Calhoun times. (Calhoun, a.) 1876-1876, February 02, 1876, Image 2

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CALHOUN TIMES l. fl. FREEMAN, Edit tr Laws Relating (o Newspaper Subscrip tions and Armu ngeft. 1- s>i 'm-rib-e* who do not give „oli.' to fit ■ contrary, urn cd -wishing to con tinue their subscription. —■ ft subscribers order the d-, continuance fit th u % p:mmhcal*., thepublishers may continue to noid them until all an ■ a rupee arc paid. <>. If subarribera neglect or ref nee to take their periodicals from the oilic-e to which then arc di rected , th >/ arc hr/d responsible until they hare '■ ited ih’ ir bdl ■ niul ordered (loan discoid in— ■•net. 4 If subscribes more t<> other plnc-t without notifying publisher*, aad the paper* are aoi) f t the former direction, they are held re* >onxi htr. 4. The Courts hue decided that “ refusing to lake, periodical' front the offer, or removing e A tearing them uncalled for, is prima facie /videlice of intend,anil fraud.” fi. Any person who receives a newspaper and •make* u*c oj it. wh-thcr he. ha* ordered il or not, is held m tmr to he a subscriber, i If subscribers pay i,i, they arc bound to give no!we la the publisher, at the end of tloar ttme, athy do not, wish to continue talc in i d,* otherwise, the publisher is authorized to s aid it on, and the subscribers will he respon sible until an express notice, with pay mint. of ait arrearages, is s'-til to the yuhil-h r. PfflM,VMwr ai i'ruL , iL jrei'HMUi lujizi; Mr****%ar jmmnmm ~ mnnni if WEDNESDAY, <1 ANTAL Y *2O, 1-.7G. 'I iIK (J,invention bill r, oßetl the L ue i :-t Saturday with a .-urn Mhcntr; iy Mr Lawton, (ho first requiring flic Govern or to,order an election of del ogal-*\s on the first Wednesday in January 1877, to a ‘convention to be held on the sec ond Wednesday in March of that year The second amendment strikes out section 5. The vote on the passage of the bill as amended was yeas 117. nays 27 Y Spaeth <>4 fiii*. * I‘Kon. Hon. \V. 1.1. I’-dton delivered the following speech in Congress on the 21st io. t., iu opposition to ‘he appropriation of k i MQOJFIC to .the Centenqbl exhi bi ion : Mr. (oi./uw-mn, 1 have but a few •minutes to speak on this subject, and T desire first ( > say as a Southern man 1 too npp,>.- and t) tliis bill, but 1 arn not influenced by any vole this house has given upon the question of amnesty,' — if this house has seen proper to perpet uafe a wron g that is no reason why l should vote against my convictions My opposition to tins bill is not opposition to l>e centennial exposition; for that ox bibb in I wish success I trust it .will be tiU menus f rending to the .ends (ho story of American genius and the triumphs of American industry.—‘ More particularly, I desire it may he the moan's of fraternizing the too long estranged sections of our co union coun try. But when Europe and all the world ass -uiblo in Plfil idolphia, 1 want them to learn lessons which will bo valu iblo in all after Ufa. The gentleman ftotn Maine, [Mr. I’rye.] on yesterday stated that we had challenged the world to come and com pete with us in our material industries. That is right. When they come, if tiny loam that we make the beJ mow-* -cr and reaper, that we manufacture the best sewing ma* bines, that we turn out the best, plow, that we can exhibit the best specimens of manufactured iron, that we have the iidlest and most in exhaustable resources in the world, mineral, agricultural, and commercial when they learn all this, as they will, ihey will learn that which is valuable to themselves and to us. But, sir as they'study and profit by these lessons, I want them to learn an other great truth, namely, that hare is the best government the world ever saw. When Europe, Japan and China, and other nations, gather next summer in the birthplace of American freedom, we must teach them this lesson. 