Calhoun times. (Calhoun, a.) 1876-1876, April 19, 1876, Image 3

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CALHOUK TIMES LOCAL nlw s. - ro get good whisky, go to Kesaca. upri9-2t. Eos. FaVES has returned to Cal houn, and says he is bouud to stick this time or pull a link loose somewhere. 31k3. J3jUJ.'E.EdmundßoN of Resaca, has a nice little stock of millinery goods, ghcseljg them ch*>ap, too. aprl9-2t. I'tiE spring hats are ornamented with a flower garden and fountain. Next year they will take a corn-field. Question : \V r here can good whisky he bought cheap 1’ Answer : At Re* saca. aprl9*2t. The recent rains raised the Oosta tanaula out of its banks in some places, hut no considerable damage was done to fences or wheat. We learn the wheat crop is generally in fine growing con li*= Uju. Kesaca sells better whiskies than any other village in North Georgia. opr 19 2t. Messrs. Bush k Bro. have had a considerable p-tronage the past week One of the most interesting pictures to be seen at their gallery is a large sized photograph of the teachers and pupils of our school. It makes an inttres ing gioupth p t re is un shed in creditable style One night last week three lamps, a porcelain pitcher and the organ cover were stolen from the Baptist church.— A thief so vile as to invade the sanctum ary to do pillage deserves a punishment more severe than any common law could give him. On the same night six chairs were stolen from the hotel. As yst nothing has been heard of the missing goods. • Geo. M. Beck, a young typo recent, ly employed in the Commercial office io it one, is in consequence of a suspen sion of that paper at piescnt visiting bis home in Calhoun. George held a situation on the Times during a por lion of la t year, and a m >re faithful workman and deserving young man d'es not belong to his trade. Vv’u are pained to announce this week the sudden death of Mr. A. Inghram, witich occurred at his home at Reeves’ Station, on last Friday night. He at tended to his duties ou the fann during Friday in apparent good health, when itin grief an 1 surprise of his family "ii Friday night he met with a sudden am’ sev re attack, from which be passed to death in a little while. The bereaved Lave our sympatices Among competing lines to Arkansas. Texas, and the West, the rare vi tie Lit le Ilock Railway has many advantages, being and quick uir king close connect’ons, thus saving time and distance. Night trains are provi de! with Palace coaches, and fire is as low as by competing routes I huso contemplating traveling West-, ward will consult their interest by ad dressing Mr B F. Nevil, at Chattan- u "-a for inform-u ion in regard to time, rates, etc., by this route. Protracted fleeting. A protracted meeting is in progress at the Methodist Clin ch. Rev. Allen b ihomas, the pastor, is one of the most assidiouj work r i in the North Georgia Conference, and seemingly is anxiuus to see the fire of Divine love auvjys burning in the hearts of his flock. first Sunday in May of last year a meeting which lasted Scven weeks, aud was exceedingly fruit ‘Ul in winning souls to the Master.— bevs. Seals, Myrick, and other divines arc to assist in the present series and die evidences are that a deep in keros t w id be taken and much good accom plished. So far there has been a few tnourn, r, nn 1 many interested in the work. Decoration. (| o account of the backwardness of P r iug flowers and for other good reasons, * las been deemed expedient to post ' n ‘ the annual decoration of the graves Gonfelerate dead at Resaca, J 1 * 1 the day usually observed the ‘ °l April, to Siturday, thefl'h •''W Col. Hardeman or James D J dl'-'l will deliver the oration, and ' possible arrangements for trans ll‘l,l"n w dl be made. As it is a du- patriotic Southern heart should a Sj cred obligation to perform, wo ■ - 1 ’ see a good number present on in] i 1 Co3ts hut little trouble, llUs '-bat those who in their eol- struggle f The' 1 ; I ',p eat summons went to join lotljjt lu ' Jra t ) fe caravan that moves i\ sterious realm where eacli must Uk Vi . . U^'l ’ ' n d* 3 silent halls of death. • ‘1(1 Vo 'in 1 • 1 jtevih., and P ac cin the mem Try of those * . ilfQ ItiP, J to tnourn their loss. Spring Thoughts. ihe clear and m How atmosphere, the fragrance of Mother Earth’s flora h treasures, the meiody of birds, the rich o rLen la-vJbK.ape spreading out to view bathed in the &garkliti sunlight of the lengthening days, will soon bring us the evidences that har.