baa been vety successful this year, 1 having taken in the Church, up to date, j fill)-two members. He was oo tbe Athens I Circuit la*t year, aud there was a very large ingathering, but we do not rrtnember tbe num ter. Hi* record will also show, tor tint year, between forty and fitty in tents baptised. Tb* BeR Lie*. t The city force of head* will begin in a few day* u> work on tte laying of tte track of ILe belt *lieet railway line. It Will be nm- mbered that tbl* hue will pas* about ad ite leading churches of tbe C ty aud will al»> go iu front of tte opeia I ui.uae, hw Ji Ibu* prove a aoutce of enu- Venlcncv and tconiHuy to all those who o*d'H*r>ly are <>bli<*d lo hire carriages for I their use oc an inclrm< nt eight. Wa*<*rria*y Nigh*. N< Xt Saturday mgt.t tbe Juvenile M»- rionary Nock ty of Oconee thrret church will givu an entertainment at that cbuicb. : Ou aeverrt prevtou* occa*iona thia eoctvly I ba* giv< n eutrrtainmrui* which wire mueb euj<>y<J by tte au<i enev. We Iratn that an informing programme will be prv ' tented, and We bopv ibat a large audience will be pweat. The Woman's Foreign Mwioeary ffoc<eiy of tbe A Hum Dtalrici sill tewd their M*»lon at Fuat Meihodu Cbuub ttah'fday and Nunday. Tbe men.- > i ten* ut IbeMCtet) wdl uodoabt attend thi* • ' entettaiunonl. > I New York, October 14—It b«e now , ’ br*n derided that all ilectric >lgbt wire* : above ground must go. Ail companies | doing bu*it>*aa In tte city have got uni ■ ujunction* mnainlng the mayor fr<«i luierftHog with their wires, tel a" way around ttavr Irjutctu'na baa I* re dw covered I'ndrr tne law* of tte Stale ao I U juncth-oa can be served <« Ibe Baud jof health, uriem eight day* notier hu I teea given, aad ebonld they lb * afiw * nona make tte IcjunctKrt* against th* ‘ mayor, the t*«r<l ot be* th will lake the ! maiitr m band, and* tef'-rv eight day* I bave paawd MA a wire will be left above ' ground. Water* Who Bake lb* Bru Ml**. Metuter* of a B«*u>n debating enriMy I b*v« aim-W rtwne lo blow* uwr th. ' quvatiun, What Woman make tuc teat ! wive*' • tn lure wm <—l by many to : te tb< fb»l era **«!. love and ndril y Hu t ■ euo.! aad kuuWHdgv «4 t>. toehold dntle* ’ and abdity fo> proprriji p,ifoitu ta>eo>, uh i i 'bird N.-nr > f tte d« batura, uuwev«r | lb ■Offal to add that Very nro*r*'y catoa—l—l b—a it tenw 1.-ch a wife to *r m« perleclXHi D« I'arer't FaVut- i t f rvM-r prate will renew the hue al j y eih la paw aa-t rnliow cheek*, cwtect : Imta't t “’** a» rttaaar*, arrest and Cue, S rw««t*w* aad lnt!a*nm*'i<a*. aud infuse i ' »ew • Ilallt * W»tu a aaa'ing toady. “Fa i *u*l<« Freactiptton'* ia <te owly mrdimoe j lo* w .tee *mh| t,g drugg are, under a foW'V* »uaiM>’»* from th* manufacture*, that it w»H give aetwfarl on in cm*, jof »<MMry Wl4 te refUMfod. Tb*a g iarai. ■ > ta* t.M teaw pnaie.l ue in* txMliv-wtapprr. : *ad tatafafiU.y