Calhoun Saturday times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1877-1878, November 10, 1877, Image 4

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fci *A ixJ ALT. EXX.or IM §i fc£b~M§ ■ V ■;.■ ;’ ■■ tHMU -*CUPES DISEASES Cf r.S; THROAT. UfWS.UYEB ft BLQOtt In the wonderful medicine to which the afflict ed are above directed for relief, the discoverer believe* he has combined in harmony more of Nature’s sovereign curative properties, which ,io<l has instilled into the vegetable kingdom i’or healing the sick, than were ever before com bined in one medicine. The evidence of this fact is found in the great variety of most obstinate diseases which it has been found to conquer. In the cure of HroncliH}*, Severe Fokina, and the earlv ctacres of Fonaiumptiou, it has astonished the medical faculty, and eminent phvsimans pronounce it the greatest medical discovPrv of the age. While it cures the sever est Coughs, it strengthens the system and puri fies tiie blootl. By itsi great and thorough blood-purifving properties, it cures all Hu mors, from the worst Scrofula to a common &2)otcii, Simple,or Eruption. Mercurial disease, Mineral Poisons, and their effects, arc ‘ eradicated, and vigorous health and a sound constitution established. Erysipelas, Salt riicuin, Fever Sores, Scaly or Hough Sk in, in short, all the numerous diseases caused by bad blood, are conquered by this powerful, purifying, and invigorating medicine. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated, have sal low color of skin, or yellowish brown spots on face or body, frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in mouth, internal heat or chills alter nated with hot flushes, low spirits, and gloomy forebodings, irregular appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffering from Torpid Silver, or “ fifl lousues*.” In many cases of “Fiver Complaint” only part of these Hvn.iptoms are experienced. Asa remedy for it'll such cases, l)j\ Pierce's Golden Medical' Dis covery has no equal, as it effects perfect cures, leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT $1 PER BOTTLE. Prepared by SC. V. PIEfICE, ITS. D., Sole Proprietor, at. the Wtißt.h’S DibPKNSABY, Buffalo, N. V, ”1 his Cut Illustrates the Manner of Using ■ EMfe F>l*. PIKKCE’S 'E-INcf Fountain Nasal Injector, This Instrument is especially designed for the perfect application of 2)B. SAGE'S CATABBH REMEDY. It Is the only form of instrument yet invented with which fluid medicine can he carried high up and Perfectly applied to all parts of the affect ed nasal passage*, and the chambers or cavities communicating therewith, in which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from which the ca-> tarrhal discharge generally proceeds. The want of success in treating Catarrh heretofore lias arisen largely from the impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. This obstacle in tho way of effecting cures is entirely overcome bv the invention of the Douche. Its use is pleasant and so -imp’e that a child can understand it Full ai*<l expileit direct!on* accompany each instrument. When used with tins instru ment, Dr. S.ige’a Catarrh Remedy cures recent r > attacks of “Fold In the '* • • j by a few applications. SY si PTO ill S—Frequent headache, discharge falling into throat, some times profuse, watery, thick mucus, purulent, offensive, etc. In others, a dryness, dry,watery, weak, or inflamed eyes, stopping up, or obstruc tion, of nasal passages, ringing in ears, deaf ness, hawking and coughing to clear throat, ulceration-, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang, offensive breath, impaired or total deprivation of sen-e of smell and taste, clizzi ne-s. mental depression, los-i of appetite, indi go dim, enlarged ton.