Savannah daily evening recorder. (Savannah, GA.) 1878-18??, January 13, 1879, Image 2

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NIMH RECORDER. bay street. OBME, Editor. .) 2 50 Whree Months. I 25 One Month.... 50 Cs Monday, January 13, 1879. Congressional Election. It will be seen by advertisement that Gov. Colquitt has ordered an election for Congressman to fill the unexpired term of the late Hon. Julian Hartridge. As Col. Nicholls will have a certain¬ ty of the office in March next, it would be a graceful act on the part of the voters of the First District to send some Savannah gentleman intimately acquainted with the requirements of ou]c city and her commercial interests for the unexpired term. Mr. Hill’s Pamphlet We ‘have received from Mr. Hill a pamphlet of some sixteen pages rela¬ 0-8 tive to the Colquitt-Murphy affair, lll^can see no particular good to be Mr. Hill feels sore on account of the way he was treated, and doejjnot like the loss of a $8000 fee, Some of the points he makes, are gbod, and will no doubt be taken into consideration by the Legislature to as¬ semble in July. As to dividing the people or hurting this or*that party, it is all nonsense. Men divide on measures and policies, and how the Hill-Oolquitt-Murphy affair can hurt any party is beyond our compre¬ hension. It may hurt a few men con¬ nected with certain rings, but beyond that, nothing. Buying or Selling Votes, It is said that the negro is purchas¬ able, and not only the negro, but a good many whites also. Legislators are purchasable, also, if what we read in the papers are all true. Tweed was a liberal buyer, Cameron is known to pay well, and legislators in many other States have taken money freely. But in Georgia, we give the law on the subject of buying votes. Lately we have heard a great deal about guy¬ ing or selling votes, The papers have discussed the question. But as yet the public have not been informed as to the penalty thereof. Section 4569 of the Revised Code of Georgia of 1873 reads as follows: If any person shall hereafter buy or sell, or otter to buy or sell a vote, or be concerned in buying or selling election a vote, or shall unlawfully vote at any in which may be held in any county this State, such persons shall be indicted for misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished penitentiary by imprisonment for t and labor in the term not less than one year nor more than four years. THE BLOODY SHIRT ! In Hoc Signo Vince *— Vide Garri¬ son's Letter to Tribune, Scalawags ! Office nags! Deadbeats and Bummers all! On to the front! for the Radical war is on ! Rang up the bloody shirt! Plant it on tow’r and wall! Garrison calls on you ! William Lloyd Garrrisou! Muskets and bayonets fir! ready for Dixie’s fel tricks! War to tbe death !—lik* Crusaders’ and Saracen. Up with the bloody shirt! solid South sink in ,< dirt! Remember Manassas! aui—William Lloyd Gar . « t 4r rison ! uniter is standing yet! Hampton commanding Johnston aud Beauragard, airs, put, like Paris, ou— While death shows by flgusas, the doom of the niggers, Up then to save them, with William Lloyd Gar tisou! Blaine men and Maine men then ! on ! to sustain them then! Rake up and make up —beyond all comparison— Stories of bloody hue—Ku Kluxe*—false or true ! Grist for the mill of the “ Bloody shirt Garrison !'