Savannah daily evening recorder. (Savannah, GA.) 1878-18??, July 25, 1879, Image 2

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HE SAVANNAH RECORDER 161 BAY STREET. B. M. ORME Editor. Terms of Subscription: (INVAKIJ RI.Y IN ADVANCE.) One Year............. ...... V) oo Six Months......... 2 50 Three Months..... .... 1 25 One Month......... ..... 50 Cs \Vo solicit communications on all unis ects of public interest, if authenticated by the name of the writer, and will publish them, whether we agree with the views expressed or not. Friday. July 25, 1879. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Secretary Sherman is making politi¬ cal speeches in Maine. The Zulus in the late battle lost 1,500 killed. The war is virtually ended. Fourteen new cases of yellow Mern- fever were reported yesterday from pens. A large lumber mill, owned by Jackson & Co., at Salisbury, Md., was destroyed by fire yesterday. An attempt was made yesterday, to -lease an illicit distiller from Overton ' til, Tenn., but without success. An advance in the rates of grain 'ii. l freight has been made by the ,i unk lines. Tne advance guard of Gen. Miles’ ■roe has bad a fight with a band of oux Indians. The will of the late Mrs. Sarah A. ■ rsey, who bequeathed her property > Mr. Jefferson Davis, is to be cou . ’ted. A colored man named Frank Hob ins, was taken from the jail at Quin ■ I!'., yesterday and hanged, for hav¬ ing committed a criminal assault on Hr-. Ferguson The body of a colored man named Gordon, residing near Bowers’ mill, Va , has been found bearing evidence of foul play. His wife and a colored man named Whitehurst have been ar¬ rested on suspicion. The residence of an aged couple named Crosby, living near Jamestown, N. Y„ , was entered by burglars on Wednesday night. Mrs. Crosby was strangled and the husband shot. Twe tramps are suspected of the crime. At a meeting held at New York, by t e Hebrews, in reference to the recent i xler of the President of Manhattan Beach Railroad, in excluding them from 'he road and the hotel, it was decided to enter a digufied protest. Independent Journalism. We are constantly in receipt of com¬ munications from people who are per¬ sonally aggrieved by the action, negli¬ gence or omission of some parties, and when, from either a lack of moral courage or fault of their own, they do not seek legal or other redress, they “rush to print” with their imaginary wrongs. Now we are thorough believers in the efficacy of printer’s ink, and al¬ ways hold that newspapers, being the exponents of the public views, should give utterance to or open its columns to sentiments or opinions which may be of any benefit to the public. The Recorder lias always invited public discussions through its columns, and will give all parties a hearing on questions of a public nature. We claim to be independent, and as a natural consequence, propose to give the public a right to be heard, whether we agree vitli the opinions or not On that basis and a reserved right to speak and write as we think and feel we claim our independence. But, at the same time, ’ o do not wish it to be understood that we invite correspondence of a private i iture, or on a subject where a few j irties feel aggrieved or, being disaf footed, misconstrue our ideas of inde pendency and se»d us communications a tacking public officials, private char c.-ters and corporations. \\ c do not believe that newspapers ' u)U 'd made the ehaunel tor abuse, or private vindications, Lor do we feel like encouraging p fiitical fanatics to air their | polemics or changeable views If you have anything to say touching on a vital puulic question, or the abuse of public trust, or on any subject wherein the people are directly in tcreated, send it in and we will give it space. No paper can , e mdependent tuat does not advocate 3 such a rule. Justice to the public, prompts us to open our columns to proper and s'.steut communications on matters of i ublie ,, inteiest, . , . . We have repeatedly written on this s bject and there are some people who \ .11 purposely misunderstand our posi t-yn. or emle.tror to uk* Uetr , rivate spleen to vilily parties in ! authority >r public measures. We uare received several such cotnmiuuni AaHonci ulGOns in in the lue ^.awi na-it .ea lew d*vu uais, whir .vine** 1 j < yery properly found their way into t< © i waste basket where they will (10 ; paper the most good. CITY GOVERNMENT. Official Proceedings ot Council. Savanjau. Council July Chamber 123, 1879. ]* Council met this evening at eight o’clock Present: Hon. John i. Wheaton, Mayor. Alderman Weil, Chairman of Council j A-ldoiman H. F. Willink, Vice Chairman of Council; Aldermen Purse, Schwarz, Freeman, Blun, DeMontmollin, Duncan, Hamlet, BHlantyne, O’Connor and Lovell. Theminutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. ACCOUNTS. The Committee on Accounts report that they have examined and found correct bills against the City amounting to fourteen thousand five hundred and fifty-two dollars and two cents, and recommend that the same be passed for payment George C. Freeman, Chairman Committee on Accounts. The lepcirt ot the committee was adopted, and the accounts as per sche¬ dule annexed, were passed for pay" ment: Board of Health.............. .$ 679 32 City Clocks.................... 15 41 City Court..................... , 166 67 Docks and Wharves......... 25 22 Dry Culture.................... . 131 31 Fees............................. . 116 66 Fire Department.............. 84 63 Incidentals...... ............... . 345 00 Jail.............................. . 331 23 Laurel Grove Cemetery_____ . 218 83 Market.......................... . 181 66 Parks and Squares.......... . 144 00 Police............................ 3,368 00 Police Uniforms............... . 390 00 Printing and Stationery_____ 75 00 Public Buildings............. 15 65 Public Schools................. 5,000 00 Quarantine.................... . 153 28 Salaries.......................... 1,288 16 Scavenger Department...... 1,041 66 Streets and Lanes............. 750 33 Extraordinary Expenses..... 30 00 $14,552.02 REPORTS OP COMMITTEES ADOPTED. The Fire Committee, to whom was referred the petition of Mr. John Lyons, calling the attention of Council to a water closet, nearly completed, at the corner of Whitaker street and Congress street lane, also resolution of Alderman DeMontmolliu in reference to the same, beg leave to say that they have care¬ fully considered the petition and ordi¬ nances bearing on this subject. The committee believe to allow this projection on a public street or lane would be not only unsightly but inju¬ rious to other property owners in the neighborhood. By the Corporation Attorney’s opinion Council has not the right, except as a nuisance, to prohibit it. We, therefore, raturn the papers, requesting Council to take such action as the}’, in their judgment, deem best. Should Council allow the bay window water closet to remain we request that it be entirely covered with metal, and the pipes leading to the sewer be boxed in. We append Corporation Attorney’s opinion. The committee further recommend that the Corporation Attorney bo re» quested to draw an ordinance prohibit¬ ing any further obstructions of this kind to streets and lanes. H. F. WiLLINK, Chairman Firo Committee. In the matter of the Coat Ordi¬ nance, referred to this committee by Council meeting June 25lli, your com¬ mittee besr o to submit the enclosed corns raunication from the Corporation At¬ torney, and to state that the ordinances already passed appear to be quite suffi¬ cient were they enforced. J. R- Hamlet, Chairman Committee on Stieets and Lanes. The Joint Committee, to whom was referred the petition of the Memorial Association, requesting permission to obtain turf within the city limits, to be used for decorating certain graves, beg leave to report that your committee deeming it proper to consult the mem members of