-h winter is over. Already small tufts of leaflets.are.fring ing the twigs and the shadows fall up* on the earth in delicate and vivid trace ry. How buoyant feels mankind, as scenes of nature axe east up before the eye, and how impressive the work of th.e Deity upon- the imagination. Let the elixir of life in its sparkling fresh ness have sway, and enKvered by a re alization of the great works before us let all resolve to build up a Yesh i esolu., (ions of good aud make in this Centers nial year longer Ltrides in the pathway of improvement in the status ofoopr so - cie*y, that an atmosphere of purity may permca-te our social relations, purge our community of the' grosser weeds and build up relations that will endear one to anotheriu ties of good feeling not to be severed by evil tongues or impure efforts • improvements in our industries, that honest occupancy may-show itself in a community live in progressive ideas and works ; leaving behind;all traces of wasted moments, and labor to the end that id etiess shall_Ur discouraged and thrift b&tkii maik in deep hewn traces the moulding into symmetry the substance of toil, and the horn of plenty filled with good fruits be the headlight and treasury of an onward inarch to pros'* perity. Bruin. On last Thursday evening two plod - ding pilgrims worn and weary, wended their way intoour peaceful; town accom panied by a huge whose shaggy appearance caused a disturbance among the canines—the hundred and one flee dogs who stood at barking distance giv ing evidence of the odium their unsociable looking visitor had generated by his unbooked for presence, while Co'. D ck Tarver had business home be fore his usual hour and took the back street. One of the fellows gave bruin a staff and in bear dial ct gave coal man s which were ■ beyed in good style and a performance was witaesed which would have done credit to a high private in field drill, or Young Amen ca just learning the. Spanish fandango. Then keeper number two passed around the hat into which occasionally went a stray nickel from the crowd, and interesting tri > bent themselves for Re sma. “ Wfien theu, art; old and rich, Thou hast neither heart, affection, limb or beauty * To make thy riches pleasant.” It is surpt isinghow few books have been written on the diseases incident to old age. We know f nowoik that wuU ho more generally read by the medico le*. gal world or In fact uy ail classes, than a on the medical nuinanemeut of old age.” written in a plain sty ir* and free from all techtnicalities, nox do we, know of any medicine that is more hap pily adapted to the alleviating of the pains and aches of the aged than Dr. Tutt’s Liver Fills WHle th-qy act fio npily they do not wrench the teui ir shock the enfeeble c.mstitu' t'on. In cases of gout, rheumatism kcL uey diseases, torpid bowels, indigestion loss of appetite their healing properths are truly wonderful. Thei r effect on the nervous sys’em is prompt in quieting re* tiessness, impart ng refreshing sleep and vigor to the whole system. The old and young will be alike benefited bv the use of this truly estimable medi cine. Eiiiployinent—A Per manent Business. Read the large double.column adver tisement of Kennedy & Cos., in thi pa per. Read it all. Study and accept their offer. The advertisers aip worthy of confidence and their assertions can be relied on. Parties remitting money can be fully assured that they will receive just what is proposed. The liberality and enterprise of Messrs Kennedy & Cos., are shown by the fact that they give to each agent a coin silver c ise nu 1 ting case watch. YVo have seen and exam ined this watch and aie able to say that it is in every way equal to what is claim ed for it. They want an agent in this county ; some lucky reader of this pap r will get it. The remedy they offer is popular, the profits large the business all jour own If you do not want anoth u er to bear away the prize, answer this advertisement at once and remit for sam