1 think it is one of the grand missions of Ihe centennial year to teach this grand lesson to all European and Asiatic monarchies and despotisms. They hove been reared up to believe that it is im possible to carry on any valuable enter prise without the intervention of the government. They have been instruct ed sir, if o'; the government, must fur nish the money for every interest, in which the concerned, or which is of interest to the people. In old Home if a gladiatorial show w s de manded as a Homan holiday, the gov ernment arranged the programme and footed the lulls. In Spain, if a bull fight is required i’>r Spanish reel cation, the government is th • principal stock holder in the enterprise. The re-, t- fit of all this is the exaltali >n of the government, and the political deg.radas tion of the people. Mow, when they come to i’h’l'd doUia. to utteod this in ternati mil exhibition, this centennial v port i>f p.ii; oil freedom, let them li vn .hot h re government, is dwarfed. ■:i'i i iho p." pi • "are all in nil ; ’ that the hit diiuetiee, the woo! h, the inuudfrics, jiSl th .* m :'rial and iutOVictu:.! glory of the uatbrn is dop -itcd with, the people. In my ju lg. men*, if you pass thw bill, if you associate the government eu i irG this ontevpriso, maSTn... it the priu opal st lokhnluor, y.>a wilt >-v --nfiee ‘.he only distinctive bad go which gives it pnm iueijce and significance as the centennial exhibition of a ropebli'. can government. \mi subordinate the people and th ir i i-LvidtiM w.; hb I . Ihe we .bn of the fed ill govern:i: nt. fou .exhibit to all Eun pe tendencies to' tlu- fa tie eenlralisiu under with h (lioy have been trained and by wlitcli they bav,: been ciudi.J. \ am opposed to this appropri-.t'iou because it i- in direct cunlliet with tlm previous action of th* h u-c. t o ■>! the first acts of this b- '?-* , was to ; iss a resobitii n di-ela’ditg urnv;-' 11 , in the present financial condition oY the coun try. to . to anv aj'ipr pri its m* of iu<m c-y or lands or bmids in aid ot arty pri - v ito enterpv: \ Was that vof a.f -r child and play 'I \Y s it in'end .1 as a plentmt fraud upon tho taxpayers of the country if Or was it given with a mental' r<**rvtiotj in favor ot this me .sure or Ii io the Uuancia! condition of the e- ua tj'y po far'improved since that nun* as t/i a**l o"Z' a line- ;1 <l;-n*.. tu.‘o from its i provisions ? We gave that vote in good : faith, and the country received it as a ! Most auspicious opening of the forty j fourth congress. That, vote was a com ! tract between the r pres* ntative in the house and their ennstitutents ratified bv universal approval Shall we break that contract to day ( [| vi dated lii one part, it is violated in ail its parts, and you open tho doors ot th<* house to every scheme which seeks partner.- In w th th national treasury This is a private enterpris . man ig-. and and controlled bv private c< ro-natiotis in the interest of individual stockholders ••nd iu uiy judgment we have no coasti j tutional light, to Vwte tie: public funds f it* such a purpose. lam no lawyer. I but the gentleman Irom I'enepylvania, [M r.'Ooc’h ane.] and the gent leman from Virginia [Mr. Tucke .] vasteniay absolutely exhausted the argument de inonslrating the emi.-tituti,-xav rln bill. I was amazed, sir. and in e ! > I the line taken by the gentlem t fr m Maine,[Mr. Frye..]Th it gentleman -i-ee ed ty sneer at allusions made to the e n stitution. It was to him a.m ot r t amusement that there s!i tihi 1, * r< f r ence to that sacred ins'ru nent < f the government, fie asserted that if was n cover under which every dch.-ati and was was in the habit- of taking shelter, i know sir that it Isas been the custom in this house to sneer at th ■ ceie-tituti m as something obsolete. But. sir, let mo tell the gentleman that, while it lias lain there ITeIePS, b!ca h and like the dry bones of Ezekiel, the people of this country have once more breathed upon those bones,.and it will not bo long sir until you see bones coming to bones un ti! you s>e sinew and flesh and skin, auu principles of that old constitution shad stand up a living army, to do battle onee more for liuman frood >m. [ Ap pluuse ] 1 liis money is not inti n led to develop any of the reso'.r es of tV.e country ; >s not intended for protecti >n or for i.gli>.