Calhoun Saturday times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1877-1878, December 01, 1877, Image 2

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D. R. FREEMAN. Editor and Proprietor. Satuday, December t, 1877. It Sr ill Waves.” —Among the solid established papers that have lived through the hard times, we are glad ' see the old-time and favorite Star Spangled Banner This ever ppn lar\pper begins its 16th year with 1878, and dee6rve* to bo in every horn-, i is a large, 8-page, 40 column paper pvery issue actually crowded win charming Stories, Poems, skefchei.Wi' Humor, Fun, Puzzles and Rebuscs- Jllustrated Poems and Stories. In it “Rogue’a Corner” every swindler,quad humbug and fraud is fully exposed.— None need ever be swindled if they w. bat read the Banner. Try it one yea* Only 75 cents a yoar, or w ith six fine chromes, or an elegant dictionary 81- Trial trip, 3 months, only 10 [cents.— Specimens 6 cents. We advise every reader to try this great family parer three 4 monthrt —only one dime. Address Star Spangled Banner, Hinsdale, N. H. * Wk Is MJ. eo. TT, Well* ? ' Editor Times : This seems to be a father difficult question to settle, if we may j'> ui the last few issues of the Dalton Enterprise, where the heading as above weekly greets its read ers. Where a man assumes to run for a responsible office like that oi Senator Trom this District, it does seem to us 'he ought to be so well known to the people of whom he asks suffrage as not to be driven to the necessity of asking and endeavoring to answer this ques tion, and having to g\.o a detailed per sonal history of himself right in the midst of a canvass. There is no need of asking continually who Col. x.ain is.— Born and raised in Cherokee Georgia, his every interest i i-m fi with the people among whom he lives, ho is known by all throughout the Disttie., and known too, as a man who has faith fully discharged every duty to his peo ple in the publio positions to which he has been honorably called. In the Dalton Enterprise first appear ed an article over the sign-lure of “Democrat,” who in a tempting to show who Maj. Wells was, proved himself either ignorant of facts or guilty ofwilN ful misrepiesentation, and we as “ Vo* tors ” unwilling that our fellow -citizens in the other portions of the District should be thes imposed upon sent to the Er.tevp.iae au article in which we en* deavored to correct the impressions at tempted to be set afloat, and our arti cle, like a fire-brand, we see, provokeg the displeasure of Mr J. G. B. Erwin of this county, who comes forth this week in a manner whicu plainly shows that his stoct of that article “truth has run too low to accuse us of a lack of it when he makes it a ''lamentable fiet that there can be found in Calhoun capable of penning an article so devoid of truth as that of Voters.’ ” We know that article to contain the truth and facta which Wells himself will not deny. Mr. Erwin is glad to ba numbered among the “immortal eight who sug gested Maj. wells, because he knew the voter* of our county chose him to ‘Vo ters’ chosen champion knowing it. Would bring to fever heat ail the bad blood of * Voters’ ’ town or the Calhoun ring.” Mr. Editor, to what *traight B m trtt a man bo driven to deal out euoh slanders as these upon the respectable people of a quiet and peaceable town, in what ought to be an honorable politca) contest? Have the friends of Maj. Wells no iac.s upon which they can bu'ld up his c'aims to the Seuato s * p, that they must so far transce id the limi s of de cency as to seize falsehood and slander as their weapons of contest ? While Col. Fain i# our choice,we do not claim credit for bringing him out. for we know he is the most capable man and the choice ot the voitra of Whi iield and Murray aa well a* our ova -muoty. If “Voters' ring,” says Mr Erwin, “c