p'e dosen i\nd you vyil.l thank us for ad vising you and thus giving you a busi ness as long as you live—permanent profitable, honorable, pleasant. \\ ho could ask more ? How Share \ve Procure an Or gan—ls a question o‘ten asked by members of our growing churches and also by families. No M usip Store being convenient correspondence begins with Eastern Houses who propose: —“As it an exceptional case I will allow you an un usual discount to introduce rry instru ments.” No matter how high they are priced so the d'seount is large. The re sult often is a poor organ ac a very high pric<‘. Now you can avoid all this by communicating with W. b. CumuAns, Knoxville Tenn, (or calling and seeing for yourself) and you will get a prompt reply wits* full particulars. You can buy your instruments from him for less money than elsewhere and be sure of a go< and instrument at a moderate price Send for catalogue. Saddles of superior finish and at low prices, can be foqq<4 at buster k Ilarlans. Four Chromos Free !—ln order to introduce our large, literary and family gaper, The SouveniF, we will send it, on trial six months for on ly sixty cents, and to each, subscriber, post paid, four elegant oil chronics: “Little Red' Riding Hood,” Th*ChJ uren s Swing,.” ** Peek-a-boa,” and “Mother s Joy.” These pictures. are not common print**, but genuine oil chromos in sixteen eolors, that axe equal in appearance to fine oil paintings. Just think of it—four fine oil chromos and an excellent literary paper 6 months for 60 cents Try it Make up a club of five subscribers and we will send you an extra copy for 6 months and four ex tra chromos. No danger of losing your money. We refer to the Post Master Bristol as to our responsibility. Cash required in advance. No samples free. Agents wanted to take subscript ions and sell our picturas. From $3 to 810 a day easily made. Address W. M. Burrow t , api!9-4t. Bri tol, Tenn. £ocal and §u?in£j6s sotircs. PEKILS BY LAND. Within the limits of our own coun try are to be found almost all the vari ations of climate known to the halita ble globe. But extensive- as is our do main, the locomotive running at almost lightning speed, conveys the traveler in a few hours from the healthy mountain district to the ague breeding plain, and even from the sunny groves of the south to the ice bouud shores of the nit them lakes. In making these rapid journ ys the travellers ?re subjected'tu those s.iv< re climatic influences so pro ductive of sickness and disease. It is therefore of vital importance that he should be provided with a remedial agent that will not only cure, bur like wise prevent sudden attacks of disease. The Skven Seals or Golden Won der, which is a Counter Irritant, a Dis infectant, a Diffusive Stimulant, an An odyne, a Nervine and a Tonic, is a sure preventi n and a no less effectual cure of Fevers, Ague, Di irrhee i, Dysentery, and all other ailmen a to which travel/ ers are especially liable. No traveller should fail to provide himself with a supply of this valuable remedy befure staitingupon his journey. [apr!9 lrn. SOMETHING NICE, A good line of fire dress suits and cloth coats at the Ch°4.p Cash Store. SPRING. We hare received our i e.w stock of spring and summer Dry Goods, Notions. Shoes, Hats, &e &c, and respectfully so* licit those wishing goods in our line to examine and f rice our goods and see that we do offer better bargains to cash buyers than any house in Cherokee Georgia. Respectfully, B. M. k C. C Harlan. Ouk stock is complete and our prices defy competition. North Georgia can’t boat us. We mean business, and for the cash will not be ndersoid by any body. Foster & Harlan. I, yards of the best jeans ever ffered in Cherokee Georgia, cheap for he cash or produce at Foster & liar an’s. A LARGE stock of "Cady made cloth ing just received, and will be sold at low prices, at Foster & Hat bin’s. J. 11. Arthur is just receiving a well assorted lot of clothing,boots, hatjs, prints, notions., aud dry goods generally, and is desirous, that the public shall know that he is selling for cash at priors that absolutely defy competition. It you want bargains call at ins store and you will not be disappointed. Oot2(j. COLONISTS, EMIGRANTS AND TRAVELERS W EST