The Cherokee Georgian. (Dalton, Ga.) 1865-????, January 11, 1867, Image 4

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Legal Advertisements 'TATE OF GEORGIA. Catoosa Connty— ln the j Superior Court of said County —Present the ionorable James Miluer, Judge of said Court: arnes M. Lee, 1 vs ■- Motion to Foreclose Mortgage. Wm. Ballew, ) I T appearing to the Court, by the petition of I James M. Lee, accompanied by the notes and feed of mortgage, that on the first day of Janua ry. 1860, the dependent, William Ballew, made an ; delivered to the plaintiff 1 , James M. Lee, his v 'omissory notes, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, by the first of which he promised to pay to said J. if. Lee, or bearer, the sum of Fire Hundred and Fifty Dollars on the 25th day of December,. 1864, with interest from date; and by another of which notes he promised to pay s lid petitioner, or bearer, the sum of Five Hun dred and Fifty Dollars by the 25tli day of De cember, 1865, with interest from date'; and by another of said notes he promised to pay »o said petitioner, or bearer, the sum of Five Hundred and Fifty Dollars the 25th day of December, lt?G6, with interest from date. And it further appearing, that afterwards, to wit : on the day aforesaid the said defendent, Wiliiam Ballew, the better to secure the payment ol sgid notes, executed and delivered to the said dames M. Lee a certain Deed of Mortgage, where by he conveyed to said plaintiff the following de scribed tracts of land, to-wit: lot of land -number 172, containing 160 acres, more or less, and also the west half of lot No. 171, containing 80 acres, more or less, reserving seven and three quarter acres on the side immediately next to Ringgold, Georgia—ail of said land lying and being in the /Bth district and 3d section of Catoosa county, Georgia. And It fui ther appearing that said notes remain unpaid, it is therefore ordered by the Court that sai l v\ illiam Ballew, the defendant, do pay unto this Court, on or before the first day of the next lerm thereof, the principal, interest and cost due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary, if my he can ; and that on the failure of the de .endant so to do the equity of redemption in and to said premises is forevdr barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered by the Court, That n copy of this rule be served personally on the defendant, his special agent, or attorney, four months before the next Term of this Court, or th it he he served by publishing the same once a month tor four months, previous to the next lerm of this Court, in the Cherokee Georgian, a -iewspqper published in the town of Dalton, in said State. —November Term, 1866. JAMES MILNER, j. s. c. c. c. A true extract from the minutes of Catoosa Su perior Court, November Term, 1866. 0. W. TRIMMIER, Clerk. January 4—4 m. Jflurray Sheriff ’s Sale. ILL be sold before the Court-House door in ’ ’ Murray county, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: The undivided one fourth of lot of land No. 193, in the 10th district of the 3d section of said county: levied mi as the property of W. G. Ham to satisfy a fi. fa issued from the Superior Court of county in favor of John Fagala vs John ’’ eeden, maker, and W. G. Ham, indorser. _ -Also, at the same time and place, lot of land iMX 308, in the 27th district and 2d section of said county, as the property of William Wiggins to satisfy two County Court fi fas, one in favor of . C. McCamy, the other in favor of Daniel v ohnson. Also, at the same time and place, one houge and lot in the town of Spring Place, where Gide on Jackson now lives, to satisfy 5 fi fas, one from me Superior Court, John M. ilodges vs Gideon Jackson, and the others from the County Court against Gideon Jackson, one in favor of W. U. Colly, and one in favor of John S. Rollins, and one in favor of M. M. Leonard, and one other in fat or of Leonard & Jones. Property pointed out by the defendent, Jackson. Jan. 4—tds. W. S. CALLAWAY, Sh’ff. Bailiff’s Sale. WILL be sold before the Court-llouse door in the town of Calhoun, Gordon count}', on the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: One black marc mule, eight or nine yea' s old, as the property of F. M. Boman, to satisfy two fi fas, or.e in favor of Wylie, Johnson & ‘Co. vs Ayaiefield and Bowman—also one in favor of R. W; i oung vs Littlefield and Bowman ; and also naif interest in a store house on Railroad street, in the town of Calhoun, Gordon comity, known ns the Littlefield & Boman House, to satisfy two fi fas, one in favor of Wylie, Johnson & Cos., and one in favor of R. M. Young vs Littlefield and Bowman. Property pointed out by F. M. Bow man. Also at the same time and place, two town lots in the town of Calhoun, levied on to satisfy the cost on fi fas, oqe in favor of R. E. Wilson, administrator de bono of G J Fain, and ami one in favor of R M Young and J W Jack son’s survivors, &e M and one in favor of W II Morris vs Pleasant Frise and Joe G Frise, admin istrarors, &c. on the estate of Linsey Neal. One of the lots lies west of the Railroad, adjoining Dr. II unt and others, and the other lot lies north of the road leading to Love’s Bridge. Property pointed out by Pleasant Frise, one of the admin istrators. JOHN GRESHAM, S. B’ff. December 28 —tds. CATOOSA SHERIFF’S"sALeT \\J ILL be sold before the Court-House door t ▼ in the town of Ringgold, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in February next,the following pron erty, to-wit: r 1 One lot of land No. 189, in the 28th district and 3d section of Catyosa county, one fi faC. W. Hunt vs G. W. IJ. Anderson andG. W. Kerns.— Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, at the same time and place, one town lot known as the Hancock Lot, and bounded as fol lows: beginning at a stake on the East side of Pen is ton street, thence 75 yards, more or less, vvith Neighbor’s line, South to Anderson’s line, thence North of said street to the street between A llson’s and Grubb’s lots, 70 feet, more or less, thence with said street to the beginning corner, containing one acre, more or less: levied on as the property of 11. S. Hancock by one fi fa, A. Graham, administrator, &c., vs said Hancock. POSTPONED SALE. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold Ninety acres of lot of land No. 54, and 93 actes of lot No. 19, being that portion of said lott East of West Cbickamauga Creek, and in the 9th district and 4th section of Catoosa county; also I°° acres, being the South part of lot No. 36, and ail of lot No. 37, both in the 28th district and 3d section; and 100 acres of lot number 55, and 4 acres of lot number 53, both in the 9th district and 4th section, being all of said lots East of West Chickamauga Creek; and 80 acres of lot number 38, being the west half of said lot, and 100 acres, being the north side of lot number 73, bolli in the 28th district and 3d section of Catoo sa county: levied upon by one fi fa, L. M. Carter vs M Dickson and I 1 B Nichols-. Levied upon as the property of I B-Nichols Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. [Pr.’s fee $6 Jan. 4—tds. W. J. WHITSITT, Sh’ff. \Vhitfield. Sheriff’s Sale. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Dalton, on J,he first Tues day in Feb. next, the following property, to-wit :■ One louse and lot on the west side of the Cleveland, Tennessee, Road, No. not known, now occupied by Mrs. Beavers: levied on as the prop erty of John M. Ford, a non-resident, to satisfy one Justice’s Court fi fa from the 872(1 Dist., G. M., John L. Longley vs John M. Ford, and Tim othy Ford, security on stay. Also, one house and lot in said city, about one hundred yards from the Calaboose, No. not known, now occupied by Gilbert Long: levied on as the property of John B. Glimpse, a non-resi dent, to satisfy one Justices’ Court fi fa from the 872d Dist., G. M., John L. Longley vs John B. Glimpse, and William Eskew, security on stay. Leevies£made and returned to me by constable t J. W. LONGLEY, Sh’ffT January 4—tds. DADE SHERIFFS SALEi WILL be sold before the Court-House door in Trenton, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the legal hour u of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: Four acres of land in the town of Trenton known as the Saw Mill Lot of Divine, Harris & Rice: levied on as the property of George W. Harris to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Supreme Court of said county in favor of Benjamin F. Pace vs George W. Harris. Property pointed out by L. W. Graham, plaintiff’s attorney. t k- STEPHENS, Pep Sheriff. January A-, tdv Legal Advertisements. Petition to Establish Lost Notelm Walker Superior Court. H J Sprayberry ) HJSproyberry ( HJSpfayberry vs [• VS 4 VS ETKimsey. J IJ Little. ( —• Dod3on. August Term, 1866, Walker Superior Court. FROM the return of the Sheriff it appears to the Court that the .defendant in the above named case cannot be found, and therefore Can not be served: It is, on motion of plaintiff ot | dered by the Court that service be perfected by j the publication of this order in the Chevekea Georgian, a paper published at Dalton, "Georgia, once a mouth for three months, immediately pre ceding the next teiru of lids Court JAMES MILNER, j s c c c A true extract from the Minutes of Court, this December Bth, 1866. J. H. ROGERS, Clk. December 14—3 m. Libel for Divorce in Whitfield Su perior Court. Amanda J. Head, 1 vs V Rule to Perfect Service. Geo W Head. ) IT appearing to the Court, from the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant is not to be found in this county; and it further appearing that said defendant resides out of this State: It is ordered by the Court that service of the above Libel be perfected by publication in the Chero kee Georgian for four months, as the law directs. JAS. MILNER, j s c c c. J. A. R. Hanks, Plaintiff's Attorrey. A true extract from Minutes of Court. December 7--4 m. TANARUS., H. PITNER, Cl’lc. LIBEL FOiTdIVORCE IN WHITS FIELD SUPERIOR COURT. John Caldwell ) vs >• Rule to Perfect Service. Rosetta C Caldwell ) IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in tliis county; and