Calhoun times. (Calhoun, a.) 1876-1876, October 21, 1876, Image 2

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c aLHou jn times 0. B. FREEMAN, Editor l aws Re lating to Newspaper Snbjscrii.- lions uiml Arrearages. 1* Subscribes who do noigive express not. o (he contrai J- are considered *wishing t< (t, tinue, their subscription. 2. If suh*c. iters order the discontinue < / tj their v. di ds„ the p to. 'dice? nuin c< i ,',ue to send them futiil all arrearages are p ri o'. .If subscribers neglect or refuse to ta n e then periodicals front the office to which th j are di rected, they are hsldresponsible until they have settled their bills and ordered them discontin ued. 4. If subscribers move-, to other places without notifying publishers, and the papers are sen / to the former direction, they are held resjionsi be. 6. The Courts have decided that “ refusing to take periodical', from the office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prinut fane evidence of in. >r donal fraud. ’ 6. An}/ per on who receives a newspaper and ma'rs use of il whether he has ordered it or not, : s held : .i law to be a subscriber, i. If subscribers pay \t advance, they are bound to give notice io the ">ublisher, at the end of their line if they do not wish to continue tak ing it; o her wise tlx publisher is authorized to se and it o.i and the subscribers will be respon sible until on express notice, with payment of all arrearages, is sent io the publisher, SATURDAY, OCT. 21, 1576- National Democratic Ticket FOR PRESIDENT. HON. SAMUEL J. TILDIN, OF NEW YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, HON.THOS. A. HENDRICKS, OF INDIAN FOR CONGRESS, HON. WxV, H. DABNEY, OF FrOYD. FELTONISM AND THE DEMOC RACY. It is a fact clearly established beyond question that sober-minded and reflec tive Democrats are every day discarding Dr. Felton and his independent doc* trine, and yielding their former alle giance, are joining band who are lab iring for the unity and r cser vation of the par'y by electing Col. Dabney, who has been chosen the party standard bearer. Sufficicrt are these changes, it is firmly believed, to secure a grand triumph in November. Demo crats are beginning to see too plain;y iRe inconsistency in this Felton warf; re to join issue with the floating mass of negroes and Radicals who represent the defunct Republican party of this District, and are fast coming to a true conception of his position, and many seeing in him the embodiment of such principles, are losing their personal re spect for him. His platform is too flimsy and is crumbling to atoms beneath the burden of investigation, and far better would it have been for Dr. Fel ton —as we believe time will surely prove —if he had quietly laid aside his inde pendent robes before entering this last crusade, for then he might have let the error of his past race rest under cover of what he called a had nomination, hut if he is not sepudiaied at the polls at the close of this canvass, then indi° cations are now certainly deceitful. Whether I)r. Felton had such an end in view from the beginning or not, if his political philosophy should be sus/ taincd by success, it would implant him the leader of a faction which would al most utterly destroy the Democratic party (certainly its usefulness) in this District, and that faction, as all good Democrats know, has in it some of the wor*t material to be found in the Dis trict, and am mg its adherents there would be rejoicing over the results it would accomplish. There is a mode — 1 ‘ come let us rea son together”—by which impending qvils can be averted, if men will so tar forget prejudices as to let judgaent truidc them unbiased into channels of right. Principles, not men ” must be uppermost in the hearts of those who sacredly legard the welfare of the coun try. While Dr. Fe ton claims to he a Democrat, the Radicals are open’y work ing to secure his election, lather