Newspaper Page Text
A<lvicc from the Commissioner
oi Agriculture*
Upon inquiry vve learn that the gras3
l*°PP ers are creating alarm in
different parts of Georgia have made
their appearance in Gordon county. Col.
B. M. Young reiorts them on his place,
also Mr. Warren Stewart and others,
and, in fact, they seem to be pretty well
distributed over the county. They havo
been noticed on stubble lands for
several weeks and have seemed to in
crease rapidly in numbers. Col. 11. M.
Young observed them on his clover last
week where they had injured it no lit
tle, and shortly after noticed they had
attacked h.s corn and cotton. As far
as they went they literally ruined every
thing, leuving nothing but a bare stalk,
lie drove them out into the swamp with
brushes, and they have since been cn
gaged in devouring the rank grass to be
found there. They seem to be easily
driven back with brushes if'attacked be
fore they get tco far into a field. They
are mostly very small, and we believe
no special alarm is felt by our farmers
for this season, but those who have any
knowledge of their habits, are afraid
they will grow sufficiency large to depr.B
it eggs in the ground which may next
season cause no little disaster. For the
benefit of our farmers and readers we
give below a communication from Com
missioner Janes, which it may be well
to read and consider We believe it will
pay to get rid of them at any expense,
and the task should not be delayed :
State of Georgia,
Department of Agriculture,
Atlanta, July 25, 187(1.
To the Farmers of Georgia :
Ti e grasshoppers which have appear
•e l in ninny sections of the State are,
without doubt, the “hateful grasshop
per” of the West—that dreaded pest
that has, during the last few years ties
troyed entire growing crops, reducing
the people to the pch tof fam
They are now in the first and com
paratively helpless stage of their exis
They will glow rapidly, and in a few
weeks will be able to fly. They will
then deposit their eggs in the earth by
millions. Next year these eggs will
hatch, and there will be millions where
now there arc dizens. You are
earnestly advised to destroy them now
before their eg us are deposited. They
can be driven into piles of straw and
Thousands may be destroyed by active
men with b'ush.
Nets may be made similar to part
ridge nets, of some cheap material, with
widely extended wings. The insect can
be driven, like birds, into these nets and
By e* cry means in your power, ’and
that can be devised by your ingenuity
•ut.erly exterminate them, and save our
-State from plague a such is we ne
ver experienced. 1 respectfully suggest
that you lay all other busines aside,
unite together and make common cause
and combined attacks on the hateful
Immediate efforts, the evil may be avert
You are respectfully in\ ited to Lend to
this department all valuable facts as
learned from and ob -
strva ion, in relation to the grasshop
pers— the extent of damage what
means of destruction found most effect'-
mil, etc.,etc.
Very respectfully,
Thomas P. Janes,
Commissioner of Agriculture.
Thieves —Roguery is getting very
common in this place, and we learn that
out near Sonora, the farmers aro annoy
ed no little by their night raids. One
night last week a valuable watch was
extracted from underneath the pillow
upon whictuMr. Mark Moore was slecp
uig. The windows were up, the uight
being warm, and making nc nuise on en
tering, the bold performer of the theft
was successful in not waking him. His
colored cook has since been arrested on
suspicion and we learn has n ado a con*
fession of the deed. Other-houses in
town have been entered of late and pro
visions stolen therefrom. A few indo
lent negroes, too lazy to work and being
needy for want of something to eat, are
no doubt the gui'ty o e > in this mischief
nnd if they are not sharp they will be
detected in time to suffer the pangs of
the law. Our people ought to be vigi
Mr. J. W. Barrett has left Calhoun
and iakeu up his residence iu Dalton.
Mr. Barrett was one of our very best
citizens, and his departure is sincerely
regretted. such men ai -e the life of any
community, and we commend him to
people of Dalton as deserving the
highest considerations for public-spirit,
general integrity, and progressive busi
ness qualifications.
Ihe improvements on the Baptist
church go forward rapidly. Much
beauty and comfort will be add-M to the
IHE heaviest thing about here is
money— ’ . * ’g, can rnEc it.
5 estekday and the day before the
atmosphere was chilly enough for a fire
to feel comfortable, and an extra quilt
during the night was not out of place,
lor July this kind of weather is a lit
tle peculiar, but the like has occurred
before, and we are only tu recognize it
as a freak of nature, button up our coats
and wait for a few moie of those melt
ing days before the advent of chill win
der with its cheerless monotony.