* Savannah, Jan. 10,1879. Paul Pry. The Virginiaus are talking over their whisky bell punch give again, final but are not even yet ready to a report. Enough is known, however, to show that, the bell punch system $172,834.14, has brought the State a revenue o! or $110,761.75 more than wn derived from tbe old system of a license tax. The State Treasurer is strongly thinks im¬ pressed with its efficiency, but it has not had a fair trial. The National Bank of Augusta pro¬ cured several weeks ago, §10,000 in standard silver dollars slid $10,000 in gold, and it has also a large amount of legal tender notes in its vaults. The silver dollars are contained in small woodeu boxes—$2,000 in each. Each of these boxes weighs one hundred and thirty pounds, that silver a man applying for that amount in will have to lug off % considerable weight. LOCAL NEW Embezzleme Johnathan Brown entrus 1 ! of cotton to Samuel J. Br^H purpose of selling idfi^hpAywig the.same,j for the lai^hU with the proceeds some of the sale.. Bryan sold the cotton and failed to account for the money. Brown then employed Hon. Isaac Russell as an attorney. Mr. Russell then com¬ menced legal proceedings against Bryan which caused him to make a full seg¬ ment and turn over the proceeds of the sale to Brown’s attorney. Election of Officers. At the aanual meeting of the Georgia Central Railroad Employes Benevolent Society the following officers were elected: President—Wm. S. McFarland. Vice President—F. IT. Thomson. Secretary—John Skinner. Treasurer—James C. Walker. Marshal—John Cannon. Standard Bearer—Richard Pitt. Assistant Standard Bearer—H. T. Douglass: Steward—Wm. Cotter. Magistrate’s Proceedings. Detective Wetherborn made two im¬ portant arrests this morning. In the first place, after working pp a case of breaking and entering into a warehouse and stealing cotton therefrom, lie ar¬ rested a colored man named Holland, who wasj brought before Magistrate Abrams and gave bon'd for his appearl ance. Detective Wetherhorn then gave his attention to the case where some parties have been making indiscriminate raids on the property of one of our Bay firms and stealing large quantities of rice. This pillaging has been going on for several years, but the efforts of the officer unavailing to apprehend until Detective the thieves Wether¬ have been horn entered on the matter and was suc¬ cessful in arresting a colored man named Monday, who was also taken before Magistrate Abrams and tendered bonds for his appearance. Officer Wetherhorn is the best detec¬ tive in this section of the country, and is possessed of all the elements which lead to his success. He gives matters entrusted to him his undivided per¬ sonal attention and he seldom fails. Superior Court. Judge Tompkins, presiding. Court convened at 10 o’clock. Upon opening of Court Capt. on behalf of the Committee of the Bar, submitted and requested the resolu¬ tions in respect to the memory of Hon. Julian Hartridge to be placed upon the minutes, which was accordingly order¬ ed. State vs. John Golding, Assault with intent to murder. Verdict— Guilty of assault and battery. State vs. JacobS. Davidson. Motion for new trial. Judgment of court rendered granting a new trial. In re Minty Graham for year’s sup¬ port. Appeal from Ordinary. Judg¬ ment of court rendered dismissing ap¬ peal at costs McCall, of plaintiff in appeal. R. N. L. J. Genemartin & Co. Remitter filed and judgment of the Supreme Court made the judgment of this court. John Ryan vs. J. J. Abrams, J. P. Same proceedings as above. James L. Gallagher et. al., com¬ plainant, and William Hussey, de¬ fendants. Same proceedings as above. F. C. Bangs. In reference to the celebrated iShaks perian actor, F. C. Bangs, who will ap¬ pear here Friday, the 17th inst., as (i Julius Caesar,” the Norfolk (Va.) Landmark says: The eminent