-ils, tickling cough, etc. Duly u few of these symptoms are likely to he present in any case at one time. hr.Sngr’s Catarrh Remedy, when used with I>r. Fierce’* Masai l>ouclie, and ac companied with the constitutional treatment which is recommended in the pamphlet that wraps each bottio of the Remedy, is a perfect apeoitic, for this loathsome disease. It is mild and pleasant to use, containing no strong or caustic drugs or poi : ~:is. The ( atavrh Rentedv 1s sold at 60 cents, Douche at GO cents, by all Drugg ists. JR. V. VIERCE, M. IK, l'rop’r, vrspo v y rj MAKE HOME HAPPY. \ !■* .k' 1 ih *rlha' oAufiiittfc ■■ ' tr ** f * A Plentiful Sunp’.y of .] [| Good Reading and Beautiful Pictures ;; E>| WXLILI DO IT. a— TEE CINCINNATI . ** \ :■ ■ r T f*t - t-.'- pr, v-rith 4S full cot- >, . einta only 4.1.*> |M*r y*r '• w j-ay po*t:i-ei, n<i i* tm* largest, ' hrioht-st, an a best paper publmhed for 4 Iho iiiuiu v. ll is iiiilefendunt in politics, ~ t] Elra i.ll th- new*, niui, bfeMitcH much .. \ , other good refuting, eveiy number has •. J. three i.r four excellent original or se- ’< f- Ifcled stories. Every sutwenber also '< r' receivea a coot of the beautiful ensrav- M,n, "The Four She Poor .Tian’n 5 Fi-JontJ,” uc 2t.xat inches, and a copy f; ,f TilE STAR IJ.U'STRATKU ALMA- .. U NAC. 35 of*, extra must be sent to •• Ft nay expense of packing and mailing pre- ’■ F iniuiiis. OtJ'Osir Imlueements to '' s’ x, always tile most liberal m the „ A 1 ft, id, are. nam' greater than ever. We ~ 5! waul every club agent in the country to >. C, communicate withus before commencing r 1 worlt. To anv person desiring to get up ’• I- a ciub, we w'ill send a sample coj.y of |J ‘ t lie pictuie and a canvasser’s outfit for „ . tI.S ciH. ,S penmen copy of paper free. ~ . Kend fur ae bciorc tuhtcrib* - •3 lus for any other. | Tiie .utar, the ugh in no sense a parly ” V paper, h,v.-t always been a vigorous advo ’ cat* of the lights of all the States, and JJ ’ was among the first to urge the justice „ . of local gos'ernment in the South. >. . I’prsons to whom we have already sen* >• . tl.e picture, “The Poor the Poor " • mean's Friend,” by saying so can ’’ ' tiave iu its stead another excellent eu ] graving, of same size, which wo have „ , -ecurrd for this purpose. „ ’ tkS~ I‘apa- without picture, One Dollar. ’• 111 2,10 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. „ 5 - —a.' r. -i -• ll MAKE HOME PLEASANT. TANARUS& AKE YOUR HOME 2D EAUTIF Xt 2-- A *• . I inm—'iiTMTinr-Tm — r—r tea hMu mm We wish an a ~ent, male or female, in each town ■ tlt 1 cm. y, to get up clubs among r.uiiii* ,ii . " fuctoriep, etc., tor t :r- H.i le'ol "ir'i." - :■■ ■ will offer very lib er;. 1 c imm. n to u . We have been importers o. Teas f*-r < r2O years, and 11 s nd a better article for the money than any other house in New Votk. Our Teas are put up in l-pou’d package w .to the name and price printed upon each. Address, with reletenees, for t< rms and blank to- m to" clubs, or send us an order for a sample lot, which we will forward at 1 west Club price, C. O. D. London, New York and China Tea Cos., i 2U Church sst. ; or P. 0. Pox 674, N. Y. I iiiood ileiuliug'. ALL KKOW J'i ! ALL LIKE IT! THE DETROIT FIT EE PEEPS Still Brighter and Better for 1577. full of wit —humou—rATIIOS SKETCII - GOSSIP - FASHION INCIDENT—NKWS -HOME AND foreign letters, You will enjoy it letter than any other newspaper. “How He was Tempted.” \ thrilling continued Story, written for the Free Press, by “ Elisey Hay ’ ( Fanny