Calhoun Saturday times. (Calhoun, GA.) 1877-1878, December 08, 1877, Image 2

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s k > V/;- ®Jtfuwu D. B. FREEMAN. Editor and Prbprietor. Sntuday, December 8, 1877. Capital punishment laa been abolish rd in Italy. ■MMMHHHatt Hie 3tate Graog* meets in August*, the 21th. forty North CaroNaa roan ties now Under the army bill, as it passed the strength of the army is now 25,000 menr . l*‘*VA IkifSl s - A cave has been discovered near Wythetille, Vm, which is said to riral the Mammoth Care of Keotneky in extent and beauty. $' Imi 11 . i3. The widow of Gorernor Brown, of Tennessee, the Postmaster General in Bnehanan’s eabinet, and her daughter, Miss Nareissa Bannders,axpeet to spend the winter in Washington. Union men and eX'Fedetal soldiers at. Chattanooga are eontribnting money to repair the damsge done to the Con. federate monument by unknown ran. dais. ’ Through the prosperity of its tobac co industry Lynchburg, Va., now boasts a population of 17,000, a property rui nation of 16,530,476, and many hand some buildings in what used to be the suburbs. With Rostis in, there will be iu the Senate 39 Repuh'ieans, 37 Democrats, and one Independent (Judge Daris) who will probably set with the Dsmocrsts, and if Conover and Patterson continue to rote with she Democrats they will hare a majority of one. The winter season of Texas usually lasts from the first of December to the middle of February, and its most dis tinguishing feature is the “oorthers,” a periodical wind totally unknown is oth er States. They occur on the arerage twice a week and last a couple of days. They are preceded by a warm, elose, summerish atmosphere, and dur ing their continuance the temperature not un*requently touches 17°. The cold it the sererest imaginable, not steady, as in the North, but of a keen, searching, biting description. The Courier-Journal says; When crer a Southern election rolls out Dem ocratic majorities the agonised Repub lican Bourbons sing out.: (< Behold the fruits of paeiioation I” and go to talk ing about the “suppression of the large Republican majority by rifle clubs.” — What they want is a set of negro State officials ; “a few year* more of good stealing,” especially from the “sacred school fund,” and a general t elapse of the Beuth to abject poverty and deso* lation. Nothing would please these Republican assassins better. An election held in Columbia, 8. C., November 20th, for State Senator and Representative, to fill the vacaociee oc casioned by the recent resignation of Nash and M inert, eolortd Republicans, who were compelled to yield to the pressure on account of the discovery of their rascalities. A aignifieant fact in this election is that one year ago the Republicans polled • vote of 2,000 ma* jority, while to-day there are nottwen ty-five voting the tieket. Both candi dates are Democrats. John H. Kina ler, like s second Cincinimtua, received hia nomination for Benator while foL lowing the plough. John C. Haskell, for Representative, is n prominent law yer and well known throughout the State. Both are elected. Not s single fight or disturbance of any .kind occur ring. In South Carolina sentences have been passed on her ex-ofl&c?al* at fol* lows : Francis L. Cardoia, Ex Treas urer of South Carolina, for conspiracy to defraud the Btate, two ye*ra’ im vrisonmeot in jail and $4,000 fine, and one year’s imprisonment added if the fine be not paid a*, the expiration of two yea-s: Smalls, member of Con. gross, for accepting a bribe of $5,000 vhile a member of the State Senate, three years st hard labor in the State penitentiary; L. Cass Carp nter for merly proprietor of the Columbia Daily Union, fir forgery in raisiig the amount* for publishing laws in bis pa per, two y art* in jail ard a fine of sl. ( 000. Appeals will be mad* in all the cates. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. “Durang’e Rheumatism Remedy,' the great Internal Medicine, will poei. lively ocre an/ case of rheumatism on -he face of tho earth. Prioe $1 a bot tle, aix bottles, $5. Bold by all whole s'le Druggist. Don’t fail to * ;nd for. circular to Helpenstine. A Ben *y, Druggist, Washington, D. C. nov3>Ttp,. , ... r Y: . r-T * *■ LETTER THOR TfeXAft Fort Worth, Txxas, Dec. 4, ’7l* Mr. Editor : Thinking that a tom-, munication from Texas would be of some interest to the readers of your excellent paper, I venture to intrude upon your columns, with a few (Remarks in regard to the fertility, m tcral re sources and advautagee of Wise entity, and of the vast improvements made in it within tbo last ten yearn. This is one of the leading countiea of North west Texas; about two thirds of it is prairie, with a black, sticky soil, va r rytng in depth from one to fifteen feet which for produetfrehesa cannot be excelled by any oilier section in the State, the yield of wheat being from fifteen to fifty bushels per sere; of corn from twenty to thirty bushll# pet acre ; of cotton from one-half to one bale per •ere. The other remaining third is timbered land. The growth is princi pally post oak and blacx Jack, an fine as any found in Western Texas. The soil is sandy, and produce* bountifully.- This eouoty has some fine streams of water. The west fork of the Trinity Sandy and a utimber of other iitream* in various parts of the eouoty affording water during the entireyear. There are also some fine springs reminding one of those* found iu North Gsorgia. This county presents an excellent field for farmeis, end also for stock 1 alters, but the tide of eniigration is driving the stock men farther west with their large herd*, thus bringing it within the farmer’# power to cultivate his farm anti raise sinalfherd* 0$ Cattle without the danger of having them stolen, and with little labor or attention. Land iu this county is cheep. Improved lauds are worth from five te thirty dollars per acre. Unimproved from one fifty to five dollars per acre. This county for health will compare favorably with any section in che State, or anywhere el t, hence it can boast of its robust men and beautiful, healthy women The county has tolerably well con ducted public schools, which arc im proving rapidlv every year. The peo ple are beginning to take a decided interest in education. The moral tone of the people, generally speaking, is good-new chnrches arc being erected in almost every part of the county. Decatur, the eouoty seat, is a town of considerable importance and trade, containing about 2,000 inhabitants, nice churches and good schools, twelve or fifteen lawyers, five or six doctors, and the indispensable little county newspa per. No one can fail to perceive the great change the county has undergone when viewing the broad prairie* dotted with beautiful farms, neat dwellings and usetnl machinery of all kinds, and the timbered lands teeming with a thrifty population, wide 'awake to all the duties and requirements of life. It appears like a work of magie wh*.n we remember that only a few years ago the county was almost a wilderness with countlees herds of vi’d cat le roaming at large over the now cultiva ted prairies, and that its woodlands were filled with the screams of the pan ther and howl* of wolves, with only a few settlers here and there to contend with the merciless Indian, whose fiieud* ish yells often made them tremble for th* safety of thamselves and families. W. E Batxs. The bill repealing the resumption act as amended, we print in full below. It passsd the house of representative* by a vote *f 133 t* 120. A saostitute for the original hill was offered by Mr. Fort, of Illinois, which was agreed to without division. The following is the text of the bill as it passed the house : “A bill to rpeal all that part of the act approved January 14, 1875, know.l a# the resumption act,which authorised the secretary of the treasury to dispose of Uuited