Calhoun times. (Calhoun, a.) 1876-1876, December 02, 1876, Image 4

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THE NEW FAMILY SINGER Sewing Machine WITH .'ATTACHMENTS For All Kinds of Work , t winning favor in the household, a s hown by tlie rapidly increasing sales. This New Family Machine is capa ble of a range and variety of work such a v as once thought impossible to perform by machinery. We claim and can show that it is t'ae cheapest, most beautiful, delicately arranged, nicely adjusted, easily operated, and smoothly running of all tl e family sowing machines. It, is remarkable, not onlv fo the range and variety of its sew ing but alsi for the variety and different kinds of texture whicn it will sew with npml facility and perfection, using silk twist. Hum, or cotton thread, fine or coarse, making the inter elastic lock stitch, alike ou both sides of the fabric sewn. Thus beaver cloth, or leather, may be sewn with great strength and uniformity of stitch , and, n a moment, this willing and never wearying iust-uraent may be adjusted for fine work on gauze or gossamer tissue, or motuckingr of tailatan, or ruffling, or ai ahbc any other work which delicate fingers mosteven known to perform. Ours having long been the popular and practical machines for manufacturing pur p'ms, some dealers, using “the tricks of trade,” take advantage of this in trying to persuade purchasers that our Family Ma chine is not equal, for family sewing to our Maim fact urine Machines for manufacturing purposes. But urchasers—and the}' are •apt to examine care tilly before choosing— ave not been merely ersuadetl, but con vinced that our new fnm- embod .;*s new and essential prine ’es—simplicity of construction ; ease of operation ; uni formity of precise action at any speed; ca pacity for rin ge and variety of work, fine or coarse -Leaving all rivals behind it. Sewing Machine Sales 0f1874. The table of sewing machine sales for 1874 show that our sales for that year • mounted to 211,697 machines, being a large increase over the sales of the previ ous year. The table shows that our sales exceed those of any other company for the period named, by the number of 148,852 machines, nearly Three Times Those of any othe Com pany. It may be further stated that the sales of 1873, as compared with the sale of i872, how a relatively large increase beyond the sales of other makers. For instance, in 1872 we sold 4*5.000 more machines than any other company whereas, in 1873, the sale3 were And in 1874 our siuos weie 1-5-8,852 Machines More than Any Othe* 1 Company, OFFICIAL REPORT. '■ • l 0 following is a correct report of the tales of sewing machines made by the lead ing companies dating the past four years. A careful examination of the figures will show that the “SINGER” have largely in i' used each year, while on the contrary, a corresponding decrease is shown in the sales ported by all oilier companies. This is a I ighly satisfactory result to us, and is only anutiicr pr:of that “merit always has its re ward.” Seiciny Machine Sales for 1874. ... , Machines sold. iug r >in,Mhetim'ng Cos 241,676 iceler & Wilson Manufacturing Cos Hove Hewing Machine Go., ( estima T . led J 35,000 mie-tic Hewing Machine Cos 22,700 Grover & Baker Sewing Mach ine Go. (estimated) q Cqq rioreucc Sowing Machine C0,tq615 Secov Hewing Machine Cos 4,641 S.ihs cf iS r i 2. mat bines soil The manufacturing 00. 232,459 Wheeb'r & •Wilson manufacturingco. 119.0.1 A,omestio seeing machine co 40,114 Grover & Baker sewing machine co. 36,179 How mi .shine co no return!’ Florence ming machine co 8,9 q Hecor sewing machiue co 4,1 a Sales of 1872 Machines sold he Finger manufacturing co 219,753 VS i> ?ebw & Wil on manufacturing co.l 74,088 ’ owe machine co., (estimated) 145,000 Grover & Baker sewing machine co. 52,010 Domestic sewing machine co 49,554 Florence sewing machine co 15,793 Sales of 1871 Machines sold. The Singer manufacturing < ,181,260 Wheeler & Wilson munufact ring coj 28.526 Grover & Baker sewing ire rone co, 50,538 Howe machin" co.(Jan. ii July 1.) 