In this issue wo announce the name
of T. J. Norton as a candidate for re*
election to the office of Tax Collector.
His past services will be a guarantee
that in his re-election the office will
remain in good hands. We commend
him to the voters of the county.
Newspaper for Sale—Any one
wishing to purchase a splendi i weekly
paper can do so by calling on the un
dersigned. I offer for sale because I
have two papers.
J. C. McMichael,
Barnesville, Ga.
The Augusta Chronicle and Sen
tinel. —We are glad to get this staid
and enterprising journal as an exchange.
This paper was established in 1735 and
can claim the honor of being the oldest
journal in the State. Many of our cit -
izens take it and like it. So do we.
Frying chickens from wagons at
from sto 12jcents. This is cheaper
than bacon at eighteen cents.
Times will be politically hot in a
little while. Already the pot begins to
boil. Announcements, $5.
Dow Wyatt has been ill with fever
a week or so. 11 is friends hope for him
a speedy recovery.
To-day is the first aog-uay.
When a Brooklyn woman wan's a
new dress and feels a little delicate
about asking for it direct she pre
sents her husband with a nice bead
ed shaving., paper- case, filled with
tissue from an old paper pattern.—
The first time he use.3 it he notices"
the little round holes in the paper
and naturally inquires the reason,
which gives her the chance to say
■vith a regretful sigh that it’s only
a “Domestic Paper Fashion’' that
she would have nsed some time ago,
but for the reason that she felt as if
she ought to ecomonize to help him
along. Noble self-denial like this
usually fetches things.
What of Coufideace.
Trade is depressed, and the industries
of the whole country flags. Ask the
cause and you are told it is due to
“waut of confidence.’' Ask the few
who h ive not used Dr. Tutt’s Hair Dye,
and they say ‘J have no confidence in
it, I have been so often humbugged by
by such articles.” We ast them to read
the following testimony from parties of
undoubted voracity : -
H AwKiNbViLLE,Ga.,Oct. 20,1869
Dr* W. H. Tutts :
Dearsir:—l consider your Hair Dyea
triumph. Our barbers pronounce it
superior to all ethers.
Yours truly,
I. A. Thompson, Druggist.
New Orleans, Oct. 2 1860.
Dr. Tutts :
Dear s : r : —Your Hair Dye bids fair
to run every other dye out of this mar
John Kimball.
Savannah, Ga., Sept. 27, 1871.
Dr. Tutfe:
Dear sir :—YMur Hair Dye is the
best I ever used.
Yours truly, L. O. Myers
An Historiacl Fact.
Evcrj agent who has been steadily
selling the improved S2O Homestead
Sewing Machine for three years owns his
dwelling house has a good account in
bank, is clear of debt, and has money at
interest.—the national consequence of
securing a good agency for superior
goods at the lowest prices. A good
first-class Sewing Machine, most useful
—reliable at all times, easy to understand
and control, the same size and does the
same work as any Machines that so 1 1 at
Four Times the price. There is no
Machine at any price better or will do
finer work, and certainly none so low Til
price by many dollars. The Home
stead is widely known and used in
thousands of families in the Eastern and
Middle States, and d’ily becoming pop
ular in the West. It will save its cost
several times over in one season doing
the work of the family, or will earn four
or five dollars a day for any man or wo
man who sew for a living. It is the stong
est Machine made, is ready at all times
to do its work, makes the strongest and
finest stitch yet invented, and is fully
acknowledged as the Standard Family
Sewing Machine. Price complete for
domestic use, S2O, delivered at your
door, no matter how remote you may re
side. Business permanent and honora
ble with more certain and rapid sales,
and larger profits an any other. Ex
traordinary liberal offers made to local
or travelin agents where we have none
established, or, if there is no agent near
you send your order direct to the facto
ry. Address J. li. Kendall & Cos., 630
Broadway N. Y. may 17-1 y.
and guMne&s
Wo defy competition, and from this
date wo sell goods for CASH ONLY with*
out descrimination. A large, well as
sorted an3 superior stock of goods al
ways on hand. Bring your greenbacks
and give us a call
Foster & llarlan.