Mate* bonds and redeem and cancel tbe greeback currency.” That all that portion of tbe act ap proved January 14, 1875, entitled “Au set to provide for tbo resumption ot specie payments,” which reads as fol lows, to wit: “And whenever and o often as circulating notes shall be issu ed to any bankiog association, so in creasing its eauitai or cireulating notes, or so newly organised as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the secretary of the treasury to redeem tbe legal tender Unit-wi State* notes in excess only of three hundred millions of dollars,to the amount of eighty per teuton of the anm of national bank notes so issued to any -uch banking associations as afnre saiJ, sod t> c utinue such rtdem; isor. as such c.restating uut s arc i**uei tn> tii there snail be outstanding the fiiwn ot three hundred million dollars o' sown legal tender Uuited States notes, uud uo more; and on and after the Ist day ot January, anno donum 1879, the sec rets y of the t easury shall tedeexi iu coin the Uni ed States legal tender notes thus outstanding,on th-ir present ation lor redemption at the office of tbe ssi>taut treHi-urer of the Unite! Mates in the city of New York, in sum* of not less than fitly and dlar- ; and to enable the secretary of the treasury to prepare a<d provide for tbe redemption iu this act authorised or required, he is tu th' riled to use auy surpias levcna from time to time iu the treasury, not otherwise appro' riated, and to iaso*,and tell, and dispose of, st not less than par iu coin, either of the descriptions of bonds of the Uuiud States, described in the act of congress, spprovod July 14, 1870, entitled “an scMo authprixe th* refunding of the national debt/’ with like qualities privileges and dß •mpf.ivn to the extent necessary-to car ry this act into full effect, and *to Ae th# proceed* thereof for the purposes aforesaid, be and the same is hereby re* IS GE TI \ WILt CURE RHEUMATISM. MR A1 BERT OROOKER,~fhe well-know* druggist and apothecary, of Springvale, Me., always advises every one troubled with Rheumatism to try VEGETINE. Read Mis Statements -1 * SfwvnvAta, Ma., Oct., 12, TBT6. Ma. H. R. Sravaaf: # f* Drab 81a,— Fifteen years ago last fall I va **ku sfbk with rheumatism, was uha bl# to stave, until the next April, v From that time until three yafs ago th** fail 1 suffered <very thing with rheumatisou—- Votxbs. Sometimes there would t* weeks at a time that I could not step one step; these at. tack* were quit* often. I Suffered every thing that a man could. Over three yean ago last spring I emenced taking VEG ETINE, *ad foUewed’ it up uptll l had tak*a •even bottles; have h*d ao rheumatism sines that ifihv. t always advise every one that is troubled • ith rheumatism to try Vtgetine, and not suffer far year* a* I hare dour. This statement is gratuitous ae fir as Mr. Stereas i* concerned. Yout-s, etc., ALBERTCROOKER, Firm of A. Crooker & Cos., Druggists and Apothecarier. \" ‘ " ,1 VEGETINE HAS ENTIRELY CURED ME. Bos to* , Oct-, 1870. Ma. If. R. Stbvxns s- Dba* Sie: Mv daughter, after having a severe attack of Whoeplog Cough, was. in a feeble state of health. • BefWg advised by a friend she tried the Vegetine, and af ter using a few bottle# was Cully restore# te health. . t > > f hive been a great sufferer from Rheu matism. 4 . I nave taken several bottles of the Vegetine for this complaint, and am happy to say it la* entirely me. 1 hav* recommended the Vegetine t* othras with the same good results. It is a great cleanser and purifier of the bicod ; it is oleasant to take and I can cheerfully rec ommend it. JAMES MORSE, 364 Athens street. RHEUMATISM is a DISFABE of the Blood. The blood in this disease is found to cen tain an excels of fibrin. Vegetine acts by converting the blood from its diseased con dition to a heal*h circulation. Vegetine reg dates the bowels which is very Impor tant in this eomplnint. One bottle of Veg etine will give