Weekly Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1861, July 20, 1860, Image 1

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VOL. 11. THE GEORGIA CITIZEN IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY L. F VV. ANDREWS. Office —ln Horne's Building, Cherry Street _ _ Two Doors below Third Street. ’ —?sp AO ;~-r m*4, in adirancb. AavertisrmeiUMtt the regu.ar Ow OolXor per square otvne hir tlrt’l imivtc r the first laser. Gotland l .fig tjettis fur each 311 hsequi-.it insertion. All ail trerlsem tits, not specified as to time, will be published until Ibrblil, and charged accordingly. A liberal discount allowed to those wiio advertise by the year. Liberal rrangement* made with County Officers, Druggists, Auctioneers, Vierchauts, and tAuers, who may wish to make limited contracts. and Business Cards will be inserted un e J,inis head, t the following rates, viz: For Five lines, per annum, $ 6 00 f, or ‘even lints, do 810 For Ten litn-j, do 10 P 0 Wo advertisement of thlsciass will be admitted, unless (aid for in advance, nor for a least rni than twelve months. Ad vertisements ot over ten hue* will be cuarged pro rata. Ad vertisements not paid ior in advance wil be charged at the regular rates. Obituary \olicea of over ten line #, will he charged at the usual rat s. Announcement!. of candidates for office to be paid fora e usual rates, when inserted. dale* of Land and Negroes, by Executors. Administra tors and Guardian.-., are requ red by law to be advertised Ir a public g ‘Ze te. fnri> days previous to the day of sale. These sales must t-e held on the fl'st Tuesday in the m n h, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and’ three in the af ori.oou, at th Court-house n tlie county in which the property is situ ated. stale* of Personal Property must be advertised in like nauner, forty dayy Notice lo Debtors and Creditor* of an Estate must be publish- and forty days \ T otlee ‘h t aooHca'ion will be made to the Ordinarvfor leave to sell Laud and Negroes, must be published weekly for two months. Citations for Letters of Admlnistra ion, thirty davs; for Dismission from Administration, monthly, si* mcndis; lor Dismission from Guardianship, weekly, forty da* s. Rule* lor Foreclo* inn of Mortgage*, monthly, sou months; for establishing 1 st papers, tor the full space of thre months; for compelling titles-from executors or adminwtr* ars where a bond has been given by the deceased, the ful oce of three months. fiS|n|ra|fS LAW PARTNERSHIP. HILL &c, HILL, scccsssom TO ths latz ZIKM OF STUBBS & HI I Li y, \*riLL praetlce in the Macon and adjoining Circuits. TV and in the Su| ram 1 and Feietal Courts toe same as heretofore by the late firm of Stubbs A Hill. B. HILL. JNO. R. HILL. The undersigned will close np the business of the late firm of Stubbs A Htll as spee-uly ag possible, and to this end, all persoLSindebted to and 81 m are requested to make payment at as early a day as practicable. B. HILL. Surviving partner of Stubbs a Hill. JNO. M. STUBBS | JNO. G. PATTON. STUBBS & PATTON. Attorneys at Law, AND General Collecting Agents, Mars oigi'i, WILL practice ir the counties composing the Macon Circuinand in thecounties of li dkinson. Morion, Jasper, Sumpter, Jones, Baker, Pulaski and Schley, anti m any county in the State by special con tract! Strictest perse “at attention given to all claims entrusted to ovr care. Office in Horne's new bud ling. Cherry street, op posite Carhart’s & Curd’s new Hardware Store. jan 6—ly MEDICAL CARD. OR. SAMUEL TARVER, Spier’* Turn Out, JEFFERSON CO.. GA. OFFERS his services to the afflicted, in all cases of disease, especially in those chronic cases, which tha,.-4tff'o<.thf Medics’ Profession, be sr.jtt ‘ asm., to tln*)octoly at tneabov a Post office. Charges reasonable. march B—ts ~ G. W. EMERSON, D. D. S. DENTIST, , OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, T ff March 1, 60 —if NISBETS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, O.V EA, ANDJ.A. NISBET. liavingassociated Jus T Nisbet with them, will attend the Courts of Monroe, Crawford. Macon Dooly, Sumter, Houston. Bibb. Twiggs, Jones, Wilkinson, Baldwin and Put nam counties.. They will also take cases in othor counties within their reach, and in the Supreme Court at any of it sessions. janfr—tf BROWN’S K. E UR-IWNnas taken hia sun, William F. Brown Into partn-rsh p with him, and this Hotel wil, hereafter be kept in the name of BROWN dk SON. S E BRoW N, I WJ4. F. BROWN. lan 28 ‘6o—iy sw A w M. R. FREEMAN, M. D.~ HA VING returned to vtacun. ■ ff’erahisl’rotes3ional,ervi ces to its citizens, and the mimmndi'g c-.ui.iry, and is prepared to in?at their various*ulseate!* wish un<-ce!t ve fe eble remedies, and hop sthat in consideration *•! thr act that he gives r.o pois no blood, ami neveid f troys rtheconstltutbmsof his patients, he will beliber illy pationkud b> jjSr- Particular Mention will be given to Plantation,and ■other country practice. gj*f • iffice” at the Drugstore of Dr. M S. Thomson, to -whom he retets. _ l s - n L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HAGOK, GA. OtnOlMiUo Concert Hall.over Payne’* Drag Store nl*t—ly _ Fatten & miller (Late PATTEN, HUTTON k Ce.) Commission Merchants SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. DR WM. F. HOLT Will attend promptly, ALL calls left either at his Office .over Bowdre * Ander son’s store, or at his residence In Vlnevllie, opposite 3daj. (Jomer’s. March 11—ly* 0. B. RICE, TU*€ AND AEAAIAER ! Os ■PIANO PORTHB, IP Permanently looated in Macon. %W Names may le f t it Mmr*. Viyria’s. Also sole Agent for the Driggs Piano for the State of Georgia. Orders may be left at Mrs. virgins, Mason. -a— ts ‘~~ dr. a. l clinkscales Having spent four year? in Macon in a successful prac tlceof Medidneln all its branches; thankiul for past and continue* to his prfeHa onal service to the el f iießß of M*e m and surrounding country. ovr Dr. strohecker’s Lrug More, ar.a residence , on Public Square, where he am he fond at all times uni- as professionally absent, and will attend ly to a>l cmID ielx at either place. nov 19 >w-Cm DR. t. J. ROETELT, HOIHEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, Office and Residence. €orner Walnut and 3rd Streets. Macon, Ga. Jan. 21 - ly Washington Hall. BY E. R. SASSEEN, (SUCCESSOR TO .1. J. THRA HER.) Atlanta Ga. r, SASSERY, Former Pr#rirtar of the “SUPPER HOU-E” at.’aihoun Gv. old friend-, take due notice thereof, and guve:n yourselves accoidhgly. M.