The Cherokee Georgian. (Dalton, Ga.) 1865-????, May 24, 1867, Image 3

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THE: CHEROKEE GEORH [AH, FRIDAY MORMYG, MAY 24, 186 T. S3F County Coart Blanks, Suhpccnas, Execu tions, Bills of Indictment, Bench Warrants, and all others needed, together with all Blanks re quired by Ordinaries, supplied at short notice at the Office of the CUERO&EE GEORGIAN, oa favorable terms. [advkktismknt.] •,. “Don’t be Foolish.”—You can make Six Dol lars from fifty Cents. Call and examine an in vention urgently needed by everybody. Or a ■sample sent free by mail for 50e., that retails easily for $6, by it. L. Wolcott, 170 Chatham Square, New York, July 13—lv. Base Bale.— That we may not lie Behind the progress of the age, our young men have organized a Base Baii Club, and for two evenings have been engaged in this excitin g and pop ular amusement. ' ■ ' Strawberries.— W e are u n der many obligations to a fair friend in Ten nessee for a basket of as line Straw berries as we ever saw. If we have a male friend who is unprovided with thatindispensible prerequisite to true happiness, a wife, we advise him to hunt up this charming maiden aitll see if he can iqoveher gentle heart to pity Ills lonely estate. Re<slster.— We are pleased to learn that Mr. W. P. Farnsworth,of Murray, has been appointed Register for the 43d Senatorial District. This appointment we are informed gives general satisfac tion to the people of Murray. It is understood another white man will be appointed forthis district, and the two will select a third who must belong to the colored race. The only interest a disfranchised rebel feels in the subject is a desire that good-find true men till the position, men who will perform its duties fairly, according to the law, and who will not be governed by outside pressure from any quarter. Removal.— We regret to learn that the .Rev. G. W. Selvidge, late agent of the Freedmen’s Bureau at this place, has been relieved from duty. He as sures us that he is greatly relieved al so in feeling. We have no hesitation in saying that Mr. Selvidge has administered the du ties of his office with as much fidelity, fairness and honesty, as any officer of the Bureau in the South. We do not know who his successor will be, but we feel very sure he will not improve upon the management we have had. The Sunday School ITc-Nic.—Wc had the pleasure if making one of the large party of old and young peo ple, viio spent Thursday of last week in a pleasant excursion to the “ Stone Church,” situated in a beautiful grove of native oaks a half mile from Catoosa Platform. The party was composed of the several Sabbath Schools of this place, and of our neighboring village ■of Tilton, with quite a number of iiiends unconnected with the Schools, the whole numbering perhaps three or four hundred persons. A ■conr-e&pondent has given a pleas ing picture of r£be day’s amusements, which relieves us of the labor of an extended notice, and we only allude tothj event to express the sincere pleas ure we experienced in witnessing the happiness of the light-hearted little ones who, for that daj', were allowed full liberty'' to enjoy themselves in their own way. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF TOE SEL MA, ROME & DALTON RAILROAD CO. At the meeting held in Selma on the 15th, 16th and 17th iust., Gen. Joseph E. Johnston was elected President ; and the following Directors were elect ed, viz: Dan’l S. Printup, Walker Reynolds, L. W. Lawler, G. C. Phil lips, T. A. Walker, A. G. Mabry, W. 11. Forney Win. White, J. A. Guriy and J. T. Helfin. The following resolutioa was adopt ed : Resolved , That the Board of Direc tors be authorized to make the best contract they can for the interest of the creditors and Stockholders of the Company for the completion of the road at the earliest practicable time ; and we hereby pledge ourselves to sus tain whatever they may do in the premises. We clip the f< llowing from the Sel ma Messenger of the 13th: The Convention. —The preliminary skirmishing of the proceeding days had prepared the parties in the Rail road Convention for the final struggle which was yesterday to terminate the labors of the stockholdiers for the pre sent. It was