tragedian, Mr. !. C. Bangs, and the galaxy of distinguished artists supporting him closed their brief but brilliant engagement at the Opera House last night with the Rev. J. Sheridan Knowles’ grand Roman tra¬ gedy entitled “Virginius, or The Death of Virginia,” Mr. Bangs rendering the title role. In speaking of this talented gentleman’s impersonation of Virginius, no complimentary language is too ex travagaut, selected yet none, perhaps, could be more appropriate than this, that it was what might have been ex pected from one whose genius could produce and present the masterly con ception of Marc Antony that many hundi’eds of the citizens of the two cities witnessed on Monday night. He has fully grasped the great au thor’s strong and intensely viVid word . painting Of the lofty character of the Roman bather, who preferred his be- | loved daughter’s death to her dishonor, and unhesitatingly accomplishing became the instru meat m it. when her pu ntj could no longer be preserved by other means. In this hurried |notic«, i written at a very late hour, we feel our inability to rendition do justice to Mr. Bangs magnificent of the character, but it does not neeu any extended enti- I ciem at our hands to as,ur, him that it was appreciated by the large and Intel ligent audience present, r for the frequent anu generous applause, 1 coupled , Witn the fact that he was called before the curtain repeatedly, were proofs positive ^ ot t ilis Mr. Thomas W, Iveene s Appius Claudius was a strong and admirably coueeived impersonation of that vano mous and licentious character as portrayed by the author, and it received 1 of * |811P^ graceful she and is very charming, young, and possesses genius of a brilliant future before her. Mr. George W. Hoey, as Icilius, and Mr. R. L. Downing, as Caius, fully sustained their well-earned reputation The as artists of superior ability. cared for. other characters were all well British journals are strenuously ad¬ vocating a return to discriminating duties as the only means of saving the counti y. They show that, in spite of tbe reduction in home prices, the do mestic imports of manufactured goods have increased in value from £13,478, 000 in 1873 tc £18,453,000 in 1877, and that the domestic exports of these goods have fallen off in the same pe¬ riods. They argue from these facts, which unquestionably show that Eng¬ land is losing her foreign market, if not her domestic market also, that the only and necessary remedy for the present condition of things is “retalia tion.’ At Sheffield iron workers’ wages have been reduced 17 a per cent, this year. In the north of England, North Staffordshire and other points, wages have been reduced to correspond with the reduction of South Staffordshire, and from all districts comes the same story. The returns of the Moffett bell punch system of liquor taxation in Virginia embracing the whole State, and cover¬ ing the first fiscal year, have just been made public. They show that the registers and licenses combined only produce $83,669 more than the old system, a great disappointment. It was claimed for the registers that they would yield at least $600,000 per an¬ num. New Advertisements* Found, A small black and tan DOG, which the owner can have advertisement. by proving ownership and paying for this It PROCLAMATION. GEORGIA—By Alfred H. Colquitt, Gov¬ ernor of said State. Whereas, A vacancy exists in the represen¬ tation of the first Congressional District of Georgia in the Forty-fifth Congress of the United States, caused by the death of the Hon} Julian Hartridge. Now, therefore, I