-.rch ? —Sin J. BKAIHA3I, attorney at law, AXaoon, Georgia, WILL practice lathe Macon Circuit, and i>, the counties or Momoe. Putnam. Wilkinson and Sumpter. OKK1 1 Elu Wsuhington block next door to J. M. Board man’s 80-. k Sto r e. oct2< JOEL R. GR FFIN Attorney at Law, MACON GA. ■tiriLL practice fn the counties of Macon and W the adjoining counties. Also. In the counties, of West and South-West Georgia, accessible by Rail Road Particular personal attentiongivento roll-acting. Office with O. A. Lochrane. Damonr s Building, 2d Street, opposite Methodist Book Depository, feb. 2T. wTtTSlack. ORDINARY AND ATTORNEY AL LAW, EU.A~ViUe r Soliley Oo„ <3r. ie-iy w* DK. GEO. G. GRIFFIN permanently locatt-d h n fVf fa r-spf a fttlly tenders his professl im rervicts i. tit; public. OFFICE on 2d -.treet. in tfashingtati BimcK 2* wly mMId r. dovrVa j Attoruoy at 4 Grifiiu, Ga. OFFICE on Hill Stirei/A-iween Woodruff's Cairiage k. pository und Beuli m* F .-niiiure J*tor* Otf.l6—ly L T.r'YAL DR. A. P. COLLINS \Y ILL atte and prou.prly t all calis leu .ii er-.t, ts over Harvey* Heath’s store, or at th- sbbic-i ahrbs Collins. eol iSsw_i.r • —r- V'. : SOO Exchange on NEW YORK FOR SALE AT THE MANUFACTURER'S BANK. wiqr 21* —tf O.’ BULKLEY, AGENT huK WOOD, EDDY A C;*.’■< Celcbrgtrd Lotteries, Maoon, t> a. ESS"’ See Advertisement. April 2- NOTItK. For J.eave to Sell Land. TWO months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinal-,-of Tavlor co„ Geo., at the first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of William T. Northern late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. BENJAMIN A. NORTHEN. Adm’r.) . 1 v':” ]N otiee. South Western E. R.Co. THIS road is now open for business to Coleman, 10 miles west of Cuthbert on the Fort Gaines line, and to Morris II miles west of Cuthbert on the Eufaula line, and will be opened to Hatchers, 15, on the Eufaula line by the 15th day of Mareli next. - Good and secure station houses have been erect ed at ouch of those points for the protection of merchandise from the weather. W. A. Macon. Agent on the Eufaula ling, now at Morris’ Station and C. B.’ Marshall Agent on the Fort Gaines line, now at Coleman, will attend promptly to the for warding of cotton over the Road and merchandise to its proper destination as fast as wagons shall of fer for that purpose. Coaches eonnect daily with trains between Fort Gainesand Coleman, lie tween Eufaula and Morris. VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. & Supt. Macon, Feb., 18th. 1860 S2OO REWARD ! LJTOI.FN Irom the enbrn rh ce,..*■ Saturday night lad, bv a O negro man named Inin • bwtt-r v> o main e” t lie ft-.e, a hor-e about 10 te r- 01. ; -dii <1 ■ n and e f re so a. with h s forc-ti p cut ■ff Said ni gm ia aboil* 5 feet high, and 85 ye ua of age. I wi 1 give th-.move rtWiin or the h-rae •> and negro or SSO f.-r the horae alone. SAJI’L McKENZiE nov26—if Moi-ttz ma, ’Ga Pianos, Watches, Jewtlry, k, \XP E arc now offeang a NEW and SE ff L KUT Stock of Elegant PIANOS, on From Nunn’s ♦ Clark, and othermaker-s warranted to please. (Guitars. Violins, flutes, k'ccordeons, and all other small in struments kept in our line. Strings, Inttructlon Hooks, Sheet Music, Jte, Gfild Hnd Silver Jt. O* ‘he most approved makers. JEWELRY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Silver Forks and Spoons, equal to csin. Watches § Jewelry Repaired and Warranted apr .4,tf. J. A. * S. S. VIRGIN. GROCERIES AND STAPLE DBY-GOOES. Mis. HUP & IMS, *%TBI I.D rexpeettuil; autiouni-e to the.r rim d*. -tulthe ff /public,tl-at i.ev U..vwn argnd theiiin< n,ahdar no nn-iliir o to keep, and shall k. ep : * all time-, a stock of QHDCKKIES and STAPLE DRY GOOD-.s-eoiidto . one iiaftie nitv, aud to which tin ir attention i. m s> c rd-laily in yft.d. The following is a list oft* e nailing a rpc .-• / -2AO Bags Itio, Java aud Laguira Coffee. 9<o Barrels A. B. and C. SUGAR. 800 Boxes TOBACCO. 850,000 CIGARS, from $5 to S6O per thousaud. 15 Bales Osnahurgs. lO “ Kersey. UO “ Cottou Yarn*. 10 “ BlanUetN. 1800 pair ot'Yeyro Shoes. 100 Bales B tGGING. 200 Coils Rope. 850 Bbls. Liquor of every quality and kind, fr< m the finest Otard. Dupny A Co’s Brau<ls,di>w n to Rectified Whisky ‘t hey have also a l:rge s'cck of CANDLES. CaNI>Y SOAI**PM KLKS PAI> l>, <*ll.B. <ll ASS, amtmfa<tev ery thugth:itihe 1 lanteror Mecbm t can vnt*l ii the line Orocerinsand Wtai !p Dr>Goi‘d-i I>on*t fa’l t- r-livid e amine their soto • efo*e BOOTS AND SHOES of every descriotlon for Ladies, Mis-es, Men and Boys. HATS & CAFS Os Lases-t Styles. From the best, most taftv xnd fnsjjionable Manufac turers in the country. WE ASK AN EXAMINATION. BEARDEN, OAINES. . CO„ dee 162 w I riangular Block. Macon, THE BEST PIANOS MADE. \RTE are now receiving, to our already selected stock of Yf Pianos. the celebrated Steinway Pianos. Theseirstrumems huveal vys taken the d*-st prizes in all full 3 wherever exhibited, and are the only Pianos and reconi m ndedbythe bestaruMg, aud Fusical Celebrltes, as Tiiniii, >charfeTl*erj?, Eisfleld. v\ 01-1 1 nhaujet. and a host of others. They use onlyssWinwaVa for pnbiic aid yrlvale ups. I We and not gas enough to endeavor to create an ex j citem*Rt by making a “gnat cry with v- ry li'ti* wool” or ! trying to shove * tT In the era market win t they Rfi>i I CUX.IB u the North ; neither wouid w*‘ be agents for Pa*eat •; Pi mop, wnich live “tie day rd die the u xt. as we had an ! example in the * ‘iEfuin Attaohme* t” Panos, wuich wr-rc the “fLo” a few >eara hack, ami wh ch none wants now; but we keep an ariice wMch all must acknowledge to be thrbe t whopr* fe-sto know the bf^t. Persons wh know us