Toombs County local. (Vidalia, Ga.) 1909-????, April 27, 1911, Image 8

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Local INews INotesj Mr. A. M. Moses returned last night from a trip to Savannah. Mr. Lott of Douglas spent Monday in Vidalia with friends. North Carolina hand picked seed peanuts at J. W. Mathews. Mrs. Holton of Abbeville visit <p'l in Vidalia this week, guest of Mrs. M. H. Davis. Mr. W. L. Fisher of Savannah -was in the city Tuesday, guest of tJapt. W. M. Denton. Pansy Hour 75c sack at J. W. Mathews. Mrs. J. Wade Johnson and -children visited friends at Mt. Vernon Saturday. Mrs. O. C. Gibbs is visiting friends and relatives at Rcbekah this week. Complete -line of ladies’ and fjeuts’ furnishings at T. G. Poe’s which will interest everyone. Miss Erline Currie went up to Ailey Saturday and spent the tlay with friends and relatives. Hon. Shelton P. Smith of near Cedar Crossing was a visitor to Vidalia Tuesday. FOR SALE —A good milk cow, at a bargain. Good stock. See write H. L. Friedlander. Vidalia, Georgia Mr. I. A. Smith, postmaster »*-. Tennille, was a visitor to the city Tuesday. Rev. J. Harwell House was a visitor to Macon yester -day. Come and see our up to-date steelrubber tire road carts. >|E. L. Meadows. ™ *S. Hagan of Lyons wc»s ; with his many Vidal! • ■ . I M >l/1 IT Dr. Thomas C. Thompson has! P ion appointed local surgeon for | tne Georgia Florida railway. Best grade harness oil, 25c per ' iquart. S. B. &E. L. Meadows. Mr. Rob Heath, who has been in South Carolina for the past , Jew months, has returned to Vi dal ia. Tax Receiver J. B. Cave will be 3:ere on May the 11th and 12th Jor the purpose of receiving tax returns. North Carolina hand picked weed peanuts at J. W. Mathews. Mr. Howard H. Dunham of Al bany spent Sunday in the city with home folks. Mr. Jas. McNatt, a prominent citizen of Ailey, was attending to /business matters in the city Monday. FOR SALE —Several fine milk cows, cheap; or will exchange for beef cattle. For particulars ap ply to W. J. Prescott. Rev. J. Harwell House and 3M -ssrs. W. A. Jones, J. G. Wil juiius, John L. Sneed and J. S. jSntton expect to leave in the anorning for Savannah to attend 31 Shriners meeting. You should not miss seeing ©nr line of soft shirts, B. V. D. xinderwear, ties and belts for alien. T. G. Poe. Construction work has been commenced on the brick store building of Mr. L. T. Hilton on JMclntosh-st next to Murchison's blacksmith shop. The building jis roomy and well arranged, and ■when completed will be used as ja grocery store by Mr. Hilton. -Our line of clothing, dry goods, •no’ions, shoes, and hats is some thing out of the ordinary for Vi dalia . Mnst be seen to be appre ciated. Everything “nobby,” “"natty,” “neat’’ and “new.” T. G, Poe. Mr. Irwin Harrell spent Sun day with friends near Macon. Look for a total eclipse of the sun on Friday afternoon between five and six o’clock. Pansy flour 75c sack at J. W. Mathews. Col. D. and Mr. W. T. French were visitors to Ma con Sunday. Col. Jack Williams of Lyons passed throuh the city Sunday, enroute home from Macon. You just ought to see our line of up to-date buggies. Come and look. S. B. &E. L. Meadows. Dr. F. L. Huie went up to Dublin on professional business last Friday. Messrs. Hiram Johnson and Howard Murchison were busi ness visitors to Dublin Friday. SEED PEAS—See us quick for your wants in seed peas. We only have a limited amount, but can order out what you need. The Vidalia Commission Co. Tele phone No. 70. Col. W. L. Wilson of Mt. Ver non was a business visitor to the city Monday. Mr. R. L. Hall, a progressive Ailey merchant, was a business visitor to the city Friday. FOUND —Near Bank of Vida lia, on Railroad ave, inT. G. Poe’s store, millet, velvet bean, chufa, amber cane and pea seed of all kinds. T. G. Poe. Mr. G. E. Taylor of Taylor Spring was in the city on busi ness Monday. Mr. G. M. Morris, a prosper ous fa t-mer of the Ainwell sec- ‘ , . 