Calhoun times. (Calhoun, a.) 1876-1876, April 05, 1876, Image 3

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CALHOUN TIMES LOCAL. NEWS. Strawberries will soon be along in their loveliness and sweetness. We’ll take ours with cream, and sweetened. ‘‘ My dear wife,” said a Calhoun man the other day when he paid a big dry goods hill. We would take occasion to remind our subscribers who are in arrears that they can find no better time to pay their little bills than right now. We ueed money. The fruit is not as badly injured by the “ cold snap,” as was at first suppos ed, though the crop \yill undoubtedly be cut short considerably in this sec tion; ... More improvements are contempla ted this spring, we understand. The saw mills will be kept busy, we hope, iand our town will wear a brighter smile than ever. Pluck will tell VY e have received the first number of the Atlanta Times, of which Col. J D; Waddell is the political editor. The first number is rather creditable. We Wish it a prosperous career. Our peopie are now beginning to give those intolerable vagabonds the cold shoulder. The sooner this is done uni versally, the sooner they will go to work. Necess ty is the mother of many things. Saturday was all Pool’s Hay, and a number of little *• fools ” were perpetra ted. One of our nearest neighbors how ever, gays the worst he was fooled was when a certain fellow paid him two dol lars he had owed him so loDg. Attention is directed to the adver tisement of Msrk YV. Johnson & Wood ruff, Atlanta. Our farmers who will be needing harvest machinery will find the stock of these gentlemen complete -md their prices to suit the hard times. There is uo oaluulating the value of a little printer's ink. A gentleman ad vertised a piece of land in the Times some time ago, and made a sale at a fair price in less than a week £nd at* it to the advertisement. Old Pi an gs and Organs.—Taken in part payment on new instruments at fair prices by W. F. Cummins, Knox ville, Tenn. Don’t keep y jur old in st. u merits idle and useless in the house but sell them and get something new stylirh and useful at a very low price. Avail yourself of this pportuu ty at once. Messrs. Bu.sii & Bro. will only re** tnaiu in Calhoun through the present week. I would be v li fur those who want pictures to c 11 without deiay. They guarantee their wortc to compute with the best in their line in every particular, and only ask a trial to couviuce every one of what they say. Our fair ones should remember that Memorial day is not far off and the custom of decorating the graves at Re eaca the 29th of April iu each >ear should not be neglected. A speaker will have to be selected and requested to be present, and transportation must be looked after. Let the day be observed with the usual solemnity, and contiuue to show respect to those who in defence of our homes went to their eternal rest. 13. M & C. C. Harlan, the go ahead young proprietors of the Cheap Cush Store have made their spring ven tures in purchasing goods, and will cohn stantly add during lhe season saleable articles in their line. But the must notable feature of their business is the astonishingly low figures at which they offer their stock. The ladies, especial ly, should not think of missing an op portunity of being waited on with a smile by two handsome young gentlemen, and we commend them as deserving their patronage. They keep a handsome lot of prints and other dress goods, and a general stock to select from that vies with any in this section. One grievance which has retarded the growth of Calhoun is the exorbi tant figures at which people hold real estate, and a too general disposition to not sell at all. This is clearly proven by the fact that after the sale of lots by the commissioners un< r the new sur/ last fall, where par res purchased at low figures and on easy terms, that part °1 > town spring up in buildings al most like magic. There are plenty of people who would be only too glad to help build up and improve our town if they were only allowed a deceut show 'nci hut all available property has been bold at figures beyond the reach of those with moderate means* and honce niany have been compelled to remain cramped with high rents aad other like disadvantages, when if they had found those who were willing to helj?