will, we ft shterourselv s, acknow ledge us to be judges, and to g* raiders w pay hat we will pi - sent any person with One Munched Dplj rs who am r - due a Hams'. Am U ur or prote-sor, res ding in Oeo gia. who is superior as reach- ror ila\er to our II L Fchreit er; and turth-r.alikesu i we pr<pnw>t an person *ho w 1 disprove that w- now ha **apm U that U superi* ri* Musiclo uiie-*eioL.3 0f al'ihe in the >tat* of Ge rgi i. Alt Pianos soli at &ew “York \ rices freight cnly added e 17 lv JXO. C. i CALL AND SEE Tbe Beautiful IVOBYTYPES at Wood’* Photographic nailery. Which aunot be proem ed ca. wber- in Oeornl i. also a large colle tlon f PiioTooKAPiia. lobtkaits In Oil, Pas tel ANP A QUAHEJ.Is, AMBKOXYPES, DaGUER RE'’TYPES, &C , US Us-Uai. nov 3 R. L. WOOD. NOTICE. Ttr f’ have a number of small notes and accounts VV due us for some time, both inoity andcountry, and have not the time or inclination to run alter them. We expect to place them in the hands of an officer for col lection and to save costand hard feel ings, they that owe had better take warning. April 28, ts HARDEMAN & GRIFFIN. Psi NEW FIRM. I L. P. STKONQ & SONS. IEWIS P. STRONG tenders his grateful thanks J for the liberal patronage extended to him for the last twenty-seven years, and resoectfnlly an nounces that lie has associated with him in the fur ther orosecution of the business, his t.iosons. ED GAR P. STRONG and FORRESTER W STRONG, under the name, firm and style of L. P. STRONG. AND SONS, and will continue to keep on hand and offer, a large and select assortmekt of Boots Shses and Leather of all kinds, and findings for Country manufacturers j He respectfully asks for the new firm, a continu ance of the liberal favor extended to the old. Macon January 2,1 soo jau 6—ly y LEGAL NOTICE. SIXTY DAYS after date application will lie m for to the Court if Ordinary of Twiggs county the | leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to ed. 1 estate of Wm.M. Morton, of said county deceased JOHN GLOVER. Admr. de bonis non cum testanieuto. April Hd, 1890,—2m. MACON, G A., FRIDA’. J U LY 20, I 86 0. rfIAVLLtByJ Mr. >1 UO\ At W iiN I’EHA R. HOAD. dter the 6 .ii day of April, trains will be run as l ’s&Leavc Macon at - - - - .- 12 night. 145 P. f, J’ Atlanta - - - ; 7.10, >1 .7 15 p M Leave Atlanta at ..... IJ night, 2.15 P. M. sArr'veat Macon .... 7.15 a. V 7.45 P. M. nr night-ran will not le run bn stiudav*. The 12 o’clock i)i<ftlt tram from Macon connects with the Western S Atlantic U. R„ for Knoxville Nashville and points Ti>*t. „t bt.’iO. A. M. ’ .Theldo P M. train frdlri Macon, connects with the U.AA It. I-;, ... SJS p; M. • 1 hrougli ti.-ketsYor N< w i org via Knoxville “ “ T N. Orleans via (ir. Junction 28, 00 , . ALFRED TYLER, Nnperintendeut. Aprd s—ts. CHANGE UP SCHEDULE ON South-Westiira Railroad^ Trm Daily Trains between Macon £ Columbus, LEA VE Macon at 11 sq, n.nT and 946a m 'nve BGohimbus... 686 a. ml and 830. p? m. Arrive in * ***••• •• • •........8 a. in. & Ui-5 p. m. une daily MSn^^r tn M ’ cyu Albany, and < -uthbeit. Coiexuin and u Leave Mac-n ai 1 /Tr'S* S* Arriveat Albany hi A5PpS‘ Arrive at Macon.ia 5 The Mail and J,tH>erjgf;r Train r* m €oleir3^^, a miUswtß of Cuth’er, n the ‘••rt r *aine Ll eYhwRj r , MonwSyttun 11 weH of Cu'.hbert on the Eufaiffc!. Line, conuectdail-/with Albanv mui. traiw atSmjthviile, No. 10, outii-We-tern K. R. Hi-. Rad will be open to HatcUerV on ine Eafaa ft Line. 5 mileo we>t of Cuthbert bn the 15 b(i Marcij t, * eivei'olcman at 11 A. M. Lace Arrive at. MiiithviUe, ut 3.04 P. M. Leve Kmifh'id*, -t 3.-35 P. V. \rriveaM‘uth* ert at 5.*4 P. M, Ar/ive at Cos em m t> 4g p. M, AiTtveat M n is 6.57 P. TANARUS!. Making the coMuecrion w’lilr ihe urr and dow T n Albany, mall Train. Trainbto (iolummiß fnm a through connection to Mont gomerv. Alabama and Augusta. Knoxville, Wilmington. Sa vannah, MlHedgevtHe and E&iA-utou. P* st * ’• >aches run f’roiu Alb my to Tallahassee, Bain bridge, rhomasvi Ut .Ye., daily ; tri- weekly to Outhljert to Fort Quines. Ac. Post Ci ache -and Racks mat q a d^h'connection with the ruins a \ olen.un for Toit Game , and at jorris for Eli* “oPa Rckp run six times a from Fort Valley to Perry. Hayneeviileaiid Hawkinsville and tri-weekly to Knoxville, . ‘.rtia Paasengi rs tor points below Fort Valley should take the Dav Trainsfr6>uj \ugostaand ’Savannah tu avoid detention in Macon. For other points take Train. VIRGIL PO Eng’r.A eupt., m rc’ 15. fe'G • SIDE WHEEL’ HEAM SHIPS, Savaiuinli Route! To_N ©w York. j , ores} f New Arran euiciti <if llitongh Titkets Tand f ttm New York. FEOM. | IXOM. Oileat.-. - - 76; Memphis - - * - - fSI 75 Mobile, .... t's Mj \ isl) v in, 70 Mon'gomerv, - - - -28 00’ I; Maun-ga - - - - 28 bO ( .-lund-us 1 00! K.n”X ille, . - - - -25 O Mt.-il.y ..... 9S On; \t,litlit j*, Si k ‘taciin. 0o n Augus-ta, - - - - -17 50 Including Omnibus Fare in Sovannoh and other connecting Points. Bazguge clireked through hy u-e Mar.htta Fxpret •’niLpany i-n tin-tin t ; ißnr ud Guts, uud ueUrered auy wbtreinjNew York vicinl.y. R, H„, , T .i.Tii**d .wlw,mni-t™. Side-f-vlieel Steamer* AUGI’STA 1.600 Tons.-Captain M. S Woodhull. FLORIDA 1.000 Tons... Captain Isaac Crowell. ALABAMA 1.600 Tons...* ijituin G. U. Schenk. i,,uvii g gavsnuab ev. r;. SATI Rita k. Carrying tbe Uni ted Sttttes Mall. These stwimships belt r.* to th, old established and favor -1 line, known as the “New York and savannah steam - ship Navigation Comrany,” and were built eXM-e-aly for this hi e, they are command -<t ny expenenced. ski ‘f”l, caretn 1 a ,„i eblite t-fii. ers ; ami in oon.f, liable •ccommoda tious and fare, cannot ne excelled b> any vessels un the coast Through Tickets are sold in Now Orleans by K (■i.hoicr, IHI tlraiitr at. •• Mobile “ Cox, Beainakp & Cos. “ (VI i'oims “ 8. H. Him Age-t H irden's Express and ■J M. bivixs, Kril oad rics<-t Agent, and at all other poims by connecting Radro-e* ss.-i .