*f Ihe financial stringency n„w li-it throughout the country is unparalleled in its history ; manufacturing: establish ments are suspended ; merchants are failing; agriculture is unprofitable ; and general bankruptcy threatens the land In tho ;uid-t of this mrv, -sal distress yon are asked to v •!•> a u.i-d and a hall’ of 'he t .:-:pav : s , , a mere exhihiii m Bat \rc are fold the eh u ; nation is : :v ! v, |. an J the rc- iibli.c i- to b . i success of ihu i, •• .■ - , >• Sir, 1 !rust we a e ia - be affected by - mb- . M,ons if our ; >i- ---k i-.i ry of’this ii,i* i a •; -, .5 ■. f the pe: pie in its :.<i I-;,;: - 1 . tutional principles, and m the in' -In gcnce, morality, uiac-cinl pi ,r ■ of its citizens. —<- r—- MuRDHII lx Cl-tA TT<)(:,-,A TilC’ Home Gouimereial s-.vs . -\V ■ 1 -.•.rm.-d yest'n’day of partis :V--m Uhatt- county, that Vo. Jdi - m ia*t Friday night, about twelve o'cl ick ut red Ili • house of a negro min dvii g n f iar from Price's Imil-r. v . f.-vv w<ud> pass-d between tln-m. nd tile ne. : i. went out in the y :d to procure a mirk t-id ’ive Johns-ri out of Ids lums Johnson hid a gun lomi and with buck shot, and as the negro .;ppr >c:h i, rh*.t both barrels into him. killing him hi stautiy. John <>n esciped file u*-.r was burieo Sun lav aftern- >u maevvH:.vevents. JMRS. WARFIELD’S NEW BOOKS New Books - - i '*' jr °- The Household o: Boaver.e." Monfort Hall. Miriam’s M. mo.vs Ssa and Shore The Household of Bouveri*. Hester Howard’s Temptation. A Double Wedding. The above Sit. M .-**’ Books nr*' ' by the popular Sour- rn .-m ihovess. Mrs. Uiitlinrine A. Vv'avfiehh t'em -'-vly oi Aiix-i. sipi>i,but now of iiimiaville Ky , mi‘author tilt* woi f!-wide not* ,1 work "i h ' floee*-* hold of Ilouverio,” wh eh is on; *.f t c. b • 1 j ,1 i -1 • -\l: m’a. 1. ! cd.TUe above si v *'Oi ks av • • f :i and .r* •r * large du i 'cinio volmn ', bond in mor. ec * Cloth, full gilt b.;ck :•! 1, price 81.7 > eacii, or 81 ‘.50 f.-r a complete s-4 of six volumei, put up In a neat an 1 irong box Above Boohs are for sale. Ig all Hook S’Tiers, or copies of <ith r one or more of the above llogks. or a carapCC set. of ihenl ir and! In sent at once to any one, to any place, pos’bg- Pre-paid , or free of /-eight, on rend "ing. th-ir price .in a letter to the Publishers I T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 800 Clies*nut Street. Phil-. b.-lp A No More Onion, YW w; PTeeflecl l i'h P VSO O’HDN -'rIFPS S:!’• '■ -Y | where in tho Gulf Stnt:s in i 'n r..-:-y, w 11 Mature fine Onions in July. Ta ’ 1 ee -a and sweet -t Oahui g.- wn. P -. et, 25 cents. 50 cn: - ’ •"* ' 1 " 4 ; imV .Slfi : F2OO poimd r, •' bog;. ; i , A pi- , ' *‘r * . : . . GcOfgia,;!- •• , j n/TIBBKAd. 5, v : 11 i.'tr.-itor ■ T ■> 1 . i -l' • - h I folly atltni' t Juan . ’■ *• I This is, t', (•> e’le ail in-i-you *'.-•> I cerne-L l:iiv• rad -u! ev ’' ' u U-.*w we, i f any the- cca >.*"> • • 1 .-. bn bps frnfov s/so s .1 no? be di *-b.;t-;r -1 f-'-nn '-'if j infiisin:-’!rat ion rn-1 v-•• ■iv • b of di< missi**u on (he tirsf Monday in M sy nett. l-'ebi nary Ist. VSTd. i). ’ !.KI., A*- llnwrv. f b'2-Jm. Cnorgist, U irdoii County. ONJ month s.ftor date nymlieotion will bo n; i“ l ,r < - the th art of OrMnnrv of Go-, and -i countv. C>- .argi'a. at tho first r • ; to’ after’iio ex -irntion o" <‘ 1• ’ from -1 ns no'ic for 1 siveto poll the lord- 1 ; i0 rto the estate of \rtev G-'oi-or**, 1 art' A.d county, deceased, for the Vmru-fii of 1i the hi'ir,and creditors of sn ! d d-* '..0-d.