The Walton casket. (Monroe, Ga.) 1871-187?, November 02, 1871, Image 3

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The Walton Casket. Thursday November 2,1871. Ordinary's Office, W alton, Cos., \ Monroe, Ga. Oct. 12, 1871. j From and after this date and until further no-, tice, all Citations aud Notices issuing from this Office will be published in The Walton Casket, a public gazette published at Monroe, Ga. Jesse Mitchlll, Ordinary. Walton Sheriff’s Sales. From and alter this date the Sheriff’s sales of Walton county will be published in The Wal ton Casket, a public Newspaper published a Monroe, Ga. Oct. 12, 1871. Wm. J. Moore, Sheriff. r- BSf Magnificent. — Those “Eagle” rugs and of all colois Felker’6 store. The reghfar term of the Court ofiPpiinary, for Walton, will be held on jy|g.t Monday aud Tuesday. OgT to purchase, of the Patffin at Mon roe, on next Tuejjfcy. l^e ministrators in another |)|olumn. ¥~ <«. * R. L. to explain” i that he has just received another 1 I of Vdjit-'y Candies of the firt£Bf quality, Oranges,' Apples, Cigars, Cheese and Crackers; also a lot of Oysters which are nice. They are all hunkidora, and no mistake. Boys, god or ’em. Capt. Gko. C. S elm an, ol that popular firm of Edwin Bates Cos., of Charleston, is in town again. Onr country merchants 'sh-nid not fail to Jfoll on him during his stay and give him their orders for goods Thus firm Iffls.also a large clothing store in Mt lutita, where they are selling an ini', monse quantity of goods. T'iiey are so well known (universally) as correct bit; si ness tttet'i, as to i on4uL-.~4A* 1 14 l rLg---WT'* would say in their favor supetfluous Wo bad The pleasure of meet ing iu town this week, our jovial friend <japt. James B Sillman, of Jefferson, lie was looking iu fflko Audi spirits, which, -at least, \(«aTes the good sanitary coudifim erf try. lliscounty we l<\r\ .ilitowYiV* fesled with Grant’s lvtmSdux troops, which we consider a greater .calamity upon the people than Fever. 23ir° Our popular Ordinary, Judge Mitchell. left last Tuesday, for Atlan ta, where he will witness the assent bling of th(f Georgia Legislature. Judge Mitchell's acquaintance with public meu and public events dates back nearly a half century, and he will very probably have the pleasure of meeting with ma ny of his old associates and friends of lung ago, with whom he met iu Mil - legeville in antebeHum tiroes, when he represented the county of Waltoy in the Legislature Cupid. The wedding season, it seems, has opened in good easnest —well, we just surmise it has, from the number of ‘re ticent, young men visiting the Ordi nary's office during the past week. We talked all around to learn their business but couldn’t get a word of satisfaction out oi them. Constitution Office, ) Atlanta, Oct., 30, 6 o’clock,r, m. j Standard prints and bleached goods have declined £ cent per yard, but are firm. Corn is in better demand, with a slight advance. Cotton is depressed and weak. Quotations are therefore, nominal at 16£ in warehouse for New York middlings. Kedeipts of the week 950 bales. GRAIN. White corn in car load lots 95; smnl lots 95 to 97. LigJit stock. Wheat—Rod $1,70 to 1,75; white sl, 80 to Oats arc in demaud at 65 to 70. Rye in demand at $1,25. Barley $1,25. Executive Department, A State of Georgia, v ’Atlanta, GA.,Oct., 28, 1871.) To> whom it may concern, Greeting: Be it known that good reasons me there by resign the office oiGovqytor oWftis State, to take effect oj; the 30th day of year on our Lord one thousand and seventy-one, aud o4f ati er date deliver over