the Sanitary Board in re- j lation to the within application, and the opinion <jf said Board being to the effect that the removal of the surface of the soil within the limits of the city would be injurous at this season of the year. The committee report adversely to the petition. J. R. Hamlet, : Chairman Joint Committee. The Fire Committee, to whom was j referred the petition ofC. Murphy, to repair building on Broughton street, Greene ward, report favorably to same, i H. F. Willink, j Chairman Fire Committee. ie Fire Committee, to whom was j . re petition of C. Noble, to j . , building re L rt j 1 on Bull street, Browu ) " ai ’ le P 01t favorablyMo same. ! ^ \^ illink, CM annum • ' ■ Committee , on Fire. Or^DancesTnGuYL. on it* third i reading, , | 1 placed upon its passage amended and P a ^ ed - ; munm«L!ieh _ C ? “w larce 1‘KSs.'xmnS^ l' in' 1 \hl>‘stu bG 1 ‘jU G :lt ! n ' SSHSSSiJSt KJ'Vame/'‘ HtfZJSi? sl, ' ,Tb> '■>', tt>uiirdiuauc$it V Sl:r * L That from sbaUmu am! alter be Jawtui the passage for of j any dog or doss to run at. larire tn the corporate It limits of said eitv without being securely mue- and led, a ft< ? rt-b C 1 1 rat (lav of June, in each ever’y year October, until the and 1st it. day shall of be the the next, duty sue- ol ceeding irtembers of the police force, under regu the the Chief of Police, to lotions to unmuzzled be.fixed by dogs at llrfge cause all so running to be killed, or caught, where the latter may be easily done. Whan Killed, to have their bodies at once removed ('aught.toinHioundthen beyond the corporate ifor ] im its, and when twenty-four hours, and then, if they are wot called for and redeemed by the payment of a £SS , .i»l?SS'S«i?.«L ° r by Sec. II. All conflicting laws are hereby re¬ pealed. By Alderman Weil— Ordinances on it« first reading. An Ordinance to prohibit the digging of eel lars or making any excavations within the corporate limitsofthe city of Btrvannali from the firstday of July in each year to the first day of October next following. by Mayor Sec. I. Be It ordained the and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, ofthe and it is hereby ordained by the authority same, That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, no cellar shall be dug, enlarged the ground or deepened, made within and no excavation into the corporate limits of the city of Savannah after the first day of July in each and every year until the first day ofthe next succeeding October, ex cept by tiie express permission of the City Council, when or by the permission him ofthe Mayor, it is certified to by the Board of Health that such digging or excavation is ne¬ cessary or advisable for the public health and cannot with safety be postp noned. Sec. II. And it is licreb y further ordained by the authority of the same, That each and every ed person Ordinance, violating, or causing to be violat¬ this shall, upon conviction, be¬ fore the Police Court ofSavannah, be fined in in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned for a time not exceeding thirty presiding days, either or both of in the decretion of the officer such court for such offence. Sec, III. And it Is hereby further ordained by the authority of the Ordinances same, That all Ordi¬ nances and parts of conflicting with tliis Ordinance be, and the same are here¬ by repealed so far as they so conflict. PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Petition of J. McCrohan and Ann Kirby, asking for seperate titles to lot No. 26, Washington Ward. Referred to Committee on Public Sales and City Lots. The petition of H. J. Thomruson to make repairs of building on Liberty street was referred to the Fire Com¬ mittee. Application of Wm. Wade, Presi¬ dent of Upper Hydrauhc Press, calling attention to the walls and chimneys of the building left standing from the late fire in Williamson street, which are adjudged dangerous and liable to fall. Referred to Fire Committee. Petition of sundry merchants in