- - j This Febmarv I. IS7fi. A T.. \v it)t>, l sb2-30i] Administrator of ArUr George. Gordon, Sheri])’* Soles, , B.L bo sold before the Court House j n dope ni t c town of Calhoun, Gordon county, fin., between tue usual h -urs of ! s tie, ou the first iuesday in starch next, the ! following property, to-wit : Un acres of land being in the southwest of lot No. 08, in. the Ota district and -idsec 1 1 oil;oi uordou county, ns the property of •J. It. Long, to s illy a tax fi lit m favor of ; J. J. Non 011, Tax Collector, vs. John R bong. i'd i** levi and and i luaie-J tu dk- Perry Loyd. L G Also, at tne same time an t place, will be solo, the east half of lot ol land No. 2dl, in the 2-lth (list ->d section ol f.ordon county , contain mg Ol acres, more or less. | it: ' the pro city of ... il Gaddis io sat,sty ! one ,1 aX li ta in'i.ivo*- off J. Norton fax | Uoiivctor vs. L. H. G’nddis. *■’l fa Iwvied , an, i returned tome b Perry G. Loyed L. 0. Also at iuc game time aim place iviil be soi 150 acres off of lot of land do Go. au i t o acres off of tlie sout.. aid o* or oti.-- iiall ot naciioiial iot ol land No. ~i . be : 1 g lii** somii sid*' of said i.u-t m utioii' -i bo, h 'tu pans ot l i i> ujj, > ■ * ... a sir. ~ ani , ... •~j . ' v -.i , .-.110-.y . ;ap ! ,oY ou, li la iSsU-.i i . illl vor in ;1 Dor , pl'it ; now controlled by J. J. n k 1 a —ign, , and again t W 4 am aii iii ti iu. Piop‘*ry pointed out •'y f ti * r. - : * 4 ■ ill. lin .1 ackiOii now u po-.-e .-<.* ;u and ‘Scribed iaud. Ai-o .111,1 **;>;;,- .H-f p;.,*j wdl be sold nr file .own of Galhoun between 'he le gal hour- <>i sale, on t e hist T-u s ,ay in- March next the loißr'i ing properly to wit ♦— i Arte buggy aslliepr j,,-rt v ot R - 1. Ncsbett, •r . -; i- .. i iV-mi 6’^dou ,-rio ;■ Court in la vor of J E. Parrott, vs a. S sbett, Maker and i. f,. Ne&bett - security. Property pointed out by pi'll'. .J. | E. Parrott. Also >• t th ■ same time and place will be | sold lot of laud No. 255 and <3O acres of lot ot land No. 2-st>; b■ l ag the South half oi said lot, ..11 of said lauds lying in the (ith lbstv-el and *1 g< < on i.-i Gi idf n *-ountv. Bi. . 1 lev and upon a* tip} pTlOp it'. Ot j Morgu < Alo in y o -mlist ■ a Superior Gouit ft ta issu 'd ni favo. of Mrs. Kn.ncis Starks |vs Morgm Mam n . Properly pointed out jby plaint.ff jut >-,8 , siieuiff's sale. IVhi be sol llt dore tin* Cmi House door in tlie (own of (‘.illiouri. be tween th** legal u-iur • •:< : .tie *-ti t■; irst Til.'- --lay in J/a.rch next : *’]nw ug prop rty to wit : Lots of land Nos. 1 12, 12,*, Pit), 89. a-nd 100 in ‘he j i sth dDt, icf an*| Brd section, and 167 in the i 24th district and Brd section of Gordon county, as the *'‘ r ctK*rly of M. M. Anderson ito satisfy one execution is."’ 1- 1 from Gor ! don Superior court in favor of Joseph If owe fur rV - or- ,f tv, , (I. \foi ri and 11. 11. A"b J/. .if. An t'd 'a L-\ie 1 r 'i tr. • : ! e will be id • t laud ■ ”' aion C O' .... ' f i f h sin i m ii i f lor if 1 - V ) -,• , ; and , a-. 11: , i;; ... . , Go; dun id \. Kirby vs I. S. : : . . •n . . R. b. av rs oi t an i **?. •• .mn i> v. m- . i iy Oil f-ii.y, L. N M,,iii. ii p, -ion an i notified, i nis February Ist 1876 I, E BAPTLETT, Sheriff'. Notie j to Contractors. U l dL !* 1 : t,i *!i- F,w -st id'! r on the fir.-. •! v ;ij irs ■ n xt. t o cor tract 'ur ba l.b e a I*i-t l£ acro>r P ir- Log' c‘*.r,. n av - : . A. I*.ilia lomiii g Ti.* con Mm* tor w.h b. r< ipiii-s,: to g v ■ a good and sufficient bond to !•; -op a. i in r* > Jr i lor liv* years. THO . A. FOSTER. * h’l'l: P end 01. G i Ci>mm:-s.i-u-u s Id 2 !m. it Mi j! -m I) Y I Did. l; M.. J - "' i i ; ‘; - .• 1 - c ’ j while indiv’eflial i xtivvag-ue *.**> i> vi 1 greativ Hie call c, indiVniu.. 1 solu iny m ii'.sp, .: ab 1. to t u t ‘inov. f .. tin a.::-. ■ ; r . L-. plain w■ • o until our .n- ,'i.i ■. . . . i.. . sio . y ■• ly ... *V.. V; tl *• - s VI m: oei.di. -t<l'lie t.^i -.- i r-d d-d -• Id ’ ~ . 2. ..-l :* . . v * -d • o ■ . ;' ■ :■ ’ii-- .. ;i■ sificano. i-,. s- vey t: ■ o l-ii'ii s'!