Calhoun Saturday times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1877-1878, November 17, 1877, Image 4

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SSS^eWe*® Or Sugar-Coated. Concentrated, riool and Herbal Juice, A nti-lli I iou Grailuleu. T.iIK “LITTLE HXT” CAI’IIARTIC| ov JTlultiim in I’ai vo Physic. The novelty of nr' lern Medical, Chemical, ami Pharmaceutical Science. Xu use of anv longer taking the large, repulsive, and nauseous pills, composed of cheap, crude, anil bulky ingredi ents, when vc can, by a careful npplicu: ion of chemical sc jnee, extract all the cathartic and other med' mnl properties from the most valu able root and herbs, and concentrate them Into amlntp Granule, scarcely larger than a mils' ,rtl seed. Unit can be readily sw allowed bv 0 of the most sensitive stomachs and fns tid’ Each little Purgative Pellet rr' regents, in a most concentraled form, as much < .thartic power as is embodied in any of ihe large pills found for sale in drug-shops. From their wonderful cathartic power, in comparison to their size, people who have not tried them arc ant to suppose that they are harsh or drastic in effect: but such is not at all the case, the different active medicinal principles of which tliev arc composed being so harmonized and modified, one by the others, as to produce a most searching and thorough, vet gently and kindly operating, cathartic. S.IOO Reward is hereby offered by the pro prietor of these Pellets, to any chemist who, upon analysis, will find in them any calomel or other forms of mercury, mineral poison, or in jurious drug. llelng entirely vegetable, no particular care is required while using them. They oper ate without disturbance to the constitution, and ict, or occupation. For Jaundice, Eleadacltc, Constipation, Impure EMood, Pain In the Shoulders, Tightness of the Client, Dizziness, Sour lirnctatious from the Ntomach, Stud taste in tiiic mouth, Itilious attacks, Pain in re gion of Kidneys, Siitornul lever, Itloatcd feeli ug about Stomach,Rush of Klood to Head, Hlsh-colored Urine, Uu^ociabil ity ana Gloomy Forebodings, bike Dr. Pierce’s Ilcs -aut Purgative Pellets. In explanation of the remedial power of my Purgative Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, I wish to sav that their action upon the animal economy is uui versal, not a gland or tissuo escaping their sanative im press. Ago does not impair the properties of these Pellets. They arc sugar-coated and in closed in glass bottles, their virtues being there by preserved unimpaired for nnv length of time, in any climate, so that they are always fresh and reliable. This is not ihe case wiih those pills which nro put up in cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. Recollect tliat for all dis eases where a X.axative, Alterative, or Purgative, is indicated, these little Pellets will give the most perfect satisfaction to all who use them. They are sold by all Druggists at S5 cents a bottle, 3. V. FIERCE,II. D., Prop’r, mT A T O. x. v WOMAN. Pv an immense practice, extending through a period of years, having within that time treated many thousund cases of tlio-e di-eases peculiar to woman, I have been enabled to perfect a most potent and agreeable medicine that meets the indications presented hy that class of dis ea. c.t with positive certainty and exactness. To designate this natural specific compound. I have named it Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. l he term, however, is but a feeble expression of my high appreciation of its value, based upon my own personal observation. Asa close ob server, I nave, while witnessing its positive re sults in the few special diseases incident to the separate organism of woman, singled it out as the climax or crowning mem of my medical career. On its merits, as a posi ti\e, safe, and effectual remedy for this class of diseases, and one that will, iit all times and under all circumstances, act kindly and in har mony with (lie laws which govern the female system, I am \\ illing to stake my reputation as a physician. Nay, even more, so confident am I that it will not disappoint the most sanguine expectations of a single invalid lady who uses it for any of the ailments for which 1 recommend it, that I offer and sell it under A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. If a beneficial effect is not experienced by the time two-thirds of the con tents of die bottle are used, I will, on return of the bottle, two-thirds of the medicine having been taken according to directions, and the case being one for which I recommend it, promptly refund the money paid for it. Had I not the most perfect confidence in its virtues, I could not oiler it as I do under tlic-e conditions; but hav ing witnessed its truly miraculous cures in thou sands of cases, l feel warranted and perfectly saio in risking; both my reputation and my money on its merits. The following are among thoe diseases in Winch my Favorite I'rcscri pti on lias worked cures, as if bv magic, and with a cer tainty never before attained bv any medicine: Lcucorrhoea, Excessive Flowing, Painful Monthly Periods, Suppressions when from un natural causes, Irregularities, Weak Back, Pro lapsus, or falling of the Uterus, Anteversion and Retroversion, Bearing Down Sensations, Inter nal Heat, Nervous Depression, Debility, Des pondency, Threatened Miscarriage, Chronic Congestion, Inflammation and Ulceration of the U torus, Ini potency, Barrenness, or Sterility, Fe male Weakness, and very many other chronic diseases incident to woman not mentioned here. In all affections of this nature, mv Favorite Prescription works cures —the marvel of the world. This medicine Ido not extol as a cure-all, but it admirably fulfills a single ness of purpose, being a most perfect specific in all chronic diseases of the sexual ays fem of woman. It will not disappoint, nor will it do harm, in any state or condition. Those who desire further information on these subjects can obtain it in The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book of over I JOO pages, sent, post-paid, on receipt of $1.50. It treats minutely of those diseases peculiar to Females, and gives much valuable advice in regard to the management of those affections. FAVORITI3 PIIFSCS!TION SOLD U¥ AI-Ij druggists. E. V. PIERCE, I, D., Proj’r, ru***' fro, x. y MAKE HOME HAPPY. J t'* I M 1 * I W l>"" V < A Plentiful Supply of Good Reading and Beautiful Pictures WILL DO IT. THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY STAR, A fine eight-page paper, with 4S full col umns, t'OtttN only 81.00 per year (we pav posta'>“), tout i* the largest, brightest , and best paper publislie 1 fur tlie money. Il is independent in politics, gives all the new;, and, besides much oilier good reading, eveiy uiuphyr has three or four excellent original or se lected si tries. Every subscriber also receives a copy of the beautiful engrav ing. “The Poor die I'acr Mail’s Fi'l*iul,” si '.*• 2Lv?l niches, and a Copy .1 THE STAR 1 I.T. I. ■- t'K.VTKD ALMA j NAC. 25 els. extra must be sent to pay expense of packin' and mailing pie eiuims. It Our iitdneemenlN to I AnrvntM, always the must liberal m the held, are now' greater than ever. We want every club agent in the country to ocinuuitca'e with us before commencing work. To any person desiring to get up i club, we will send a sample copy of t!ie picture and a canvasser’s outfit for UT ela. Specimen copy of pap' r free. Send for one before subseiib ing for nny other. 'ldle .star, llimigli m no sense a party paper, lias always been a vigorous udeo erne of the rights of all the States, and n ts attfiig the first to urge the justice I local government in itie South, j 1\ i sons to wuutn w.- have already sen 1 'die ti ture, ‘-The Poor tin* i*oor j Mail’s Frletid,” by Haying so can I i.ive iii its sie.i I another ev elient en ! ..'raving, of same size, which we have secured for this purpose. l id' Paper without picture. One Dollar. 