-t a gents JNO R. AYILDKR & GALI.TE. Agents Bay Street. Savannah. S. 1. MITCIfKLL A SON. Agents, 18 Broadway, Now York- FOR NEW YORK. FREIGHT and Passage as low as by any other steamers. Cabin Passage, #ls By the splendid and commodious side wheel steam ers, AUGUSTA 1500 tons Capt. M. S. Woodhull. FLORIDA 1300 tons ( apt. Isaac Crowell, ALABAMA 13.0 tons Capt. Geo. R. Schenck. These steamships belong to the old established aud favorite line. Known as the “New York and Sa vannah Steam Navigation Company,” and in com fort. accommodations mid fare, cannot be excelled. They are commanded by experienced, skillful, care ful and polite officers. ‘ J( >HN R. WILDER & GAI.LIE, Age i- for .-:,va a k. SAM’L L. MITCHELL k SON, Jan l i tor New Vork. “HAHFatS’i JtXPRESS. MACON, GEORGIA, L. 11. P0WER5,...... Agent. EXPRESSES AllßlVg AT MACON. Eatonton and MilledgeviHe 8.45 A M Atlanta, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, etc 7.30 P M Fort Valley, Auierietts, Curhbert, Alhanj’, etc,,,, ,8.45 PM Cilutnbus, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, etc 0.30 P M Savannah, Augusta, Ohirleston, Richmond, Philadelphia, New York, etc. (inland) 11 P M New York Express reeeiv. and hy each and every steamer Irotn N. York to Savannah 11 p M EXPRESSES LEAVE MACON. Milledgeville and Eatonton.,,. 10 A M Port Valley, Americus, Cuthbert, Albany, etc 10.30 A M Savannah, Augusta, Charleston, Richmond, Philadelphia, New York. etc. .(inland 10 PM Columbus. Montgonnry, M. b le, New Orleans, etc 11.45 P M Atlanta, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, e c 12 M Express forwarded to New York by each and every steamer from Savannah 10 PM The Day Express closes at 1 o’clock, p m, and the Night Express at 11 o'clock, p m. Freights called for between Hand 12 o’clock, A. M., ando and (i P. M. Orders left at office promptly attended to. Freight delivered to any part of the city, free of charge. Call Cards nr.d Receipt Books furnished free of charge. For rates or special contracts, apply at the Office. SSLF-CONTRADICTIONS OF THE JfciS jEd* jLLjh * PROPOSITIONS, Theological. Moral Histo crlcal an<TSpeculative. edi prftved affirma tively and uegathvly. hy quotations from Kcriptuie, without common;: emboiiyhig most of the palpable an 1 striking of the so-called in spired Word of God. Price 1S cent’ (post paid.) CALVIN BLANCHARD, July 13-3 m. 7® Nassau St., New York. SPRING GARDEN! | CE CREAM. LEMONADE, SODA WATER, or tmv X Delicacy the market may afford, will be served up for the accommodation of the public or private parties, after reasonable notice. ... * have the pieitsuro of announcing to the public 1 t*h&t-e -Bpat*g Cwden has* 1 en re opened. wtiTs ■ yed facilities J-jedUc accoiutu-Jdari** J of visitor*. P Pleasure parties of from six to twelve can now served in Arbors nr Summer Houses, entirely seDa rateand retired from the rest of the company . in the long Saloon parties of from fifty to one hun dred can be served at auy time after reasonable no tice. Among the attractions of the place are a Spring v f Pure Water, springing out from under the hdl, near. ,jf not quite, one hundred feet below the summit.— *™is spring affords a sufficient supply of the purest an* best water in the vicinity, and is so pronounce! by all visitors. We have also in process the erection of a FOUNTAIN! which will be caused to gush a eonstar t stream of pure spring water, taken from a spring on t lie brow of the hill less than three hundred met from tho, Garden, and full forty foet- above the level of the basin; wliieh wi 1 soon be finished, and will add; greatly to the attractions of the place. The natural advantages and the surrounding scenery are such that, according to the opinion of competent judges, if the Datronage of the place i&nt all commensurate with the efforts of the proprietors,” Macon may soon boast of a Pleasure'Garden not to be surpassed in any port of the country, either North or Bouth. and visitors may rest assured that no pains j will be spared by the subscriber to administer to 1 their wants, and render their visit pleasantand agree- I able. The Garden will be closed at 10 o’ lock, at night, - nnless kept open by special agreement, for the ac- ! comrnodation of private parlies. From the friends , of the enterprise and the public generally. I would "t re-peetfully solicit a reasonable share of patronage. AMOS BENTON. 4®“(’ity papers copy one month and leave papers I at the Garden. .Jane Mm. 5 WOOI>’S PHOTOGRAPHS AND DAGUERREOTYPES Aw fitful taking tiie leaif of any ill tee Soutb. ‘I bill est l>- lUhment i& •ne or the OLDEST aJND MOST PEHFMVi - r - LY FITT DUP of arv Galirrj li. tae In ted tates, acd the P;c! urea taken are Dots’ set J bv any Arrlst. aa all kjan Fee by giving us a rail and exttniii in B;>eci>- ens -.PHIIWiRIPfIS copied from Pictures of ad ei.k-’ged Into Lite Kj&e, are such perfect OUfc wyv j most imagine the person stood ITORYTYPEV These are anew and exquisite style of P Cure, comhin- j Ing the b-uutv of the fin,,t n*ii ibiu e. ai-d iliecorrectbers ol ihe r li- tograph. The can also be instiled in Lockets and Breast Pins. hpectnu ns of his bcauiilul bt>ie of Picture on exhibit tlon. Call nd see them. Sev irl a KT >T ‘ -f we;i known merit are engMgtd at FfttabTishnitit, and arc cotiaLt. y employ td 111 thete beauTiml Pictures tuat grace i.iie * walm of the Exhibition Ro< ‘ms. Quite a number of Port nil! 8 of d : Btingtfi'hed pf ifsei si: can here be Nt* hi Such as GEN. WINrJLKLL bOUT I/ . numtroua to mention, but which aIL are Invited to cull aud s IffIBROTYFES ill! MEMIIITYPsS areusuil in auperi‘*r Myl-, and of on thiuß red that no work is pencilled t*/ itave the Gai.tr> un l h gives i erf* ot sa* intact ion. P*ice*.a# low as can be had at any Fir*t Class Es^abU^a, TdeiMAß dAKJURMAJ* 0.0. SPARKS. HARDEMAN Si SPARICSr mi WAREHOUSED COMMISSION MERCHANTS ILi-eontmue to give prompt attention at than ff FIRE PROOF MARE HOUSE, un tbe corner of 8d and Poplar Streets, to all ouiineu eommii ted to their charge. With their thanks for past favors, and a renew t;, pledg* of faithfulnessto all the interests of their rieudk an>* customers, they hope to receive their failshare he public patronage. 