relief, but to effect a perma nent cure it must be taken regularly, and may take several bottles, especially in cases of long Handing. Vegetine is sold by. all Irugftists. Try it. and your verdict will be the same as that of thousands before you. who say, “I neyer found so much re lief as from the use of Vegetine,” which is composed exclusively of Barka, Roots and ITtrba. “Vegetine,” says a Boston physician, “has no equal as a blood purifier. Hearing of its many woaderful cures, after all other remedies had failed, I visited the laborato ry and convinced myself of its genuine merit. It is prepared' from barks, roois and herbs, each of which is highly effect ive, and they are compounded in such a manner as to produce astonishing results.” VEGETINE. NOTHING EQUAL TO IT. BorTH Salrm, MaTjs., Nov. 14/TS7&. Mb. H. R. St*akss ;; I)r a a Sib : I bare. been troubled with Scrofula, Cancer and’Liver Complaint for three years ; nothing ever did me any good until I commenced using the Vegetine. 1 am now getting along ’ first-rate, and still using the‘Vegetine. I consider there if nothing equal tc it for such complaints. Can heartily recommend it to everybody. Yours truly, MRS. LIZZIE M. PACKARD, No. 16 Lagrange street, South Salem, Mass t ' VEGETIJTE Prepared by U. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mats. VEGETINE IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. BovlO’ly. ■' — 1 W. W. I>UJ STS*..-, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. . •, . i la stock a good variety of piece goods, ■ueh as extra quality Crssimers, Jeans, &e. Al-o trimmings of all kinds. \* prepared te eut and make clothing in th* latest styles abd best manner. A godd assortment of } Ready-made Clothing on hand to whu:h ; I invite the especial at en tion the ef public. ae3-3m. FINE • COS 1 CHEAP SOOSS I /. j ♦ J■ 0 t . ; MRS. T. B. HllilAMS, HAS THE FINEST AND OHKAPEST Hatn, Bonnets, Flowers , Flumes , lies, Lore*: Ribbons , *£c.> BI rou ND IN ROME. Call at !*©. 27 ad Street, near the Railroad, and look #r stock. 'No'trouble to show goods igad#a# t# order. *'e6-ljr'.. b -THE NEW— • Sewihc Machine ; m nrm 'V>\ rZ„ <. ' Simplest & Best w LVA.vrso--.- ~ No 177 vV 4:8- CINCINNATi.C % ————————————— THE CiLOTHINta HOUSE OF ROME, ;FX>ROU~ .Y"; Y*.,- r ‘ r - •'* * *. . Ji I ! I have opened what has long been Reeled in this Section—A FIRST CLASS CLOTHING HOUSE, lyPtSi: “ * *-• mi&k- *Ssm &'*&*&** -Y-'" r Y ■' Y*Y ‘ . r r ' k '!if T l 4•' Hy’itoek compriaea iuita kfiail grades for Men, B*ys And OkiWrW, tea 6e ie the late*t style and best manner, at prices to compel# with soy first class Clotk House in this State. I have futll lines of samples of French, English and Amarican Cloths, Casaimerea and Suitings, from which I will >V ~ have suits made to order by the best Merchant Tailors in New York. FITS GUA RANTEED IN EVERTUXSE. •. , , ... —f 4MM. rf - J i-- ‘f, *. -v . ■'x- - * i , . .■ r ■ - , I have also an elegant stock of TTAAt*f. siilrt#, X>r#iwor¥*i BCosieryi ttuspendersp Soarfsp Ti, Trunks and Vall*ro, > iji A, .‘VY'V- . *•- ? AkD everything krpt in a first-class house. I make a specialty of scuts lor extra lare men. .Agents for Keep’s celebrated partly made Shirts, the very best—*Six for six dollars. Give me a **ll, an 1 ' ‘ rait you in anything you want in my line. TSfcy Terms are Cttsll. No discrimination.-, • 1 *>i ' ; f.J * - ■ . i ..}, *• 97 ftoine Ga. (013’4t) W. M. CAWIWION. , ' ... THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE The People’s Favorite, THE LARGEST SALES BECAUSE THE MOST POPULAR The Most Popular Because the Best. ’ VERDICT OE THE LADIES. THE stubborn fact shown by the o*fioial returns, tl\at the Singer §ewiq£ Machine the only one whiose sales have largely and steadily increased eveiy year, uninterrupt edly that last year the sales more than doubled those of the neif 'highest competitor, and nearly equalled the sales of all the other companies combined, demonstrates beyond all ccntroversy that * . i v • * v-• ‘ THE SINGER SEWING M 4CHINE is the most popular, beoause, in the estimation of the ladies of the Cotffit superio to any other ma ufactqred. The following returns of. sates, sworn to by company tells the story ; / Sales in 1871. 