Toombs County local. (Vidalia, Ga.) 1909-????, April 27, 1911, Image 6

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TOOMBS (OUT LOCAL P. A. McQUEF.N, Editor. R. DON McQUEEN, Manager. Published every Thursday by P. A. M cQueen & Sons at one dollar a year. 'Jates for display advertising' made %iown on application. Local readers S ve cents a line each insertion. Address communications and make remittances to Tootnbs County Local, Vida'ia, Georgia. Entered as second-class matter June Id, 1908. at the post office at Vidalia. Ga , under the act of March 3, 1879. Telephone Number 158 Gov. Brown refused to grant a par don to Thomas Edgar Stripling, for which he is highly commended by some and criticised by others. It seems to us that his action in this case in commendable. Vidalia has fallen in line with many Georgia towns and cities and has adopted ways and means to put the town in a good sanitary condition. The war against the house fly will Ite waged throughout the state, and the extermination of this pest will do much in decreasing the spread of dis ease. The numerous mine disasters in dif ferent sections of our country have become alarming, and demands ir vestigation by the powers that be. The lives of several hundred laborers have been sacrificed in the past few This, however, may be ur .le, but precautionary methods De exercised. fully ripe and, being harvested B 24th is a little unusual for i jOCtfth).. ,jjtwever, this is being jWkjMn one mHe of Vidalia. The "vM climate of thit\jectlqn ape the growing of hot. w SKI Un™ otfts, and our farmers are r« ■»! T• z if **|p!y>d profits from growing these ... .vr-* . ii>r . 7g."anr en >ps. i - - Indications are that Georgia poli tics Will be developed,into a state of unusual complications next June. If Governor-elect Hoke Smith is elected to the United States Senate the office of governor will be eagerly sought by many aspirants. While Mr. Smith has not even intimated that he would be a candidate for Senator, yet it seems to be, generally conceded that the general assembly will tender him this positioh, and that he could not well refuse to accept. Memorial Day Fittingly Observed In Vidalia The Thomas Beckham Calhoun Chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy prepared and had appropriate exercises carried out at the Presbyterian church yesterday in observance of Me morial Day. The following pro gram was rendered: Song -“ \ tear for the Com rades that’s gone.” Prayer —by Rev. J. A. Dumas. .Declamation —“Dixie's Dead,” by Wilcox Mathews. Introduction of speaker —Prof. W. D. Greene. Address—Judge C. C. Curry. Song—“ Cover them over.” March to the cemetery. Song —“When the roll is called up yonder.” Closing prayer —Rev. J. A. Dumas. All the exercises were nicely carried out. The singing was excellent and the declamation by Wilcox Mathews was especially j well rendered. The address of Judge C. C. Cm ry on the Work of the Daughters of the Con fed- 1 eraey was indeed a tribute of I honor to this organiz ation. In i concluding his address Judge Curry recited “Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg” with touching pathos. Thp march to the cemetery was led by the members of the local chapter Daughters of the Confederacy, followed by the flower girls bearing beautiful wreaths and bouquets. While the choir sang “When the roll is Called up Yonder” the flowers were reverently placed upon the graves of the sleeping heroes of the Lost Cause. W. B. M. S. Meeting. The members of the Womans Bxptist Missionary Society will be entertained by Mrs. J. C. Austin on next Tuesday at 3:110 o’clock. This being Tuesday after the fifth Sunday it will be a social meeting. A program is being arranged by thd committee. Prof, fireene Is Re-elected Supt. ol Public Schools. At a meeting of the City Board of Education held last Friday night Prof. W. D. Greene was unanimously re-elected Superin tendent of the Vidalia Public Schools. Prof. Greene is just completing his first term as superintendent of the Vidalia schools and his re election is a compliment to his ability. None of the teachers for the Institute have been elect ed as yet. Attention Masons. All members of Vidalia Lodge No. 330, F. & A. M. are urgently requested" io be present at iilie regular mooting_of the. lr>dg< on the first Saturday in May. Bus iness of importance will come be fore the lodge for disposal. L. H. Dauby, Sec’y. ®HomeMansion No. 1, Sons of Loyalty, meets each First and Third Monday nights. All moral men in vited to .unite John Meadows. M. M. Pbed W. Dabby. Recorder. C. C. CURRY ATTORNEY AT LAW Vidalia, Georgia Will practice in all the State Courts and United States Conrts. Office over Bank of Vidalia. Phones: Office 17; Residence 52. G. W. LANKFORD Attorney-at-Law Lyons, ... Georgia Money to loan on improved lands at low rate of interest. 5-Year Loans Negotiated Lever itt’s Studio All kinds of Photograph Work I Done on Short Notice and at u Reasonable Rates VIDALIA, GEORGIA Gejo. IN. Mathews & Sons Have in stock and are constantly receiving large quantities of The Lest grades of Hay and all kinds of Grain, Flour, Meal and Bacon, which we are selling at lowest prices. Try our beet pulp for cow I feec and Banner horse feed, Stafolife, wheat shot. > for horses, mules and cattle. I N c keep on hand the best makes of Buggies, Wgo i s and Hrness. Seed Peanuts and Early Amber Cane Geo. N. Mathews & Sons I Railroad-ave, Vidalia, Georgia The Approach *i , v o Spring ... . . -r- - - ~ ”V ’* r * * y * N ' \ .'¥ ' f ' ' 1 t ’ J. Should suggest that a change of season will necessitate a change in wearing apparel, and we have s prepared to supply this need by purchasing one of the most attractive lines of ladies dress goods, clothing for men II and boys, shoes, hats, furnishings, etc., ever I shown in this city. I Gr ocery Department In this department will always be found a complete line of fresh, wholesome goods. We are prepared to supply your every want, and your trade will be appreciated. 1 G. POE Two Big Stores I Vidalia, ... Georgia | K3SE «B TiaMffymß ~»iun.i,.i...««r WTO .