230 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. -—n jii-sr c a>wy sv:-sv’w< I MAKE HOME PLEASANT. HI A II 32 YOUH HOME BEAUTIFUL. TEA Ai.IMS WAVII). w ' ! *-i an in i 1 c or female, in (Mch luv.ii ('I tlij county, to gt t up clubs " Ulu!l n * 11!!l i s - b 'tol.M, lactorb g etc., for < te sale ut <uv leas and n ill rfier very lib eral coimmsaiui gto such. W e have been importing of 1W for over 20 years, and etii afford to sen,, and will send abetter artido for the money than any other house m New It oik Our Teas are p -.tup in 1-pou’d packages with the name, and price printed upon each. Address, with re!deuces, for trrms and blank form fur clubs, ur send ns an order fora ‘ample lot, which wc will forward at lowest. Hub pr’eo, f. O. 1). London, Nov,’ York and China Tea Cos., 20 < hurcli Si., or i’. O. Pox r7l Nf v Gdt I Standard.. “/f ot/ghl to be in every Library, alto in ev - ■ry Academy and in every School." —Hon. 'has. SUMNER. the sianßa&B. A large, handsome volume of 1854 pages, containing considerably more than 100,000 Words in its Vocabulary, with the cor rect Pronunciation, Definition, and Etymology. FULLY ILLUSTRATED AND UNABRIDG ED, LIBRARY SHEEP, MARBLED EDGES, SIO.OO “WORCESTER ” is now regarded’ as the STANDARD AU THOR I TY, and is so recommended by Bry ant, Longfellow, Whittier, Sumner, Holmes, Irving, Wintfirop, Agassiz. Marsh, Henry, Everett, Mann, Quincy, Felton, Hilliard, and the majority of our most distinguished scholars, and is, besides, recognized as aiw thority by the Departments of our Nation al Government, “The best English writers and the most particular American writers use Worcester as their authority.” —New York Herald. “It follows from this with unerring ac curacy that Worcester s Dictionary, being preferred over all others by scholars and men of letters, should be used by the youth of the country at.d adopted in the common schools.” — New York Evening Post. THE COMPLETE SERIES OF Worcester’s Dictionaries. Quarto Dictionary. Profusely Illustrated Library sheep. SIO.OO. Universal and Critical Dictionary. Bvo. Library sheep. $4 25. Academic Dictionary. Illustrated. Crown B\o. Half roan. $2.00 Comprehen ive Dictionary. Illustrated. 12mo. Half roan. $1.75. School (Elementary) Dictionary. Illustra ted. 12mo. Half roan SI.OO Primary Diction: ry. Illustrated, hhno.— Half roan GO cents. P icket Dictionary. Illustrated. 24m0. Cloth, 63 cts.; roan, flexible. 85 cts. ; roan, tucks, gilt edges, SI.OO Many special aids to students, in addi tion to a very full pronouncing and defi-> ning vocabulary, make the above named bo >ks, in the opinion of our most distin guished educators, the most complete, as well as by far the cheapest Dictiona ies of our language. ***For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent, carriage free, on receipt of the price b y J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers. 715 and 717 Market St., J hiladelphia. octl3-3m T HEBUN. 1878. NEW YORK. 1878. As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, THE SUN would remind its friends and well wishers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for their con siderat.on and support. Upon its record for the past ten years it relies for a contin uance of the hearty sympathy and gener ous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to it from every quarter of the Union. The Daily Sun is a four-page sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, postpaid, 55 cents a month, or $b 50 per year. The Sunday edition of Thk Sun is an eight-page Sheet of 56 columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a large amount of literary and misceilnne ous matter specially prepared for it. The Sunday Sun has met with great success.,— Post paid, $6.20 a year. The Weekly Btin- Who does n t know The Weekly Sun ? It circulates throughout the United Stat es, the Canadas and bey ond. Ninety thousand families greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, coun sellor and friend. Its news, editorial, ag ricultural, and literary departments make it essentially a journal for