camrd <>ut fm many y*ars. Aa Je> t<rje»ag farm r fmas Tub ■eutely. Cat. ww* r**«-«it.y awsravd a Hr»i j |—*4«m < ,ba IM tareawsq pnat| km <« | egtalteUM *' tbe Mata fair. Il lippad Ite | tea— *4 MB |an*Hwl*. The pumphia wm : psreta—d by a Itaor—win tdrtaff. W blie t n w*a ia* >t» way fob* bo—. It fall aid ata teokru ta fwrv.a, aud fury p u d* <4 I teru etou* to led um <4 tbe orwtra. *■***■■*»■•*** ••» mate* WM <**» * Sveta. - TL* aederwgaud a rtilsea <4 Aibrna. Mid favaMhtoy baoea by tte pnague, her. • I ita aha*—<wa k>—f aa * cwaatodeie fce ? Mayo* a»4 c**y cfock, aad wiu o><aM ar-1 a**al«y ata— by tte da* fan* art itar prt- ' •sass >t I am mteiaated <■*• that ■ «to*ua aad rt *t cud. a erty c»<h wifi pert fort* tw« «Mctg«>t towira tefutv itea aspirate<« I 4 *r*w» ot <rifo*i Ate* would taeuteuaewd ita* tartt oa«Ht>4atae to toy a pau of Nkdt * ' 4 *i* a* apxiMcie*. Va»y — etfarty. fa rev. toe fowvtor. —— i ■— OUUJfo.E NuTEJC I Nprsktog of 4»'i* terra *> owe n* fem ' •*■•, te* P*MX»;«*l* tethg two Wvf • | ’ taowa n»*»ga toys. Bach Sea cteaera a ' !»w»4. aad th— titotaU* have <nw!«ned. , tte* U» age* a**wl <W**M to rear ted. It • « I ta> tor *•—d Lal <to* matter will te artliad ■ 1 l> -soy. tael it M * mw, te* »S»ir may r-ac i •evh-aafoy Tto* gefcLM too w— te avow , say |**4City, at 4 fc**r hrpl ttor at*.let e*»y •"•at. veey f*u tetorira >to* pttaojari* j •—4 Vraa— k*ow*ag ata**' I*.— ' • » »•>• pr ainw! w* g.v* a*» a-Maw am ' *r«a tM ff*wt "Sto a ba*» U*» ciJy. Wbea I ' w* ce.a (>v* tuti p«r : x<*4are Tm tarya tood tart* art fwa al tte Yetom ■ hd- iart **f *- I* •*mr wyato*S*M ■****- aa*. a -<-4Bd p>-< f—M M way ip. ’ •—*». Stet a ai aaoa *■—d toy at—* *4 ’ the hoy* T*»y tuart —a «w tw tfawrt 4«r. 1 1 itat ;.-fi t • *a<r a* wed *a y*w* tot-, «»4 were .'.J town w h «ard. Tur a *ac.h maa "Ch —*• no' * tartfikfe —f te* q«*4r aped . • atabritewnitoad liweaagr-ew. -tort tee far** Who Cteaghl aad torso i tote. atoaeM re*« W a the to*ra» a Tv* 1 j teiya gn>- *s a r »ry ■»«* •»<• <sa*4a**r. aad ha f ; fart teas* Fff rwv> town aad a half, te* . F**a artsmai •«* rhe—f up »hJ fo*». aud I— i wad eftotel. tonw.ea ter*' tow* •wrt wauta* ranTT*. a»J ULI aw <ww c-asrt toad *«• to** • WC«*y hrtta- By !**• te* , twee la awes * ***** teat tery o—4 ■ j toerttey w»K *hd «WL» created kato hta , ram *r*u Ml tac« arcart., aad wr.b tow , U«ff aad tart* tori »*tort.’ w*u> gr*.wu . Tta • , tewhaew »>. afamnd m a «wy d-tap* fated C—i* am. •» - •taed •» ' y :«d torw j *«*»—« *•*—“ • 4 wkgtoL Aa tx Ute p g ,•* haw* •■•* h— aa—. took w* an* ■ an— <tee* fee dfa—» farrtvy. •* tel te* ; to— ;»wk h*u* bad — c* tartcdan* at ' tea Tart— aa. B. j I > GEORGIA NEWS. Tbe attendance at the House of Repr - sentafives yesterday was slimmer than ever. Seventy members were absent at roll call. Exactly 86 were piesent for the transaction of business out of a total