< them they would have done much, in. icupros viuga n( j beautifying the tov. n, which all •hould fuel a duty Letter from Alabama. Cherokee County, Ala., ) March 31st, 1876. J Mr. Editor .-—Dear sir—The Times for March Bth came to hand to-day. It was very welcome. It seemed like a ray of sunshine from the land of my birth Almost every column brings up metho. ries of the past. Katnes of many of my boyhood friends, almost forgotten, are recalled to my mind, and it s ems but yesterday that we sported together iu the streets of Calhoun, or gathered together ia Che school room. Again it, cads to mind many who shouldered their arms and went forth to do battle for their country and their rights ; and by an association of ideas s'une (and they were not a few) who sealed their devotion with their life blood. Many who gave promise of a glorious manhood, who seemed destined for high and re* sponsible position in society ; who were the pride and reliance of the communis ty, and especially of their owu home circle. “ Death loves a shining mark,’* ’tis said, and indeed, he has stricken down many of Old Gordon’s bravest and best, and some has la'len since the great struggle whose memories are enshrined in our heart. When we glance back at our school boy days, they scarely seem to be in the past, and yet when we call up in detail, the mighiy events which have transpired ; the four long years of trial and bloodshed; the scarcely less bitter struggle aga;nst the tyrany and corrupt lion of the succeeding years, and which I fear is not ended. When we revise all this, it seems almost an age since we ducked with our companions in ante bellum times. But enough of refcroo spection ; we have to do with the pres ent and the future. u Let us prtvide for the future by improving the pres ent.” Let us gird ourselves for the struggle and be ready for any emergen cy. Although there are some clouds on our political horizon yet the future looks Mopeful. I trust t-ur prospects m y not be blighted by a waut of unity and perseverance on the part of the friends of the Constitution, liberty, and law. Our people are still rejoiciug over their disenthrallment. Alabama seems to have anew lease of life. She has been purging her executive, legislative, and judicial halls. Her people antici pate a prosperous and happy future. We have bad very disagreeable weather lately. We had a perfect hur ricane Wednesday night last, prostra ting fences, trees, and houses. Several of our neighbors had their stables and cribs blown down and in two or three instances the tops of dwelling houses /ere lilted entirely off. Again on Sun day night the storm was even more vio lent in some localities, and in addition to this we had a heavy fall of sn v w, in cnsequence cf which all farming oper tii ns are at present suspended. YVe fear that the T uit is killed. The farmers are generally up with their business in this section. I believe there will be less cotton cotton planted here than usual, Our people are be ginning to see the necessity for raising their own supplies The Giangersin aro a thriving condi tion generally. They are endeavoring to develop the resources of our own country and encourage home enterprise. We have a county Grange now, from which we anticipate much benefit.— Among other go i things they have passed a resolution to encourage and support our county paper, The Chero kee Advertiser, a lively little sheet pub lished at Center. But I will not tres pass further on your time and space. — Looking anxiously for the weekly visit of the Times and wishing it abundant success, I am respectfully yours, Q. C L. The down passenger crippled a cow on the commons Monday morning. She belonged to James Hays and had to be killed. Eggs for Hatching.—From the following varieties of pure bred fowls at two dollars per dozen Dark and Light Brahmas; Buff and Partridge Cochins, Brown and White Leghorns, Houdans and Silver Gray Dorkings. I guarantee my stock to be pure bred.