The Athens weekly chronicle. (Athens, Ga.) 188?-1889, October 19, 1889, Image 3

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n on JBT naira A .LARGE WHPMKNT OF CHOICE White and Red Onion Sets. NOW IS THK TIME TO PLANT 500 DOZEN —Wil Toilet Soap. [*T acctiow rtttcaa. J NO. CRAWFORD A CO., Wbokaah ai»<l Btelail Dre/yist* ■*>«l IS College Arecitte. Alh»n» G*. THK RKAALI I* riIITTA OU! IBtMI. Local! Dots. J H Bergite. Ate,.. » tew-lqaarter. for K «»«A «A Mackufa Ml. Ufa. ate Mr. »■ W. Bfort, «4 « • * I* tbs «Ry, »•»“•« IK* ***!»•. Mr. Alter Wu*«, u*R LampktoHrmt. WbllM efat (rMi*r “Ml !*• li'W* •** J •fataMly ptMttat, Wv *** MtMAed Ibal H M lbs atawwf fateatomrw* totem-ray of •"»' fo*« rt» mm «M tefaStCfaMne gtate u** b*»e m ' Hyllibsd by * Mr *.<*<•• F«te» B»b*<4e.*. Jr.. V •»« ■forai D-arabar tot for biMnto**. Mm*. «bM* bs tettl * **• •***> “< *•* with r»taii»s* lapt W. II Ue ebMM. tb* popular «u» 4*Mut •« ta* O«i* r*ttr>«d, w • I oe • MiMlbw of • Mowib. <’•pt MrCoM to pte<*« *“ ht * wtaMww. After all in> M* bMW *Md aterat pro*, brtrrra mi prM*rtt»», every tsii-uuafasU MM w«l wtaM U*t <bar* M mm Artekta* »uw l» Alb***, tbM m lb* Asy* <4 tb. B>v. * p. Arm, «4 WiatetvUta, to lb* tsiy la Aay H* telte w* Ural *l bfo Akbqaarterly Unwtorvee* last w*tta<l*y l*» IttiMe **to>ybH»*t«wy to for Mi. MwbecMM wm* iiiiiewii; | •**••) Tb* t**» •<**•• M C P«p* to lb* bap*. rbat (fowl *»« i»*a*. amoM »< e*»* wm *m4s la y*s**rda} si-wa-faiKL*. to** ton* Mllbi ita* i li*** «*4 tbM wet ptMlb . | Mm to* to ttente l. Mm rotor to** «r* e**.fo4 M'VMito'for s**i*yfi tb tow MW***4 «*•♦’ *b*4 *• MMM4 Ute tow agwtoto Uwevtag **A can « * f*r*», to* ! •MMW WM* per** IV* to It, ate W» fte lj «| MUtef » A Rwtetewwi MM* m«m*U4 te • C wMuak-UI «*M UM wwwwtof that «. (*<*•** «•»*•» yw»4. 1 to. ptwnwl I*. tM-w- torr t*W*t** tote tot «*t Mto *»• *b Wl Ml *<W*Mrte.atol* lb* to mm*4 Mt Jew A M*a*w*. tomewtj at <btocity, bat *•• • VMtby awtetov* .4 tb* Awgeeie bet. to to *• eny m topto bee •*** MuMeei »* to t«. m toreM wen. **4 tto> ton tote tedl to* PM**4 to •MUAMte*. I M towNpto* be* Itewpml te*ww4 bette tte* bM* teUPKte ** toto rttobp Me tor, to* ttetAUtoto* ibM be** taw* to*eto in *1 M cmw «eei Mtoari, b**» h*M ***** tototeaMMU** toM. fbte to' toMM- Ato»**wMb* to* eMet be* tom to*e let tote* yeMtete* e*te. Hn ete*, **A eettoid toewifi AemeU U*m «**• ene MtotoMtoito *•*» CbtnbM., Mm* A Os be* tteMpy «bnr ttete MMW IM M WetCMpto* M'l l», toMbM web •**«*«**• M **« **>!•*. •Mrt >*«*>■, entowr• MM ****** Tb* tone bee m •*•***» ***** to* an to* ' pwttotewtowe *m»w*m* *•<* **•• *e***y *wM *•«»*« <4 eitoilli'i Mr W*M totobt. es tot****.* Ato.teto toeeMF Me* Ptoeww ibtoMe* to l* to* eby *»•■« «eto«M*M*W Mt. A L. Mm**M •* iwbMte be 4b> |b a*• MF* I*m ••«•* ****** *• Vt*t toe terert. Me* fbrwi i > ererttety ■*«* Mm torwtoi*. *• l*w***b *** * M I, *****-4 toe euy m to* e«A»» be* • cyiiM** • to*wi Mte* •*» ton. M. Mw*. et*M W* tope be* *•*» •«M **» ***• Tb* *mm e» town lbw"..*** LmMm* A Ito .to **•.»> ♦. am* to* a Mr T- J Tbereta* tebw be* be*te •*»»-■ etoeMtow* towbM* *’►*« be*** <to* A Mteeaa* Mi Ate* b. »*Mk teton* mAAm tote* •*» wteMeA • >n***A*y • C»■*»*M «** to* etetoa* et * i*e*n M tew p *** to* tete* ttep i p'i l to to* 0 • i« a*»M Ate **e). tee* rei *■*' F»e*» •** * «HaiM* .1 *t Ato* **M Ater BMpteWMb. *4 «M» *Mto M*. • * to ****** arft tote Mtte**i* tee .«* IMtea* bbteA. wtocw b* »-** to pMtep»«W* •» ****** te b**»te «•*> It tonite* be* »eto r I e aMM tee. ten* ****** <*tto»* •» Wteteteeb eetob.t p**« AlMte *Awb w*4 te* !**•< * bM «u* * to' W A ****** «»y» te*ey frbtoto* Mt T • toMff *i*wtoni I Im* ***• * »*• to* frr~nr ~~~ *• **■ **to«*l*tete to b *■*•! •*•-. •** ‘be* *' IW| «M b. * *|p to». te Awe T«*b. ** *b***»4 a****** **• w'j **> *«•* Ctoto • a WtoMM toe ******* Th* <*M**«ii*e *iAte»te*tor* mm •» 4feMt *• BMb •te* |*Ute Vi**b* . «te* «M to* *te e* totote «* ***** tewte Mte M to* toM Pte ttdhva e? e a wOdk he* toe*' Her Atoemetetew* to* Fe* to* «.a. to*hto.toi»*r»w* Mto* tot to»4 *«*■ Wtete *>.. *1 *«« Vea-M*. et* * A* toy *Mb*a to* eueti* M Ml 4 r Wtoto Tl. li’«l* n>a <tt tor. D. W. McGncor, E«re**t, :•. to burn, qn te ill. The I'ttle *>>o <4 Mr A J. Wbitebead u E rrry tick. Mr* W. N. B*ye, of Atlanta, i« in tb* I I e'ty, riertieg rr nticw* nd f'it.j.. Mr*. C. !