A good assortment will be kept at
the Cheap Cash Store of B. M. & 0. C.
Harlan. Parents and teachers will
please give them a call.
15/ iiu aI ns in bat-*, shoes, ready made
clothing, etc. at J. H. Arthur’s*
The Century of Independence em
braces a collection from official 'sources
of the most important documents and
statietics connected with the political
history of America: also a c-tronogicnl
record of the principal events from its
discovery to the present time with bio
graphical and historical skeches. etc.
Printed in German and Englished.
Nearly GOO pages. Price $2.00.
Never before has so much practical
information of this nature been publish
ed in any one volume.
While there are many treatise pur
porting to give valuable statistics of
America in convenient form, it will be
found upon examination that they
contain a voluminous amount of mat*
ter which is of no utility to any citi
A comparison of the various produc*
(ions wdl convince anv intelligent per*
son that the “Century of Independence”
embraces the important documents to be
ound in them all while it omits that
which is superfluous and adds instead a
vast collection of invaluable facts. No
other arrangement gives one-fuurth the
information in the same space and the
arrangement is what makes it inval
uable as a reference book, it having
been complied under the immediate
supervision of officials at Washing
r l he lawyer, banker, merchant and
farmer will each conclude that it must
have been prepared especially wi‘h ref
ference to his convenience.
It is designated for this work to take
the place in polities that Webster’s Dic
tionary docs in language, and Appleton’s
Gazetteer in general literature. The
binding, paper and illustrations have
been made to compare with the general
character of the work.
Though a person can be a good citi
zen without a thorough education, no
good citizen can enjoy the right of fran
chise intelligently without possessing the
information contained in this book.
While persons refuse to purchase ora
dinary or expensive works, all classes
will gladly avail themselves of the op
portunity for obtaining a work so indis
pensable at so low a price.
Sold only by subscription.
Send for special circular and terms to
S. L. Marrow,
mayß Gm. Indianapolis, lud.
J. 11. Arthur sells goods at pi ices
in accordance with the hard times. Try
Don’t Regard it as C’ntcla-pcu
Bradfields Female Regulator
—We have often read in the newspaper
a l ' the grand success of medical come
pounds put up at the North and else
where. Many of those medicines hav
had their day, and we hear no more of
‘hem. Their proprietors have made
fortunes- not so much from the cura
tive powers and virtues of their mix
tures, as from the notoriety given them
by advertising, by which people were
made to believe all the good that was
said of them. A preperation is now
popular and is known, as Bradfield’s Fe
male Regulator, put up by L. 11. Brad
field, of Atlanta, Ga., at $1.50 per bot*
tie. Such is its curative virtunes, that
it has gained wide-spread popularity all
over the country where it has been
known and it is being introduced every
whe-e. We are informed that immense
quantities of this medicine are being
sold in all sections of to South and
South-west especially in the city of
New Orleans and in Texas.
This much we say in justice to its
proprietors who is a gentleman of integ*.
rity and who would not engage in the
manufacture and sale of a humbug*—
La Grange Reporter.
Two Allies before Breed fast.
In a neighboring Tty in Georgia their
married woman, who after her third
confinement had ulceration with all its
repulsive symptoms. She tried in vain
all the nostrums; her husband caaried
her to all the fnrous mineral springs*
went with her to New York, Philadel
phia, and other places, to consult emi
nent obstetricians, to no purpose. Af
ter the use of the fifth bottle of Regu
lator she has been fully restored to her
former health and happiness and is now
the joy of the household—is able to
walk two miles before beakfast.
Extract From a netted of Kev. Dr. Lovic
Bierce of Sparta, to L. F. Davies :
Macon, Jan. 8,187 G.
Dear Bro. Davies : Excuse me for
writiigonly when I im deeply inter
ested. I have been speechless about
two months. Could not read and pray
in a family. Had tried many things.—
Got no benefit from any. Since Confer
ence someone sent me from Americus
a bottle of Thrash’s Consumptive Cure
and Lung Restorer, which l have been
taking now, this is the 9th day, and I
can talk now with some ease. I came
here among other things to supply my*
vel f with th is medicine. No druggist
here has it on sale. I mnst have it. I
want you to go in person to Thrash &
Cos , show them this letter and make
them seud me by express to Sparta, Ga.
t ,vo, three or four bottles, with bill. I
am getting on finely.