-', - - :-.. i:. ont.ii y ally \ :bit. i, n* ; >n eii -a:. I mad :tr ' by . - v ■ li u or ii s at a. -o _ 8t GKOJJMA, (lor.oti County: 3> El 7>E.\ l.i t.OD tins apptud to im I'oi It x .npiion of pirson-lty and -tt > , ’ v -1 : > ad, i; wdl ■ "p nih . 'rn s* U* ■ 'cluck 31 i'll .. t i <i 1' b'i ii i: U-- X i at , in Gil '• mi. Tor- . unary id- . ! ‘. NRE' , Ordinaiy i ' • : ;v GEOIAEAjG i (> Cos !ify : M - , p . ] , 'I v >n of ’ • • it o • -n . " ; |. •s : : r ?* - -I. !•% ijll^F.EY, j < | V : : .d u ..w , ■ S'- '?r. W SV'- . - ' - ' ..- 1 - ~ ■ '• ■ h .• ', • n - . ' o roor North / c* Foster ly him a c .ii. ’ s G oig a, fior^ u . j) E " itl ! 11P. Tvv<ttttx rn? r. j 4 • and <"t far ex* f perso-vihy :iH '' itim. .j-art and , Gnatt.,?! of home, mead nl l will pas? upor- tV ■ samo :>t ten i o'clock vj on tlm 3d of February Fwd at mv offic? in Oalhotm This Jan . H.-irv 24. 18701 p. V. NEEL. Or !‘v. Vm 2fo2w. I * I j; TJtsi^w V-/a1 :i ! * ]• ' Jew 'lcr. \ CAJ TIOI'N. f e b All :|J ! VV - ‘ i (ii. IV. UKIdS & Cl)., Would again call the attention of the public to the fact that they still have on hand a good stock of One and Tiro Horse Way on*, Sprint/ fi ayons, JUuyyies „ etc, •• r also have o i lian i a large wimem- of our IM A -elsior Plows, ou - V- cvin.ral line. -[ ; 'ie.; . ia,i lut ’■ of SADBL3EY AUD HAiINESS all of which iv u wiii * si I very cheap lot cash. Call and price our'goods before pur ctuisaig i'i .ewtici'e. J. A. OR VY A. J. MIDDLETON. lill.lV & lillMi’lb, I ietail Gr j tears, COURT BOUSE STREET. Keep constantly on hand a well assorted stock of jjn* Groceries, such as SUGAR. COFFEE. SYRUP, RICE, TOBACCO, PAINTS, OILS, &C --> b : yli wo will sell for cash at prtocs which iti v ly can not be beaten in this market. ‘ 1 ri- r inducements offered farmers who •> uu-ehase yearly supplies, test market prices will ha paid in nd-* of country prod",‘c. : friends and the public gener al:; : give us a call, GRAY & MIDDLETON. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR A, £& rail 4* ga BH rv’nttg? p <3 OOraSU 111 r ■ 10 i which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as lias been proved by tlie hundreds of testimonials received by (he proprietors. It is aehnowi edged by many prominent' physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced tor the relief and cure of all Lungconndaints, and is oh bred to the pubic, sanctioned bvthe cxuericneo fc/ A of over forty years, Afhen resorted to in sea -on it sel dom fails to clTcct a speedy cure in the most fevor cases of (loughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Afhooping C r ough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, Be. AS inter'; Balsam does not dry up 1 Cough, and leave the can behind, as is t: a.s-ev, ill most preparation , but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation thus removing* the cause of the complaint. PREPAItUD 3Y SETH W. FOWLE & BOIS, Boston, 1 au And sold by Druggists and Dealers gen .-rally . f""f-A- v 1B) I j o-74 1 l ■' - J C■iOv >* ~ *■ p } ~ • 4 . * -c yws,-,-. ET/> A/!.><•%/• * -t .. , . -■-.< j , Vri’s, Soreness, a O . i -nr -, Spn&rc, 1 , : ■ -5, V. Oil Tib ■ $ ! £">'-* I 6 '• -■ ?• • ,•: . jj.- f fS Z ‘ ' l • r— & * f v g t . ' - . . .... • ft- f 5 jgtrl p ’ -V and f S ‘ A f 1 i i i n . FIEr 1). QI7I?r\C!FLOWER, GARDENO ij L UOTIIEE,HEDGE,&e H e offer our usual large and o mpietc as ?o intent, emhrttCMig the most desirable va riel and of best quality, an 1 mail price Ist to any ad Ires* on receipt of stamp, and -ds of all kinds by ncket, obnee, •> m*. t'.d quart, can be sent by mail to any post c.Hio* i tli ' r nited States. I EDWARD J. EVANS & €O., Ait cr/ i ii and Serdamni. Jar.- 3m, . York, Ta. 1 JOHN S. REESE & CO., GENERAL AGENTS, BALTIMORE, MD. ADAIR & BROTHERS, A TLANTA, GEORGIA. Sole Agents of JVOJU2H and DFIDDLE GEORGIA, SOUTH ALABAMA and 1 EXEsSEE, foe the Pacific fiuaao Company, 2L£LXji $1,000,000 s % JUST II Mr LIVED 1,000 lons Soluble Pacific (iuano. 