1 dberal advances made onOotton and otherprodi whei -equlred. Bagging,Rope furnished a* the lowest market rates. *■*•• ** Executor’s Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of J. IV. Al len late of Twiggs Countx, deceased, are here by notified to settle their indebtedness without de lay. And those having demands against the said estate will present them for adjudication, in terms of the law. D. G. HUGHES, Executor. May 11, 1860. 4td. CARRIAGE MANUFACTOtYT FRfcISMAN k ENGLISH rfAYEou band a good assortment of <* RRIAGEPar- I I II A’ NESs, consisting of all the sty es general j kov in a Repo-itory. We a eu! > manufacturing a neat stj le o Side and Eliptic Spring Buggies, Both tight and heavy wide, we warr w.’ as good work as I” nude an* where. Also a g nergl fiS-orUnent of CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, llAß ness Hardware, Whips, Leath er, Carriage Varnish and Paints. REPAIRING in all bn iibes done at short notice. CHARLES is on hand a the Plantation ,-k and Horse shoeing as usual. R. S. J* .<FEM AN, nov to ts B, T. FK--Jj!"-H. {MI k GEITLIMEI TIKE JIOTICE. ! Elias Einsiein: Has just opened a splendid lot of Brow % Rt/umiPteiNT | DRESS GOODS, SILK, BAREGE, ORGANDY AND JACONET ROBES from 5 to 15 flounces, also with 2 Japes and 3 to 5 j flounces. LAVE POINTS, LACE & BAREGE; MANTILLAS, S LKS, MUSLINS, ! BAREGES, TRAVELING DRESS GOODS, in great variety. Emb’d. Hdkfs., Collars. Bands, Edgings, Insert-! ’mgs, Lace mitts, &e. Chlieoes, Blenched & Brown Homespuns, Sheeting 9-4, 10-4, II 4, 12-4 wide. CARPETING in E *f 1 1- h Hi u'sell., j to 2 ply, Ingrain from 25 ets to $1.50 per yard. TAKE NOTICE.” $20,000 WORTH OF SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. J. STRAHAN &CO., BKFORE removing fram the Store on Mulberry street, opposite t. e Lanier House, will sell every dollars worth of their spleudid Stock of Spring and Summer Clothing, and FURNI RING GOODS, without reserve, or regard to prices. Sale to con tinue from day to day. A lot of Summer Hats for half price. All are invited to a.toud this sale. Silicon. May 25-ts. HEARTH HUOfST&cT” WINDOW DAMASK, LA’ E AND EMB’D. CURTAINS, TAS SEL LS, &c Summer Clotlitus, beautiful lot, juat opened. Call, Gents, and see for ; yourselves. | Also. Painted Window Shades in great variety.— i Hosiery. Kid Gloves. Hem.Stieh. and Tape Border : od Hdkfs. and every thingnsnally kept in a first class Dry Goods Store. Come and judge for yourselves. ELIAS EINSTEIN, Triangular Block, Macon, Ga. Land Agency. THE subscribers are prepared to make ocatlont Land in all of the North-western States—low Minnesota Wisoonsir, and th- Territories >f Nebraska snd*&Dßas, and solicit consignments of fußds or aro rants. Nor term.apply to JNO.H LONGI,EV, Macon,Ga. JNO. B. DWINNBLL.bodi, * tsconstr anrlT d-t* Notice. WE have a number otacci urn's made ‘n lPsßononrbooke boons, which will b, eeTJtd'.ly sued t’ i.ot paid by tlic I Ist of “anii iry. W intend to shew no mvors Llty papers copy, HAUDEMAN & GRIFFI.v. | dec BtJ .3CBEVEN HOUSE, il SAVANSAH. BA., ff*. B. DPOXjtJSTT. U£... PROPRIETRESS. This new and elfgant hotel. fronting Monument Square is now in MBNI complete order amt ready to aeeommodate, hue style, the travellifigpublic. fm i tie rooms are large and airv. and the TABLE MUIv equal to any Hotel North dr South. At, ts_’ s . s P' e ,fidwi four horse Omnibus is alwavs at T ne and Steamboat Landings, to convey pas pngers lo and from the House, at half the usual pelfS* - n. N l B-~l’ a y wo attention to Runners on the road who are interested in some inferior Houses. June X-ts. ‘TOSHffPERS BY EXPBESSt Ci, nnrl aftpr t!lis dilte - tMay 10) HARNDEN’S F,X -#UIES.v in connection with The Adams Express t’ .0,. will roil an Express on both night and day train * over Macon and Western Railroad. Freight for Way Stations sent by the dav train only. Freights for Atlanta Chattanooga. Nashville, Knoxville. Ac., sent bv both trains. - The dav Express closes at 1 o’clock, P. M., and ‘the night Express at 11 o’clock P. M. Freights called for betwdgn 11 and 12 o’clock. A. * M„ and between 5 and 6 o’clock. P. M. | New York Type Foundry, K 63 & 65 Beekman Street. CHARLES T. WHITE & CO., > BOOK, NEWS, JOB, AND FANCY “TY3PB, Borders, Ornaments, Brass & Metal Rule, Presses, Chases, Cases, Galleys, Inks, &c., &c., For sale upon the most Reasonable Terms. Our “Improved Metal,” having been tested by many ol th-3 most extensive printers throughout the country, and pronounced un rivalled for durability, we are now using it exclusively in the manufacture of our Type, tj*“d mvite printers to test k by giving us a A Specimen Book will be sent upon appli if-ation, to those wishing to order: also, esti- Aoates in detail of all articles necessary to fit ifcutji Printing Office. i\ advertisement is set up in hand foome large-faced Brevier, now introduced {tor tue first time, | April 20th, 1860, k~*” 11 IMIS & SOI. GA. rNVI’i'F tn- Httcntion otrhe Sporting Ptblicanu others.to their large select! ->n of Double Guns & Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers, j Pocket and Sporting Cutlery, I Fishing Tackle, Walking Sticks, : FISEIfiI & BOIISTIC AMMBSITIGI | And every artic eto be found In he flrat-class Sportsmen’s I Emporiums eitheFNorth or somh. | By a care ul ••t-tertion to business, and by keeping always lon bap.n,a cnffice assortment ott.he beat goods in our line, we j expect in receive a continuation ut ihe liberal patronage here | (nfAre extended to ns. ‘<KPAIli I %Gcarefully Attended to, as hereto tore. loct 2d—tf] D. C. H f A SOJS T . WATCHES, CLOCKS, tLji^uuuMtLiUitinmiamuuiiuiimaaimauuiHamnuHmiiminimiiiirT’Ttmnwi JEWELRY, and SILVER WARE, New styles, new goods, SPIES DID ASSORTMENT, GREAT REDUCTION; IN C3 ASS 3SE - 11 F. H. BURGHARD, j ts now reeeivinct a vorv large and selertassortmen I 1 of the most BRILLIANT AND VALUsBLK | ‘HOODS in his liue of business, which must be seen ! ip be appreciated. i | The Ladies, and others, fond of the beautiful in j ,4’tand elesrant in workmanship, will please drop in j arid judge, for themselves, of quality and prices.