the family and the fireside. Terms : One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered, makes it the cheapest newspaper published. For olubs of ten, with $lO cash, we will send an extra copy free. Address PUBLISHER OF THE SUN, nov2’Bt. New York City. HULL & SCOTNEY, GENERAL COMMISSION Merchants, No. 346 North Water Street, PHILADELPHIA. and wholesale dealers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, Tallow, Egg*, Poultry, Game, Stock fill mini I>otatoe3 ‘ Apples. Grain, 111 S I |\gl Flour, Fur, Wool, Cotton, l'u I IIJ ILSLa Rice, Tobacco, Peanuts, Broom Coin, Dried Fruit, Hay, Hops, For eign and Domestic Fruits, and in fact we can sell any and verything at the highest market price; make prompt returns, and Liberal II advances made on all ship.l ments except, pei ishable ar V IIIdIJUB<1 liclss.1 iclss. To show that v e do an extensive business, any game denier in Philadelphia will tell you we han dled more game last season than all other houses in Philadelphia put together. Send for Price List, Stencil,HAlTl mTI 1/ &c., kc. IlllllnV cash, or we refer you to* 1 111 • ANY RESPONSIBLE HOUSE IN OUR CITY. IXx(;S. GAME. ocG-ly. Tlie Best Offer- J, MVi' will sell during these hard times S6OO liar s Rr §250. And all other styles in same proportion, including Grand, Square and Upright—all iir?t-class— sold direct to the people at fac tory prices. No agents ; no comm - ;on* no discounts. These Pianos made one o. tiie finest displays at tlie Centennial Exhi bition, and were unanimously recommend ed tor the highest honors. Regularly in corporated Manufacturing Co.—New Man ufactory—one of the largest and finest in in the world. The Square G-ands contain Mathusek’s new parent Duplex Overstrung Scale, tlie greatest improvement in the his tory of Piano making. The Uprights are the finest in America. Pianos sent cn trial. Don’t fail to write for Illustrate 1 and Descriptive Catalogue—mailed free. ME N DELSSO HN PI ANO CO., No. 50 Broadway, N Y. make your xioivie: entertaining. ini il i ri I I i ii i'T ii ii ri -ii-ii i ti ~ i r ri ii i ii ii i' r— "-1 1 ■ Dollar-and-a-half for ten Cent?. Stoddarl’s Musical Library, just pub lishing, 12 pages, full size, best and most popular music, for 10 cents. N w and pop uhir Songs, Dince and Instrumental Music, Operas, Hymns, etc., etc. For sale by all newsdealers. Postage 2 cents, ta be sent in addition to above, if ordered from the publishers. J. M. T2.°> Chestnut St., Philadelphia. novlo-3t. PRICE-LIST OF Sash, Doors and Blinds, SASH. Plain Rail Il’-light Windows, Glazed- Size of Window. Per Window . Size of Ola-* Thiekne.s. ft in. ft. in. Weight. Price. 3 xlO 1 3-16 in., 2 4x39$ los 75 10x12 “ 210 x 4 6 24 120 10x14 “ 210 x 5 2 25$ 135 10x16 “ 210 x 510 27$ 1 60 10x18 210 x 6 6 29$ 200 Check Rail, or Lip Sash, 12-light Windows, Glazed. 10x14 i 3-8 in., 2 10$x 5 2 28 155 [oxl6 “ 2 10$x 510 31$ 190 10x18 “ 2 10$x 6 6 34 220 IUx2O “ 210$x 7 2 37$ 270 Check Rail, or lap Sash 8-light Windows. Wide Bar, Glazed 12x14 If in., 25$x 5 2 24$ $1 75 12x16 “ 25$x 510 26$ 200 12x18 “ 25|x 6 6 29 225 12x20 “ 2 s§x 7 2 32 240 Plain Rail, 15-light Windows, Glazed. Bxlo 1 3-16 in., 2 4x 4 8 22 100 10x12 “ 210 x 5 6 27 160 Plain itail, 18-light W indows, Glazed. Bxlo 1 3-16 in., 2 4x 5 7 26 135 10x12 “ 210 x 6 6 30 190 BLINDS* Outside Blinds, Rolling Slats, Wide Bar 8-light Windows. Per Pair. Weight Price, 12x14 1 3-16 inch. 20 1 40 12x16 “ 22 1 60 12x18 “ 24 1 70 12x20 “ 26 1 90 Outside Blinds, Rolling Slats, 12-light Windows. Bxlo 1 3-16 inch. 15 100 10x12 “ 20 1 25 10x14 “ 22$ 1 !0 10x16 “ 24 150 10x18 “ 26$ 1 70 10x20 “ 29 190 Outside Blinds, Rolling SI .Is, 15-light Win dows Bxlo 1 3-16 inch, 15 125 10x12 “ 22 150 DOORS* O. G. Four Panel doors, Raised Panels, both sides. 