(Signed) L Pierce.
Hunt, Rankin, & Lamar , Atlanta,
Ga, Agents. Sep,22,ly.
J. IT. Arthur is just receiving a
well assorted lot of clothing,boots, hats,
prints, notiuns, and dry goods generally,
and is desirous that the public shall
know that he is selling for cash at’priecs
that absolutely defy competition. If
you want bargains call at his store and
you will net be disappointed. Oct26.
Cotton yams at J. 11. Arthur’s.
Sheetings, shirtings, prints and no
tions at the lowest prices at
J. H. Arthur's.
Crockery ware, Queen's ware facto
ry ySrns, etc , cheap at
J. H. Arthur’s.
A new line of sf npie goods in store
at J. II Arthur's. Call at once and get
Considering the number and varietv
of poisonous reptiles and insects aboun
ding almost everyw here in the United
States, it is not surprising that eases of
death resulting from their bites arc
frequently recorded in the public press.
But it docs seem strange that in this
land of knowledge, people should
through ignorance give themselves up
to die after being bitten, when a cure
can be speedily effected in the worst by
timely uae of that simple remedy, the
Seven Seal* or Gojlden Wonder.—
The proprietors of this great medicine
have a large number of certificates in
tbeir possession, attesting the mo r t
wonderful cures of bites of venomous
The Seven Seals has been found
equally efficacious whom applied to bee
stings, which as is well known often
times prove fatal to the sufferer. Aches
and pains of every description, whether
acuce or chronic, are almost instantly
relieved by the application of the Sev
en Seals to the parts affected.
A fine stock of saddlery, horse col
lars bridles, etc., just received at J. 11.
“A Thing of Beauty is a Joy
Forever.”— What is it? Something
prepared for woman only, and to be usi
ed by woman exclusively. It is adapted
especially to cases where the womb is
disordered and cure pll irregularities of
the “menses” or “monthly courses” by
restoring the discharge in every instance
whether acute or chronic. Where is
it? Dr. Bradfield’s Female Regulator!
—Woman’s Best Friend—is prepared 1
and sold by L. D, Biadfield, Druggcjs
Atlanta,Ga., and may be bought for sl.-
50 per bottle at’as any respectable Drug
House in the union.
We, the undersigned druggists take
pleasure in recommending to the trade
Dr. J. Bradfield’s Female Regu
lator, believing it to be a good and re
liable remedy for the diseases for which
he recommends it.
W. A. LANSDELL Atlanta Ga.
REDWINE & FOX, Atlanta Ga.
W. C, LAW SHE, Atlanta Ga.
W. ROOT & SONS, Marietta, Ga.
***-4 nnouncements of candidates published
from date of insertion to election day, for fire
dollars, in advance.
We are authorized to announce the name
ot li, C. MIZELL as a candidate for Tax
Collector of Gordon county. Election first.
Monday in January, 1877-
_ The tricndii of T. J. NORTON announce
liis name as a candidate for re-election to
the tliice of Taj Collector of Gordon coun
■TEMßWWl I . W|l irWCSM^g-aa
GEORGIA,Gordon County.
mo all whom it may concern. Jas. I.
JL laghram and S. B. Inghram having
in proper from applied to me for .per
manent letters of administration on the
estate of A Inghram late of said coun
ty this is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of A. In'*
ghram to be and appear at my office
within the time al'owed and show cause
if any they can why permanent admin
iscration should not be granted to Jas. I.
Inghram &. S. B. Inghram on A. Ins
| ghram’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signa ,r
fure this July 1, 1876.
D. W. NEEL, Ordinary.
GIF !I. Miioo;
Would again call the attention of the public
to the fact that they still have on hand a
good stock of
One atul Tiro Horse Wag
ons, Spring Wagon 9,
Haggles, etc.
W c also have o 1 hand a large assortment of
Excelsior Plows,
and all other goods in the agricultural line.
We are also supplied with a full line of
rdl of which v. 0 will sell very cheap fo
cash* Call and price cur goods before pur
chasing elsewhere.