it further appearing that the defendant resides out of this State, it is, on mo tion, ordered that service be perfected by publi cation in terms of the statute. JAMES MILNER, j s c c c A true extract from the minutes of Court. Nov. 30—4ra. T. H. PITNER, Clerk. GEORGIA—Catoosa County: ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said coun ty, will be sold before the Court-House door, in the town of Ringgold, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, a town lot in Ringgold, Geo., known as the Moo ney Store House lot, being forty four feet front and running back sixty-five feet; also six shares, one hundred dollars each, of East Tennessee & Ga. Railroad Stock. W. A. WOODS, Adin’r. December 14—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE— By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Murray county, I will sell before the Court-House door in the town of Spring Place, on the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: the undivided half of the West half of lot of land No. 299, and the undivided half of lots 297 and 298, and the undivided half of one sixth of lot 315, all in the 20th district of the 2d section of Murray county. Sold a3 the property of Samuel A. Blair, deceased, for the purpose of distribu tion. Terms, 12 months’ credit, with note and approved security. WILLIAM HASSLER, Adm’r. December 21—tds. GEORGIA, Catoosa Connty —Whereas, John R. Bryan, administrator of the estate of L. A. Bryan, represents to the Court, in his petition duly filed end entered on record, that he lias ful ly administered L. A. Bryan's estate: This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons interested to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, why letters of dismission from said estate should not be granted the said applicant on the first Monday in Fobrua ly next. Given under my hand and official signature this 20tli August, ’66. J. M. ANDERSON, Ordinary. August 23d—6m. GEORGIA, Catoosa Conuty —Whereas, John Woods, administrator of John Gray, repre sents to tlie Court, in his petition duly filed and entered on reoord, that he lias fully administered John Gr..y’s estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the Feb. Term of the Court of Ordinary, to be held in said county on the first Monday in Feb. next, otherwise letters of dismission will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature this 20th day of Aug., 186 G. JAMES M. ANDERSON, Ord’y. Aug. 23—6 m. GEORGIA, Catoosa Connty — Whereas, S. F. Kincanuon, administrator of the estate of John Kincannon, late of said county, deceased, represents to the Couit, in his petition duly filed and entered on recorJ, that he has fully adminis tered said estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all parties interested, whether kindred or creditors, to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why letters of dismission should not be granted the said applicant. Given undei my hand and official signature, this 3d Oct., ’66. JAS. M. ANDERSON, Ord’y. October s—6m. GEORGIA, Catoosa Connty —Two months af ter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of J R Conley, late of said county, deceased. Nov 16—tds AARON TEELER, Adm’r. GEORGIA, Catoosa Connty —Two months af ter date'application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Jo seph T. McConnell, late of said county, deceased. JOHN M. COMBS, Adm’r. Sept. 28—2 m. GEORGIA, Whitfield County —Notice is here by given that I will make application to the Court of Ordinary of 'Whitfield county, on the first Monday in March next, for leave to sell the undivided half interest in lot of land No. —, in the 12th district and 3d section, being known as the place formerly owned and occupied by G. W. Deck, deceased, which said half interest be longs to the estate of my son and ward, James H. Deck. JANE H. DECK, Nat. Guardian. December 7—2 m. GEORGIA, Whitfield Connty —Notice is here by given to all. persons having demands against the (state of Joseph Suttle, deceased, to present them to me for payment; and all persons indebted to said estate will come forward and make payment immediately. Dec. 7—4od. FRED. COX, Adm’r. GEORGIA, Whitfield County —All persons in debted to James Morris, late of Randolph County, deceased, are requested to make immedi ate payment to the undersigned; and all persons having demands against said James Morris will present them to us in terms of the law. F B. MORRIS, )„ , THOS. MORRIS, f hx rs - August 10—4 w. GEORGIA, Whitfield County —Two months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell' lot of land No. 130, ill the 13th district and 3d section, property of Joshua Carpenter, de ceased. J. N. SMITH, Ex’r. December 21—2 m. /GEORGIA, Murray County—Two months after IT date applicaiion will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Murray county for leave to sell the real estate of Abner J. Yancey, late of said county, deceased. JAS. F. HALEY, AdtnY. December 21—2 m. e GEORGIA, Catoosa County —Sixty days' af ter date application will be made to the Or dinary of saideountv, for