2 6x5 6 1 3-16 inches 29 1 30 2Bx 6 8 “ 83 1 40 2 10x6 10 “ 35 1 55 3 x 7 “ 37 175 2Bx 6 8 13 8 inches 39 1 50 2 6x6 6 “ 35 1 40 2 10x6 10 “ 40 1 60 3 x 7 “ 43 1 80 2 x 6 4 1 inch 20 100 2 4x6 6 “ 21 1 25 Prices for all other sizes furnished promptly. Above are prices Free on board Cars. M. A, .GEE & €O., Opposite A. & C. R. R. Depot, Chatta ooga, Tennessee. junelb-9m Good Reading. ALL KNOW:iT ! ALL LIKE IT ! TUB DETROIT FREE PRESS Still Brighter and Better for 1877. FULL OF WIT HUMOR PATHOS SKETCH - GOSSIP FASHION INCIDENT—NEWS -HOME riND FOREIGN LETTERS, You will enjoy it better than any other newspaper. “How He was Tempted.” A thrilling continued Bt< ry, written for the Free Press, by “ Elzey Hay’ ( Fanny Andrews), the noted Southern win ter, will be a feature of 1877. Weekly, post free, $2.00 per num. In making up your list, start with the Detroit Free Press. The Postmeater i;- agent for it fHIiIEfiNTS Is published Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly, At AUGUSTA, GA, By WALSH & WRIGHT, Proprietors Full Telei/raphic Dispatches from Ah Points. Latest and Most Accu rate Market Reports. Interesting and leliable. Cot respondent from all parts of Georgia, South Car olina and Washington City. GEORGIA AND SOUTH CaROLI NA NEWS A SPECIALTY. DAILY : One Year §lO CO Six Months 5 00 TRI-WEEKLY: One Year §5 ( 0 Six Months 2 50 WEEKLY: One Year ..§2 00 gix Monshs 1 00 IUDPATH’S History of tlie United States. From the Aboriginal Times to the P esent Day. REV. A. N. MILES. Canvassing Agent. This His oi-T is presented to the public a t work meeting the wants of all who wish a complete, comprehensive weil written history of the United States, It is printed front beautiful type on fine toned paper.— There is no work like it. Sold only by subscription. Call on the agent and sub scribe .or a copy. sepls-2m The Commercial Reporter, A SEMI-MONTHLY COMMERCIAL JOURNAL. It gives in each issue a wholesale market report of \tianta. Mccch&nts vmo wish to keep posted should subscribe for it. TERMS—SI.OO PER ANNUM. Address W. T CHRISTOPHER, ditor and Preprint or, 32 Btoad Street (u stairs, Atlanta Ga country store- ootid tf 6RAHIM & BARNETT. STEAM SAW MILL Three Wiles front Calhonn on the Sugar Valley Road. Lumber. A good supply of Lumber ou hand, and any bill cut to order on short notice. Shingles. We are prepared to fill all orders for Shingles, and guarantee satisfaction to purchasers. Lathes. Lathes supplied in any quantity on snort notice. Our prices are in accordance with the hard timel We solicit the patronage o. those wishing any hing in our line. Our facilities for supplying the public are not excelled by any similar enterprise in this section. WHITE OAK LOGS WANTED. We want good White Oak Logs, and will pay the cash for them. GRAHAM & BARNETT. jun 2 3m. LOGS WANTED ! We will pay CASH for Logs, Good POPLAR, 12, 13 and 14 feat long. WHITE-OaK, 14 and 16 feet long. A few 12 feet long. PINE, 16, 20, 22, 24 and up. A few 12 feet long. WALNUT, of good quahty. A good supply of LUMBER constantly on hand. Also Lathes and Shin gles, which the cash can get cheap. We are prepared to furnish DRESSED LUMBER in large or small quantities, and can give satisfaction. ocl*6m L, HILLS & CO. A GREENHOUSE AT YOUR DOOR. For SI.OO we will send free by mail, any o ie of the following 1 is: 8 distinct varieties Monthly Roses, Winter flowering 8 “ Chin. Chrysanthemums, “ 8 “ Begonias, “ 8 “ Carnation Pinks, “ 8 Zonal Geraniums, “ 8 ,£ Double “ “ 8 “ Ivy leaved “ ‘ 8 Heliotropes, * 6 “ Abutilons, “ 2 “ Double Camelias, “ 1 “ Aza.eas, • ■1 “ J oh-ter Cactus, “ 5 “ Bouvardias •* “ Steviasand Eupatoriums* 8 “ Fuchsias. 1 “ Double Violets, “ 2 “ Poinsetta,scarlet & w hite ‘ 1 “ Plumbago, “ 8 “ Ferns, for Wardian Cases 4 Palms, 9 “ Mosses, “ 6 ■* M irqntas “ 8 “ Hyacinth bulbs “ 40 assorted lulips Bulbs. 2 > assorted Crocus. Bulbs 2 asso ted Jacobean Lily Bulbs. 12 assorted Oxalis, 4 Lily of tlie Valley. 8 New Pearl Tuber os v. OR BY EXPRESS: 3 of any of the above $1 collections for 32. 5 “ “ 3. 7 “ 4 0 <■ 12 “ “ 6. 