be cause they believe his claimed Democ* racy a cheater because Irs candidacy ii antagonistic to the interests their political enemies is this alliance formed. Col. Dabney’s candidacy is an open embodiment of Democratic principles, and nowhere are concessions made to secure Radical votes, and that party has nothing to expect from him. Democrats are discovering the milk in the cocoa.nut and are beginning to re solve to plaoe their votes where they properly belong, tha., the restoration of harmony and the progress of Demo cratic strength may follow the ballot. A PLAIN COMPARISON. Rutherford I>. Ilayes, in two terms in Congress made hut oue speech, and hat one in defense of his action in al lowing a claim which ha knew to be fraudulent to pass the House without protesting, though he was a member of the Committee on claims, and it was his duty to make a minority report. — In the three terms, during which Mr. Hayes has been Governor of Ohio, he has done, so far as c; n be ascertained, ibsolutely nothing. Gov. Tilden has •eeu once a member of a Constitutions 'onvention, once a member of Assem. • ly, and once Governor. In the Con 'itutiona! Convention he aided the most distinguished men in the State it ■forming the Constitution. In the As mbly h e continued the work of chas eniug the Tweed Ring, to which hi ad already given as a private -itizen 'ixteen months of his undivided tim, •• bancloning a iaw practice that was ex* cecdingly lujrative, and had subscribed for the work out of his own pocket what would have supported a charity handsomely for all time. As Governor he has broken up oldest ring in this country, and did it v ith boundless cour age and unsurpassed yo’ilical skill. He has wrought about i’..e preparation of a uniform system of municipal gov ernment which will save New York and Brooklyn and the others cities of New York millions on millions in debts and taxes. Governor Tilden reduced tax of New York in the first year of his ad ministration, 51.520,801,47 ; in the sec* ond year the reduction was more than 850,000,000 over the [firtt, and the whole reduction from the last year of Gen. Dix’s administration is 81,198,706- 76, or nearly one-half the total tax. SAVANNAH. \ No Further Aid Needed. The following address has been* tele graphed through the Associated Press : City of Sanannah. ) Mayor's Office, Oct. 17, 1876. j To the Benefactors throughout the un ion : It is impossible to express adequate, ly the deep sense of gratitude felt by the people of Savannah i*ur the genor ous benevolence which has been extended to us from all parts of the United States, in tee, our supreme hour of distress and destitution. It soothed many a dying pillow an . aching heart. Such deeds do more to blind the inhabitants of this lane in sympathy together ts citizens of a common country, than a’l the po-> litical theories that were ever advan u ced. All we can now return to our bene factors are our heattfelt thanks ar.d our sincere - vets that the Almighty may bless a d preserve in their homes the nople pe hie who have so rc dily come io cur rescue, and long shield them from the ‘ pestilence that walketh in darkness and the destruction that wasteth at noonday.” Justice and candor require us, how ever, to announce at this time that, by reason of the large liberality of sub* sciipticns in money and suppli s al ready afforded to us, we are no longer in immediate n^ed; and we, therefore, ask our friends everywhere to cease, "or the present, their charitable contribu tions. If the sad necessity shall arise among us, we will frankly and unhesitatingly appeal to them fer relief. Edw C. Anderson, Mayor of Savannah. John F. Wheaton, Acting President Savannah Benevolent Association. The “Claims” of the Kcpublf* van On whom has the republican parly claims? Not on the white people of the south, lor the republican adminis tration has intimidated their legislatuies and broken up governments, and