have thought proper to issue this my proclamation ordering that the polls be opened and an election held on MON¬ DAY, the 10th day of February next, In the counties of Appling, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Camden, Charlton, Chatham, Clinch, Echols, Effingham, EmanueL Glynn, Liberty, McIn¬ tosh, Fierce, Seriven, Tattnall, Ware and Wayne, in accordance with the rules and reg¬ ulations prescribed for holding elections for members of the General Assembly at the same places that the Governor and members of the General Assembly are elected, for one Repre¬ sentative to till the vacancy in said office oc¬ casioned by the death of the Hon. Julian Hartridge. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this’ tenth day of January, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and third. ALFRED H. COLQUITT. Governor. By the Governor: N, C. Barnett, Secretary of State. MU' Papers in First Congressional District copy and send bill to Executive Department. janl3 ____ ___ SAVANNAH THEATRE TUESDAY A WEDNESDAY, and WEDNES¬ DAY MATINEE, JAN. 14. and 15. POSTPONEMENT. In consequence of railroad delays. LEONARD GROVER’S Our Boarding House COMBINATION will not arrive until Tuesday January 14th, when Leonard Grover’s Charm¬ ing American Comedy, OUR BOARDING HOUSE, will be presented with an EXCEL¬ LENT CAST OF COMEDY STARS. Remember, Only Tw> Fights and One Matinee. TUESDAY Matinee & WEDNESDAY, Wednesday, at Jan. 14 and 15. 2 o’clock. Remember, this is the only company in America with the author’s stump of approval, The unquestioned success of the enormous New York runs. See every where, in all papers, the cordial endorsement of most com¬ plete merit. The lowest popular prices. Admission, 50c. 75c. and 81 Reserved seats for sale at Bren’s ticket office, without extra charge. janl3-3t WANTED. G OOD, reliable and intelligent BOYS, will find well paying and steady employment for only one or two hours work every day. Apply to Rkoorder’s Office, Theodor Gronwald, rx?-A l. IE IL . - p ^ c> * 30 1-2 Wliitaltox- _ felt. n^infcl^/d qnd paired' 1 borders will meet with prompt attention. janlJ-lm ' n "" ..... 1 I ~ -------—•- "" AlHUSSIXlSIltS* _ , j ” ATOtT «AWA SAVANNAH mT A t» TOT* THEATRE. : — JOHN . . i - Manager. fkiday evening, January mh, I Shakespeare’s J1LU S ( USAIt - ! .... 1U . ' **" ■ Who for ICO nights sustain, d the character of Marc Antony at Booths Theatre. New York. .The eminent actor, Mr. T. W. Keene, whose .tragic performances ‘itown\ng, have elicited the most c a s Ca " iu ^‘ L Caesar' Brutus. Mr. Geo. Hoey, Julius The remaining char- I acters by a superior organization. SATURDAY NIGHT. .......VIRGINIUS. Monday, January ...........SHYLOCK matinee, Saturday at Cheap Prices ■ Sale of seals to commence Tuesday, at Brenn’s. Admission 50e, 7’w. and $1 00. No extra charge and for secured seats. Matinee j admission 23 50 cents- janll-iw ■WcMplloiiville fSteanibou LINE. INLAND ALL THE WAY SEMI-WEEKLY. For St. Catharine’s,Doboy, Darien, Union Is¬ land, St. Simon’s, Brunswick and St. Mary’s, Ga., Fernandina, Jacksonville and all points on St. John’s River. Fla. WEEKLY For all landings on the Satllla River. rs* The low pressure sidewheel SI LAMER ROSA, Captain P. H. WARD. L EAVES wharf foot Drayton street at 4 o’clock, p. M. EVERY TUESDAY, FOR FLORIDA, touching at all tne above o’clock, places, and for Satilla every Thursday with at 4 Macon and p. m., connecting at Brunswick Rail¬ Brunswick and Brunswick and Albany roads. and Through low rates of freight all passage and bills of lading given to points. and