leave to sell the land belonging, to the estate of Thos. T. Gosnell, de ceased! LAURA E, GOSNELL, Adm’x. Nov. 9 2m. GEORGIA* Catoosa Count y— -Sixty days after date application will be made tb the Ordi nary of said county, for leave to sell the land be longing to the estate of M. Dyer, deceased. H. M. DYER, Executor. Legal Advertisements. LIBEL T*OR DIVORCE IN MUR RAY SUPERIOR COURT. Robert Shields, I _ r v l f dlule to Perfect Service Margaret J. Shields. ) IT appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, Hat the defendant does not reside in this county ; and it further appearing that she does not reside in this State, it is on motion of counsel, ordered that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of the Court, else that the case be considered in default and the Plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered that this Rule be pub lished in the “ Cherokee Georgian” once a month for four months. JAS. MILNER, j. s. c. c. c. Oates & Giddkns, Plaintiff’s Attorneys. A true transcript from the minutes of Murray Superior Court, November 3d ’66. SAMUEL M. WALLS, c. s. c. Nov. 9—4 m. , [p rs . f ee $9. LIBEL FOR DIVORCE IN WHIT FIELD SUPERIOR COURT. William J Ross I vs j- Rule to Perfect Service. Mary Ross. ) IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in this county; and it further appealing that she does not reside in this State, it is, on motion of counsel, ordered that defendant appear and an swer at the next term of this Court; also that the ease be considered in default, and the plaintiff a -to proceed. And it is further ordered that this Rule be published in the Cherokee Georgian once a month for four months. JAMES MILNER, jsccc A true extract from the minutes of Court. Nov. SO—4m T. H. PITNER, Clerk. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE— By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Mur ray county, I will sell, before the Court-House door in the town.of Spring Place, on the. first Tuesday in February next, the following proper ty, to-wit: 120 acres of lot of land No. 266, and 30 acres of lot 267, and the north half of lot 275, and all that part of lot No. 303, which lies west of Holly Creek, all being in the 9th district and 3d section of said county of Murray. Sold as the property of D. M. Peeples, deceased. Terms made known on the d;.y of sale. M. J. PEEPLES, Adm’x. December 21—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE— By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Gil mer county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in February next, before the Court-llouse door in the town of Ellijay in said county, between the usual hours of sale, all the real estate of E. M. J. C. and J. W. Anderson, deceased, .lying and be ing in said county of Gilmer. JAMES FEREBY, Adm’r. December 21—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE— By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Gilmer county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, before the Court-House door in Elli jay in said county, between the legal hours of sale, all the real estate of J. L. Anderson, de ceased, lying and being in said connty of Gilmer. Dec. 21—tds. WM. CLAYTON, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE—By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Gilmer county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, between the legal hours of sale, be fore the Court-House door in Ellijay in said coun ty, all the real estate of B. C. West, deceased, lying in said countv of Gilmer. * J. F. M. WEST, Adm’r. December 21—tds. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE— By virtue of an order from the Court ot Ordinary of Gilmer county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary next, before the Court-House door in Elli jay in said county, between the legal hours of sale, all the real estate, lying in said county of Gilmer, belonging to the estate of Jesse Harper, deceased. B. J. SITTON, Adm’r. December 21—tds. GEORGIA, Gilmer Connty — Two months af ter date app’ication will be made to the Hon orable Court of Ordinary of said county for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the estate of Thomas Plenions, late of said county, deceased. Dec. 21—2 m. B. J. SITTON, Adm’r. &EORGIA, Wbitfield Connty—Whereas, Mrs. Martha M. Cate, administratrix of the estate of Jonathan N. Cate, of said county, deceased, has applied for letters of dismission from her trust as said administratrix: These are therefore to cite and admonish all & singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to file their objections, if any they have, at the Court of Ordinay, to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in April next, (1867) why letters of dismission from the estate of said deceased should not be granted'to the apolicant. —Oct. Ist, 1866. J. P. FREEMAN, Ordinary. Oct. 3—6 m. GEORGIA, Catoosa JConnty — Whereas Aaron Peeler applies tojne for letters of admin istration, de bonis non , on the estate of J. F. Ellis, late.of said