— Send stamp for descriptive circular and price list. Addre-s J. B Sttckle, Marlboro, Stark county, O. bl 6 8t fpKlt ami SOMETHING NICE. A good line of fire dress suits and cloth coats at the Cheap Cash Store. SPRING. We have received our iew stock of spring and summer Dry Goods, Notions. Shoes, Hats, &c &c,and respectfully so licit those wishing goods in our line to examine and price our goods and see that we do offer better bargains to cash buyers than any house id Cherokee Georgia. Respectfully, B. M. & C. C. Harlan. Our stock is complete and our prices defy competition. North Georgia can’t beat us. YVe mean business, and for the cash will not be ndersold by any body. Foster & Harlan. I 1,500 yards of the best jeans ever ffered in Cherokee Georgia, cheap for he cash or produce at Foster & Har an’s. A. large stock of ready made cloth * ing just received, and will be sold at low prices, at Foster & Hai Tan’s. J. H. Arthur is just receiving a well assorted lot of clothing,boots, hats, prints, notions, and dry goods generally, and is desirous that the public shall know that he is selling for cash at prices that absolutely defy competition. If you want bargains call at bis store and you will uot be disappointed. Oct26. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. After January Ist our becks and notes will be placed id the hands of a collecting officer. Those desiring to save costs do so by raving before that tin and Gray & Middeeton. WILL YOU BELIEVE IT ? Woman’s Best Fbiend.— To re lieve the aching heart ol woman and bring joy where sorrow reigned supreme, is a mission before which the smiles of kings dwndle into utter insignificance. T • do this is the peculiar province of Dr. J. Bradfield s Female Regulator ; which from the numberless cures it has accomplished, is appropriately styled “Y\ Oman’s Best Friend.” The distress ing complaint known as the {i whites,” arid the various irregularities of the ivomb, to which woman is subject dis/ appear like magic before ; single bottle ot this wonderful compound. It is prepared by L. 11. Bradfield, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga., and sold at $1,50 per bot tle by respectable drug men every where. Physicians prescribe it. Its action is prompt, sure and decisive. Now in Perfect Health. Near Marietta, Ga., March 21,1870 Messrs. Wm. Root & Sons. —Gentle- men :—Some months ago I bought a bottle of Bradfields Female Regulator from you and have used it in my fam ly with the utmost satisfaction, and have recommended it to three otuer families and they have found it as recommended The females who have used your Regulator are now in perfect health, and are able to attend to their household duties, and we coraially recommend it to the public. Yours Respectfully, Rev. H. B Johnson. Those in need of hor-=e collars will call on Foster & Harlan. COLONISTS, EMIGRANTS AND TRAVELERS YVESTWARD. For map circulars, condensed time tables and general information in regard the transportation facilities to all points in Tennessee, Arkansas. Missouri, Min nesota, Colorado, Kansas, Texas, lowa, New Mexico, Utah nd California, ap ply to or address Albert B. Wrenn, General Railroad Agent, Atlanta,Ga. No one should go West without first getting in communication with theGeu eral Railroad Agent, and become in formed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of families, household goods, stock, and farming implements generally. All information cheerfully given. W. L. DANLEY, G. P. & T. A. Sheetings, shirtings, prints and no tions at the lowest prices at J. 11. Arthur’s. A fine stock of saddlery, horse col lars bridles, etc., just received at J. H. Arthur’s. FOR THE CASH Foster & Harlan are determined not to be undersold by anybody. The most goods for the least money, call early. SCHOOL BOOKS. A good assortment will be kept at the Cheap Cash Store of B. M. & C. C. Harlan. Barents and teachers will pleise give them a call. Crockery ware,Queen’s ware, facto ry yarns, etc., cheap at J. H. Arthur’s. Saddles o f superior finish, and at low prices, can be found at Foster & Harlans. NOTICE ! YY T e have closed out our stock of goods. But for the accommodation of those in debted to us we can be found at the old stand, for a short time, with our books open for settlements. Please call at once, as we are compelled to have mon ey, and will sue on all claims not paid soon—unless by special agreement. Re member now that you have notice. Boa/. & Barrett. Cash paid for all kinds of FURS and HIDES. M. F. Govan & Cos. Rome, Ga. f\otn the Macon Daily Telegraph arid Messenger. Dentifrice. —We repeat that Dan forth’s Sanative Dentifrice is the most elegant and sufficient detergent for the teeth and gums we have ever used, and do confidently recommend it to the public ; and we doubt not that if moth ers would teach their children to use their little brushes with this preparation their teeth would last from ten to twen