100 tons \cid Phosphate, for toiiipo ling. ,(mo old stock m mm,) We are now prepared to furnish deal >vs and planters in any quantity desired o' the above high grad*' and popular Fertilizers, which are fresh and inline con ition, and the analysis recently made, of the new stock, show about 15 per cent., available Phosphoric Acid. 3 I—4 per cent. Ammonia, and nearly 2 per cent., of FO TASTE Sold on time, as usual, at low price, with he option to the planter to pay in Cotton first of Novembet, at 15 cents per pound. Call on, or send to us for circulars and analysis Respectfully, FOSTER & HARLAN, Agents, fallioim, Ga. FERTILIZERS ! BALE’S GUANO, Price SSO per Ton. BALE’S CHEMICAL, Price S6O per Ton. COTTON OPTION AT 15 CENTS. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH. Rome, Georgia, January 12, 1876. rjIIIE undersigned manufacturer of above brands of Fertilizers, would state that he has been manufacturing Fertilizers here two years, and that Ills Fertilizer! have given gen eral satisfaction. His Fertilizers have been inspected and are now ready for sale, Fertilizers shipped by the Boats cheap. Orders solicited. . jsnl? 2m. ,T. /\. BALE, Romo, Go,. Sii jp| MACHETES. V fet f£o liberal .terms of Ex v^y'.| 9/ char gefc-r Second-hand , Machines ci every des cription. “DOMESTIC” PAPER FASHIONS. The Bast Patterns made. Send Sets, for Catalogue. Address DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO. ! Agents Wanted. ‘ = S)3l UEW TOKK. Alr\ A I) *Y at home. Agents wanted. | / Outfit, and terms free TRUE & CO., i I ’el.-J Augusta. Maine. A kTONlgll IN id : “ Yet forty day*, end Y ■ rah eh U be over throw Future events j i aph ;id by rub: s in Beimer’K Prop)'? a tie ILtok, • •••■ tunes for el old in n: in . idoiy e, uv’*" s > for the next t wenty \ > nr- ; C; :. fm sir- iudg and Iby vhe past. yars to muk- motiey • on yog i.v . hogs, corn nro\ i- : on,-, cotton, ' and ■ w will have the next 1 attic, what year ; times will end and business r ; vive u Every tarmer, manufacturer legitimate trader and speculator should ; have 'his book to ku.,v the future, so as to : 1 avoid loss and be -uee -s-fut. Suit to any , 1 name, postpaid, for SI Address Samuel j llenner, Bainbridge, Boss county, Ohio. rTiTTbtu BM ifv. ? %t-.Y 'rA aasM is A** rej m a auaselwU Wet kly Magazine. in.vo Li) to Poptilttif t- clj attire, tuitl si! of i " Taste aad Culture. AiTLirrox's Journal appears in an w < type and w'th other mechanical impruve- I meets making it the handsomest weekly I literary Journal in the country. Apple ton’s J 'UHNaI aims to be comprehensive, i including in i.s plan all branches ot litcra ture. and treat ng all subjects of interest to intelligent readers ; if designs to tie elevated in taste and pure in tone; it gives in (plan tit\ fully twenty-five per cent, more than the largest of the Monthly Magazin-s, white in quality its literature is ol the highest elf SB. Price, $d per Annum; 10 cents per Number. The undersigned have procured, exolu sively for subscribers to Appleton s Jour ! nal, a splendid steel engraving of ‘•CHARLES DICKENS IN HIS STUDY.’’ j which is offered, under special terms, to ev I c i*v subscriber ——iu advance —to Journal for 1870. .... This steel engraving is in line and s-ipple. It is not a fancy picture, bu* an actual rep resentation of Charles Dickens’s study at Gadshill, while (lie portrait of the distin guished author is strikingly faithful. The size of the plate is 20 x 14, printed : on heavy plate j*pe*. 24 x 20. making a i large I] handsome engraving foi the par i lor or library wall. The execution of the ; plate is a superior order. ! The ordinary price of a steel engraving ' of this character in the print shops would not be less that five, and perhaps six hol lars. it is offered eeixudvcly to <r bscri be rs. in addition to the Journal or ne year, tor >‘.o0 — that f, for !rl additional, each V' .