apparent yesterday morning that the Convention would not agree to the proposed modification of their contract with Mr. Breed ; and upon this turned the choice of a President, the election of a Board of Directors, and other matters of less importance. This new contract was the matter in controversy, to which all others were subservient. The decisive test vote on Mr. Lap - ley’s motion to lay Judge Byrd’s reso lutions on the table surprised, we think, both parties, and virtually determined all minor issues. The old Board of Directors had agreed to the proposed terms with Mr. Breed, and the President had opposed it earnestly and sharply:—this vote decided a change in the former, and a re-election of the latter. The new Board is composed of hon est, earnest, active, capable men, who possess the confidence of the commu nity, whose views accord with those of the stockholders, and who are deep ly interested in the completion of the road. They will cordially sustain the Pres ident in all things calculated to secure the completion of the important work committed to their charge, carry out in good faith the existing contract with Mr. Breed, and co-operate with Mr. Barney in putting the road through under that contract. It would have been fortunate indeed if the stockholders could have unani mously agreed upon the policy of the company ; but the question upon which they were called to act had two sides, and they differed. They all do agree in desiring to have the road built as soon as possible consistenly with their own interests, and they will sustain their directors in whatever they may do to that end, regardless of difference about the best means of attaining the object in view. We believe the action of the Con vention was wise and prudent; and trust it will result to the advantage of the stockholders, the good of the pub lic, and the satisfaction of Messrs. Breed, Barney and Company. rminmtmr>mßmaauimtiamammmiimmwHwmmummmramvmHvwna n Special Notices, A - -• ■ Attention is called to the advertisement in another column, of Madame II A. Perrigo, of Buffalo, N. Y., the great Astrologist and Clair voyant. Madame P; can lie consulted by letter, on all affairs of life, past, present and future. CTWReap thk Advertisement of Messrs. Ber ger, Shuns & Cos., in another column-, headed, “ AMveted, suffer no more.’’* ERRORS OFYOUTH, A gentleman who suffered for years Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all.the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffer ing humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which he was cured. Sufferers willing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect'confidence, JOHN B] OGDEN, 42 Cedar Str.; N. Y. May 4 —ly. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, a'ter having suffered for several years with a severe lung, affection, and that, dread disease Consump tion—is anxious to make known to his fellow-suf ferers the means of cure. To a 1 who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a span cdrk for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, olgiis. Colds, and all Throat and bung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to he invaluable, and he hopes ev ery sufferer will try his remedy, as H will cost them nothing, and many prove a b!e sing. Par ties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address REV. ED WA R D A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Rings Cos., New York. May 8 ly. FREE TO EVERYBODY. A Large <5 pp. Circular, giving information of. the greatest importance to the young at both s xes. It teaches how the liomi ly may become beauti ful, the despi-ed respected, and the forsaken loved. No young ladv or gentleman should fail to send their Address, and receive a copy post paid, by return mail. Address P. 0. Drawer, 21, Troy, N. Y. February 15—Cm. Wonderful but true. MADAME REMINGTON, the world-renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power,-known as the Psychomoirope, guarantees to produce a perf-e an i life like picture' ol ihe future husband or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage, ] occupation, leading traits ol character, &c: This is no imposition as testimonials without number can assert. By stating