county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singnlar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law, why letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, December 4th, 1866. J. M. ANDERSON, Ordinary. Dec. 7—3od. EORGIA, Murray County—W’hereas John VJT Oats applies to me for letters of Adminis tration, de bonis non cum. testamento annexo, on the estate of David Humphreys, late of said coun ty, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the January Term of the Court of Or dinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in January next, said letters will be granted the applicant. Given under my band and official signature, this 27th Nov., 1866. ANDERSON FARNSWORTH, Ord’y. Nov. 30—30d. GEORGIA, Whitfield County— Notice is here by given to all persons concerned, that I will make application to the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday in January, 1867, for leave to sell the land belonging to the estate of Robert Paris, late of said county, de ceased, to pay the debts of said estate and divide amongst the heirs. JAMES L. BLACK, Adm’r. October 3—2 m. GEORGIA, Whitfield County.—Two months af ter date application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Whitfield County, for leave to sell the real estate of John Louther, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs, Ac. W. P. LOUTHER, Adm’r. Oct. 6—2 m. GEORGIA, Catoosa County-— Two months af ter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Catoosa county for leave to sell lands belonging to the estate of John B. El rod, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. A. 0. ELROD, Adm’r. Nov. 9—2 m. Gordon Sheriff's Sale . WILL be sold at the Court House door in the town of Calhoun, on the first Tuesday in February next, the following property, to-wit: One house and lot in the town of Calhoun: levied on as the property of Young Nann to satis fy the cost on one Superior Court fi fa in favor of M. E. Fain vs Young Mann. POSTPONED SALE. Also, at the s&ifie time and place, will be sold part of lot of land No. 76, in the 28d district and 3d section of Gordon county, containing ten acres, more or less, levied on as the property of E. J: Holcombe to satisfy one Inferior Court fi fa, and others. J. McCONNELL, Sh’ff. Jan. 4—tds. Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos. 16 and 21* in the 26th district of the 8d sec tion of said county: : levied on as the property of J. E. Brooks to satisfy the cost on one Superior Court fi fa in favor of Jonathan Dew vs J. E. Brooks and William Akin. Jan. 4. V. B. HUDGINS, D. Sh’ff. Chattanooga Advertisements. GILLESPIE. IHflllS 1 GO., Chattanooga, Tentltssees IMPORTERS and dealers iff HARDWAkfe, CUTLERY and FARMING IMPLEMENTS* also agents for Dupont’s Ritfe «hd Blasting Pon der; also on hand Wagon Had fcttggy Material at Manufacturer’s prices. July 20—6 in. " CHARLES LOJDQUIST. Chattanooga, Tennessee. DEALER in Furniture,Afattrasses and Bed ding, Musquito Bars, feathers, Carpeting, Portable Clothes and Hat Racks, Lace Curtains, Looking-Glasses, Picture Fraiies, Paper-Hangings and Window Shades. . UST’Store in Old City House, on Market Str. July 20—12 m. J. BA ILK V NICKLIN . . .DR. MILO SMITH. J. B. Nicklm,,Jr., & Cos. Corner Market anctf'ifih Sirs., CHATTANOOGA, Druggists and Apothecaries, AND DEALER IN Patent Medicines, Oils, Lam; Chimneys, Shades, and Pore Drags an« Chemicals. Prescriptions compounded by experienced Pharmacuetists. July 20—6 m. H. F. PARRISH.. J. C. W. G. COLWELL. H. F. PARHM k CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in amd iPswilsnoiEis, WINES AND LIQUORS, Sims' Wewßkck, Market Street, No. 105, befUfith aad 7th Strs. CHATTANOOGA,! TENN. July 20—12 m. —i - JOIIN L. M. FRENCH. .J. W. BBOWN. ,T. A. DROWN. FRENCH, BROI|N k CO. GROCERS AND i Commission Merchants, Market Stree Chattanooga, fenn. July 20, 1866—6 m. E. M, WIGHT, M. D j.E. B. BIGELOW Wight & Birelow, Druggists and AAtlieearies, 206 JtlarkctsSr., Chattanooga, jTeim. E3TA new and elegantly fittdd establishment, August 31, 1866—Dim. ( GOODWIN, WITH— 4 JOHN C. GRIFFIS k CO. WHOLESALE AND BE4ML GROCERS, Auctfn cfc CommissiowMerchants. STORING, FORWARDING and SELLING. Cor . JTlarket and JFcurth streets , (At the old stand of Moire & Marsh,) Chattanooga, \Tenn. Liberal advances made on .Consignments. Consignments of Produce and Merchandize so licited. Jdy 20—12 m. R. K. ByrdJ^Co., Corner 6tii and Market /Streets, CBjt'OO G.I, T’JEJFVT., HA\ E on hand, for sale jjheap, the following articles: .3,000 boxes; Hard Bread; 400 barrels Beans; 2,000 sets Ilirness; 200,000 lbs. assorted Iron, Pittsburg Mill $2,500 pounds Steel; 4,ooopounds Cast Steel Blacksmiths’ Tools; 15,- 000 pounds assorted Paints; i!5,000 pounds Tent Cloths; 13,000 assorted Ropi; 2,500 Picks; 3,- 500 Shovels, 4,000 Axes anq 1,000 Adzes. Also, a large lot of Teckle(and Snatch Blocks, Tools of all descriptions, I ellotvs, Anvils, and numerous other articles for Farmers’ and Me chanics’ use. £3?