1 •r ic tn the city Monday. SUED PE AN 1 ’TS -fin ported ! Spanish, native Spanish, and North Carolina hand picked. I>et us supply your wants. The Vi dalia Commission Co. Phone 70. Mr. O. P. Blount and wife re turned Sunday from a visit to relatives in Wayne county. Dr. Bob Mobley of Uvalda was attending to business matters in the city Tuesday. A rare opportunity to have your eyes tested by one who knows his business on April 28th and 29th. Headquarters at Vi dalia Pharmacy. Dr. T. C. Thompson returned Saturday from Rome, where he went to attend tiie meeting of the Georgia Medical Association as a delegate from Toombs county. North Carolina hand picked seed peanuts at J. W. Mathews. Mr. John D. Coleman, who was formerly agent for the Southern Express Company here, but who is now engaged in the saw mill business at Super ton, spent Monday in the city with friends. The Vidaila Commission Co. sells hay, grain, Tennessee Horse and Mule fefcd cheaper than Savannah, Ga. Give us a trial. Telephone No. 70. The examination of the appli cants for carrier on Vidalia route 2 was held at Lyons last Satur day, and we learn that quite a number stood the examination. The route is to be placed in com -1 mission about June Ist. We have on hand a complete , line of first class jewelry which we are offering to the public at prices that cannot be duplicated any where. This line consists ’ of watches, chains, fobs, rings, etc., and we invite your inspect . ion of same.. T. G. Poe, Mrs \. & E ses and little I son left aorning for At lanta, “ will spend sev eral ds. y - | Mr. i, of the firm of Joinei f Normantown, was aU- business mat ters in t Saturday. Have y. | ■v es tested. On April'_* tl j Ith we will have one oi th * pticians in the state w 1 \ dalia Pharmacy. Mr I. at, cashier of the First Naio i. lank of Lyons, spen T a s here Saturday night H- enroute to Nash ville. M’ !.<>•" . taompson, a pro gres-ov > r of the Center section, tending to busi ness uixit. re Saturday. WAN'”! > good farm; not particu u a- size or location; must boa '•gain. Address, with filll i'’.formation, stating lowest 1 i*ric > . O. Box 30, Vida lia, (Vo: -oa Mr. .. mi Clifton of Lyons spent 'u. i' v yrs here Saturday night.. !! ,v • enroute to Way cross. Quite i.'tiaber of Vidalia ladies < ado 1 the Missionary Institut. winch was held at Glen woo Friday and Sat urday. Don't 4, 0 call at the Vi dalia ted have your eyes fitted lasses by an ex pert on Ap h and 29th. A dolighl iir of last week was the pic n Saturday by Miss EUi iwaine to the members < -Sunday School class. Editor J thews of the Swainsbor Llade was a visitor t< it :on day and while h< sant caller | at the J i... ales n, [and Deal itches clock rei , —prkva -u satisfy any rea hie man. Sat isfaction See us. R. J. A epairer, 20 years ex] Mr. N. Uvalda w r as here a fe iday. Mr. Ba > 'Hi of Friecl lander & id Tuesday from avi < >ld home at Willacooc bee In our a ery department can be found y.hing that may be desired. v carry the largest stock in *.b section, and our supply is Ivys fresh and of the very ' <yniity. Our prices are not e\o U-d any where in the city or ir *.h-» ection. T. G. Poe. Mr. J. L. Pdnu'r. a prominent', business r ■ n Rroxton, spei t Tuesday it.v with friends. Mr. Pah ' enronte to his old hoc i th Carolina, where li- lied by the ill ness oft ■ r. He is a for- i mer res u n t \ alalia, and has many fr ■ nu. ier« who are al ways glad to see him. PHONE S 9 3 —..p o R S C E VIDAL! A ICE A S D COAL COMP’Y End’s Market I Fresh Meats, 1 Fish, Oysters. 8 >eiivery. Phone No. 22. 8 8 Vidalia, *+ Georgia 1 ijl tsMr.s w W—— gMfcMßHßgi—B—EH— I The Old Reliable I Citizens Bank I Os Vidalia 1 Capital stock paid in. _ 525,000 1 Surplus and undivided prolits over 14,500 I Individual liability 25,000 I Total - - $64,500 | Accounts of Firms, Individuals and Corporations solicited. Interest paid on time deposits and compounded quarterly in Savings Department. LW. T. Jenkins, Pres., G. N. Mathews, Vice-Pres. J. E. Schumpert, Cashier Vidalia, ... Ceorgia ' r? S_ O e, & 1umber....... I am opening up a lumber yard in Vidalia, and will be prepared to fill promptly all orders for I any amount of the following dressed lumber in all grades: Weather - boarding, Flooring, Ceiling, Boxing, Shingles and Laths. Brick and Lime. Special prices on car lots. Inquiries answered promptly. I ,• Call on Mr. Graham at Bank of Vidalia. 1 J. frank Darby | Vidalia, Ceorgia | I JUST PHONE No. 228 I If it's pressing, cleaning, dyeing or alter ing your wants. All work guaranteed. Get in our barrel while we make new clothes of your old ones. All work call ed for and promptly delivered. Cleaning and Dyeing Ladies Skirts a Specialty. j Reliable Preseing Club