Andrews), the noted Southe’n wri ter, will be a feature of 1877. Weekly, post free, $2.00 per mini. In making up your list, start with the Detroit Free Press. The Posimester is agen t for it CIIROMCLItHTIIL Is published Daily, Tiu-Weekly and Weekly, At AUGUSTA, GA. By WALSH & WRIGHT, Proprietors Full Teleyraphic Dispatches from All Points. Latest and Most Accu rate Market Reports. Interesting and teliable Coirespondence from all parts of Georgia, South Car olina and Washington City. GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLI NA NEWS A SPECIALTY. DAILY s One Year $lO 00 Six Months 5 00 TRI-WEEKLY: One Year $5 (.0 Six Months 2 50 WEEKLY: One Year ..$2 00 kixMonshs 1 00 Tlie Best Offer*- We will sell during these hard times S6OO Pianos for $250. And all other styles in same proportion, including Grand, Square and Upright— all first-class—sold direct to the people at fac tory prices. No agents ; no commissions; no discounts. These Pianos made one of the finest displays at the Centennial ExhU bition, and were unanimously recommend ed for the highest honors. Regularly in corporated Manufacturing Co.—New Man ufactory—on of the largest and finest in in the world. The Square Glands contain Mathusek’s new paleut Duplex Overstrung Scale, the greatest improvement in the his tory of Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent on trial. Don’t fail to write for Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue—mailed free. MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., No. 5G Broadway, N. Y. Hygienic Institute ; IF YOU would enjoy the Fin ■ ]\TT| most delightful luxury ; if ■ill riivll ly° u would be speedily,cheap UitilliU ly, pleasantly and perma nently cured of all Inflam matory, Nervous, Constitu tional and Blood Disorders if you have Rheumatism Scrofula. Dyspepsia, Bron chitis, Catarrh, Diarrhoea Dysentery, Piles, Neuralgia. Paralysis, Disease of the Kidneys, Genitals or Skin, Chill and Fever, or other Malarial Affections ; if you would be purified from all Poisons,whether from Drugs or Disease; if you would H. have Beauty, Health and 1811* Long Life go to the Hygien ic Institute,anu use Nature’s Great Remedies,the Turkish Bath, the “Water-cure Pro cesses,” the “ Movement cure,” Electricity and other Hygienic agents. Success is wonderful—curing qll cu rable cases. If not able to go and take board, send fuK account of your case, and get direciions for treatment at home. Terms reasona ble. Location, corner Loyd and Wall streets, opposite n 11111 I Passenger Depot, Atlanta, U. Ii S • Jxo. Stainfack Wilson, h v cian-in-Charea liICLL & iSCUTiNEV, GENERAL COMMISSION Merchants, No. 346 North Water Street, PHILADELPHIA. and wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tallow, Eggs, Poultry, Game, Stock mimmr'n Potatoes, Apples, Grain, HI ill l\ll Flour, F ,ir Wool, Cotton, fIL I 1 llilljßice, Tobacco, Peanuts, Broom Corn, Dried Fruit, Hay, Hops, For eign and Domestic Fruits, and in fact we can sell any and verything at the highest market price; make prompt returns, and Liberal Cash|’||| advances made on all ship.l jHl|j|lj\|j| ments except pci ishable ar- xylllxlJkJlJl tides. To show that wo do an extensive business, any game dealer in Philadelphia will tell you we han dled more game last season than all other houses in Philadelphia put togeth r. Send £c r . p t° cash, or we refer you to* * ** * • ANY RESPONSIBLE HOUSE IN OUR CITY. EGS. GAME. oc6-ly. The Commercial Reporter, A SEMI-MONTHLY COMMERCIAL JOURNAL. It gives in each issue a wholesale market report of Atlanta. Meechants who wish to keep posted should subscribe for it. TERMS—SI.OO