Oco Freights for Altamaha, prepaid. Ocmulgee nee rivers must be excepted. Freight received daily, Sundays BARRY, Agent. W. F. J. H. Smith, Manager. General Business Agent, O. S. Benson, novlltf Regular Line to SaiiUa to. AND ALL WAY LANDINGS, Touching at St* Catharines, Darien, Sapelo, Doboy, Union Island, St. Simon’s and Brunswick. T HE .STEAMER CENTENNIAL, Captain the L. Wiggins, will receive freight for above places at DeRenne’s Wharf, foot of at Abercorn 4 o’clock, street, m. and leave Freight every received TUESDAY, at all p. times. J: P. CHASE, oc!4tf Agent. __ W. H. FLEETWOOD, Commander, WILL LEAVE SAVANNAH EVERY TUES¬ DAY AT 5 P. M. t FOR Y* A. 3b A. T T OUCHING at St. Catharine’s, Doboy, St Simon’s, Brunswick. St. Mary’s, Fer naudina, River. Jacksonville, and all points on St John’s EVERY SATURDAY at 5 p. m., for Jack¬ sonville, touching at St. Catharine’s, Doboy, St. Simon’s, Jacksonville St. Mary’s, Fernandina, and con¬ necting at Upper St. John’s. with steamers for all points on Steamer David Clark. THOS. WHITE, Commander. Will leave Savannah every MONDAY at 4 p. m. for Brunswick, Union touching at St. Catharine’s Doboy, Darien Island and St. Simon’s. EVERY THURSDAY at 4 p. m, for FLORI¬ DA, touching at St. Catharine’s, Doboy, Da¬ rien, Union Island. St. Simon’s, Brunswick, St. Mary’s, and ALL POINTS on SATILLA RIVER, and connecting with Transit Com¬ pany s Railroad at Fernandina, for all points m East and West Florida. The above steamers connect at Brunswick with M. & B. and B. & A. Railroads for all points in Southwest Georgia. At St. Mary’s witli steamers for points on St. Mary’s river. At Fernandina with A. G. & W. I. Transit Co.’s Railroad for Waldo, Starke, Gainesville. Bronson. Cedar Keys and all points on this road. At Cedar Keys with steamers for Key with West, F. Tampa C. R. R. and & Manatee. J. P. & M. At K. Jacksonville R. for Lake City, Live Oak, J. Monticello, Tallahassee, and all points on P. & M. Railroad. At Palatka \Y ,-ith steamers for the Upper St. John’s and Ocklawaha rivers. At Tocoi with St. John’s Railway tine with for St. Augustine, and at St. Augus¬ steamers for New Smyrna and all points Through on Indian river. tickets sold and mils of lading giv¬ en to above noints. For freight or passage ap¬ ply at Office No. 5 Stoddard’s Upper Range. J. L. ROUMILLAT, J. S. LAWRENCE, Manager. General Freight, Agent. G. LEVE, G. P. A. oc9 Coal and Wood* COAL OF ALL KINDS, Sold and delivered promptly by D. R. THOMAS, OFFICE: 111 BAY ST., dec22-s2m Yard foot of West Broad St, GRANTH AM! T AGGART, Best Family Coal! I deal cite and only Bituminous in the best Coal. qualities of Anthra¬ LOW PRICES, EXTRA PREPARATION, PROMPT DELIVERY. Main Office: 124 Bay Street. Public Special prices to Manufacturers, Dealers and Institutions. nov3-tu,th,s*-tf UINKLY & BISCHOFF, Wood Dealers, Canal st., next to Central Cotton Press, SAVANNAH, GA. The best quality of Oak, Black Jack, Pine and Ligbtwood, will always be kept on hand and delivered to any part of the city at short notice. Measurement guaranteed. ORDER BOXES: Mr. H. Suiter, cor. Lib¬ erty aud , ,, Montgomery streets. Mr. B. H. Levy coiner Jefferson and Congress streets. Mr. \ . S. Studer, corner Dray tou and Perry streets. Mr. Joseph Goette, corner Broughton and Lin¬ coln streets. nov24-lni The Largest Yariety of Smoking Tobaccos in the City. Comprising the following brands : yLxr }? ur & B ™’ ” (Granulated.) “ » “ Happy Hours ” “ !! “ !;§eai “Puck?” of North Carolina,” Cave dish alr ° » “ ="”•? f 9^ tlSSaSKSJ the ‘ “Perique ‘‘imperialstm^htcutcavendiah Mixture.” Date’s •• «* a,fd‘m' J an '- a n , r?,e"E Cor. y ‘ 0 “ Whitaker 1 “ U H.'TSSgl?