of 174 members. A motion to adjourn on the 26th was offered and referred to the committee on adjournment. Tbe general opinion is that there will be no adjourn, meat until tbe W. &A. lease is settled, which is rather indefinite. A bill was passed incorporating the Athens Rai way Company and also extending the limits of Athens. Tbe House will devote tbe n maiuder of the session to tbe cons.deration of local bills. In the Senate yesterday much work was done, although Hille of general public interest was considered. The Cunfereoce Committee on tbe State Ruud lease met yesterday, and, by resolu tion, tbe lessees were directed to bring their claims before tbe committee to-day. Senator Lyle, of th'S District, whose reso lution causing the Senate to secede from the j >int committee created such a sensa tion last we» k, was n-'t present, being ab ‘ sent at Lie home in Watkinsville. i Fire was hawe in Georgia yesterday. Two negro children were burnt to deal b near Camilla, aud sever*) gin bouses were destroyed in various portions of tbe State. One of the Indian squaws at the Pied J moot Eipoai'ion died yesterday. As a constquence tbe Wild Wist show failed to perform yevlerday. Tbe Supreme court yesterday affirmed the verdict of $1 000 for damages prefer red against the H B. B. patent medicine company, by Cooper, who was poisoned by taking their medicine. The case is tbe | first of it* kind ou tbe record* of tbe Geor- I gia Supreme court Thursday’* Daily. Gov. Hill ie receiving attentions on all baud* from llje meuibet* of A taut* aociv ly. Hr was •tit< ri»ine'l ye»teol«v at Ex t< u'ive Mai.»(..n ai..l also at tin- home* < f Hive*. H. W. Grady, J. H. Purler and | Waikcr Inmans, and at Mrs Ilaiwood*. ! In the Legialalure yesterday, tbe Olive bill tailed of a cousinutioua) j ceiviug 77 out the requisite 8S vote*. Tbe bill to regulate the hour* of latior In I cotton and woolen ealaldlatiment* to 10 i hour* per day, w*a passed by 95 to 38. H n H. C Tuck of Clarke, support) d 'b« f bill in a strung fpr«ch, a syno|*lsof which ‘ weg foe below , from the Augusta Cbron icte: He said a law of thia kind iliould Im , enacted. AlatMtua had a law just lik* tt. Tbe L>gi*laturv bad th* right l< put such a reair ciion on labor. It w*i in the intervat of the public welfei* ilt wm a prubetfoa of the weak 1 against tbe string. Mr. Bfoonifielti 'wh > wm *t the bead of a la.’g« uisniitactoiy in hi* county; be wm pr<>ml i l<> *ay, wm «arntvlly and Liarlily In favoi : of tbe o.u. Th* cty Ibst Ibe passage ol such au act wouid u jtirlon*!) »ff.ct tarm j tabur, wm a myth. Il would have L<> es. tret whatever. J. or ‘ ped up any iltiga* ■ non that would «fl ct it. TH* oOITHhBN CADKTM Set ibe HrM Ft*** la the later A'ate Brin It waa tbe Routbern Cadets, of Mecnn, ' tb«t carried <<ff the two il.ousand dollar I pria< in tb* teteraiat* drill <rt Tuoday. I Ami It wm Ito Atlanta H ll,* that I lo for I*«c«x»d place, winmug the five hun > drvd dollar purw. . 