34,010 Florence sewing machine n 15,9 Domestic sttfTi.j imichin •a, J 84 T 1: Jv o ERSfAN IT aC l RIX(J CO., Broughton 81., S uuuuli. Ca. c. S/BE TTY, Agt, n::ANcn offices I ,; Aflii'.tta Athens, Auguste. Mtirrn. Go lain bus, ami Tlu.mrsviile, (Ja. • Gtiarles T n n < ’ >hU “ l>ia ' S ’ : Jacksonville, at • T i binassee, Florida. k ’ .. m.' your address to the r.bcvecfh- ' " ‘•‘•bvlofrim of the celebrated Bazaar I Glove Fitting Bait m. They are the best the eheape t, amt U most stvlish r, {., , iS m the market. j l l '.i-/ P. L. TURNLEY, —Dealer in— Drugs, Medici tits, Faints , Oils , Putty , Glass, Perfumeries y &c. ROME, GA. The public are assured that my stock is complete in every department, and the greatest effort will be made to render sat isfaction to iny customers. (.PURELY VEGETABLE) Liver and Dyspeptic Tonic. A certain cure for Sick ITe ad ache Colic , Cramps , Chills and lever , Palpitation oj the Heart, And all diseases arising from a disordered . Liver. THE BEST MEDICINE EXTANT ! INFALLIBLE LINIMENT. A never failing remedy for Cuts, Bruises , Burns , Sprains, Old Sores , Ulcers, etc., etc. A t-rial will conviuce any one of it3 h .wal ing properties. Ask for it at your drug store. novlß-ly. gv THE GEEAT CAUSE Dpi OF Hhuman misery. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treat ment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weak ness, or Spermatorrhoea, induced by Self- Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, ind Impediments to Mar riage, generally; Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits: Mer.tal and Physic-1 Incapacity, &c.-By ROBERT J CULVERWELL, M. D., author of the “Green Book,” The world-renowned author, in this ad mirable lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed with out medicines, and without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, instruments,rings or cordials : pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. J&S&* This Lecture will prove a 80. n to Thou sands and Thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, j ost-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Addi ess THE CULVERWELL MED DIAL CO.< 41 Aim St. New Yoik- P. 0.4586. Hygienic Institute IF YOU would enjoy (he rm jV 1\ most delightful luxury ; if fill! $ 111 7 0u would be speedily, cheap tllliliil/ ly, pleasantly and perma nently cured of all Inflam matory, Nervous, Constitu tional and Blood Disorders if you have Rliei matism, Scrofula, Dy?f cpsia, Bi on ohitis, Catarrh, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Files, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Disease of the Kidneys, Genitals or Ski- , Chill aul Fever, or oth r Malarial Affections; if y u would be purified from ail Poisons,whether from Drugs or Disease; if you would n r . have Beauty, Health and i ISII hong Life, go to the Fygien ic Institute,and use Nature’s Great Remedies,the Turkish Rath, the “ Water-cure Pro cesses,” tie “ Movement cure,” Electricity and other Hygienic agents. Success is wonderful—curing all cu rable cases. If not able to go and take board, send full account of your case, and get direciions for treatment at home. Terms reasona ble. Location, corner Loyd and Wall streets, opposite *}• i HP'S f Passenger Depot, Atlanta, hfj 111 f Ga. * " a Lit t Jno.StaixbackWii.sov, Physician-in-Charge. Bradford’s PortaWe Frad Birr Mills, Bolts, Smntters, &c. PAMPHLETS urnlahed and estimates made. BfiUPLE,BIBG£ * CO„ •10 Wailtington At©., ST. LOTJU, tMT Please mention In what paper you read this, THE OLDEST HOUSE IN CALHOUN Estabished 1857. TSTETW GOODS! 7STFT W GOODS WE are pleased to notify our friends that we are iyin in a zarge and superio stock of Seasonable Goods. Those who wish ISaignins will give us a call. FOSTER A HARLAIS. ,~- /\ f I \ rite ; D PRIZE % V/VA, /873. WARRANTED F ■ YEARS! It rewires ao Instructions ts ran it. It cm not get oat of order. It will do every class and Tind of vrcils. It will sow from Eiseuo Vvuz? to Harness leather. St is as far in advance c 2 ether : tvc,c22ir.;s in Has magnitude cf its superior t.3 n £ic?e\ oar ia acMevemeats tlio eld fasMoned fctag-o Csaola. mads to (hcD £ rimes, Either for Cash or Credit. P&* Stead for illustrated Os zem .' • hnUp jn u/f fdjrfl SSTSS3 and J C® Sr i ' *-' *’ J '///£!/. Address: WiLOCN EuOr’O MACHiGE CO. OLE7ELAOT, OHIO, '. TZh. , VSTtf TOEE, H. TANARUS., BSW C3L&&S3. LA., f-3- LOOT . MX >•.