>. Hici.trd*. n, w th het <lan<h. let, I* in the c«y, vi*iU< g lit r faib. r, Mr J. P. WilMie. Al! the boy* who bate *ttenrle<l the Ex pocitwm, oc. e it til- fiueet kbow e*<r *r*v in the Bou’b. Mr . Wnt. of Chrb.eetn*. fa io tbr efay, rfait’or b*r moiber, Mr*. Lewi* L-unpkn ■ 1 Mr*. B<*b*r Kirkr».rick will accept oer Ibekbe f<* arm>r nice turnip*. MiwCallte W.Uir*r* to <t*nceroe*lr ill ’mm feter at her Ueew on E Bro*-: *trr*t. W* toererd thto n> <r»in< that Mr. Fer dinaed PWeity *e r»®« tMter, wed that the pbyrciae* bi* *ympt<xn« ate all faeothbte. Mr. J. C. Lower*, a ciewer ynanr fanner, ’taina la the riaeily of H to bhoel*. wa* > |io to* toy U~4ay, arfiing a part U hi* I o .Uo* ccp. Tba Farr Br<a. are pap*rin< the rear cteoc* of Mr*. Jton Wmirf, at Wioter ’ nlta,U«- 1 Mr. *ain*« Dottery ba* ibe Aneet cotton 1 and ear* In J *rt»o« county. H« cere to keowe a* th* -Frida of lb* thteib,** and to the teat core r».r acre ie tbto aecttoe. i The »ar* ar* *»»y lerg*. an-1 *b» eotrfw aery *mali Tbeeun<x> to tb* tteetb Am*r. tea* FruHbc. wbtab iter. SMnwm FeUr Hicbar-tooe bad <♦ *el* *1 thia office. The *<ajk> ar* atarnt iwkw a* iarye a* tb* e»«r. ay* ted ion ataib. and iter* ere etarul twice the aetoita* >4 to th* *uik. Dr. Atoxatxbr to a Kteei far'*ite with lb* trerelieg pebllc ft <1 h nxiremeat u>a>op <>*•* to M«ya»il>' Be furnieb** tb* b**’ of fair aed th* b*-t of .arcixomo i data>' a. Tb* ton *r w«a *iau«a by Dr. j Ateseetor qu •* a curtnawy mi towel to aewwn «* tbe Baur cure—K tanee a ran- ty Wbicb ****** A—l >iM***<i nf earwt Itely * few farm»r« bare l««**4 lb* a* yet. a*J mm 4 tte* te <► tkbtad w-lh w. Tweaday'* Dally. TM« KFtJHtoAieoCBT. Tte* Bepere* Coot I r-**>e **••<) tbto eedalo* el 10 u tteck. end tb* rerdlct lb 'be .riel to the ttoto* of lb* Haye* aeete-ai Myei M"-ra wm Mtwmrwwd fISO laa**C*w and coat* wee anwoeeod a* tb* aartect tu» p' It toul be iw atmbaeed that H»y* we* *•«< »«» twjwtw* h ptetod fa* * prraoate 41»r*.1, «MM tte* epn. «••*•*. Lwmptea A ttw.eeU rwyraweatod Bay*, aed T. W Buck**, Stan*. I* tb* CWMI w< * f Pblil.p* re tt D. McKie, tb* detateael taUed to etqrar. eto j -'l-t— i tar t*M e»d e-wi* we* gteee th* ptatotiß. Mr. Fed >ps Thoma* A Bmto aaad lepr***totad tbe ptafet < ie tb* erne of H K Nwtetane «e ft ! Meaiappr, )wde*Mwi te |i«P It wa* <»»«b i tb* ptatat< ibrawqfb tea Muatweya, Lwwtp I ala A Berweto. ’b* dete*dani farfu* I>• ay****- Lt* •*• * <*•* u | j Kratoeby * *«•* C««pa*y raft D ' J Me Ke, J* p*wwat te ft IM w*a yraw* I Um ptaeuC tbe tef*a hai fadta* to *p- Mm«r* L«wu*r A M -w»U C*M> » ray i—ateil tb* Kawtetoy Wa*p>e IXtob I Ah** ib» cmH me tbM ■»**«««« 4f !•“ flirwAMM TH—al Wefte •* IMfl Mii4. MH* | <to* «we*Merto>bw* «< '*• •* Prate Baate **■ tb* Cuy »4 Attewe e*a taka* |ap Tb* ptamidl ba<*d tbal Ito* y*w<» I **a te nd*** atom* 'be bnd«e “• te* * I ftyoa* etrear, Me ate-d. tbewwiag I auto to 'be plowtod, laAirlM** *erVm* *eo yer*a>*ai Ja»t»*eto th* cam we* ar*e*u jte tbe ««ty by Mr Aadrw* J WA, ate ' Ite Mb* pem'df by Mr * K Lum pel. lef teaaphto * Bar*e«L Tbe tw* ; aw* tey argued ea bw*b awte - * k **rJw< te ♦».«•» W*e »W*to A eeto , irte WAI baaiwtoim tat ptrwe. ' Wtetej i Duly, ! Tea a*MM*te a ebet w. 4 be iter* ep . I MewUay tot aa to *te* lb* Mat* dwettog •**. I I toe*b wed tb* tbtrd **»a ibe tertl dwebei Ie wr qt* te ap te* total ie lb* ewa* ** < | U*a**r garnet fttan'ta, towtob aw a e**e |te tote, | *'***>» I y*a«**d*y wee <» •** ,te te* pteteM *e tbe a*** at D J F>te bite e*C- i>. MiKw.BMT.M Mb* ptem | te* ptote • tanwapb tb**r MtomwpK L a ' b V«*k la ‘be 'to «< tbe C*dwtote* I Ituecy I tobewey ******* C Ik B*K*r tte j pta** l A* (*mad a j tot* to. el te f *•*■ b» j Ttey toare »upr*«*wUd by Lb** AM a ; Tte* petMbto as Iter**. II PbtaMe te I *• I* 1- * I ®’ ll ** Kp-Mfy * HlMl W*•« It to ibwwbl kmw W tototoh * | totol *MM|i * tf*wa* • YW toMi* th* wt»to< • m toMf <to • teu*e* w*. Mtrte a teewr Tbe *tw«*u : awto***t a* tbe wee* w4B emapy th* **** * -e BwrwaM arraw te ib* p*wm*iA, wed . ttartowr A tewemad te Marie a fteto* | iteb tetab * tb* eeto* *e» •* ttee* ate* to. I aed * tobwty A«b« • * ipMtoad te tb* | »**•**<, Th* **4w* I* tbto ewer «* I ****** «<***** Mar baa Fw**. by i FwMk Bwbbae wad Vw**. *a» et>w*tt> t *•* IX U Tteawde* •** • actom* te*aa | baby • >****> at tee <*.*«d Aary lb * I ******* *• ******* «r (b* J*w»b «4 * iwa atow*. MW* M» A H H 'ft*** waa j «t «* te»to*w te to* *aaad i Tb» Bapu * • •* «bpee»l at * ' yweaeate* rm ethp * btoh**wp tb* rwe* *f ■ Waab lte*to te*** A Iteaae I fbe *mu war tee ■ wawae** aww*****d by tb» , y*a*e*A 4* ***** a*to* w rt a* *• a**- •mto*tore* t te lb* d*4aw*to> T w c** 1 teiweat «*4 te tee ******** bp i‘•** <X Ttatobe* The jury ****** a j toedirt b* tb* ArArwAawA I Tta* ******* tee eaee *4 Aepate K t ! It tab* e* tb* C. A M b A Cta Wwa a*bew | yetowa* y <* M* bp th* *■*■**•* , I tb* WWW wmwey •.* tabm W» te «b* ( • awbertam «4 a*a*ar*M*y beaeaaw «• «be i retoa. Tb* at* aino* to an. I b» * >** tew r | «*♦•* aed a wtodtei *<£ b* ****** ftp . ** ewe tome* at* M' thaww Ibactar •eye***to te* ***** A. aed Mm** ttateee I A Watem* r ter 4***«Aw**b Tb* tt-ww I l«ry tew* *» tar *«ywe*d tl Mane**** j Twa ******* Ml* «* tea eteet w A ba tap* * < *toy baap ate* ***** •■in m-we * .