-irly advance subscriber to Jour nal for 18-76 may receive a superb e ' vlD g ’ worth ftilly five times the amount. This engraving is entirely new. ’-as nev -r been IV- r -s ie in the print-shops ' and cannot bo o'uiimd except in conne tt with Appleton’s Journal upon the to and conditions g : v n above. D. APPLETON & CO., 549 & 55S Broadway, New York. 4 GENTS, the greatest cliarce of the Address, with stamp, National Cop Cos., Atlanta, Ga. PER WEEK G 1 A!’ANTEED to \\ j I agents, male and female, in th ir -|p If own locality. Terms and outfit free. A*.!.lres I*. 0.. Vickery G Cos, Angus ta, Maine. f'/K ACJ) Auer, dnv at home. Samnies Jo toN/j) '■o.-if'if ft * x V <‘DMYCHOM ANt'Y. OR FOL'b CH ' 1. INU.” How either ex tv y ! '= . • ;'.nd gain the love and _• f4 son they chco- i. in .-antlv T-:i can possess, free, by ma 1. for get he r with a Marriage (,'v.u'h F: Grade. to Lu * .• - 1 000.000 sold. A queer book. Gi b -*; WTT.i.T VAT & GO.. Bubs., Philadelpld ; * •*’ ii t i.OVM MM. oai-.', .•* '•'•ana •. .-.A .i mv o • ••••mm:.- We ]y age*- a • cl- ■y of 0 a week and ••xpcime- Euro ku i ’•> I!:. rf for**.' Goan. Funiculars THE ROM COURIER F’or 1876. EXTRAORDINARY FEAT l ; EC I Letters from Fnylaml, France, It aly, Egypt, Palestine, etc. These Letters Alone will be Worth fo any Intelligent Family at least dou ble t he Oust of the Paper a Year. IN presenting the prospectus of the Cou rier for the ensuing year, we are happy to announce, as a pleasing feature of the and rgramtn ,-hat the proprietor of this paper contemplates making a tour through the principal countries and cities of Southern Europe, through the Holy Land and Egypt during the year. While on route he will give readers the uenefit of his observa tions in a series of letters, pleasantly writ ten. detailing incidents of travtl, descrip tiv of the countries the man net,-, customs and habits of the people, e veiling particularly on those places made sacred to the Christian world ov the person al presence of ti e Savior of Mankind. To esc letters will be written in a plain, dir ot style, with the hope of interesting all the ambitious young people, and espe cially the (Sunday School children of the South. The Courier, now edited by Col B. F. Sawyer, will continue to be a first-class Democratic Family newspaper, and the ex isting poliiiral events of 1876—including the election of President and Vice President and. in Georgia, of Governor, members to Congress, Legislative and county officers— will make the paper in its ordinary fea tures, interesting to the people. Weekly Courier, including postage, two dollars a year. Remittances by Cost office Order or in Registered Letters at our risk. Address Courier Office, Rome, Ga. M. D WIN ELL, Proprietor. (‘T red ; IIH. Bi;, \’S on’-' ‘.nowrn and sure Remedy. -No CiiAIKiU for treatment until cured. Call on or address Pr. J- C. 85C5,.112 Joan St.. Cincinnati, 0. TISF, JAS. LEFFEJi Double Turbins Water Wlssel, tUanutactored by POOLS & HUNT. , Filial rr-oxe, H<i. 7,000 I. J-V ISEt Fmor*'. Durable "% Sf ‘ , -£ • e V , V--. : f" :'.une-^;G^ring Cil •V ” 1 T.;> tV* r treszeti “e. i ■■■ A ; j a rpv' ' ' ’ *"b niwC HI- OX 'J7 ff- . 1 L ■ .- *. *k*vu —* S New Advertisements. THE NEW FAMILY SINGER ‘Sewing Machine. 0 WITH ATTACHMENTS For All Kinds of Work. is f ,st winning favor in the household, as shown by t.he rapidly increasing sales. This New Family Machine is capa ble of a range and variety of worn such as was once thought impossible to perform bv | machinery We claim and.can show that ! it is the eheape t, most beautiful, delicately : arrange l, nicely a ljusted. easily operated, and smoothly running of all the family sewing machines. it is remarkable, not only fo the range and variety of its sew ing, but also for the variety and different kinds of texture widen it will sew with equal facility and perfection, using silk twist, linen, or cotton