1 hew dccmui-s Were a little surprising i lu ta al of IfauM who saw tbe couleet, aa it wm generally C' ucvdvd both uy cd a- n* | and military 'bat Use first place bad torn i Mlly six, by the G*te City Guard. At. j tef tbe i rill fucMlay cveniug. tela ot five I tu two were fie- ly oo thia Last* I ol'b but few taker* Tb* Guard* for th* 1 time being were tbe pet* of lb* hour, and I inter trwmla w«r* juUilant at tue way lb which ibey bad acquitted tUem*elv*a. In Uta face of Ui** tee ling ami the den.- rmetratlon try tbe spectator* elite Ute Guard drill'd Tuisday, Uta d<c<»ioo sffo.. i lag tbe eomi'auy out saUrsly, fell like a thunder clap aiwH.g lb* mrmbm irt th- Uuatd. a* w«U *• ail wbo were al nil lo mdlar *n* to* on teal. Fr-aa to* ;>ru*ra4nuta and comment* <•! Uh- judgws, wb tea a; p»«r toiow, th* cause of tbe Guard'* tadurv appears to b* moie ■bat of it* Captain 'Lao <rt Uta men tb.-u --ariv.a fag tarthpiet* comoiahd* wm —(tied fr -wt ib* programme by Cap’* b Halt, tbu* tbtowtag tb* oanpaoy beyond ail bop* of *MMrty. All toe comwMtade that w*ro • seemed by the Guard, and which creeled such eatbu.taara lo tl • : —Urac* were maxte perfect, aa tb* crit*. , ctortw wt.l atoow. , Tb* jaigto tb-ms*lvm aay that the | tiaard wuuri owteiaiy bar* beeo victar*- i «mm bad it ma toeu fa* tbe U' for.ui**<» (dataetMM. Tbe cn*n;«ny. In sww of Ibis. J-• ote f**l m Lad ym it might, had it put op • rw* dnii, aad a< for 'h- elrcawu a aacc* IM boys frit as ctocerfal m oual-i b* «xpeeled :a*t aigh'. They do not <ri**ct»« Caprate Hall, bat rspr— U>e crvwt«*t o-r.fifo ce to him. and ar* only •<*ry for ibe iu lack whtch kaoclud them o**t of firs* f l»ce IM <»•«* tb* fa-flea are ) •yfui. and »l*o lb* Cfafots, bat >h« H fle* ar* ate qteta **U uflart. ami *til‘ CMriah tb* to«pe '4 mevt rac tb* Ctafota *»•«-. wtoo Uey m*y reaerae tbter pewtro——Atiaata C*m Mii»- tlna. Every H’- Bboatlrt Mro 'Ayerta Cberry Pertteal. Il mvm ttomaamfo eff lrv*w aaaaaHy, as t 1* p»- • sriy •dfoar'tan* !a < rowp. Whooping f"oogb, and «o*w ThrnwL " Ate* as entoateva paarUaw «ff anariy cm (!>■*<! of a mrtar/. Ayer's Cherry F«r'.<ai I* mr mr» tor rocea’. > 4fo and o*a<ta* I prewrrits* u. a»! tartweo I* he tw th* very tonte a ape- u«ar>* a«w •PwM *• tb* peopto “ De. Juba C. Iwrta, ItougjrtaiL W«m Brtifoewwk**, Pa. " float* year* a«n Ayer's ("berry he land --orert «m <ff M'Ka&a afftov tbe bMk OMMiMaI aki.l bad fotort ta> give at* ru h*f. A few wmba Mta-, bring turaia a Mite uwhtari wnb tb* rfti**a*a, I was prsMfU.y Relieved By Ito ***** reimnlr I gl*' y nfar t>te ' for the «***•*£! of alt atadlarty orifetaart.*' p H Hamue*. Ediiu* Arysa, Tata* Bark. Mafia. “ Fur .