PER ANNUM, dress W. T. CHRISTOPHER, and r and Propriet or v 32 Broad Street (u st rs, Atlanta Ga> country atom* oet!3 make your home entertaining. MRtSIO- SAVED! Buy the IMPROVED' ' HOB ** | 9 80 i * n . wnprudion and runs^eo jjj J if gjj points are adjustable, and it II a Isl Machine is 6ent out ready for use, after SIM' b No g t wfthstundin % the GREAT REDUCTION fear IN PRICES we continue to use the best material % and exercise the greatest care in their manufacture. ® VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., Western Branch Offlee, 381 West Madison St., Chicage, 111* PEIITCIPAL OFFICE and Manufactories, Middetown, Ccna. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ e ■.* ♦ . . • - ' ’ --1 .... '• A III! j pi- 1 £:¥ ///%/'■'*-> L-- -.v'-rV/ {’ ’• f Fly-' "i|!|| j lj!| 1 / /> ’FZ- -li ; I'i-A:: ;; . mmn ; Pj : £MWI| ASK YOUR-GROCER FOR IT! Depot-, 104 READS STREET, Hsw York. jun9-ly. Pianos and Organs! JZ DO Y T OU WANT TO BUY r A PIANO OR ORGAN OF ANY FIRST CLASS MAKER? Do you want to buy a Piano or Organ on Installments?— Do you want to buy Sheet Music, Books, Strings, etc.? Do you want to ex change an old Piano or Organ for anew one ? Do you want to rent a Piano or Organ ? Do you want to have your Piano or Organ tuned or repaired ? Send Your Orders to C. W. LMGWORTHY, HOME, GA., ONLY MANUFACTURER’S AGrENT FOR THE SALE OF AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INSTRUMENTS FOR GEORGIA, ALA BAMA AND TENNESSEE. Eleven years use in the Southern climate has proved the Shoninger Instrument inferior to no other Manufacturers’ The Shoninger Piano needs the same care as Steinway, Chickering or Knabe, in in tuning, etc., but no more. The customer really gtts more for his money in a Shore inger Piano than any other first-class instrument made The Pianos hive Rosewood caes, ami every modern improvement an. are 7£ Oct tves. Every instrumeri*, the cheapest or highest price, FULLY WAHL INTEL FOR SIX YEARS . Stool and Covers furnished icith every Instrument Free of Charge. The undersigned, with experience since January, S id, in selecting instruments and in repairing uid tumng'tlie same, i better pr pared to satisfy th public than any other gent, and would refer to those now using his instruments, furnished during the last 21 years, in Georgia, Alabama and Tennesseee. Thankful for the appreciation of the public through a very liberal patronage, hope to merit a continuation o the same. Prices to suit the times Cannot be undersold in a first-class instrument. Write for circu.ars and catalogues. Correa ondence solicited THE SINGER MACHINE, The People’s Favorite. THE LARGEST SALES BECAUSE THE MOST POPULAR. The Most Popular Because the Best. VET! PICT OF THE LA PIES. THE stubborn fact shown by the returns, that toe Singer Sewing Machine the only one whose sales have largely and fctea ily increar and evei v year, unit;! vrupt edly—that last year the sales more than doubled those of file tn-ii .giro t-crop-titor and nearly equalled the sales of alt the other companies combined, demonstrate* bey on all controversy that THE SINGER SEWING MU USE is the most popular, becausp, to any other rna ufactured. :o o • tg * s tells the sto>-y: _ , 219,753 232,444 llowe; 1 *(Jan'Y, 1 1o*July 1 )*.*.*.-34,010 145.000 No returns -5,000 ‘JJ Qo/a chll Trereasinsr. All Competition Distanced- S a TERNS. They are the best, th? cheapest aid most >tr a P }l f ' '*- n 11 va ■ ■ The'Company are not and wiil not be responsible ri\y ■ r *;oe io 1 - c us agents, such vs board, stable or livery bills, &e. AddrcS3 , GfW. LEOX4BD, or The '• per Manufacturing Cos. | Cor , 0.. w. H. lORRENCE, aiivassing Agent tor Gordon County. 