——— Bto*t A«*ga** ***** dy tp bawb **i 1 »apaMMbrtea ew S* St** 1 * iStaam* abate I tob* *• BVMh Mmo ••***•* Ydf «■ 'ambp w* | W Bafw toip' ■ r tai toMtok b CWBa Ba intei * «*t Aula* * Jhtee* , **♦'*. iaee-Mude ata* r -1 Str* aat Tbrr* a A nnmb« rof tbe Umrersity lmy» bare I recently been r<-pntnai.ded by the & Iley. c aulbori'h-a, for appropriation l<> tbeir use, aome of the cuileije fuel found lying open on the caoipn*. Tbe reaaous given, were r that the night waa cold and 'he wood wu left a«> that it aeemed-to be tbe property of no one. Tbe hab't of “booking wood” fa one not only prevalent among college boys I bene, bat fa to be found, we believe, in every male in>iiiutioo in tbe world. It >» not l «»ked upon by buy* io the s«me light ■ that Healing in il» usual *et>re fa. A. buy r who would knock y.xt down fur acctfaiag him of Mealing, would greet with a am le. il and an evauve reply, any inunuaitou about d hfa “Meaiing” bond. In tbto conbaction jan ammung *torv fa tol lby a graduate of | tbe University of Virginia, living in Alb cm. T ere lain tb«- University of Virginia. 1( | an officer know* a* the He has I Charge of tbe tiu idiag*. e'e , but doe* not teach any partteviar branch st the r, I Univeraity. It hapfieoed that one w ater, » ' there wa* * great snow storm which pr- - • i vented the pvop'e around Charlottisviik . from bringing any wood tnlo town. The . I toudntU were io namineut danger of bring . I •’tn*- oat.” and in tbeir distress that night ' tbev went to lb* priglot and *>ked bi* ad | vice a* to tbe twat plan for them to ptFeur | to ar old toe incuu violence of having uo ( I ftrea. “Walt, 0 sax. b*, “I tbiok ibis i* oev i tme wt>ea you buy* Would be ju*Ut)«bk t j in taking any aood you c»o fay yoor ' ba-<U on." Toe part r-a to the cunverm r | ta« tbea w-paraled, toe proctor to go to _ I bed and tbe *tudent* to welt, tbe next wbrtl the proctor Wu«e, what : Was bt* eorprto* to h-.d that *4 tbe wood in bw wvl -Allrd vut-buO***, ted bueo ' tskva out duntig tbe Bight, u.| that ibe ' | Uuivvraiiy was wttooul furl tor tbe day H il fa But te r« <d stoat he sail to the t’n>- ' . verwly buy* wteo they *v*t weal to b tn fur adv**, but it is sale to s.y tout be put I all bis property BBtb r duabta luck ted k- y ' bafur* taudiig any <ua>u*<.>u wit* I tosrri. ’ | Il mwoi* that Fim* Corkar and CH j ! W*<r*., otbcrwte k»uwu *> “Jw»tg>-,”; { l-e ntly imx a az faiig psrtuw to * U*ur> 1 Ig to duet Hrs bof t Bea* (rathen-u wets! Ip. polar nMtetan* of the Univera ty Law i : ossa .set y«ar, aad ar* wvU tuw.wa to ' Altete il testa* that Mr. (JurkeT. » 1 Dwtaiu enwr-wisto-l. t>i of tte A'taal* Cte -1 Mitutste. wrote » tte-thing to hi* psp r ; wb<cb dM but pieaes a CllJt-8 of toal t>qyu I *od Jwmaote ut aatefacilto were circu lated sruwed !• tbe *u. Mr. Or*«r quch- , ly w*u«* to bte fnewd Br. C K Wativa. mi HawklaaviU*, rvqueatt** bte arrvic** as < •teted la tb* unfa *d ,lr of bowor, aad it MWtevd tost ttesre wteld bw “bioud te tbe ‘ tetew 'I'U swtolls, llipatotoscy, however, put lbw better of tte day, and • talisfactar) . apraeMMWl w«* Mated between lb* psi j two, awd ad bow r— ,l*t trarqsil sad pi we*.'J lb lb* rugl-w of th* I Th* o>**y frtebitewl M.a«r* V>uk«r **». War*** anwgr albites I tert* te tte oMCkUM wf tbs Mwlter. Maay Who bavs too* la Ito*Owntote | too*, I Jas’ alter too a»tl»sJ of tte trarbs. i I M*w a* AMMte W > -farted *1 lbs IwaditM** ' ait* **•• Mi, Aite, Uto gvbtol n**na«*r of tote isiatant'*>»al, r**sqi*.**s slbHMt sd us iter gw Ms wau ruga*** *t h« bwl*f MMtvfltate www **wis**r I tort*, bs«w bwe* as tte cfay to*(we, and Mr Ata* o*a 1 . rs*Hs**i** tel <► ty tb* isastoe* >4 Iteite ate w.r* b**w year* *«“, taM r**w tbe us**- ws>«» itoey utewfuasl ***** b*rv Tuts is . agr at advaaiaa* •* th* |teut*s»l i*. awd Mr. Alfa* MrtatAly bw* ti ***** A** ******* ll* May havs bam • cy*ic or a »•:*** ’ lh*vps, but bsverlterfas*. lb* wrter wa* ' tsiktag with • «»•* ’ba ftawtmer «*» was • j Auer* «• Albawo aorssiy . M* wa* »At tent*. *wd t ai fwH cm* wear Iruab Alter** \ ' whs** b* bad -ivsd tar ymr*. ttald to*. ’ I "&• ywto h*te* *hte I* snf Mambwr* *4 ' , y-tow* ■*•• STS tear rag A'bsw* *v*ry year ■ teewawr st th* **«>**• ***na* *4 th* ss*n* j y <4 ibal *••*. it a t*4 «w w«*** for * ate. . *ry, awd ka* *•< ’be *wir*« la*, tb* circle I <4 aurisly wy r*wi iw *4 wealik tw tetlb, he «wy leM m lb* 14 .awe CUy tar year*. **d I ywt •«• tar **»• a* *mr* ttaw* sot te ptaes- . J *»•» •*>•»wd **y *r «W* MA si ab bls supr r»sr* iw *► sial q*Mifto*ttawi. I know ftw«* j wtaßr*'**a*« ibiai a *.rwal ***** > "tag wwa . law** Aibste te tea *w* u»’. awd I may I wud itosl M te* argufy I*Aweawsd as* to ' . s*r» «bte tey, aad la «•*■** to AUaatoa, ***** ***M| • *o aswrb was*********." I It assy to* ptegprt tw add IbM th* spaa*** ' ' was te* wt taw UasM pewiaJ *ad p Al* i yowog •»* wm* •*** **ute bahswd • *uw*~ * 1 to* * Uto ttoteu Cbiy. Tb* »• pur’s* *to a faal-'y pups* Me*** q*ssr ■*■*• site st •**>> d>y. Ito* »wr y tv was*, lbs saw* **•*• mi th* peb-rr * a fast 1 in* ’**■ Ms*** fa* ******* *4 ”V >a Ftejs "thse *ww Asm**,' *A Ta» F*y*r.” • steal «*brt hten isr UUot m*rt Ma*, ate ' * fteusag taw* to • *>wws*, how *i awl stag *4 BMMI V«B* T»<tf9*9V«6 •. Ml fKNHWteMf 1 It* rwqui **d ■* to ****** th* tart tbM ite wswteute *ss**ii*w>* ate t law*** e4 war < e*y *r* p*si «te* atamt was-aiaif ww > j ter **« a* > «hwr <M**a “I *■* ***** •» prvpwrv • rwrvi.