place of birth, age, dispo sition, color of eyes and hair, and undo ing filtv cents, and stamped envelope addressed to your self, you wiil receive the picture by return mail, together with desired informnti in. iST* Address in confidence, Madane Ger trude Remington, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. February 15—ly. * !3s“ A YOUNG LADY returning to her coun try home, alt'f a sojourn of a tew months in the City, was hardly recognised by tier friends. In place of a coarse, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft rtibv com-ph-xio i of almost marble smooth* ness, and instead of twenty-three she really ap peared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to he cause of so great a Change, she plainly told them that she. used tlv* Circassian Balm, and consider ed it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady’s toi let. By its use any Lady or Gentleman can im prove their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combination, as. Nature hetself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in draw ing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifvi .g the skin and complexion. By its di rect action on the cuticle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature bite- ued it should be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Piice sl, sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of tin only by W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. February 15—ly. KNOW THY DESTINY. Madame E. F. Thornton, the English Astrolo gist, Clairvoyant and Psychometrician, who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World, has notv located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Mad ame Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of second sight, as to enable her to impar knowl edge of the greatest importance to the single or married of cither sex. While in a state of trance, she delineates the very features of the person y ti fire to marry, and by tbe aid of an ins rument of intense p wer, known as the Psychomotrope, guarantees to produo. a lib -like picture of the future husband nr wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leadings traits of character, Ac. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can assert. She will send when desired a certified certificate, or writ ten guarantee, that the nioturc is what i purports to bfi. n,v ••♦rrcrhw'TTrg - a swat! foufv oi* hnfr, ■noth’ sta ing place of bifth, age, disposition and com plexion, and enclosing fi : ty cents nd stamped en velope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail. All communications sacredly confidential. Ad dress in confidence, Madams E. F. Thornton, P. O. Box ‘223, Hudson, N. Y. - February IF—ly. A CARD TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South Ameri cans a Missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Kany Decay, Disease of the Urinary and Seminal Or gans, and tbe whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been already curad by this noble remedy.— Prompted by a desire to bettefii the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using the medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it. free of charge. Please inclose a po-t-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T INMAN, -Station D, Bible House, New York. January 11 —12m. AUCTION ! If you have anything that you desire sold at Auction, in any part of the city, from a Paper ol Pins, to a Steam Encino, call on SCOTT & NORRIS, Jan. 4—ts. Licensed Auctioneers. SCOTT & NOmtlS, SJI at Auction Real Estate, Stock, Dry Goods &«., on moderate terms. Jan. 4—ts. SCOTT & NO BE IS, Are Agents for Oa r rington & Co.’s New York Purchasing Agency, and will receive order.*, for any kind of goods desired in that or any other Northern Market. * Jan. 4— ts. The distance from New.York to Sacramento by the railroad route is 8129 miles, -off which 1887 have been completed and are now in successful operation, leaving but 1252 miles yet * be built. It is confidently asserted that this gap will be filled up within two 3 r ears. i mi i ■■ 'in——a—a——aa. Coinraaml, dalton prices Current. BIJTTER—2S to 30 cents. BACON—IS to 17 per lb. COPPERAS-—Diets, per lb. COTTON YARNS—s2.6o'to $2.75 per bunch. COFFEE —33 tbß7 cents per'lb. CHEESE—2S to 3ti .