1877. 1877- The Calhoun Times. ÜBLJSBED EVERY SATURDAY AT CALHOUN GORDON COUNTY, GA. By I). B. FREEMAN. THE TIMES enters the year 1877 with renewed vigor, and itsprop ' - tor is more determined than ever to give its readerL eveiy week one of the most WiDli AWAKE, PROGRESSIVE AND READABLE Paper* in its section, and no pains will he spared to render thiv end. attainable It* contents each week will comprise a carefuMy prepared collection of Inter ior Reading nf a a character wall adapted to the wants of its subscribers. HOME AFFAIRS viii receive especial attention, and every event worthy will be mentioned’ia ♦ THE TIMES Will labor unceasingly for the promotion of the interests of our county and sec* tion and respectfully invokes the aid and encouragement of the people. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: ° n © Year, - - - $2 OO Montlis - - - - X OO Tlire© Months - - _ 00 prims . CLUBS! u * - ,t *1 Oil a year, unu Will giVv * n u nl ‘ *“ ' uu - * Ciuu can oe m.owd iu a „ ' ' ' * ‘ “ 11 “ u ' e !luu " ig i!IU *-u<i I’cmiefeO r,o tile iu*me paper. Business at j3 i I” ,ES °, ne 0, ? 8t s '-r ßaful •JertimnDg mediant, .a North ■ijoUMog " ' CiVrXw 0 ““* 0W " CWnt7 ’ “ '* “ 1,1 'Warranted as Represented! B. SHONINGEE & Co.’s ' THE" NTHv HO M E Seiflai WAS AWARDED TIIB FIRST; PREMIUMI At the Centennial Exhibition, 1876, and has always carried off the highest honors wherever exhibited. _ A COMPACT, SIMPLE, miBABTAB. lilght Running and EFFICIENT “LOCK STITCH" MACHINE. ADAPTED to the WANTS of EVERYBODY. The HOMF SEWING MACH IN E was Perfected eight years since by the aid of tho best inventive talent and Mechanical Skill. It comrises all the Essential Parts of a FIRST CLABB MACHINE, is SIMPLE in CONSTRUCTION, SUPERIOR in Strength and Beauty, contains less Waking Parts and is Capable of DOING a wider range of Work than other Sewing Machines. It will RUN for years without COSTING ONE CENT for Repairs. In the Manufacture of this MACHINE tho Very Best Materials are USED, The WEARING PARTS are HARDENED, and the Mechanism haa been constructed with the special view of producing an Easy Running, DURABLE, and almost NOISELESS MACHINE, adapted EQUALLY WELD for Coarse or fine THREAD, COT TON, SILK or LINENf, SEWING from Ul3 Lightest Muslins to Beaver Cloth and LEATHER. Such Confidence is felt in the INTRINSIC MERITS of the HOME SEWING MACHINE that every MACHINE 1a fully Warranted for Five Years. LIVE AGENTS wanted In localities where wo are not represented. Send for prices, and samples of work done on the HOME, or call at any of our offices. Johnson, Clark & Go., 664 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. llli Seoond Ave,, Pittsburgh, Pat 141 State Street, Chicago, 111. 21 South 6th Street, St. Louis, Mo, 17 New Montgomery St., San Francisoo, OaL READ TRW aNN^UNCEMAINT" or TUB Murray Hill Publishing Cos. John P. Jewett, manager. DISEASES Cured. I■ O Ina 11 111 11 ■ New paths marked outlo vIIEIUIIIU Health by that plainest of all books—Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense, which contains nearly 1,000 page, of original matter, as entertaining as a fascinating stoiy. Health and long life made ea6y for tnl learned and unlearned. Crammed full of brand now idea*, which are cheering to the sick, and intensely entertaining to those wno are lortunat® enough to •‘scape disease. It guards the reader against the pitholes of human suffering, and points the way of deliverance to those who are already engulphed. By all means, find out ail about it. It Is for yon. It’s author, Dr. I. B. Foote, of 120 Lexington Avenue, Nwt