* and Rrv*n’»tn 16 ! fl It DirPO I I tN |-Ai ! VI m li A 1 T I J I I U 111 11 I U 1*1 jLJ . /lJj . . . We are agents for the i Enterprise Grits Mil! j . ‘ i4 iwpussns's A. C* HARMON & CO. jan8-u 31 Whitaker street. I I H reci 9 Such as Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Chamber Sets, and an endless variety of MOTTO CUPS AND SAUCERS, Holday and of Wedding the finest Presents. kind. Vasde, Altoo Toilet full line Sets, of Wine the finest Sets, Smoking Sets, suitable for a SILVER AND SILVER-PLATED GOODS, from the best manufacturers. Parties desiring to buy goods In the above lino, are cordially Invited to call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. decl3-tf COR, BROUGHTON A west, JEFFERSON STREETS. Books* HOLIDAY GOODS! English and American Juveniles, standard and miscellaneous BOOKS. Illustrated Books in Great Variety, Albums, Work Baskets, Writing Desks, Ladies’ Companions, Pocket Books, Golds Pens and Pencils, Office and Library Inkstands, &c., And many other articles suitable for Christ¬ mas or New Year’s gifts, Christmas and New Tear’s Cards, — AT — WYILY & CLARKE’S, dec8 Successors to John M. Cooper & Co. Dry Goods. Oloiks. Cloaks. 500 ON CONSIGNMENT. SALE POSITIVE WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. Ladles' and Misses' Beilin Beaver. $30 Cloaks at $20. $25 Cloaks at $15. $18 Cloaks at $12.50. BOYS’ SUITS. Full line 3 to 14 years, long and knee pants. Boys’ BLUE BLOUSE TRICOT OVERCOATS. Boys’ DIAGONAL BLOUSE OVERCOATS. Boys’ MELTON BLOUSE OVERCOATS. Gents’ NECKWEAR, the largest stock in this city. 50 dozen Gents’ SCARLET FLANNEL SHIRTS and DRAWERS. 20 dozen CANTON FLANNEL SHIRTS and DRAWERS. 130 dozen Ladies’, Gents’, Misses and Boys UNDERVESTS. Ladies’ KID GLOVES, Opem Shades, 2, 3, and 6-buttous. Gents’ KIDS, CASTOR<fc DOG SKIN GLOVES 50 dozen Misses’(ALEXA NDRE) KID GLOVES in dark and medium shades. 10 pieces of very fine 8-4 and 9-4 Satin faced T ABLE DAMASK, at fabulously low prices. 100 dozen NAPKINS, beautiful designs. 50 sets TEA CLOTH and NAPKINS to match at 85 50 to 812 set. 1,000 yards CRASH TOWELING, at 5c. 200 dozen HUCK TOWELS, at 12^c., worth 20c 5000 yards STANDARD PRINTS, at 5c. BLACK CASHMERES, 30 pieces Just opened 75c., former price 81 25. GRAY & O'BRIEN. dec20tf Candies HicMto, Seta Si Go. MANUFACTURERS OF Crackers l Candies. COR. BAY & BARNARD STREETS, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. J^EFERRING to thq above card, we desire to inform merchants and those purchasing the goods of our manufacture in quantities, that we propose to compete with, and in some in¬ stances excel Northern manfaclurers in our line, deel2-lm and respectfully solicit a trial order, ' ESTABLISHED 1850. M. FITZGERALD —Manufacturer of— PURE, PLAIN AND FINE CANDIES. Factory and Store, 176 BRYAN STREET Branch Store, No. 122 BROUGHTON ST., One door east of Bull street, SANANNAH. GA _ RE-OPEUED Merchants Exchange, BULL ST., 2d door south of Bay st. r A PHE above Saloon has been entirely reflt Bar ted, and is now open to the public. The is stocked with the best Wines, Liquors and Segars, Milwaukee LAGER BEER alwayson draught Free Lunch daily from 11 to 1 o’clock. Oysters f 1>ub!lc on the half shell. solicited! 