the carpet-baggers have added $200,000,000 to the debts of the Southern States— debis which the v/hite democrats must pay. Nut upon the black people of the South, for they have arrayed them in hostility to their real friends, their old masters, and stolen their hard earnings out of the strong boxes of the Freed men’s Savings bank. Nut upon the tax payer, fot it has spent in the last six years more than twice the original amouut of the national debt, and increas e i its estimates for thesupport of the gov ernment during this year, when times were hard and threatened to be harder, by the enormous sum of $55,000,000 — a sum that would have been eminently useful in the illicit work of the republi can campaign. Not upon the reform ers, for every state and national conven tion for the past eight years has in dorsed all the crimes and cop'uptious of the administration ; for not one of its countless pledges of civil service reform lias ever been fulfilled ; for during the past six years the number of office bol° ders has been doubled, there being now more than 1000,000. Not upon honest office holders, because there have beon nearly 700 defaulters under the Brant adm'uistrat'on, whose escape from pun ishment has reflected disgrace upon all office holders. Nut upon men who de sire honest government, for the defalca tions of the administration have amoun ted in the last six years to nearly SO,OOO 000, and the robberies of the whisky lings have amounted to between SSO, 00o,000.and $1,000,000,000. Not upo on those who desire specie payments, for not cue of the hundred pledges of specie payj cuts, ha- been fulfilled, and not one step has been taken towards it. Not upon the people of the frontier, for their lives are in.periled by a policy wh'ch supports the Indian in constant warfare upon the whites. Not upon the soldiers, because they were held by a republican secretary to furnish the blackmail which he demanded of post traders, and his extortions, though ex posed by a distinguished general, were tolerated four years longer. Not upon sailors and officers of the navy, because our navy has become the most extravagant and the worst in the world, and the shadow of the head has been thrown over the whole body. Not upon citizens who were jealous of our good fame at home, bee use a cabinet minis ter convicted of many corruptions, is his; for in the words of Charles Fran cis Adams, corioption is every where pievalent in the republican organization for every department of the govermeut has been disgraced by the exposure of republican corruption, and is and übtless still more deeply disgraced by the exist ence of corruption which'has not been disclosed. Not uron the honest voters of either party, for the only remedy which it proposes for the appalling evils of our political condition is the contin uance in office the men who have brought it about. No republic was ever before ruled by a party so corrupt, and the come time has to hurl it from power. New Advertisements. oiv THE GREAT CAUSE* *8 HUMAN MISERY. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Tieat meot, and Radical cine of Seminal Weak ness. or Spermaiovihoea, induced by SeU- Abuse, Involuntary Emissions. Impotency, Nervous Debdi.y, end Impediment o Ma.. viage, generally; Consumption, Ep’lep-y and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c— 13y ROBERT J CILVERWELL, M. D., author of .lie “Green Book,” The world-renowned auino;, in th's ad mirable loc ure, clearly piovc'i fio n bis own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be efeciually lemora wi.h ou. medic pcs, and vi.liort dangerous so. - gical opeialiops bougies, ins.i .’menie,lings o. co t mis : po niing om a n.ocfeo.' eu• e i once cei.ain and o'. • \by\ if o’i every suUeier, ro ma..