— j it r cash, the stock will be sold at the very lowest | %rnres. march ts 4SSKTS 2,200,000. DISKS taken in the above company on favorable tl terms. Also in the following companies: Phoe nfc and North American. Hartford Lafayette, Brook i n. and in the State Fire Insurance, New Haven, a,Hi iKtna Life Insurance, Hartford. t RICHARD CURD, Agent, i march 29th, 1860 —ly. BOOTS AND SHOES. AT THE SIGWI F THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, Cotton Avenue, | mrmv w-m'msmw.rar^sz Washington Block, Macon, Ga. rfl H E Subscribers would re- W turn tlielr thanks for the paLnage extended to them, ami would most respectfully jKfA ipr*3fi9 ,elicit a continuance of the Jgf'fj But(e. We have now Instore mostly manufactured, to our WEEKLY MO Mm Ad JAtitwUlhe made, ofall the different styles and patterns I,.dt called for in a shoe store, and wouldiuvite those wish lnr W-nrehm-e. to call and and examine our stock, a., we are BreNed to seliaslow as aay house in the city or state. oi §—tf JUXAKIRTLAND- SCHOFIELD & BROTHER, nmnaum MACON, GA. johx s. scnorrei-n, joshda scuofieid. WE ARE PREPARED TO AIANUFACTURE STEAM ENGINES, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MILL AND GIN GLARING, S XT G-A.ll Mllili S, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. IRON RAILINGS AND VERANDAHS. Having the most complete assortment of Iron Railings in the State, wliieh for elegance, neatness, durability and design, cannot be surpassed, and are suitable i'or the Fronts of Dwellli gs. temrtary Lots, Pablie *-qu<res, Church Fences aud Nalcenies. Persons desirous of Purchasing RAILINGS, will do well to give us a call, as we are determined to of fer as good bargains as any Northern Establishment; of our Work can be seen at Rose Hill Cemetery, and at various private residences in this city. march 15,-tf For Sale. ONE of the mrl desirable residences n the city, wher the subscriber now re .cornerof Oak and Seconc Streets. ‘ . The Lot contains three quarters of an acre, arid Is high!} improved * itb choice varieties ot Peach, Apricots, Grapes and other fruits, ami flowers. Thtdeelllng contains ten’ Rooms, Closets in six,and Gas in alt. Terms of p-vj ment wil la-, made easy. For particu lars,cnquire of I DrLoacheor W.N. Bantly. If not said befote Christinas, it wlllberentedt an approv ed tenant. [doc. 14—tf] Un.it. W. A DAMa. GRANITE M HALL. OPPOSITE THE LANIER HOUSE, ffftHE Subscriber has opened the above Hall for the accent .Jl modation of Day Boarders ant! Transient Customers.— Tide House lsnowoffcredasitiferlorto uo other first Class Ho tel In the South, and from its central location, ttslareeand airv rooms, offers great mducemen’s and accommodation.'-to Families and Transient persons. The public may expect from this House, all the luxuries aud comforts to be round in any otter hotel. R. F. DENSE, apr ie ts Late of the Floyd House PLAISTIVG, Scroll Sawing, Turning, Carving, Bracket and Or namental Work, Oct.lfl tt Made to order by T.A ♦ WOOD. COATES &. WCOLFOLK* MEUSE 11 EMM v. (MEacaaNTS/ .::i ARE now open and prepared for the reception o f i'oHou a their MKW FIRE PRO -F <* ARKHOT'E, . ppo He Herde nan .t Sparks. We will endeavor to prove ours 1 ves worthy of the pat-onsge of host- who M favt rus wit he r business. Liberal advances made on cotton when dc iicd Macon. ept. 21.155'1 24 t Golden ByniD. 1 /|BBLS New Buckwheat Flour. r 5 do Boubl? extra Golden Syrup, Just received, and for sale at octlSsw—l TKFER&FREEMA Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Q/Wt Sacks Rio Coffee CO Clicks Java and Lax-CofFee, 126 bbls Refilled Sugar. 25 “ Crushed and Powdered, 10 “ hds New ur eans sugar, SO bbls N ew (Means syrup, 10 l,da New Crop Molasses, 6'KJ bushelo Seed Oats, SO •* Coro Meal, CasksShouldcrs, 10 ‘ Sides, SOU Sa- Info r, Forsale hv ian.£-tf AYRES, WINGFIELD*CO. WATCH WORK. TXTE are prepared to have promptly and well done VV at short notice and ‘I < \ WV n-AN •MS for one year. E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. Dissolution i{uvjjccrsiiip. STRONG A WOOD hereby give notiee, that their firm was dissolved this day by mutual consent.— Either party is authorized to itse the name of the late firm in settlement of its affairs. Those indebt ed willmake immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement. LEWIS P. STRONG, CHARLES V. WOOD. Macon, Jan. 2,1860 jan 3 3m Ready Made Clothing’ THE undersigned has iu store a XiltrgO Stocls. of SOUTHERN MADE stows©, from material manufactured in the South, which he guarantees to sell, (at a profit.) as low as any one pro fessing to sell at New York Cost. E. SAULBBURY. march 15th, 1860. ts ‘T)i' cyr )rf) ,r, ' > /and // WIMW njr (tr S4O OO DAYS the tuition tors full cours In the Iron City Col -1 lere, the la gest, most extensive v pa*ronlzed and beet organized Oommeiclal school lu the t’nlod ‘-tales. FOUR LARGE lItLLS For writing, Com i.crclul Calculations. Book-Keeping and Lectures. Usual time to complete a fullo urse, irom€to 10 weeks. Every -tudent, upon #raduh-tin£. is mu ■rui-t.ccd to be com pete’ l to manage he b oks ot any buaiiuts, and qualified to earn a Bilary f from SSOO to 81000. Students enter at any time— No vacation—Review at pleasure. First Premiums for Best Writing Awarded this Institution. The best and greatest variety ot Ponniansh'p in any (tie Hall in th- Colon, is found here. HT"Minister’., Runs received t hdf price. For fuh inform .bon (tlrci lar. cuectincn of Business and Ornamental Writing, and ituthclUiihjd View of th- College, nciose five letter stamps to F. tl. JENKINS, sept 30 wly cit’d burgh, Fa. LA iHPS, LAMPS, KEROSINE Oil Lamps just received and for sale by U. A. WISE. Dee. 17—ts. KSk BUSHELb URUOj A.WLKBfor,aieby i)U C.H.FRKF.MAN *<so. marcal 13—ts Cotton Avenue. MARCS 1860. REMOVAL! MBS. HOWLAND PHas removed to the New Store, on M ilborry Street, two doors from Strohe-cker’s corner, and adjoining Day & Afaussenet's Jewelry “Estab lishment, wheiys she is receiving a NEW AND FINE STOCK OF jVXillinery and Fill HOODS. tr 4 .The business at the old store, in ditton Ave nue, trill be conducted by J/iss Dh.lon. r I ‘Hij increasing demand for my life-sized, colored A Photographs, has Induced me to employ anoth er Artist, who will give his entire attention to the coloring of this,tile 4iii/e of nature, in Pastel, and I very types in-Uil. He lias j ust, finished severallifesize headsof prom inent citizens which are nowonexhibitionand which are the best, of this style of coloring ever seen in Macon. I have also anew instrument for enlarging pictures from Daguemeotypes qalled the Solar Cam era. which beats anything vet invented, and which is used by nrt other Artist in this city. Call and see the beautiful pictures. march 22, IB6o.