(MiAMPiGNi jThe Rest Presses Made
yPRINTING They are Well
y PRESSES. Buii!.
p-Qfj f$3P Impression comes
up true, even and firm,
PRIHTEBS f “^r ot spring a
Business-Men t,ee rest
AMD J VO1 ’ K '
n j Larger sizes, self-ink-
Job Type for Amateurs !
Printers’ Furnishing Articles.
OYEiery description.
Sen 11 10 cts. for panic Met. Address
. L. GUMP * CO.,
70 Yvilam street, New York.
J / a S enifi * male and female, in th ir
i,-’ # 4 own lomiiity. Terms and outfit,,
free Addros P. 0.. Vickery & Cos, Angus
ta, Maine.
'£3j£js A LECTURE
Just Published, in a Scull'd Envelop. Price
six cents.
A I.cefnre on the Nature. Treat
ment, ami Radical cure of Seminal Weak
-1 ness, oi* Spermatorrhoea, induev*l by Self
j Abuse. Involuntary Emissions, Im potency,
| Nervons Debility, end Impediments to Mar
riage, goneraily; Consumption, Epilepsy
and Fits. Mental.and Physic..l Incapacity,
antin’ of the “Green Book,” sc.
Th e world-renowned author, in th's ad
mirable lecture, clearly proves from his own
experience that the awful consequences of
Belt-Abuse may be effectually removed with
out medicines, and without dangerous sur
gical operations, bougies, instruments,rings
or cordials : pointing out a mode of cure at
once certain and effectual, by which every
sufferer, no matter what his condition may
be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and
EktiJ* This Lecture will prove a Do n to Thou
sands and Thousands.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to
any address, ] ost-paid, on receipt of six cents
or two postage stamps.
Addicss the publishers,
41 Ann St., Niw York, I*. O. Box 4 ; 386.
[Business Established in 1827.]
Manufacturers of
Superior Wood Type and Borders,
<‘DACLE. ’ “CALIFORNIA” arid etlier
Xl3 ’improvedCabinets, Utfses, Stands and
Galleys, It dirirt Marble Imposing Stones,
Composing Sticks and Rules, Chases, etc.
< 10 and IK Put ok street, corner Fa'ton, N. Y.
)■ A ompleto Newspaper Outflts.“ I ©o
Where Advertising Contracts can be made.
Now Buffalo Bill Revolver ijrW IW W
Sent with 100 Cartridges for $3. Full Nickle Plate.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Illustrated Catalogue FREES.
WESTERN GUN WORKS, Chicago, 111.,
G‘J Dearborn-st. (McCormick Block). P. O. Box 540.
Price Twenty■ Five Cents.
Containing a complete list of all the towns
in the United States, the territories and the
Dominion of Canada, having a population
greater than 3,000 according to the last cen
sus, togethe ■ with the newspapers having
the largest local circulation in each of the
places named. Also a catalogue of ncvvspa.
pers recommended to advertisers as giving
greatest value in propoition to prices charg
ed. Also, all newspapers in the United
States and Canada p. inting over 5,000 cop
ies each issue. Also, all the Religious Ag
ricultural, Scientific and Mechanical Med
ic"!], Masonic, Juvenile, Educational Com
mercial, Insurance, Real Estate, Law, Sport-.
ir : :\ Musical, Fashion, and other special
chi -s journal: very complete lists. Togeth
er with a complete list of over 3,000 German
! a pers printed in the United States. Also,
an essay on advertising; many tables o"
r tcs. showing the cost of advertising in
various newspapers, and Everything that
a beginner in advertising, would like |to
know. Address GOE. B. ROWELL <j- Cos.,
•41 Bark Row, N. Y.
A complete list, numbering 8, 129, with
a Gazettn* corrected to date, if all towns
and cities in which Newspapers are publish
ed ; historical and stat stistical sketches of
the Great Newspaper Establishments ; illus
trated with numerous engravings of the
principal newspaper buildings. 1 Book of
300 Rages, just issued. Mailed, post paid,
to any address for 35c. Apply (inclosing
pee Baviliox, Centennial Groun s, Phila
delphia, or American News Company, N. Y
Every advertiser needs it.
Ar , rj7(T? AP cr day at home. Samples
VI toVSI wor,h free - Stinson &
v v Vivl/Qo., Portland, Maine
ASA A DAY at home. Agents wanted.