-e,* ids co.mi.ion may be. may erne himself c leapty privately and radically. This Lee..ire will 'wove a Bo.n to Thou sands ana P / nisra Sent under seal, ii a plain onvc'o e, to any address ] osi-paid, oa rec -io. of si- cents or two postage stamps. Addiess THE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO. 4 I \ n Sr. >. iv \ - > vi ' ' Centennial Reduction in Advertising. Taree thou and. two lir 'red and fi y do’ 1 is worth of newspaper rdve.tiifng, at p. schedule ra. - given fo- S7O *. and a three months’ nom accepted in p. y ment .rom advertisers of esponsibiß A printed Ds<, g-v’ag Name, Character, Ac tual Daily . id Weekly Circulation and Schedub* Rates of Advertisin’ sen., fipe to anyaldrcs;. Apply to Geo. P. Rowell & Cos., Newspaper Advertising Agents, 41 Park llow, N. Y. ocl-l-ly. The Ciieapest in the World. PIM MAMIE GREAT REDUCTIONS TO CLUBS. Postage Prepaid to Mail Subscribers. Peterrson’s Magazine has the best Orig inal Stories of any of the lady’s books, the colored fashion plates, the best receipts, the best steel engravings, &c., &c. E\eiy fam ly ought to lake it. It gives more for the money than any i:< the world. It will contain next year, in its twelve numbers— One Thousand Panes, Fourteen Splendid Plates , Twelve Colored Berlin Patterns, Twelve Mammoth Colored Fashions , N’ne Hundred Wood Cuts, Twenty-four Pages of Music T t will also give Five Origii al Copyright Novelettes by Mrs. Alin S. Stephens, Frank Lee Benedict, Mrs. Frances Hodgson Bur net, Marietta HoPey, and Lucy H. Hooper. Also, nearly a ho id red shorter stories, all original, by the best authors of Amerie i.— It. superb Mammoth Colored Fashion Plates are ahead of all others. These plates are engiaved on steel, twice the usual size. TERMS (always in advn.ce) $2 00 A YEAR. ) With a copy of the 2 Copies for $3 00 | premium pic.ure (27 x ' 20) “Cornwallis’s Sur -3 “ “ 4: 80 \ render ”a five dollar en -1 graving, to the person J getting up the club. | W’ith an extra copy of 4 Copies for $6 80 | the magazine for 187 7, fas a premium, to the 5 “ “SBOO | pei-son getting up the J club. ) With both an extra 6 Copies for b 9 69 I copy of the magazine | for 1b77, and the pre -7 “ “ 1100 1 mium picture, a live | dollar engraving, io 9 <c “ 1350 the person getting up i the club. Address, pest-pa.d,- CHARLFS J, PETERSON, 30G Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Specimens sent gratis, if written for. “JL”. M. lESJLaXjXfeS’ LIHRYUALE STABLE. Good aud 111 <rcry Horse and New vehicles. f lorses and nmles for sate. Stock fed and cared for. # Charges will be reasonable Will pay the cash for corn ip he ear and de r>n the bundle. feb 3-tf. R. WAYNE WILSON, R. C. WILSON, Formerly of Atlanta, Ga. Formerly of Sparta, Ga. WILSON & WILSON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Dealers in General Merchandise, CALHOUN, GA Have just opened with a complete and well selected stock of Groceries, Isry Goods, Notions, Olotiling, ZElats, Slioes, Furniture, etc. etc. Will take any hind of Country Produce in Harter and as we sell for Cash Only , we can afford to offer Great Inducements . Will make liberal advances on Consignments. Owing to our connection with the firm of A. T. Cunningham, of Cunningham’s Warehouse, Atlanta, Ga., we have excellent facilities for disposing of of any and all consignments of farm products entrust ed to our care, “©a Give us a caH at Snelor & Rankin’s old stand. sepl6-3m. Sheriff Sales for November* WI L L be sold before the Court House door in the town of Calhoun Gordon county, Ga., between the legal hours of sale on on the first Tuesday in November next, the following property towt: Lot of land No. 313, in 7th d‘s..'iel, 3d Section of Gordon Cos., as the property of James Watts and Deli.