uid have as they usually have done.gagg-d there tof Goidon county and nominated his chaui pion, it would have Leen all light and nice y lniuey -combed to suithim a least tf not the people; but when eight res' pectable citizens happen to n ee* at a little country store in Fait n*oun\ and dare write a le.te which is partly the means ol presenting (wi'hout * \ iter" endorsement) a man capable, honest an I upright, as a candidate *o represent the 43d -Senatorial District, it is branded as a ring and a ho. id thing.” Here is alander. falsehood and malice, linked to gether iu a u;a*s. We ask in a 1 candor when the people of Calhoun have j ever ‘at temp ed to gag the rest of Goidon county ? or where is the Calhoun ring: th * chain jin of iu-leho and speaks , of? And and and not Mr. Erwin and his friends propose to g..g not only the peo ple of Gordo- e*u*.;y. but also of Whit fi. Id and Murray ecunlios when they at, tempted aloue to -ay ?ho should ivpre lent this District? And now, Mr. Ed- I itor, is slander such as some of Mr I Wells friends are using to outweigh pa HietMu, truth and public worth iu the t selection of our Representatives ? L the voters of this district answer. And now, Mr. Edito*\ we as voters have a right to ask who is this J. G B Erwin ; he parades the military sc complisbments of his candidate, where was he when the poor men of his coun try left their little alls behind them, and trusting to Providence for the keep ing of their families, went forth to dm thousands of whom now fill patriot graves on the fields of Virginia and Tennessee ? Did he show his mar. hood by joining their ranks ? No, he did not, but,making a breast work of his nej> es* lie kept out of the fight, and shared r. t the privation* of his countrymen. Aod now let Mr. Erwin assert that these -tatemecU are “devoid of truth.” Voters '‘VEGETINE.’' miy- a Boston physician, “ has uo equa 1 blood purifier. Hearing of its many won • ful cures afier all other remedies ;.. tiled, 1 *isited the Laboratory, and o<> .inccil myself of it-' genuine merit. It ' repared from barks, root- and h; rb; •tch of which is highly effe -bve, and th :■•** compounded in such a rromier srs reduce mtonishing results Vegetine 1* the great Blood Purifier. Vegetine 'Vi’.l cure the worst case of Scrofula. Vegetine is reconuneii.. by physicians and apothe cari Vegetine ias eiFected some marvellous cures in cases of Cancer. Vegetine Cures the worst cases of Canker Vegetine Meets with wouderiul success i ; . urial diseases. Vegetine Will eradicate Salt Kheurn from the system Vegetine Re neves Pimples and Humor* from the face. Vegetine Cures Constipation and regulates the bowels Vegetine Is a valuable remedy for Hc-.doche. Vegetine Will cure Dyspepsia. Vegetine Restores the entire system to a healthy con dmoau Vegetine Removes^he cause of Dizziness. Vegetine Relieves Fr ntness at *he stomach. Tegetine Cures Pained n the Back. Vegetine Effectually cures Kidney Complaint. Vegetine Is effective iu its cuie of Female Weakness. Vegetine la the great remedy for General Debility. Vegetine Is acknowledged by all classes ef people to be the beat and most reliable blood pu rifier in the world. VEGETINE Prepared Uy II R. STEVE AS, Boston, Man. VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. noTlO’ly. Sheriffs Sales for December* Will be sold before the vJourt House door, in the town of Calhoun, on the first Tuesday in December, between the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Also, at the same time and place, will bo sold, lot ol land uumber 187, in trie 7th district and 3d section of Gordon county, as the property of A. W. Reeve to satisfy one fi fa issued from Gordon Superior Court in favor of It. B. For ter & Son vs A. W. Reeve. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, two town lots in Plainville, Gordon county, known as lots oumbers 7 and 8, being part of land, lot number 141, in the 24th district and 3d sec tion of said county, each said town lot fronting 40 leet on the Earle’s ferry rond. and running hack thence north ward 169 feet, as the pro- eityof J. M. Gunn, to sati-t'y one fi fa issued from Gordon Superior Court in favor of J. A Taliaferro, for the use of Boa*, Bar rett & Cos, vs. J. M. Gunn, for the purchase money of said property. — Property pointed out by plaintiff’s at tot ney. Also, at the same time ndl place, will be sold. 50 acres, more or less, off of the north side of lot of land number 246. in the 14th district and 3d sec tion of Gordon cuntv, as the proper, ty of l E Hartlett, to satisfy one Jus tice Court fi fa in favor of 11. F. For. gust>n vs. I E. Bartlett. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Levy made and returned (o me bv W. H Black, L. C. A iso, at (lie same time and place, will be gold, lot of land number 6G, in the 15th district aud 3d section of Gor don county, as the property of J A. Taligi'erro. to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa, in favor of JolinGarreo vs J. A Taliaferro Tenant in possession and notified Levy made by John Gre' ham. former Sheriff. November 2, 1877. VV. G. Taylor. Sheriff. iTXdoWy’ssaloon; Hah v-ad Street Always on hand choice ttc.. and the wan*? of customers . I „.t all times be attended to with prompt u%** *ud g )htufegag. 8-ly THE NEW HOME Mr tie WAS AWARDED THB FIRST PREMIUM! At the Centennial Exhibition, 1876, and haa always carried off the highest honors wherever exhibited. A COMPACT. AT3fPLK. nUBABUL Idtfht Jttunmng’and EFFICIENT “LOCK STITCH” MACHINE. ADAPTED to the WANT* of EVEUYIiODY. The HOME BEWINQ MACH IN E was Perfected eight years since by the aid of the best inventive talent and Mechanical Skill. It combines all the Eaaentinl Parts of a FIRST OLA~' MACHINE, is SIMPLE In CONSTRUCTK BUEEJUIOJI in Strength and Beau contains less Working Partied is Cap? Of DOING a wider range of IFork than 01 Sewing Machines. It will RUN for v without costing ONE CENT for RrrAi In the Manufacture of this MACHINE 1 Very Best Materials are USE The WEARING PARTS are HARDFNEt and the Mechanism has been construct; with the special vfrts of producing . Easy Burmin*, DURABLE, and alnu. NOISELESS MACHINE, adapted KQU/U WELL for Coarse or fine THREAD. CO TON, BILK or LINEN, SEWING from t. J.ightest Muslim to Beaver Cloth ai leather. Such Confidence is fed . in the INTRINSIC MERITS of th Warranted for Five Years. LIVE AGENTS wanted in localities where we are not represented. Send for prices, and samples of work done on the HOME, or call at any of pur offices. Johnson, Clark & Gc , v 30 Union Square, New Yer) 564 Warhington Street, Boeton, Mass. llli Second Are., Pittsburgh, Pa 141 State Street, Chicago, 111. 21 South sth Street, St. Louis, Mo, 17 New Montgomery Bt., San Franciaoo, Oal. At LAD 'A'llak aiiiietitv... " or TUB Murray Hill Publishing Cos. John P. Jewett, manager. PmflMIP DISEASES Cored. I BBS Bl 111 \8 i3 s - New paths marked out to VIII lUi l V Health by that plainesto! all books—Dlain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense, which contains nearly 1,0 U) pages of original matter, as entertaining as a fasciratiiw ■toiy. Health and long life made eaey for tlft learned ami unlearned. Crammed full of brand new Idea*, which arc cheering to the *uk. nd Intensely entertaining to tboxe w ho are lorti.nat* enough to -scape disease. It guards the reader against the pitholes of human suflcrirg, aid points the way of deliverance to those who are already engufphi and. By all means, find out all about it. It f for you. it s author. Dr. 1 B. Foote, of 120 Lexington Avenue, Kr Yore, is consulted by invalids at home at abroad, in person snG by letter, and bits l ad tl experience of rtcarlv * quarter *! • rentur in the treatment of long eianding and difficult dL eases of every character; Lome his ability t write practical tiuths for the invalid reader HI consultations are free to the sick everywhere hence his immense correspondence with*the nick all over the globe, You, header, ale at i.ib krtt to consult the able author c-f Main Ilona*. Talk and Medical Common S> nse. V\ rite to bin and yon will be struck with his Common Pens*. Whatever your malady-, you will receive light which will do you good, by in*.. Mug only a postage stamp, and writing to Dr V. \Ve wish to interest you in both the doct--. nd his im mortal book. The Hook it.-c-f w hich givea satisfaction to all who read it, rn; he had of agents, or of the publishers direct. Main unit lin bi’-ding, $.3.25, id the Englis!; or German language. binding, in Liigliah only, $3,<5. Sent by mail, postage prepaid, on receipt of the price. A lady wrftea the author: “ I have always felt that you were th- i-hvslcian ot the world, from the fact of your womforful sue cess and original id'eu.” One r> tf’rr says “ I have found it to be one ol U e grandee! works of the age.” Another says- I would no* be without it for twice it cost.’’ similar letters reach the author avxry iy, Coatcut* tabU free, IN ?TOIT: also by obltfvlh t.;t. fe.’g bound. $2; in } separate -OiS. at $> and $7.50, according to binding. Sent by m&L an receipt of price. Just Ihe tiling ft-' young o-ople. Cou tents table free. AllPnbllcatlonn, TV* can fnr -111 EVlr nisfl al! ot Dr popular VllflLi Dime Publicatione on fc**aith and kindred topics. “OIJDEYKJ4 MADF NKV\ tells how to reetorethe sight aadgive up cUn witltont the aid of Docto* or M*a'cine. L million have been issued already > r. AND CUHK FOR THK RUPTUHBP” J* a tsllia monograph for those who are afflicted with Lv ture or Hernia. “Physiological Imfrotemea of Humanity,” relates to the subject of tiavtia. people born right. ‘‘Physiological Mabwiaoe" gives the latest researches regarding the laws governing temperamental adaptation. Ac.. Ac. A Stkp Back-.aud, reviewing inecnaidefat* legislation concerning the Prevention of Conception. “ Spermatoiuukka,” or Sem inal Weakness w ith evidence of its curability. “Croup, it* causes, prevention and cure,” inval uable to every mother having ;he care of small children. “Cold Fekt,” causes, prevention and cure. Any one of the foregoing Dime Publications will be sent by mull, postage pre paid, on receipt of ten cents. rNfr Publication*. We will eup pMFl' ply Dr. Footk’s Free Publics- I I ILL tions. “ Gratuitous Advict to ths Sick," abroad as well as at home ; a circular of valne to the sick. “ Evidence* of Dr. Foote's Success : ” a sixty page pamphlet, fits by ntaiL —Bend for them. A ftPllTft 5,000 good Agents II (!■ IM ■ out find enudoy * I O nieHt in '.hu tale or the foregoing publications, and also ,-rreral others pubhshed by ns. Rend all of the above, and send for particulars. Address, for terms, ouiffta, Ac., The Murray Hill Publishing Company, lii9 East 28th Street, Sew York. ■ r Ss / ** # ***# **** rp. ■ *■ I c J w GE iKJth larly lexy, 1 ner* nta j Aire, ound o all OTII roiug r.K to •with i, Bedloni, Alasa. GEORGE PACE & CO. HO. 6 K. 8CH20E822 IT., BAL7H" '2, KB. Patent Portable A' Nutlennr • TjiHbm Kid _ Patent Circular ?■ y Milla. Mnley /■ S. , Vtliu! <rint & Flour M,< \Yt%uS Wheels, Shiner rel A ■tagJ - Woodworking *#.• .ucry, Tanite Emery Wh * Grtndera. Haws, Mill THE CLOTHING HOUSE OF ROME, GEORGIA. ffff AI fi li gjjy( 1A mkA W W 9 8 W S m •* l,i' v f - s *■ - I hare opened what has long been needed in this Section-A FIRST CLASS CLOTHING HOUSE, J. L-.J I VJL -1 JC - * ill J k. A 'k.