the neighborhood of Market square lor a drinking fount to be established at the Market for the animals daily congre¬ gated there, especially on Saturday. Referred to the Market Committee and Committee on Water Works. Application of Savannah Cotton Press Association and sundry mer¬ chants in reference to the obstruction caused in the river by the deposits from the sewer on West Broad street, where¬ by steamers ot the Ocean Steamship Line have ba«n grounded on several occasions, and praying action of Coun¬ cil. Referred to the Committee on Docks and Wharves. A in petition from L. Lippman, attor¬ ney, inference to the high assess¬ ment of Lippman’s block, and asking reduction ot same. Referred to the Finance Committee. Application of R. P. Myers, agent for Mrs. S. H. Myers, asking reduction of assessment on certain property. Referred to the Finance Committee. Application of Thomas Halligau for permission to make a sewer connection. Referred to Street and Lane Commit¬ tee with power to act. Application of M. J. ofOommis’ Desverge i’S, Secretary of the Board ston ers of Water Works, for increased com-v pensation. Referred to the Committee on Water Works. ELECTION. Elfctions being announced in ord' j r, the Mayor stated that fliers were three vacancies in the Board of Commission¬ ers of Pilotage to be filled, and a vote being taken, J. R. Wilder, Chiviua Phillips and William Hunter were elected. RESOLUTIONS Bv Alderman Hamlet— Eesolvcd, That the Street and Lane Committee be authorized to pure ha. so i two thousand feet of flagging for street crossings. Referred te Finance Committee. By Alderman DeMoatmollin — Jdcsilvcd, That the projection front the rear of the second story ot tb« ! building at the northeast earner of Congress and Whitaker streets, extend ing over into Congress street lane for water closet purposes, is regarded as a nuisance by C (II ineil, and us removal is hereby Adopted. required, MISCELLANEOUS. The following commnnie.ti n, - j re: ed to the board under date of the I 22d instant, from Dr. J. C. Habersham, ! Secretary of the Board of Sanitary j Commissioners, was read, and on mo tion was adopted: I have the honor to report tfu Hi a regular meeting of the Board of ll ury Commissioners, held July 21,1879, the following resolution was passed : “That in the opiniou of the Com mission, us a sanitary measure, die wharf lots on Hutchinson's Island, within the corporate limits of the should be placed in condition to conform to the dry culture contract; and that it is hereby recommended to Council to owners on notice, that said lots must be put under work and kept drv, in accordance with the dry culture contract, previous to the 1st of March, or Council will proceed to do the -1161 ' S espenss ' ;is P r0 ' rift dl. of the 23d »dd”4“'l i„e„« ?! fo’.Wns communication, Co ” nc,l - b y, Dr J C. Habersham. See ( ,Ne „ h »■' Sanitary Com * U adopted G " reau anc L DU motion, v ' d!5 ; “j J la {^p honor to forward, for information, ... the ,, following lesolu- 1 yOlir Lon, s*-<>(I meeting of the Board » t n, ( at a „ . . , , , ,, • of ban it ary Commissioners, held this uay, -t dUl), T..L, *0(1, oq,1 1 do R7Q / J • . “WHEREAS, It eminently _ ndvisa- 18 ble that all ettorts toward i ?i the preYen- _ (j on 0 f Q ie origin p. and Spread 1 of CObta* . and , infectious . . diseases ,. should . , , , gious D.6 well directed and nniform; therefor. be it “Endued, That the rules and regus lations . ol , the . -. .National T i .board -pv j 01 / tt llealtn i, v be adopted by this Council, and that ^J )e SJlHie be referred to the Board of oanitftl'Y _ Commissioners tor f their , . gUiu-- . . aaee us r iur as , p, lr .nr.tir>aLta aua<nne. ” A communication from Mr. Waring _ Russell, n Jailer t -i of e /-u Chatham .i ______(......” county, was receiverl received, aslrino ashing iea\e leave of oi absence umeiioe ,on on account of ill health, until tne 2vtb UctOuer, 1070 ioiJ. Tho lhL «omo 9HU19 waa WftS giailteu. orantnH