* za Wads, to satisfy four executions issued from Gordon Superior Court in favor of Jcsiah Chandler for the use of A. Tate, vs. James Watts and Deliza Walls, for the purchase money ol said property. Also at the same time and place will be sold lois of land Nos. 106 and 107 in the 14th District,and 3d Section.and lot No. 293, in the 13th District, and 3d Sec.ion, all in Gcrd n county, as the property of Isaac Rates to satisfy an execution issued from Gold n Superior Court in favor of Malinda Bagby vs. Isaac Bates. Aiso at the same time and place will be sold lot N0.4 in the Ith Section of the town .ot C 'hoan, Goraon county, Ga., and i e store house located thereon—bou iued on the North by N. J. Boaz & Co’s store house ano on the South by lot known as Littlefield’s prov petty fronting 25 feet on Railroad stree 1 ' and runn’ig back 65 feet; a$ the pro perty of J. H. Arthur to satisfy two ex* ecutions issued from Go- don Superor Court in favor of E. B Stoddard & Cos. vs. J. H Arthur. Also at the same time and place will be sold lo ; " of land Nos. 17 and 53, in the 25th District, and 3d Section of Gordon county, as the propesty of Alf. Allott, to satisfy one auachment ffa issued from Gordon Superior Court, in favor of John M. Gellispei vs. said Alf Allott, for the purchase money. Pro pel ty pointed out in H a. Also at the same time and place will he sold lot of land No. 210 and one bundled acres more or lost off, of the east side of lot No 246 all in the 7th District, and 3u section of Gordon coun ty, and 500 oak boards more or less 800 feet more or less of pine lumber, and one biack horse mule levied on as the property of A J. King, to satisfy one execution issued from Gordon Superior Court in favor of W. J. Reeves for the use of F. M. Autry, vs. said A. J. King Proper.y pointed out by plaintiffs. Also at the same time and place will be sold lois of land Nos. 22 and 15 in the 25th District and 2nd Section of Gordon county as the property of B. W. Freeman to satisfy an execution issued from Gordon Superior Court 'in favor of Wai. H. Potter Endorser, vs C. H. Freeman and B. W. Freeman. Properly pointed out by plaintiff’s Attorney. This October 6, 1879. I. E. Ba rtlett, Sheriff. T WENTY - EIVE CENTS WILL SEND THE WEEKLY SUN From Now until after tlie Presidential Elec tion Post-paid- to any Address Throughout the United States. No Campaign Document Like It. Adress THE ISU N, N<- ic Yoi h City. sep9-.3t. THIS PAPER IS ON FILE WITH There Advertising Contracts can be made. J. 1. CASE & CO’S TMing Machines & Horse Powers. Apron Separators and EoHpwWo* apron Separators, with 20, 26. 32 and 36 inch Cylinders. Pitts A- Woodbury Powers, 6,8, 10 and 12 Horse, down and mounted ,snlt able to large or small crops, level or hilly countries, Also, Steam Separators A Portable Engines. Liberal Terms to responsible parties. Agents wanted in every eonnty. Send for Pamphlet and mention this paper. SEWIPLE, BiRCE & Cos., 910 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Administrator’s Sain, By virtue of an order from the court of Ordinary of Gordon county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in Novembe. next, at the court house door in said county, between the the legal hours of sale, 90 acres of land, more or less of lot No 261, in 13th district 3d section, (The balance of said lot, set apart as widow’s dower, but not to be sold), said 90 acres sold as property of Arter George, deceased for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms of sale one half cash, the oth er half 12 months after date, with good note and security, and I will give bond for title. This Oct b, 1876. J. L Wood Admin’r of Arter Geo Oct7. 30d—printer’s f es 4. SOLID WliWlT $600,000 IN GIFTS I Grandest Scheme ever Pre sented to the Public! A FORTUNE FOR ONLY #l2. THE KENTUCKY cash distribution CO A i PAN Y, an th oil zed by a special act of tlie Keuincky Legislature, for the bene' fit of the PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF FRANK FORT. will have the first of their se-ies of Grand Drawings at Major Hall, in hie ciiy < f Frankfort,Ky., on THURSDAY AUGUST 31. 