\1 /. Outfit and term3 free TRUE & CO.,
Vlw Augusta,. Main*>-
•JLA ifev !
Limy & mmm.
Good "addle and Buggy Horses,
and New VeltieleS.
Horses and mules for sale.
Stock fed and cared for.
Charges will be reasonable.
Will piv the cash for corn in tlie ear and
‘‘odder in the bundle. febß-tf.
Summer Refreshments,
And other Delicacies.
Tnaycr’s Saloon
Two dcors east of 13. M. & C. C. Harlan.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry roi
paired and warranted.
To tlie Pubic*
HAVING pi rc’iased the establishmentpre
viously on nod and conducted by D. T.
ids; y, I um prepared so do ail hinds of work
ia the be t style and at prices astonishingly
low, on short notice. Repairing also done
with Yicatness and dispatch. 1 respectfully
solicit, the patronage of is y friends and the
public gcnervily. Terms invariable cash
llespectfullj . W. C. DUFFEY.
Sm-fcr to D. T. E-py
Watch-Maker & Jeweler,
All styles of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry j
nuetly repaired and warranted.
I ““ ~ " ' ~~ ’’ “ ~
TA7E are pleased to notify our friends that we are ..ow layin in a large and suj crier
Tl stock of
Seasonable G-oocis.
Those who wish Bargains will give us a call.
Wholesale and Detail Druggists,
No. 19 Broad Street (SHORTER BLOCK ) Koine, Ga.
Dealers in
y? Dye-Stuffs, T Uet & Fancy Articles,
W~., rr ;W Oi DS, 3PVLtty 9 GrlasS
. Cartridge Loader. Webb’s Patent,
the only complete Cartridge-:Loading apparatus ever in
ven 4 ed, co billing in one compact and portable inn
q? 4 **- chine a the various implements employed in load
* e /*Sw ingppp ‘ or metallic shells.
Military, Target,
Guns, ng, and Hunting Breech-Loading Rifles, Shot s, *wj^>?*
Brinci Pistols, Cartridges, etc. The Host in the Wo
Sportipal office and Armory, IIJON. N, y. New York OSeoNX
Queen s Budding, Queen Victoria St. Chicago Office, 237 jjtat , N.
id fo Treatise on Kdlc -shooting,
Illustrated Catalogues, & c *
Win. A. IS A Y C4-OO i),
No. 21 Marietta, Corner Broad Street,
Carpets, Oil Olotlis,
Mattings, Curtains,
Lambrequins, Hilaries,
& TJpliolstei'jr Groocls.
Letters of Inquiry promptly answered. a - rl2-3nv,
r J
[| Tr\i\mimm
QRANd prize
v- )AL.
- , | “ iW/575.
It requires no Instructions to ran it. It can net get out of erdea.
It N7ill do every class and kind of
It TTiU ses? frera Tissno .Taper to Harness Lcatber.
it_i3 as far in advance cf otto? Setvingr Kuchinss in tEa magnitude of
its superior improvements, as a Steam p?.r osooll3 in acMovemeats
tho cld fasliicned Coach,
Prisms mad© Cos zlxm Times,
Either for Cash or Credit.
for illustrated Oataloguo cf ) 4 nrMTO H/ and MTCn
STYLES and PM \ * htft 10 tV/i NltU*
Satin Gloss Starch.
Use it once, and you will use no other.
I’ron&uneed by Jurors of Great Interna
ional Exposition, Paris, 1807, to be the
“ Perfection of duality.”
A trial will insure its popularity every
where. N'.fie genuine without l>ur; eas' on
every package.
For sale’y yrocers genrculJy
We warrant a - man $25 a day using our
In good territory. Descriptive bo'-'k sent
B 0 j. ju z fluyc St loo'jwMo.
Burdick’s National.
Will Cut more. 1n giv- _
en time, withlesspow- A
or,than any other Cut - Vw. .VI
ter in the market, **“•
Recommended by t*-<9 i NfiAjff Jf
Street Railway coin. i^L
£.inies of .St. Louis and —T_ }*•
For Description a..j j UiSU
Prices address }
Semple, Barge & Cos.,
Manufacturers Agricultural Implements and
Specialties in Hardware
&1 ° Washington Arc., ST. LOUIS,
Sk/Tlease mention iaVliat yapor you evad this.