14 *, 7. Or tlie whole collection of 388 Bulbs and Plants sent by Express ox receipt of SU’.OO. to whiclt either of our books. “Gar dening for Profit, Practical Floricultute, or “Gardening for Pleasure” (value $1.50 each), will be added. Descriptive Catalogue free. PETER HENDERSON & CO.. Seedsmen and Flo vis ts , 35 Cortlandt . . New York. junl°-ly I 1% Great chance to make mon Vti* you can get grecnbacls. We need a per son in every town to take subscriptions for the la’gest. cheapest and best Illustrated family publiation in the world. Any one can bee me . successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscri bers. One agent reports making over $l5O in a week A lady agent reports raking over 400 subscrioers in ten days. \II who engage make money fast.. You can devote all your time to the business, ot only vour spare time. You need not be away front Rome Over night. You .an do it as well as others. Full particulars, directions and terms free, tf jou want profuable work send us your address at It costs you nothing to tFy the business. No one who engages fails to make great pay. Address “ The People’s Journal,” Portland, Maine, aug 11 y # Simplest.& Best. WA/erea— !#oN^#VV.4 t . h St. L#.- CiN'CINNATI.Q. # >Mt Itt ttf ttty t 11111 M ****** I *^SAV| Western Branch Office, 381 Wast Madison St., Chicago, HI. PEIiTCIPAL OFFICE and Manufactories, Middetown, Conn. | YY?--- ,=w -r* • jafcsi^*rAfMwe#sSfe i ***y cAu rF*i I •••/ ! // -A' - & \k j , | / i iIMHV*' • •"V*r m W : . ; C | :| ,• <*. >.:* ‘■■lSl-'v-. o. - .. / • ’ .-..- :;,V5 ; y: V : ’ 1 / - il: " ' Y:-. • '~S‘S% ' -> .1 I'lS^Yii,. . ... . * ■MUtI tfftte |SKi#' c-'-c--;- - ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT! Depot, 104 miVK : TBEIT, Hew York. jun 9-1 y. Pianos and Organs! DO YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN OF ANY FIRST CLASS MAKER? Bo you want to buy a Piano or Organ on Installments?— Do you want to buy Sheet Music, Books, Strings, etc.? Do you want to ex change an old Piano or Organ for anew one ? Do you want to rent a Piano or Organ ? Do you want to have your Piano or Organ tuned or repaired ? Send Your Orders to C. W. LANGWORTHY, HOME, GA, ONLY MANUJfAC fCJAE&’S AGENT FOll THE SALE OF AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS INST UMENTS F R GEOESiA, AS BAMA AND TENNESSEE. Eleven years use in the Southern climate has proved the Shoninger Instrumcn inferior to no other \lanu acturers’ The Shoninger Piano needs the same cave as Steinwav, Flickering or Knabe, in in tuning, etc., but no more. The customer really gets more for his mon.y in a She- ■ inger Piano than any other first-class instrument n. ole The Pianos live Kos wood ca°es, aud every modern improvement an are 71 Oct ves. Every instrument, ibe cheapest or liigliest price, FULLY WARRANTED FOR £IX YEARS. Stool and Coven fur nit he l with every Instrument Free of Charge. The undersigned, with experience since January, 185 ft, in selecting instruments and in repairing and tuning the same, i better pr pared to satisfy t'l public than an. other gent, and would refer to those now using his instruments, turn is ied during the last 21 years, in Georgia, Alabama and Tennesscee. Thankful for the appreciation of the public through a very liberal patronage, hope to merit a continuation o the same. Prices to suit the times Gan not. be undersold in a tirst-class instrument. Wtite for civcu.ars and catalogues. Corrcs ondonce solicited THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. The Feople’s Favorite. THE LARGEST SALES BECAUSE THE MOST POPULAR The Most Popular Because the Best. VERDICT OF THE LA DIES. THE stubborn fact shown by the official returns, that the Singer Sewing Machine 1 the only one whose sales have largely and stea lily increased every yea?-, uninterrupt edly—that last year the sales more than doubled those of the neit highest competitor, and ne.’ily equalled the sales of ali the other companies combined, demonstrates beyond all controversy that THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE is-tlie most popular, because, in the estimation of the ladies of the count superior to any other ma ufactured. The following returns of sales, sworn to by c company tells the story : Sales in 1871. 