thread, fine or coarse, making the inter elastic lock stitch, alike on both sides of the fabric sewn. Thus, beaver cloth, or leather, may be sewn with great strength a* <1 uniformity ot stitch , and, in a moment., this willing and never wearying inst ument may be adjusted for fine work on gauze or gossamer tissue, or I the tucking of tarlatan, or ruffling, or al ! most any other work which delicate fingers have been known to perform. Ours having long b-en f he popular and practical machines for manufacturing pur poses, some dealers, using ‘-the tricks of trade.” take advantage of this in trying to persuade purchasers that our Family Ma chine is not equal, for family sewing to our Manufacturing Machines for manufacturing purposes. But purchasers—and they are apt to examine carefully before choosing— have not been merely persuaded, but con vinced that our new family” achine embod ies new and essential principles—simplicity of construction ; ease of operation ; uni formity of precise action at any speed ; ca pacity for range and variety of work, fine or coarse— leaving all r ivals be And it. Sewing Machine Sales 0f1874. The table of sewing machine sales for 1874 show that our sales for that year amounted to 211,597 machines, being a large increase over the sales of the previ ous year. The table shows that our sales exceed those of any other company for the period named, by the number of 148,852 machines, nearly Three Times Those of any other Com pany. It may be further stated that (he sales of 1874, sis compared with the salt of 1,-72, show a. relatively large increas beyond the rales of other makers. For instances, in 1872 wc sold 45,000 more machines than any other company ; whereas, in 1373, the sales were 113,254 Machines in Excess ""'of Cur Highest Competitor. • ,t : 1u iu AtS i:- .ic - i (hii i*; , OFFICIAL h'jb'Fo.'.: /'. i he 1'.,:l -wing is a correct report of the ■ v : *' s oi v.'ing is uci iif ;. made by the ia i i: g compan..du ingiiie pa-, four years. - caivlui • xaminuuuu ct the tigur.’s Will Slow t imt the “BINGEIi” have largely in creased each year, while on iir Contrary-, a, corresponding decrease is shown in the sales reported by all other companies. This is a highly satisfactory result to us, an I is only another pr.,of that “merit always has its re ward.” Sew airy Machine Sales for 1874. Machines sold. The Singer Manufacturing Cos 241,676 rt heeler & "Yilson Manufacturing Cos. 92,827 IVwe Sewing Machine Cos., (estirnu ted) 35,000 Domestic Sewing Machine C 0...; 22,700 Grover A Baker Sewing Machine Go (estimated) 20,000 Florence Sewing Machine Cos, 5,515 Secor Sewing Machine Cos 4,54'. At/w a A O ? . ■ Machines cold The Singer manufacturing co 232,444 Wheeler tz Wilson manufacturing co. 119., 9G Domestic sewing machine co 40,114 Grover k Baker sewing machine co. 86,179 llowc returns. Florence sewing machine co 8.9C0 Secor sewing machine co 4,437 Sales of 1872. Machines sold The Singer manufacturing co 219,753 Wheeler & Wih on manufacturing co.l 74,088 iEOvve machine co., (estimated) 145,000 Grover & Baker sewing machine co. 52,010 Domestic sewing machine co 49.554 Florence sewing machine co 15,793 Sales of 1871. Machines sold. The Singer manufacturing co ,181,260 Wheeler <& Wilson manufacturing co.l 28,526 Glover & Baker sewing machine co, 50,538 Howe machine co.(Jan. 1 to July 1.) 34,010 Florence sewing machine co- 15,948 Domestic sewinj machine co 1t,39*7 THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 172 Broughton St., Savannah, Ga. C. S. BEATTY, Agt. BRANCH OFFICES In Atlanta. Athens, Augusta, Macon, Go lumbus, and Thomasville, Ga.; Charles ton and Cjluinbia, S. C. : Jacksonville, and Tallahassee, Florida. R W. B. MFRRITT, At.ent for Bart ov Ccuuty * B>.nd your addres to Gic above offi ce- for catalogue of the celebrated Bazaar Glove Fitting Pattern. They on tin be the htapeG', and the most stylish p c tier in the market. ■ janik v: - V*