6 ° P atrona k e is respectfully JOSEPH MOESSNEB* decl&-lm Groceries and Provisions* CHOICE GROCERIES JUST ARRIVED AT No. 19 Barnard Street. smoked O LIVES German and Pickles, Chow [Dill Chow Gurken.J by the quart. Tongues .Salmon, Holland Herrings, Marinirte Gotha Prueflfel, Liver Sardines, Sausatre Russian Caviar. Pickled Eels Pitted ®rlef Humi.nnr Califor? nia Canned Fruits, . White nut, French Prunes Malthy’s nronared bS FrenoV < Peas and Champignons, in fo lb ench and ’ The following Fresh by every Steamer, viz: Swi “' >«»»> and TABLE AND COOKING BUTTER. Cabbages, Potatoes. and Onions, Beets. Turnt.™ “ p ", Apples. A full assortment of fancy and plain Biscuit ad Crackers, and all kinds of Choice ■ Groceries and LIQUORS, WINES Famllv * y Etc OSCAR ZAHN. ocl8tf CHRISTMAS GOODS. D EHESA Loose Muscatel RAISINS, Raisins London for Layer cooking, Raisins New Fire Crackers and Fireworks! The largest stock in the State. Kd Try our California CHAMPAGNE, at 40 hu*- of* ’ f ° r qUart8, As good astbe REDUCED PRICES AT ypcjl ft COOPER. CORTES, TEAS SPICES. H AVTOG the late purchased A. J. MOLONEY, the stock wo In wi store 1 eon. con nr unue the business at the old stand, 139 BROUGHTON ST., w! 11 the pr GSent s tock ° n hand very LOW. mw We . hope, by v strict . , attention, dealing and low prices, to please lair and merit their patronage. everybody 'yoouy Coffees fresh parched a specially BYRNES ' dec!7tf 4 HICKEY. New Goods. A TMORE’S Raisins, MINCE Layer Raisins, MEAT, New London Figs^ Curran<« Layer New Citron, New Prunes, Dried Vral serves Jellies, Florida Oranges, Choice Coffih A Kiln Dried Oatmeal, New Boneless Bologna Sausage, Fire Crackers & Fireworks. Choice Hams Shoulders and Strips, Whttlock’f arriving b y weekly steamer. Cheek A choice Flour In sacks and barrels, Bell Logan Flour, also the unsurpassed Town Talk Bak¬ trial ing Powder, and be the best In the market, give h it a convinced. - M. F. Foley & Co. dec 19 S. W. cor. Brought on A Barnard sts. FRESH DRIED FRUIT AT THE Blue Grocery Store, No. 156 CONGRESS; ST. F RESH Peaches DRIED and Prunes. CHERRIES, 8.Jtoed Apples 1 p es New Almond Walnuts. Pecai ,« and Brazil’ Shoulders. Nuts Ferris Fine Hams, Pig p„ Breakfas, Bacon aud Beef, Beef Tongues r k and f niton Market Bologna Sausage. at 50 ceu ts a piece, Fresh Marrow Now Linscn, b (learn put ffeasand Oat and Beans, Buckwheat Hollaudischen Cheese n BT Ut8 Grits, o loanuts ami hand. e ' FlD ®'always on J. H.JON NEWTON. CHEAPEST T AND BEST -4L IN THE CHAS. S. lEDiLlE 25-gy 159 CONGRESS STREET. Seeds, Plants and Birds. H AVE selected constantly assortment on hand of a large and well Garden, Field & Flower Seeds. Handsome GERANIUMS of Apple. Rores Spice, Fish, Etc. ’ Choice Roses, Camelias and Azaleas—verv Iov ^‘, Hyacinths and other Bulbs. Jars. Cages and German Canaries “ All Bouquets, orders Wreaths, etc., made to order. receive my personal attention. GEO. WAGNEE, Seedsman and. IPloriat, OClStf Savannah Ga. t HAVING TAKEN THE Occidental Saloon, RESTAURANT AND BAR, I N friends charge, and I thepublic am prepared with all to thedelicacies furnish my of the season . W fll also keep a fine stock of ALES, WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. ANDY JACKSON, Manager, Occidental Saloon, 109 Broughtonst. LUNCH from 11 to 1 o’clock, every day. Jan7-2w Fine Gold and Silrer Watches, Stem Winders, Swiss and American. Fine French & American Clocks, Full line of solid GOLD JEWELRY, For Ladies and Gentlemen. Rolled Plate Jewelry, Jet, Garnet Florida Jewelry, Gold Pens, Spectacles, Opera glaeaee All sold at the LOWEST PRICES, and war¬ rant jO. as represented, by A. L. DESBOUILLONS, Jeweler, DOT24 . 21 BULL STREET. Dr. A. H. BEST, DEISTTI ST Cor. Congress and Whitaker streets. SAVANNAH, GA. T EETH extracted without pain, All work respectfully guaranteed. beg to refer of I to any patrons. ocU-ni mo