1872. 1873. 1A74. 187-5. By the Singer 131,260 210,753 232,444 241,670 240,852 A heeler & Wilson 128,526 174,088 110,100 92,82/ 103,710 Howe (Jan. 1, to July 1) 34,0i0 1473,000 No returns 85,Gu0 25,000 Remington „ 2-5,110 Domestic 10,397 49,555 40,114 22,700 21,4-32 Sales Fr 1876, 202,316 Machines. Safes Still Increasing. All Competition Send your address for a catalogue of the celebrated ii AZaAR GLOVE-KITTING PAT TERNS. They are the best, tin cheapest m 1 most stylish patterns in .he gjn-ket. The Company are not and wiil not be responsible Tor any private deb s of its agents, such as board, stable op livery biils, &o. Address v €>. W. LEONARD, or The Singer Manufacturing Cos. € * B - cemshaw, j Cor.Broad and Ala. St. Atlanta, Ga. W. H. l ORRENCE, maysß auvaasitig Agout for Gordou (Jouuty. THE NEW HOME Shi ilt WAS AWARDED TUB FIRST PREMIUM! At the Centennial Exhibition, 1876, and haa always carried oQ' the highest honors wherever exhibited. A COMPACT. SIMPLE. PUBABLE, Inght Eunmng'and EFFICIENT “LOCK STITCH” MACHINE. ADAPTED to tho WANTS of EVERYBODY. The HOME SEWING MACHINE wasPerfectedeight years since by the aid of the best inventive talent and Mechanical Skill. It combines all the Essential Parts of a FIRST GLASS MACHINE, is SIMPLE in CONSTRUCTION, SUHJh'RIOR in Strength and Beauty, contains less Working Parts and isCapabls of DOING a wider ratige of Work, than other Sewing Machines. It will RUN for yeirt without costing ONE CENT for Repairs. In the Manufacture of this MACHINE the Very Best Materials are USED. The WEARING PARTS are HARDENED, and the Mechanism has been CONSTRUCTED with the special vie to of producing an Easy Running?, DURABLE, and almost NOISELESS MACHINE, adapted EQUAL! r well for Coarse or fine THREAD, COT TON, SILK or LINEN, SEWING from the l.ightest Muslins to Heaver Cloth and leather. Such Confidence is felt ill the INTRINSIC MERITS of tho HOME SEWING MACHINE that every MACHINE is fully Warranted for Five Years, LIVE AGENTS wanted in localities yrhero we are not represented. Send for prices, and samples of work dona on the HOME, or call at any of our offices. Johnson, Clark & Cos,, 664 Washington Stroet, Boston, Mass. lllj Second Ave,, Pittsburgh, Pa 141 State Street, Chicago, 111. 21 South sth Stroet, St. Louis, Mo, 17 New Montgomery St., San Fr&ncisoo, 0&1* It LA D X:i*n Y or TUB Murray HiSI Publishing Cos, John P. Jewett, manager. Warranted as Represented! CHRONIC W 3 ullUl isv Health by that phiinevt ol uli books-Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense,which contains nearly 1,000 pages of oi iginal matter, as entertaining as afasrinattiw story. Health and long life made easy for tl# learned and unlearned. Crammed full of brand new ideas, which are cheering to the sick, and intensely entertaining to those who ure lortunate enough to escape disease. It guards the render against tlie pitholes of human suffering, and points the way of deliverance to those who are already engnlphed. By ail means, find out nl] about it. It Is for you. It's author, Dr, L B. Foote, of 320 Lexington Avenue, Net York, is consulted by invalids at home &a abroad, in person and by letter, tnd has had tl experience of nearly a quarter ofn oentnr in the f real m nt of long standing and difficult ali case* of every character; hence 1 is ability t write practical tiuths for the invalid reader. Hk consultations are free to the sick everywhere; hence his immense correspondence with the sicl. all over the globe, You, header, ;i:e at ljr. khty to consult the able amber of Plain IToma Talk and Medical Common Sense. Write to him and you will be struck with his Common Fens*. Whatever your malady, you will moire light which will do you good, by investing only a postage stamp, and writing to Dr. F. Wt wish to interest you in both the doctor and his im mortal book. The Bool*, itself, which gives satisfaction to all who read it, can be had of agents, or of the publishers direct. 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