18711573. 1874. , 1875. By the Sieger.;-.....131,260 219,753. 232,44. 241,679 249,852 Wheeler & Wilson. 128,526 174,088 119,190 9iß2jf, ; 103,740 Howg (Jan. I. to July 1)......34,010 145,00 QNo returns 35,000 * 25,0^> Remington ~.Y.’....25,110 Domestic 10,397 49,555 • 40,114 22*700 21,452 Sales frr 1876, Machines. Still Increasing. All Competition Distanced. Send yottr address for a catalogue of the celebrated BAZAAR GLOV'E : FITTING'PAT' TERNS. They are the best, thi cheapest in i most stylish patterns in ihe inavkit. 0jj&~ The Company are not and wiil not be responsible any private debis ! of its agents, sneh as board, stable or livery bills, &c. • •. . . ’ • Address , . . f V . W. LE6M#lip,er - The Singer MannfactnringCo. [ .b.<rk**haw, ) Cor.Bgoqd and Ala. St. -Atlanta,- Gs. : W. H. IORRENC^ mays* * - anvassing Agent for Gordon County. T “ • *■’ , ; " t Vjf i fvor■%•■■■ 1 liaSllLT.nV'feiliiSShili? Hfe-i Ft V r q v v- i i Depot, wriffili!; ir,;Uew Yfltk. ■ • 4 • jun 9 ly. ASK TOUR GROCER FOR IT! Pianos and Organs! W• t' ' ■ • ~•'/ ' ' j f |f s A . . * ' . * - DO YOU WANT tobuy a piano or. organ of.ANY FIRST CLASS MAKER ? Do y<iu want to buy a Piano or Organ on Installments T— r. Do you want to buy Sheet Music, Books, Strings, etc. ? Do von want* to ex- ' change an o and Piano or Organ for anew one*? Do you want to rent a Piano or Organ ? Do you want to have your Piano 0* Organ tuned or repaired ? Send Your Orders to C. W. LANGWORTHY, V HOME, GrA., >5 rr* -'j •’ ONLY MANOI'ACTUREft’SAOtiNT ► , *’,,*■** > * : r .: SALE OF > * A ‘' ‘. ' \ e * 1 * AKS tthlß r:rtl;tlASS INSTRUMENTS FDR IEORRIA, A, RAMA ANS TENNESSEE. gBMBI* saftg •• • * CHATTANOOGA CARPET HOUSE. * ■ *TJ ? ' ' . 0 *’ I C. H. RICHMOND, . EXCLUSIVE DEALER IN Carpets, | OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS. WINDOW SHADES, And the line of Goods Usually Kept in a Carpet Store. I - Now on hand a seasonable stock, embracing the latest attractive design* I 6.3 in. R. S. Norton & Son, */*. , ? . ROME, (IA. ARE NOW RECEIVING A LARGE AND FINE STqUK OF Dry Goods, Hoots, Shoes, XT ATS, OLOTUINC3-, ctoo., Which were bought re -y low ami will be ' sld at short profits. LOWER PRICES* THAN HERETOFORE IN OME. To satisfy yourself pie sc call and exam * aepl>9-2to. * .*% * • . - • ml ■ DEALERS IN It. WATCHES, CLOCKS. * JRAVELRY. , ij ihnM 4 b *‘Aw. n JMPaAlli C l C *tV J w W ‘ TC> V • • A SOLID SILVER AND PLA TED WARE, ' No ' 45 BROAD STREET, a•• Agnfs far "Warranted a* Represented! ' Celebrated Perfected Spectaclei. ■ JUST RECEIVING ONE OF THE LARGEST §TOCR§p? CLOCKS AN’S JBWBIIjIIX .... EVER BROCUHT TO HOME. ' • ; V vv Repairing done in all its branches and warranted to r ir* , vt Satisfaction. Cirive TTm a Call. e 6 3n ALLEN & McOSKER. Mslo. SAVED! Buy the IMPROVED * ■pngpiii -"‘Vll BIIHBi Sewing Machine* Kgll Ji m&wXM Wltis so timpie in construction and run* so Wfl SaMk HU easily that a child can operate it. W |9 ** sA Mm MUM It has ihc straight, sefsetting needle, our itn " * /f Ivnl proved ihu“le, with a perfect ten-ion, which does not || fJ ifl wil change ns the bobbin become exhausted. 13 H II [M Air All the wtdinn points ere adjustable, and U Ull U W P combines erery desirable improvement. HI m V ■■ Air- Krery Machine is scut out ready for use, after W\Jf H being thoroughly tested. ... - ■Hr Notwltli.tattdin! the GItEAT JIEDI C TIOX SiSmim S BHI IX PltlClX we continue to use the best matertar and exercise the greatest car# in their mannfaetmre. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., ***• BMMk Mm. SSI Well JUUm CUmu, SL riXJTOTAL OfflM *i KmifartwlM, ICUMcwt, 9u.; b. HtiOisnNci.i:if & Co.’s