No further business, on motion LOUnCli adJOUrneu. . Frank E. Rebarer, Clerk of Council. A Dissipated Lawyer’s Death. Trenton, N. J., July 21,- About 11 o’clock this forenoon a prominent law¬ yer of Princeton, Thom »s G. Lyttle, was found dead in the Delaware and Raritan canal, in this city. He had to plead a case before a Justice of the Peace, on Saturday evening, in the neighboring borough of Chambersburg, and was at that time under the influ¬ ence of liquor, but not so much so as to be unable to take care of him.self. His social acquaintances in this city, where he had resided for some time, were not of such a character as would notice his absence, and it was not known that he was missing until his body was found. On his person was found a letter from bis sister, Mary E Lyttle, which referred to family diffi¬ culties, a»d tin uncorrected poem, evi¬ dently written a short time before his death, which showed that lie contem¬ plated a near end of his life. Mr Lyttle had fallen into very dissipated habits recently, and had been frequent¬ ly arrested oy the police for drunken¬ ness. He was a well read lawyer, a graduate of Princeton College, and had g.Ull a reputation as a poet, The poem mentioned was of the s-iBje name as one which appears in “The Princeton Poets,’’ a large volume of poems of Princeton graduates just published, but greatly changed in subject. Coroner Murray will held an inquest to-morrow. It is not known whether Mr. Lyttle committed suicide or fell into the canal accidentally, while under the influence of liquor. The general impression, how¬ ever, ia that he committed suicide. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Those who think that money will do anything, may be suspected of doing anything for money. There is many * mar. whose tongue might govern multitudes if he could only govern bis tongue. Success rides on every hour, but without a grapple it will never go near you. Green Sweat, was a notorious Texas outlaw, has just been arrested. Doubt¬ less he was a purse-pirate-ive chap. To maintain a steady and unbroken mind amidst all the shocks of the world make a great and noble spirit. If rich, be not too joyful in having, too solicitous in keeping, too anxious in increasing, nor too sorrowful in losing. No matter how purely and grandly we live to-day there is no denying that we may live more purely, more grandly to-morrow. Style is only the frame f» hold our thoughts. It is like the sash of a win* j dow—a heavy will obscure thy 1 light. n Worldly friendship ia like our shadow; while we walk in sunshine it sticks close ( to us, but the moment we enter the shade ;t deserts us. Marooning is becoming Quite fash- j ionable. Several parties wifi eo to .Skidswav and Bench Hammock in a i few days The latest expedient for keeping flies j out of the house is the cultivation ut ! geraniums or mignonette in th* win dows It is said to be very effectual, j “And how does Charlie like going, to «chool?'' kindly inquired a good • man of the little six-year-old boy , Who I was waiting with a tin can in hand the advent of another bor. “I like i goin well nougb,” replied the embryo statesman, ingeniously, “but I don’t j l kfc sta vin ’ jrheri I git there ” . funeral invitation. i 11 VRu —The frienHs and acquaintances j «>f Mr. M. J. Solomons and family, are invited j ?o attend the funeral of his adojrted daucht er, | Miss LEAH h-VRRLS, ibis from residence, 5 o'clock. 