&-i—-*: <*■ . v . • - ■ —r~n- -rw-nniMm m* ..-n i THE NEW L :'a J) Thread UlULoilij %3 Lock-Stitch Machine, t :#?&; • ■. ..r • <5 c r" . • s ' *.# :i 'Hh 11 THE LIGHTEST-RUNNING MACHINE IN THE WORLD. With our nrinted direction?;, no instruction or mechanical skill is required to operate it. The construction of the machine i ; based upon a principle of unique and unequalled sim plicity, comprising simple levers working upon centres. The bearings are few, and they are hardened and polished. The machines are made at our new works in the city of Newark, N. J., with new special (patented) machinery and tools, constructed expressly to accomplish what we now offer. JSvery machine fully tearrunteil. “DOfftESTSC” SEWBP3G MACHINE CO., New York atul Cliioag-o. Mn VTU T> -J rpq SAVINGS—By using the “ Domestic ’* Pa | f| a Llßpev Fasliiows tfie most stylish and perfect-fitting Bb 0 w a vV? i V volumes can be produced, at a large saving in JUl£. A y mom? MON F.Y to those who choose to make, or superin tend the making of, their own garments. With the highest talent and the best facilities in all depart i-.-nts, and'the best ideas of the most skillful modistes, both at home and abroad, we are enabled to aiiain results tar above the reach of the average dress-maker. Our styles are always th la re s' and best. Our elegantly-illustrated catalogue mailed to any lady sending five cents 1. r address. Agents wanted everywhere. “DOMESTIC)” SLACKS ft 5 CO., T* n v 78 c > i-Lc ami CGI & i cagfo. CARP TSMT gB , A M * Itn tfh A ‘fl wW HI. Jk o So, 21 Marled a, Corner 111 Street. ATLANTA, - - - - GEOIIGIA, DEAI.KIt IN CfirpciS, Oil CloShs, MatinCni tu in, Li a iiibi *e qu ins, ?4had<? hs , &. I ’pholsterj Groods. GPASS MATTINGS A SPECIALTY. Letters <;f inquiry i;rcipl:y r.BSweif(l. a rl2- CoiA •; : ; A'H'f- ’ tV- * T m .. . . do lai ■ a puVtis!;; ; •• and a h mem fro in re A printed list, tual 1 ... See ■ 1 “ 1 any n and) C .. N v ; Park Row, i. Burdick’s National. HAY AXD FEED CUTTER. Will Cut more, in glv- . cn time, with lesspow or,than any other Cut I ter in the market. iTTUT Jf Recommended by the I var Nl|R * Street Railway com- l!f£ £anies of St. Louis an,l , ouisville. j gj sp- For Description and r fJE-’ Prices address —-..L^ggr Semple, Birge & Cos., .‘l. Aufacturers Agricultural Implements and Speciauies in Hardware ylO Washl-sgion. re.. ST. LOTI I*#, (3T Please mentß aia v uav ,-apar you read this. THE CALHOUN TIMES. A Spicy, Interesting Local and Family . PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT CALHOUN GORDON COUNTY , GA. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION : i U k’KAlt... ....$2 00 THREE MONTHS SIOO six months $ sioo cluboftev sl , o i’HE r IMKS having enter?.} .he seventh year o'* its nxistenoe.and b.•torn* final 7 esiab i hod* no pains will be spared tj make it a mw-piiMa supplying the warn - oft he r a ! r pu’il.c "ho desire to obtain HOME ISTEWS a a small cost, as well as attractive contents of general miscellany. Every available estur e will be made use of to ender (he Times a necessity to all who want a r Grooci Newspaper, ad one Mat will be highly appreciated every week as a welcome visitor to the FAMILY CHI I*l.'l AZ TO ADVERTISERS. ■ e •' id a <“o >tant.v m r using circulation in (no roun:: s of i.- r t} a m k- n >■ , a .uvaluafite m ;iu:n to tue busin'.tsa in in tnr-ni ;h which* ri.a ; • low • i . <i-s. .• iring Mt gr‘it ?st good In.; greates number, tin e , a.-< - ! ■ D u. i’KLEIiAN. flop. icier. 1 \V. W. DUNN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Two Doors East of B. 31. & C. C. Harlan. HAVING gone into the above business, 1 would be pleased te have my former friends and customers give me a call. I have just received a large stock of CON CORD JE A NS, CASSIM EKES CASHMERKTTS, ETC. which I offer low for cash. I uin in receipt of the latest N. V. fash ions. Particular can in cutting for ladies to make. Braiding, hemming, tucking, and cording done for ladie ■. ®- A. IV I > A Xa XV O O I > Possesses a much greater power in restoring to a healthy state. It never produces sick-* iii ss, is ceitain and speedy in its action. U is fast, superseding ' every ether rein .]• Sixty capsules cure in six or eight days.