“ Give U3 a call befo® purchasing else where. July 20—6 m. Tiios. Webster R. Maun. Chattanooga Foundry and j- Machine Works. THE Proprietors are prepaid to manufacture ail kinds of Machinery uad in this country, such as STATIONARY and ITEAMBOAT Engines and Blast Furnace, Mining and Mill Machinery of every description. Also Railroad, Bridge and ill other kinds of Iron and Brass Castings, Stean Gauges and Gas Pipe Fittings always on hand.: Special contracts made forJarge quantities of Castings. Brass and Copper taken in exchange for Castings. THOS. WEBSTER & CO., December 7—6 m. Proprietors. D. V. ffIcCORKLE, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, 123 Market Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. THIS House has been in successful operation for 18 years, and to-day stands ahead of all competition, and is prepared to sell goods at NASHVILLE PRICES. me a trial • Avery large supply of ST. LOUIS LEAD JUST RECEIYED * —— Linseed , Tanner's , }Zard, Lubricating , Kerosene and Castor Oils. In the way of G 1 ass-Ware: the stock is large, embracing WINDOW GLASS, LANTERNS, CHANDE LEERS, LAMP FIXTURES, &c. Jnst received from the best houses in N. York.— Call and see. Prompt attention given to small orders from the country. N. B. Agent for the sale of Crab-Orchard Salts. Desember 7 —3 m. CHATTANOOGORUG STORE. Blanchard Clippin ger, DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Oils, Dye Stu£fs,Patent Medicines,Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps and Fixtures, Train Oil, Lard Oil, JIJTD I.WTBHICJtTKJTG OILS t AT VERY LOW PRICES. ALSO, FANCY SOAPS & PERFUMERY. Physicians Will find it to their in terest tt> give us a call, as we are confident that we can fill all orders as cheap as any Drug Store in this section of country. IST* Highest market price paid for Gensing and Beeswax. July 20—6 m. Atlanta Cards, JOSEPH E. BROWN .JOHN D. *PofcE. bsgwi & mm, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JanllaPy 27, 1806—1 y. C. B. Wellborn, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Wholesale and P.ctail Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, B@@to ou&dL H ats, Caps &c. —ALSO General Commission Merchants , FOR THE SALE OF Produce, Buggies, Sfc. May 25—ts. J. S. Oliver B. C. Waddail. Oliver & Waddail, (Formerly of Dalton,) W arehouse Commission Iter chants, Corner Forsyth and Alabama Strcets t ATLANTA, GA. PROMPT and personal attention will be given to all business entrusted to them, and con signments are respectfully solicited. Quick sales and prompt returns are promised. £sF"Refer to Maj. J. 11. Bard, Col. J. A. R. Hanks, W. K. Moore and J. H. King & Cos., of Dalton, Ga. Jan. 27—6m.* M. R. BELL & CO. GENERAL ©ammtssian) Merchants* And Wholesale Dealers In all kinds of Jtlerchandise and every description of Coun try Produce. frST’Strict attention paid to Consignments. £FI MARIETTA STR., ATLANTA, GA. References: —Messrs. Horton & Walton, Au gusta, Ga.; Stevens Thomas, President Bank of Athens, Georgia; Messrs. Langston, Crane & Hammock, McCamy & Cos., and Col. J. W. Dun can, Atlanta, Ga.; Messrs. Dunn & Mangham, Macon, Ga.; Messrs. Robert Habersham & Son3, Savannah, Ga.; Messrs. Lee & Norton, Montgom ery, Ala. February 10—6 m. ~IHELM & CONNOR, Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers, CORNER WHITEHALL 4 ALABAMA STRS., •Atlanta, Ga. SCHOOL BOOKS AT NEW YORK. WHOLESALE PRICES. Actual cost of Freight only added. FOR PRICE LIST. January 13, 1836—1 y. New Arrivals! New Arrivals! BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! Cheap Goods! Cheap Goods! Can be Found at the Stores of W- IL IIBTHITII* IN ATLANTA & DALTON, GA. I HAVE just received my extensive stock of Goods, which I am offering at extremely low prices. It embraces every article kept in the Dry Goods line, such as— Ladies' Dress Goods — all hinds. Ladies’ Cloaks, Purs and Muffs. Hoods, Nubias and Sontags. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Keady-lact® CLOTHING. Gentlemen's, Ladies' & Children's Boots, Shoes and Hats. II? I E and WHITE GOODS. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEHES; Together with all the novelties of the season. HtSjT’Oui friends and acquaintances are respect fully invited to call and examine our stock of goods for themselves before making their fail purchases. |3f"Country Merchants, who wish to replenish their stocks, can buy at remarkably low figures at either of our houses. £3f“The house in Dalton is under the manage ment of LEVI BROTHERTON, who has for ma ny years been engaged in tho mercantile business at that place. WM. H. BROTHERTON, Roark’s Corner, Atlanta, Ga. October 19—3ra. Hoge, Mills & Cos. Gate City Foundry, CAR AID MACHINE WORKS,. Manerta Str., Atlanta, Ga. o WE are prepared to build and repair PAS SENGER and FREIGHT R. R. CARS, — also, STEAM ENGINES and SAW MILLS, SU GAR MILLS, HORSE POWERS, and all kinds of Machinery. In the Iron Department we are prepared to make CASTINGS, (both Brass and Iron), of every description. And having a large amount of patterns on hand, have peculiar facilities for filling orders. We es pecially beg to draw the. attention of Builders imu others to our patterns for Columns, Verandas, Steps, Window Caps, Sills, Gratings, &c. From which we can supply Castings of the best quality, and in the shortest time, and at less pri ces than they can be obtained elsewhere here.