“ CORN—SI.4O per bdshei. COTTON CARDS— $1,15 per.-pair. CALICO—-15 to 22 cts. per yard.- CANDLES—TaIIow, 25 cts.'per lb. “ Adamantine.'Sii cts. pci lb’. EGGS-—. 15 to 20 cents per dozen. - FLOUR— $13 ‘to $lB per barrel. IRISH POTATOES—ST stic. per bushel. MEAL—SI.2S cents per bushel. NAILS—II to cents per lb. POWDER— SOc.-per lb. ROPE —80 to 40 cents per lb. SHOT—2S cents per lb. SUGAR—Brown, 15 to 2 cts. per lb * SYRUP—SI.OO to $1(25. TOBACCO—SO cts. to $1.50 per lb.. WHEAT—S 2 per bushel to $2.30. ATLANTA MARKET. . BACON'—I3 to 19 cents per pound. BLACK —3B to 40 per lb. CORN—-$l 40 to $1 45 cts. per bushel. GANDY —28 to 45 cents per lb. CANDLES—2O to 50 cents per lb. to 22 cents per lb. CIGARS—§I4 to §l5O per thousand. COFFEE—2O to 45 cents pec. lb. COPPERAS-6 to 7 cents per lb. COTTON THREAD— §2 25 to §2 35. FLOUR—§I4 00 to §2O per barrel. HIDES—Dry, per lb., 12 to 14 cents. LAHI)—IS to 17 cents per lb. LEATHER—SoIe, 30 to 40 cents per lb.; up per, 50c to 75 ; harness, 45c. MEAL—§I 40 to §1 40 per bushel. MACKEREL—-$3 to §3 50 per kit. PEAS—§I- 65 per bushel. PRINTS-15 to 22 cents per yard. SALT—2 to 2j cents per lb. SMOKING BACCO—2Sc to §1 25 per lb. S<>AP—.Bar, Atlanta Manufactory, 12 cents per lb.; Colgate’s 15 to 16c. SUGAR—I3 to 19 cents per lb. SIR! P—7uc, to §1 40 per gallon. TALLOW—I2-J cents per lb. TOBACCO—3S to §1 50 cents per lb. Railroad Directory. Western and Atlantic Railroad. Canipbe.l Wallace, Slot. DAY TRAIN. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 8 50am Leave Atlanta 700 m Dueat Dalton, 228 p m DueatDalton 115 am Ar. Chapa noo. 5 25 p m | Ar. Clmttanoo. 4 0"' a m Lv. Clmttanoo. 450 a m Lv. Chattel.,,u. 430 p m Due at Dalton, 723 a m Due at Dalton 718 pm Atlanta 115 pm Ar. at Atlanta 135 a m DALTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Daily except Sundays. Lve. Atlanta.3 00 p m | L\e. Dalton.. .1 25 a i Ar. Dalton 11 44 am | Atlanta, 950a .v East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad. Ar. at Dalton 725 a m | Leave Dalton, 2 40 p m Ar at Dalton 7go p M j Leave Dalton, 145 am Sonth-Western Railroad. Wm. S. Holt, President, \ ~ Virgil Powers, Super. j -*acon. Leave Macon. .8 no a m j Leave Eufaula.7 20 a m Ar. at Eulanla. 5 30 p m | Ar. at Macon . . 4 50 y M South-Western and Muscogee Railroad. r irgjl Powers, Snpeiintend’t S. W. R. R , Ma on. W. L. Clark, Super. Muscogee R. R., Coltiml.s. Leave Macon, 8 to a m j Lvs.Columbus, B2o a m Ar. Columbus, 4 54 pm J Ar. at .Macon, 4 88 pm Georgia Railroad. John P. Kilig, Piesidenf, > \ E. W. Cole, Superintendent, j I)AY TRAIN. _ NIOIIT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 8 30a m Leave Atlanta 630 r t Ar at, Augusta 6On p m Ar. at Augusta 015 xJ* Leave Augusta 63na j 1 Leave Angus. 930 p \ Ar at Atlanta 5 30 pm. [. Atlanta 700 a a Atlanta and West Point Railroad. John P. King, President. Augusta, Geo. G. Hull, Supcriutondent, Atlanta. LeaveAthinta 12 15 a m,| Ive. W. Pt 340>. ji Ar. at W. Pt. sSop m j Ar. at Atlanta 837 J m Macon and Western Railroad. E B. Walker, Supt Leaves Macon, 7 3o \ M j Leaves Atlanta, 6 55 am Ar. at Atlanta, 1 57 pm j Ar at Macon, 1 30 p m NlfillT I lIAIK. % Lives Macon, 8 45 p m j Leaves Atlanta, 8 10 p m Ar. at Atlanta, 45' am | Ar at Macon, 123 a m PETRO OIL, Is the Best Burning; Fluid in the World. IT is perfectly non-explosive, and makes 25 per cent more light, and lasts 30 per ceut longer, than the same proportion of Kerose'i* and will not soil the finest fabric. It burns in the Kerosene Lamp by the simple addition of the Lighthouse burner. If you wish to econo mise and procure a good safe burning fluid, get the Petro Oil by all means. We have the sole right for vending the retro Oil in Whitfield coun ty, and will keep constantly on hand a supply of Burners, Chimneys, Lamps, Oil, Wicks, &c. TIBBS, KENNER & CO. . May 10—ts. TIME SALEST J AM exchanging one and a half bushels Stools. For one bushel 'W-3SE3K J A.