65 Jef- i fer.on itreet, afternoon nt iUu* ^dvfvtisiements. j SITED 10U >IANA G EH ENT. I j ! [ With its spacious VESTIBULE ! Extensive and Elegant PIAZZA ! Vffjrding Ladies a tine view ofthe Promenade. Airy and v ell ventilated ROOMS And Unrivalled i TABLE ! Is Par Excellence the SUMMER HOTEL of SAVANNAH, Oar Motto still will be, m full honse at morler rafes, which means the best of everything the lowest possible ‘ figures. J JJ'S JOHNS' bresnan, Manager. Wines and Liquors* At. JACOBY, Cor. Kay anl) Whitaker 8t«. Savannah, G». f - gknkhab agknt von A. WERNER & CO’S (( AMERICA” EXTRA DRY O JE2^as.M 3T» ^V. *3r JXT Por the States of Georgia, Mouth CarcHina Alabama, Florida and the West Indies. ’ r -A. F H i*ilf,V wnicii lias mtt U !J \v 1 itli n d' louuu Kubi^ h evur bhc* ' cess wherever it has been introduced, is made P pnXcTg J te guaranteed be absolutely FREE ami to Horn any It injurious is recommended ingredients or the Impurities whatever, by highest chemical and medical authorities of this continent, by the hugest wine and liquor dealers, by con noisseurs and judges of a good article, and by the Press generally. Try it. Sold at .New York For prices. Picnic's and Excursions it is just one want, being a cooi. delicious ami cheap drink. Also, and importer of delicacjes Limburgcr generally, and Qheese, german M J ACOBY. Gen'1 Agt., Lor. ,, Whitaker *, and Bay je24-3m Savannah, On. 1844. —ESTABLISHED — Win. M. Davidson, Wholesale Dealer in WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, &C., &e., «&e. # Nos. 158 & 1G0 BRYAN STREET, CONVENIENT TO THE MARKET. My largo stock of Liquors comprises All grades of John Gibson s Son o i Co’s, well known brands of WHISKIES. From SINGLE X to CABINET. The best and choicest importations of Old Foreign Brandies, Wines Liquors. Claret uad Light Wines, best quality —ALSO— Cluret, Light Wine Sauterne, Ac., for table Vinegar, Etc. Champagne, spurKiaig Moselle, for Etc., I am also sole aukkt WM. MASSEY *v CO.’S celebrated Philadelphia Ales and Porters, Cream, X, XX, XXX, and East India BALE ALES Which will b» sold at wholesale or retail, with a guarantee for all goods as represented. As 1 make a speciality ol Gibson’s I will sell the same at Ruiladelpliia prices, according to quantity, with added. Being now located in my new and premises on Bryan street, with a cellar that iin* a capacity for storing barrels of Ale, i am »n a position to sell on belter terms than any other House in trade, i will therelopb bo pleased to serve ,iq friends and the public at m^ new quarters, feblftim JOHN LYONS, Headquarter* for Cook’s Imperial Champagne. The best American Wine in the world, nayll-eod-5m lie ary Kotshorn, [DkOVJtii’ RESORT.] Wines, Liquors, Segars, and Tobacco. 'l^ite best Lager Beer always on draught. Free Lunch every day. mchl-ltf No. JJ WEST BROAD ST. VAL. HAS LEU'S WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS arid TOBACCO The best Lager Beer in the city. The well known TEN FIN ALLEY reopened. Lunch ever>* day House. from 11 to i o’clock. At the Market Square 171 BRYAN ST. Savannah,Ua. F. J. RUCKERT, Cos. St. Julian and Barnard St«. Calls special attention to his TllllUS NATURAL MINERAL WATER, ■Of the celebrated— TAUNUS BRUNNEN, GROPKKAKHEN, Near Frankfort o. M., Germany. Also dealer in ail kinds of Imported OCflJI-tf and Domestic Wines Plumbing and Gas Fitting W. M. COSGROVE, East Rids of Bull street., one door from York, Practical Plumber and Gas Fitter. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. to mi it tiro tin^s. mb7tf CHAS. E. WAKEFIELD, Plumbing, Gas & Stearn Fitting, No. is BARNARD STREET, one door no*th m South Broad treat. B»Ui Tubs, Water Closets, Boilers, Ranges Joboiug Promptly attended to. Also, Agent of “ BACKUS WATER MOTOR ehl 1 3! EJI ItTENS’ * LW AYS on hand Grits, Meal, Corn, Oats, Hay Bran, Out Peas, Cracked Corn, IIU ti etc., for which orders will he promptly executed by addressing MRS. C. MEHRTENS. aj.'iOtr k M M«l w w w t Notice to the i’ublb A TOW that the reduction of tax on Tobacco ha* gone ilito effect, and stocks reached our market, I ofler the finest line Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos ever offered in this city at n diced prices, Tobaccos comprising the following t)> u-s Smoking GRANULATED Lone Jacl Marburg’s Pickings, Lo iamong the Roses, Virgin. la Cabin, “ Bob White, Buds and li: soms. Happy Hours Blackwell's Durham. “ Seal of N. Duke's Durham, Lyon’s Pride (»f Durham CUT CAVENDISH: Lone Fisherman, Robin