W A HD. For nap circulars, condensed time tables and general information iri regard j the transportation facilities to all points in Tennessee, Arkansas. Missouri, Min nesota. Colorado, Kansas, Texas, lowa, New Mexico, Utah California, ap ply to or address Albert B. Wrenn, General Railroad Agent, Atlanta,Ga. No one should go West without first get:irig in communication with the Gen eral Railroad Agent, and become in formed as to superior advantages, cheap and quick transportation of’ families, household goods, stock, and farming implements generally. All information cheerfully <jicen. ■ ' W. L DANLEY, G. P. & T. A. Sheetings, shirtings, prints and ra tions at the lowest prices at J. 11. Arthur’s. A fine stock of saddlery, horse col lars bridles, etc , Just received at J. 11. Arthur’s. FOB THE CASH Foster & Harlan are determined not to be undersold by anybody. 'The most goods for the least money, call early. Extract From a Letter of lice. Dr Louie Fierce of Sparta, to L. F. Davies: Macon, Jan. 8,187 G. Dear Rro. Davies : Excuse uiefor writirgonly wh n Inn deeply inter ested. I have been speechless about two months. Could not read and pray in a family. Had tried many things Got no benefit from any. 3inee Ct nfi r ence §ome one sent me from Americus a bottle of Thrash’s Consumptive Cure npd Lung Restorer, which I hare been taking now, this is the 9th day, and I can talk now with some case. I came here among other things to supply my -elf with this medicine. No druggist here has it on sale. I must have it. I want you to go in person to Thrash & Cos , show them this letter and make them send me by express to Sparta, Ga. t ,vo. three or four bottles, with bid. I am getting on finely. (Signed) L Pm rue Hunt. Rankin, & Lamar. A t lanta, Ga , Agents. Sep,22ly. Those in need of hur-c collars will cull ou Foster & Harlan. New Advertisem^Qts. CARPETS. I m Win. A. HA 1 GOOD, No. 21 Marietta* Corner Broad Street, ATLANTA* ----- GEORGIA, DEALER IN CTaarpets, Oil Clotlis, Mattings, Curtains, LanTt>i*eq_iTiris!, Slificles, Upholstery Goods. X3T GIiASS MATTINGS A SPECIALTY . Letters of inquiry promptly answered. a i l 2 Cm. SCHOOL BOOKS. A good assortment will be kept at the Cheap Cash Store of B. M. & 0. C. Harlan. Parents-, anjl teachers will please give them a call. Crockery ware, Queen’s ware facto ry yarns, etc , cheap at J. H Arthur’s. Cash paid for all kinds of FURS and HIDES. M. F. Govan & Cos. Janl2L Rome, Ga. New Advertisements. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE WITH Where Advertising Contracts can be made. M 3E5 03T® and 'JVUi'CAcAXO- Aged Men trained t< r a suc cessful start in business life at Eastman College. The oldest, hugest, and only in s*itut on that givi s an Actual Bus : c.esa Pr toCce. Currency and Merchau lise used have a real value. Each day’s transactions based $n New York Market. New,buildings. Rates ’cw. Graduates assisted to situations. Applicants received any week day. Refer to Patrons and Graduates in nearly every city and town. Ad res’* for particulars and Catalogue of " 000 Graduates in Busin ss, H. EASTMAN, LL. 1)., Poughkeepsie. N. Y. A A DAY at home. Agents wanted. \I / Outfit and terms free TRUE & CO., V ItJ Augusta. Maine. Agents Waited Medals and Diplomas lor Holman’s awarded NEW Pictorial Bibles. I. illustrations. Address A. J. HOLMAN it CO., 930 Arch street, Philadelphia. FREE TICKET \ Philadelphia SMS'S I i f *jr mer. From any point in U. S. east of Utah, fl Aboveß R, Ticket (it also ad- W Ef “Wtil * %ip uiits to Centennial Grounds) M fg and $lO cash a day easily earned canvassing m for our paper pi turea, Ac. Anybody ca,trd,) it. Ma B Particulars free. Send a-tdress on postiiheal'd. 1 To receive copy of paper also, send 6 cts. Ad- Jlgy dress : Thk Illustkated Weekly, .y No. 11 Dey St., New York. rthwry PEll WEEK GUARANTEED to / / agents, male and female, in th ir ■ * own locality. Terms and outfit free Addrcs P. 0.. Vickeiy & Cos, Atjtgus a, Maine. p'A /LJJAper day at home. Samples \ to\/II wor, h $1 free. Stinson & a'rJl/u o>) Portland, Maine. MINI) Psychoniancy, Fas cination, Soul Charming, Yes ..erism, and Marriage Guide, showing how either ex may fascinate and gain the love and af fection of any person they cho tse instantly. 