ty years longer. It is the world’s Dentifrice. For sale by Reeves and Ma lone. /^^pOMESTir BEWINC ffffipi) MACHINES. V fpi ISf 3 <5/ liberal t eras of Ex \wa/jg£lr\ 2/ changeforSecond-hand Machines of every dee cription. “DOMESTIC” PAPER FASHIONS. Theßet Pattern# made. Send scta. for Catalogue. Aid Tess DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO. Aouti Waxtxo. ~£* NEW YORK. Harvest Machinery! ✓ MARK W. JOHNSON * WOODRUFF, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Now beg leave to call the attention of the public to their extensive list of THRESHERS AND CLEANERS. Spike or ground hog threshing. DRUMS, SEPARATORS, HORSE POWERS, down ajd mounted. RAILWAY POYVERS, GIN POWERS, COTTON GINS, CONDENSERS, FEEDERS, LINTERS, FAN MILLS, MOWERS AND REAPERS, GRAIN CRADLES, SC FT HE BLADES, GRASS BLADES, SNATHES, LAWN MOWERS, HAY FORKS, STEEL TOOTH WHEEL HORSE RAKES, REVOLVING WOOD HORSE HAY RAKES, BROAD HAND HAY RAKES, HAY FORKS, PEACH AND APPLE PARERS, GRAIN DRILLS, CIDER MILLS, FEED CUTTERS, SHOVELS, SWEEPS, SCOOTERS, CLEVICES, HEEL PINS, RODS, Portalbi© Steam lElnglnes, tfce. Send for our price List and make early engagements, so as to have everything in read iness. Sugar Mills &nd Evaporators Cheaper Than Elsewhere* MARK W. JOHNSON & WOODRUFF. ATLANTA, GA. S.— We are also agents lor POLAND SPRING WATER, a sure cure for diseases of the Kidneys, Liver Complaint, and General Debility. Send for circular. [tjl, Wni. L. Bradley’s standard Fertilizer _ PRINTUP, BRO. & POLLARD, FORMERLY POLLAED & CO., Cotton. Factors, (General A-gents, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Bl) • MJU Sea Fowl Guano ! G tJARANTFED BQITALi TO AJTT EVEB. SOLD Sea Fowl Guano , in Bags, 200 lbs. F, C. Cot’s Superphosphate of Lintei in bags, 200 lbs. JgT* The above Standard Fertilizers having been iri use for the past seven years iu the South, with unequalled success, are again offered at prices that can not fail to give satisfaction, while the standard is guaranteed to be equal, if not superior to any ever sold. For Prices and Terms, apply to GEO. W. WELLS & CO., Agents, Callionn, Ga. feb9-3m. JOHN S. REESE & CO., ..........GENERAL AGENTS, BALTIMORE, MD. ADAIR & BROTHERS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Sole Af/ents of NORTH and MIT>I)LF GFORGIA % NORTH ALABAMA and THNFSSFJti, for the Pacific Guano Company, CAPITAL $1,000,000 ! * JUST RECEIVED 1,000 tons Soluble Pacific Guano. 100 tons Acid Phosphate, for Composting. (NO OLD STOCK ON HAND.) We are now prepared to furnish dealers and planters in any quantity desired of the above high grade and popular Fertilizers, which are fresh and in fine condition, and the analysis recently made/of the new stock, show about 15 per cent., available Phosphoric Acid, 3 I—4 per cent. Ammonia, and nearly 2 per cent;, of FO TASK. Sold on time, as usual, at low price, with ‘he option to the planter td £ay ifi Cotton first of November, at 15 cents per pound. Call on, or send to ns for Circulars and analysis. Respectfully, • FOSTER & HARLAN, Agents, Calhoun, Ga. Aftention, Farmers. I HAVE now opened at my farm, one mile west of Calhoun, a shop for the manufac ture the manufacture of Wagons, Buggies, etc., and the execution of ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND BLACKSMITH WORK, and will be pleased to serve you. The work 1 have done iu the past is a sufficient guar antee lor the future. None but the best mechanics employed. Will furnish new work >r repair for you. My expenses at this place are not near so great as they were in town, hence I can do your work so much the eheaper. I ask old customers and the public generally to give me a call. Z. T. GRAY. fff*r29-6m, OTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All perso-fiS" knowing themselvos in debted'to the estate of M. H. Jackson, de ceased, are requested to come forward and make settlements at once, and fill persons holding claims against said estate are re quested to present them in due form of liw. The books of strid estate will be fovtniU in the hands of Col. W. J Cantrell. JASPER N. SMITH, Administrator of M. H. Jackson, deceased, marl 6 4w. • THIS PAPER IS ON FZLA' WITH Tien Airertiifag Co mtmu can be w^ Georgia, Gordon County. VI7HEREAS, Lewis T. Covington, admin- YV de bonis non of John C. Watts, represent® to the court in his petition duiy filed and entered on record, that he has folly administered