< V-sirra dfklri with W.tda. rom 4 * srrw foes'. «* <-Tr«»p. I 4« O-A ktouw -at aay tMaarir wtotrb wtfl gsrw mar* rpeedy arttri t£aa Ayer’a Cberry r« cat f have fo=*4 H. ate*, te-ralm feMfe Ml ''•**=• ** Aaa L*v*y*y. k—l V*a*ua«u<* rum. L Mfr. Maw* “ Ayer's Cbaery Psrsrea! tarn proved maarkaMy <foO'« ta craap **d to laiaiaaAA* a* a Laaoly t**rt*ema.“ D M. MryitoM. Chfenp*! Falte, Mam. • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, r*araaaz> re Or. 4. C, Ayer fa Cta, Low**. Mata. . tah *y •«*** rvtasgl; rt* taaOMte The Perils at Caartxhip. Several late cases, presenting rather novi I features, should admonish suitors or tLrters that tbe wav of the transgressor In courtship is becoming a more perilous one unless he walks the straight and nartow path. A preacher is now on trial before bis church conterence in Tennessee tor court ing two ladies al tile same time, and a re port uufavorauie to bis continuance in the ministry has been made. A decision ueft vorable to him will be a pr. cedent compell ing men intent ou matrimony to concen trate tueir atleciious ou oue object of atleu tiou aud love. Au innovation equally startling ispr<- seuted by a case on trial in a Canadian court last week. Mrs. Libbie Brenton brought suit for falb.OOO damages agams. hc-r faibei-iu- aw, ou tbe ground ot decep tion in inducing her to marry bis son.— She Charged that he represented that lh< young n>an uad an incme of $3,090 n year, aud ibat tie was sober aud mor a— represeutations winch she found to be ur true. She, therefore, separated trorn m, husband, and sued bis father for damages. Ibe jury were unable lo agree, amt a mu trial was the result. But il tuis claim for. damages should finally be sustained and slaud as a precede ut, it might have a tui | reaching application, aud peri.aps af< w 1 cases would be fouud in wbieb tbe bi idc grooiu wouid be entitled to eiauiages.— Aiiauta Journal. '■■ ■' ♦fe i -■-■■■- Ezra Keuda>l, Willi bis “Fair of Kids'* is beading toward Athens. Cotton is decidedly off to-day. Tbe price at which it is quotnl is I rum 9f i<> 9j. Mtffouw i w * a 1 ■■ri" en-i •e The Importance ot purifying the blood ran o not be overaatlmated. for without pure blood „ you cannot enjoy g.wd Iwallb. At this seaaoo nearly evetT one head* a “ good m -dlclna to purify, vltalue, and enrich k the blood, and we aak you tu try Hood's Dor*tilior <•‘feartetHa- It’trsngtbens e rcLUllaf >n 4 puilda up tbo system, errates aa appetite, and tones tbe digestion, while tt *nullcate* dlseaea. The peculiar J eumbinaUon, proportloa, and preparation ot the vegetable remedies need giv* lo Hood . a.irsapartlla pecul- Ifemlf tar eurxtlv* power*. No ■ IkoCII ‘‘ othcrmedletoetuuisueh arveordof wonderful eum. If you have mad* up your mind to buy Hixxl's SanuLparlll* do not ta- Induced »o take any other instead. It to a Peculiar ; Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla to sold by all tlriggtot*. Prc|ar> d by C 1. Hood A Co.. Lowell, Mast. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar '! i.t.uki. Aim M iT<*i;nfa.A »h ff 1 KOROfk. CLARKS COCXTV-WhwM*, X ■ K h R»*v->.'dminitirator de konla nor o' th* rotate of John II o*ll. 'l*cea*ed, has ! appi.rd *n ms In term* of the la* lo bo 41* *i**»d s> d dischaiyed from Mid »>luiinlstr* IVO*. Tbte* •'* therefore to ail* and notifv all concerned to akow c*om st the regal*! term of to* Court at Ordinary, to b* h»'d lo i , and f"*r Mid ooanir, on Ih* Aral Monday In JMnarv n*at, why M*h disebsrgr should not I begmnird Given <.ndor mv hand and otficibl sigua'ars , I ibia Stab day of R*pt«mb*r, l*"9 3 B HKKKISOTt'V. I oetAw 1 U»3«n. Ordlnsrv. ("1 KOKGIA, CLAHtok CU VTT-Itersmu,! 2 u> an order from the Court of Ordinary f of said emn'y. pawed •« ths regular term *1 •std c>n I. hr hl o* b* h'st Monas! I* August. Ptev, will be sold brloru th* Court House dooi ' of Mid county, dartng (be trgsl boom as Mie o* tb* >'*S Tuuelay in 8 >r»mb»r next, thefel I i** Ist propertv. t».*H : One tr*el at land, art ■isle, ly ■*■< and bteng in s*id eonoty, o* tfan I Monroe road, n**r ti»r Paper mill, adfoinlng I >so4a ol Gsnn, Wai'uee »nd otbura, nod e*o taining rigi lr s’ , ocrea, more or l«M. To be . sold a- property belonging to Ibu ustateofN* rah Waltar*, 4*e«*s'd, for tb* parpoM of pay ' is* th* fotHS and n aklng distribution Mean* tb* heirs st la* of Mid deeoMrd. Term* ea*b , Tbl* ;nd day of October, Ikte. fa H. KtfHI.R, teriwU. Adm terttat-r. Zl KoßtarrCLAfafaM UVUMi, tte'a> "r O«ot*s*r, C*.u****, HeptembvrW, IWtv Th* apprai**r* sppointed upon application o' Kiiaabo'l. B*Wh*rt*r, eol'd.. Widow of W.l i liam Ma Wbertor, lor a l«»l>* manta*' topper! for borer f a*4 minor rbiterea, having ltl«<l ifanir r»io-na, alt p-ren** «oue*rn*d *rr h*rr i ■ by crt*4 to *ho« <**•«, *f any Vlrey bave, *1 th* a*(t Sovumhev i*r*> of thia Soar*, why •aid ai<pl>c*44va aboald n<rt b* granted M B. HKKkIMOTON. I **tf w kt Ord narv ff 1 KORGIA, CI.ABKK Coosn. -r« all " M *hom H may <-»*r»r* K. It Pure, guarrt,*.’ of foil. Farr, Clnrrncr and Hmorv w>lt>*ma. baa ia de* farm a<-p fed to lh« an foreigu-d 'or too** to tril thr la*d* br.o- gin* th* sold a ord*. *rd *a>4 applicoUu* will b* hoard a* th* And Monday in sor*mher nest Thia s*U day of fopteaiber, ih 9 k M BSfafaIJIOTOT, wfaw-t. «fofe**W. ’' PEI II ION VfF ul »taU,A.x |u ball La No. ffsCORGIA, CLARKE COVSTT -To " I who** tt may erseara: Eugen* Hrydie, an i »a*rdi»-’ rt ►» **» tMtar eh'Mre* to-*>u Car re*. Ixrols*. Lag*»aa and fad* ar I Hrydta, t.M appi.vd la* to*** I* *Mi *3 the rate outate b* o*4*ag tob<* •*'*• lying ta Clark* Manly, , fra., and **'4 app al->s will to* Me rd before *< a* um Srei Monday m X****drtr mil Tte* Ortohvr I*l. !»