187(5, on which occasion they will dir. ilibule to tiie fickot holde. s the immen e sum of $600,000! Tlios, P. Porter, Ex-Got. Kj., General iHuiisigor. POSITIVELY NO POSTPONEMENT f as we will have a series of G nd Drawin and can not establish ihe prece dent of pos.poning. LIST OF GIFTS. One Grand Cash Gill $100,0(0 One Grand Cash Gift 50.000 One Grand Cash Gift 25,000 One Grand Cash Giit 20,000 One Gra..d Cash Gift 10,000 Oue Grand Cash Gift, 5,000 50 Cash Gifts of si,ooo each... 50,000 100 Cash Gitts of 500 each .. 50,C00 100 Cash Gifts of 400 each... 40,000 100 Cash Gifts of 300 each .. 30,C00 200 Cash Gifts of 200 each.... 40,000 GOO Cash Gifts of 100 each... 60,000 10,000 Cash Gifts of 12 each... 120,000 Total, 11,156 Gifts, All Cash... 600,00 u PRICE OF TICKETS: Whole tickets sl2 : Halves $6 ; Quarteis $3 9 Tickets "6100 ; 27 j Tickets $200; 46£ Tick ets $500; 9of Ticket SI,OOO. 100,000 Tick ets at sl2 each. Hon. E. 11. Ti ylo . Alayor of Frankfort, the entire*board of C* y CouncHmen. Hon. Alvin 1 !,lale Caici Jusiiceof Kentucky, and other dis.inguisbed citiz ns. toga.her with such disimeiesied poisons he tick et holders present in. y desi o naie wi’l su perintend ihe di awing. Remiiiances can he made by express, draft, postolficc money o • .egi .eied letter, madenayfble 10 KENTUCKv' CASH DISTRIBUTION CO:’IPAN Y. All coniinunicv.ions councc.ed w-.h the distribu.ion- and order jor tick ns, and an plication of agents to to .ell iio.:ci si ould be addressed to IION. THOS, P. PORTER, Gni'l Manager Franklort, Kj . july26-imo. Attention, Farmers. I HAVE now opened at my farm, one mile west of Calhoun, a shop ov the manufac ture the manufacture pf Wagons, Buggies, etc., and the execution of ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND BLACKSMITH WORK. and will be ple.iseu lo ,ei vc yon. The work I have done iu the is a . i guar antee ' o\ .he ju.uic. None bat .he best mecbpD’cs en’ulovod. Will .innisb new woik .•; for you. My a this p l . ce are not no. t :,o g or.f as they we ein own. hence Ic.o do you v/oik so much ihe clie. per. Irk oO cu.'homers and the puhHcgeuex; 11 v >o give me a call Z T.GBAY. mar29-6m, W. R. Rankin. J- A. Cray. AN KIN & GRAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Calhoun, Ga. Prompt attention paid to collections. Office up stairs in the Young Building. • sepl6-6m. BRICK ! BRICK ! HAVING been successful in burning a kill of brick of the best quality the under signed would respectfully notify the citizens of Calhoun and vicinity that he is prepar ed to funish them in large o- small loUat reasonable figures at his place near Cal houn. - , Riv.J. B. HILLIIOUBE. DURYEA’S Satin Gloss Starch. TRY IT! Use it once, and you will use no other. DURYEA’S IMPROVED CORN STARCH. Pronounced by J v OiS o* Great Interna tional Expos'tlon, Palis. 1867, to be the “Perfection of Quality.” A trial will insure Ls popuia-ity eveiy where. None genuine w : thorn Durye.l3’ on every package. For salehy grocers genre ally * GEORGIA Cordon County. TO all whom it may concern.— H. M. Buikhalte’' having in proper form ap plied to me for permanent letters of administration dehorns non on the estate of G H. Knight with the will annexed iate of said county — This is to cite all and singular the ereditors and next of kin of G. 11. Knight to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law and show cause if any they can, hy prem.-. GREAT lAYLOR & FARLFY ORGAn t Established 1846. Only Organ that gives Written Guar antees. * argest Organ Factory in the World. PRICES FROM S6O to SI,OOO. Teinib 1 llhj So: lur f i :->giUS Reliable Agents wanted : n Georgia, Ala bama, Floiidf, No .ah and South Carolina, and East Teunoecee, h.y TU3NER & B3AUMULLER, Wiioleale Southern Agents, 30 W.Mehcll Street, Atlanta, Ga. WliiilMiES, BI GG 11! S AND WAGONS. THE undei signed having puichased o Mr. Z. T. C.y b ;< - shop •ools. end -iock of mfievirl, con'-'Ming of eveiything ne cessa.y 10 (he < omde.ioa of h. si-class Wag ons, Ca.u •t ad w ,r nd rlso Har ness, Biid’es, . c., .ogeOe- wi.u .411 Kind* of