— We shall also soon go into the manufacture of Hollow Ware of all kinds. In the Carpentary Department we are prepar ed to manufacture SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, And every description of Carpentary work ; also, to Dress and Match Lumber in a superior man ner. All kinds of Turning, Scrowl Sawing, &c. tyCOME AND SEE US! October 19—3 m. Tl. I R. C. CLARK, DEALKIIS IN English, and American Hardware, KEEP constantly on hand a good supply of Iron, Steel, Nails, Axes, Arnes' Shovels, Hoes, Carpenteis’ and Blacksmiths’ Tools, Hubs, Spokes and Fellows, and all goods usually kept in the Hardware line. ISSTAIso, Agents for Fairbank’s Scales. tyStore, Peach-Tree and Line Streets, At lanta, Ga. October 19—6 m. ANEW PERFUME ! Called Sweet Opoponax from Mexico, manufactured by E. T. Smith & Cos., New York, is making a sensation wheiever It is known. Is very delicate, and its fragrance remains on the handkerchief for days.-- Evening Jfrißtiu i, PMtartAphUt, Sept 14—8 m Miscellaneous Notices, K\ * s^i ,. “18 years established in k. V. City." “Only infallible remedies known.” “Free from Poisons.’’ “ Not dangerous to the Human Family.” “ Rats come out of their holes to die.” < CmtftfV Ant, Admen, Ac., Extertamattii's > Is a paste—used for Rats, Mice, Roaches, Black and Red Ants, &c., 4c. ‘Costar’s’ Bed Bug Exterminator Is a liquid or wash—used to destroy, and also as a preventive lor Bed-Bugs, 4c. ‘Costar’s’ Elec. Powder for Insects Is for Moths, Mosquitoes , Fleas, Bed Bugs,. Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, 4c. ! ! ! Bevare ! 1 ! of all worthless imita tions. JgipSee that “ Costar’s” name name is on each Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. BTAddress, HENRY R. CoSTAR, 484 Broadway, N. Y. Barnes, Ward & Cos., 24 Magazine str., N. Orleans, agents for Southern States. * COSTAR’S ’ CELELRATKD BUCKTHORN SALVE. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Wounds, Boils, Can cers, Broken Breasts, Sore Nipples, Bleeding, Blind arid Painful Piles; Scrofulous, Putrid and 111-conditioned Sores; Ulcers, Glandular Swell ings, Eruptions, Cutaneous Affections, Ringworm, Itch, Corns, Bunions, Chilblains, &c.; Chapped Hands, Lips, &c.; Bites of Spiders, Insects, Ani mals, &c., &c. JglPßoxes, 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 sizes. IgpSold by all Druggists everywhere. 23§ r “And Henry R. Costar, Depot 484 Broadway, New York. (£slF’Bariias, Ward & Cos., 24 Magazine street. N, Orleans, wholesale agents for Southern States. • “ COSTAR'S ” UNIVERSAL CORN SOLVENT, For Corns, Bunions, Warts, 4c. |2PSold bv all Druggistsieverywhere. {ggr*And by Henry way, New York. Ward & Cos., 24 Magazine street, N. Orleans, wholesale agent for Southern States. “ COSTAE'S” PREPARATION of Bitter-Sweet & Orange Blossoms, EOR BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION. L T sed to Soften and Beautify the Skin, remove Freckles, Eruptions, 4c. Ladies ore now using it in preference to all others. Bottles, sl. jggTSold by all Druggists everywhere; and by Henry R. Costar, 484 Broadway, New York. J|3?~Barnes, Ward & Cos, 24 Magazine Street, N. Orleans, wholesale agents for Southern States. “ COSTAE'S” PECTORAL COUGH REMEDY, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping-Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Consumption, Bronchial Affections, and all Dis eases of the Throat and Lungs. Bottles, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 sizes. flijgrsold by all Druggists everywhere; and by Henry R. Costar, Depot 484 Broadway, N. York. J3§F’Bames. Ward & Cos., 24 Magazine street, N. Orleans, wholesale agents for Southern States. “C 0 ST A R's ” CELEBRATED BISHOP PILLS, A UNIVERSAL DINNER PILL , For Nervous and Sick Headache, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Constipation, Diarrhea, Colics, Chills, Fevers, and general de rangement of the Digestive Organa. Boxes, 25 cents, 60 cents,.and $1 sizes. tySold by all Druggists everywhere; and by Henry R. Costnr, Depot 484 Broadway, N. York. ty Barnes, Ward & Cos., 24 Magazine street, N. Orleans, wholesale agents for Southern States. November 30—3n0. __ Prospectuses. Daily NevTE^ •Atlanta, Ga. The Cheapest Daily Published. , , ; • i r©rmiß! Daily New Era, one month, 75 cents. Daily New Era, three months, $2 25 Daily New Era, six months,.... 