John 0. Watts’ estate— This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis trator should not be discharged from said administration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in May next. This February 1 *.t, 1876. I). W. NEEL, Ordinary. Photograph Gallery. WE will be at Calhoun, Ga., from the 24th inst., prepared to take all kinds and sizes of photographic poffraiture in first class style; desiring anything in our line writ* please call soon, as we will only remain for a short time. We make copying and enlarging a specialty. Rooms at Boswell’s old stand. mar 22 ’ig BUSH k 880. The Cheap Cash S tore. B. M. & C. C. HARLAN, (Old Stand of B. G, Boa zj We would respectfully call the attention of the readers of the Tixbs to our LARGE AMI ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF MS! t>oing business strictly and exclusively on system, we cflVrf greater ind ments than any other house in Calhoun. We hare a Fplendid stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready-made clothfnei We can supply the wants of all iiPneed of FUENITUEE. ALL GRADES AT OILS 2 OILS 2 i # . A good stock of Lubricating, Kerosene, Machine!y and Tanners Oils always ?n store. We make a specialty of STATIONERY and School Rooks, besides many things! too numerous to be embraced in this advertisement. Give u& a call. janlil-ly, W. W. SEAY. JNO. J. SEAY ROME STOVE * HOLLOW-WARE WORKS. Home, Georgia. We would respectfully call the attention of the public to the following goods manufac tured herb, and the advantages over others: Ist. They are CHEAPER, and every piece is carefully inspected before shipment from the foundry, and is warranted perfect. 2d. They are manufactured from the very best number one hot blast charcoal Geoagio iron, equal in quality to any imported iron. 3d. EVERY STOVE IS WARRANTED, and in case any part should break frqm heat, another piece to correspond will at once be given, or if any part should wear out, or get broken by accident, it can be replaced here at home for a very small sum, and thus save the price of anew stove. 4th. They are warranted to be as smooth and elegant in appearance as any Northern or Western make, and as well if not better made. sth. By purchasing these goods you patronize home industry, help to build up**our State snd keep our money at home. ** We are making the following Cook-Stovea i : “ GOLD DUST.” “SOUTHERN FRIEND.” Avery heavy and elegant stove for coal A pWn , e„b sla n,i a l- wood stove,-easily or wood. k e p t c i ean> " 3 HOME GEORGIAN.” No. 6, 7 and 8. For wood. A splendid v r 7 ® stove. Also 77, with extension top for res- °’ 3 > 7an > , . * ervoir and tin kitchen. * ‘NE PLUS ULTRA.” “ATLANTA,” “ Cherokee Chief,” No. 7. No. 7. A splendid stove. (Cn p ICC M Step stove for wood, with six holefc,* fox H. t. Ltt. cooking. Simple in construction and ve^y No. 7. For wood. Of bea itiful design durable, and high finish. _ fell I ADD” i( cnicr ’’ BPLL Anr. “tLltr. No. 7. Step stove for. wood, with four No. 7. A good stove holes, same design as “ Cherokee Chief.” HEATI G STOVES. '‘New Globe Heater,” No. 9, 10 and 11, for Coal . '‘Scorcher,” a Box Stove for Wood,, 18 , 22, and' 28 inches length of Wood. IIOLLOW-WARE, Of all kinds for fire-places and cook-stoves. Also TIN-WARE ind TIN-WO IR . 1 all deg scriptions.. Mill Gearing, Machinery and Castings of All Kinds made to order at short notice. Churches and Masonic lodges furnished at reduced rales. Our price list will be found lower than the lowest. Address a postal card to us, and we will be forwarded free of expense. jonl2-3m THE CASH CROCERY STORE. Slielor & Rankin,' THEIR MOTTO: LIVE AND LET LIVE. The substantial of life a specialty. Everything at figures for cash. Will pay cash orbarter for eggs and butter. August 9, 1875. try us before buying elsewhere. THE OLDEST HOUSE IN CALHOUN Established 1857. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! : WE are pleased to notify our friends'that we are now layin in a large and superio* stock of Seasonable Goods. Those who wish Bargains will give us a call. FOSTER. & HARLAN.' J. B. S. HOLMES, MK Wm. L. GORDON' HOLMES & GORDON, Wholesale and. Retail 33r*n^gists % No. U> Broad Street CS'HOYITuW BLOCK ) K*me, Ga. Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Dye-Stuffs, Toilet & Fancy Articles, Sjf Oils, Pntty, TOBACCO, CIGAJIS, && ’ OTTOM FIGURES. South Aide of Court House Btreet.