York, is consulted by invalids at home an’ abroad, in person and by letter, and has had tL experience of nearly a quarter of n century in the treatment of long standing and difficult dlt eases of every character; hence his ability t. write practical truths for the invalid reader Hh consultations are tree to the sick everywhere: hence his immense correspondence with thesici all over the globe, You, reader, are at lib erty to consult the able author of Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense. Write to him and yon will be struck with his Common Sense. Whatever your malady, you will receive light which will do you good, by investing only a postage stamp, and writing to Dr. F. We wish to interest you in both the doctor and his im mortal book. The Book itself, which give, satisfaction to all who read it, can be had •/ agents, or of the publishers direct. Plain mn lin binding, $3.25, hi the English or Germaa language. Library binding, in English only. $3, 75. Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of the price. A lady writes the author: “ J have always felt that you were the physician of the world, from the fact of your wonderful suo cess and original idem .” One reader says “I have found it to be one of the grandest works of the age." Another 6ays —“ I wonld not be without it Kir twice its cost. ’ Similar letters reach the author ersry *ay. Contents table free. mzm e ssr^ssr.B UvILIIvL ttn. 6 vola. ml, neatly bound, $2; in 5 separate vois. at st> and $7.90, according to binding. Sent by mall on receipt of price. Just the thing for young people. Con tent's table free. nilir Publication*. We can fur- BIDIvIb* nish ftll ®fDr. Foote’, popular |J i 1 7 1 Lb Dime Publications on bislth and kindred topics. “ OLD EYES MADE NEW , n tells how to restore the sight and give up glasses, without the aid of Doctor or Medicine. Half a million have been issued already l “Com tort and cure nor the Ruptured” J* a valuable monograph for those who are afflicted with Rup ture or Hernia. “Physiological Improvement or Humanity,” relate* to the subject of having people bom right. “Physiologicat. Markiasb gives the latest researches regarding the laws governing temperamental adaptation, Ac., Ac. A Step Backward, reviewing Inoonsiderate legislation concerning the Prevention of Conception. “ Spkrmatorrhcba,” or Sem* fcial Weakness with evidence of its curability. “ Croup, its causes, prevention and cur.,” inval uable to every mother having the care of small children. “Cold Feet,” cause., prevention and cure. Any one of the foregoing Dime Publications wul be sent by mail, postage pc* paid, on receipt of ten cents. rrtFT Publication*. We will sup r* Kr S" P J Y Dr. Foote’s Free Publlca i B lints lions. " Gratuitous Advice to the Sick," abroad as wtU as at home ; a circular of value to the sick. "Evidences of Dr. Footes Success; ” a sixty page pamphlet, free by mail* —Bend for them. ARFWTQ Siffljsawae r\ UIKbI 1 I O nent in the sale of the foregoing publications, and also several others published by us. Read all of the above, and send for particulars. Address, for terms, outfits, Ac., The Murray Hill Publishing Company, 190 Rost 98th Street, New Terk. I® . */• /** ***• **** >R. JS both larly lexy, 1 ner nts | >ira. oun<] j rh 3TII ;oing KKtO wlto CEORCE PAGE & CO. • No. 6 . BCHSOX22B IT., BALTIUC2S, Id. Patent Portable A Stationary Engines ■ A 1 Patent Circular Saw fjplLAfVrK Gang;. Muley A Sash Mill's lafiflrwllil Grist A Flour Mills, Water fIPSPISP Wheels, .Shingle, Barrel A EUjal, Woodworking Machinery. Emery Wheel* an Grinder*. Saw*, Mill Supplies, Ap .£C BUND FOB CATALOGUE A PRICE*