“X t, » And GO lbs. of best Kentucky Hay For one bushel "W" ZEX US! “T* » A sample sack of the Meal will be shipped to •vntcr, Drrrecctpi orjs.zß. Tile Hay and Meal, u«ed in equal proportions, makes very fine feed for Work Horses and Mules. E 2FI’Applications 1 ’Applications should be made at once. We are not prepared to make advances on the Cotton crop. A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Corner Forsyth and Mitchell strs., May 17 3w. Atlanta, Ga. Wanted! ONE or two Sale-men for Dalton and vicinity, either male or female. Address immediate]'’, BLISS & McEATIIRON, May 17—3 m. Louisville, Ky. Fresh Arrival. \\J E ; now' receiving- one of the largest ff stocks of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Boots, Shoes and lints, in North Geoigia. ItLiUR you want cheap guilds call and see us. JSPWe buy all kinds of Countrv Produce. April 26, 1867. LOWRY & 13ASON. Whif Held Sheriff’s Sale. \\7 ILL. lie sold before the Court House door Vt iq the town of Did ton, on the first Tues day in July next, the foliowing property, to wit : One house and lot in the city of Dalton, where Edward Tucker now lives, (o satisfy two Comity Court fi fas isi tied trom the 87'2d liist, G. M., id said county, Sum. W. ‘Field & Br’o. vg' Edward Tucker, and A. F. Cone .& Cos. vs Edward Tuck er Levies made and* returned to me by a con stable. J. W. LONGLEY, Sh’ff. May 10— tde, ' 1867. GRAND OPENINGOF THE SPRING TRADE 1867. Until 4 MOHR’S, Who are just receiving their splendid stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Boots, Shoes and Hats, together .with a large assortment of ReacLy-Maxie Olotliiiio*. ALSO y 3 Woolen, Linen and Colton Piece Goods for Men & Boys’ Wear. Special attention of the Ladies is called to our millinery department, Comprising the latest styles of Bonnets and Hats, of every description : also; Hats untrimmed, with all the necessary Trimmings, such as Ribbons? Flowers, btraw and Bugle Ornamentsalso, a fine collection of sun Umbrellas, Para sols and Fans. & variety of Wall Paper arid Window Shadow Curtains, Floor and Stalr«Caso Oil Cloths 6 ISP*Our stock has been selected with the utmost care, and is particularly adapted for this market. Referring to the above we most respectfully solicit our friends and the public in general to favor us with their patronage. Dalton, Georgia, Apri| 5,1867—3 m. MERCHANTS! LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! ! I r eights, Insurance, Breakage and Delay Avoided by Buying FROM H I’KIDE, DORSETT & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF QOEENSWARKCIfTLERY, GLASS-WARE, LAMPS, AC., AG. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. April 12, 1867. T.. L. WHITE JNO. COCHRANE. While & Cochrane, * Wholesale Dealert (mi BOOTS & SHOES, No. 211 MAIN STREET, Lou'sville Hotel Block, j May 3. LOUISVILLE, KY. | Glorious Hews for the Hatless! J.M.HOLBEOOK, ATLANTA , GEORGIA , IT AS just returned from the Eastern Markets 1 with the finest and largest s.ook of Hats ever brought to this Market. dVUountry Merchants, pay out your Green l backs where you cjyi buy the best goods and stive ; from $3 to $4 a dozen on Hals. t October 19—1. *2? ail o» jeugnt caT IMI E undersigned having located in Dalton for the purpose of catrying ; n the. Tailoring Bui sin ess In all its branches, would resp-ci fully solicit those who may want anything donefin his iino to call on him All work warranted to give Satisfaction, or no charge will be made. He may be found at all times lit the house of Mrs. James Morris. 53P He is also prepared to tyke sever 1 boar ders at moderate charges. JQBEPII RUDD. Dalton, Ga., March 29—ts. ~VV. & A. RAILROAD, ON and after JANUARY 271 1867, Passen ger Trains will run as follcrst GOING NORTH. — Loire Atlanta. §..TO A. M Daily (except Sundays) Great Northern Mail —Arrive at 'Oalton at 2.4 u, P. M., connecting with E. it and Ga. R. R. trains for Knoxville, Lynchbut Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, and few York. Ar rive at Chattancoga 6 25, Pf M., connecting with trains o‘ Nashville & Ghatfmooga Bailroad for Nashville, Louisville, andi the West, trains of Memphis & Charlestol It. R. for Mem phis. New Orleans, &c. 2.50 P. M. Daily (except SHcdays) Dalton Accommodation. —Arrive at larietta 4.40 P. M.,i artersville 6.45 F.M.,Kingston 8 P.M.,Dal ton 11.45 P. M. 7.00 P. M. Daily (Express rj, jse ger).—Ar rive at Dalton at 1.