400 pages. By rrj l fiO cents. Hunt & Cos., 130 S. 7‘h St., Philadelphia. ADVERTSSSSyC in RELIGIOUS AND AGRICUL TURAL WEEKLIES,, HALF PRICE. Send for Catalogue on the List Pi an. For information, address GKO. P. ROWELL & CO., 41 Perk Row, New Yobk. r mill GEARING MADE \ msmm PULLEYS,AND The UNEQUALLED JAS. LEFFEL DOUBLE I aprl2-ly. With Snell’s Extension Shaft. One of the most profitable machines in the World, and should be owned by every farmer or lumberman having timber to cut. —A LSO — Sweepstakes Drag Saw w r ltli Log Tracks; Circular Saw and Frame with Sliding Table for cutting cord-wood, etc., etc. Send for description and prices to SEMPLE, BIBGE & CO., 010 Washington Ave., ST. LOUIS jy and say in what paper you read this. GEORGIA, Gordon County. WHEREAS Elisha Lowery administrator andc l >onis non of llozzel Lowery repre sented to the court in his petition, duty tiled and entered on record that he has fully ad ministered Bozzel Lc t'ery's estate. This i c therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and ex editors to show cause, if any they can, way -aid adiiiis.rator debonnis non should not. be dischaiged from his adminis tration an 1 receive letters of and amission oil the first a > tday in.'uU nex*. This April lj D. o N EEL, Ordinary . U Hi O ii . Gordon Sheriff’s Sales—May. solJ before the Couit. House ▼“ doer.ij. the town of Calhoun, Cordon county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in May next, the fol lowing property, to-wit l 80 acres of land off lot number 150. The same being the west half of said lot.— Also 30 acres of land off of the north west corner of lot No. 175. All iu the 7th dis trict aud 3rd section of said county. Levied upon by virtue of three Superior Court fi fa’s, in favor of A. M. Borders vs. L. B. Causey; and sold as the pioperty of said L. 13. Causey—he himself in the possession of said property and notified. Also >t the same time and place will be sold the southeast eerier of lot of laud No. 146 in the 16th district and 3d section of Gordojp cppnty. Containing 40 acres, and being the eftsfha-£o{' smith half of said lot. Sold as the property of A W. Ballew by virtue of an execution issued from Gor don Superior Court in favor of W. R. Bur nett and W. R. Burnett executor of A. T. Burnett deceased vs A. W. Ballew. Said A. W. Ballew in possession and notified, Property pointed out by Riffs Atty. Also, at the same time an i plane, will bo sold lots of land numbers 142. 129, 130 99 and 100, in the 15th district, j.d 3d section and 167, in the 24th district and, 3rd section of Gordon county. Levied o, as the prop erty of M. 4/. Anderson to satisfy a fi fa issued from Gordon Superior Court in favor of Joseph Rowe. Cqr t ; h,e of H. J/or ris and 11. 11. Dobson, vs Samuel Simpson and M. M. Andeyson, security oh appeal. Also at the same time and place, 80 acres of lot lei No. 140. Said land lying ard be ing in the 2 itli district and 3rd section of said county, and being on the east side of sai 1 lot. forhOng an oblong shape. Naid half lot being divided b-a line running from the southwest corner through the centre of said lot tq uorthest corner. Sold as the nrop eviy of J. M. Gunn. Alsriotot land No. Sin the loth district, and 3‘d section of said coun ty, excel five acres off of the Southwest corner, Sold as the property of John Tal iaferro. Said land levied uu. to,satisfy afi fa i sued from Gordon Superior Court in favor of Mrs. M. M. Parrott, adpix. of J. R. Par rott, deceased, against A. C. Gunn and J. J/. Gunn principal, and John Taliaferro, se curity on appeal. Said land pointed out by plaintiff’s attornev. I E. BARTLETT, Sheriff. *l?z\zz£L Sfotice. IM ILL be at the different pie.cincts of tl e county to receive returns forSfate and conn ty tax for 1876Jand reportsJof crops produced in 1875 and crops planted in 18/6, ‘on. days as follows: Twenty-four.h on Monday, April 10th, 24th, and May Bth ; Coosawattee, Tuesday, Anril 11th, 26th, and May 9th ; Eighth, Wednesday, April 12tli, 26th, and May 10th ; Resaca, Thursday, Aprtl ’oth, 27th, and May 11th ; Sugar Valley. Frilay, April 14th, 28lh, and May 12th; Oostanau la, Saturday, April 15th, 29th, and May 13th; Springtown, Monday, April 17th, and