- *ted b*. “tar pwtawwli •* • y**a papar. p***>y swan.. •■****< forth ’ •* kb* tar* M ’*•» maria r. ate yaw has to | *« ***** ms*iis** towm to swwu* l*u ttosm” Ml* ***** Mmk •* tbtei tb» puMat ■ p.teteafay wm b* prnpqr*ii tar “Vo* Fwy. ah* who* to •*»•** *• th*** itoteg* »*• . in ram »* Mi »b* sear tw****. **••••• They Wsrw sek-ag fap l Rs aim Sarbvr wm «to *■*>» faav ***** to p*s to* wu* al Cap**** in mp*y. to ****** «*■* to p«* a tostar* tb* War. a* Mbs sop- a » •* a *»**■*. i U*r het tetepawy to AivenA Th* write as as ansawfmrtte*. ate tb** tto lap** a i | ga****d*4 as m*i «** a* ttoaam war *’ i rm ' i-fa wMA b* • mate il* m*4 iw ****** i sfyto Oto sswry *4 km raw* *• tosrbte* t tram Aagwrt* ws AMMO** dwtwa* *to war. * ate w sdk to *m khnsar*. to* ***» *4 ***** **sA s* tAw etosusA ate samp*.** «♦«* to* ku* fawwtei *a*k ***** *m ewA ii«s* ws l tar* X **i a***i* •-* war mawwm ••**? s*to* »te*< ’ T to «a* to » «f BtaW * 4NM • lh*s l *W4B*r «•*, iIM • <**<- feMBBMBI |MB* '4hv M **4 •*-- teTTug •taf* ta*M •a* PMte"* T» kto -ylkate vwmw «• tows," wm hp *, B ste* ywaapwa**. I* Lwwaf . Ba«a i I *h» d» r irajiurn m a*a4 tea* *4 te otter ( j «*m*Mws*lh ted « tea grsw* n* Wm* *4 3 MMKM Mnb ‘ Mtn w* Tv a ste awe to ts tarn •*■■*■- f raw* 4m *m* |s***** ***** If A * a*4- : tail, a** , i way tahi *«**<. Mr ****** w* ***** ■to U «#*•***►>. *te ■*» *ste w pw*. * •«* war ****** at am *4 kto !•«*■» man. ****** *4 laws, to* • tofoMAp- j Wednesday's Dai'<v. Tbe Donntioß, p] YesUrday afternoon a d last night, a > : very p!<s»ant affair occurred at Ocot tt street parMx.nge. Under the a iu pices of [, the Ladies Parsonage Society, a donation P party wm arranged, and many Valuable , articles were sent in, cons Ming of all t kinds of family groceries and other useful g articles for the house. Mr. QuiDain fa p much beloved by hfa people, many of ! wiimn heartily united in this < Xpression ot s good-w U. t The Fire I.ast .Vighl. fjrtt night st about 8 o'cmck, tbe ah’tn of fire was sounded. A bright blaz - lit up , ibe town, and mscy th-ugbl that Broad t street wm sflsme. R<.sching tbe son-, it f was fooid tv be Ibe dlile brick building ou Jackson itrvet, occupied by a colored ms i named Wiogfi-id, as a restaurant. ( The Are originated near lb* rou', and inadc ( rapid headway. The fire d- parttnml n spou lrd prumj'ly t° Hie alarm, and *ooa tbe fire Wa« under Control. Tbe damage ws* slight, and we faarn w covered by in. sorance. Tbe building is Ibe property of Cspt. Jam * Wuite. wertssis Avrldewl. Yesterday luo.niog Mr?. J t*. Kmg was , down in lb> etty in her buggy, bioppmg awhile *t tbe home of a >re*e-maker, tbe b-r*e became a little resiles*, when Mr*. King .tailed cult to quiet him. S eppiog o* a plank, tier fw* c.reened, and sbe fell. Her ankle vu badly sprained. Bhe was j imroedialrly taken home end • physician I le, and rvstorat v.s applied. Site I ba* been in great pain im> tbe aec dent j happened, but was rvwliug some better thia , moraine, ii wnl be wuneday* betorv »ue i will be able to be out *<aiß. (kestte st Mr. M. «■ *< Ms well. Nr. M. A. Mello well, wi>«> was well I kßowa m <MU cily, dsd last bight at bis i bume at ttoady Dak. Ua. Mr. Me Dow, II j was a br*4bvt4(i.iaw of C*pi. C. (j. Tai- I iusdg« of this city, and has often vrslitd I Aitens, and ih'i* bad many irwi d* here. lo* to kuow h.m was to like him. Me bm | br>* hi Mi.o March, h<* disease having tart-b Cauwrd by Woumfa received duilug ! tbe war, and bte death wm tbus tw* al-: logettiwr uneapected Many fnetals u> . u«r city will isgrrt tv Warn .4 bt* ikwlh. I ' Cape and B<a. i*lm«4gv left tbe city t, - l day, to be prvwsst al tar bunaj. MBm*'. TmtOM—l desire f«w myselt : ate family, through )«*M »4u'wws, to eg. I prm* ua* tu “Tbe Ocoove | IHrwt Caarcb Parwuosge tfocwly" ate i fi lewd* lur Ita buufalllui BuAsttM Io tw I <m Ttewraday eftert.