*5 A M , jpnnecting with la I & Ga Railroad trainr for rfoxville Lynch burg, Washington, Baltimore, Jhilad.elphia and York, arrive at Chattanotia 4 A M., con necting with trains of Nashvill - & Chattanoo ga R. R. for Nashville, Louiville, and the West, and trains of the Mempf.s & Charleston Railroad for Memphis, New Otfeans, &c. COMIL G SOUTH— nrrietat Atlanta. 3.35 A. M. Daily Great BoS’iiekn Mail.— Leaving Chattanooga 4.30 f M., connect ing with trained Nashville & Ciattanooga and Memphis & Charleston Railroa* and Dalton at 7.50 P M., connecting with tains of E. T. & Ga. Railroads. 9 50 A. M. Daily (except Bodays) Dalton Accommodation.—Leave Dalt*i 1.25 A. M., Kingston 4 30, Cartersville 5. Iff Marietta 8.00. 1.15 P. M. Daily (Except. SuAjays) Express Passengers.—Leave ChattanocL 4.50 A. M., making close connections with Tains of Nash ville & Chattanooga and Mempfis and Charles ton Railroads, and Dalton at mO A M., con necting with trains of East Teulessee & Geor gta iiaitroirar Pullman’s Patent Coaches On all Night Truini Feb. B—ts. JQHN .B. SgCK, M. T. Dissolution; THE partnership heretofore ex|tln between N. F. Cooledge and Henrv A It, is this day dissolved, the subscriber having b ight Mr. A.’s entire interest in the property off F. Cooledge & Cos., which name, though, will sl 1 be retained, as anew copartnership has been so med. Their place ol business is in the iew two storv store on Hamilton street, Dalton Ga., where Harness, Sole and Upper Leather t n be sold at prices most favorable to the pmchiier. JQgUßoots and Shoes of the bes| quality and latest style, made to order. Fred iippes, Fore ma('- N. F. C4OLEDGE. Dalton, Ga., April 8,1807 —8 t. 1 CHcosa Mills. FRESH water-ground Meal, fro i the abo\e Mills, usually on hand, and lo sale as low as the market will allow. WM. M. DUNN, Propi Mor, K'nggold Georgia. April 13—3 m. JUST received, and for sale cheaY Crad ling and .Mowing Scyihes and Scythe Snaths. April 26, 1867. LOWRY &(EASON. I OWBY & EASOM* ” Are receding stew tJod&s Almost dal ly, and are sold at the lowest priced pg~Cull and examine them. April ie, 166,7.. jar Every description of Job W'ork neatly executed at this Of fice at short notice. LOUIS G. CRAWFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ea Fayette, Ga., \\ T ILL practice in'all the counties of the * ▼ Cherokee Circuit. June 1, ’66—ly. E. M. DODSON . w H p iTNF DODSON & PAYNE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oinggold, Ga. WILL attend promptly to all business entrust ed to their care in North-Western Georgia. July 20—12 m. VMIETY WOIKH Sash, Door and Blind Factory. r PIIE Proprietor of the above Factory is now X prepared to furnish from the best selected material, at cheap rates and good workmanship: Pannel and Plain Doors. Door and Window Frames. Sash and Blinds. Moulding , of the latest patterns, from 1 to C inches wide. Fire. Boards. Flooring dressed , tongued & grooved. Ceiling , “ “ “ Weather-hoarding , dressed. Laths for plastering , &c., &c. am prepared to do most any thing in the wood building line on favorable terms, as regards price, workmanship or quality of .material. So patronise home enterprise and home folks, and send in your orders to W M. M. DUNN, Proprietor, Ringgold, Georgia. April 12, '67—3m. Dalton Cards. BIVINGS & MOERIST Wholesale and Retail Dealers, At the Old Stand of J. H. King, VRE just receiving and will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of DR! GOODS, GROCERIES HAItBWAIIE 5 Which will be sold low for cash, or Country Pro duce. Dalton, Ga., April 26, 1867—ts. A PROCLAMATION! To the Peopie of Whitfield and Surrounding Counties. Tibbs, Kenner dcCo oeneral dealers in Dry Goods-, Notions, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, FLOUR, CORN, BACON, MEAL Produce Generally, II T OULD respectfully inform the people vis- V * iting Dalton for the purpose of purchas ing goods and supplies, that they are now receiv ing a well-selected aqd splendidly assorted stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES , in great variety , Which have been purchased in the very best mar kets at the lowest cash prices, and they are now astonishing the whole community by selling goods so much lower than the same articles have been sold in this market formerly, that it is a question of inquiry as to how