—tf J. A. PUGH. DRUGS FORCASH! Zieilin Hunt, arc now receiving a veiy large assortment of DRUGS, CHEHICII.S, INSTRURE.MS, PERFU niery &e.. which they arc polling for cash at extremely low prices. Wholesaling Exclusively for Cash, and upon no otlit r terms. Druggists. Phys’c'ans and Medicine Dealers generally will find it greatly to their advantage to purchase their articles at the CASH DRUG STORE. sppt 80 FERTILIZERS! GENEHALAGEKGY. npFTE undersigned respectfully announce to Planters and JL others tm wested, tha they arecenw anilyrccwivii g di- Voct fWib and n*fs&?h~c the fcP Jowi?.*r most appro Vi ti Fertilizers now fat own, all of which have been thoroughly and sktisfactorily tested, viz: No. 1 Peruvian Guana, Sombrero Guano, Rhode’s Super. Phosphate of Limo, National Fertilizer,}, Ground Plaster. These articb-6, which will have our brand, and beguaran eed as genuine, we fitiall. at all time-, be prepar, and to furnish in any amounts, required, ami at the lowest prices. The"Su p;r a xphate ’md •Fertilizer,’ at manufacturers'rates, with etpenseol transportation aude . Savannah May 4. ly. PATTEN & MILLER. Livery Stablo. GRIER A WASTERSON, Have just received a supply of new CARKIAtiKS, BIGGIES aid HABKEtS, and a (rush lot of horses, and arc now better prepared than ever to accommodate the public in every branch of their business. They have also good lots for tit* use of drovers and others who may bring stock to this market, with a Smith-shop attirmed, tor the work that may < fFer. With these increased faoiilities, central location and roomy and airy stables, they Hatter themselves that customers will find the establishment, — sit/n of the borne, corner of 3d and Mulberry streets—to be the place to get stylish turnouts, good horses, acre ful drivers tit, reasonableeharges. march .Will— ls. G.& M. Porter and Ale. OA CssksJefTers’JugAlc, 10 Casksliu-tLondon Porter, uctrecei'Od, GREER & FREEMAN Ovsters, Game, &c. C. H. FREEMAN, t CO, ARE now ready to serve Customers in every style of the Gastronomic art. with FISH, FLESH, AND FOWL, attheir Eating Saloon, Cotton A vent. :, Mason. They willhavr suppliesofFiahand Oysters, by every train front the Seaboard, unwell a*..f Beef, Game, dec.,from Fulton market, Nc w Y ork. by every - teanier. Thev have also made arrangements for regular supplies of Chickens, Turkeys, ac.,from Cherokee Goo gin. and Ten net ee U ur ug the season,and solicit* call from their friendsaad he pub ic. n0v.19 ts NOTICE. THE subscriber has opened a House In Macon, on the cornernext below the “lirowa House,” and near the F.u'seugerDepot.for the Purchase and Sale of Negroes. A good snptily, of likely Young Negroes, kept constantly on hand and f.-r s-le. Purchaser and tradersare iavitedlto ca’l and examine for then selves. ALSU a o. 1 Wlaek.-miih. 23 years rid, and twoNol. Cos ks. Washers and Imuers, 23 years old .C. F. STUBB.S Macon. Tee. ls.S9.—tf FOR SALE. IKAA SA< lvS BALT, OVJU s‘l Hint*. Molasses, 250 Ht da Bacon. St) Barr la Laid 50 Barrels vinegar. 26 Dozen binonis. Si doz. Sl.ove sand Spa I 400 and z. Buckets, -.5 do*. Axes. ,r.o 14-ts. .1. B. AW. A. ROSS. HO(JS£ AXIS LOT FORM sale. FOR SALE, a House unci Lot on Pine St., Macon, lot No. 6, in square 75, with im provements. It is the place formerly owned and occupied by Mrs. U. T. Lantar, and t present occupied by J. T. Napier, Esq. For terms apply to E. P. IULL, at Bear den & Gains, or to me at Griffin. W. L. GORDON. Apr : q 6th, 1860—.f. NEW FIRM. THE undersigned having jerfaka f~x——n——-w taken tl.e L IV EH V hT ARLK formerly been- 1/1"- fledhvH it Lmd-ay,intend y&GESfB** carrying on the business In all ttsbranches. We itallalways keep Phaetons’Oatnages, Boggle, and Horses, to hiieon as good term, as anybody, w e also have the most ample ac commodmlonafo” Drove Stock. We would avtothe public (hat we have taken the &t<lnto our Cl’ uth in earnest, slid can always he found with our Har ness on re 1(1 vto serve you: w. Intend nv keeping a straight tongue, pulling together, and by buektingdown close to bus trn-wi, to srir-cer dor break us rote. We shall never fire fellotct n lutehin 11 for you so long as vo i come ut> to the licking and settle Now It yon w ant usto wriff-on.toroc i-a-uiayand not b- sulky, in fad If you don’t want us to check up too close, nut your sh( ( tier to the wheel, give us a share, audit youfind a'dnsleftae- of ingratitude you ma halter us. Very re-peotfully, ADERIIOLD At JEFFERS. Opposite the Passenger Depot andneaj Brown's Hotel. apr 29-ts. Fast Presses! New Typo!! LEWIS H. ANDREWS! Praot io al BOOK & JOB PRINTER, E\R RALSTON'S NEW llALL.CUi’Staibb,) . CHERRY ST., MACON. GA. The proprietor Is prepared, with the aid of FAST PRINTING MACHINERY AID NEW TYPE, To execute f’e largest order of any description of work with DISPATCH, and lit a workrn nllke manner, at living rates, por c^usaa;, JunelD—tf NO. 16. NEW It SELECT GOODS. CALL at our old stand on Cotton Avenue and look at our fine assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY SILVER SPOOMS, FORKS, SILVER PLATED TEA SETS, CASTORS, and a vnety ot Fancv Articles! Gold and silver .Spectacles with Pebble Glass.— Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. New parts replaced as good as the origin al. Country \\ atoll-makers can have their difficult Jobs done tit short notiee. as we now have a Work man competent to do any job offered. PIANO FORTES from the Factories of Nunns £ Clark, and Briggs’ Patent Piano, which speak their own merits. The world can t excel them. Guitars, Violins, Flutes. Aeeordians. Brass Instruments ot various kinds. Sheet Music, Instruction Books, Vid lin and Guitar Strings of the best quality, always on hand. CHEAP FOR CASH. ‘ Nnv.lO. J ’ A ’ * S ’ S ’ VIRGIN - Plantation Brogans. NOW in storet he best assortment nf Negro shoo- we have ever offered in this Market. Men’s double soled pegand srfV • rtrt l^ ,4,ld rl i SSl -*' ,s ,; ‘}'!• heavy single Si, ied blue, and rus setts, do boysai.il youtl-s biaCKulid ru.-.setss,ali.f Which wo oct 9-'if r> 0W Ml -\ “ b iKTLaND. jV-Tiscellaneous. GAS FIXTURES, POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, RAZORS AND FANCY CUTLERY, PORTABLE DESKS, DRESSING CASES, FANCY BASKETS, PARIAN BTATUETTS, DOUBLE* SINGLE GUNS, COLT’S PISTOLS, CANES , PORT MONIES * PURSES, MURSCHAUM PIPES, CIGAR HOLDERS, OPERA GLASSES. SHELL * ORNAMENTAL COMBS. FANCY HAIR PINS, * BACKGAMMON BOARDS, CHESS MEN, DOMINOES, BILLIARD BALLS, CUES, LEATHERS & CHALK. With many new and desirable articles not enume rated. Anew and fine selection for sale at low prices By E. J. JOHNSTON A CO. DWELLING HOUSE FOR SAIF. WITH -even rooms and all necessary out buPd n-s f o merly occupied by the Subscriber. Apply to Fib Ist .rim D. C. HODGKINS. NEVGOODS GEORGE R. BARKER HAS lust returned r* m ti* w York with * large aiid fresh otock f siaple and gtas-tLable DRY ©OODI. GROCERIES. 9 HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, &c., i-uitab e for belli CITY AND CoUNIRY TRADE. ‘'fwliich lißAe b en bought losy- for Cash, ad will b Bold at the lo vest tr~ SUOVIU.e A. II ■—S - fc H l iilM -- ase.nov 4 tt G. it*. B. TRAIN, SPERM, A KAThFOOT and ail other OILS. For sale by Ueyt 20] ZBILIN & HT’NT. Negroes for Sale. A NEGRO woman and four children, are offered for sale on reasonable terms for cash. Woman 27 years old, a good cook, washer-woman and house servant. Children’s ages fromSyears down to Iyr sold for no fault. Apply tit this office. ts. Imported Genuine Havana Segari Freni 50 to 100 Dollars per Tliontand. Cabanas Brevas, very fine, I Kid re, Jitscnbertft, Rosalie, Albion, Talipan, etc, Hnvite the best judges for atrial of these Severs. H SMIY Ht iRNE’S LATEST NEW3~B¥ THE _ STMKTIC TUI T 11 oltty cuncern ' tl,!a 18 tv nutity th public Jsat homeugt|in.and begs toassun. uatr'-nsthat hi* Sa w!’n ‘Ti. V' 1 ’ 1 f °{ a l,a V - Citizens ihe tntvel'ng public will find their e&tabltKhnient open, not *or the Seasoxi only but all Seasons oi the year, and thoae eamna: on ug, will at all hours, find our larder sup piled with all thv delicacies that the, New York and other market will alforU, In the way of eatables and soine'hiu# good to drillk, and six days out of seven, more ihun can be found in any bouse in town. E. ISAACS A BHO’. Under Ralston’s Hall, Cherry St. His ilill ot Fare will every* day. Be just the thing for litt le pay ; And those, who at their place may eat. Will find In it all things complete— And going once, they then will know. That ISAACS, is tht PLACE to go. We shall be happy to sea ous friends, ensuring them that l wiil be our unremitting oare to please 1 u every re meet, as we flatter ourselves, we have done till now. v H ,vn*raHy known that we have, to meetthe wish esofthe.Wedltalfatuity,lmported by ourselves, a verysupe riorquality of Pale fiwndy. tins old Port, Sherry ritUPoa*esalngall theMed,clnalqualities, so much desired by Look at this BUI of Fare and choose for yourself: OYSTERS, From New York, Savannah and Brunswick in the shell or by the measure, raw, fried, rwed, or lu any way you want them. Also. Shrimps and Crabs, WildS ime of every variety, M Venison and Beef Stefas, 37, Mutton VealCutloti, Devil Ham and Deviled Teraplns, ■ kIL mountain oysters, TURTLE SOUP, YV ood-Oocx Grous*-, MouiitainGFc.se, Squ'.re s. Wild Duckft, Fish, and every thibgthai a- epicuic w.‘.nla,ea always be had wdcd inaeasou. Confectionaries Sc. Fruit ISAACS, also keeps constantly on hand a good assortment cf Conftwtiou&ries, ORANGES, APPLES, BANANAS, PfNE APPLES, Various descriptions of NUTS, <S9Lz.CZ2* dll of which can be purchased at low prices for V \SH Be sure and call at. K. ISAM S A 8110 C. 11. FltliEMCiJi^ Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga., ? Offer, as ueual, at Ihefr Old Stand, a Choie* i.. aurimcui of e I’AMILY GROfERII^, Or every description and of the best quality, fresh and good, oeltig constantly in receipt of new supplies from h Northern Maraets, ugrs, Btdces, Wh'te Fish, Syrups, Citrons, Herrings, Coffee, Gr-en Fmlts, In cans, Hams, Teas. Condiments Lard, Sweetmeats, Sauces, Flour, Nuts, Che-se, * Butter, yjalslns. Mackerel, Fork, ►nd other articles toor -maerous to mention, comprising th* whole range ot Family Grocery supplies. z:dßMnsie:!!S| Wepartlcularly Invite the attention of dealers and other* to our large and complete slock of Candies, manufactured by ourselves, ol the very best materials, and warranted to retain their hardness and brilliancy, whi e the Imported Candle* toon lose both and beeome worthless. We offer unrivalled Inducements to purchasers. Cakes, Ornamented A Plain Os every variety, and made qi ohoice materials. Famllle* sad parties supplied at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable tcims. Oysters, Crabs, Shrimps, Fresh Fish, in their Season, OUR OYSTER SALOON, Wlllbc open for the recentlnlKof visitors, where we shal Amin _ kei-p constantly on hand dn-lngthe Fall and jpjfWVa. Winter, Fresh <*yters and fSf j VsfiHsh. native and Imported V / a r*. which shall ne faithfully filled. oet—tf DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. TV T OTICE is hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing under the firm name and atvle of Menard & Burghard was dissolved by mutU’ nl consent on,the Ist instant. All debts due to and all obligations of the late firm will be adjusted by F. H. Burghard, who retains the books and account*.. h. K, MLNAKL’u F. B. BURGBABP. Macon, Fed.