<swi, cmasMtag ot v»- . r»«u« jfavr*uos. Iwl. cm and »<bv< arti cles tor family use, with socu* Uilags add ed io ibe psrwrn g* lurailar*. Wb fa we pc* Deal * retest bteoMOgs I j upua Uhmu wdw b*v* *o kindly l*msoibci- ’ *d ue, ate tfawe wb» desired to do so, uur I i tear * say. “ f banks to fkal” B. M QvtUfaatt. > ; October !»b. IMB. Vtosr Msww Neatwsw*. If yea Ibisk they fao*'t b-m baMs***, Jaat vlMi lbs carnage ate w*g<m establish asset es Carithers, Helis A Ok, aad you j will *« that they carry * Ra tine us vv- j ' awtea It yea w.ic* chnrly, yaa art I ab» am itosl ttary are S'.hag l* m rtgbi aloeg . I Canttaua. Hells A O*. j lb* ChrueoeUe, m*m««*»mww* rater****.. Tbs tefaessrlel Haans. il ■ my fawsM* to WMhe the Frwuvai tbi* : year s w-m*’** sootws*, ma fmwi say p.r- i I wmal cmeutorsttom. but for tb* purpose of : sssMMieg tte Iteiaslnal Homs. ate. ihrtwgb | j that usgw* * 4 Clswniy, of beip ng lbs pcarr ' ste tto **ch w< ibs city ton W w>trt I { psvpsassl to twr* Ito sane *tiim* givea to tb* Ftattvai over to ’to ItewArtal M me, I dlu • |«vliy r. ss wrisgllkw us ite , wwifasfa us fate* ch.rtiy w<»k. *te <m | b***Mßta*t smtefaM <4 to* towiuny *te ifßcwr tty «4 Ms ptaa of wurtoM- Mo no* «m ytopss y Jwigw of tto fund it M fame* by *WB(ly tvte wg ths tsyaW** es thw V*. ; , rvute tasmiDwi rvwry q•sartor. Ibhiad ‘ l**w* tspusta thesis *»» farts—short btsiw- I I r*<W ei toB. Stag atal Salp— a bus thWy War - e«* soUhfav, bet aaaay »4 wtoew has* * ow j emfart my psrsmal start Verbal Ate i I «*• oatoortsUagiy wav. test ttaw* fac.s I mte* th* iafaeartoi Hum* worthy of tto ' tokp «4 tto to» i*»wu >4 Alton* Tte mrtti j i WteMO *s> bar* item bob* us tbto eeas- | ’• «ty w fab ter twoch rwsrgy ate taafs-. ate i I wwh •> OMK* UTSfafwtaoW* Iw th* 4m*SS». : 1 l«m *o'l w agssws «f tb* p '*pto to wasp j Aor*«e* Mi Bed * frwefa ate tett-ag teste . ; to *e*sy tn** *<**•* of tteto tea* : bsviag *ay **rwni*> tw ttory lotos ws *v**s. j I <m tost •te Ute tte Hot «4 swtacr tors i ' I a* but* ho** wf eritw * -fa bte-wwy warm- i j bwnhap wm* te usefas mac* Is age*, rawasmfa 1 , «f way ssr-taw AM fa* *• appesi to lb* | c-timw* *4 kitae*. **** to to* lbw isotow me , ' dW'-ad* «M fat* ta* 'b* wssm *4 • irtifa , ‘ tokp free* aacte—w* tail* tbM **•■■ wtJ | tori tto* ma *4 it w*»s M is **♦•», aafa to**** cm oMtawM* ttos **.■«* <4 taw *»<**■ i gate *4 ttaas «***4 gills to Uta yaw*, os to ' I ’WsWtew’Vv* ii w my wua ’b*l tto ensnstattsse *4 tto srwerwl *wwr«to»w wtl taagto ttow w«*h I w»tl wwwh. ste w«w* WM itte symps ' Hi mr *to*gy *te teM**** arts**** fast 1 swfacess tbsar kivtag amsewoss*. let ; ***** s<* tar, am* •*«•** way •*•<**. ww :«w ihs p •-* *M lbs sta* ■- ws* nwmirt to i vary «wm*v*aste*iy m pwsctoswwg artMta* ' fa* Itos wch, mi tic****, s* . ate *te>y • ita ***** CTmevteaanl than* hfa m*ay to 4< to Ota »»*»*• MMMMB to toy to 1 ; wm war tow* esfate ote. ***** *v»ry *riw« 1 m • toswA *«pt fa* ’bsl parpww. *s*4 Ito toMtosy •♦. •* <.h**s«By to**Fy at. i> wi*w ceapw ctoeech, «m th* w*'rt*** *4 Th*ml y. Jfotaowb t ”ih. whs** a o■ l i****w**» to 41 (to corse wsfa stow* ita**. wel tows* ibswt ptetoi. I ***** lbw * the c tafaWq Me *4 th> <rty wte eswAbacs, t-cewas *.ty nopiwki* a* (• fate-1 Age.**. •■* An i amo s** ir< tisw t any ta-w* «4 of fane*. • -ir~. tos* r stwwr «*p<«* l»e*rt. i C Dtrm I Bawao* ptato* ii i m we -to*—— l ——■ BSswart* Htttetate. Ti * 'wAicify w to rood ”< so ***B twee* w»* w> papebM a* to **e4 •**«■* ewtes ' Ah eto- toasw otofa Bfa»r* *> trry ma* th* SSWM WM*g of (WWW-. A part* tow-ecm- , ‘, Am* wot • kw*. *M M » raarvwtaHt -st A- : ' ,3 hat » < wmM< K*e vto Bfakrt* ws , cwsa w- dan. wees «4 t*s hrrt «M baissys W£ AWiSta Matepkia, b**K tel rtovAb . ww4 octo* (NhtsMMi p«te4 by f***wo*, ,Pi wij MT 1* Arts* mr 'V'-e to*** <Mr rr* 1 pwCwm **-• tofaWr"w«*K IT* Eswvrsr Bitwrr*. Bta** «w******•» rtswtafate--. «* Otarny i ' mrwwfao*. Feme »cte ate LMprt fam-l I •*. CM JtetHe teAGs'ltrWtem | Death ®f W. I. Lowry. Our readers will remember th-.t the above gentlemen did n metcbandiz ng b.ikines* in Athens h f.-w years ago. Th.- following *|>eci-il from Summerville, 8, C., dated Oc. 9, bungs the aunodnCement ot his death. In tbe death o' Mr. \V I. Lowry, which occurr-d here tn-dsy at 1:48 p. in., Sum merville loses one of her tn-ist prominent progressive and respectable citiz ns. Mr. Lowry came here nlsiut nine or »en yenr» »go from Chari.-siou and started the gen en.l nx.rclisialize business, which be lias ; outied on ruoat euccescfuliy ever since. H< wm born in Uulieiou count), near Waiter boro, where he sp ut hi* ewi .y ye >rv. He 1 atierwaiJl Went lo Uuariotuu, wh«re bi entered tbe dry go<xb buouos, he i cannoned uoid bis remora, to Sumuiei- Villc. Mr. Lrowry was in the 4itu year W u» age. and b-.iuje* a do.t of trends leave* a wife aud nine chilureu to moat, tiuloaa. "tarly to be<i Bed early to rise Baa.