May lsi and 15th; Fifteenth, Tuesday, April 18th and J/ay 2d and 16th ; Calhoun, Wednesday, April 19th, and Mav 3d and 17th: Seventh, Thursday, Apr 1 20th, and J/ay 4th and lßth ; Sonora, Friday, April 21st and May sth and 19t.h; Fairmount, Saturday, April 22J at and J/ay 6th and 20th. tm2o. W, 11. C. LLOYD, T. R. GEORGIA, Gordon County. r j'G all whom it may concern ; J/rs. D. A. A Cox having in proper form, applied to mi for permanen’ letters of administration on the estate of Jacob Cox, late of said county, This is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of Jacob Cox to be and appear at my office within the time al owed by law and show cause if any they can why permanent letters of administra tion should not be granted to Mrs. D. A. Cox on Jacob Cox’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature. This April Ist 3876. D. W. NEEL, Ordinary, ' aprs-30d,' 10. f 11EIS i 111.. Would again call the attention of the public to the fact that they still have on hand a good stock of One and Two Horse Way ons, Sprint/ Wayo ns, liuyf/ic's, etc. Vie also have o l hand a large assortment of our Excelsior Plows, and all other goods in the agricultural line. We*ue also supplied with a full line of SADDLERY AND HARNESS all of which we will sell very cheap for cash. Call and price our goods before pur chasing elsewhere. 5275.00 Parlor Organ Earned by a Lady in TWO WEEKS! Canvassers Wanted, male or female.— Send 10 cents for sample magazine and full particulars. Address Zeb Chip*mutt's Magazine, V,’ash ing' on, New Jersey. The Cheap Cash Store. : B. M. ke. C, HARLAN, fold Stand 6. ' , We vvould-xppectfully call the attention ©fth* 3..0,f tjie Times to our LWi AM) MTiIACTII! MIS, OP GOODS - lc.ii p 1 gtficlly rid ese-usivriy en Ibe cash system, v\;e < greater iudi. meats iwiy.otlnm.lmise in Calhoun. We a -plendid stoe .1 Dry (jrootfs, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Iteady-mato We eair supply the wants qf; ah in need of FURNITURE. ALL GRADES AT oils z oils ? A good stock of Lubric> r ing, Kerosene. Maclilneiy and Tanners Gill always 1 i stnr(. We make a specialty of STATION BUY and School 15ooks v b isides many things too numerous to be embraced in this advertisement. Give uo a call. J 81 ’ “ Wm. L. Rradley’s, Stanclarcl h PRINTUP, PRO. & POLLARD, FORMERLY POLLARD & CO., Cotton Fact ors, General -A-gents AUGUSTA, GEORGIA,. It. D. Sea Fowl Guano ! GUARANTEED Sea Fowl Guano, iu Bags, 200 lbs. E. C. Cot’s Sujwrphosphfite of 1 ime , in bags, 200 lbs JSgT’ The above Standard Fertilizers having been in use for the past sevei years in the South, with unequalled success, are again oflered at prices that can not fail to give satisfaction, while the standard is guaranteed to be equal, if no superior to any ever sold. For Prices and Terms, apply to GEO. W. WELLS & CO,, Agents, Calhoun, Ga. febO-Rm. THE CASH GROCERY STORE, Shelor & Rankin, THEIR MOTTO: LIVE AJJB LET LIVE. The substantial of life a specialty. Everything q,t bottom figures fo* cash. Will pay cash orbarter for eggs and butter. August 9, 1875. try us before BUYING ELSEWHERE. THE OLDEST HOUSE IN CALHOUN Established 1857. JSTEW GOOES! ISTUTW OOOES i VUE are pleased to notify our friends that we arc _ow lay in in a large and superb YY stock by Seasonable Croods. v'ho wish Bargains wild. give us a call. FOSTER & HARL,AIN. J. a. HOLMES, MD, \Vm. h. WVKPO. HOLMES & GORDON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists No. 19 Broad Street ( SHORTER BLOCKS ) Koine, Ga. Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS Toilet & Fancy Articles, ULtst, Oils, Glasp TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c. Wa warrant a man $25 a day using our WSLL AUCETc AMD DRILLS In good territory. Descriptive book pent tea. fid 1. *Jilz Auger Cos.. St. Louis, Mo- nitmwm mm ipi nmut ju in mu i n— , 81 , '< 4 pPSYCHO3I AX I To’ Soul (Ism miF 1 How either sax may lastinate and g) the lo'*e an l atf -ctio ns .f any person th choose, instantly. 'Juis art all can tree- hr in. til, ior 2-_* etuis; together witi Marring ,i HEg yptian Oracle, Dreoi: Hints to Ladies, etc. ].((H,<iOt sold, imer lioiik. Address t, Wll.ld.'M ('< uhs-, L’biladelphia. OTTOM FIGURES. itfvyuuu mimw j*. ooui t ajlOusu