— No other medicine can do this. Owing to its great success, many substi tutes have been advertised, such ns Pastes, Mixtures, Pills, Balsam, etc., all of which have been abandoned, Dundas, Dick 4" Cods Soft Capsules con tarn Oil of Sandalwood, sold at alt the Drug stores. Ask for Circular , or send to 35 t j- 37 H'oo,t ter street. A fir York, for one [jy*2G-6m Fisks Patent Metalie BURIAL CASES I We have purchased from Bonz & Barrett their stock of Burial Casts, and will keep a good stock and a full range of sizesfat the old stand of Beeves N Malone. FOSTER & HARLAN. GEORGIA Cordon County. TO all whom it may concern —H. M. bu ikhaltc- having in proper ap. plied to me for permanent letters of administration dehorns non on the estate yf G. 11. Knight with the will annexed, iate of said county — 1 his is to cite all and singular the. creditors and next of kin of G. ii. Knight to be and appear at my office with n the time allowed bv law and show cause if any they cun, hy reou-.n l CEOHCIA Cordon County. W hereas. I). M. Durham and T p Vyecock admin’strators of r J homas Durham *epresent to the court in their petition duly filed and entered on re cord that they have fully administered 1 homas Dui hum’s estate. This is tliore- Hre to cue ail persons jmneerned kin f<*‘ creditors to show Cause if any they can, why said administrators should not be discharged from their ad ministration and receive loiters of dis mission the first .Monday in J an 1/77. t his Oct.. 5 IST* - *. "• IV. NK.EJ- Ord'r. uptiflnd 1 TO THE WORKING (LASS. ' 11 7 prepared to furnish all ...L-j >st- with ccratant ( lapii.ymcntai Louie (he whole H lan time, or for llieir spare moments.— Bu .ness new light and pioimmlc. id r .ms and either sex easily earn from 5C cents 10 s.-, per evening, ami a p-oportional sum by devoting tlmir whole time to the business. Ijoys ami gir s earn nearly ms much s men. I.lhai all u no see tins police may sen , ti 1 • 3r* address and test fir- badness, we make tae ul, i :1I Bei.’d oiler : r i o such us are 1.01 \v. j] :ri i- tied we Will - 'ml UK dollar to pay ,i;0 tre*id. l r - oi writing Eu!l pi tk-ulars, !n f ,e - v> ortn ,-a a i.i-al dollars l-o <■ irmenc-c --worn on, ami a copy of Home am Fireside, me of the larges, and bed Ulus-t ruled Pub 'icr aii s.nt free ty mail. lender, it • o; i , ,11 nt, profitable work, ad i. ss, GEORGE STINSON & t'< „ Portland Maine. oc7-ly. THE VERY BEST. The Eilijay Cornier, (VVith a fine oil chtorno premium) will be sent to any address one year for £•_>.<>(), and postage prepaid b\ the publisher. The Con- Her is a large eight-page weekly, devoted 0 local, household nd generally interest ng read ng. Its loci 1 column is rich, rare, and replete will fancy, fun and frolic’, r -ail.' line oil chrome ir given free to cv> y subscriber It gives more for the mon y than any paper published in the South. Vs an adv rtismg medium, the Courier is second to none. ACi ENTS W A NTE D. —I want an ictive,energetic agent in every locality, who can easily make from $4 to §7 per da* ' ri*e for specimen and terms to agents.— vddress KAMI EL T. MI EE MAN, Publisher Bee. !y Ccurier, 1.11-jay, Ga Sorghum Machinery. Cano Mills, EVAPORATING PANS, Mi; 1 t JT The cheapest good Mills and the only seamless Pans in market. Send for description and prices to SEMPLE, BIRGE & CO., ST. LOOS, 910. %W And state In what paper you saw thin, With Snell’e Extension Shaft. One of the most m r fttahle machines In the World, and should • >vned by every farmer or lumberman having timber to cut. A I .sc— SweepstalieH /!>ras; Saw with Los Trucks; Cireui&r l-iaw and Frame with Hiiding; Table for cutting cord-wood, etc., etc. Bend for description and prices to SEMPLE, BIRGE & CO., 010 Washington Ave., ST. LOl'l9 $W and say In what paper you read this. OS A BE COSH AWO COB MILL, „ For Grinding tfOCKFEED, HOMINY, MEAL, AC. v Has advantages over ev ery other machine in mar ket, and has taken First Premium at State Fairs o' Illinois and Missouri. f raisD saiz,i.s COMBINED SHELLER AND GRINDER, For Description and Pr.ces, address '% SEMPLE, BlliGE & CO. f AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND SPECIALTIES IN HARDWARE. 910 Washington Aye*, ST. LOCUS, Pleaae mention in what paper you read this.