* a man Uraitliy, wealthy and wlw .' •at* the i>,de -ume nursery rhyme, bnt w ibi.ik that— “k-aly io drii.k from the fountain in health A ill bring both the wisdom and muc: - kn.g d for wea.ih, ’ and ibsi Luulam is to be found in Dr Fienx* Golden Medic*! l>,»cuv<r), tlx W'Mld-famed remedy tor luij ur lies ut tb bio si. It cure* Scruful -u» Sore* an. Bwelhng*, Bkm an.! Hcs p dt-easc*, teltei Sai -lutuuu *i.u ail bl-mu-teaia. in<M.Midi EATS. FOB ALDaitMte, WARD. • | At tb* •»!«$ anon us man) fn. i>da, Mr Lvinpkiu Um Conserile'l to present hts name Io ita democratic primary, as r ' candafaale luc Audenuau IB the 4"> waul. Maxy Vuikus. FOR MAYOR. ! lam a C«ud-l«U'f. r Myy.u, subject t' I th* dccuamc <4 the D iwctaiie pntnrty E. F. Beust 1 am torture lltelhiuotralic puruary 1 p«-da< niy sr-M faras-pp -rt ia«- ita*** • on.liMV-d ui i luat uucas ou. Cel HiU, IHH9 ALbbRT L. JHrn.'ltKl.fa At 'hr rvqu'Sl <4 many ciliagM, 1 b»vi | custalrl to . tfer for f talictam a* M*yo • 4 Altana, tanutU u.y**ll rawly io alad* by auy facwluu uiy pop.e n>»y make. J. A. HvhMCtriT The Affiance Eacu >ugv will be lucatv ie Aifanta. or st «a*t lite's wiiat tbe ette mittce from tbe Ftuaur i Alliance d-cidvc foswHay. Cmwart (fawrafaluga Coriai Cbasms, i Avaass, 0 ~ Uciubar .*, I I « a ctosb p. m j Ome 1 met thm vvralug, prisusnl h ‘ w<ij<>ur<.m«b>; (Mearai, bi* Hoaiw Mayw j Hannirati, aad Alkrinen Gttfir'h. tfa.- i rva.D-ktam, wcKiuauu, McDuatil. Buotl I and MrtJiuiy. I Tua Mhumtfoo «4 Jidia T). M m •• | street, commas mer was pr«wilted an' I acta-ptel. fa A 'tvrnian Griffith bm>»H ihst Mr. J. . W Baruvti be vsci.-d lu tlh lb< vseaue I esuani by th* real. Ba'i>>a ot Mr. M>*s, hi. salary * n •*•«* fp>m Oct Ist mat. Rohim wnqfawd and Mr (farm tl do 1 tai rive rd AtartaMaii H>w* •laird tl-at <me <4 th. i bos* psi* arpi i* lb*’ upp« t part us tb< city was rip**d by baring go •uitabl, i puck of Vluiagv. K.f.rrvd In Citntaittes <m fire departmenl with p>iw,r !<■**<. <>ii a, >uoa «( A. hrm«ii M lK»w< ii tbr • : qinmitoi* <4 rawrictißg to* Lading us stock ; Itu tk-rtaiu ktrvcis or par s <4 street* •■» I referred to strvsl toutuaiitle* situ power ! ti> am CtMi ctl tbs* adjourned lu tavel ua lb* '■ \ M b last, *1 3 "'o<**k, p. m W A UItJAUASD. Clerk. ... i> ismawglls* ImsrsMs f Btad >to foi»nw'<M Mr G. 11. M wrfa X*e«*A, Ark., says "Was down wilbAto I accw* us Lu'w*. *>d fra * >• and pbyMCialto j ;<mvitmerd *• *b Incurable Cucmnmplivr ! Ih-gan t«*iog Dr , King** M«w Dfaeueef* ' ii« Uu«mw**ptioa. am now oc my tblr i Imstls, ste te** Iwowstowe la* work nW raj I tsrm II *• la- ficaei m* lion* ever mad*. J<««s M u***it. IfacAtor. Oba>. *ev« ■H-iitxttwi. f.« Dr Kings N'.w bta ' rnvwry for tVimeumpirm.l wnwM have dite <A Los* Tr. wbtow. W** given up Uy dua » ' I *r» Am m teat <•! hsai’k.** Try 1L { wap. butt!** true, * Jute Crawford A- i j Cw’q drag u<*v. it stimjxox its merits. .sis ■ The Lee Range. Tw MWwten t*oar» *•««’» HfeMl as I ' AM*** ar* *> .1 n»a tnM» a, U*l «r TO r ' k ** > tri «• «u« 1 volar w la IU *•*»• «f Mb* LAA A i b*»A I.«*Mfl tb* **/**■ ****. oro j U» >*o<*. m 4 < ,o* a»a« * A»r« «Mm* m*l *« <n«»«. yaa a*« ay ix the city, 11 t* * C Bn i BM, A M BMfx*. i f *. Lara* < aaaar M »m< H « T •«■.*» •* Aero, rw * c *m*», ■ a !«•»><<, iw & c »*iii*iiii i«. c i* n*. if*. Fa «*•*'»*•*, Mro ***«•>*. I M A*-*. Mr* tfer,. U t ♦»*••», Mr* Marr M.wbaaa. ! Ha*«ra Hi***. A A Or— »>y. ttelM* <'•**.*<. Al» A»u»»a» In the Country. i Or * •*>.». AaaAy f * W F'«A»». C**a* F«*», Mr <A. i*na aaaat* >I J * Ar**r< WVAoa i i hit. i i ■ Aminin —* iiy nAiirya aaa*g, ' ! ' , "*‘*B *M »'* <—gy* * *a*<b*«* 'AfirA* ir>i* a— air. T A Mam*, mgli i * <y* waaay » A '*m«X J *at«*a enun ***** ***«»**, * nAnneri*. f ’’•’•MUBBb* A U A Flinn I. ***» 3* Fraaary, Mr tar*.***A Maawu Alia* « 46CITIOV TO TOV LEE RANGE. < I Aaa* tAa ***■* ••* *■* a*a>M *«a» a STOVES I AA* faate •» •” *•* as aw Aaaaa « M* a*r. A a*3 a* naa na m E. E. JONES M» BBOAD <TR££T. cor.. E. T. Bltoti x. He FsrmnUy Annonuceaaaa Cauilidnii for dlayor. As will be seen from the annonne ' ments in another column. Hie above naim gentlemtn has forma,ly announced as candidate for Mayor, subj.ct to the ib cfaion of the democratic primary. G Brown is a man ot tine ab lily, aed won! make a splendid officer if called to serv. the p ople Athrns is p culiarly fortunab at inis time. Thice of her best men, viz Dr. J. A. Hunnicutt, Judge A. L. Miich» and Col. E. T. Brown are in the field r Candidate* ton M ,yor, and ibis assures an . able adiamistraii'in of ibe affairs of the ! city n«xt year. They Here Married, Rev. V\ tn. Center was ou Sunday the ! uieaos of making two hearts happy. He officiated in tbe marriage of Mr. J icksou C -tier to Mss N ira Su vens. B lb ot he (xirtiis live ai Princeton factory, anno gh t>« br.dt's fanu y live m Madison county. They came mto town to have the nuptial knot tied, as there is no preacher at Prine, ton, and th y returned to the i home happy. Tuesday's Dady. tattoo Fire. This morning a colored man drove dow> Clayton street with two baba of Cotton o> his wa.