«. fl M. Hf.RKI MI.TOS, 1 wrtAws*. Ordinary. I - - - ■ - - - ■ ■ —— (■nrortt.fA <%ABKFOOV*TT.O*MMav*a Mom-a. Aaga*> nh, l-rtai —W. J sock A4a>o*m-**r r oft,« eetete «f Tnaano* Cm* ooaa. «ie-*aoert '' * '****** lb*, b* bo* fo'ly . fo*eh*rg«4 the 4o"e* a* **,4 ■-*•<. M ! ■>*>»» 1 for itatiere of Dter iaason. Th** i» fhrvf .re to Mfofy * 1 peraoM ***e*r**4 to *bow cans*, if I **y lb'* «M. O* or bri .re foe *-•» M-rnfoy s* ; t**ce*ulor oert. *-y aard letter* abmCd o*A ha ata tteff *M auA ortm uM'tetor A.o-trernd • fa B. HRfaRfMGTOn, Orrtfanry. WTr-"- ” - < TZy UTJ M. Z>. T. . ar - «-. • Tr.«ta». ra4 U4i»p>—>la *> •nrr YOUWC. MIOOUT. AC s O »<• 9 **»« *» •->■« * >t»—, 1/ 4 *•» -ir *ii* Vt *, • J'w*’ tK* fc dßrt'*, 4*jbrtwKDl BywD ACMM, V ar. XOTWMa PiXMy, V»«U fcat—ana, —< -• » r*~. <*'• ->•«» •’ »r «“• * M x-xm. C-<w*10IO» *»- •'*» V *» • h-- < I Aw».«, •'P-O . ! J. 7- -.ailIrma •*«., k»»b „rcr», frw toyK. rttCTte. *>«Y»iOl©CY*x , f- ■ «M 1« . t r. *r rttf tw—A «UM W aaMM. r:’22S3ES3£:'rTa'S»h HMW JI *>« »a . » ,r: Hlol r, tui» ’ ■•»• t».il» BVIM ■■ Bi*! •r .«€ or wahmooo. v ' t||l ■Sffr'i'WJ • ''» ■ ■ . l.***r-» WHt ai- 1 I - , ,-« tK.-.’.;—Usu -aua»A< ilaaa.Maaa. **| HlAao « VOICCt IT tAIO, ‘•COM! AMO Mt.*** 'You are Invited To Cal) and inspect our new and COMPLETE STOCK O F DRUGS, MEDI INES. ESSENCES, PERFUMER Y. FLAVORING EXTRACTS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET POWDERS, CHEMICALS, SPONGES, BRUSHES, C O M BS, SOAPS, And other articles too nutnerons to mention. Everything Fresh ! Every article GUARANTEED. Spectial attention paid to Prasoripbioa Work. We use only the best and p- rest Drugs and Chemicals, and adopt the latest and most improved met nods of compounding. Remember the Place. 72 Clayton Street, next door to Talmadge Bros. L D. Sledge it Cd., rdephone No. 15“ COLtEGB TEXT BObKS KEW AND— Ml - M : —I SELL AT— LOWEST PRICES, HAVING THE COMMAND OF coim. AND THE RUN OF THE; MARKETS. COLLEGE STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I). W. McGregor. Book Store, ATHENS, GEORGIA ADMINKTRATGirS SALE. (-.KORGIA.CLARKI! COOfCTT-By virtu* 2 of an irirt of lb* < ami of Ordinary of 1 Clark* county granted at lb* fteptemfor term, j tarti. nt a*id Court. *iff ba ooid tartor* tbu Court ll' uor 4o*r tn Atfon*, Clark* county, OMTgi*. on th* Bret To»*day in bov«iub*r MH. within lb* l*gnl bo«r« at ml*, lb* f*L lo*>*g projtarty, to-wfta All lh<>** threw lota or p*rr*l* of land. *<tnate, lying aad bring in th* e» porate limit* ot th* MJ of Alb***, 1 •■ ' < ' io* and Booon Railroad Term* «*ah, and I sold aa th* wopsrtr te I bomaa M Compton, . Thte»rd tMfar, P*A U. B. BfaRMAflO, i | 8.0. DOBBB, (ufoA. E» orator A hWTIffl Trt'ltwrofl* »’» CBHBlDfflfl- AI.L p«r*on* baring rlolma ogmoal t'i* late ot J«mre S<-*lon. <i<-c*M*d, »ra I j ~»reby nteilrd to pr.*.r>t th* •*«<• to mo , ; property vartß*d aeeord'mg to law, and all i ■ ••rraoaa tndabtad to aaid fo--**a®d, nr* raquert | j ad to maka immediate payment. I lit. WILLIFORD, octi twite Adwiairtrrtnr.