Farm Work, iu wood Iron autl St 1. Horse-shoeing done in the best style. Al kinds of tepaiiing done ft shout notice and in good Sivle, The same hands contin ued in the shop3, with the addition of Mr. Meits, who is known to be among the best of wood woikmen. Mr. Giay will give his personal attention in the shops for awhile, Iryme All wotk and piices warranted satisfactory. A liberal discount will b made for cash. A. W. STEINWAY. "FIGURES DON’T LIE.” Steinway Pianos STILL TRIUMPHANT. Steinway’s sales, evidence of their popularity, - - $1,205,463 < ickerirg f; Sons $322,402 tVlliam Kuabe A Cos 383,511 Hynes Eros 237/Jsl lV ;,li am P. Emerson 232,799 Albert Weber 221,444 The above figures are taken from the annual Internal Revenue Tax Returns. BUBENSTFJ Dur iq rII my long and difficult journeys all over America, in a very inclement season, I used your P ; aroi, aud have been able .‘0 use your Pi anos exclu >ivelv i j niy two huni red and 11, een con. certs, and also in private, with the mo t eminent sat isfaction and effect. New York, M y 24th. 1873. (The above is the only tes timonh.l eve • given by Rubcnsfc : n to ary Piano manuirCiUj c .) IV-y te’l Mr. Stein way that his sple idid upright T’ano shone to brilliant to the lestival pc. fo .nances at the Wart hu.-g, where, las. Tuesday ic se.ved under my fin o-ers as “ Vice Oic ie (ra,”°ex_ ,citing gene al admiration (Extract irom D., Fran Liszt o the ceie-iatc composer. Metzdorr.wlF c ! 1 letter,dated £epi. 27 ]s* 1 * P:>-S(SSM,„ S^ Messrs. Stein way & So ot ns.) MALI l KREHS Ai'C. thoroughly ,jng you • Piano'’, bo. h j n.i vr e am H'blic, i'- j cou> Bcieu : on ly s. y 1 j i the S-einv’r v esupe rio. 10 rU Atnc.ic n and Ee.opoau just, i< m e n 1 1 known tome* New '0 k, May 1 7 th, 13,2.) DL MEYEE, Du;ing iny r iis.ic ca rccr Oi 1110 i o I li,ai years, I bed oc< 'o.i ,o use the pianos o- : 11 . e world icuot. i~d .. Ve-s, in public and. _. U s . hut have neve. ioi'n. an in , rumen! r.diic compares [with yon >k- 1 o s *. [New York, MgciG's.. IhCB.) JAELL- “ Y r onr name deserves lobe iu evibedin golden lc.leis iu hisiory ofpian making iu America, to iinjnovc.nruf oi \/’dch yo largely con., ibuie Your piauos may oe p< q cl iiard as incomparable Yv hat noble, uisiiiiguishui ue ! YYhat poe.ical sin tr *s qi’-di-y! [, A m °il 19, J 861 . j 1 ABT. “Du ing my lon ,■ earee’* as A .isteud. (Jo.npose., l .n'\e met with m. <’v ,< e Ih’.opc. and A../.* : c..n P’r 10 i’o.ics, ’ic (O te I .a. co nhine g. a n’ei' rad j>o; y o jue. elrs ici.y ° o i si.Oit, every (-in 0 .'-at .end.e su p ano pc.,ect, .0 ~uch a high deg. ce as \ oui celebrated Pi. no Cos. es.” [New Yo"k Ji'iy 5, ] GiA j WE ALWAYS GIVE DATES WITH ALL CREDENTIALS, as tliere are some “ old,” yes, very OLD credentials out from different celes brated Artists, given by them—some before Mess. Steinway & Sons ever manufactured Pianos, and others, be fo.e they had tried the. e celebiated in struments. S. B. M ILLS, (celebrated Composer J. N. P ATT ISON, “ ALFRED H. PEASK “ “ D. WOLLErT fJ AUPIh “ “ JOSEPH WJKNIAWSKI, Direc tor of the Couservatoiy of Jlusic at file cow, Ru- iu. THEODORE THOMAS, CH AS. KUNKEL, S. P. WARREN, WJLLfE E. PAPE Pianist to 11. IL H. he Piioee s of Wales. E. B. WAbHLURN, Minister to Fiance. And numheis of o.hers 100 numerous to men;’on Send ior C. tnloguc and see lor yourself. / 1 ' .s /Vr/on; /•< ■■■ taken every ? r ’ ' - r sr J to nos ■ -jf.. i= phi'. >.' ui competition with oihf-.s. Pc. is 1867. London 1862, v:h ’out ;)h ces del. Pieros 1 1 the J PA.J of TUB WORLD. ALSO Mathusek , Hardman , Haines Bros. And Other Pianos. Whatever is wanted in the musical line we can supply at lowest rate and at short Reliable agents v. *ned in Georgia, Ala bama. llo.ida. Noi.j and South Caiolina and East, Tennessee by TURNER & BRAUMULLER, Wholesale Southern Agents , 30 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. D. B. FREEMAN, Special Agent, CalhouGa Mar 22 1