to the Benjatoin Conley, President of Executive powers of until the election and tonification Governor in the mode egcrfced nay paragraph IV, Article tht> Constitution of this the §efepftary of the ExecAB r #J%pirtmer.t Wfll enter the foregoing oLrotMJsd in the Executive minutes, and ctmlit}, Oapi -Building, Executive Record!, Beep metßs, Seals, and Mansion,\n the Mg trol |ofkthe said Benjamin Gtarfley, upcß IwtTfa'c'ng the oatii of by paragraph V, section I, article IT, of the Constitution. ✓ * Rufus B. Buli.ock, ' r Governor, *Oi, Piflilay nighr, as the venerable Dr. Mirans, oSavannah, was entering the car at fllaoon, he was robbed of his gold waleh and pocket book containing two hundred dollars. The watch was pre sented by the students of Emory Col lege to Dr. Means, on thjt occasion of j his retiring from the presidency of .the college, and Was highly prized by him. f-jUPTIte telegrams ftom lowa show a decreased vote in the last election dn both sides. The Radicals carry the State, of eourse, electing their State ticket and a majority in In Polk county, in wjjjch is the capital, Des Moines, General Tuttle, Democrat, and Houl John A. Kassnn, Radical, are elected to the Legislature. Returns from twenty-six counties show a Rad ’ieal thousand ; «"l*k em from the Democrats gain twelvemems bers of the Legislature. ■iis ter wriyis state 11 )W Vk<■t»iV>t nyl rMj j oMime debtor ofTfiTi Poft*f-.SaVJy.^\i iiuSlolAs! soM vVill \yMy be ap- -— New York, v Oct., 28,— Jay Cooke, McCullocli & Cos., have telegraphed a thousand pounds sterling to trie Mayor of Chicago. The lioipso here lias given $J 0,000, and the Philadelphia 000, making s2s,oo^CTta?V‘klt < K^balvl»W~ : house and a * J® « * X-*- aSTA Chicago Vt . —The IW*v. /Hubert Collycr’s son have Ut&n married in Chicago otjL the 1 after, the fin. 1 , but hu~(Uib jahurgli,%tf ture and all'were On Wendnesday.hSwevWltlie weddim/ took place, the youlV^tqSL;*w(Afc'MNu t® ealic ) gown, the onnßdress\he "vi —>* 'v 22|r'Amung oth-qrattractiSris tljfc season at otie oljthe \ry goods storey® New York, are genn«^jclmel’s shawls varying in The $5,000 shawl is “bordered with autumn the delicate woody tSbrs, of scarlet and yellowß’ may proudly wear it, mit Nfhat jjgart buruings shall spring from it, rV Ssr Emigrants. —Some emigrants, meu, women and chihjjen, left this county for Arkansas, on S««Bay night last. Good otters have been made these parties to work on tarms already in operation out West. —Home Com. ppMakiug people happy, is neither u small nor unimportant business. As 1 regard good nature as one of th£ ri chest fruits of true Christianity, so I regard the making of peoplo foundjabout us happy us one of the best manifest ations of that Christian disposition which we are commanded to wear as a garment. UsTTue yellow Fever deaths now average about two a day in Charleston. Georgia Legislature.—This body meets on the first Wednesday in November, and that is the first day of the month. , | MONROE PRICE CURRENT. Corn a •seJm .... sJ 13 0 17 Orushed .... IS o^2o Co%e^Jj4^v ? ••V '•* X®' " 2 * .. 4%0 Syrup—N«w Orleans ID 0 MM) - *-vC*SOO \' v 'Band and OJal 8 0 10 ‘‘ Horse shoe V*- 1— 8 0 10 “/ Round and 8 0 I-' I Nail Rods f %' “ c IL *v\- - *f*3 praßL - -n a is Hollow Wac^ - 4 .= .* . . 8 @U4 lldrso^ind .. TvVl 0 1% Bar .. . . 01^ Dfop .-yU 0 15 Buck “ i- 0 15 l Shirting \ 12 0 15 Prints .**. 8 0 14 Bleached Shilling 9 0 25 Bed "licking 16 0 40 Cheeks and Stripes 16 0 20 Brown Drills 16 0 18 Liquors —Whiskey Rectified 125 0 150 “ Corn 159 0 250 “ Rye 300 0 400 St. Croix Rum 0 400 Holland Gin 300 0 600 French Brandy .... 