-ou. He was bnp,>y. for wreath,- of smoke elicncle'l bis bead, as he smokeo his p pe. A »(>aik droppe )ou one of th, i cotton bales and set it on lire, and thrn hfa happiness eud< J, as he began to fight th. fire by slipping h.s hands on the flames.— But the flames increased, and there would have been I—t a giaxi dial of cotton, bad not th* water-plug in front of Mr, Hull** plumbing store came tu hi* rtlief. flen the cotton was dumped to the ground, ai d the tire was toon extinguished by a goo' stream from the plug. We l< ar" the cotton was Ibe property <4 Mr. Charlie Slnck’l furd, of J ff rsoa. The l>w* will probably not exceed 415. In tbe M. E. couferenve at Nmli vllle, last week, resolution* wert iulruducvil memorializing the Gen eral Coufvietico to atMiliab the lilh ot Ihiclor of Divinity, on the ground that it had Iwx'otne empty and vain by iuJiscritninate distribution Mr Lamar Cobb, Jr., an <44 Athens bOi is liuiaa well ib hoaineas lu Philadelphia.— He to with tbe Baldwin 'live Work* and seem* Well p.<Med with bi* employ ment. H* write* that Ibis mammoth e»- lataabiurnt turn* out two locomotive* « Jay, and employ* over sevru thousand Ite.J*. The CUROKICUt I* pleased to learn of tte suiom* us au old A i hens boy in bi •lew liter lu th* far North. Ortega bte Ms. Married, in this city, <>n Moteav n'ght. at tte rtolde&ce of tbe bride, Mr. J >bti I*. I Hilliwieiu to Mr*. Mary Ann Former— H> v E D. Stow.* officiating. Mr. H»U-ia is a well known cnarac lei ia Atßeot, having IlVsd here t-n man., year*. Thu w tte third time be has led * f bride to the altar, and be i* how 'tn bls f *|gbiy-tb>rd yyaf- H'S bride a*. * Widow, ate> wvlhknowu lt> Attorn*, having llv.ti brf* s h« oi*ny year*. Tbe Cit Route: * ! ex leads euugrahJaltoa*, and w.gild po’nt I ta taw marrtaa* •• • ray ot hope to al< w , of Ibe itiwoasuiato o'4 bachelor* io our i etty, who for so long • tiu».- Imv* bro ’ waiting lite'* (Mtbway MdiUoy aud *lote. I ■■* Mr J P. Csmtnada, ot M.fagan coouty, 1* m tte city. Ik cam* bur* to purct.sar g.aads. M toe *•)• itosl te can get tbeito mnch cheaper Io ibis city than tu Madtaor. He a* rte Ttoei**a Mr W J Njb*. who live* at Jin. 4 . Wetnrr's ■vet o*, say* te would like to i bear ft at tbrwe young cons. Jrt.ita whose I i liv>* te saved to Albert* lu 1*64 It areot- > tba' ite thrwr yte»g wAters wwv charged wih knllag • man Th«y wrt* out with a Imitewaot scutalßr. Bad Came on a mu • wbo raa Tbs uulenanl <*derv<l them l« | 1 ufoln*, and ttey hi led ths men. The I iMvto-ter-t, |u get clear <4 the b tmt, satol be *falend tte mee *ot to *b<«4. Mr. Nana britevrd tte b>y* wsr- toanmit, aad wm* ttey Were pal la bi* charge *• guard at >te to-luck* te arranged tovltair aacaps !!• faißß ate know *bvlr ***** bet toys te OHsaid hke to meet Item . Atka' a Journal. « | "Wteto 'ffcl jr to get last to* ba«y, **d i whs* did you pay for ttr wm a quswtoo* a*MI oafa peosßltaßt crtigea of atxfaßee y< - ' tetatov • wm tte >vp*y,“fnta ! I Cartiters. Brtt* A C®, and <te fact of tte : I bvahtrtn to, I *"» « so ete»p you now du*i brtwv* me H I were no to ft yoo. Go and i I tafa M litatr stock aad <•’ pro* for J ten-1 , NT. 1A»I lit MO., F«rt-Dl*pateb **y« Ttofam* w- men at* proverbially . ta-*lt*y. a>te s’f»mg, ottra n>are*>tag Ite days silk tetr bateas ipo itta»r Was | la tto*. tary trwqwwrtiy <■• 'be day brf *« f Bad -hr* tsfafl tattaOl, With tb«ir t/ t>e*. 1 1 *v* ta* marcs Ttav* wnmsa acqwirv ■ J tbas great torength and (*>•« us ew or- ! j ascs by «•«•< • wrd that grow* ta their [ I toratey, tert te WAN* • «*»!«•■• ts octet • toewut 'tn**, a»d kepi by the drag,-tola, I nofart tte rams INDIAN WEED (F«- | ‘i Ustfa Wcrartv* 1 * INDI AN WEED iFotaut Itenrrwß'i < ban p>«*«* a *rv«t bewstog to tte *«**.< I fartcwk*. ossw-wartted w««n'» of -mr tnrgv I ctxo. lor H w •**! that *ll w*. on* it te«s j 1 ntistat nad brmthy " J<> Cbawpo*DA : C* keep ■*_ -ta *ta * (IS t »*»• imvu *( T*w* faerw ****** *wd *t»eey ***** sate vevte. T»«. ttey •»• arrivia* *v«ry f*w d y» . ■rn* Ml <w mad tea. Tbs fort *». ttey art j te «im«* every mate and *l yowt on* j • prtce. aad th*# *terv *rv remarsaW Tbto ■ I an eta, us a otei*cr«*th*i •« Mdßewwt to i srcwM the eortaMy <4 • f Mtotetyrtoß re- • ran**, aad ** teg*a to tnvvstkgai*. 