1 450 Daily New Era, otre Daily New Eblahd tidily iVeW Y. World, ’slo 00 Da» y New Era and Semi-Weeklv World, 10 00 Daily New Era and Weekly N. Y. World,. .8 50 Daily Aew Era and Godey’s Lady’s Book,. .9 50 Daily New Era aud Scott’s Monthly, ll 00 WeClub withqny pf Ihe leading papers and periodicals in the Lhited States at reduced rates a full list of which will be given at an early dnVi' Advertisements inserted at Fifty Cents per square. One inch 6pace constitutes a square March 30, 1866. Georgia Telegraph, PUBLISHED AT DAILY AND WEEKLY. JAS. R. SNEED AND SAM. BOYKIN Editors. ’ Terms of Subscription: Daily Edition, per annum, |J2 fco Weekly Edition, per annum, 4 qq Subscriptions received for the Daily for less than a year at the same rate. TnE new Proprietors of the Telegraph are re solved to spare no labor, or expense, to make it the leading paper of the State, if not of the South. In addition to its regular corps os Editors-whoara men of much experience, and well and favorably known in the South—we have employed übla correspondents at most of the leading points of Interest—such as Washington, New York, Paris Liverpool, etc. Leading Features. —The leading features in the Telegraph will be its devotion to the rights, interests ntid feelings of Georgia and her stricken sister Slates ; we would lift them up from the val ley of humiliation, exhort them no a forgetfulness of the past, except its glories, and nerve their arms arms for the arduous struggles of the future. Commercial Department.— The Commercial department of the Telegraph will receive special attention. Daily reports will be given of all the leading markets of the Union, -together with a full weekly review of the local market; while, on the arrival of every steamer, European political and commercial accounts will be given. In this respect we hope to offer such advantages as will make the Telegraph an indispensable visitor to the counting-room of every merchant and trades man. Education, Agriculture and the Meehahic Arts will be fostered as the true sources of all National and individual prosperity. THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. * The Proprietors take a special pride in present ing their Weekly Edition to the public. It contains eight pages or fifty-six columns, almost exclusively of reading matter, in each number, and in point of typography and general appearanca is without a rival at the South. Specimen num bers sent Ly mail to nil applicants. Address all communications on business to WM. A. REID & CO.. Proprietors, Macon. ~ldaily JOURNAL l MESSENGER, Published every MORNING and EVENING at Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, Largest Circulation 1 .Middle and South - West Geo gia. r PHE old “Journal & Mc-sscn er,” first estab -1. lished in 1809, and regularly published ever since, has the largest circulation of any paper in this section. M e are offering liberal terms to <dvertisers, and merchants and others, desirous of having their business generally known, will do well to advertise in our columns. Our Weekly contains the legal advertising of some eight or ten counties and is circulated throughout the Northern aud Southern State; generally. Parties sending their advertisements with the money, will be insured satisfaction. Address S. ROSE 4 r O. Sept. 16, 1865. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. The Christian Index, SOUTH-WESTERN BAPTIST. 4 RELIGIOI S PAPER—a Literary Paper—a 1\: Commercial Paper—an Agricultural Paper —a Child’s Paper—a Baptist Paper—a family Pa per—a News Paper—and a Live Paper. Now in its 45th year; has risen from the ashes, and is younger than ever, and will continue to grow younger as it grows older, and, while it increases in vivacity and vigor, will at the same time be circumspect, thoughtful, philosophic, and Chris tian. The Index thinks for itself—speaks for itself— and the appearance of the sheet, as well us the character of Its-contents, advertises itself. PRICE $5 A YEAR. 1 and 2 Dollar Subscriptions Received. Address J. J. TOON, Pnblishcr and Proprietor, Franklin Printing House, Atlanta, Ga. Rev. 11. IT. Tucker, D. D., Editor. Rev. S. S. Henderson, D. D., Editor Ala. Dep’t POSTSCRIPT. The Publisher having delivered himself above, the Editor begs leave to say, that he makes no promises but this—that all profitless dt bates shall be excluded, and that his object shall be to inter tain and instruct the reader, and improve hia heart. (FST~ And now the Publisher steps in again, and says: Reader, if you liue the programme, try tis for six months or a vear. A. T. lIACKETT, Einggold., Ga. WILL practice in the several counties of tha Cherokee Circuit. jy Particular attention paid to Collection*. January 27—ly. E. M. DODSON W. H. p .VYNE, DODSON & PAYNE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ringgold, 4wft. WILL attend promptly to all business entrrustf-- ed to their care in Nforth-Wostenu Georgia,. July 20—12 m. Bolting Cloths. DOUBLE ANCHOR, 40 inches wide, the best in the world. Also, Mill Stones, Burr Stones, Belting, Smut Mills, &t., For sale by MANWARING & CO., Importers and Manufacturers, Marietta, Georgia. |jy Agent for Turble & Stanleys Patent Flour Elevator and Cooler. N. B. »hders should be addressed, Box 72,- Marietta, Georgia, or Box 27, Ringgold, Ga. May 18—ts. Brown House, (Opposite Passenger Depot,) Jflacon, . Georgia. REFITTED and refurnished from basement to 1 attic. Comfort, convenience and luxury combined. My faithful Porters, William, Mot and Dnrrah Hill, will be wi a cndaiice and trans fer baggage free on ths at ri-nl of every train. E. E. BROWN, Proprietor. Feb. 10—ly.