- a- R* p -* ‘ : ? k4 ? . * ■ 'l' . t ' A f \ My gt'iok comprises suits of all grades for Men, Boys and Children, made in the latest style and best mariner, at prices to compete with any firt ciau Cl tki„ House io this State. I have fu ll lines of samples of French, English and American Cloths, Cassimeres and Suitings, from which I will have suits made to order by the best Merchant Tailor* in New iork. 11Tb GUARANILKD IN E\ ERY C\SE. % • ’ . ‘ £ tit ii ■ ift <* * ■ I have also an elegant stock of ; : •. i. i -l"• * . ; • . ;• *' '. •i • • , ff' ' . • SCate, Sliirtp, Drawers; Hosiery; Suspenders; Scarfs; Hand.ltercliief ß Ties, Trvmtejß and Valises, * '% ■ • •' ' ■ ' •• .A ... ' . - AND EVEEYTHING KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. ~ “ ■ 'V I \ ' -C. •• V , ‘ • ' _ . J. . / •* - ** ** -i - % r ; I male speoiallj of rein lor extra 'are men. Agenta for Keep', celebrated parti, made Shirts, the eery best-Six for six, GW* me a (all, aad t tuit you io anything jou want in my line. My Terius tl l*t- I ,nsll. No diacriminatioo. 37 Broad St„ Borne Ga. (13’40 W. M. CAMWIQN. THE OItDEST HOUSE IN CALHOUN Z istabis e 1 t NEW GOODS NEW GOODS WE are pleased to notify our friends that we arc Uyin in a -aigc e fl > j *r> stock of SoasonalDlo Gkbocls. Those who wish Bargains will give us a call. FOSTER At M V lILAN. I iff i/if \ fma* I o j 1 1 Depot, 104 EEADE STREET, New York. jun 9 ly. Pianos and Organs! DO YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO OR ORGAN OF ANY FIRST CLASS MAKER? Do jou want to buy a Piano or Organ on Installments?— Do yon want to buy Sheet Music, Books, Strings, etc.? Do you want to ex change an old Piano or Organ for anew one ? Do you want to rent a Piano or Organ ? Do you waDt to have your Piano o*' Organ tuned or repaired 7 C. W. LANG WORTHY', HOME, OA, a- ~a. a ONLY MANUFACTURER’S AGENT FOR THE SALE OF S3 © AND OTHER FIRST-CLASS I I liMENTS FOR GEORGIA, AIA BAMA Afil ENNESSEE. W. N\ r . DUNN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. . In stock a good variety of piece goods, such ns extra quality Ossimcrs, Jeans, &c. Alo trimming? of all kinds. \s prepared to cut and make clothing in the latest styles and best manner. A good assortment of Ready-made Clothing han to which I invite the especial at- TiUoii oi the public. nob-3m Send Your Orders to FINE GOODS ! CHEAP GOODS I MRS. T. R. WILLIAMS, HAS THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST Hats, Bonnets, HI o wers, PI u m es, Ties , Pace, Ribbons, &c., TO BE FOUND IN ROME. Call at No. 27 Street, near (he Railroad, and look giock. No trouble to show good*, mg done to oidtr. oc6-lj. CHATTANOOGA CARPET HOUSE C. H. RICHMOND, EXCLUSIVE DEALER IN Carpets, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, WIDOW lUH, | And the line of' Goods Usually Kept in a Carpet Store. |vg* Now on band a seasonable stock,'enibruciuit the latest attr< :iv* and c(L3ui. mam* -iJ* jwwiii nnririrr wi'w>w—ii i KminiMiiiim—n hi 1 ■ iiirh it imi -a - - •++• R. S. Norton & Soil, ROME, GA. ARE NOW DECEIVING A LARGE AND FINE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Hoots, {Shoes, HATS, CLOTHING, cfcc., Which were bought vo y low and will be sold at short profils. LOW EH FT.ICES THAN HERETOFORE IN i OME. To satisfy yourself piesse call and exami e. Bf.p'Jft-I'ui P " ■'■■■' 111 4LLEN & McOSKER SOUD TOD T ®4RE D PLA " ROME, GEORGIA Celebrated Perfected Spectacles. JUST RECEIVING (ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS OF . clocks Aisri> jhwblut EVER DROUGHT TO ROME. Repairing done in all its branches and warranted to give Satisfaction. Give Us a, Gall. ALLEN & McOSKER. oc6 3m. B. SHOISTBNGHfR & Co.’s —THE NEW- I m™w SewiNCWhinE %*<* vV-' I f.wi B mfmM Simplest & Best. - ' Wanted —. ..• |orfi cE No !77 W 4;St m cinicinnati.q. HAWKINS, BUTT l 111., Manufacturers and Dealers in STOVES 1 TINWARE HoaseVarnUhini Goods,& Plumbing, GftS anti Steam Fl ‘ n "K ciulty. Special attention to A>.t * f Guttering, and GaHannad nice Work. No. 35 Broad Street, .ep.-rGm, HOME CIA