they get goods so cheap. If you want to buy your goods at the very low est cash prices, and sell your Chickens, Butter, Eggs and Produce geneially at the top of the market, don’t fail to pall on TIBBS, KENNER & CO., Nos. 1 and .2 Tibbs House. - JJiTAnd remember that they have two'stores, one exclusively ior Groceries and one for Dry Goods. April 12—ly. Dalton Cards. __ C. D. McCtrrcHEN I. E. Shumate. { McCutchen & Shumate, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Dalton, Georgia, TT7 ILL practice in the counties of Bartow, | tt Gordon, Murray, Whitfield, Catoosa, Wal- i ker, Chattooga and Dade. June 16 —ly* lw, averyT Jl TTOIIJVE F* ,1T Ljtir, DALTON, GEORGIA, WILL practice law in all the counties of thi Circuit. in King’s New' Building, up stairs, rear room. January 13—ly. J. 11. McAfee R. P. Gordon. . Drs. McAfee & Gordon, their professional services to the A citizens of Dalton and surrounding country. - and vigilant attention will be giv en to all cases (Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical) entrusted to their care. 7 - fcW’oflice: Up-stairs in King’s New Building, 2d door, June 22—ly. ' DR. M. R. BANNER, SURGEON DENTIST, Dalton, Ga., RESPECTFULLY tenders his Professional services to the public, with the assurance that all work in his line will be executed with neatness, and in the latest and most approved style. UgipOffiee on King street. March 1, 1867 —ts. DALTON, \ V' vs. »• t' os,rle,w - jj WITHIN 30 FEET Otf THE </ D. W. Hughes, Watch-Maker and Jeweler HAVING located in Dalton, is rfr prepared to do all kinds of work in glhis line with neatness and dispatch. I S»Keeps constantly on hand for sale Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. EsP“Call at the sign of the Gold Watch, at the Drugstore of S. W. Field & Bro. D ,lton, June B—ts. J. N. SCOTT.] [it. H. NORRIS. SCOTT & NORMS, General Auction , Commission ' PRODUCE MERCHANTS, West Side of Hamilton Str., Dalton , Ga. and consignments respectfully so lieitcd. __ Jan. 4—6 m. V. THOMPSON, Esq., AT THE Dalton Tannery. O OLE, Harness and L T pper Leather, for sale at C” the Dalton Tannery. Highest market prices paid for Hides and Tallow, and will barter Leath er for all kinds of country produce. Jan. 4 -12 m. E. S MIMS. “titmaiy: FEnysMi&m siiadl l§miffg©@]jn, WILL engage in family practice in Dalton and vicinity. UglPSpecial attention paid to all chronic dis eases. King’s New Building—Residence, Thornton Avenue, opposite Baptist Church. May 11—ts. ~F. A. HAFFNERr IV'cileft-.171 a/,er anil Jeweller. I HAVE just opened my shop in this placeand ant prepared to do any kind of work in my line of business, such as repairing and cleaning Watches, &o. I keep on hand Jewelry, Watches, and Spectacles Shop at the Drug Store of Gudger & Knight. NOTICE. 4U persons wishing to have anything plated, either Gold or Silver, such as Watches, Spoons, ko., can have it done at reasonable prices by call ing at my Shop. Dalton, Nov. 16—3 m. FRESH .IRRIFjSE OF Lowry & Eason HAVE the pleasure of informing the citizens of Dalton and surrounding country that they arc now receiving their Spring and Summer Goods, Which have been selected with great care by one of the firm in the Eastern Markets, consisting in part of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ladies’ DRESS COODS and TRIMMINGS in Great Variety and Styles, WHITE GOODS , BLEACHED and BRO WN DOMESTICS. LINENS & COTTON A DES FOR MEN’S WEAR. Kentucky Jeans and Summer Cnssimeres. Hoady-lVTade Clotliing. Hats, Boots and Shoes. tlarclware, Ctolteffy suswfl And always on i and a fine stock of the best Groceries and Dye-Stuffs. We have also connected with our House one of the largest and most complete stock of mmmm mu Ever brought to this market, which is superin tended and controlled by MRS. ANDERSON, Os this City, where she will be glad to see her lady friends and the public. The stock consists of Hats, Bonnets, Head-Presses, —AND A GREAT VARIETY OF— DRESS TRIMMINGS, All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. jgf Remember, our motto is Quick Sola and Short Profits. April It—ts, Dalton Cards. , “W H. KING LAND A-CJEISTT GENERAL BROKER, ! Hamilton street, dalton, ga. j January 26—-3 m. DR. SAM. W. FIELD, HAVING associated himself in tl'e practice if Medicine with Dr. A. W. his professional services to the citizens 0 1 Dalton and the surrounding country. on the corner of King and Pentz streets, where he can be found at'all .hours .of the day and night. April 12 —ts. DAVISON HOUSE, (FORMERLY DALTON HOTEL,) DAETOJV, G.l. HAVING taken charge of the Above House,and refitted up the rooms with new Furniture, would be pleased to see our old friends and the public generally. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges made. MRS. JANE DAVISON, February 15 —ts. Proprietor. Medical and Surgical Notice* Dm* W e SMctgs* FORMERLY of South Carolina, tenders hi* Professional services to the citizens of Dalton and surrounding country, with an experience 27 years practice. s3g'”Special attention to all chroni « taut. (D3f”oflice, during the day, corner of Pent* and King streets, and night at residence, on Thornton Avenue, formerly occupied by Mr John 11. King. February 15—8 tn. "TIBBS HOUSE, DALTON, GA. H. T. Martin, Proprietor. RESPECTFULLY solicits a full share of pub lie patronage. Every effort will be made to rend e travelers comfortable. Terms moder ate and no pay unless full satisfaction is given. Muih 29—6 m. J. A. R. HANKS F. tl. LONGLM, HANKS & LONGLEY, Attorneys at Law, DALTOF, GEO:, WILL practice in all the counties of the Cher olcee Circuit. iSF’Ofiice in King’s Building, up stairs. January 18—12 m S. 11. BAKER JOHN T. AUI-T. BAKER & AULT, A TTORNE YS A T LA W, Dalton, Ga. WILL practice in nli the counties of the Cher okee Circuit. Particular attention given to the collection of claims. Special attention given to the collection of claims against the United States for pensions, and for work and labor on the U. S. Military Railroad. d'T'Oflfioe on King Street. January ll—l2m. TREVITT&McHAN,” Commission and Befall Merchant a, F.EALERS IN Produce and Family Groceries, DALTON, GA. (CONSIGNMENTS solicited—Returns made J promptly. Business House, Post Office, Hamilto Street. Jan. 11—6 m. I ) A I .TON Saloon & Variety Store, r. pTctneil, At the Old Stand es BARER & O’NEIL, (In (he Morris Building ,) HAMILTON STR., DALTON, GA. KEEPS constantly on hand CANDIES, FIGS, RAISENS, Currants , Citrons and all kin A v of .Tnls, Havana Lemons, Pickles and Can Fruits, £f Fresh Crackers of all kinds, GOSHEN AND ENGLISH DAIRY • CHEESE. Chesapeake OYSTERS , SARDINES , tu Also, all kinds of SAUCES and CATSUPS,-' ■■■ genuine French MUSTARD. Sugars °f all kinds, Brown, Crushe and Clarified. Also, CANDLES, SPICES, INDIGO, MAD DER, STARCH, CONCENTRATED LYE, &c. CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO of the very best branus; also CIGARS, the best in DA ton—if you don’t believe' it come and try thorn. BRANDY CHERRIES & PEACHES, CHaM PAGNE and SPARKLING CATAWBA WINES in bottles. Aiso, PEACH, FRENCH and APPLE BP A! DIES, in bottles, together with all kinds of Whi key, such as BOURBON, RYE, ROBINSOA COUNTY and GIBSON’S OLD FAMILY NEC TAR, the finest in the world. Also, bottled PORTER and genuine SCOT'' ;? ALE, and all kinds of Stomach Bitters—ll TETTER’S, ROBACKS, &c. Green and Plack Tea, Macaboy and Scutch Snuff. Fine Champagne Cider, Draft Ale and Schedam Schnapps. Connected with this establish ment is a first class Bar Room, not surpassed in neatness and good order by any in Georgia, where the subscri ber or Jimmie O’Neil may always 4 o found ready to wait on customers. Jan. 11—12 m. R. P. O’NETL Scott & Norris, jluction and Com. Merchant jl n ECEIVIXG AND TO ARRIVE JEvery description of Grocerica /demanded in this market, iuch os flour, Meal and Corn, JLard, Bacon and Pork. kind* of Spices, Cringer, Soda, Starch, Copper**. Sugar, Coffee, SALT, CHEESE, CRACKERS , FISH, KEROSINE OIL. Soup , Brooms , Buckets and Tubs, SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER, Crockery - I Tare, Sic, Call at the sign 6f the Red Flag Dalton, Ga., Jan. 4, 1867., Wanted! dff the sign of the Red Flag. RAGS, Cotton, Woolen and Hemp. Empty Bags, Gunnies, Osnaburgt |nd Shir ing. Dry Hides for tanning, Fur Skins of all kinds. Lard, Bacon and Pork. Also, old Iron, Brass, Copper and Lead. Grain, Corn, IVheat. Rye, Meal and Flout. SCOTT & NORMS, Auction and Cow), Mevtthaiu- Dalton, January 4, 1867. Dalton, ga..