Adair, i’uck. Old Judge, Perfection Curly Cut English Bird’s Eye Imperial Straight, imperial Periqu ■ Mixture Navy Clippings. FINE CUT TOBACCOS: Sunny Side, Summit, Mountain Gem, The styles mention, of Plug Tobaccos are too numer¬ ous to all of which I soli at the lo<* est wholes t:« and retail prices. Cor. Whitaker n t Bryan ms. X _>KOF. J. EDWIN UilUitCHILI Artist / , I _ 1ms crmanently ideated Ills studio & tiie Mozal-t Hall, roruer Whitaker and at, ! ui4n sa-ewu, bavtuiuau •. un-itm I Lines of Travel. % Savannah & MellonviU^ Steamboat LINE. INLAND ALL THE WAY. THE STIl. ROSA , For St. Catharine’s,Doboy, Darien, Union In¬ land, Oa., Fernandlna, St. Simon’s, Jacksonvlllo, Brunswick and St. Mary’s, Palatka and all points on St. John’s River, Fla. W '*C« STEAMER ROSA, Captain I\ n. WARD. AV * EVERY 0 TUKsVnv ’■‘\V ° at f , I)rH 4 o’clock, ' V,on p, m., for liicksonviiin Joints! >la m touehl »* ^ all ofthe above ’ - Altamalia, Through rates of freight issued for r,oi..i« (r. Ociuulgee ^ and (,, rhT w W n miluT.-RM Saiflcn 11 BMAN A « out steamer Halcyon. Hale r M ’ job, Through low rates of freight and passagt and bills ofladlng given to all points* Freights for Altamaha, Ocmulgee and Oco¬ nee rivers must be prepaid. Freight received daily, Sundays excepted. W- F. BARRY, Ag«nt. .T. T TT. Tr Smith „ Manager, jyiu-tf FOB AUGUSTA, And Way Landings. act?: The Fine Steamer CARRIE, 'WJ ILL Captain W. T. GIBSON. leave wharf foot oi Drayton utreet, ior . t T Augu-ta every and XUEsDAY, afternoon atoo'olock, all the above points. For Freight or Passage apply to jyi •it- C. F. STUBBS, Agent. Summer Schedule Florida, Satilla River, St. Cath¬ erine's, Doboy, Darien, Union Island, St. Simon’s Bruns¬ wick, St. Mary’s and Fernandina. Connecting Landings at Darien, with steamer for all on theOooneeand Altamaha Klvura • f V X - Ld i . |V Steamer, David Clark, JOHN FITZGERALD, Gommander, yirilji TV FRIDAY leave wharf at -1 r, every for MONDAY above points and connecting Brunswick at Brunswick with Macon and and Biunnwiek and Albany Italia roads lor ell points on the line of (hone roods at Fernandina with Transit, Road lor Jackson¬ ville, t’odar Keys and all points on Florida Central Road, and Jacksonville, Pensacola and Mobile Railroad. Friday’s irip for Satiila River point*. J. y. LAWKENl’K, Manager. J. L. ROUMILLAT, General Freight, Aifent. JeS-tf TYBEE ISLAND! Georgia’s Seaside Resort SCHEDULE FOR MONTH OF JULY O I^TKLMKR leave lor 1’ybee CITY daily OF BRIDGETON, at "c.'iO Return- will liiK, will leave Tyhca at 7 p. m. I'.X' a. m. UItbJoN DAYS—Wednesday aiul Sat¬ urday, leave Savannah at l'l a. in.. 5;.,i in p. m. and l» p. in. Returning leave Trbee at ti m. and 7 j», in. HUM) \ YS—Leave Savannah at 10 a. m * m and si Returning, . in. p. in. leave Tybce at 7 a. in., 12 m. and 7 p. m. All freights payable on wharf. Monthly tickets at reduced rates. JAMES K. WALTER, Agt. J. H. Law uu-.. e, Man til Bay street. Egg# Line is Mlh Ek AND ALL WAY LANDINGS, Touching at St. Catharines, Sapelo, St. Doboy, Simon’s Union and Island, Brunswick. Darien, tit - r 1 PHK M STEAMER CENTENNIAL, Captain abov# . places, De will Hen receive freight for tha Abercoru street, at and leave tie’s Wharf, WEDNES¬ loot ol DAY Afternoon at 4 o’clock, every ceiveaat all times. p. m. Freight re febltf J. p. CHASE, Agent. Iron V/ork. VULCAN IRON WORKS. FOUNDRY. Corner Pine and Lumber streets, BLACKSMITH AND BOILER SHOP, Randolph street, near Broughton. We are now prepared to manufacture all kinds —OF— Costings, Flo tvs, Sui l • Hills & Pans. Cemetery. Garden and Verandah Railings a specialty. Architectural work of all descriptions dono at the Miinrtcst notice and ut the lowest possi¬ ble rates. J & T. MULLIGAN & CO. ap27-ly . f.JMCfi East End Cigar Manufactory. H. C. GONZALEZ, Prop's. Corner orf East Broad and Broughtoi streets. A 1 LL kindsof Havana and Domestic Clffars SaD always on hand. VflWG mod orate. Isiaetlhn guaranteed. Trial Orders solicited, juil-Gia