10.00 0 1 2.00 Jamaica Rum 8.00 0 10.00 Peach Brandy 3.00 0 400 Legal Advertisements. GEORGIA, Walton County. By virture of on order of the Court of Ordina ry ot Walton county, will be sold before the Court. House door of said county, on the first in December between the legal Bkrs of sale the following lands 0 wit: Lot No. acres off lot 109 in the third District ‘ a V^Lnty—containing in the aggregate 271 0 said co ”SBr less, known as the Homestead acres more vf|||T^| e ,j ec ’,j Iy ; ng 2 mile4east of taming _ Stephen J. Heal|£gn the boutllt j oim W. Snow Johnston and NotWby lands o^^, w Sarah J. and also lot No. 154 which wiSl. more or Hale now lives, containing 250, acrS^.. ee j £ i n less and lying on the Waters of said county and District >, The above lands to be sold as the property of Jonas Ilale, late of said county dec’d., fer the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec'd. i&ms one half cash—balance 12 months creML wiill’llites and .Bond, rat \ vV \ lntitfejjTßU>na 11 i itV Idagaihstkid deceased- KjHfcgby r hereas Kobe* applies to of and of J%nes Avco6k minor of William J.3'c<wk dec’d. are therefore to cite mid admmfatJn ah&|kii>drcd amL to fi|f. ttltlff they', have v?%y sudlj Guardianship shoulcWfbt be granted cant at the November colfett. 1 I under nr® this the 4th of October 1071.^ WZ IVOTICE A filed with The Ordinary of l&hon for leave to sell the lan<J beaf longing nHyte estate ofcfljohn C. Reed, dec a lute of sailMjuntyy Not* is hereby given to all to show cause jjOanny wl*fca^_ application shqrfft not be granted at the term c u ylx * etc. G EURGI A«ason Cuofrr Whereas Oox applies to me for the Guardianship of the person and property F. Peters minor of Janies T. Pe ters dic’d, late of said county, TJjfe is theretoro to cite and admonish all anosihgular the kindred and friends of said minmflp file their objections if any they have why jSnGuarditinship of the person and propejpf*Cf said Talujah F. Peters should not pe granted the applicant at the November term nexf*bf this Court, Given under" my htmdPoAially September 27, 1871. Jesse Mitchell, 29-3od- Ordinary} I GEORGIA, Walton County. !■ Court of OrdinarvCttn^teriMp 4VII ERF. AS Percy S. BopflPGuardian John A. LVj a discharge m This is therefore and a j persons concerned y show afksaullfcieterm next of the 71 * mittJvSEssE mitchell; before ll%e sale day In NVf-e&ibeFtiext, the OTahringßttpds joWjK more or it» tne4th distncl .of saidUebunty, uprising fdiANML24 25 akd%.l, thdikeanie being tue laXK on Patton, at the time of his imnth. To refold r^the^ • w OHN F ’ E:dward8 * " 28-49d. * Ad “* r ;.... WALTON Court of Ordinary, Mujatst Term ' [ SalAl Bdssel Executor Z e-J Bassett <fecM%te4f saidVunty petiudls Court for a dischaiiye such Administration. ThisJ» and admonish all per sons and show cause if any they cKnt thel)ecenri)er term next of this court why Bassett should not be discharg ed from the Administration of said estate. By order of the Court tnis the 7th August 1871. JESSE MITCHELL, 22 3m. . Ordinary. WALTON Ordinary, August Term, 1871. ' Whereas, R. M. Breedlove administrator upon the estate of Enoch E. MeCVdlum dec and late af said, countj; petitions this Court for a discharge from said administration. This is therefore to cite and admonish all persons intmeste'd to appear and show cause if any they jhn at the December term next of this CourOv.hv said R. M. Breedlove should not be discharged from said administration. By order of the Court this the 7th day of .August 1871. Jesse Mitchell, v -i2-3m Ordinary. WALTON Court of Ordinary, •August Term 1871. Whereas John P. Edwards Administrator de horns non with will annexed of John H. Kim bell deed ,late of said county, petitions this Court for a discharge from said Administration. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons interested to appear and show cause if any they can, at the December term next of this Court why said John P. Edwards should not be discharged from S3ul Administration. By order of the Court this the 7th August 1871* -* & iQ X**>ESyTOL% y CHKLL, iYtaSm.*. VX %wL-o£-d in i>y. WALT Off CoußfiW OrdinaW, V > August Term 187*. Whereas James R. Garrett, Administrator up on the estate of B T. Blaekweffjdekl.tlata of said county, petitions thjj c#srt from said * \ \ This to cite* s and admonish sfll per |Ltt>ns interest|c*| shAt R. Garre^shoWj^ot fMi said AdministratiA tnfl% be ■ihM'Gourr. 1 ttne ii Ijy^orderlmgChiK Cl., > \ V A ugu ATermPßD9kop!f Whereas Josialft’K I yirt|W.tpJ^JkJSi v s decimate Cteui tVrafcii safcrge fiMfP Mkh TUiis cfcr j Ton? 11 to a (that can at we#ecem®HK®xt ol t«s %utT| WAI.TO OrpixarY,* fl 4 erm » k Wiwms, G«on Hendricks nndTH Tlmmi^n:id&wwist rotors upon the Gjdeonr lipidi nV» 'd%Ai, like wfl Trout This is t MM to cite tuid admonish all ii® : '7%-. iflny ihMa the ®ooemVer £erm next of this d® said Gideon HaafgrfTks ;idUl Elisha* sliotrtd net belUseharged from \ tration. ** - l.y order of the Court, thb AugustJSTl. -. *■ 22«3m. N ; M 1 ifkip osr^SHpiFa SI) be Jud before the Cotsß >wn Walton S st Tueaflty in legal hours of sale.the One house andie i T>® and being uMB pied by Thomas Bl.iSingaflS streetjfind joininfTl. Wiliium A bridge’s Ntore* which was fomu-rly own H Lcvietl on as the property J satisfy a Tax tild issued kgß Collector of said Herndon for his State and® year 18(39. •* «■ * Levy maderoy C. <Vnl itanued to me Septrmher® . mm •JG-30d x . A''' WENTH. CRAWLEY pSfglLk the Field a large end splendid stork \v te&paNKd fancy goods for Fall and Winter. CLQTHWG\ Goods, Boots, Stio , ot Family Grocem s ffIARDWATfe, CROCKERY^ Cot^l^^'arfljß^implements etc, I wifi •*- change goods 1 kinds of country product sell my goods as low .<■; f jy* CtlMselkd my old stand, in il«<* ..corner house, krwwn as the Haraldson old sum ! 4 j % v! H. CRAWLEY, Social Circle, Ga. • 1— ts. New Millinery Goods! Sarih Camp, Miss Bettie Tuck. Slop and Xjools.! Mesdames. CAMP *fc TUCK, Takes pleasure in announcing to their friends and customers, that they have just received their fall" and winter stock of fashionable MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Plume.- Lices, Collars, Ilankerchiefs, Gloves, Dre-s Trimmings, Chignons, Switches, Curls, Ffizetn Silks, Irish Poplins, Alpacas, Delaines, Calico- Balmorals, Table Linens, Linseys. Domestic Toilet Soapes, Perfumery, Combs, French Ch« nes, Opera Flannels, Plaids, Hoods and thou rands of other articles too numerous to mentioi. They feel confident that they caa suit the tasiu of the most fastidious ip fashion, style. Dricea.ut texture of grods. BONNETS AND HATS remoddled and retrimed on reasonable terms. - Cutting, fitting and trimtng ladies dresses dene in the neatest style and fashion. They so., licit a liberal patronage and would specially cnii the attention of the Ladies to their fine selection as they feel confident*they witi be pleased wH the quality and style of their goods. Don’t fail to give them a call. See ''FANCY STOR*Sm > lunjing at fiist door North of Broad street. Monroe. Ga., Oct., I '7 4^ STOKES dHH wit o rvwid : v' v Y jn % x im \ M . * -L '