1* * Utrfa wator be tanate oat that • 1 Ufa* wasiartcasdte tarn. Baa tew**, car -1 a*ws mkh «*•*** that UazMtera. B.'fa A • C«. ■*• *ta«y few day*. Tte*- w | a*Bfawarvto»««yta*i aad «4 such taw ma* ’UM they *4 rnp«A.y. fM o.airw they •» ante atoaßp. awd Mm denaaad is iccr<M R« | *4 taw uum- rORSALH Fite SfaA* —il-i»** totod tot te eurtw of tfoogtoteiy aad Jsc taM ■*>»*** m «* steAt rate*, rvrfo- «'4 •»<- *e t ■•**- »«S *t>la*.d.f to*, fataa'rd tt Ov te ffisvcfac aM OKJSfas Ataawe* *, Ffaae'fa? "Crr '«r <•. wt»n < famwr*, tk: 4 *. te tte B-'Vte’* HML i*»®Wß Ml** M t»t*4Ce« pkaor | saxTiii/W AHaTyawaT If You Are Sick With Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, Biliousness. Blood Humors, Kidney Disease, ConsUpation, Female Troubles, Fever and Ague,’ Sleeplessness, Partial Paralysis, or Nervous Pros tration, use Paine s Celery Compound and be cured. In each of these the cause is mental or physical overwork, anxiety, exposure or malaria, the effect of which is to weaken the nervous sys tem, resulting in one of these diseases Remove the cavsk with that great Nerve Tonic, and the sxscxt will disappear. Paine's Celery Compound J* Springfield, Mass., writes:— “Paine’a Celery Compound cannot be excelled as • Nerve Tonic. In my case a single bottle wrought a great change. My nervousness entirely disappeared, and with it the resulting affection of the stomach, heart and liver, and the whole terne of the system was wonderfully Invigorated. & m Co^d“' 9iCk “ 1 haTe raine ' 9 >Will Cure You!' rPoJ.d by druggists- tl; six for ts. Prepared only by Wxlls, Richarmon A Co., Burlington, Vt. for the Aged, Nervous, Debilitated. M. M. MADDREY. # (NVC€KSte»U TOJ||ttAODl<EYg& JONES.) —«• Offers to the Trade the Best Line of Cook Stoves Ever Put on the Market. Among them Mav Be Found the CHABTBB OAK STOVES M\ N D Which with it* J' fatly O’ btetrlWlßE GAUSS OVEN DOOII D.flc* the World I’r.. ire i * .<1(1*1, a CHkKTBit OAK is THE I*l<XT IMXISsaiETVT You ran make yteir wife. I also cirry a full line of TH» R=TWte TIMB3 \ ... C3OK the inn nn dim non Having bandied ili*m for the pui flftrn yeirs, I c*n refer with pride to thou*, and* of thero n"w in use, working and talkintf for theuMel***- In addition to tbe »U ive, I carty »targe line of low priced Stove*, which 1 mu tellluk M LOW AS THE LOWEST. Y'wrimn . !•> hi* ♦ C>A 't:>re bjf >rey*xvnininf;;my lin* of Btov* which ia tbe Ltrgvat in Northetat Oeorgta. WEW BOOK STORE DAVIS & GAREBOLD, wnoltaAl.R Afu tUtTAIL BOOKSELLERS OJ STATIONERS r Musical Morohauliaa \SuHK. li fa. *fa r 't* tor HROAD TAHR.4s AU..B HAYESVILLE MALE AND FEMALE COLLEGE HAS A Xew, Full, Wide-Awake Faculty ; New additiona on tbe ground*; New Boarding Ilouae; New cottages]for yoaogmeD and fainilie*. AlinoMt every thing ia bran new out and out. the coeeegb tg oo a caxcwf of proApcnty an ! extend***! oo can rdiM-aUsI your aad d*u<t*trr» at Hayesville Malo and Female College» Fte a'te»t n fatea.- O'brt Col - -ea m*ks a profit of lbr*e or f’nr dof'ara prt month »ov totard o* -ta tat* • Yoinntio liiu by cotag to Hsyertllle. Bnoni to famr Ing u rue* tavas» per moatb : la private famdle*. six d'dlars and even iaaßs FAMiUEft AND YOUNG MEN CAN CLUB IN DORMITOIUEB AT ONLY <3.00 PER MONTH. Tw* Mw»«M* tfatatan from ShHv-E** •" One HuuUred D d'ars, all told. Ttatioi tn Trs'Oteg ttctavH. |A®9 to M few five tn .oHi* sasMon. Cmreoate ■, |4 tt> to t-JfM per month. Bwfa-Ktopiri* and l’-»,t»*->*aip * apse *My. Aa cxceileol inatractroM win five -■tesom la 4r**i«>c and Psurttwg r-.KO tawrv r mo toltotrom nttl **d V tel Busi-. Mat. W. B. Bu Dwrg, for »-t v Maa Luo* Srrroa. tate Y «m>« ll.yrs losutete, wffi have charge of la. •rtwßMrtsl Marte. l**srar«tetaM*«r.|llMpw mteb. Y «»r ore* caa board tav-a«e»v*s ia <K»r;anorte* sod pay taiUm for tea mootM iat tote, to- H 4 '*> . . IST tk-vteta up-tos Aecast, It. i*R» Apply to ; REV. W. B BALDWIN, President,*»wlv, HAYErtVTLLK, CLAY COUNTY. N. C. NEW STORE! SCI BCSISESa CALL ON F. 11. KRONER, 4ITERVILLE, GA, FOR TOUR Furniture, Wagon*, Buggi***, Rwi Cirt". i lam faun of all kinds, Bridle*and Whips Full at ick on band,and hhtiih i! iraiw nicu Warranted to color more goods than any other dyes ever made, aad to give more brilliant and norther Colol *' *** 010 Jbumond, aud tak* A Dress Dyed •;*- ") fob • A Coat Colored > jf Garments Renewed J r ceitts. A Child can use them! Unequalled tor all Fancy and Art Work. At druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO* Praps., RurHngto*, Vt W, ■, WeOtatr* *• 1 Ui/i HJIICiITT, Contractors AMD BUILDERS, raararaaua* aa aaa araaaa STEAM PLANING MUIS, , 'Maar SartAaaalara BaMrmA Da*a*'] Larakar. UIM. iU*a<Ua. V«aa, ‘ Pi**rt /'•ni. »U* hag. HrarieU aed H*l ••Mra. a*l Ar-rr aiaara >a IXJOKM, HA.*H AMO nUAUH a «pa«»a»»a. A Uraa M as So. » Moahaatw .anaiayad, *a-t«r ta« **parvi«»oo ai Mr. J. M. CoLuCU, •A* ia art.o«l*4j*4 «* ba as* at «ha bo* Redaction in Prices! Frwaa r**awy «’>*aaa< a* AaaMiag. Bnafc> tai*. Maiaauaa, I»«ra, Haak aad Saoda, a*4 aa &r«»»sa4 aU l.oi* <4 Loabar. At 1 • •’* »!■- b«4eAr»r*4 aritbia Iba ear ar.v «baa»r FAAA «>F C« AMOC. ‘naakf*, Aar Ma iMvrai pav*M« aanHa l*r*.*Ma4el.aeo'.«ta*aac« as the aaa* ia i ~ tOr-wrtfixEy , • artti ls. Mr*Ji.«rr A HUSMICTTT.